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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

Actividad integradora 5. Be a positive thinker.

1. Think about things you would like to improve in your life, what you are planning to do in the next year, and what you are going to achieve in two
years. Then, write your answers in the next table.
(Piensa acerca de las cosas que te gustaría mejorar en tu vida, qué estás planeando hacer el siguiente año y qué vas a lograr en dos años.
Después, escribe tus respuestas en la siguiente tabla.)

What would you like to What are you planning to do next What are you going to achieve in
improve in your life? year? two years?
I would like to do more Next year i will learn french and In two years I got my ideal
exerciso, wake up morning, and italian weight and muscles
Personal have better diet.
(About myself)

I would like to see my family Next year im planning graduate In two years I will have a good
more and my friends. with my friends relationship with my family and
(family and friends) friends

I would like to find a work to get Next year im planning to enter In two years im going I will
my own money. university continue studying at the
Professional university and I will go to 4th

I would like to own my own Next year I will start working in In two years im going to upgrade
company my place my shop and star sell more

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

2. Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, describing how you will be in 5 years.

(Escribe un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas, describiendo cómo serás en 5 años.)

In 5 years I will be quite well, I will have my own job, I will earn a lot, I will be a more mature, prepared and prosperous person,
I will be more selective, and of course I will also be more respectful and kind, I met new friends and my relationship with my
family is going better. Pretty good, I'm going to marry my girlfriend and we will move to another country, we will have pets, we
will have 2 children and I will improve my job,
I am improving economically and I am willing to open more stores, to make the business bigger.

3. Read and record the answers to the questions. Paste the audio link here.
(Lee y graba las respuestas de las preguntas. Pega aquí la liga del audio.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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