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1.1 Background of Study

Communication is one thing inevitable for human being. By victimization

language, folks communicate in each spoken or written to precise their concepts,

opinions, suggestion, emotions or want. The examples of spoken communications

square measure gesture and visual communication where as written

communications square measure like scientific essay, article, poem, and lyrics.

Therefore, sender and receiver ought to contemplate the language in their

communication to get the that means or purpose as a result of the implications

of vacuous result in misunderstanding and misinterpretation. What is more,

language additionally includes alternative fields, for instance language as art.

People tend to will simply realize this art language in society such as music,

poem, novel, film, and movie.

The world today really understands the meaning of communication to

connect one another to collect information or just as a means of communication

with communication which has a definition as the process of gathering

information or expressing thoughts and feelings. According to this definition,

people are inherently communicators, communication is the act or activity of

conveying information for the purpose of creating common understanding, it is

something humans do every day. This activity is used to convey information


through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information. All forms of

communication require a speaker or sender of information, a message and an

audience or recipient for the same basic elements. For successful communication,

the sender and recipient must also have a common language or common


Language is a communication tool that has a function to communicate

something, emotional release, which is focused on delivering the message or

expressing oneself through spoken and written. Once somebody spoke, he or she

made an utterance. Utterance is part of communication to express the meaning and

express the purpose of interaction. Every utterance, there is an inexplicit meaning

that is terribly enthusiastic about when, where, who the speaker is, who the

auditor is, and in what things the speech is made. The really who produces

utterance is to provide and obtain information, to induce someone to try and do

something, to create someone to understand something, or to achieve their goal. In

communication, what the speaker says is meaty, and it's sent particularly by

language, the message to be understood and delivered by the auditor; therefore, it

is accepted with none of controversy. Sometimes, one utterance has more than one

meaning, and it depends on the situation.

Language is a tool or system of symbols designed for purpose of

communication and interaction with each other (Lyons, 2002). In addition, People

use language to transmit and express their ideas, emotions or desire either in oral

or written forms. Therefore, the language that we used ought to be meaningful to

prevent misunderstanding or misinterpretation between sender and receiver.


Furthermore, language is not only used as communication media but also usually

involved in other fields such as language as arts. It can be found in advertisement

and entertainment which appear in society such as music, novel, film or movie.

One example of entertainment media is music which is familiar in society.

Music is a basic of human instinct, and also a daily basis human activity which is

universally inspired with love and experience (Piragasam, 2013). It is

universal among human cultures. Music is expected to give pleasure for people

listening to it that is an arrangement of sounds made by musical instruments,

singing or computers, or a combination of these (Walter, 2008).

Nowadays, listening music is not only categorized as hobby but also

becomes favorite thing for many people especially teenagers. Sometimes, people

listen to music while doing their activities such as working, studying, eating even

during sleeping. It is because music can evoke different feelings among audience

(Raj&Muniapan, 2012) and also especially for music-making through his/her

creativity which is created by song. Therefore, People will achieve pleasure and

experience mood change by listening to music (Piragasam et al., 2013).

There are many kinds of music such as rock, jazz, pop, R&B and rap. All

those kinds of music have spread everywhere, including to our country. Western

music has produced a lot of singers who are very famous on their own music, like

Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Taylor Swift etc. In the same way, many moslem singers

from east or western countries are also very famous with their songs that contain

about principles of Islam such as Sami Yusuf, Maher Zein, Raef and Harris J.


In music, a song is a composition that contains vocal parts (lyrics) that are

performed (sung), commonly accompanied by music instruments (Raj &

Muniapan, 2012: 2). According to Crowther (1995: 1133), song is a usual short

piece of music with words which are sung. It is another way to convey people‟s

feeling and emotion to someone else through lyrics. The lyricist tries to take the

audience to the world created by his/her imagination and make the audience

thinks and reacts (Raj & Muniapan, 2012). In addition a number of lyrics in song

also give an inspiration for life. Therefore, when the people listen to song lyric,

sometimes they do not only try to apprehend the meaning of lyric itself, but also

the meaning of the reader or speaker means. The study of what speakers mean or

speaker meaning is called pragmatics.

Pragmatic is concerned with the study of meaning, it is related to

pragmatics. Pragmatic is involved with the take a look at of meaning as

communication with the aid of a speaker (or author) and interpreted through a

listener (reader it has therefore greater to do with the analysis or what human

beings mean by way of their utterances than what the phrases or phrases in the one

utterances may mean themselves Pragmatics is the study of the speaker sense.

There are numerous motives why the writer chooses pragmatic.

Firstly, pragmatic is prevalent. Knowledge people get while they observe

pragmatic may be very vast / ordinary because while people have a look at

pragmatic they are able to learn about the authentic that means to be conveyed by

using the speaker or author from the phrases or moves that they receive they will

observe them thoroughly so that people will understand the message or the


intention of the speaker or writer carry. Besides, being popular, pragmatic is also

chosen with the aid of the writer to facilitate verbal exchange. In each day

existence pragmatic plays a critical role due to the fact that in a daily communique

pragmatic can help us in knowing what is brought by the speaker so that they do

not ask too many questions. People can apprehend the communique without

difficulty. In addition to being established and facilitating conversation, the writer

chooses pragmatic to be analyzed because pragmatic is challenging. According to

the author, analyzing pragmatic could be very tough due to the fact that when

people examine pragmatic, people are able to use guessing more or use our minds

to think about messages that are being brought through the speaker implicitly.

Pragmatic talk several topics consisting of deixis and distance, reference and

inference, presupposition and entailtement, cooperation and implicature, speech

acts and occasions, politeness and interplay, verbal exchange and preference

structure, discourse and tradition.

In this study, the writer chose deixis to be analyzed. According to Yule

(1996), deixis is derived from a Greek word which means pointing via language.

Deixis is used to analyze the communication, utterance or sentence due to the fact

each utterance is associated with the reference to approximately human beings,

place or time. The meaning of the sentences or utterances may be clear if the

listener or reader is aware of approximately who, in which, and while the

utterance is uttered. Moreover, deixis may be defined as an expression which is

sure by its context. Every language has deictic phrases which point to things in the

physical social context of the speaker. For instance, the addressee of the


utterances can be determined with the aid of knowing the context of the utterance

itself. Deictic words can be determined in any kind of texts, but the author

determines to research the deictic expression in song lyrics because there should

be a meaning in what the writer of the track lyrics stocks.

Deixis is a study about pointing to in an utterance. Classifying the deictic

phrase in an utterance and describing what the word pointing to be the manner to

recognise the context of the utterance. After understanding the context of an

utterance, humans might be able to understand the sense of it. Therefore, the

reason for using the pragmatics method is due to the fact these studies are set

which means of the utterance.

