Hadyan Farrel Nugraha - Portfolio Social Media 2

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Social Media Officer

Hadyan Farrel Nugraha
Projects and Clients: Table of Content:
Skills and Education
Professional Client
Campaign.com Des 2022 - Now

Naturein Indonesia Jun - Sep 2022

Lazada Indonesia Jun - Sep 2022

Younger Looks Clinic Apr 2022

Ardatamedia Mar - Apr 2022

Vetopet Jul - Aug 2021

Mockup Project (Marketlead.com) Mei - Aug 2022

Content Creator
Independent Apr 2021 - Now

IPB University
balance is real! Communication Science
Won 2nd place in an essay

Tools: competition about rural

Contributed to writing 5 critical and
Content Writing Management analytical papers in agrikompleks
policy (BEM KM IPB).

Digital Marketing
Created creative agency for
Digital Marketing mockup with a team,
Learn to be a master: content
marketing, and social media
Copywriter is my role player there!

Desember 2022 - Sekarang

Here’s for Instagram summary

35+ Contents
content with
outreach team,
people team, and
sponsorship team. On Instagram
Participated on
session to make a
fresh and engaging Best content
Several content at Campaign.com, click the picture
Content Description:
Content that discusses disability campaigns using pop
culture methods can increase the Campaign.com audience.
This content contains 5 challenges related to friends with

This content can increase because the audience likes K-pop,

and the discussion is a storytelling concept, so the content is
more flexible.


354 30

18 5921
Content Description:
Discuss stunting, which seems normative, but still solutive
and packed super light. Plus fresh spices in the caption, so it's
even newer, and the content doesn't seem normative.

It is estimated that this content can increase because of

relevant discussion, tickling, and not rigid captions, even
though they are normative discussions and hashtags.


316 25

9 5341
Content Description:
Discuss Tree Day but with super light concepts and
discussions. Not too normative, but more self-recall about a
unique game close to promoting "protecting nature."

This content can go up because of the effect of the game

itself, which is "timeless," so the audience can interpret and
interact appropriately with the content.


272 25

11 4152
Another Instagram summary content

Creative report content about Created an empathic

Campaign x Lingkar Madani, storytelling content for
got 289 likes and 32 saves. audience, got 251 likes and 27

Rhyming copywriting for Help to review content brief

Special Content headline, got from Outreach Team, got 200
2483 impressions. likes and 3058 impressions.

Recap Matchmaking with Birthday package content for

clear and well delivered Campaign, coordinated with
information, got 3001 Content Team.
Here’s for Twitter summary

Created a thread
116 Contents
for personality,
keyword research,
and meme for
Twitter audiences. On Twitter
Reply with
empathic based
and created a short
quiz reply for gain Best content
more engagement.
May 2023
Content Description:
This thread discussed personality (Introvert),
which many Twitter users enjoy reading the
content mentioned.

This content gained 1074 impressions organically

and 7 profile visits which are good for gaining
awareness for unique users.

Mental health or personality-based content is
somewhat normative, so we must always find new
and fresh content and references as a pillar
Content Description:
Twitter users often enjoy funny and light content
such as memes or menfess. A meme can be used
for stickers daily, which will also be helpful.

This fun thread gained 1600 impressions

organically and 11 profile visits. This thread also
promotes the article from the Campaign app.

Creating a meme is not easy enough. We should
always research for the copy or visuals relevant to
the audiences.
Here’s for Facebook summary

Reach data
59 Contents
increased by 32.4%
from 2 months. In
January, there were
3215 reaches, while On Facebook
in February, there
were 4257.

Study case
Trying to solve the problem…

January February

100 160
Total Reach Total Reach

2 9
Engagement Engagement

Special Content Special Content

Trying to solve the problem…

January February

Only use 1 picture Using 2 picture or

or illustraion. illustration.

Listicle style but Using various

less for keyword. keyword.
Here’s for LinkedIn summary

Coordinated with
35+ Contents
Employer Branding
Team to create a
day content On Twitter
Created a content
for Sponsor Leads
Gen, Inspirational
Content, and Challenging!
Article Promote.
Last 30 days
Several content at Campaign.com, click the picture

Sponsor Leads CEO Branding Birthday Session Article Promote Inspirational

Content Description:
This content is produced to engage with sponsors. Since
LinkedIn is a professional platform, this Sponsor Leads
Generation can attract and give leads for Sponsorship.

