Eyeglasses Alarm For Students: Managing The Impact of Drowsiness On Class Participation of Holy Rosary College's G12 STEM Students (2023)

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Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.

Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Eyeglasses Alarm for Students: Managing the Impact of Drowsiness on

Class Participation of Holy Rosary College’s G12 STEM Students

Capstone Project
Second Semester
School Year 2022-2023

ALITAGTAG, Janna Arjae M.

ARROYO, Lawrence James V.

CARTECIANO, Xylene Ashley V.

DIOSO, Angelina J.

GOZUM, Kyzandrew Ghil S.

MA. COLL, Micca Julianna M.

MONTIBON, Yowanna Andwele R.

SERRANO, Raiven E.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Grade 12 – Ampere

Submitted to:

Red Louis Elacio

May 26, 2023

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


This Capstone Project entitled “Eyeglasses Alarm for Students: Managing the Impact of

Drowsiness on Class Participation of Holy Rosary College’s G12 STEM Students”, prepared

and submitted by Janna Arjae M. Alitagtag, Lawrence James V. Arroyo, Xylene Ashley V.

Carteciano, Angelina J. Dioso, Kyzandrew Ghil S. Gozum, Micca Julianna M. Ma. Coll, Yowanna

Andwele R. Montibon, and Raiven E. Serrano in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical

Research 3 and Thesis Writing has been examined and is recommended for approval and



Research Adviser


Approved by the Panel of Examiners:


Panel Member Panel Member


Panel Member Panel Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the strand – Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Subject Teacher, Practical Research 3 Subject Teacher, Thesis Writing
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


Sleep, the elusive companion of a restless student, has been long overlooked as a pivotal component

of academic success. Hence, this study aspires to produce an anti-sleep glasses prototype for

students and to determine its effectiveness in counteracting sleepiness signs, improving student’s

alertness, and their class participation. To achieve the said aim, the researchers adopted the use of

experimental study design with a total of four (4) participants. The participants of this study were

determined using purposive sampling. To select the participants with the closest characteristics to

the study, the researchers employed a systematic survey based on Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).

Both pretest and posttest which measure both attentiveness and class performance were

administered to the respondents to determine the prototypes’ significant effect, which was then

analyzed using paired t-test. The results revealed that the anti-sleep glasses prototype can

significantly increase alertness level, however contrary to previous studies’ claim it was found that

perceived increase in attentiveness may not guarantee a significant effect on students’ class

participation and some of its indicators.

Keywords: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness, drowsiness, fatigue, attentiveness, alertness, class

participation, Arduino, IR sensor, bone conduction earphones, anti-sleep glasses, blinking

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

First and foremost, with regards to our group’s completion of this capstone, we would like to

express our deepest gratitude to the almighty God and to everyone who had been part of our

capstone project.

Without the opportunity provided to us by Holy Rosary College and by our Capstone adviser, Mr.

Red Louis Elacio, who had been consistently supporting us along our path, our valuable capstone

experience as students would not have been possible.

We would like to extend our warm gratitude to Mr. Mark Joseph C. Limboy, Mr. Ronald Albaytar,

Mr. Digno Salamat, Ms. Alex Arceta, and Ms. Vanessa Cuaresma for their assistance and valuable

insights with our capstone paper. Also, thank you to Mr. Ralenz Artillagas, Mr. Ron Curabo and

Mr. Arnold Tan, without their assistance, our prototype would not have been successful in its


We are also grateful to Mr. & Mrs. Alitagtag, Mrs. Arroyo, and Mr. Patrick Tingson, for their kind

hospitality and assistance during our capstone project. Lastly, we would like to commend and

acknowledge our fellow group members for giving their outmost dedication and passion in the

successful completion of this capstone paper and creation of our prototype. As we finished this

capstone adventure, all our hard work, exhaustion, stress, and sleepless nights had now paid off.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


Title page I

Approval sheet II

Abstract III

Acknowledgement IV

Introduction 1

Literature review 3

Discussion 12

Methodology 16

Results and analysis 28

Summary of findings 37

Conclusion 38

Recommendations 39

References 40

Appendices 44

Curriculum Vitae 57
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


Several studies have noted the quality of sleep's direct influence on one's quality of life.

Within academic settings, sleep deprivation and its infamous companion, Excessive Daytime

Sleepiness (EDS) are among the factors that compromise a student's productivity. Sleep

deprivation, characterized by insufficient or disrupted sleep, commonly develops to Excessive

Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) among students, which is marked by difficulty in controlling the desire

to sleep, leading to uncontrollable dozing off during the day. (Brown & Makker, 2020; Mak et

al.2014). Remarkably, sudden behavioral changes, poor memory, and concentration (Hershner &

Chervin, 2014; Hangouche et al., 2018), along with youth’s risk of road accidents were among the

key consequences of both conditions highlighted by various studies (Hershner & Chervin, 2014;

Gharibi, 2020). Reduced overnight sleep or altered sleep patterns have also been linked to severe

drowsiness and academic failure. In 2014, Hershner & Chervin discovered that 60 % of students

experience fatigue, exhaustion, and sleepiness, three times in a week.

Despite the apparent evidence of EDS as a serious health problem, it is still considered as

an undervalued risk factor (Carbonell et al.,2022; Hershner & Chervin, 2014), which manifests on

the scarcity of studies extending new, effective, and wider scope of solutions. Various studies had

explored potential solutions ranging primarily from traditional sleep hygiene interventions to

technological related interventions in the form of sleepiness detection devices. However, it was

found that most of the traditional sleep hygiene solutions did not post any significant effect on

countering sleepiness signs (Barber & Cucalon,2017; Dogru et al.2021; Redekar et al., 2019).

Meanwhile, although most of the previous technological interventions related to sleep exhibited

instant results, the applicability of its the models was only limited to road settings. With that

context, this study aims to fill in the need of addressing sleepiness among students during their
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Earth Science class, by attempting to effectively design an eye blinking-based eyeglasses with sleep

detection and alarm system, which will primarily highlight the bone conduction headphones as its

new alarm feature, along with further modifications to ensure its compatibility towards the intended

focus of this study.

The researchers are primarily guided with the main question:

How effective is the prototype in reducing drowsiness and promoting alertness among students

and what potential implications does it have to their academic performance?

Specifically, the researchers are driven to examine the following.

1. Is there a significant difference between students' signs of drowsiness upon wearing anti

sleep glasses alarm?

2. Is there a significant difference in students' level of alertness upon wearing the anti-sleep

alarm glasses?