These studies make a speciality of looking at a song lyric by Daniel

Bedingfield as it could be extra interesting to have to observe something which

becomes too near a part of human existence which includes song. Actually, there

are numerous utterances that can be analyzed, but the author is interested in

investigating the lyrics of the song lyrics considering the fact that there are a lot of

human beings who pay attention to music. Nevertheless, almost all the humans do

not understand approximately the real lyric of the lyrics, they normally simply

concentrate on the music for numerous times and memorize it by their hearing.

Moreover, track lyrics should have a sense. People who recognize the music must

additionally understand the meaning. When the listener does no longer understand

the meaning of the track lyrics, the message of that track could not be brought

nicely. The first manner to make explicit the meaning of song lyrics is the

listeners should understand the meaning of every single phrase. It is the first way


to know what the means of music’s lyric is. Then, they have to know

approximately the context of the song lyrics, so the meaning can be related to the

context. Last, they have to understand the reference to the word within the track

lyrics. When the listener does not know about the reference of the phrase, the

meaning will be wide and not element. The listener could have an extraordinary

interpretation of the song lyrics.

For the reason above, the writer assumes that there should be deictic words

in the music lyrics which have a reference which can make the lyric easy to be

understood. Thus, have a look at the information about deixis in the track lyrics,

which turn into important and thrilling. If there is a reference in the utterance, and

those do no longer realize what it refers to, the meaning can be hard to discover.

Moreover, the hearers additionally ought to recognize the characteristic and the

effect of deixis that is used in the song lyric to understand the meaning of its

music. Therefore, the author also analyzes the function and the impact of deixis

that's used within the music lyric.

Actually, there are many song lyrics that may be analyzed. However, the

author desires to examine the deixis in music lyrics of Daniel Bedingfield because

of a few motives.

The motive why the author selects these songs is due to the fact the lyrics

have such a deep meaning, and there are many sentences in this music lyric that

comprise deixis. On this occasion the author will write an undergraduate thesis


entitled "The Deixis Analysis of the Chosen Song Lyrics by Daniel


1.2 Problem Formulation

1.2.1 What kinds of deixis are used in the chosen song lyrics from Daniel


1.2.2 What are the dominant types of deixis used in the chosen song lyrics

from Daniel Bedingfield?

1.3 Objective of Study

Based on the research question, the writer has the following objectives of

study. First, the writer wants to determine the deixis devices that are used, and the

dominant deixis that used in the chosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield.

1.4 Benefit of Study

This research gives four contributions for the English teacher, the English

learner, the institution and for the writer.

The first contribution for English teacher, the research gives information

about deixis that can be found in the song lyric. So, the teacher can give the

example of the song lyric not only on the grammatical but also can give them the

knowledge of literature and analyze the language based on the purpose.

The second contribution for English learners is the research can give more

information about the deixis which are implied in utterance itself, and this

research can be a reference and guide for their research.


The third contribution contributions for the institution, this research can be

reference of all collages student as a guide for creating and analyzing deixis.

In the last contribution for the writer, this research can be reference of all

collages student as a guide for creating and analyzing deixis.

1.5 Definition of Terms

1.5.1 Deixis

Deictic word or expression can be used to indicate people called

person deixis (I, you), location called spatial deixis (here, there),

time named temporal deixis (now, later), social deixis (the one,

God), and Discourse deixis (but, so) (Cruse,2000).

1.5.2 Song

The act of art singing, in other word could say that a song is a place

of music sung or as if for singing (Walter, 2008).

1.5.3 Lyric

A kind of poetry, expressing direct personal feeling and it composed

for singing ( Walter, 2008).


This chapter introduces some important aspects of literature dealing with

theoretical frameworks, such as the definition of linguistics, definition of

pragmatics, definition of song lyrics, the definition of deixis, the types of deixis,

the definition of reference and the definition of context. Typically, this research is

focused on four types of deixis by Alan Cruse theory.

2.1 Lingustics

Linguistics is the first theory discussed in this chapter. This is because the title

paper is related to the Linguistics field. In this first sub-chapter, the writer quotes

some definitions from experts.

Based on Bauer (2012:3), “Linguistics is the word meaning ‘relating to

language’ as well as the word meaning ‘relating to linguistics”. From this

definition that given by Bauer, it can be conclude that linguistics has a close

relation to language. These two items, Linguistics and language, are very closer. It

means that both of them cannot be devined. If talking about Linguistics, it means

talking about them and vice vera.

According to Cook (2002:20), “Linguistics is the academic discipline

concerned with the relation of knowlage about language to decision making in the

real world”. It means that Linguistics is the science that studies about language.

According to Carnie (2002:4), “Linguistics is also a banch of cognitive

science. Cognitive science is a term for a group of discipline that have the same

goal: defining and analyzing human being’s ability to thing. Some scholars

emphasize that the discipline of Linguistics along with psychology philosophy

and coputer science thus forms an important sub-discipline within cognitive

science”. It means Linguistucs is the important thing to be lerned in order to

increase the ability to think.

From the above definition, it can be concluded that linguistics is a science that

deals with language that plays an important role for its branches. Linguistics also

included physics and chemistry.

Pragmatics is a field of linguistics that deals with what is involved in

utterances and is related to the meaning of language. Since each linguist has his

own pragmatic concepts and principles, there are some definitions of pragmatics

that come from some linguists. According to Cruse (1996), pragmatics deals with

aspects of context-dependent meaning. In addition, Mey (2001) found that

pragmatics research was the use of language in human communication, as

determined by social conditions. Griffith (2006) argued that a meaningful course

of communication was in the field of pragmatics. In other words, pragmatics

focuses on meaning. In other words, pragmatic has concentration on meaning

because it is a part of linguistics about communicating meaning in context uttered

from speaker/writer and interpreted by listener/reader.

Thus, Paltridge (2006) stated that social, situational and textual context are

aspects to study in pragmatics. Those aspects are principal terms that include to

lead conception in order to analyze pragmatic itself. In communication, people

may have the same or different background knowledge context about each other

and the world established by their social life. Kadmon (2001) noted that the

pragmatic analyzing has to do with language use as well as the literal meaning.

Hence, the context in pragmatics must be based on the linguistic interpretation.

In addition, Yule (1996) stated, a study about communicating meaning

interpretation between speakers or writer and listener or reader is called

pragmatics. Basically, it is said that pragmatics is the study of what speakers mean

or speaker meaning (Yule, 1996). In communication, people have to recognize the

meaning of words in utterance and also what speakers or writers mean by their

utterance to be able to communicate clearly.

Then Yule (1996, p.3) added that pragmatic is divided into four definition,

as following: (1) “Pragmatic is the study of speaker meaning”, it means that what

people mean is more to do rather than what the word or phrases in those

utterances (2) “pragmatic is the study of contextual meaning”, it means that the

interpretation of what people mean in a particular context is an essential

component (3) “Pragmatic is the study of how a great deal of what is unsaid is

known as a part of what is communicated” (4) “pragmatic is the study of the

expression of relative distance”, it means about the assumption of how close or

distant the listener is, speaker determines how much needs to be said.