The Challenge is to find and create professional but fresh

content for this Sponsor Leads: visuals, storytelling, or style.

Got 1320 impressions with
301 clicks. This content also
leads 1 sponsor to engage
with Campaign!
Content Description:
This content was created to promote Medium USA Article.
The strategy is to find a catchy keyword and make it a
headline to bridge the Medium Article. The copywriting style
for this content can be improved since this content is enough
potential (copywriting with unique words)

This content is quite
reasonable to promote the
article because we got 623
clicks that can bridge to
the article (in the caption)

June 2022- September 2022

Instagram Growth

01/06/22 01/07/22 01/08/22 02/09/22 Growth

Total Followers 22 3,260 4,614 5,184 12,16%

Total Impression 878 219,846 242,360 10,24%

Total Engagement 201 29,250 8,460 31,161 268,33%

Tiktok Growth

02/06/22 04/07/22 02/08/22 05/09/22 Growth

Total Followers 7 28 50 1,230 95,93%

Total Reach 17 1,267 2,293 70,417 96,74%

Total Engagement 19 239 364 12,002 96,97%

Meaningful branding, click the icon.

Likes : 243 Likes : 231 Likes : 570 Likes : 5.501

Share : 39 Share : 29 Views : 19.172 Views : 49.000
Save : 91 Save : 82 Save : 29 Save : 2.319
Impression : 6.782 Impression : 3.342 Impression : 19.172 Impression : -
Reach : 2.896 Reach : 2.749 Reach : 17.055 Reach : 45.663
Hear and feel what the audience need

Fresh graduate need

career preparation
Fresh graduates need to prepare for
their careers. What they need is
about how to make their career
path successful with some tips.

Lazada Indonesia, especially for

Lifeatlazada.id promote and provide
employee branding and informative
content in employee cases.
Write a script for video content.

Easy-to-understand and
attractive script
Scripts include details ranging from
visuals, key messages, voice-over,
dress code, properties, and

This is one of the employee

branding content about the job
description in the warehouse.
Caption to Spread the Fun Vibes!
"Wiih asik banget nih Lazadian dapet free Boba KOI, segeer
banget deh ฀ Eh eh, sampe ngadain Boba Challenge juga
tuh, asik banget sih cocok buat usir ngantuk pas lagi siang -
siang pastinya.

Kamu pengen juga kaan ikut ngerasain keseruan kaya

mereka? Cek link di bio sekarang buat apply LazCall untuk
posisi Key Account Manager LazMall. Siapa tau bulan depan
kamu bisa ikutan Boba Party juga! ฀"

Top 3 highest impression content in June 2022.

Write a caption and also fun copy kv in the video.
The first caption contributes to Lazada Indonesia.
Caption for Support the Campaign!
Reels Caption:
"Tahu nggak? Menurut riset dari HR Dive, HRD baca CV
kandidat itu cuma 7,4 detik aja lho! Jadi, penting banget
buat bikin CV kita keep it short and simple tapi tetap
berbobot. Tapi gimana ya caranya?

Di review CV part 2 ini, kak @irenagunadhi dari HR Lazada

mau kasih bocorannya nih! 😉 Wajib banget ditonton ya, biar
nanti bisa cepet dibenerin juga."

Tiktok Caption:
"Pengen tau caranya bikin CV yang simpel tapi berbobot?
Yuk tonton video ini dulu 😉"

Caption for Instagram and Tiktok platform

Got 30k total viewers
Caption for support of the CV Review campaign

June 2022- September 2022

Instagram Growth

01/08/22 01/09/22 Growth

Total Followers 77,242 77,928 0,8%

Total Impression 91,731 2,665,334 2,805%

Engagement Rate 0,12% 1% 833%

Instagram Growth

01/08/22 02/09/22 Growth

Total Followers 11 3,192 29,918%

Total Impression 3,129 1,541,270 49,167%

Total Engagement 115 49,783 43,172%

Here's what audience interest.

284 134 174 232

Entertaining Parenting Life Trending Things Parenting Life

Entertaining content, lots of likes!