3. Does the prototype pose any significant effect on students' academic performance through:

a) class participation

b) class performance

c) class comprehension

4. Does the level of consciousness affect the effectiveness of the device’ alarm system?

5. Is there a correlation between the prototype’s speed of detection and wearers’ extent of

napping while wearing the glasses?

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies ‘adolescents’ as those people aged

between 10 to 19. Accordingly, school experience under this age range comes with a consequence,

as the rising incidence of sleep deprivation, irregular sleep schedules, drowsiness, and most notably,

daytime sleepiness poses a potential barrier to academic motivation (Hershner & Chervin, 2014).

In this developmental stage, daytime functioning and sleep are heavily affected due to physiological

changes; these changes may lead to physiological hypersomnia and a delayed sleep phase (Hein et

al., 2020). As opposed to the notion that the shift from childhood into adolescence (puberty) is

associated with new sleep requirements, scientists claimed that it is rather the shift of melatonin’s

peak levels in the evening that is being experienced by adolescents. Hence, when a person reaches

puberty, their circadian rhythm changes and adolescents who have reached puberty experience a

delay in their sleep cycle phase and sleeping time (Merdad et al.,2017). This phenomenon is

reflected upon adolescent’s lifestyle as students. Bandjelović et al. (2018) argues that EDS

prevalence among 14 % of their participants is caused by academic lifestyle, including frequent

late-night studies, irregular sleep and fatigue, especially during exam period.

Thus, the occurrence of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) among adolescents is

described as a significant public health problem as it reached 42%, which appears to be higher than

in the general population, which counts 19% to 27%. To provide some background, El Hangouche

et al. (2018) defined a person with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) as having the inability to

maintain alertness and cautiousness while carrying out daily activities. In a study, the occurrence

of EDS was found to be related with a person's increasing age (De Souza Vivela, 2016).

Furthermore, the presence of EDS in this subpopulation is associated with a negative impact on

school performance (e.g. learning difficulties, inadequate school achievement, high rates of

absenteeism, and low school enjoyment) (Hein et al., 2020)

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

A. Difference Between EDS, Fatigue, and Drowsiness

Fatigue, in a subjective sense, can often be negatively observed in various ways, including

decreased task performance, cognitive decline, and emotional disturbance. Fatigue in school-aged

children can result in a drop in academic performance, detrimental health effects, and non-

attendance. According to a UK study, 11% of individuals between the ages of 11 and 14 and 17%

of participants between the ages of 13 and 16 displayed extreme weariness. On the other hand, in

a Dutch study, 6.5% of men and 20.5% of women reported feeling exhausted (Chen et al., 2015).

As Galarza et al. (2018) elucidated, fatigue technically differs from drowsiness, which is a

physiological state characterized by the tendency to fall asleep and synonymous to the term

“sleepy”. A person can feel tired without being drowsy when experiencing fatigue, leading to one's

inability to continue doing the same action. Meanwhile, if drowsiness becomes uncontrollable

during the day, it is the point where it can be categorized under EDS (El hangouche et al., 2018).

Our wakefulness, reaction time, psychomotor coordination, and information processing are

all negatively impacted by sleepiness. Classroom drowsiness results in lack of interest and

attentiveness and decreases school performance, which complicates learning and negatively affects

academic success and mental ability. Although it was prementioned that one of the numerous

unintended effects of sleepiness and irregular sleep patterns is that it has a detrimental effect on

performance in the areas of learning, memory, and judgment (Duarte et al., 2014), however, there

is still a need to understand how sleep and academic performance interact fully. Focusing on

academic performance, a wide variety of dimensions including written works, group activities, and

most importantly, class participation can assess a student’s performance (Harvard Business School,

2019). Bekkering (2020) argues class participation, as a result of class attendance and attentiveness,

can also be a valid and viable basis of students’ performance.

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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Students' involvement and attentiveness was also found to be essential in improving

learning outcomes and useful in a variety of situations such as driving and learning environment

(Kainat, 2022). Thus, previous studies stressed class participation’s huge contribution to academic

performance quality, through class attendance and attentiveness. From that, the effect of sleep on

academic performance is being more cleared, as previous studies had also noted sleep loss negative

association on academic performance, increased tardiness and absenteeism, decreased motivation

to learn, and decreased attention and focus (Duarte et al., 2014, Hershner & Chervin, 2014 ; NLM,

2014) . Having class participation as one main indicator of academic performance, signs of

attentiveness had also been used by previous studies to assess class participation (Banchik, 2021;

Gao et al., 2020). These signs of attentiveness utilized by multiple studies to detect class

engagement ranges from nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, head posture, and eye

movements (Fujiin et al., 2018; Gao et al., 2020; Kainat, 2022).

Meanwhile, study of Banchik (2021) uniquely enforced “takeaways” which are meant to

be an alternative, more inclusive participation assessment rather than to replace or diminish

students' oral engagement. It highlights that participation is determined by one's level of focus,

which includes speaking, listening, and seeking to connect with and engage with the course

material. Moving back, given that eye movements were among mentioned indicator of

attentiveness, coincidentally, one of the most significant indicators of being sleepy or drowsiness

includes frequent blinking, rubbing of the eyes, repetitive yawning, head tilting, and distractions

(Galarza et al., 2018) suggesting that sleepiness can affect students’ level of attentiveness, and so

does participation.

In relation to that, the initial impact of rising sleep loss results in daytime dysfunction . Up

to 27% of students could be at risk for at least one sleep disturbance, and such students are likely
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

to perform academically below average. A disproportionately high likelihood of sleep drowsiness

was present in students at risk of academic failure (GPA < 2.0 or 75% below).Also, the highest

percentage of daytime sleepiness among adolescents also occurred once or twice a week and three

or more times (Duarte et al., 2014).

B. Existing Interventions Related to Sleepiness

I. Sleep hygiene-related interventions

Educational Sleep Programs

According to Redeker et al. (2019), the interventions that the employers identified were

educational programs for day and shift workers, health promotion programs, for instance,

encouraging physical activity, strategic naps, and workplace environmental changes all of which

presented impressive outcomes. Meanwhile, the review confirms that more research on the

effectiveness of workplace intervention to improve sleep is highly needed. Similarly, studies

evaluating sleep educational programs in adolescents showed that they merely improved their

understanding of sleep and sleep hygiene (Beijamini & Louzada, 2012).

