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Conversation – 9(Manju (Snake champu)

Team member: what was the reason passionate or what you to do this voluntary job?
I was born in Chamarajanagar district and taluk. Since I am working as labour in construction
works. Unexpecially, I meet the Snake rescuer Deepak {Sanke Deepu} He was the person
Who goes to the school and college to give awareness about the snakes He wants a snake
Green wine Snake for the example and to give its information in that time these types of
snakes are more available in our areas So, He educated me How handle a snake?
And how to rescue a snake? Afterwards I started my rescue service along with him since
23 years. He was the main person Who promote me to give awareness and make more
Rescues I started this job as a hobby but it turns a profession for me. Not only snake I
Rescue so many birds and domestic animals.

Team member: What are the life lessons would have you learn from this job?
There is no single example to tell about my experience. I like to share one incident
Which was very memorable to me that incident teach me lesson How the animals are great
Compares to man because humans have sixth sense but animals don’t think they will react
How we will treat them, I rescue a rat snake which was accident by a vehicle and it was fully
Blooded I rescue it and give a treatment by my self till 10 to 15 days. First day it was fully
aggressive When I treating to it but days goes on it starts response to it and to me also in that
Situation When I living it forest I was So emotional. From this I learnt a lesson in every hard
situation we can bounce back and after this incident I concentrated more in this cases.

Team member: Describe a feeling When you failed in this role?

I will try to complete all rescue calls. But some times due to public disturbances the
snake will get scared and it will not response correctly while rescuing in that situation we had
a situation biting also I like to share a one incident snake which was got structed in a water
line pipes it was so scared and it will not like to come out and in that time I have so many
rescue calls in that situation I have to leave that place to attend other rescues in that time I
failed And I felt disappointment about my self from that day I get connected to other rescuers
In our district to handle it.

Team member: what factor makes you satisfied after completing a successful rescue?
I was rescued a Indian python. In that time a public was so support to me while rescuing
it. Not only that rescue in every rescue the public will support me. The forest department also
with me. In that rescue I was so satisfied.

Team member: Describe a situation which you faced which was treat to you?
I was faced so many challenges while rescuing. I was bitten by cobra 5 times I was
hospitalized and I was in coma and my hand was fully gangrened. In that time my family
suffered a lot due to financial problem but after recovering myself I don’t leave this

Team member: what would your message to the youth or public general?
I would like to tell give more importance to the animals and for its life don’t try to kill them
inside that try to rescue them otherwise call us I will available for 24 hours and try to give
more support to the rescuers in every situation.

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