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Current Microbiology (2022) 79:385

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting

Midgut Bacteria of Aedes aegypti
Osvaldo López‑Cuevas1 · Jean P. González‑Gómez1 · José R. Aguirre‑Sánchez1 · Bruno Gomez‑Gil2 ·
Edith H. Torres‑Montoya3 · José A. Medrano‑Félix4 · Célida I. Martínez‑Rodríguez1 ·
Nohelia Castro‑del Campo1 · Cristóbal Chaidez1

Received: 24 February 2022 / Accepted: 15 October 2022 / Published online: 3 November 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue are global severe public health threats. Due to the lack of efficient
control methods, alternative approaches to decreasing arboviral transmitted diseases are prioritized to reduce morbidity and
mortality in every endemic region. Mosquito midgut bacteria play an essential role in physiological development, fitness, and
the arthropods´ vectorial capacity. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria and are considered a promising biocontrol
method by eliminating midgut microbiota that plays an essential role in mosquitoes´ health. Here, we isolate and identify 22
bacteria from mosquito´s midgut belonging to the genera Mesobacillus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Microbacterium, Micrococ-
cus, Pantoea, Serratia, and Staphylococcus, mainly. Twelve phages with lytic activity against Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and
Pantoea were also isolated. All 12 phages showed a double-stranded DNA genome, ranging from 36,790 to 149,913 bp, and
were taxonomically classified as members of the Drexlerviridae family, Molineuxvirinae, Studiervirinae, and Vequintaviri-
nae subfamilies. Open reading frames associated with phage structure, packing, host lysis, DNA metabolism, and additional
functions were predicted in all 12 phage genomes, while tRNAs were predicted in five phage genomes. In addition, the life
cycle was predicted as virulent for the 12 phages, and no antibiotic resistance, virulence, allergenic, or lysogenic genes were
found in either genome. These findings suggest that the 12 phages have biocontrol potentials; however, it is necessary to
elucidate specific bacterial host’s roles and then the phages' ability to serve as effective vector control.


The pace at which pathogens transmitted by arthropod-vec-

tors advance is significant. Half of the world’s population
* Cristóbal Chaidez lives at risk of arthropod-vector diseases [1]. Tropical and subtropical areas, known to be endemic for mosquito-borne
Laboratorio Nacional Para La Investigación en Inocuidad diseases, are affected the most due to a global warming cli-
Alimentaria (LANIIA), Centro de Investigación en mate and increasing travel, migration, and international trade
Alimentación Y Desarrollo, A.C. (CIAD), Carretera a [2]. Vector-borne diseases cause more than 17% of all infec-
Eldorado Km 5.5, Campo El Diez, 80110 Culiacán, Sinaloa, tious diseases, with a death number of over 700,000 per year.
Even though malaria and other mosquitoes-borne parasites
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación Y Desarrollo, lead the morbidity and mortality data, Dengue fever is the
A.C. (CIAD), Unidad Mazatlán en Acuicultura Y Manejo
Ambiental, 711, Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México most widely distributed viral disease transmitted by Aedes
mosquitoes around the globe, with an incidence of more than
Laboratorio de Conservación de La Fauna Silvestre, Facultad
de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Avenida 3.9 billion cases and 40,000 deaths in more than 129 coun-
de Las Américas Y Boulevard Universitarios S/N, tries [1]. Recently, the WHO has declared an urgent public
80010 Culiacán, Sinaloa, México health priority to improve better vector control to stop the
Investigadoras e Investigadores Por México-Centro spread of vector-borne diseases [3]. Undoubtedly, early use
de Investigación en Alimentación Y Desarrollo A.C, of insecticide has resulted in the best intervention method
Coordinación Regional Culiacán. Laboratorio Nacional Para to mitigate the advance of the mosquitoes and the pathogens
La Investigación en Inocuidad Alimentaria, Sinaloa, México