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch (TT) is a nonpharmacological, integrated, and holistic method that

positively impacts stress, sleep quality, fatigue, and daytime sleepiness in nursing and midwifery

students. In a pilot study, it was discovered to effectively reduce stress and increase self-awareness,

which eventually enhanced self-care (Doğru et al., 2021).

Caffeine and Energy Drink

According to Owens et al. (2014), an increasing trend in older children and adolescents

consuming caffeine and energy drinks has been happening. They deem the role of these products

as a preventative measure to sleepiness and fatigue and for their presumed positive influence on
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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

mood and performance. However, there is little evidence that high consumption of these drinks

improves performance or reduces sleepiness. In a study cited by Owens et al. (2014), about 100

adolescents from ages 12 to 18 years old reported that one-third of students who fall asleep in class

consumed high levels of caffeine and energy drinks.

2. Multiple Sensors/Detectors and Alarm System Intervention for Sleepiness

The intervention of the three closely related studies entitled, Real-time Nonintrusive

Monitoring and Detection of Blinking in View of Accident Prevention due to Drowsiness, Driver

Sleep Detection and Alarming System Final Report, and Student Sleepy Detection System with

Eyes Closure and Yawning all had negative results since the lighting circumstances of the glasses

interfered with the eye detection algorithm, which is required to get an accurate detection.

Additionally, they claimed that they failed to use any commercial chargers to power up their board,

which made the alarm system less responsive to the effect of driving when fatigued (Anjali et al.,

2016; Xu et al., 2013; Thippireddy et al., 2021). Other identified interventions entitled, Real-time

Stage 1 Sleep Detection and Warning System using a Low-cost EEG Headset, and Fatigue

Detection for Online Classes based on AdaBoost, mentioned that the algorithm's responsiveness

would be affected, and it might not be able to identify sleep if the subject is already weary when

utilizing the project (Hal, 2013; Mo, 2021).

C. Effectiveness of Anti-Sleep Glasses

1.1 Anti-sleep glasses efficiency Statistics

The patent offices in 2013 have received numerous applications for gadgets intended to

awaken "sleepy" drivers. However, they frequently proved unable to solve a number of issues,

including difficulty in wearing them (too big, awkward, or heavy), impeding and limiting
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

movement or visibility, being unable to be implemented mechanically, or being bulky because they

require batteries or an electrical connection to function. However, Hein contradicted it by stating

that the implementation of the software detection technique has been deemed to be successful. The

execution is prompt, effective, and extremely precise. The computer can run the software without

any hiccups in real time. Additionally, after 200 trials, Xu et al. (2013) found that the algorithm's

accuracy is relatively high, at 93% during the day and 82% at night. Comparatively speaking, the

highest accuracy for products on the market is 90% (Xu et al., 2013).

2. Relationship between Anti-sleep Glasses and Alarm Clocks for Students

In today’s world, alarm systems are a standard feature of most technological devices. They

are intended to serve the purpose of grabbing the individual's attention (Hansson, 2018). Due to the

appearance of alarm clocks, there was a noticeable improvement in timelines during the trial period,

with the overall school average rising to over 60%. In-depth discussions with the respondents

revealed that the participants were eager to use their alarm clocks to help them arrive on time for

class and school. As a result, installing alarm clocks significantly impacted class attendance

(IvyPanda, 2022). On the other hand, for students, the anti-sleep alarm circuit saves time and

money. By beeping at set intervals, such as every 30 minutes, it helps them avoid falling asleep

while studying (Kumar, 2018).

3. Effectiveness of Vibration as a Waking Alarm

People worldwide use alarm clocks to alert them at a predetermined time, usually to wake

them up at the right moment. According to a study by the National Institute of Industrial Health in

Japan, having a jolting awakening can be detrimental to one's heart. This problem was solved by

soundless alarms that alert a person through a vibrating mechanism (Bharathi et al., 2022).
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Applying suitable sensory stimulation to grab the sleeper's attention (to aid in waking up) pleasantly

would be one viable strategy for reducing sleep inertia during waking up. With regards to

assessment of a person’s level of attention, most studies have concentrated on a single sensory

modality, such as vision, hearing, touch, or even gustation and odor. However, to make the selection

of pertinent information easier in daily life, the researchers frequently used varying sensory

modalities. The study's findings indicated continuous vibration scored highest for a pleasant yet

arousing sleep-awake transition (Korres et al., 2018).

D. Blink Detection System

Eye state contains valuable information, and if the researchers can monitor this visual

activity, it may be possible to anticipate a person's level of alertness, vigilance, or drowsiness.

Numerous technologies to detect sleepiness have been proposed based on eye state analysis. The

eyes tended to tilt upward more noticeably when tired when blinking increased, and each eyelid

closure lasted longer. Some of the subjects' eyelids fluttered in an almost rhythmic manner when

they were sleepy or drowsy. The globes moved higher with each tiny opening of the eyelids and

downward with each closing of the lids. The orbs of the eyes experienced severe upward

displacement up to 40° due to the interaction between the lids and orbs (Jacobs et al., 2020).

Furthermore, one behavioral pattern employed in considerable research in the past is the percentage

of closed eyelids (PERCLOS). The portion of time eyes are closed for longer than a certain amount

of time is known as PERCLOS. For instance, at least 80% of the day proved that people’s eyes

were closed (Zandi et al., 2019).

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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Figure 1. Structure of the normal drowsy eye Figure 2. Structure of eyes according to Jacobs et al.

E. Existing Anti-Sleep Glasses for Drivers

A 2014 survey by the AAA Traffic Safety Foundation found that 37% of drivers dozed off

behind the wheel. 13 percent of the 21 percent fatal crashes that resulted in severe injuries were the

result of fatigued drivers who had to keep driving for extended periods while also keeping an eye

on the road.

The researchers will develop a Raspberry Pi-based Driver Drowsiness Detection System

that will monitor the driver's eye movement. An alarm is generated in the form of a sound to jolt

the motorist back to consciousness if it determines that they are at risk of dozing off or are otherwise

tired (Sinha, 2023).

The Drowsy Driver Detector's main goal is to create a system that can lessen the number

of accidents caused by sleepy driving. Our two monitoring phases enable us to offer a more precise

detection. The eye blink sensor continuously tracks the eye blink moment during the detecting

stage. It keeps an eye on blinking. When the monitoring is finished, a microcontroller receives the

data that was gathered and digitizes the analog data. The microcontroller decides which alarm needs

to be activated if the warning feedback system is enabled. This project also deals with temperature

sensors; in case of any fire inside the vehicle, the sensor senses it and shuts off the engine. The
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

second application of this paper is to detect the alcohol content or any leakage of gas from the

vehicle. Once it deducts such a sensation, the LED light glows indicating an emergency. We have

a beeper system for the alert systems. The methods that are most effective among these are

determined by those that are based on human physiological data phenomena. This method is applied

in two ways: by monitoring changes in physiological signals like brain waves and eye blinking, as

well as by monitoring physical changes including slumped posture, head tilting, and the open or

closed states of the eyes (Rajasekar et al., 2014).

