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Topic 01:Letter, word, phrase, clause, and sentenceGi cwiPq


Definition of the Letter :

A letter is a segmental symbol of a phonetic writing system.
Bs‡iRx fvlv‡K wj‡L cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ KZ¸‡jv wPý ev ms‡KZ e¨envi Kiv nq, GB mvs‡KwZK
wPý¸‡jv‡K Letter ev eY© e‡j| h_v: A, B, C, D, E
Letter `yB fv‡M wef³:
1. Vowel
2. Consonant
1. Vowel: ‡h mKj eY© wb‡R D”PvwiZ n‡Z cv‡i, Ab¨ e‡Y©i mvnvh¨ wb‡Z nq bv, †m¸‡jv Vowel e‡j|
‡hgb: A, E , I, O, U
2. Consonant: ‡h mKj eY© wb‡R wb‡R D”PvwiZ n‡Z cv‡i bv, D”PvwiZ nIqvi Rb¨ ¯^ie‡Y©i mvnvh¨
wb‡Z nq, Zv‡K Consonant e‡j| †hgb: Vowel Gi cvuPwU eY© ev‡` evuKx 21wU eY©B Consonant.

Definition of the word :

A word is letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written.
GK ev `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Letter cvkvcwk e‡m hLb †Kvb A_© cÖKvk K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K word ev kã e‡j|
Example: Student, Teacher, Bird, Cow, Fish etc.
evK¨word mg~n wewfbœiæ‡c e¨eüZ nq| hv‡K e¨enviMZ fv‡e Parts of Speech bv‡g AwewnZ Kiv
nq| G¸‡jv Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, ConjunctionI
Interjection bv‡g 8wU fv‡M wef³ n‡q _v‡K|

Definition of the Sentence:

A sentence is a combination of words arranged in such an order that it expresses a
complete sense or meaning.
evK¨ nj Ggbfv‡e mvRv‡bv k㸔Q hv GKwU c~Y©v½ A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Example: Mother gives me taka five.
MVbMZfv‡e Sentence wZb ai‡Yi n‡q _v‡K:
1. Simple
2. Complex
3. Compound
1. Simple Sentence: A simple sentence is a sentence having only one subject and
only one finite verb. Example: I eat rice.
‡h sentence G GKwU gvÎ subject Ges GKwU gvÎ finite verb ev mgvwcKv wµqv _v‡K Zv‡K e‡j
simple sentence.
2. Complex Sentence: A complex sentence is a sentence having a principal clause
and one or more subordinate clauses. Example: I know him.
‡Kvb sentence- G GKwU principale clause I GK ev GKvwaK subordinate clause _vK‡j Zv‡K
e‡j complex sentence.
3. Compound Sentence: A compound sentence is a sentence which has more than
one principal clause connected by one or more coordinating conjunctions.
Example: He is poor.
‡h ev‡K¨ GKvwaK principal clause coordinating conjunction Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zv‡K e‡j
compound sentence.

Definition of the phrase:

A phrase is a group of words which has know subject and finite verb and acts as a
small element of a sentence.
Phrase nj GKwU kã mgwó hvi ‡Kvb mgvwcKv wµqv Ges subject †bB Ges evK¨ GKwU gvÎ Dcv`vb
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| ‡hgb: To take exercise is good for health, The probability of rain is
Dc‡ii Examples Gi Phrase `ywUNoun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q |
Phrase, Parts of speech Gi pronoun Qvov Noun phrase, Adjective phrase, Adverbial
phrase, prepositional phrase, Conjunctional phrase, Interjectional phrase wn‡m‡e
e¨vüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
Definition of the Clause:
A clause is a group which has a finite of its own but which acts as a single
Element in or a part of a sentence
Clausen‡jv KZ¸‡jv k‡ãi mgwó hvi wb‡R¯^ GKwU mgvwcKv wµqv Av‡Q A_P Zv GKwU evK¨i GKwU
Dcv`vb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
Example: ---- He told me what he did with the pain.
Clause mvaviYZ Principal, Subordinate and coordinate clause wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K |
Topic 3: Classifications of clause with example
Definition of clause: a clause is a group of words which has a finite verb of its own
but which acts as a single element in or a part ofa sentence. Ex. He told me what he
did with the pen.
Kinds of clauses:
1. Principal or independent clause
2. Subordinate or dependent clause
a. Noun clause
b. Adjective clause
c. Adverb clause
3. Co-ordinate clause
1.Principal clause:
A clause which dosn’t depend on another clause to express it meaning is called
principal clause.
Ex. I have a cow which is red.
-The boy who is playing football is my brother.
-Forhad comes to me when he has time.