Copy content that is

understandable and simple
Naturein has a product called Bed
Spray, then this content is linked to
sleep habits that can also build a
top-of-mind audience.

The challenge of making this

content must be in an
understandable language and
relates to them.
Caption for Informative Content
"Tungau kadang masih stay calm and stay in your bed kalo
ketemu vacuum cleaner. Bukannya malah mati, yang ada
kadang malah pada sembunyi.

Biar enggak pusing lagi, mending moms coba kombinasiin

aja antara Vaccum Cleaner dengan Naturein Bed Spray.
Habis semprot, langsung sedot."

Naturein Caption for mom in middle-up class audience.

Using a rhyme to more attract the audience.
Indonesia USP Product.
Let the Caption Start the Comedy!
Reels Caption:
"Makan bareng pasangan emang romantis, tapi kadang
malah jadi dramatis kalo sampe kaya gini ceritanya 😂
Niatnya nawarin, eh malah diambil semua..

Ada yang pernah ngalamin kaya gini enggak? 😂"

Tiktok Caption:
"Ini sebenernya yang salah siapa sih? 😭"

Naturein Wrote a caption and copy to help the content

Indonesia Wrote a caption for Instagram and Tiktok.
interactive Instagram Stories

Eh eh.. udah pada tau belum kalo uang kita bakalan ganti lagi
desainnya? Nih liat beritanya di bawah.

Slide 1 (Up konten)

Tapi no worry ya, soalnya uang yang lama juga masih bisa dipake kok.

Tapi kalo diliat-liat, desainnya cakep juga ya? Aku sih liatnya kaya lebih
fresh aja gitu. Menurut NatuFams bagus enggak?

Slide 2 (Gambar perbandingan uang yang lama sama vs yang baru, ambil salah
satu pecahan aja)

Poll: Bagus juga yang baru | Masih suka desain yang lama

Eh tapi ya, simpen aja beberapa, soalnya uang yang jadul tuh punya
harga yang tinggi banget. Pernah liat kan orang jual uang jadul?
Slide 3
Poll: Oya? | Iyaa bener, aku pernah liat

*Sneak peak
Helping Audiences Understand Naturein

6 Interesting
Segments featured
Contributed to creating an
Instagram Guide to help
audiences understand
Naturein based on content

May 2022- August 2022

Content for mockup agency, click the cover!
Content Planning Mockup for 1 Month

Extraordinary capabilities
as a content planner
For marketlead.com, 15 content per
month is designed for the purposes
of the Instagram channel. Therefore,
these are the best sample content
to be seen as a monthly content
FOMO with trending content.

Packed lightly and easy

to understand.
The content on Marketlead was
created based on trends concerning
Digital Marketing, such as Red
Velvet and Allo Bank.
Mockup for Fun Giveaway Content

Mockup caption for

giveaway content:
"Seriusan marketlead jualan snack
langka? 😱

Beneran kok! Ini cuma ada 3 buah

aja dan manfaatnya gak main-main
buat bisnis kamu 😎

Kabar baiknya sih ini didapetin

secara gratis, pokoknya kamu wajib
cek postingan ini dan jangan kaget
ya sama isinya! 😋"
Mockup Email Marketing Newsletter

Subject/Pop Up:

"Selamat! UMKM kamu udah naik level! ✨"

Body Email:

"Kabar baik yang enggak dateng cuma selewat

aja, justru kamu udah terpilih buat siap
bisnisnya meroket sampe sukses 😎

Minlead paham, meskipun baru rintis pasti gak

semudah itu buat urus bisnis. Mangkannya,
Minlead bakalan siap jadi teman dan solusi
UMKM kamu ฀

Berhubung kamu udah naik level, nih Minlead

udah kasih hadiah buat kamu ฀"
Real ebook for free

Why created e-book?

To support the campaign in

Marketlead about "Ngonten Keren"

There will be a trial of Instagram ads,

the results are 2,156 reach, 1,906
impressions, 468 post engagement,
and Rp.96 CPR.