F. Latest Anti-Sleep Glasses Invention

A Russian business recently unveiled the Blue Sky pro eyeglasses brand, which aids in the

prevention of sleep disorders and the quick restoration of circadian rhythms, as part of the Army-

2021 International Military Technical Forum event. Mainly, Technodinamika Corporation (Russia)

and Samara National Medical University study led to the development of Blue Sky pro spectacles.

The glasses were made to assist soldiers in regaining their health. High-strength, secure, and

environmentally friendly- The Russians used composite materials to create the Blue Sky Pro

prototype. The person using the glasses must put them on for 30 minutes daily at predetermined

intervals in order to fully restore the sleep and waking cycle. These spectacles can be used when

working the night shift or when a time zone shift lasts longer than three hours. According to Rostec,

using this medicine can stop sleep disruptions and quickly restore circadian rhythms. Additionally,

glasses can help with health issues like depression, which impairs concentration. During

neurophysiological experiments, this impact has been proven (“Russia Launches”, 2022).
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

In line with this study's objective to effectively design an eyeglasses-based sleep detection

and alarm system for students, this section analyzes and presents the efficacy and key outcome

indicators of existing sleepiness interventions and eye tracking-based sleep detection devices.

Given the amount of reviewed literature, a considerable volume of existing literature

targeting the issue of sleepiness was found, which primarily ranges from proposed practices,

programs, therapies, and technology-related interventions. Upon the review, the diversity of these

studies was primarily categorized into two namely: non-technological interventions and

technological interventions, which both adopt varying strategies in targeting the issue of sleepiness.

However, despite the heterogeneity in adopted approaches, the commonality among the two lies in

the scarcity of research found extending their scope toward students, which is one of the main

variables related to the issue of this study.


Studies under non-technological intervention mainly addressed the issue of sleepiness by

focusing directly on its factors. Interventions involving educational programs (Barber & Cucalon,

2017; Redeker et al., 2019), caffeine and energy drink consumption, sleepiness-reducing practices

such as timed-napping before activities, and therapeutic touch, emphasizing fatigue and sleep

quality management were among the proposed solutions of existing related studies which were

primarily dedicated for workers and medical personnels experiencing excessive fatigue (e.g.

Midwives, medicine students, nurses, etc.). Among aforementioned interventions, timed-napping,

educational programs promotion, and sleep hygiene improvement are among the frequently

recommended sleepiness countermeasures under this approach, while timed-napping and caffeine

consumption remained the most common means to combat sleepiness (Avidan, 2013; Caldwin et

al., 2018 ; Lin et al., 2018 ; Querstret et al., 2020).

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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


Meanwhile, compared to non-technological interventions, the amount of literature related

to technological interventions was more explored and extensive in terms of varying models of

sleep-tracking devices. Studies under this category strategically addressed the issue by directly

preventing early signs and occurrence of sleepiness. Evident strategy of this approach is primarily

centered on enforcing sleepiness detection and safety using multiple types of sensors and alarm

systems that can detect early signs of sleepiness, such as yawning, posture, heart rate,

Electroencephalograph (EEG) and above all, eye blinking patterns, are one of the most used basis

of multiple sleep tracking devices. Varying models of sleep-tracking devices extend up from web

cameras, headphones, and eye-tracking glasses, which are mounted to sensors and alarm systems.

Nonetheless, it is worth noting that the extensive models found from past studies under this

category were solely directed towards the promotion of drivers’ safety and awareness. This also

affirms why the previous models for this study's main point of interest, eyeglasses-based sleep

tracking devices, differed primarily in terms of used materials but did not yield huge differences in

terms of functionality. To be precise, the majority of former models of anti-sleep glasses operated

by primarily providing sleepiness detection based on eye movements. Out of five gathered studies,

only studies of Tessa et al. (2014) and Teyfouri et al. (2017) incorporated detection of other signs

of sleepiness, such as neck posture and facial expressions. These past findings thereby hints the

limited compatibility of these past models to the present target of this study, the students.
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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna



Aside from the fact that both categories have different approaches, another major

difference between the two is evident in each of the studies' rate of effectivity or results and its

effect on the issue of sleepiness. Compared to the NTIs, TIs approach yielded more positive results,

in terms of functionality and real time results. Hence due to its instant results, these interventions

exhibited more preventive and controlled effects on sleepiness rather than producing a minimizing

effect, which was the main effect that NTIs meant to produce. However, evidence from several

studies suggests that the effectiveness rate of interventions under NTIs category is weak and slow.

Out of seven studies gathered under this category, only two studies reported significant sleepiness

management (Dogru et al. 2021; Redeker et al. 2019) , while the seven remaining studies found

little to no significance in managing sleepiness. From that, it can be inferred that TIs' approach can

remarkably exhibit greater effectivity rate than NTIs', as the manifestation of desired effectivity

under NTIs approach requires time and constant effort, which serves as a possible limitation

influencing the approach' speed of effectiveness.

Nevertheless, it is still worth noting that the positive outcomes under TIs’ approach

constitute limitations that cost multiple challenges among scholars. Most of the tracking devices'

functionality issues usually stemmed from its extent of reliability and accuracy. For example, most

of the blinking or eye detection systems are usually associated with false eye detections due to

miscalculated eyelid closure and fair lighting conditions. Owing to that, behavioral patterns such

as the PERCLOS based on the percentage of closed eyelids were frequently utilized by previous

studies as drowsiness detection measures (Zandi et al., 2019). Aside from functionality issues,

convenience issues in terms of pricing, alarms system, and wearable devices such as sleep tracking

glasses were also stressed by some studies (Chang et al. 2022; Gao et al., 2015), indicating that
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

acceptability to its wearers, aside from device's functionality can also serve as a challenge under

this approach.

