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do sim atar_~ DISPOSAL INSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN INWARD REMITTANCE Pr (To be completed by the applicantin block laters using black ink pen) _ | BranchName- Tiak Nagar Branch Date - 270712023 Remittance Type (1 Advance Remittance against Export [7] other inward Remittances (Except FCNR B) Beneficiary’s Name | Sonali Mishra ‘Account Number | 0822010002382 Line of Business Commodity/ Service dealt with (Applicable for Trade customers only) (Applicable for Trade customers only) We authorize you to credit the foreign Inward Remittance received in my/ our favour as per below mentioned detail [Nine Hundred eighty two dolars and thity cents Bill Currency usp Bill amount (in Words) Bill amount (In Figures) | 982.30 Remitter’s Name |GDMGROUP ASIA LTO. ‘Bloemgracht 17H, 1016KB Amsterdam, Netherlands Remitter's Address Purpose of Remittance with Purpose Code (For detalls refer Annexure) Purpose | pago7 Purpose of | Advertising, rade fair, market research and public opinion poling services Code remittance fates afer Kncn open rat (09). erin be omncwacamctetiwess [9] 5[ *] *]¥[¥]¥] Details of accounts for crediting the received amount: ‘Account Type ‘Account Numb Currency ‘Amount CAI CC/ ODI SB oszz0r000z2882 UTS] | 982.30 EEF POI PFC Details of accounts for debiting the charges (if different from above accounts): CAI CC! OD/ SB “For Bank of Baroda charges plonse refer our wobste sn bankobarada.c.n ‘WE AUTHORISE YOU TO CONVERT THE CAPTIONED INWARD REMITTANCE BEING CREDITED IN OUR EEFC ACCOUNTIF UNUTILISED TLL. THE LAST DAY OF ‘THE NEXT MONTH AT THE BEST POSSIBLE RATE EVEN IF ANY PRIOR NOTICE (FOR UNUTILIZED ANOUNT) IS NOT RECEIVED FROM YOU. Forward Contract details (if booked and to be utilised for this transaction): Contract Number: ++918887576603, Booking Date: Contract Amount: Due Date of Contract ‘Amount to be utiized ‘The declaration-cum undertaking under SEC10(S) ,chapter Ill of FEMA ,1999 = Uwe hereby declare that all Foreign Exchange transactions, as may be entrusted me/us to the Bank Of Baroda from time to time, wil be strict conformity with provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999('the Act’).Further we also declare that said transactions, as and when initiated ,shall not involve and shall not be designated for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provision of. the Act or any rule regulation, notifications direction or order made under the Act ./Wwe further declare that the undersigned has/have the authority to give this declaration and undertaking on behalf ofthe firm/company. ‘Signature of Beneficiary POA (or) Mandate Holder! Guardian in case of| Minor / Authorised Signatory with Company/ Firm's Seal do sim atar_~ DISPOSAL INSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN INWARD REMITTANCE Pr Dectaration (Applicable for Advance against Export, Merchanting Trade and FCRA): In respect of advance against export Ive undertake that we anvare under an obligation to ensure that the shipment of goods is made within ‘one year from the date of receipt of advance payment .In the event my/our inabilty to make the shipment partially or fully within one year from the date of receipt of advance payment .no remittance towards refund of unutlized portion of advance remittance or towards payment of interest shall be made after the expiry ofthe said period of one year ,without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank Or India .The documents, covering the shipment wil be submitted to Bank Of Baroda within 21 days from the date of shipment. Further iWe declare that the transaction does not involve payment fronvto a third party, if the transaction involves payment fromito a Third party ,iwe undertake to comply with the extant guidelines from RBlithe Bank in this regard, {In case of merchanting trade transaction [MWe undertake to complete the entire export and import leg within a maximum period of 270 days: ‘and also undertake that outlay of funds will not exceed 4 months and without incurring any financial loss. We also undertake that both the legs of the merchanting trade transaction will be routed through Bank of Baroda only. In case remittance attracts provision of FCRA, I/ we declare that : \iwe have been allotted FORA registration number by Ministy of Home atfairs(Copy Enclosed) live also undertake that all foreign contribution (remittances) received is not pertaining to election, correspondent ,columnist cartoonist, editor, owner ,printer, oF publisher of a registered newspaper judges government servants or employee of any corporation member of any legislature ,political party or office bearer thereof Other relevant dectarations: lWwe hereby declare that the purpose and transaction delails as mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge does not involve, and Is not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the FEMA, 1999 or any rule, regulation, notication, direction or order made there under. IW agree that IWe shall be responsible and liable for any incorrect detail provided by ‘metus. Uwe also dectare that the transaction does not have linkage with Specially Designated Nations and blocked person (SON) countries listed under OFAC in any manner Uwe undertake not to hold Bank Of Baroda responsible for any of its action or inaction in respect of the OFAC- linked transactions. We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information / documents as will reasonably satisfy you about this transaction in terms of the above declaration. ltwe agree that in the event of transaction could not be executed/debited to my/ our account after submitting the request for processing to the bank on account of insufficient’ unclear balance at the same time of execution of the transaction in my/ our account any ‘exchange losses incurred in this connection due to reversal of the Forex deal can be charged to my/our Bank of Baroda account. liwe agree that in the event the transaction is cancelled or revoked by mefus after submitting the request for processing to the bank any ‘exchange losses incurred in this connection can be charged to my/our Bank of Baroda account. Wwe also understand that if Ie refuse to comply with any such requirement or make only unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the bank shall refuse in writing to undertake the transaction and shall, iit has reason to beliove that any contravention/evasion in contemplated by melus, report that matter to the RBI. lWwe also agree that the exchange rate will be applicable at the time of deal booking and may vary from the rate prevailing when the request is submitted. Vwe also understand that the rate communicated to us (if any) is an indicative rate and the actual rate may be different from the same, Documents Enclosed : 1 Copy of Purchase Order!Performa Invoice/Contract [1 Copy of FRA Registration Certificate 1 Any other document, Pl. Specify Signature of Beneficiary POA (or) Mandate Holder/ Guardian in caso of Minor / Authorised Slanatory with, Compan Firm's Seal 2 8 or do sim atar_~ DISPOSAL INSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN INWARD REMITTANCE Pr ‘aptal Account Exports (f Goode) Transportation Travel ‘Communication Serces Insurance Services ‘Computer & information Serves ooo ooo Povo 00s ones ovo? ovo ons Poot Poort Pootz oota Poot Poors Poors Poote otaa Poros Pos Po Por? ozo m2 Po? oats Poot ose oot soz osaa ose oct osos oso: oss Porat Porea ores oso (Sa Se WNEXURE Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in ty captal hares) Fapsition of nian vata rea ab scan Reparation of Indian investment abroad n branches & wally oom subsdaries Repaision of nda investment abroad salaries an associates Repatiaton of Indian investment abo Foreign ect investment in nda in auty Foreign direct ivestment in naan debt sures Foreign diac investment in indian ral esta Foreign portfolio investment in nda in ogy sharon Foreign portfolio investment in in deb sacs inluing db funds Repayment of loans extnded to Now Residents tone & met trm loans wh rial maturity above one yar fom Non-Residents onda Short ter loan with eign! maturity upto one yea Wom Non-Residents to Inia Receipt fa Non-Resident epost FCNRBINRERA et) ADs should report these oven fds are nat “swapped into {St overran by ADs on ts wn acount (Ary amount flan ceded othe NOSTROsecoun which ‘may not be swapped ino Rupes should also be repered) Purchase of foreign currency against anther currency. Sal of intangible assets Ike patents, copyrights, trade marks etc. by Indl companies ‘ther capital recspts not nciuded elsewhere ‘Value of export bile negoliste / purchasedlalacounted et. (covered under GRIPPISOFTEXIEC copy of shipping ble ‘Advance receipts eganst export contracts, which wil be covered later by GRIPPISOFTENISDF Receipts agunst export of goods not covered by the GRIPPISOFTEXIEC copy of shipping bil Export bil (in respect of goods) sent on colecton Conversion of overdu export bills fom NPD to collection made