From all the above statements, it can be concluded that pragmatics is the study

of meaning that depends on the context and is based on linguistic interpretation. It

can convey people's intended meanings, their aims or purposes, as well as any

type of action.

2.2 Song Lyrics

A song is a short poem or a number of verses set music intended to be sung.

The song consists of many lyrics. A good song has good lyrics. Lyrics can be

described as something from a musician's message to others.

According to Lakoff and Jahnson (1980:204), “When words and sentence are

written down, they can be readily looked upon as object”. Lyrics is the words that

written by someone to make the song a meaningful with theme like happy,

sadness, disapointed, anggry, as with the object readily.

Based on Wijay (2013:17), “Song lyrics is abstract, almost unintelligible, and,

in such cases, their explication emphasize form, articulation, meter, and symmetry

of expression. Song lyric is the set of words that make up a song, usually

consisting of verses and choruses”. It means song lyric is the set of words that

make up song.

“Song is a short poem or number of verse set to music and intended to be

song”, (Homby, 1980:822). Song is a deliver words or sentence which is

composed by rhytm and rhyme to expresses the feeling to claims emotional place

in music and poem.

From definition above the writer conclude song lyrics is the word lyrics claims

it emotional place in music and poem, with the words to a song being called the

lyrics, while a lyrics poem is one personal emotion such as sadness or happiness.

2.3 Deixis

Many linguists have their own different definitions and explanations about

deixis. Saeed (2003) stated that the term of deixis is borrowed from Greek word

which is functioned to show or point out someone or something. It is in line with

Levinson (1983 p.54) that defined “the meaning of deixis is pointing or

indicating”. Indicating means interpretation of utterances depending on the

analysis of the context of utterance. Furthermore, reference has function to denote

the utterance and the relation is named deixis (Grundy, 2000). Therefore, deixis

also deals with connection between discourse and the situation in which discourse

is used.

Therefore, deixis is a study about indexical expressions in languages, it can be

regarded as a special kind of grammatical property instantiated in the familiar

categories of person, time, and place (Levinson, 2004). For instance, “I”

indexically refers to the entity that is speaking; “now” indexically refers to a time

frame including moment at which the word is spoken; and “here” indexically

refers to a location frame including the place where the word is spoken. Hence,

the linguistic forms of pointing are called indexicals, deictic expression and

deictic words.

All languages have their own deictic words which ‘point’ to ‘things’ in the

physical social context from the speakers and addressees then whose referents can

only be determined by knowing the context in which they are used. These are

examples of deictic words: (1) pronouns I, you, and we, which point to

participants in any speech act then she, he it and they are used when they refer to

others in the environment. (2) locative expressions here, this/these, that/those, and

there, which designated space of the speaker. (3) temporal expressions now, then,

yesterday, today, tomorrow, last week, next month and so on, it relatives to the

time when they are used (Kreidler, 1998).

Furthermore, Levinson (1983) advanced deixis into 5 types, those are person

deixis, place deixis and time deixis which are belongs to the traditional categories

and then he expanded deixis types which are discourse and social deixis. From the

statements above, it is clear that deixis is indicating or pointing person, place, time

the context of utterances. We will know who the speaker or listener is, when, and

where the sentence is uttered.

We have known that language is inseparable part of human life. It is the from

linguist’s different aspects of opinion about defining types of deixis, in this

research, the discussion is focused only on four types of deixis by Alan Cruse

theory, including personal, spatial, temporal and social deixis as following:

2.3.1 Personal Deixis

Person deixis involves basically the speaker. It is also familiar with pronouns.

The function is to indicate a person who utters the utterance or sentence.

Moreover, it designates the basic roles in a speech event, the speaker (first

person), address or the person spoken to (second person), and the person who are

neither speaker nor addressee (third person) (Cruse, 2000).

Cruse (2006, p.127) noted that “person deictic words include pronouns (I,

you, him; mine, yours, hers; myself, yourself, herself) possessive adjectives (my,

you, her), and verb inflection (I love, you love, he or she loves)”.

Singular Plural

1st person I/me We/us

2nd person You You

3rd person He/him, she/her, it They/them

Nevertheless, the form of plural and singular is used to analyze the deictic

expressions of person deixis. For example, speakers mention that we as the first

person plural in order to represent a group (Cruse, 2006). Therefore, grouping the

pronouns and possessive adjective in singular or plural forms is crucial before

deciding the referent.

There is an example of person deixis for getting brief understanding,

Forever I won’t be afraid (lyric of the One). The underlined deictic word of the

example above (I) is the first person and as the person who utters the sentence. In

short, the deictic word “I” to point the speaker himself in the sentence. The

underlined deictic word of the example above “I” is the first person who utters the

sentence. In short, the deictic word “I” points the speaker himself in the sentence.

Personal deictic expression is uttered by speaker or writer to show an identitiy.

2.3.2 Spatial Deixis

Spatial deixis is known as locative expressions. As Cruse (2006) points out

that spatial deictic word demonstrates location or place regarding to the speaker.

The most basic spatial deictic words are adverbs, specific name place, here, and

there. These can be glossed ‘place near to the speaker’ and ‘place not near to the


The other basic use of spatial deictic word is demonstratives ‘this’ and

‘that’. However, they often have more abstract meaning. For example, ‘this

theory’ and ‘that theory’ do not mean literal location, but the function is to

indicate a more abstract closeness and distance from the speaker. Cruse (2006)

asserted that deictic word divides in two terms, those are proximal deictic word

such as ‘this and here’, while distal deictic word such as ‘that and there’.

Briefly, Yule (1996) argued that near speaker location typically interpreted

as proximal terms, while far away from speaker location typically interpreted as

distal terms. It depends on position of the thing or people with the speaker as the

deictic center. However, spatial deixis is not only about the distance or the

location, but also the movement or motion which happened from the speaker such

as specific location, for example, in the bedroom, in London, and so on (Cruse,


Instead of proximal and distal deictic word, spatial deictic word also

concerns about projected deixis. According to Yule (1996), projected deixis is

used to manipulate the location. It is used to represent the person, location and

feelings of someone else. An example of projected deixis is ‘come here!’. The

word come here is interpreted as the movement towards the speaker. Therefore,

deictic projection is condition where the speaker being able to project themselves

into other locations, time or shift person reference.

Grundy (2000) mentioned the other place of deictic words, such as: here

(proximal), there (distal), left, right, up, down, above, below, in front, behind,

come, go, bring and take, for example; I‟ll always be there (lyrics of I Promise).

The deictic word „there‟ is indicating location of person who utters the utterance

or sentence. It categorizes as distal term because it indicates that away from the


In conclusion, the researcher concludes that spatial deixis consist of three

kinds of deixis based on the location which are proximal deixis, distal deixis and

projected deixis.

2.3.3 Temporal Deixis

Temporal deixis is also familiar with time deixis. As Cruse (2006) pointed

out that temporal deictic word concerns with various times of utterance which is

uttered by speaker. It has function to locate points or intervals on the time axis and

using the moment of utterance point.