Overall, the whole comprehensive discussion highlights the main implication that despite

the two approaches' differences in efficacy, both NTIs and TIs have certain conditions and

requirements to meet to ensure their effectiveness. This current investigation also determined that

TIs were the most fitting and convenient technique to be adopted in this study after taking into

account the demonstrated efficacy of both approaches and their association with the background

and motive of the study. However, despite the identification of key parameters influencing both of

the approaches' efficacy, certain questions remain on the measures done by previous technological-

related studies to ensure the safety of participants, while the scarcity of both international and local

studies related to sleepiness interventions for students, remains the biggest gap under both

approaches. With that being said, it calls for the need for future works to address the devices'

expansion of intended beneficiaries by thorough consideration of future designs in terms of its main

components to ensure wide compatibility and safe.

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Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


Research methodology serves as the systematic and theoretical consideration of

methodologies that may be applied to any field of study. This chapter aims to point out the

methodologies that will be utilized in developing an anti-sleep glass alarm as a solution for d.

This chapter covers the targeted respondents, research methods, data collection and analysis

techniques, software development methodology, and the timeframe estimated to complete the

development of an anti-sleep glass alarm.

Research Design
This study utilizes an experimental method of gathering data from the respondents.

Specifically, the researchers will employ the pretest-post test control group design for the quasi-

experimental study which will help in understanding the relationship between the effects of anti-

sleep glasses towards the performance of the grade 12 students in Holy Rosary College. It is

applicable for a variety of research as it generates extensive amounts of data useful in carrying out

further research. In this study, electronic surveys were conducted to gather the data needed.

Sampling Technique
Purposive sampling will be the method of sampling employed by the researchers. It is a

non-probability sampling strategy that depends on the researcher's decision to choose the units as

they have the necessary features for the investigation. Purposive sampling, sometimes called

judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, relies on the researcher's judgment when choosing

the units (such as persons, cases/organizations, events, or pieces of data) to be researched. The

sample under investigation is typically relatively small compared to probability sampling

approaches (Rai & Thapa, 2018).

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Specifically, all students who usually exhibit drowsiness during Earth Science class from

two Grade 12 STEM sections will take a standardized sleep scale test. The sample students will

then be narrowed down to two students per section who has the highest sleep scale test.

Participants of the Study

The targeted respondents of this study are the students of Holy Rosary College Tagapo,

Santa Rosa, Philippines. The data collection will be conducted in the parameters of Tagapo, Santa

Rosa, Philippines. In this capstone project, a sample of four students from the total population of

82 from Grade-12 STEM students are chosen to justify the effectiveness of the anti-sleep glass

alarm. The range of the targeted respondents are only those who are enrolled during the school year


Data to be Gathered
Prior to data collection, the researchers will be preparing the stimuli of the study,

specifically, anti-sleep glasses that drew inspiration from Shubham Suresh and

CurcuitBazaar's Arduino-based designs. The existing anti-sleep glasses function using

infrared (IR) sensors, composed of an IR LED (transmitter) which emits infrared light and

an IR photodiode (receiver) that detects the IR radiations reflected by the matter behind the

glasses. Additionally, the researchers implemented bone conduction technology,

addressing the utility of CurcuitBazaar and Shuresh’s design in formal settings. Anti-sleep

glasses will be constructed and will be used by the participants who will also be answering

the survey questionnaire.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Research Instrument

The required information will be gathered from the respondents using written survey

questionnaires. The purpose of this study is to investigate the post-test and pretest effects of daytime

sleepiness on students' study habits and academic performance while using the anti-sleep glasses.

A paper-based survey questionnaire of standardized sleep scale test, pretest, and post test will be


Ethical Considerations
In conducting the research, full consent of the participants was obtained before the data

collection. The researchers made sure that the participants were not subjected to any harm. The

participants' privacy and the confidentiality of the data they provided were maintained. The data

provided was strictly used for research purposes only. The participants were free to withdraw from

their part in the study any time.

Statistical Analysis of Data

The collected survey data will be analyzed using inferential statistics to test research hypotheses

and to assess the difference and relationship between set of variables. The following statistical tools

will be utilized:

1. Paired T-test

To compare the results and relationship of posttest and pretest results, paired t-test will be utilized.

This type of test will help to determine whether the anti-sleep glasses prototype has a significant

effect on the following variables: class participation, degree of sleepiness, and signs of sleepiness.

Accordingly, the researchers will utilize Microsoft Excel as a data analysis tool.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

2. Weighted Average mean interpretation scale

To interpret the computed means, the researchers will use the following mean range

interpretation table for in 4-point Likert scale and 7-point Likert-scale from Stanford

Sleepiness scale.

A. 4-point Likert scale


1 1.00 – 1.50 Very Unlikely

2 1.51 – 2.50 Unlikely

3 2.51 – 3.50 Likely

4 3.51 – 4.50 Very likely

B. 7-point Likert scale for Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS)


1 1.00 – 1.85 Feeling active and vital; alert; wide


2 1.86 – 2.71 Functioning at a high level, but not at

peak; able to concentrate

3 2.72 – 3.57 Relaxed; awake; not at full alertness;


4 3.58 – 4.43 A little foggy; not at peak; let down

5 4.44 – 5.29 Fogginess; beginning to lose interest

in remaining awake; slowed down

6 5.30 – 6.15 Sleepiness; prefer to be lying down;

fighting sleep; woozy

7 6.16 – 7.00 sleep onset soon; lost struggle to

remain awake

C. Standardized Epworth Sleep Scale (ESS) scoring adopted from Johns (1991)

0-7 It is unlikely that you are abnormally sleepy.
8-9 You have an average amount of daytime sleepiness.
10-15 You may be excessively sleepy depending on the situation
16-24 You are excessively sleepy and should consider seeking medical attention
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Main parts of the Project

1. Infrared Sensor (IR Sensor)

The two components of an infrared sensor—the emitter (transmitter) and the receiver

(receiver)—are collectively referred to as an optocoupler or a photo-coupler. The IR photodiode

will be utilized as a receiver for reflected IR radiation, and the IR LED will be employed as a

transmitter. The infrared light produced by an infrared LED next to the photodiode, which the

researchers will be operating in the eye blink sensor, is particularly sensitive to the photodiode. The

glasses can use the amount of acquired infrared light to adjust the photodiode's resistance and output

voltage. The eye blink sensor's primary IR sensor operating concept is as follows (CircuitsBazaar,


Figure 1: Working Principle of IR Sensor based on the

Reflection Principle

2. Board: Arduino

The Arduino programming language is a straightforward programming environment. It is

a publicly accessible and physical computing platform grounded from a simple microcontroller

board and development environment for writing software. Arduino programs are divided into three

major sections: structure, values, and function. Arduino software is employed in order to upload

the programs to the Arduino Pro Mini (Kamaludin et al., 2015).