385 Page 2 of 14 O. López‑Cuevas et al.

they carry; however, the emergence of insecticide-resistance genetic material of the phage may integrate into the bacterial
mosquitoes´ strains has resulted from the exacerbated use of genome, a process that does not lead to bacterial lysis [13].
temephos, malathion, novaluron, and other chemical insec- To our best knowledge, the most successful approach for
ticides [4]. Also, exposure to insecticides has consequences selective elimination of bacterial species from any microbial
on human health and beneficial species such as bees; thus, consortium is by lytic phage administrations. Phage therapy
effectively developing novel strategies to reduce transmis- in humans is the best example in this context and has been
sion of pathogens by insect vectors is a priority [5, 6]. used for a long time [14]; however, phage administration for
Substantial efforts are underway to exploit genetic infor- selective biocontrol against bacterial species in arthropod
mation provided by the genome-sequencing project and midgut has been poorly studied. Zhang et al. [15] demon-
design practical tools to develop new vector control meth- strated that bacteriophage administration on housefly larvae
ods. For example, induced reproduction of sterile mosquito gut successfully reduced up to 90% of Pseudomonas aerugi-
populations for their release into the environment and para- nosa populations. They also demonstrated that phage admin-
transgenesis; both are in experimental stages to date [7]. istration every 24 h produced changes in the gut bacterial
In parallel, studies on the basic insect midgut microbiome composition and affected the larvae health. They concluded
are helping unravel processes contributing to its diversity, that deficiency in one symbiotic gut bacteria by selective
regulation, and the insect´s ability to transmit deadly human elimination with phages leads to changes in the intestinal
pathogens [8, 9]. Mosquitoes’ midgut microbiota plays an microbial composition in housefly larvae, and it also pro-
essential role in their health. They participate in vital physi- duces adverse effects on the development of the insect.
ological functions such as metabolism, reproduction, and Experimental bacterial elimination by phage administra-
immunity. They also play crucial roles in the nutrient provi- tions could unveil its participation in biological mosquitos’
sion that is limited or not provided by the diet [10]. Ramirez functions. Additionally, phage could be used as a biological
et al. [11] suggested that antimicrobial peptides produced control method by reducing/eliminating specific bacterial
by intentionally inoculated bacteria (Pantoea sp., Proteus species playing a particular role in mosquito’s bodily func-
sp., and Paenibacillus sp.) on the midgut of Aedes aegypti tions. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to
prevented the increasing Dengue virus load on mosquitoes isolate and characterize bacteriophages with lytic activity
by eliciting innate mosquito immunity. Contrarily, Serra- against culturable bacteria from the midgut of female Aedes
tia odorifera could increase Dengue virus infections in A. aegypti mosquitoes captured in the capital city of Sinaloa in
aegypti by producing a polypeptide blocking the prohibitin; northwestern Mexico.
this last is a molecule present on the midgut of female A.
aegypti participating in immune response mechanisms [12].
They suggested that the elimination of Serratia could repre-
Material and Methods
sent a significant advance for the reduction of vector-borne
A suction device was built to capture adult stage mosquitoes.
Because some bacteria participate positively in physi-
Wild mosquitoes were collected in selected neighborhoods
ological processes such as the reproduction and develop-
from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. The selection criteria for
ment of the mosquito, these bacteria may be considered
the sampling points were taken to favor the chances of find-
“targets” for vector control purposes. On the other hand,
ing adult mosquitoes (as cool, damp, and dark places). Mos-
other bacteria species can interrupt the vectorial capacity
quitoes were captured by suction while at rest or in flight
of some mosquito species, and they could be considered as
and transferred to the laboratory in refrigeration 8–10 °C.
“non-target” for vector control purposes. Thus, it is crucial
Five samples were taken in different city sectors, and every
to identify specific bacterial species' roles and selectively
sample consisted of at least ten adult mosquitoes.
eliminate those bacteria participating in mosquito´s fitness.
In most experimental investigations, antibiotics were used
to eliminate mosquito´s midgut bacterial species [11, 12]. Mosquitoes Identification and Selection
However, antibiotics eliminate various bacterial species, so
it is challenging to identify the roles of specific bacteria spe- Female Aedes aegypti specimens were identified using a
cies in mosquito life. stereomicroscope and based on the taxonomic keys pro-
Bacteriophages are viruses infecting specifically bacteria posed by Rueda [16]. Briefly, adults of Aedes aegypti spec-
and Archaea. These viruses are highly selective for genera imens were selected based on their dark coloration, acute
or species and replicate by two alternative cycles: lytic and abdomen, white rings at the base of the tarsal, tibial, and
lysogenic life cycles. In the lytic cycle, phages infect bac- femur segments of the legs, and a pattern of white bands
teria, leading to new phage particles production and bac- on the mesothorax. Male specimens were distinguished
teria degradation (lysis). During the lysogenic cycle, the from females by their characteristic feathery antennae

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Midgut Bacteria of Aedes… Page 3 of 14 385

and longer palps. Those specimens that did not meet the PCR Amplification of 16S rRNA and Bacterial
taxonomic characteristics of female Aedes aegypti were Identification
The extracted genetic material was analyzed in a NanoDrop
2000c instrument (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Delaware,
Middle Bowel Dissection USA) to verify DNA concentration and purity; subsequently,
the integrity of the DNA was checked by 1% agarose gel
Autoclaved sterile materials were used, and utensils and electrophoresis. Next, PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA
surfaces were ethanol sanitized in all the experiments. First, was performed using universal primers, forward 27F (5′-
the mosquitoes were anesthetized by cold (4 °C for 5 min). AGA GTT TGA TCM TGG CTC AG -3′), and reverse
Next, they were washed with 70% ethanol for 5 min and then 1492R (5′- TAC GGY TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT T -3′).
rinsed three times in phosphate-buffered solution (PBS, pH PCR reactions consisted of 1X buffer GoTaq® Green Mas-
7.4), preventing external contamination. From the last rinse, ter Mix (Promega®, USA), 3 mM M ­ gCl2, 400 μM each
plantings were carried out in tryptic soy agar (TSA) medium dNTP’s, 1 µM each primer, 1U Taq DNA Pol, template DNA
to corroborate exterior sanitation of the mosquitoes. Next, (1 μL/100 ng), and sterile nanopure water to a final volume
the specimens were transferred to a slide-mounted under of 25 μL. The PCR conditions were as follows: an initial
the stereoscope by adding a drop of PBS (by stabbing the denaturation step at 95 °C for 5 min; followed by 35 cycles
mosquito’s chest with a dissecting pin). Then, the mosqui- of a denaturation step at 95 °C for 35 s, primers alignment
to’s abdomen was gently removed, and the middle intestine at 56 °C for 35 s and an extension at 72 °C for 90 s; a final
recovered [17]. Finally, ten intestines were transferred to step of 10 min at 72 °C was included, and the reaction was
a 1.5-mL microtube containing 250 µL of sterile PBS and stabilized at 4 °C. The amplified PCR product was approxi-
macerated for 30 s with a sterile pestle until homogenized mately 1500 bp.
[12]. The quality and concentration of the amplicons were
verified by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. The amplified
samples were sequenced at the Macrogen company in South
Isolation of Culturable Bacteria Korea (https://d​ na.m
​ acrog​ en.c​ om/). The sequences obtained
were aligned in the EZBioCloud database (https://​www.​
From the homogenate previously obtained, serial dilutions ezbio​cloud.​net/​ident​ify), and bacterial identification was
­(10–1–10–5) were made, and aliquots of 100 μL were plated performed based on a more than 90% similarity percentage.
in duplicate on tryptic soy agar medium (TSA). The inocu-
lated samples were incubated at 37 °C for 48 h. Isolation of Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Aedes
Differential colonial characteristics (color, size, shape, aegypti Midgut Bacteria
opacity, margin, elevation, and viscosity) were consid-
ered for their selection and purification. Once the bacteria Sampling
were purified, Gram staining was performed to observe the
arrangement and morphology of the isolates. Finally, the iso- From several neighborhoods from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mex-
lated bacteria were preserved in Glycerol (25%) and stored ico, 14 samples (12 from stagnant or drain water, one from
at − 20 °C for further analysis. bovine feces, and one from midgut Aedes aegypti) were
taken at places nearby the origin of the previously captured
mosquitoes. Samples were transferred under refrigeration
Bacterial DNA Extraction to the Lab for processing within six hours after sampling.