There are three major divisions of the time axis: “(1) before the moment of

utterance, (2) at the time of utterance, (3) after the time of utterance (Cruse, 2006,

p.180)”. Many temporal deictic words give extra information, such as tomorrow

which is the day after day which includes the time of speaking, and last year

which is the year previous to the one which includes the time of speaking.

Therefore, Cruse (2006) proposed that verb tense is also deictic word, such

as I washed the dishes, I am washing the dishes, and I will wash the dishes. It is

useful to distinguish three points in the time at which the event occurred (past),

the time at which the utterance was produced (present) and the reference time

(future), Example: We‟re having some fun today (Lyrics of Salam Alaikum). The

deictic word „today‟ is indicating the timing of an event relative to the time of

speaking. It categorizes as the second type of three major terms of deictic word

exists which is at the time of utterance.

2.3.4 Social Deixis

According to Cruse (2006, p.166) “Social deictic words are expressions

whose function is to indicate the position of the referent on the scales of social

status and intimacy relative to the speaker”. It defines there is relationship holding

between the speaker, addressee or a third person or entity referred to in a social

status. Furthermore, Saeed (2003) pointed out that the pronoun system of some

languages is also referring grammatical information about the social identities or

relationships of the participants in the conversation, for example taken from book

of Semantics: Would Sir Robert care for a drink? It is relationship between

employee-employer as the speaker and the addressee respectively. The condition

is related to politeness. Despite, English is not like another language that uses

respectful pronouns to exemplify social deixis, politeness enters into the choice of

forms of addressee such as Pete, Smith, Mr. Smith, Sir Smith, and so on (Cruse,


Briefly, social deictic expression is used to distinct social status. It is such

encoding of social relationship in linguistic expressions which refers to social

status of participants in the speech event.

2.3.5 Discourse Deixis

Discourse deictic word is also called text deixis. According to Cruse

(2000: 323), discourse deixis refers to such matters as the use of this to point

to future discourse elements such as listen to this, it will kill you!, and that to

point to past discourse elements such as that was not a very nice thing to say.

The function refers to a previously occurring item and something which is still

to come which relate points of earlier discourse to portions of later discourse

(Cruse, 2006: 51).

Sometimes, certain sentence adverbs such as therefore and furthermore

include an element of discourse in their meanings (Cruse, 2000). Additionally,

Levinson (1983: 87) mentioned examples of the words and phrases in English

that indicate the relationship between an utterance and the prior discourse

which are but, therefore, in conclusion, to the contrary, still, however, anyway,

well, besides, actually, all in all, so, after all, and so on.

Despite, some references of discourse deixis can also be anaphoric

(Cummings, 2005). Anaphora picks up a previous reference to an

extralinguistics entity and repeats it. In addition, Kreidler (1998: 145) noted

that anaphora is a kind of secondary reference in which a previous reference is

recalled by use of special function words. In John entered the room. He looked

tire, he refers to the same person that John refers to, but it does not strictly

refer to the word John itself

(Cruse, 2000: 324). Therefore, the distinction between discourse deixis and

anaphora becomes somewhat blurred or invisible.

2.4 Definition of Reference

After discussing about deixis in the previous explanations above, we noted

that the using of deictic words that refer to person, spatial and temporal was a

straightforward case. However, those words do not refer to anything.

According to Cruse (2006: 3), reference is the general term for identifying

the things in the world and deixis is the mechanism to achieve the reference. As

well as, Yule (1993: 17) claimed that reference indicates the ability of the speaker

or writer to enable the listener or reader identify something.

As Yule (1996: 17-18) has widely defined, the linguistics forms that also

involving the deictic expressions is called referring expressions. Some of them are

proper nouns (for example, „Shakespeare‟, „Hawaii‟), noun phrases which are

definite (for example, „the author‟, „the island‟) or indefinite („a man‟, „a

woman‟), and pronouns (for example, „he‟, „her‟). Therefore, the referent of each

expression can be identified that there is an assumption if the listener already

knows the information of referring expression. Otherwise, it does not occur

successfully when both of the speaker and listener do not have the same

background as the context of the referent. In particular, the role of inference is

also necessary to produce good reference. An inference is additional information

used by the listener to create a connection between what is said and what must be

meant (Yule, 2010: 132). Finally, the researcher concludes that there is a relation

between deixis and reference in pointing the origin of utterance. In short, the act

of the speaker in referring to something in utterance is called reference and the

expression that is used to refer to something in the utterance is known as deixis.

Discussing about pragmatics, deixis and reference, it is clearly related to the

context. Pragmatics is study about aspects of meaning which are dependent on

context (Cruse, 2006). Meanwhile, in order to understand about a reference of

utterance that uses deictic expressions, reader or listeners should be able to

identify the contexts of utterance.

According to Cruse (2006: 35), context is an essential factor in the

interpretation of utterances and expressions. Moreover, it is necessary for solving

the problem of ambiguity in the utterance which is in the spoken or written

language (Mey, 2001). Additionally, Mey (2001: 41) claimed that context is more

than just reference. Context is an action. It means that how person, time and place

are possible to produce a referent that always refers to someone or something.

Nevertheless, Cruse (2000: 35) noted that the most important aspects of

context are: (1) preceding and following utterance and/or expressions (co-text). It

has a strong effect on what people think the word probably means (Yule, 2010:

129). (2) The immediate physical situation. It will influence people interpretation

(Yule, 2010) (the wider situation, including social and power relations, and (4)

knowledge presumed shared between speaker and hearer.

After all, the researcher concludes that context is any information that needed

for interpreting the utterance or sentence which consists of person, place or thing

although in the spoken or written forms. It the important factor to complete the

meaning of utterance or sentence.


This chapter consists of four parts. They are the Object of Study,

Approach of Study, Method of Study and Step of Study. The Object of

Study is the explanation of the lyric analyzed. Approach of Study is to

explain the approach used in analyze the research. The Method of Study is

describing the method used to analyze the research. And Step of Study that

organize or arrange step by step to collecting and analyzing the data.

3.1 Object of the Study

For this research, the data were taken from Daniel Bedingfiled

song’s entitled Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One, James Dean

(I Wanna Know), I Can’t Read You, Friday and Never Gonna Leave Your


Daniel Bedingfield is well known as a smooth rock singer from

Auckland, New Zealand. He recorded his 2001 debut tune Gotta Get Thru

This in his bedroom, and it entered the Official Singles Chart at Number

One, becoming the first of three chart-toppers. Daniel won Best British

Male Artist at the 2004 BRIT Awards and has gone on to a career as a

songwriter, a judge on New Zealand’s X Factor and a short little bit of

musical theatre performing in War of The Worlds.