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

3. New Feature: Bone Conduction as Alarm System

The bone-conduction system employs a bio-engineered technology that may be used

without discomfort for extended periods while transmitting sound to our inner ears. The

transmission of sound waves via bone is known as bone conduction. Bone-conduction headphones

transmit sound waves to cochlea through cheekbones, bypassing the eardrums entirely. According

to Dr. Bondurant (2020), a director of Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI), bone conduction

headphones can still damage hearing when sound is played at high volumes and when used

improperly. In addition, as cited by He (2018), the performance on a dichotic task was worse when

using bone-conduction headphones compared to in-ear headphones, however Chang-Geun et al.

(2011) found that participants' situation awareness was better when using bone-conduction

headphones than in-ear headphones. Furthermore, there were differences in the subjective

entertainment ratings of in-ear headphones and bone-conduction headphones, but according to

participant testimonials, they like the bone-conduction headphones more "because their feeling of

[Bone-conduction headphones] significantly reduced the feeling of discomfort”. The compatibility

of the bone conduction to the Arduino Pro Mini will be tested by using a breadboard. According to

Buckley (2022), a breadboard is a simple device designed to create and test circuits without the

need for soldering. They come in various sizes, and the designs can vary. Breadboards allow

beginners to get acquainted, and even tinkerers use breadboards as starting points for large-scale


Figure 2: Bone Conduction Earphones

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Prototype Creation

Figure 3: Wiring diagram for alarm and detection system by Suresh (2022)


IR sensor 2x Php 50.00

Arduino Pro Mini 2x Php 800.00

Arduino Uno 1x Php 549.00

3.7 volts battery 2x Php 389.00

Resistor (4.7K) 2x Php 2.00

NPN Transistors 2x Php 10.00

(BC 547)

10 cm breadboard connector male to 1x Php 50.00

Eyeglasses 2x Php 80.00

Bone conductor 2x Php 70.00

Vibrator 4x Php 50.00

1 meter Php 100.00

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

A. Overview of IR Sensor and Arduino Boards components

Figure 4: Components of IR sensor Figure 5: IR sensor schematic diagram

1. IR sensors has two main parts: the receiver and the emitter. The photo diode (black)

which serves as receiver, is placed next to the IR LED (white) in such a way that it

cannot receive IR rays directly.

2. Photodiode is sensitive to IR radiation emitted by IR led/receiver (white). Its cathode

(+) is connected to the positive voltage (i.e., 5 volts) and anode (-) is connected to the

non-inverting input (+) of the Operational amplifier through the 10 Kilo ohm resistor

(R2) .

3. The potentiometer in IR sensor sets the sensitivity distance of the sensor, it is connected

to the inverting input (-) of the Opp-amplifier. The sensitivity can be set by rotating

the pin if the potentiometer.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Figure 6: Components of Arduino UNO Figure 7: Components of Arduino Pro Mini

4. Arduino Pro Mini and Arduino Uno will be used for this project. The two vary greatly

in terms of size, components, and functionality. Arduino Pro Mini is smaller and has

lesser pins and functionality compared to Arduino UNO. The two have also different

required voltage and methods to be powered. Arduino pro mini can only be powered

through external power sources (e.g., batteries) while Arduino UNOs can be powered

using USB cables and are programmable.

B. Creating the Detection System

STEP 1: Connecting IR sensor to Arduino Pro Mini

• Using a hot glue, stick the IR sensor over the Arduino Pro Mini using a hot glue.

Figure 8: Demonstration of step 1

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

• To establish IR sensor’s functionality using Arduino pro mini, connect the VCC component

of the IR sensor to the upper VCC component of the Arduino Pro Mini and solder it using

small connector wires.

• Next, connect the ground (GND) of the IR sensor to the upper GND of the Arduino Pro


• Then, connect the output of the IR sensor to the Analog pin one (A1) of the Arduino Pro


Figure 9: Wiring Diagram for IR sensor and Arduino Pro Mini

STEP 2: Connecting the switch and Batteries to Arduino Pro Mini

• Add positive wires (red wires) at both left (+ charged) and right (- charged) terminal of

the switch, and solder.

• Connect the red wire from the left terminal of the switch to the VCC of the Arduino Pro

Mini (the fourth pin preceded by RST)

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

• Meanwhile, connect the red wire from the switch’s right terminal to the positive terminal

of the battery, where the red wire is attached.

• Then connect the negative terminal of the battery (black wire) to the collector/positive

terminal of the NPN transistor.

• Lastly, connect the remaining length of the wire to the GND of the Arduino Pro Mini (the

second pin succeeded by the RST at the upper horizontal side)






Figure 10: Overall wiring Diagram for detection and basic alarm system

STEP 3: Driving the buzzer through NPN transistors, resistors, and Arduino Pro Mini

• To drive the buzzer and for it to receive some voltage, connect it first to the NPN transistor.

The blue wire/negative terminal at the left side of the buzzer must be soldered to the emitter

or the negative terminal side of the NPN transistor (left).

• Afterwards, connect the red positive terminal of the buzzer to the VCC of the Arduino Pro

mini (found vertically at the left side.)

• To connect NPN transistor to Arduino board, its base (the middle second pin) must be

connected to a 4.7k resistor.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

• Then, connect the resistor to the RST pin, which is the 5th pin at the lower horizontal side

of the Arduino Pro Mini.

STEP 4: Adjusting the sensor setting.

• Before sticking the sensor to the eyeglasses frame, and upon connecting all the

components to power up the IR sensor by pressing the switch connected to Arduino Pro


• Then set the sensor’s sensitivity distance to a minimum, around 10mm or less by rotating

the potentiometer on the sensor using a screwdriver.

STEP 5: Programming Arduino pro mini through Arduino Uno

• Since Arduino Pro Minis does not come with a USB port that can be connected to

laptops/desktops for programming, Arduino Uno, which is another variant of Arduino with

a USB port must be prepared.

• Upon preparing an Arduino Uno, remove its Integrated Circuit (IC) component then wire

and connect it to Arduino Pro Mini based on its corresponding components.

Figure 11: Correspondng wiring components Figure 12: IC component to be removed

• After wiring, connect the Arduino UNO to a laptop or desktop using a USB cable, then

launch Arduino IDE software and generate your code.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna


This chapter presents the analysis, presentation, and interpretation of findings that answer the

specific problems in this study.

A. Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Data

The data presented on both table 1 and table 2 shows the Epworth Sleepiness Scale test score by

the participants from two grade 12 sections, which was administered for sample selection. The

scores were gathered by summing up all the values from each question. The values were derived

from the 4-likert scale with assign values ranging from 0 to 3. As a standardized test, the researchers

used the provided interpretation guidelines to analyze the computed values.

Table 1. Summary Table for Grade 12 Ampere’s ESS score arranged from ascending to
descending order.


Participant No. ESS Score Interpretation

Participant #1 21 Participant is excessively sleepy and should

consider seeking medical attention.

Participant #2 19 Participant is excessively sleepy and should

consider seeking medical attention.

Participant #3 16 excessively sleepy depending on the situation

Participant #4 15 excessively sleepy depending on the situation

Participant #5 13 excessively sleepy depending on the situation

Participant #6 10 excessively sleepy depending on the situation

Participant #7 9 have an average amount of daytime sleepiness

Participant #8 6 have an average amount of daytime sleepiness

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Table 2: Summary Table of Tesla’s ESS score arranged from ascending to descending


Participant No. ESS Score Interpretation

Participant #1 18 excessively sleepy depending on

the situation

Participant #2 18 excessively sleepy depending on

the situation

Participant #3 17 excessively sleepy depending on

the situation

Participant #4 12 excessively sleepy depending on

the situation

Participant #5 11 excessively sleepy depending on

the situation

Participant #6 7 have an average amount of

daytime sleepiness

Participant #7 7 have an average amount of

daytime sleepiness
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Table 3: Means of Pre-Test and Post Test

QUESTIONS PRE-TEST Interpretation POST TEST Interpretation

MEAN Score MEAN Score

Q1 2 2 2.75 3
Q2 1.75 2 2 2
Q3 5 5 1.75 1
Q4 3.25 3 2.75 3
Q5 2.75 3 3.25 3
Q6 2.5 3 3.75 3

Table 3 presents the following pre-test and post-test means with their corresponding interpretation.

From the interpretation columns, it could be seen that almost all questions exhibit no big significant

difference between the interpretation scores, except from question no. 4. Hence it could be assumed

that aside from question number 4, the prototype will not have any significant difference or effect

on the variables covered by the following questions. However, in order to gather accurate and

further insights with the pretest and post test results, paired t-test Is employed.

B. Paired Two Sample for Means

Table 4: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 1

(Q1) Intervention Mean Pearson t P(T<=t) t Critical
Correlation Stat two-tail two-tail Decision

Class Pre-test 2 0.866025 -1 0.42265 4.302653 accept null

participation hypothesis
Post Test
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Data from table 4 depicts that the computed value of -1 is less than the critical value of +-4.30 for

a two tailed test. The p-value of 0.42 is less than the confidence level of 0.05. Therefore, the null

hypothesis for this study will be accepted. The result indicates that the prototype has no significant

effect or difference on its wearers' class participation. Both means from pre-test and post-test

intervention exhibit 0.3, which is equivalent to no difference at all.

Table 5: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 2

(Q2) Intervention Mean Pearson t Stat P(T<=t) t Critical

Correlation two-tail two-tail Decision

Extent of Pre-test 2 -1 0 1 4.30265273 accept null

napping/ hypothesis
speed of 2
eye Post Test

Presented data from table 5, exhibits similar results from the previous table (table 4), wherein the

computed value 0 lies on the accepted portion which is less than the critical value of 4.30265273.

Moreover, the p-value of 1 is less than the confidence level of 0.05.

The Pearson Correlation for table 5 also reveals that there is a negative correlation between the

prototype’s speed of detection and extent of napping. Therefore, it could be said that the prototype

speed of detection has no significant effect on the extent of napping and, as either of the two

increases, the other decreases.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Table 6: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 3

(Q3) Intervention Mean Pearson t Stat P(T<=t) t

Correlation two-tail Critical Decision

Attentiveness Pre-test 5 0.87 5.20 0.03 4.30 Reject

Post Test

From the presented data from table 6, it is evident that the p-value 0.03 is less than the level of

confidence 0.05. Meanwhile the t value (computed value) of 5.120 is greater (>) than the critical

value 4.30 and lies on the rejection portion. Hence the null hypothesis for question 1 that states,

"the glasses has no significant effect on attentiveness is rejected, indicating that the prototype has

a significant effect or difference in the alertness level of its wearer. This result also reflects on the

high mean difference of the pretest and posttest intervention.

Table 7: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 4

(Q4) Intervention Mean Pearson t P(T<=t) t Decision
Correlation Stat two-tail Critical

drowsiness 0.87 accept null

Pre-test 3 2 0.18 4.30
signs hypothesis
Post Test

From table 7, it is apparent that the computed value (t Stat) is less than the critical value and lies

on the acceptance region, and the p-value is greater than the confidence level of 0.05, hence the

null hypothesis is accepted, suggesting that the prototype has no significant difference on the
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

drowsiness signs exhibited by its wearer. The interpretation is also evident at the computed mean

difference of 0.7, which has almost no difference at all.

Table 8: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 5

(Q5) Intervention Mean Pearson t Stat P(T<=t) t Critical Decision

Correlat two-tail two-tail
3 0.87 -2 0.18 4.30 accept null
class hypothesis
comprehensi 3.67
on Post Test

Table 8 shows that the prototype has no significant effect or difference on the respondents’ class

comprehension. From the data it can be observed that the computed value (t Stat) of -2 is less than

the critical value of 4.30 and the p-value of 0.18 is greater than the confidence level of 0.05, thus

the null hypothesis is accepted.

Table 9: Significant difference between Pre-test and Post Test of Question 6

(Q6) Intervention Mean Pearson t Stat P(T<=t) t Critical Decision

Correlat two-tail two-tail
class Pre-test 3 0.86 -2 0.18 4.30 accept null
performance hypothesis
Post Test

Similar to previous results, table 9 also reveals that the prototype has no significant effect or

difference on its wearer’s overall class performance. As seen on the table, computed value (t Stat)

of -2 is less than the critical value of 4.30265273 and the p-value of 0.18 is greater than the

confidence level of 0.05, leading for the null hypothesis to be accepted.