Preserved bacteria were reactivated in tryptic soy broth Enrichment

(TSB) and incubated at 37 °C for 24 to 48 h. First, the bac-
terial culture was centrifuged at 14,000 × g for 5 min, dis- Preserved bacteria obtained at the previous stage were
carding the supernatant and recovering the bacterial pellet. individually grown in TSB for 24 h at 37 °C. Next, bac-
Next, the bacterial pellet was resuspended in 600 µL of lysis terial pools were made and independently inoculated with
buffer of the Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification kit (Pro- the samples (in a proportion of 5/1) and incubated under
mega®, USA) and processed for DNA extraction, according aerobic conditions at 37 °C for 18–24 h. After incubation,
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Finally, the DNA was samples were centrifuged at 13,800 × g for 10 min at 4 °C;
rehydrated in 100 µL of DNA rehydration solution incubat- the supernatant was recovered and filtered through 0.22 µm
ing at 65 °C for one hour and then stored at − 20 °C for sterile nitrocellulose membranes, obtaining the lysates for
further analysis. further analysis [18].

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Bacteriophage Detection, Isolation, Purification, on a NanoDrop 2000c (Thermo Scientific, USA), and its
and Propagation integrity was electrophoresed as described previously.

Every lysate previously obtained was individually chal- Genome Sequencing

lenged against isolated bacteria by the spot double over-
lay technique. Lysates showing lytic activity were selected The DNA libraries were prepared using the Nextera XT
for phage isolation and purification. First, one sensitive Library Preparation Kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) and
bacterial strain to lysates was selected and grown in TSB quantified using a Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (Thermo Fisher Sci-
for 24 h at 37 °C. Next, the double overlay technique entific, Waltham, MA, USA). The genome sequencing was
was performed, and after 24 h incubation, well-isolated performed with the Illumina MiniSeq platform (2 × 150 bp
plaques were selected based on their size and clarity and paired-end protocol, 300 cycles). Raw reads were trimmed
then transferred to 1.5-mL microtubes containing 1 mL by fastp v0.19.5 [21] and de novo assembled using SPAdes
of sterile phosphate-buffered solution. The double over- v3.15.3 [22], both with default settings, resulting in a single
lay technique and recovery of individual plaques were contig per phage genome.
repeated four consecutive times to obtain unique and puri-
fied phages.
Bacteriophage propagation was done by the double over- Bioinformatic Analysis
lay technique, as Carey-Smith et al. [19] proposed. Next,
6 mL of sterile buffered phosphate solution was added to The open reading frames (ORFs) were identified by phano-
each Petri dish and allowed to rest for two hours with fre- tate v1.5.0 [23] and functionally annotated by performing
quent manual shaking. Afterward, the soft layer was recov- a kmer-based search against the CoreSEED and FigFams
ered using a sterile cell scraper. The final eluate was centri- using the RASTtk pipeline according to Brettin et al. [24].
fuged at 8,500 × g for 10 min at 4 °C, and the supernatant The ORFs were manually curated using Geneious v9.1.8 to
was then filtered through 0.45-µm sterile nitrocellulose resolve overlapping calls and the start/stop codons valida-
membranes and verified for phage presence. Finally, phage tion. The tRNA presence was identified through tRNAscan-
lysates were stored at 4 °C, protected from light. SE [25] and ARAGORN [26]. The virulence signatures were
screened using Victors [27] and VFDB [28], and signatures
of antibiotic resistance were screened using CARD [29] and
Bacteriophage Concentration and Titration NDARO (http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​patho​gens/​antim​
icrob​ial-​resis​tance/). The phage lifestyles were predicted
40 mL of the bacteriophage stock was taken and centrifuged using the AI-driven software platform PhageAI v0.10.0
at 40,000 × g for two hours. The supernatant was carefully [30], and HostPhinder v1.1 (https://​cge.​cbs.​dtu.​dk/​servi​ces/​
decanted, and the pellet was resuspended in 10 mL of sterile HostP​hinder/) was used to predict possible hosts for each
buffered phosphate solution and filtered through a 0.22-µm phage. Additionally, allergen proteins were explored using
sterile nitrocellulose membrane. The bacteriophage titer was the Allergen Sequence Search on Allergen Online website
determined by preparation of decimal dilutions ­(101–1010), (http://​www.​aller​genon​line.​com/​datab​asefa​sta.​shtml). The
and the double agar overlayer technique was performed as comparison between phages clustered in the same taxonomic
described by Ackermann [13]. Dilutions at which 30–300 rank was performed using EasyFig v2.2.2 [31]. Finally, the
plaques could be counted were used to determine the phage intergenomic similarities among complete viral genomes
concentration using the following formula: PFU/mL = Num- were calculated through the VIRIDIC web tool [32] with
ber of plaques × 10 × Reciprocal of the counted dilution. blastn. All bioinformatics tools were used with default set-
tings unless otherwise specified.