Gotta Get Thru This is the first debut single by Daniel Bedingfield

which was released at the end of 2001. He was stimulated to put in writing

this while strolling across Tower Bridge in London annoyed at being

separated from a female he became in love with from Leeds, in the north

of England. Bedingfield went home and recorded this in his bed room with

a microphone plugged to his home pc using a Making Waves pc audio


If You're Not The One was released on 25 November 2002 as the

third single from his debut studio album Gotta Get Through This (2002).

The single entered the top twenty on the bulk of the charts that it was

regarded as a number-one hit on, along with being a number-one hit within

the UK Singles Chart and achieving a wide variety of 15 inside the United


James Dean (I Wanna Know) is the second single launched by

Daniel Bedingfield. The song follows the same “garage” style as the first

single. This tune came to be success, accomplishing range 4 on the UK

Singles Chart, making it his second to ten hit.

"I Can't Read You" is the fourth single from New Zealand-British

singer Daniel Bedingfield's debut studio album, Gotta Get thru This. It was

released on 7 April 2003 and peaked at number six on the UK Singles

Chart, number 34 in Ireland, and number 93 in the Netherlands.

"Friday" is the sixth and final single from British singer Daniel

Bedingfield's debut album, Gotta Get Thru This (2002). It peaked at

number 28 on the UK Singles Chart and number 49 on the Irish Singles


"Never Gonna Leave Your Side" is the fifth single released from

New Zealand-British singer Daniel Bedingfield's first album, Gotta Get

thru This (2002). Issued in Australia on 30 June 2003 and in the United

Kingdom on 21 July 2003, the song became Bedingfield's third number-

one song on the UK Singles Chart, topping the chart on the week of 27

July 2003. The song also peaked at No. 11 in Ireland and No. 13 in New


3.2 Approach of the Study

The researcher takes a linguistic approach by analyzing the words or

the utterance in the lyric of Daniel Bedingfield chosen song. It will be

emphasis on pragmatic approach and deixis as the main important. And

Linguistic approach is needed to analyze the words that use by the speaker.

The linguistic approach abandons the use of numbers and relies instead on

a systematic use of words to characterize the values of variables, the

values of probabilities, the relations between variables, and the truth-

values of assertions about them.

3.3 Method of Study

Qualitative research methods are designed in a manner that help

reveal the behavior and perception of a target audience with reference to a

particular topic. There are different types of qualitative research methods

like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research, content

analysis, case study research that are usually used.

The method which is used in this research is textual analysis.

According to Mckee (2003, p.1) "Textual analysis is a way for researchers

to gather information about how to offer human beings make sense of the

world". Additionally, he stated that "Textual analysis is useful for

researchers working in cultural studies, media studies, in mass

communication, and perhaps even in sociology and philosophy" (Mckee,

2003, p.1).

In this research the writer focuses on analyzing written text that is

song lyrics. The method used to identify types and reference meanings of

deixis is based on Alan Cruse theory.

3.4 Step of the Study

There are several steps in collecting the data. Firstly, downloading,

this process is started by searching for script and MP4 of English song

lyric Daniel Bedingfield.

Secondly, understanding, this process is started by reading the song

lyric while listening the audio carefully.

Thirdly, determining, the process determines the words expression

which contains of deictic word.

The last, classifying, the process is started by selecting deixis such

underline the word for each types of deixis.

The data is analyzing by doing these following steps. Firstly,

describing, this process is started by describing about deixis which is

already classified into some types and also described the reference

meaning. Secondly, making table in order to classify each type of deixis in

the song lyrics also paragraph which explained the reference meaning and

the writer will be able to know the most dominant type of deixis which is

often used in the song. The last, coding, the data analyses use magnitude

coding. This process is started by making alphabet code in order to make

easy in rechecking.


P: Personal deixis

Sp: Spatial deixis

T: Temporal deixis

Sc: Social deixis

Concluding, the writer formulated the conclusion and suggestion in

accordance to the finding of the research.



This chapter is the core part of the research thesis as this chpter is

where the research analyzes the object of study in depth. The aim of the

analysis is definitely to answer the two problems questions started in the

problem formulation scientifically that have been written in chapter I. The

researcher analyzed the deixis in the song lyrics of Daniel Bedingfiled.

The title of the songs are Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One,

James Dean (I Wanna Know), I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never

Gonna Leave Your Side. The researcher found that the songs used all kinds

of deixis include person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis and

discourse. Hence, the analysis of the choosen song by Daniel Bedingfiled

will be done through the chosen theories mentioned in the theoretical


4.1 Analysis of Deixis in the Choosen Song Lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield

This study finds that social deixis, person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal

deixis and discourse occur in the choosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield.

The researcher can observe that five types of deixis include person, spatial,

temporal, social, and discourse deixis can be essential using in the song lyrics of

the choosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield. The researcher analyzes the data

based on the theory of Cruse 2000. Also, the researcher elaborates the types of

deixis which are frequently used in every song. The detail explanation will be

presented in the following.

4.1.1 Person Deixis

Person deixis designates the basic roles in a speech event, the

speaker (first person), addressee or the person(s) spoken to (second

person), and the person or persons who are neither speaker nor addressee

(third person) (Cruse, 2000: 319).

The first type of person deixis is first person deixis which is a

reference that refers to the speaker or the writer. It also can be a reference

which refers to a group which the speaker or the writer getting involves.

The deictic marker of first person is ‘I’ that can be interpreted as a person

who has a role as the main subject of the song. Cruse stated that person

deixis consists of pronoun and possessive adjective also. The deictic

marker of pronoun and possessive adjective of first person are ‘me and

my’. The pronoun ‘me’ can be categorized as the objective case for one

person, especially for the speaker or writer itself. The objective case is

usually placed after verb or preposition. While, the possessive adjective

‘my’ can be categorized as a possessing for singular or one person which

usually refers to the speaker or writer. First person deixis is used to explain

the writer’s experience in the song. Besides, the effect of first person is the

hearer believes that the story of the song is about the writer experience.

In this chosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield included six

songs which are Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One, James Dean

(I Wanna Know), I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never Gonna Leave Your

Side personal deixis occurs and is followed by three types of personal

deixis. It can be seen in this table:

Table 4.1: Person deixis in six songs.

No Song Person Deitic Words

1 Gotta Get Thru This I, Mine, Me, My, You, Your, It

2 If You're Not the One I, My, Me, Mine, We, You,

Yours, It

3 James Dean (I Wanna Know) I, My, Me, You, Yours, It

4 I Can’t Read You I, My, Me, You, Your

5 Friday I, My, She, Her

6 Never Gonna Leave Your Side I, My, Me, You, Your, They

From the table above, it can be seen that in six songs from Daniel

Bedingfield, personal deixis and three types of personal deixis occur.

‘I’ is a pronoun of first person deixis which refers to the writer itself.

The word ‘you’ usually refers to the person to talk to or in other word, it is

the person which is addressed by the writer. It also can refer to the hearer

or the reader of the sentence. ‘They’ is a pronoun of plural third person

which the writer does not include as the role participant of the lyric. The

word ‘they’ refers to more than one person besides the writer and person

addressed. It is used to describe approximately two or three people beside

the writer and person addressed. It is absolutely about the other person.