Prior and upon posttest, significant questions related to the prototype’s experience were examined.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Figure 1: Summary of Responses Based on Prototype’s Comfortability

From figure 1, 4 out of 4 respondents responded that they feel comfortable while wearing the

Figure 2: Summary of Responses Based on Prototype’s Complications

From figure 2, out of four (4) respondents, two (2) responded that they did not experience any
complications while wearing the glasses, while one (1) participant responded for the blinking delay,
and one participant (1) raised the possible complication for IR sensor light’s eye irritation.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Figure 3: Summary of Responses Based on Prototype’s Likelihood to Be Used in the Future

Figure 3 shows that all four (4) respondents were likely to wear the device in future.

Figure 4: Summary of Responses Based on the Prototype’s Beeping Sufficiency

Figure 4 shows that out of four (4) respondents, three (3) respondents find the beeping alarm of the

prototype extremely sufficient as they are light sleepers, while one (1) respondent find it sufficient.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Figure 5: Summary of Responses Based on the Participants’ Recommendation

Figure 5 presents the respondents’ suggestions for device’s improvement, which were primarily

centered on improving the prototype’s beeping alarm, design, and speed of detection.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

This section presents the findings revealed upon researchers ’analysis. The findings were arranged

according to the statement of the problem.

1. Paired T-test revealed that the prototype has no significant difference on drowsiness

signs. Additionally, the means of drowsiness signs from both pre-test and posttest did

not exhibit a big difference.

2. The prototype has a significant effect on alertness level. Huge mean difference from

the data also reveals that there is an increase of attentiveness between the participants’

pre-use and post-use of the prototype.

3. The prototype has no significant result on the following variables: perceived class

participation, perceived class comprehension, and perceived class performance.

Moreover, the means of the mentioned variables from both pre-test and posttest does

not show a huge difference.

4. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the prototype’s speed of detection has a

negative correlation with its wearer’s extent of sleeping.

Here are the results in accordance with the participants’ experience with the anti-sleep glasses:

• All participants responded that the prototype is comfortable to wear.

• Delayed blinking detection and IR sensor's light irritability were among the complications

raised by 2 out 4 respondents.

• 4 out of 4 participants responded that they are likely to use the device in the future.

• Majority of the participants responded that the device is extremely sufficient as most of

them are light sleepers.

• Improvement of the beeping alarm, design, and detection speed were among the provided

suggestions by the respondents.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

The findings of the paired t-test analysis suggest that the anti-sleep glasses device has a huge

significant effect on improving its wearers’ attentiveness level. However, its significant impact on

increasing alertness level while wearing it in a class setting does not guarantee the following

academic components: class participation, class comprehension, and class performance. Thus, the

mentioned findings are contrary to previous studies claim that academic participation can be

determined through students' attentiveness. However, it is important to take note that the generated

data and results from the mentioned variables were solely based on the respondents’ perception

only, as the researchers were not able to conduct the last intervention in a class setting due to class

schedule constraint.

Notably, as the prototype has no significant difference on drowsiness signs, this indicates that the

anti-sleep glasses may not completely eradicate all signs of sleepiness. Additionally, the speed of

the glasses’ detection system may not automatically constitute to the shortened extent of napping

of its wearers, since the Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the prototype’s speed of detection

has a negative correlation with its wearer’s extent of sleeping, hence even if the detection system

is quick, there is still a chance of its wearer’s prolonged napping.

On the other side, as majority of the respondents find the device’s beeping alarm sufficient as they

are light sleepers, therefore, it can be concluded that the deepness of sleep may affect the effectivity

or sufficiency of the beeping alarm.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Given the promising results of past studies on the usage of anti-sleep glasses in the driving context,

which have shown a reduction in sleepiness and improvement in alertness, this study applied the

concept to an academic setting. Upon conducting the research, here are the following

recommendations for future researchers:

1. It is recommended for future researchers to focus on improving the reliability and usability

of anti-sleep glasses by conducting a thorough review of the materials to be used.

2. The researchers suggest using up-to-date materials. Improving the design by investigating

the feasibility of integrating wireless technology into the glasses to eliminate the need for

wires and improve user comfort and convenience is advisable. Enhancing aspects such as

design and wearability is also recommended.

3. In improving the prototype’s effectiveness, it is advisable to determine the exact correlation

of the device’s alarm system and deepness of sleep in a classroom setting through statistical

methods, hence by doing so, employing the buzzer or alarm system’s adjustability is also


4. Possible health complications of the device, brought by its alarm system and eye detection

system must also be considered.

5. Lastly, the trial should have a sufficient sample size and be conducted in a real classroom

setting to obtain significant results that allow for generalizations and more meaningful

findings, ensuring that the collected data is reliable and not too limited.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

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grades.The Daily Universe. https://universe.byu.edu/2016/09/06/health-officials-say-lack-


Pablo, E. (2017, March 25). Thesis Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of




A. (2020, January 27). Poor sleep can negatively affect a student’s grades, increase the odds of

emotional and behavioral disturbance. American Academy of Sleep Medicine –

Association for Sleep Clinicians and Researchers. https://aasm.org/poor-sleep-can-


Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Pelegrino, E. N. (2021, August 21). Sleep Deprivations’ Health Effects on People’s Lives. National

Nutrition Council. https://nnc.gov.ph/regional-offices/mindanao/region-ix-zamboanga-


IvyPanda. (2022, February 27). The Effect of Alarm Clocks on Class Attendance.


Instructables. (2022, March 22). Anti-Sleep Glasses. https://www.instructables.com/Anti-Sleep-


Paprocki, J. (2022, July 25). Excessive sleepiness learning, attention and school problems. Sleep


Pacheco, D. (2023, January 25). Excessive Sleepiness. Sleep Foundation.

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Copy of Epworth Sleep Scale Test for Sample Selection

Survey Description:
Good day! We are from Grade-12 Ampere, and we are currently conducting our research
capstone entitled, "Eyeglasses Alarm for Students: Managing the Impact of Drowsiness on Class
Participation of Holy Rosary College’s G12 STEM STUDENTS.” We are kindly asking for your
participation in this survey, which will serve as our basis for our sample selection. It will only
take approximately 2-4 minutes to complete.

Please be assured that all your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for
research purposes.
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Results of Pre-Test Survey

Survey Description:

Good day! We, G12- Ampere (STEM) researchers will be conducting a pre-test survey to
gauge our respondents’ experience with daytime sleepiness prior upon usage of our
anti-sleep glasses prototype. The survey will take approximately 2 minutes to complete
and consists of 10 multiple-choice questions.
Rest assured that all information provided will be kept confidential between the
researchers and respondents only. Thank you for your participation!
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Results of Post Test

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Holy Rosary College of Sta. Rosa Laguna, Inc.
Tagapo, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

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