Molecular Characterization of Bacteriophages

Viral DNA Extraction
Isolation and Identification of Culturable Bacteria
Five milliliters of the concentrated phage suspension (c.a. From Midgut Aedes aegypti
1 × ­1010 PFU/mL) was added with 2 U of each DNase I/
RNase A (Sigma-Aldrich, USA), and then incubated at 37 °C Twenty-two bacterial isolates were obtained. The most prev-
for 30 min. Then, the phage DNA extraction was done using alent group was Gram-positive cocci (10 isolates), followed
the SDS-proteinase K protocol proposed by Sambrook and by Gram-negative bacilli (8 isolates), and finally, Gram-
Russell [20]. DNA concentration and purity were verified positive bacilli (4 isolates) (Table 1).

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Midgut Bacteria of Aedes… Page 5 of 14 385

Table 1  Aedes aegypti midgut bacterial isolates identified by 16S rRNA sequences
Sample name GenBank acc. No Seq. length (bp) Morphology Next Related Type Strain Type Strain Acc. No Similarity to
and Gram Type Strain (%)

M1A OP492053 980 Coccus G + Staphylococcus haemolyticus NR_113345.1 97.95

M1B OP492054 1002 Coccus G + Micrococcus yunnanensis NR_116578.1 99.90
M1C OP492055 965 Bacilli G− Pantoea deleyi NR_116114.1 98.81
M1D OP492056 482 Bacilli G− Klebsiella pneumoniae NR_037084.1 94.00
M1E OP492057 1002 Bacilli G− Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. NR_126208.1 99.30
M1F OP492058 960 Bacilli G− Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. NR_126208.1 98.23
M2A OP492059 485 Bacilli G− Pantoea stewartii subsp. indolo- NR_104928.1 99.09
M2B OP492060 1018 Coccus G + Micrococcus aloeverae NR_134088.1 99.71
M2C OP492061 892 Bacilli G + Microbacterium hibisci NR_158048.1 98.33
M2D OP492062 992 Bacilli G− Pantoea dispersa NR_116797.1 98.89
M2E OP492063 934 Bacilli G− Serratia rubidaea NR_024644.1 99.68
M2F OP492064 412 Coccus G + Staphylococcus warneri NR_025922.1 92.94
M2G OP492065 670 Bacilli G + Bacillus cereus NR_115526.1 98.96
M2H OP492066 1013 Bacilli G + Mesobacillus foraminis NR_042274.1 98.92
M2I OP492067 1016 Coccus G + Staphylococcus haemolyticus NR_113345.1 98.92
M2J OP492068 968 Bacilli G− Mesobacillus subterraneus NR_104749.1 99.69
M3A OP492069 962 Coccus G + Staphylococcus petrasii NR_118450.1 98.96
M3B OP492070 989 Coccus G + Staphylococcus warneri NR_025922.1 100.00
M3C OP492071 998 Coccus G + Staphylococcus warneri NR_025922.1 98.68
M3D OP492072 951 Coccus G + Staphylococcus warneri NR_025922.1 98.84
M3E OP492073 945 Coccus G + Staphylococcus hominis NR_036956.1 99.26
M3F OP492074 674 Bacilli G + Priestia aryabhattai NR_164882.1 98.38

BLASTN analysis against rRNA_typestrains/16S_riboso- bacterial isolates, and of the isolated bacteriophages, none
mal_RNA database of the isolates subjected to 16S rRNA could lyse the different Staphylococcus species or any other
sequencing identified the following bacterial genera: Meso- Gram-positive bacteria isolated in this investigation.
bacillus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Microbacterium, Mic-
rococcus, Pantoea, Serratia, and Staphylococcus, mainly Genome Analysis of Bacteriophages
(Table 1). Staphylococcus genus was predominant in the
isolates and was present in all samples, followed by Meso- The genetic material of all bacteriophages analyzed con-
bacillus, Enterobacter, and Pantoea genera. A diversity of sists of double-stranded DNA with a genome size ranging
17 bacterial species belonging to 8 genera was obtained. between 36,790 and 149,913 bp, with a Guanine-Cytosine
(GC) content ranging 50.2–51.7%, as shown in Table 3.
Isolation of Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Bacteria The Open Reading Frames (ORFs) ranged from 55 to 322,
From the Midgut of Aedes aegypti depending on the genome size of phages. Table 3 sum-
marizes the number of predicted ORFs for isolated bacte-
Twelve bacteriophages were isolated from drain water and riophages. The phages were named based on their genomic
stormwater streams (Table 2), which showed lytic activ- characteristics according to the Bacterial and Archaeal
ity against six of the 22 bacterial isolates in the previous Viruses Subcommittee (BAVS) of the International Commit-
stage. Sensitive bacteria to isolated bacteriophages were tee on Taxonomy of Virus (ICTV) recommendations [33].
Enterobacter xiangfangensis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pan- Bacteriophage lifestyle prediction by the PhageAI pro-
toea deleyi, Pantoea dispersa, and Pantoea stewartii subsp. gram suggests that the twelve bacteriophages follow a lytic
indologenes; all Gram-negative bacilli, belonging to the cycle as a replication strategy. Additionally, the HostPhin-
Enterobacteriaceae family (Table 2). The lysate belonging der database predicted the host for each of the phages.
to the mosquito sample showed no lytic activity against any We found 5 (vB_PdeP_F1M1C, vB_PdeP_F2M1C,