‘We’ is a plural first person which usually indicate two role participants

which include the writer and one person else who do the event in the lyric.

The other person who includes in the word ‘we’ usually refers to a person

who is a partner of the speaker or the writer. The word ‘we’ in this song

refers to the writer and the person addressed. ‘My’ is a possessive

adjective of first person deixis. It means the possessive of the writer which

absolutely refers to the writer. It shows the something that belongs to the

writer. ‘Me’ is a pronoun of first person which refers to the writer. It is

used as the object in a lyric. ‘She’ is a pronoun of third person which

refers to the other person besides the writer and the hearer. Third person

deixis shows the role participant in the story or the event which do not

involve the writer. It is totally about the story of another person.

First song is "Gotta Get Thru This". Personal deixis that occurs in

this song is complete and followed by three types of personal deixis. The

researcher found seven deictic words that include personal deixis and

followed by four words as first person deixis, two word as second person

deixis and one word as third person deixis. The use of first person deixis in

this song that is represented by the use of deictic words "I, Mine, Me,

My", next the word indicates second person deixis that is showed by

deictic expression "You, Your". The last is third person deixis represented

by use of deictic word "it".

Second song is "If You're Not the One". Seven person deictic words

are included in Personal deixis. They are five words as first person deixis,

two word as second person deixis and two words as third person deixis.

The use of first person deixis in this song is represented by use of deictic

words "I, My, Me, Mine, We", next the words that indicate second person

deixis are showed by deictic expressions "You, Yours". The last is third

person deixis represented by use of deictic word "it".

Third song is "James Dean (I Wanna Know)". Six person deictic

words are included in Personal deixis. They are three words as first person

deixis, two word as second person deixis and one words as third person

deixis. The use of first person deixis in this song is represented by use of

deictic words "I, My, Me", next the words that indicate second person

deixis are showed by deictic expressions "You, Yours". The last is third

person deixis represented by use of deictic word "it".

Fourth song is "I Can’t Read You". Five person deictic words are

included in Personal deixis. They are three words as first person deixis,

two word as second person deixis and one words as third person deixis.

The use of first person deixis in this song is represented by use of deictic

words "I, My, Me", next the words that indicate second person deixis are

showed by deictic expressions "You, Your".

Fifth song is "Friday". Four person deictic words are included in

Personal deixis. They are three words as first person deixis, two word as

second person deixis and one words as third person deixis. The use of first

person deixis in this song is represented by use of deictic words "I, My",

next the words that indicate second person deixis are showed by deictic

expressions "She, Her".

The last song is "Never Gonna Leave Your Side ". Six person deictic

words are included in Personal deixis. They are three words as first person

deixis, two word as second person deixis and one words as third person

deixis. The use of first person deixis in this song is represented by use of

deictic words "I, My, Me", next the words that indicate second person

deixis are showed by deictic expressions "You, Your". The last is third

person deixis represented by use of deictic word "They".

Based on the explanation above, the researcher notes that six

chosen songs from Daniel Bedingfield, the use of personal deixis that is

followed by the three types of personal deixis occurs. The function of

personal deixis is to indicate the use of personal pronoun in the song


4.1.2 Spatial Deixis or Place Deixis

Spatial deictic word indicates location in space relative to the

speaker (Cruse, 2006:166). Spatial deixis concerns the encoding of place

or location relative to the speaker in the song. Spatial deixis can be

interpreted as some areas or place where the event of the song happens

based on the context. The researcher finds several kinds of spatial deixis in

the data, include ‘here and there’. It is used to make the interpretation

about the place in the song. While the effect of spatial deixis, is about the

understanding place in the song. It will be no information about the place

where the story of the song happens when there is no spatial deixis which

is stated in the song. From chosen song from Daniel Bedingfield which are

Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One, James Dean (I Wanna Know),

I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never Gonna Leave Your Side personal

deixis occurs. The researcher found and classified the six songs which

show the use of spatial or place deixis.

Table 4.2: Spatial deixis in six songs

No Song Spatial Deitic Words

1 Gotta Get Thru This This

2 If You're Not the One That, Here, This

3 James Dean (I Wanna Know) That, This

4 I Can’t Read You This

5 Friday That

6 Never Gonna Leave Your Side That, There

From the table above, it can be seen that in six songs from Daniel

Bedingfield, spatial or place deixis and three terms of Spatial deixis occur.

First song is "Gotta Get Thru This". Only one spatial deictic word is

included in spatial deixis. The use of proximal term in this song is

represented by use of deictic word "This".

Second song is "If You're Not the One". Spatial or place deixis that

occurs in this song is complete and followed by two terms of spatial

deixis. The researcher found three deictic words that include spatial deixis

and followed by one word as distal term and two word as proximal. The

use of distal term in this song is represented by use of deictic word "That",

next the word that indicates proximal term is showed by deictic expression

"Here, This".

Third song is "James Dean (I Wanna Know)". Spatial or place

deixis that occurs in this song is complete and followed by two terms of

spatial deixis. The researcher found one deictic words that include spatial

deixis and followed by one word as distal term and one word as proximal.

The use of distal term in this song is represented by use of deictic word

"That", next the word that indicates proximal term is showed by deictic

expression "This".

Fourth song is "I Can’t Read You". Spatial or place deixis that occurs

in this song is complete and followed by only one terms of spatial deixis.

The use of proximal term in this song is represented by use of deictic word


Fifth song is "Friday". Spatial or place deixis that occurs in this song

is complete and followed by only one terms of spatial deixis. The

researcher found one deictic words that include spatial deixis and followed

by one word as distal term. The use of distal term in this song is

represented by use of deictic word "That".

The last song is "Never Gonna Leave Your Side ". Spatial or place

deixis that occurs in this song is complete and followed by only one terms

of spatial deixis. The researcher found two deictic words that include

spatial deixis and followed by two word as distal term. The use of distal

term in this song is represented by use of deictic word "That, There".

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that from six

songs from Daniel Bedingfield, the use of spatial or place deixis that is

followed by the two types of spatial deixis occurs. The function of spatial

deixis is to indicate the use of the distance or location in the song lyrics.

4.1.3 Temporal Deixis

Temporal deictic word indicates the timing of an event relative to the

time of speaking (Cruse, 2006: 179; 2006: 321). The function of temporal

deixis is the hearer will have the point of view about the time of the story

in the song. The hearer will understand is the story of the song has been

held, being hold, or would be held. Therefore, the hearer will know when
the story of the song happens. Temporal deixis concerns the encoding of

time of an event relative to the time of speaking. Temporal deixis which

occurs in this data such as ‘every year, every time, today, tonight, at night,

someday, now, and others’. The deictic marker ‘today’ can be interpreted

as the day when the story of the song happens. Temporal deixis is used to

give the additional information of time inside the song. The function of

temporal deixis is the hearer will have the point of view about the time of

the story in the song. The hearer will understand is the story of the song

has been held, being hold, or would be held. Therefore, the hearer will

know when the story of the song happens. Otherwise, the temporal deixis

also has the effect which is about the information about the time when the

story of the song happens. In here the hearer will understand is the story of

the song is past, present or future. Otherwise, the temporal deixis also has

the effect which is about the information about the time when the story of

the song happens. The hearer will understand is the story of the song is

past, present or future. From six songs from Daniel Bedingfield which are

Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One, James Dean (I Wanna Know),

I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never Gonna Leave Your Side, the

researcher found and classified the sixsongs which show that the temporal

deixis or time deixis occur. The researcher uses the table to make it easier

and clearer.