E-books are made with exciting and

easy-to-understand copywriting,
equipped with examples.
Caption for daily content
"Ngonten juga butuh amunisi atau bantuan nih Leaders!
Enggak enak deh kalo tulisan kita masih ada tipo atau tata
bahasa yang masih kurang sreg gitu 🙃

Nih, Minleads udah kasih 5 bantuan lengkap banget biar

tulisan kamu makin ajiib gitu deeh 😍 Coba cek postingannya
sekarang ya, save aja kalo kamu butuh buat nanti! ฀"

Young enterpreneurs audience.

Friendly, energetic and optimistic tone message.
Using pronouns that suit the audience.
looks clinic

April 2022 (Freelance)

Beauty and Skin Health Content, Hit the Cover!
Because caring can exist in caption
"Hayoo siapa nih yang rajin scroll sosmed sampe lupa waktu?
Emang seru banget sih, apalagi buat hiburan juga kan. Tapi...
kamu harus waspada karena ada hal gak terduga yang bisa
menimpa wajah kamu karena sosmed ฀"

Younger Re-targeting audience with young females 20-30

years old who need some skin health treatment.
looks Friendly and sweet tone message.

March 2022 - April 2022

Content About Digital Marketing.
Serving Simple and Useful Content

Suitable for business

people, and attracts an
This content gets the highest likes,
174 likes, compared to other

Does this copywriting content

discuss its type? No, but this
explains the solution to less
effective copywriting.
Jump to The Trending Content

Tante Lala, who once

boomed = a content idea
Always have content ideas because
there are still many emerging
trends, for example, Tante Lala. It
can also be related to Digital
Marketing and its benefits.

July 2021 - August 2021

Based on problem

Vetopet looking for the best content for the The Vetopet audience is more like about
audience’s preference. The engagement “entertaint-communicative” content. In
still need to raise up, so i made about 3 kind total, i can increase 60% likes, 47%
of content and see the result and progress. comments, and 14% impressions.
Time to create an engaging content!

Audience is happy when

they asked!
Here's a secret! The engaging
content differs from how to always
serve rich educational content, but
we can care about what they have,
such as their pet.

This fun-informative content can hit

the comments up to a 36% increase
from the previous content.

April 2021 - Now

Several content from my LinkedIn


This content gained

130k+ impressions, and I
learned that my
account can be created
as a Copywriter niche to
gain more engagement.
Keep doing and
Copywriting Copywriting Content Strategy
Content About Social and Psychology.
Caption with bestie vibes!
"Semangat banget pas ditanya, "Cobaa cita-citanya pengen
jadi apa?" sama bu guru ฀ Gua nyeletuk tanpa dosa bilang
pengen dokter, tapi malah gak spesifik dokternya apaan 😑

Pas udah kuliah, mulai ngerasa banget hidup diambang

mental health yang rumit. Apalagi pas masuk skripsian, bikin
tiap hari kudu healing hahaha bye 🙃 Alhamdulillah si lulus
juga tapi

Ya gitulah ya, yang direncanakan belum tentu bisa sesuai

dengan kenyataan. Coba komen juga kalo ini relate atau ada
pendapat lainnya ฀"

Target audience is for young people (current

Petak yang undergraduate)
Bicara Cheerful and easy going tone message.
Caption for collaboration content
"Plagiarisme emang hal yang nikmat sih karena bikin kita irit
mikir juga, tapi konsekuensinya juga jelas gak main-main.
Misalnya dalam dunia desain, khususnya logo yang jadi
'wajah' di suatu perusahaan atau creator 😁

Jangan sampe karena kita butuh logo, terus kita maen

nyomot di pinterest yang udah ada hak ciptanya. Postingan
ini juga bakalan buka sedikit tentang bedanya plagiat,
terinspirasi, dan juga free license gitu ฀

Special thanks buat @riansetiawan03 yang udah banyak

ngobrol juga kemarin, sukses ya brodi ฀"

Content created with the concept of

Petak yang collaboration with others.
Bicara Captions with a familiar feel.
Content with audience preference data

Interact with audiences

for data
The data obtained is written back
into content related to the topic or
title. Usually, questions are provided
on Instagram Stories in this or that.
Content with credible reading sources

Discuss something in
This empathetic content is rarely
discussed. Therefore the content is
made with light discussion and
weighty content. Equipped with
credible reading sources.
Let's talk with me!
0857-1581-9686 (Hadyan)



Hadyan Farrel Nugraha


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