385 Page 6 of 14 O. López‑Cuevas et al.

Table 2  Isolation and lytic Bacteriophage Bacterial strains

effect of bacteriophage against
isolated bacteria from midgut Pantoea Klebsiella Enterobacter Enterobacter Pantoea Pantoea
Aedes aegypti deleyi pneumoniae xiangfangensis xiangfangensis stewartii dispersa

vB_PdeP_F1M1C + − − − − +
vB_KvaS_F1M1D − + − − − −
vB_ExiM_F1M1E − − + + − −
vB_PdeP_F2M1C + − − − − −
vB_KvaS_F2M1D − + − − − −
vB_ExiM_F2M1E − − + + − −
vB_KvaP_F4M1D − + − − − −
vB_ExiM_F4M1E − − + + − −
vB_PdeP_F5M1C + − − − − +
vB_KvaP_F5M1D − + − − − −
vB_ExiM_F5M1E − − + + − −
vB_PdiM_F5M2A − − − − − +

+ : lysis zone production

−: no lysis zone production

Table 3  Phages genomes characteristics

Phage Genome size (bp) ORFs tRNA %GC Life cycle Assigned Family (Fam- Host prediction
ily; Subfamily)

1 Pantoea phage vB_ 38,645 55 0 50.7 Virulent (97.48%) Autographiviridae; Salmonella enterica
PdeP_F1M1C Studiervirinae
2 Klebsiella phage vB_ 50,039 86 0 50.2 Virulent (64.50%) Drexlerviridae Klebsiella pneumoniae
3 Enterobacter phage 149,828 321 17 50.6 Virulent (95.96%) Myoviridae; Vequinta- Cronobacter sakazakii
vB_ExiM_F1M1E virinae
4 Pantoea phage vB_ 39,424 57 0 50.7 Virulent (97.54%) Autographiviridae; Salmonella enterica
PdeP_F2M1C Studiervirinae
5 Klebsiella phage vB_ 49,144 82 0 50.5 Virulent (71.40%) Drexlerviridae Klebsiella pneumoniae
6 Enterobacter phage 149,913 322 17 50.6 Virulent (95.62%) Myoviridae; Vequinta- Cronobacter sakazakii
vB_ExiM_F2M1E virinae
7 Klebsiella phage vB_ 45,969 61 0 51.7 Virulent (99.02%) Autographiviridae; Salmonella enterica
KvaP_F4M1D Molineuxvirinae
8 Enterobacter phage 149,912 321 17 50.6 Virulent (95.62%) Myoviridae; Vequinta- Cronobacter sakazakii
vB_ExiM_F4M1E virinae
9 Pantoea phage vB_ 36,790 56 0 50.2 Virulent (95.98%) Autographiviridae; Salmonella enterica
PdeP_F5M1C Studiervirinae
10 Klebsiella phage vB_ 45,703 60 0 51.7 Virulent (98.94%) Autographiviridae; Salmonella enterica
KvaP_F5M1D Molineuxvirinae
11 Enterobacter phage 149,913 322 17 50.6 Virulent (95.53%) Myoviridae; Vequinta- Cronobacter sakazakii
vB_ExiM_F5M1E virinae
12 Pantoea phage vB_ 149,913 321 17 50.6 Virulent (96.02%) Myoviridae; Vequinta- Cronobacter sakazakii
PdiM_F5M2A virinae

vB_KvaP_F4M1D, vB_PdeP_F5M1C, and vB_KvaP_ correspondingly. All results exhibited reliable coverage
F5M1D), 5 (vB_ExiM_F1M1E, vB_ExiM_F2M1E, (≥ 0.24) except for vB_KvaP_F4M1D, and vB_KvaP_
vB_ExiM_F4M1E, vB_ExiM_F5M1E, and vB_PdiM_ F5M1D, which had poorly reliable coverage (≤ 0.1). It
F5M2A), and 2 (vB_KvaS_F1M1D, and vB_KvaS_ was also determined that the 12 phage genomes analysis
F2M1D) phages associated with Salmonella enterica, revealed no genes codifying for virulence or antibiotic
Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Cronobacter sakazakii,