Table 3.3: temporal deixis in six songs

No Song Temporal Deitic Words


1 Gotta Get Thru This Tomorrow, Every time

2 If You're Not the One Today, Will

3 James Dean (I Wanna Know) Today, Tonight, Will

4 I Can’t Read You Tonight

5 Friday Friday

6 Never Gonna Leave Your Side morning,everyday

From the table above, the researcher classified the temporal deictic

word into two types of the deictic words which are pure and specific

deictic word and also verb tense. Then, it can be seen that in Daniel

Bedingfield chosen song, temporal deixis occurs. First song is "Gotta Get

Thru This". This song uses words "Tomorrow, Every time"

Second song is "If You’re Not the One ". In this song the researcher

found three temporal deixis including words "today, tonight, and will" as

verb tense that indicates timing of an event.

Third song is "James Dean (I Wanna Know)". In this song, the

researcher found seven deictic words that include temporal deixis, they are

"Now, Tonight and "Know, Am going, Am getting, Missed, this time" as

verb tense that indicates timing of an event.

Fourth song is "I Can’t Read You". In this song, the researcher

found only one deictic words that include temporal deixis, they are


Fifth song is "Friday". In this song, the researcher found one deictic

words that include temporal deixis, they are "Friday".

The last song is "Never Gonna Leave Your Side ". In this song, the

researcher found two deictic words that include temporal deixis, they are

"morning, everyday".

Based on the explanation above, the researcher includes that from

six songs from Daniel Bedingfield use of temporal deixis occurs. The

function of temporal deixis is to indicate the use of the timing in the song

lyrics. The writer uses the different temporal deixis in those lyrics to make

the story of the song is more real because there is information about how

long the story of the song happens. It seems like the story of the song is

truly happen. Moreover, the temporal deixis in the song is more various.

The effect of using different temporal deixis is the hearers will get another

kind of temporal deixis. They will think that there are many kinds of

temporal deixis which can be used in the lyric of the song.

4.1.4 Social Deixis

Social deixis is to indicate the position of the referent on the scales

of social status and intimacy relative to the speaker (Cruse, 2006: 166).

Social deixis concerns the encoding of social status or intimacy which

relative to the speaker. . Social deixis has the function which is to indicate

the relation within the song. It is about the understanding of relation which

the writer wants to show in the song. Then, the effect is about the hearers

of the song. They do not know the relation inside the song and they do not

know to whom the song is directed. The researcher finds some kinds of

social deixis in the data. From six songs from Daniel Bedingfield which

are Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One, James Dean (I Wanna

Know), I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never Gonna Leave Your Side, the

researcher found and classified the the song which show that the temporal

deixis or time deixis occur. The researcher uses the table to give

information about six songs which is use social deixis in the song lyric.

Table 4.4: Social deixis in six songs

No Song Social Deitic Words

1 Gotta Get Thru This You, Your, God

2 If You're Not the One You, Your

3 James Dean (I Wanna Know) You, Your

4 I Can’t Read You You, Your, Baby

5 Friday She, Her,

6 Never Gonna Leave Your Side You, Your, Girl

From the table above, it can be seen that from six songs from

Daniel Bedingfield, the use of social deixis can be seen in the song "Gotta

Get Thru This ". In this song the researcher found four deictic words that

indicate social deixis. Those words are " You, Your, God". The other song

which is use social deixis is " If You’re Not the One ". In this song, social

deixis occurs in two deictic words that are " You, Your". another song

from Daniel Bedingfield " James Dean (I Wanna Know) " which uses

social deixis in the song lyric. In this song the researcher found two words

as social deixis that are words " You, Your".

The other song is "I Can’t Read You". In this song, social deixis

occurs in three deictic words that are " You, Your, Baby ".

And then the other song is "Friday". In this song, social deixis occurs

in two deictic words that are " She, Her".

The last song is "Never Gonna Leave Your Side ". In this song, the

research found that only three deitic word that occurs in this song, the

three deictic words that are " You, Your, Girl".

Based on explanation above, the researcher concludes that social

deixis is mostly used in the chosen song of Daniel Bedingfield. The use of

social deixis indicates social status or intimacy relative to the participants

in the speech event. The writer uses the different temporal deixis in those

lyrics to make the story of the song is more real because there is

information about how long the story of the song happens. It seems like

the story of the song is truly happen. Moreover, the temporal deixis in the

song is more various. The effect of using different temporal deixis is the

hearers will get another kind of temporal deixis. They will think that there

are many kinds of temporal deixis which can be used in the lyric of the


4.1.5 Discourse Deixis

Discourse deixis refers to such matters as the use of “this” pointing

to future discourse elements (Cruse, 2000: 323). The use of discourse

deixis is also referring to certain text that contains the utterance as a signal

and its relation to surrounding text. The function of discourse deixis is to

relate the earlier discourse to the later discourse. Therefore, there will be

continuity inside the lyric of the song and the story of the song will flow

smoothly. Besides, the effect of discourse deixis is about the continuity of

the lyric in the song. The lyric will be an individual lyric and the story will

be separated when there is no discourse deixis inside. From six songs from

Daniel Bedingfield which are Gotta Get Thru This, If You're Not The One,

James Dean (I Wanna Know), I Can’t Read You, Friday, and Never

Gonna Leave Your Side the researcher found and classified the the song

which show that the discourse deixis occur. This table gives information

about six songs which use discourse deixis in the song lyrics..

Table 4.5: Discource deixis in six songs

No Song Social Discource Words


1 Gotta Get Thru This This

2 If You're Not the One That, Then, But, So

3 James Dean (I Wanna Know) But, Then, That

4 I Can’t Read You This, That, Then

5 Friday But, That

6 Never Gonna Leave Your Side That

From the table above, it can be seen that six songs in Daniel

Bedingfiled chosen song, all the songs which use discourse deixis. The use

of discourse deixis can be seen in the song “Gotta Get Thru This”. In this

song the researcher found one deictic word that indicates discourse deixis

which is the word “This”.

The other song which uses discourse deixis is “If You're Not the

One”. In this song, discourse deixis occurs in five deictic words which are

“That, Then, But, So”.

Moreover, discourse deixis also can find in the song “James Dean

(I Wanna Know)”. In this song, it is represented by the use of word “But,

Then, That”.