2. Subordinate clause.
A clause dosn’t express its meaning without principal clause its called subordinate
Ex. Salman wanted a pen which was costly.
-He worked hard so that he could succeed in life.

A.Noun clause : A noun Clause is a clause which function as a noun in a sentence.

The functions of a noun are: subject, object, prepositional object, subject
complement, object complement, appositive.
i. As a subject of a verb: Ex. That he has much money is known to all. / Who
has done this will be punished
ii. As an object of verb: Ex. I know that he has done it./ He asked me if I would
go with him.
iii. As an object of a preposition: I can not understand the meaning of what he
said./ Don't think about what he did.
iv. As a complement of a subject: Ex. This is what he said./ What I want to say
is that it is difficult to do.
v. As a complement of an object: Ex: He named his house what I suggested/
you may call that man whatever you like.
vi. As an apposition of noun : Ex. The fact that he is a thief is clear to all./ The
news that he was ill is not true.
B. Adjective clause: An adjective Clause is a subordinate clause which acts as an
adjective in a sentence and qualifies a noun or noun equivalent. Ex
-The boy who came here is my brother.
-I don't know the reason why we came here.
-Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
-This is the book (which) I bought.
-That is the boy ( whom) we met yesterday.
-The pen (which) he gave me is missing.

C. Adverbial clause: An adverbial Clause is a subordinate clause which, used in a

sentence, acts as an adverb.Ex.
 Adverbial clause of place: Go where you want to go. Go back to whence you
 Adverbial clause of time : She will dance whenever her sister will come.
 Adverbial clause of reason: He could not go to school because he was ill.
 Adverbial clause of purpose: Work faster lest you should miss the train.
 Adverbial clause of result: He is so weak that he cannot walk.
 Adverbial clause of manner: Save as you want to invest.
 Adverbial clause of condition: you will fail unless you study.
 Adverbial clause of concession: Though he came last he completed first.
 Adverbial clause of comparison or degree: Akbar was as strong as a lion./
He is strong then Jamal.

3. Co-ordinate clause : when coordinating conjunctions join two independent

clauses is called co-ordinate clause. Coordinating conjunctions are as follows: and,
but, or, for, nor, yet, so, as, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, ;, and :. Ex.
He has lost his purse, or it may have been stolen.


Topic 01:Letter, word, phrase, clause, and sentenceGi cwiPq


Definition of the Letter :

A letter is a segmental symbol of a phonetic writing system.
Bs‡iRx fvlv‡K wj‡L cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ KZ¸‡jv wPý ev ms‡KZ e¨envi Kiv nq, GB mvs‡KwZK
wPý¸‡jv‡K Letter ev eY© e‡j| h_v: A, B, C, D, E
Letter `yB fv‡M wef³:
3. Vowel
4. Consonant
1. Vowel: ‡h mKj eY© wb‡R D”PvwiZ n‡Z cv‡i, Ab¨ e‡Y©i mvnvh¨ wb‡Z nq bv, †m¸‡jv Vowel e‡j|
‡hgb: A, E , I, O, U
2. Consonant: ‡h mKj eY© wb‡R wb‡R D”PvwiZ n‡Z cv‡i bv, D”PvwiZ nIqvi Rb¨ ¯^ie‡Y©i mvnvh¨
wb‡Z nq, Zv‡K Consonant e‡j| †hgb: Vowel Gi cvuPwU eY© ev‡` evuKx 21wU eY©B Consonant.

