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Youth Futures Courses Fair In Migdal HaEmek


Picture: Reut, the Migdal HaEmek Program Coordinator, and Trustees Perach, Enav
Ezra, Enav Amos and Simona.

A wonderful fair took place in Migdal HaEmek in December, to present to the Youth
Futures children the wide variety of courses the city is offering them during the
school year – the children already participating in the courses went on stage to
perform. They danced Hip-Hop, classic and belly dances, they played jazz, rock and
classic and showed mock fights with Kapuera and Judo.

The performances were met with enthusiasm on the audience's part, and they
were called back for several encores.

Almost all of our Youth Futures children showed up at the fair, and eagerly signed
up for courses – Kol Hakavod!
Youth Futures Hanukah Fair In Dimona


During the Hanukah fair the Dimona Community Center and Youth Futures
organized, the YF children took part in arts and crafts, played with the huge
jamboree cushions and enjoyed an artistic performance at no charge!

All of the Dimona Trustees brought their children, and took turns in the activities –
as a finale, they watched the "Bob Sponge Square Pants" play (our Trustees were
extra economical and made the popcorn at home, instead of buying it at the fair).

The children went home glowing and full of excitement, and we were really
touched by all the parents calling to thank us the next day.

As our Trustee Coordinator said: "This is what makes my job so worthwhile – it

seems sometimes that I have 300 children, instead of only 2…"
Youth Futures Tiberias - Shiran personal story


By Maggie Ben-Lulu, Trustee, Tiberias

Shiran joined Youth Futures this September, after transferring from another school
where she had some difficult experiences. It was hard for her to start all over in a
new school, and because she is so gentle and shy, it took some time until we
managed to "open her up" a bit.

From the beginning of the year Shiran was given many positive feedbacks through
personal and group activities, and after 4 months her participation is more
regular. She is answering questions, helping others with their work and arriving at
each activity on time, after having spent weeks observing shyly.

Today, after a mere 4 months, Shiran has two good friends at school and her
progress impresses me anew - her wonderful potential is more easily fulfilled, and
she is more conscious of herself and of her abilities.

Shiran is a pleasant and caring child, and our relationship gives me great pleasure
and satisfaction.
Elior From Youth-Futures In Tiberias


By Moran Yair

Elior is just like his name - G-d's light, warm and bright.

Elior is a third grader in the Tahkemoni school in Tiberias, and ever since
becoming a Youth Futures participant, he's also taking a computer (Tapuah)
course, and tennis lessons - two things he's always wanted to do.

He never takes anything he gets for granted, and always says a polite and
endearing "thank you".

Once Elior and I went to a pizza parlour, and he was so excited that he skipped
the whole way there. When we got our pizzas, he ate his portion with pleasure,
and said "thank you, Moran, this is really good". I was so moved by his reaction, I
never thought that a pizza could make a boy so happy!

I feel very happy with my work, thanks to Elior and the rest of my children. Seeing
these young children grow and become more open, more trusting and stronger
than before is very rewarding and gratifying.
Matan From Youth Futures -Tiberias


By Dikla Asido-Hakim

Matan is 8 years old, the eldest of four in his family.

His father has had a tumor removed from his head, and is unable to work, and the
family has gone through difficult times - both financially and emotionally - but
Matan's parents are doing their best to show their love and warmth.

My relationship with Matan is strong and has improved significantly since the
beginning of the year, he is very cooperative during group and one-on-one
activities. He has never had the opportunity of taking a course or participating in
an extra-curricular activity, and ever since Youth Futures enabled him to
participate in a soccer program - he's been so much happier and more open to me
and his friends.

As for myself, I enjoy working with Matan, he arrives on time for each meeting,
and is really working hard to succeed in the goals he sets for himself. I can see his
self-confidence grow, and even though his life isn't easy, I know that he has a
chance to develop and become a beautiful person through this program.
Dimona: Trustee and Clown


The clown in the picture is our Dimona Trustee, Maly Peretz, who surprised one of
her children with a big birthday party.

She baked cupcakes for each child and bought them surprises – and of course
brought a present for the birthday girl.

Great job, Maly!

Eilat Youth Futures Children-Snorkeling In The Almog Beach

Two weeks ago, just before officially closing the summer in Eilat, two Youth Futures
groups from the Almog and Ezion Gever schools went on an amazing snorkel
experience at the Almog beach in Eilat.