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Midgut Bacteria of Aedes… Page 7 of 14 385

resistance in any bacteriophages. Moreover, no putative established by the ICTV for genera demarcation [34], show-
allergen proteins were found for any of the genomes. ing > 70% nucleotide identity of the complete genome length
According to genomic analysis, the twelve bacterio- with previously reported phages belonging to this genus
phages were grouped into four taxonomic ranks: fam- (Fig. 1B). The predicted ORFs encode proteins associated
ily Drexlerviridae (vB_KvaS_F1M1D and vB_KvaS_ with DNA metabolism, structure, lysis, packaging, and addi-
F2M1D), subfamily Molineuxvirinae (vB_KvaP_F4M1D, tional modules (Fig. 1A). Both phages do not possess a DNA
and vB_KvaP_F5M1D), subfamily Studiervirinae (vB_ polymerase, indicating that their replication depends on the
PdeP_F1M1C, vB_PdeP_F2M1C, and vB_PdeP_F5M1C), host´s enzymes.
and subfamily Vequintavirinae (vB_ExiM_F1M1E, vB_
ExiM_F2M1E, vB_ExiM_F4M1E, vB_ExiM_F5M1E, and Characteristics of Phages Belonging
vB_PdiM_F5M2A). to the Molineuxvirinae Subfamily

Characteristics of Phages Belonging Klebsiella phage vB_KvaP_F4M1D and Klebsiella phage

to the Drexlerviridae Family vB_KvaP_F5M1D were grouped in the Autographiviridae
family, creating a new genus together with the Proteus
Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS_F1M1D and Klebsiella phage phage PmP19 and Klebsiella phage vB_KpPFBKp16
vB_KvaS_F2M1D were grouped in the family Drexlerviri- (> 79% intergenomic distance) within the Molineuxviri-
dae within the genus Webervirus according to the criteria nae subfamily (Fig. 2B). The predicted ORFs encode

Fig. 1  Genomic analysis of phages belonging to the Drexlerviridae through blastn B Heatmap of intergenomic similarity of Drexlerviri-
family. A Comparison of Drexlerviridae phage genomes. Color scales dae phages calculated through VIRIDIC
represent the percentage nucleotide identity between regions obtained

385 Page 8 of 14 O. López‑Cuevas et al.

Fig. 2  Genomic analysis of phages belonging to the Molineuxvirinae obtained through blastn B Heatmap of intergenomic similarity of
subfamily. A Comparison of Molineuxvirinae phage genomes. Color Molineuxvirinae phages calculated through VIRIDIC
scales represent the percentage nucleotide identity between regions

proteins associated with DNA metabolism, structure, Characteristics of Phages Belonging

lysis, packaging, and additional modules (Fig. 2A). to the Vequintavirinae Subfamily

Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F1M1E, Enterobacter

Characteristics of Phages Belonging phage vB_ExiM_F2M1E, Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_
to the Studiervirinae Subfamily F4M1E, Enterobacter phage vB_ExiM_F5M1E, and
Pantoea phage vB_PdiM_F5M2A were grouped in the
Pantoea phage vB_PdeP_F1M1C, Pantoea phage vB_ Myoviridae family, within the Certrevirus genus, Vequin-
PdeP_F2M1C, and Pantoea phage vB_PdeP_F5M1C tavirinae subfamily, according to the comparative genomic
were also grouped in the Autographiviridae family, within analysis (Fig. 4B). The predicted ORFs encode proteins
the Teetrevirus genus, in the Studiervirinae subfamily, associated with DNA metabolism, structure, lysis, packag-
according to the comparative genomic analysis (Fig. 3B). ing, and additional modules (Fig. 4A).
In addition, the ORFs were predicted to encode proteins
associated with DNA metabolism, structure, lysis, pack-
aging, and additional modules (Fig. 3A).

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Midgut Bacteria of Aedes… Page 9 of 14 385

Fig. 3  Genomic analysis of phages belonging to the Studiervirinae obtained through blastn B Heatmap of intergenomic similarity of
subfamily. A Comparison of Studiervirinae phage genomes. Color Studiervirinae phages calculated through VIRIDIC
scales represent the percentage nucleotide identity between regions

Discussion In the present study, we found Serratia rubidaea, a

member of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Some species
Based on the culturable bacteria isolated from the midgut of the Serratia genus, as Serratia marcescens and Serratia
of female Aedes aegypti in our investigation, it is well odorifera, were reported as ordinary residents of mosqui-
documented that all these isolated bacterial genera are fre- toes’ intestinal biota, where they can participate in the
quently distributed in diverse environments (plants, water, lysis of red blood cells and acidify sugars, both essential
soil, or as normal biota of human skin). Recent research functions for mosquitoes metabolism as they can obtain
proposes that mosquitoes acquire their intestinal bacterial the necessary nutrients for oviposition and fitness [12]. On
biota inherited from their mothers (vertical transfer) or by the other hand, Gaio et al. [37] determined Serratia spp.
horizontal transfer when acquired directly from nature, and Enterobacter spp. were predominating in the intestine
mainly from the places they feed [35]. of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes captured in Brazil and dem-
Bacillus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Pantoea, and Ser- onstrated that digestion and egg production were nega-
ratia genus have been frequently isolated from Aedes tively affected by eliminating them through antibiotics.
aegypti mosquitoes and other mosquito species. Bacteria Also, it has been discovered that Serratia odorifera makes
can maintain a stable association with their host insect, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes more susceptible to becoming
and they possibly play essential roles in the mosquito´s infected by the Dengue virus in Pune, India [12].
lifestyle [11, 36].