Definition of the word :

A word is letter or group of letters that has meaning when spoken or written.
GK ev `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK Letter cvkvcwk e‡m hLb †Kvb A_© cÖKvk K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K word ev kã e‡j|
Example: Student, Teacher, Bird, Cow, Fish etc.
evK¨word mg~n wewfbœiæ‡c e¨eüZ nq| hv‡K e¨enviMZ fv‡e Parts of Speech bv‡g AwewnZ Kiv
nq| G¸‡jv Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, ConjunctionI
Interjection bv‡g 8wU fv‡M wef³ n‡q _v‡K|

Definition of the Sentence:

A sentence is a combination of words arranged in such an order that it expresses a
complete sense or meaning.
evK¨ nj Ggbfv‡e mvRv‡bv k㸔Q hv GKwU c~Y©v½ A_© cÖKvk K‡i|
Example: Mother gives me taka five.

MVbMZfv‡e Sentence wZb ai‡Yi n‡q _v‡K:

4. Simple
5. Complex
6. Compound
1. Simple Sentence: A simple sentence is a sentence having only one subject and
only one finite verb. Example: I eat rice.
‡h sentence G GKwU gvÎ subject Ges GKwU gvÎ finite verb ev mgvwcKv wµqv _v‡K Zv‡K e‡j
simple sentence.
2. Complex Sentence: A complex sentence is a sentence having a principal clause
and one or more subordinate clauses. Example: I know him.
‡Kvb sentence- G GKwU principale clause I GK ev GKvwaK subordinate clause _vK‡j Zv‡K
e‡j complex sentence.
3. Compound Sentence: A compound sentence is a sentence which has more than
one principal clause connected by one or more coordinating conjunctions.
Example: He is poor.
‡h ev‡K¨ GKvwaK principal clause coordinating conjunction Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zv‡K e‡j
compound sentence.

Definition of the phrase:

A phrase is a group of words which has know subject and finite verb and acts as a
small element of a sentence.
Phrase nj GKwU kã mgwó hvi ‡Kvb mgvwcKv wµqv Ges subject †bB Ges evK¨ GKwU gvÎ Dcv`vb
wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| ‡hgb: To take exercise is good for health, The probability of rain is
Dc‡ii Examples Gi Phrase `ywUNoun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i‡Q |
Phrase, Parts of speech Gi pronoun Qvov Noun phrase, Adjective phrase, Adverbial
phrase, prepositional phrase, Conjunctional phrase, Interjectional phrase wn‡m‡e
e¨vüZ n‡Z cv‡i|
Definition of the Clause:
A clause is a group which has a finite of its own but which acts as a single
Element in or a part of a sentence
Clausen‡jv KZ¸‡jv k‡ãi mgwó hvi wb‡R¯^ GKwU mgvwcKv wµqv Av‡Q A_P Zv GKwU evK¨i GKwU
Dcv`vb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
Example: ---- He told me what he did with the pain.
Clause mvaviYZ Principal, Subordinate and coordinate clause wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K |
Topic 3: Classifications of clause with example
Definition of clause: a clause is a group of words which has a finite verb of its own
but which acts as a single element in or a part ofa sentence. Ex. He told me what he
did with the pen.
Kinds of clauses:
4. Principal or independent clause
5. Subordinate or dependent clause
a. Noun clause
b. Adjective clause
c. Adverb clause
6. Co-ordinate clause
1.Principal clause:
A clause which dosn’t depend on another clause to express it meaning is called
principal clause.
Ex. I have a cow which is red.
-The boy who is playing football is my brother.
-Forhad comes to me when he has time.

2. Subordinate clause.
A clause dosn’t express its meaning without principal clause its called subordinate
Ex. Salman wanted a pen which was costly.
-He worked hard so that he could succeed in life.

A.Noun clause : A noun Clause is a clause which function as a noun in a sentence.

The functions of a noun are: subject, object, prepositional object, subject
complement, object complement, appositive.
vii. As a subject of a verb: Ex. That he has much money is known to all. / Who
has done this will be punished
viii. As an object of verb: Ex. I know that he has done it./ He asked me if I would
go with him.
ix. As an object of a preposition: I can not understand the meaning of what he
said./ Don't think about what he did.
x. As a complement of a subject: Ex. This is what he said./ What I want to say
is that it is difficult to do.
xi. As a complement of an object: Ex: He named his house what I suggested/
you may call that man whatever you like.
xii. As an apposition of noun : Ex. The fact that he is a thief is clear to all./ The
news that he was ill is not true.
B. Adjective clause: An adjective Clause is a subordinate clause which acts as an
adjective in a sentence and qualifies a noun or noun equivalent. Ex
-The boy who came here is my brother.
-I don't know the reason why we came here.
-Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
-This is the book (which) I bought.
-That is the boy ( whom) we met yesterday.
-The pen (which) he gave me is missing.