Then, discourse deixis occurs in the song “I Can’t Read You”. In

this song, it is represented by the use of words “This, That, Then”.

Next, discourse deixis also occurs in the song “Friday”. In this

song the researcher found three words are represented by the words “But,

That”. The last is song “Never Gonna Leave Your Side” which uses

discourse deixis in its song lyric. In this song the researcher only found

one word as discourse deixis that is word “That”.

Based on explanation above, the researcher notes that discourse

deixis is used in all chosen song by Daniel Bedingfield. The use of

discourse deixis indicates that the word has connection or relation with the

text before. Discourse deixis always occurs in every chosen song by

Daniel Bedingfield. There is no one song that does not have discourse

deixis. It indicates that the writer wants to make the story of the song has

continuity and flow smoothly

4.2 Analysis the Dominant Types of Deixis Used in the Chosen Song Lyrics

from Daniel Bedingfield

After analyzing and determining the types of deixis are used in the

chosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield, the findings of frequency of

each deixis type which is used in the chosen song lyrics from Daniel

Bedingfield are presented as follows:

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in Gotta Get Thru This song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person Deixis I 33

Mine 2

Me 8

My 10

You 8

Your 4

It 8

Spatial Deixis This 23

Tomorrow 2
Temporal Deixis
Every time 1

You 8

Social Deixis Your 4

God 8

Discourse Deixis This 23

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis

which is taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis,

social deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield.There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, Mine, Me, My,

You, Your, It”.

Person deixis is able to be recognized easily in such lyrics of every song

because it indicates the participant/s who utters the utterance. The singer uses

person deictic words to tell an identity exactly about himself as the subject, object

or possessive in the song and also about their relation with the other people as the

addressee in the song

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in If You're Not the One song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person I 38

My 17

Me 8

Mine 2

You 23

Your 7

Yours 1

It 8

Spatial That 8

This 3

Temporal Tonight 1

Today 2

Social You 23

Your 7

Discourse That 8

Then 10

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis

which is taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis,

social deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield.There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, Mine, Me, My,

You, Your, It”.

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in James Dean (I Wanna Know) song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person I 50

My 8

Me 8

You 11

Your 4

Spatial That 10

This 1

Temporal Tonight 6

Social You 11

Your 4

Discourse But 3

Then 2

That 10

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis which is

taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis, social

deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield.There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, Me, My, We,

You, Your”.

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in I Can’t Read You song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person I 52

My 5

Me 3

You 3

Your 20

Spatial This 4

That 5

Temporal Tonight 1

Social You 3

Your 20

Discourse Baby 2

This 4

That 5

Then 3

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis

which is taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis,

social deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield.There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, Me, My, We,

You, Your”.

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in Friday song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person I 10

My 14

She 29

Her 7

Social That 2

Temporal Friday 28

Discourse She 29

Her 7

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis

which is taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis,

social deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield.There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, My, She, Her”.

Table 4.6: Frequency of deixis types uses in Never Gonna Leave Your Side song.

Type of Deixis Unique Sample Total Occourence

Person I 16

My 4

Me 3

You 10

Your 9

They 1

Spatial That 5

There 2

Temporal Everyday 3

Social You 10

Your 9

Girl 3

Discourse That 5

From the table above, it shows that the number or frequency of deixis

which is taken from the songs are person deixis, spatial deixis temporal deixis,

social deixis, and discourse deixis appear in every chosen songs of Daniel

Bedingfield. There are the data of deixis from the chosen songs. The first types of

deixis is person deixis which have seven deitic word, temporal deixis have two

deitic words, spatial deixis have one deitic words, social deixis have three deitic

word and discourse deixis have one deitic word. The most dominant types of

deixis that contain most dominant deictic wors that are used in this songs is person

deixis. Thus the dominant deictic words of person deixis are “I, My, Me, You,




5.1 Conclusion

Following the discussion above, finally the researcher concludes that the

song lyrics of chosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield use all types of deixis

which are personal deixis always occurs in every song. Personal deixis that is used

includes three types of personal deictic words which are first person deixis,

second person deixis and third person deixis. In addition, the other types which

are spatial deixis and temporal deixis also occur in every song. For social deixis, it

occurs in every chosen song from Daniel Bedingfield. The last type is discourse

deixis. Discourse deixis is found in half of six songs of chosen song lyrics from

Daniel Bedingfield

Most of personal deixis in chosen song lyrics from Daniel Bedingfield

refer to the speaker his self which are encoded by first singular person deixis like

“I, My”. While for first plural person deixis which are “We, Us” mostly refer to

the speaker and the addressee. Then some of second person deixis which are

remarked by pronoun “You, Your” refer to the readers or listeners as addressees

and in other songs refer to the social deixis which indicates about the social scale

and relation social. The third singular person deixis “He, She” refer to someone as

the main character in the song. For the possessive pronoun of third plural person

deixis “Them, Their” refer to the addressee in the song. Then, the third pronoun

“It, Its” refer to things that have been mentioned earlier. Then, spatial deixis in

this song means to know how the distance and where the location that is used and

conveyed by the speaker in every song of this album. It is referred by the use of

distance terms which are distal term “There, That”, proximal term “This, Here”,

projected term and specific location such as “Go, Come”. While, the temporal

deixis which is used in this song refers to the information about when the moment

is happen. In these songs, the temporal deixis is represented by such of pure time

deictic words and specific time such as “Today, Now” and also the verb tense that

indicates the timing of an action such as “will, called”. Whereas, most of social

deictic words which are used in every song refer to the speaker‟s girlfriend. The

last type is discourse deixis which uses deictic words “That, This”. It refers to

certain discourse that contains the utterance in the song lyric as a signal and its

relation to surrounding text.

In this research, person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis is the

dominant types in the songs than other deixis types. It is because the singer tells

about the moral value, his experience and feelings in his religious album that

make the use of these deixis types are more often than others.

Therefore, the researcher notes that by using the deixis it will make

easily to describe the function of personal, pronoun, time, demonstrative and

lexical future which are connecting the utterance with relation of space and time

and also useful to catch the reference meaning that include who, where and when

the utterance is uttered.

5.2 Suggestion

After conducting this research, the researcher would like to give some

suggestions especially for English learners. Deixis is important field to learn in

order to know the purpose and the meaning of references of utterance. By

knowing the types of deixis which are personal deixis, spatial deixis, temporal

deixis, social deixis and discourse deixis it can help the readers or the listeners

understanding what the speaker means.

For the other researchers who want to analyze the deixis that are available

in song lyrics, the first thing that they have to do is deeply listening and reading

the song lyrics. It is important to carefully understand the meaning of the lyrics

because different people have different interpretation about the meaning of song

lyrics. Additionally, the researcher suggests for the reader and the listener for

being carefully on the references of the deixis used in song lyrics.

The researcher hopes for the next researchers who study in deixis are able

to give more understanding about the deixis especially the types of deixis in the

different genre of the song.


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