The snorkeling children were led by their trusted Trustees, and were given the
proper equipment and training by our partners at the Society for Preservation of
Nature – Oshri, Omer, Ravid, Adi and the leader of this wonderful group – Erez Ben
Nathan. The experience was surprisingly new to the children, most of whom have
lived near the beach all their lives, and spirits were high.

The Eilat Youth Futures children send their warm (though somewhat damp) hugs
to the rest of the Israel Department and to the Society for Preservation of Nature
for this fantastic day, and leave the pictures to say the rest…
YOUTH FUTURES Trustee Mor Elbaz at General Assembly in Los Angeles

October 30, 2006 / 8 Cheshvan 5767

"My life's mission is to help people," says YOUTH FUTURES Trustee Mor Elbaz.
"Through YOUTH FUTURES I am making a real difference for the children at risk
that I am working with. I am teaching them to believe in themselves, and to find
the strength to move beyond their unfortunate circumstances."

The Jewish Agency's nationwide YOUTH FUTURES program is a first of its kind
holistic program to provide at risk children living in the periphery with equal
educational opportunities.

Mor Elbaz will be attending the upcoming UJC General Assembly in Los Angeles,
November 12 – 15, 2006.

Born in Tiberias, Mor (25) began her volunteer work in high school, when she
participated in a course for young counselors. Following the course she began
tutoring a young Ethiopian girl and helped her to adjust to her new homeland.

During her army service Mor was part of the Yahal program sponsored by the
Jewish Agency. She worked as a soldier-teacher, and committed to returning to her
community in Tiberias to work with underprivileged children. During her service
she completed 50% of her bachelor's degree in education.

Mor began studying for her BA in psychology at the Open University,

when a friend recommended her for the YOUTH FUTURES program.
For the past three months, Mor has been a Trustee for the program.
She works with 18 school children, one-on-one and in group settings.
She gives them the tools to build their self-confidence and take
responsibility for helping themselves.

During the recent war, Mor, and a number of other YOUTH FUTURES Trustees
worked with children who were stuck for weeks on end in underground bomb
shelters. They organized activities for the traumatized children and kept them
busy during the frightening days of constant explosions and bomb scares.

"My job as a Trustee is to support these children in every aspect of their lives –
with their families, their teachers and friends. I work on their strengths and help
them to break out of the cycle of despair. For many of these at risk kids, this is the
first time that someone is showing faith in them as a person."

Mor will accompany these children for two years. Her first step was to get to know
them and to gain their trust. Now, she is in the process of building a
comprehensive work plan for each child with YOUTH FUTURES' educational

"I want to give these children the tools to become productive members of Israeli
society. Each one has the ability to be something."

YOUTH FUTURES is operating successfully in 13 locations throughout Israel. The

program ensures that every child at risk has personalized educational
opportunities to fill critical gaps; an appropriate role model committed to his or
her success; activities to motivate and cultivate self-esteem and confidence and
opportunities to excel in a variety of self-selected fields based on the strengths of
the youngster's own community.
Emergency YF War Relief: Trustee Yaniv Turgeman


A camp in Ashdod was organized for 150 children and teenagers from the north,
accompanied by Trustees from Safed and Dimona, who are operating the camp
and its activities for the children. Other volunteers are brought in - clowns,
magicians, therapists and more. Various small businesses donated games, toys
and services, while larger companies - such as Osem - delivered boxes of food
and sweets. In Tiberias, Hazor and Safed, Trustees are making daily rounds to the
shelters to distribute food and medicines and play with the children.

My Story - Tiberias, Shlichut - Janusz Korczak Style

Hi, my name is Yaniv Turgeman, and I'm 30 years old. I was born to a family of 8,
and I am a 5th generation Tiberian. After completing my military service, during
which I was awarded the President's medal, I decided to study special needs
education at the Tel Hai College. I've recently started working as the Youth Futures
Trustee Coordinator in Tiberias - which I feel is more a shlichut to my community
than just a job. I believe in giving of myself to build a better future for the city and
it's people. As Janusz Korczak said: "fixing the world means fixing its education".

Since the beginning of the war with Hezbollah, I've been organizing activities -
together with my team - for the children staying in the various shelters in Tiberias.
We are working intensively to help the people, and especially the children, to
release stress and anxiety through fun activities and taking care to fill their free
time with games. The Trustees and additional young people (such as volunteers,
HaNoar HaOved and HaLomed, soldier teachers, etc.) are all partnering together
during these rough times to take upon themselves this commendable work.

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