C. Adverbial clause: An adverbial Clause is a subordinate clause which, used in a

sentence, acts as an adverb.Ex.
 Adverbial clause of place: Go where you want to go. Go back to whence you
 Adverbial clause of time : She will dance whenever her sister will come.
 Adverbial clause of reason: He could not go to school because he was ill.
 Adverbial clause of purpose: Work faster lest you should miss the train.
 Adverbial clause of result: He is so weak that he cannot walk.
 Adverbial clause of manner: Save as you want to invest.
 Adverbial clause of condition: you will fail unless you study.
 Adverbial clause of concession: Though he came last he completed first.
 Adverbial clause of comparison or degree: Akbar was as strong as a lion./
He is strong then Jamal.

3. Co-ordinate clause : when coordinating conjunctions join two independent

clauses is called co-ordinate clause. Coordinating conjunctions are as follows: and,
but, or, for, nor, yet, so, as, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, ;, and :. Ex.
He has lost his purse, or it may have been stolen.
Topic 3

Topic03: Parts of speech and its classifications of parts of speech. Parts of speech
এরপররচয়এবংউদাহরণসহএরপ্রকারভেদসমূহ। Ans: Definition of Parts of speech: When words are
classified according to what work they do as small parts of a whole sentence, they are called parts of
speech.(একটিপূরণ্ াাঙ্গবাভকেরঅংশরহভসভবভকানশবদ্ যেকাজকভরবা Parts of speech) Classification
with example 1. Noun. 2. Pronoun. 3. Adjective. 4. Verb. 5. Adverb. 6. Preposition. 7. Conjunction. 8.
Introjuntion. 1. Noun (রবভশষ্ে): A noun is the name of any human, object, place, or action ( ) Example:
Name of human : Rahim, Jerry, Tom, Khulna. Name of object : Book, Calculator, Bamboo. Name of place
: Dhaka, Khulna, Kushtia. Name of action : Hesitation , Purification , Function. 2. Pronoun ( ) : A Pronoun
is a word used in place of a noun.( Noun Pronoun ) Example: Shuman is a good boy. He goes to school
every day. He abides by his parents’ orders. 3. Adjective ( ) : Definition: An adjective is a word that
qualifies a noun or a pronoun (Noun Pronoun Adjective ) Examples: Rahim is a good boy. She is a
beautiful girl. Jesmine wears a blue skirt. 4. Verb ( ) Definition: A verb is a word that expresses some
action. (Verb word ) Examples: Be, have, do, run, go, come. 5. Adverb( ) Definition : An adverb is a word
that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb ( Adverb word verb Adjective adverb Examples: He
came in the morning. 6. Preposition: Pre= Position= | Preposition word word word Definition : A
preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the
sentence. Examples: I have a love for him. She went into the room. 7. Conjunction: Definition: A
conjunction is a word used to join two or more sentences. sentence word conjunction Examples : Karim
and Rahim went there. He is poor but honest. 8. Introjection: Definition: An introjection is a word which
expresses some strong and sudden feeling or emotion. ( word conjuntion. Examples: Hie! You are a
thief. Hello, where are you going. Hurrah! We have won the game. Hush! The headmaster comes.

Topic 4

Topic 3 : The phrase and it's classifications with uses.

Defination of Phrase: A phrase is a group of words which has no subject and
finite verb and acts as a small element of a sentence.
( Phrase n‡jv KZ¸‡jv k‡ãi mgwó hv †Kvb evK¨ GKwU gvÎ part of speech Gi gZ e¨eüZ nq )
Example: I saw the fox without a tail.