385 Page 10 of 14 O. López‑Cuevas et al.

Fig. 4  Genomic analysis of phages belonging to the Vequintavirinae obtained through blastn B Heatmap of intergenomic similarity of
subfamily. A Comparison of Vequintavirinae phage genomes. Color Vequintavirinae phages calculated through VIRIDIC
scales represent the percentage nucleotide identity between regions

Interestingly, bacteria of the Staphylococcus genus were [38]; however, contrary to Serratia spp. or Staphylococcus,
the most dominating in our investigation. This bacterial it was discovered that Pantoea produces bacteriocins affect-
genus was previously reported in Aedes albopictus mosqui- ing pathogens, acting as part of the immune system of Aedes
toes captured in India, predominating in more than 60% of aegypti mosquitoes captured in Panama [11].
the isolates [36]. The 22 isolated bacteria were used as hosts for bacterio-
Although Staphylococcus species live as commensals in phages isolation from various sources. The twelve isolated
different environments, such as animal or human skin and phages showing lytic activity on some of the isolated bacte-
oral cavity, they also have been frequently isolated from ria (as described in Table 2) were subject to genomic charac-
water, soil, or food, demonstrating its ability for adaptation. terization because the absence of virulence, antibiotic resist-
Furthermore, an essential characteristic of Staphylococcus ance, and allergenicity genes is crucial to use bacteriophages
is that they are hemolysin producers; therefore, it could be as a biological control method. Therefore, because all twelve
inferred that, like the Serratia species, Staphylococcus could phages had the lytic replication genetic machinery, and no
participate in blood digestion and, thus, the production of undesirable genes were present, these findings are suitable
eggs and fitness in Aedes aegypti [37]. for considering these phages for controlling essential target
Pantoea species can also be environmentally or vertically bacteria from mosquitoes midgut. In this sense, the Codex
acquired since they colonize the mosquitoes’ sexual organs Alimentarius Commission developed guidelines for the

Genomic Characterization of Twelve Lytic Bacteriophages Infecting Midgut Bacteria of Aedes… Page 11 of 14 385

evaluation of the possible allergenicity of new proteins in In addition, these viruses have an ORF encoding the Ocr
food or additives; where they recommend a bioinformatics protein, which mimics the DNA, blocking the DNA-binding
search using nucleotide or amino acid alignments and sug- groove of Type I DNA restriction/modification enzymes as
gest that to indicate the possibility of cross-reactivity, the experimentally demonstrated by Roberts et al. [46]. Both
coincidences in the percentage of identity are at least 35% in phages, vB_KvaP_F4M1D and vB_KvaP_F5M1D, encode
segments of at least 80 amino acids. Therefore, because no two proteins that form part of the ejectosome complex that
allergen coincidences were found in the analysis that meets degrade the bacterial cell wall forming a pore in the inner
the Codex Alimentarius criteria, it is concluded that they membrane allowing the DNA translocation from the viral
cannot generate cross-reactivity so that isolated bacterio- capsid into the cytoplasm of the host [47]. Furthermore, both
phages can be considered as allergen-free, a desirable char- phages showed high homology with the Klebsiella phage
acteristic for use. It is of interest considering that, although vB_KpPFBKp16, which showed a latency period of 10 min
these phages could be used on mosquitoes midgut bacterial and a burst size of 113 PFU/cell, besides reducing the optic
control, these phages could be scattered to the environment, density of K. pneumoniae culture in killing-challenge assays
and eventual contact with humans could be highly possible. [45].
With relation to the taxonomic classification of phages Pantoea phages vB_PdeP_F1M1C, vB_PdeP_F2M1C,
infecting klebsiella species (Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS_ and vB_PdeP_F5M1C were also grouped in the Autographi-
F1M1D and Klebsiella phage vB_KvaS_F2M1D), these viridae family, within the Teetrevirus genus, in the Studi-
were grouped in the Drexlerviridae family consisting of ervirinae subfamily. Bacteriophages belonging to the Tee-
T1-like phages that predominantly infect the genus Escher- trevirus genus are T3-like viruses showing a podovirus
ichia; however, phages infect the genera Cronobacter, morphology and around 50.8% GC.
Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Pantoea, and Shigella have also The lytic module consists of holin, endolysin, and spa-
been isolated [39]. T1-like phages show a Siphovirus mor- nin enzymes; these qualities are similar to phages of the
phology with an icosahedral head of about 60 nm and a Drexlerviridae family. Furthermore, Studiervirinae phages
non-contractile tail of about 150 nm [40]. The comparative encode proteins of the ejectosome complex, similar to those
genomic analysis of these phages suggests that in Weber- present in Molineuxvirinae phages. The additional module
virus phages, DNA packaging takes place through headful of these phages contains some proteins increasing the proba-
packaging using the pac-site [41]. bility of successful bacteriophage infection. Firstly, the three
Both phages do not possess a DNA polymerase, indicat- phages encode an inhibitor of dGTP triphosphate hydrolase,
ing that their replication depends on the host’s enzymes. allowing T3-like phages to promote productive infection
The lysis module of these phages consists of three since dGTPase plays an essential role in cell survival and
enzymes: holin, endolysin, and spanin, which are directly DNA replication [48]. Secondly, all three phages encode
related to the lysis cassette of the T1-like-phages. Holins a silencing suppressor. Gene silencing is often referred to
and endolysins are essential for host lysis; holins control as an antiviral defense mechanism producing siRNAs tar-
the length of the infective cycle for lytic phages, while geting viral genomes for degradation. Many viruses encode
endolysins are muralytic enzymes that degrade the cell wall silencing suppressor proteins which function to block the
[42]. Spanins are bacteriophage lysis proteins responsible production of siRNAs or the ability of siRNAs to reach their
for disrupting the outer membrane, the final step of Gram- targets [49]. Finally, these phages also encode a RecBCD
negative host lysis [43]. Both phages showed high homology inhibitor. In bacteria, enzymes RecBCD are helicase–nucle-
with the Klebsiella TSK1 phage, which was able to reduce ase complexes responsible for initiating homologous recom-
the growth of K. pneumoniae in addition to reducing their bination from double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs). This
biofilms (85–100% biomass) [41], suggesting the antibiofilm activity underpins many key DNA transactions, including
activity in the closely related phages isolated in this study. DSB repair, phage restriction, and conjugal or transductional
Klebsiella phage vB_KvaP_F4M1D and Klebsiella phage recombination. Thus, the RecBCD complex inhibitors help
vB_KvaP_F5M1D were grouped in the Molineuxvirinae protect the phage DNA from degradation [50]. The previ-
subfamily of the Autographiviridae family. The Autographi- ously reported Klebsiella phage KPP-5 showed high homol-
viradae family consists of podovirus with a small icosahe- ogy with the phages isolated in this study. KPP-5 infects 19
dral head attached to a short tail, and all encode a large sin- multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae strains and has a short
gle subunit RNA polymerase responsible for the mid and late latent period of 25 min and a burst size of 236 PFU/cell [51],
transcription [44]. Bacteriophages belonging to Molineux- suggesting the bacteriolytic potential of phages belonging to
virinae are T7-like viruses with six genera reported at the the Teetrevirus genus.
date, according to the previously reported Molineuxvirinae Finally, Enterobacter phages vB_ExiM_F1M1E, vB_
phages, consisting of a linear genome with short-direct ter- ExiM_F2M1E, vB_ExiM_F4M1E, vB_ExiM_F5M1E,
minal repeats and redundant ends [45]. and Pantoea phage vB_PdiM_F5M2A were grouped in the

