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Aboriginal Protection

Why did they introduce the Aboriginal Why where the aboriginal people
Protection Act getting killed?
The government introduced the Aboriginal The aboriginal people where targeted
Protection Act because the Aboriginal population because when the british people
was dying slowly from the British people who arrived in australia, they wanted to
brought t disease, violence and dispossession. take the aboriginal peoples land so
They also did not have access to needs such as they pushed them from there homes
medical care for they were considered animals and then they tried to kill their race
and not people. The government decided that the out by taking their children and
Aboriginals needed to be recognised more as the punishing them for no reason.
nation's first people and not animals,

Did the aboriginal people really

need protecting?
The aboriginal people needed protection because the British people were killing them and
they were dying from diseases and dispossession that the British people brought among
them. They also did not have access to basic needs such as medical care and human rights.
Aboriginals also needed protection because they were considered animals and not treated
the same as everyone else. The Aboriginal population was almost near extinction before
the Aboriginal Protection Act was introduced

How did the Protection Act

protect them?
The Aboriginal Protection Act
protected the Aboriginals by giving
them basic rights and finally
recognising them as First Nations
people and the original owners of the
land The Protection Act says that the
Aboriginals have to be treated equally
as the British people are and they
weren't to get hurt anymore.

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