Realisation of NPD export bill (tl vale of bl to be reported) Receipts of surplus trlghtpassengor fare by nda shipping companies operating abroad Purchases on account of operating expenses of Foreign shipping companies operating in india Purchases on account of operations! leasing (wth crew) ~ Shipping companies Receipts of surplus frelghtpassenger fae by indian Alines companies operting abroad Racalpt on account of operating expenses of Foreign Alines companies operating le Ila Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) - Altines compan Receipts on account of other transportation services (slavedoring, demurrage, pot handling charges) Purchases towards wave (includes purchases of eeign TGs, currency notes ete over the counter, by hotels, hospitals, Emporime, Edveatonalinsttutons ete. as wll ax amount rocaived by TTSWIFT transfers or debit o Non-Resident sezount). Receipt or cout of contruction of eerste projects in ela Receipts of life insurance premium Receipts of freight insurance -relating to import & export of goods Receipts on account of ether general insurance premium aceipta of Reinsurance pram Recelpts on account of Auillry services (commission on insurance) Receipts on account of etoment of claims Financla intermediation except investment banking — Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, cancelation of {forward contracts, commission on financial leasing et. Investment banking ~ brokerage, under wring commission ete ‘Ausiary services ~ charges on operation & regulatory fee, custodial services, depository services ee. Haraware consultancylimplementtion do sim atar_~ DISPOSAL INSTRUCTION FOR FOREIGN INWARD REMITTANCE Pr 'PO8OK Repair and maintenance of compute and software OBOE News agency services 'POG0G her information services: Subscription to newspapers, periodic P0807 Oise Sofware Exports 09 Royales & License —_PO9D1__Franchises series - patets.copy righ, ade mark, Indust processes, franchises ete Fees ‘P0902 Receipts for use, through leensing arrangements, of produced originals or prototypes (such es manuscripts and fms) 10 Other Business ‘P1001 Merchanting Services — net receipt rom sale and purchase of goods without crossing the border) (P1002 Trade related services ~ Commiasion on exportsimport ‘P1003 Operational lasing services (thor than financial sng and without operating erew) including charter hire P1005 Accounting, auditing, Boo Keeping and tax consuling servcss ‘P1005 Business and management consultancy and public reltions services ‘P1007 Advertsing, trade far, market research and publle opinion poling services ‘P1008 Research & Development services P1009 Architect engineering and other technical services ‘P1010 Agricultural, mining and on ste processing services ~ protection against insects & disease increasing of harvest ‘eld, forestry services, mining vevies ike analysis of ore te ‘P1012 Distribution Services Piet Environmental Serve P1019 Other services nat included sleewhere ‘+1 Personal, Cultural & PHYO Auowisual and related services ~ serves and associated fees related o production of mation pictues, rentals fees Recrealonal services recelved by ators, doctors, producers and fee for distbuton ight ‘P1102 Personal, cultural services auch as thoes related o museums, Horaries, archives and sporting actives and fees for Correspondence courses of Ilan UniversMaainsttutes 42 Govt.notincluded _—-~PI201_-Malntanance of foreign embassies in Inda Sisewhere (Gre) (P1203 Maintanance of international ineutions such as ofcs of IMF mission, World Bank, UNICEF et. Indi 4 Traneore ‘P1201 Inward remitance from indian non-eeldents towards family maintenance and savings (P1302 Personal git and donations P1203 Donations to rligious and charitable instutions in Indl ‘P1z08 Grants and donations to governments and chartablelnstutions established by the governments P1306 Receipts / Refund of axes 4 hoo P1401 Gompensation of employees [P1408 Inward emittance towards interest on loans extended to non-residents (STIMTILT loans) ‘P1404 Inward remittance of interest on debt secures debentures / bonds /FRNe ete- ‘PH4O5 Inward remitance towards interest receipts of ADs ont PH408 Repatriation of profits to India ‘wn account (on investments) PH407 Receipt of dividends by indians 15 Others PISO Refunds rebates on account of imports P1802 Reversal of wrong enives, refunds of amount remited for non-imports ‘P1803 Remittances (receipts) by residents under Intemational bidding proces

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