385 Page 12 of 14 O. López‑Cuevas et al.

Myoviridae family, within the Certrevirus genus, Vequin- the genomic characterization of 12 bacteriophages, showing
tavirinae subfamily. Phages belonging to the Vequintaviri- lytic activity against Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Pantoea
nae subfamily are characterized by an icosahedral head, a genera. In addition, these phages do not carry genes cod-
contractile tail, and a bundle of thin and flexible lateral tail ing virulence, allergenicity, or antibiotic resistance factors;
fibers that bind host surface glycans and glucose of the outer therefore, these phages are suitable as biocontrol agents.
LPS, which triggers tail contraction and DNA injection [52]. First, however, it is necessary to characterize the effect that
The lytic module of these phages consists of two hydro- reducing these bacterial genera produces on mosquito fit-
lases targeting cell wall and peptidoglycan, participating at ness and then formulate a phage cocktail for halting their
the initial stage of phage infection to penetrate the host cell vectorial capacity.
wall during injection of their genetic content [53]. Interest-
Acknowledgements The authors thank MSc. Eduardo Heriberto López
ingly, these phages possess many tRNA sequences, although Guerrero for his technical assistance.
their production has not been confirmed. Lee et al. [54] sug-
gest an extra supply of tRNAs can confer certain advantages Author Contributions OL-C: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writ-
to phage replication, as the acceleration of phage proteins ing—Original draft, Formal analysis. JPG-G: Conceptualization, For-
mal analysis, Methodology, Visualization. JRA-S: Formal analysis,
translation during the lytic cycle. Moreover, tRNAs found in Methodology, Data Curation. BG-G: Methodology, Validation, Writ-
Cronobacter phage CR3 showed different codon preferences ing—review & editing. EHT-M: Methodology, Writing—review &
concerning their host, suggesting that phage tRNAs could editing. JAM-F: Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing—review &
play a role in translating phage mRNA but not host mRNA editing. CIM-R: Project administration, Writing—review & editing.
NC-dC: Resources, Methodology, Investigation, Writing—review &
[55]. Besides, the five phages encoded a tRNA nucleotidyl- editing. CC: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Validation, Writ-
transferase. tRNA-nucleotidyltransferases are fascinating ing—review & editing.
and unusual RNA polymerases responsible for synthesizing
the nucleotide triplet CCA at the 3′-terminus of tRNAs. As Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or nonprofit sectors.
the CCA end represents an essential functional element for
aminoacylation and translation, these polymerases (CCA- Data Availability The nucleotide sequence data reported here are avail-
adding enzymes) are vital in all superior organisms but able in the GenBank database under the accession numbers OL744209-
unusual in viral genomes [56]. The previously reported OL744220 (phage genomes), and OP492053-OP492074 (Bacteria 16S
rRNA seq).
Cronobacter phage PBES 02 showed > 75% intergenomic
similarity through the VIRIDIC algorithm with the Vequin- Code Availability Not applicable.
tavirinae phages isolated in this study, as shown in Fig. 4.
PBES 02 removed contaminating Cronobacter sakazakii Declarations
from broth infant formula and showed a latent period of
Conflict of interest Disclosure of potential conflict of interests: The
30 min and a burst size of 250 PFU/mL [54], suggesting the authors declare that they do not have any conflict of interests or per-
potential suitability of the Certrevirus phages as biocontrol sonal competing that could influence the work reported in this paper.
The authors highlight insights that could help to eluci- Ethical Approval Not applicable.
date two paradigms. First, isolating and characterizing lytic Informed consent to participate Not applicable.
bacteriophages for specific bacteria from mosquitoes midgut
could help identify which bacteria play essential roles in
the mosquito´s development and fitness. Second, once the
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