Classifications :
1. Noun phrase :
( GB me phrase Øviv noun Gi KvR wb¯úbœ nq | Giv †Kvb sentence-G verb Gi subject, object,
ev complement iæ‡c A_ev preposition Gi object ev complement iæ‡c A_ev preposition Gi
object iæ‡c e¨eüZ nq )
-To take exercise is good forhealth.(sub.)
- I like to take tea in the morning (obj.)
- The probabllity of rain is much(sub.)
- We were sorry at his being kicked out.( preposition)

2. Adjective phrase:

( GB me phrase ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q adjective Gi gZ Ab¨ †Kvb noun, pronoun ev noun
phrase Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, ‰ewkó¨ BZ¨vw` cÖKvk K‡i )

-He is a man of friendly nature (He is a friendly man)

-He seems to be one of idle nature (He seems to be idle)

03. Verbal Phrase:

( GK ev GKvwaK word GK‡Î wg‡j hLb GKwU verb Gi gZ KvR K‡i ZLb Zv‡K verbal phrase
e‡j )
-We looked for a smart boy.
-Do on your shirt.
-He gave up smoking.

4. Adverbial phrase:
( GB ai‡bi phrase ¸‡jv adverb Gi KvR K‡i | adverb KLb, †Kv_vq, wKfv‡e, GB me cÖ‡kœi
DËi †`q )
-The horse runs at a great speed.( The horse runs fast)
- He came in a hurry.( He came hurriedly).

5. Prepositional phrase:
( GB ai‡bi phrase ¸‡jv preposition Gi KvR K‡i _v‡K )
He sacrificed his life for the sake of his country.(He sacrificed his life for the
I couldn't go school on account of illness.(I couldn't go school for illness).

6. Conjunctional phrase:
( GB ai‡bi phrase ¸‡jv conjunction Gi KvR K‡i _v‡K )
We work hard in order that we can succeed.

7. Interjectional phrase:

( GB ai‡bi phrase ¸‡jv interjection Gi gZ g‡bi AvKw¯§K Av‡eK cÖKvk K‡i )

What a pity! we have won the game.

What a pleasure! he is coming.

Techniques of making phrases:

Using preposition: He is a man of good nature..
Using non finite verb: Swimming in the river is dangerous.
Using exclamatory words: what a pleasure! We own the game.
Using conjunctions: I am not against the decision.


Noun phrases:
•To take physical exercise in the morning daily is good for health.
•The reading of newspapers is a good habit.
•Swimming in the river is dangerous.
•To walk in the morning is a good exercise.
•To rise early is a good habit.
•His coming here is unsertain.
•The news of his having a good neighbour pleases me.
•Only defining a phrase will not be enough; you must know how to use it in a
I know the ins and outs of it.
I enjoy walking by the riverside.
The man gave him food and clothing.
I like to fish in the river.
She wanted to have a cup of tea.
•He is a full time worker.
•Mr Khan was the man of the match.
-I'm not a part time worker
This price is for the best boy in the class
We could not see him at the time of his arrival
He came with one of his friends.
The fox without tail called a meeting
The girl in white is my sister.
The Man with the dog came here.
Muhammad ( S) was a leader second to none.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever..
The boy playing with the toy is my brother.
The water of the pond in front of our house is fresh.
He looked at the moon.
We looked for smart boy.
Mina looks after her goats.
Do on your shirt.
He gave up smoking.
He beat the dog black and blue.
you tried heart and soul to succeed in the examination.
He left the bazar forever or for good.
We ran with a high speed.
The boy is in the street.
He left the town ons for all.
I could go to school an account of illness.
He worked in the teeth of all dangers.
The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
Not only he but also his brother helped me.
No sooner had we reached home then it began to rain.
He talks as if he were mad
Hot a pity ! you have failed.
God heavens! what does he say?
Special notes: ( Making difference)
The ppnd in front of my house is very old
The ponds is in front of my house.
Even a man in the street has some money.
The man is in the street.
The American machine is good.
The machine made in America is good.
Your kind act is praiseworthy.
Your act of kindness is praiseworthy.
He came then.
He came at the time.
He behave with me rudely.
He behave with me in a rude manner.
Do it hurriedly.
Do it in a hurry.
Topic 5

Topic 4: Clause its classifications with example

Definition of clause: a clause is a group of words which has a finite verb of its own
but which acts as a single element in or a part of a sentence.
( Clause n‡jv KZ¸‡jv k‡ãi mgwó hvi wbR¯^ GKwU mgvwcKv wµqv Av‡Q A_P Zv GKwU ev‡K¨i GKwU
Dcv`vb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq| ) ‡hgb : He told me what he did with the pen.
Kinds of clauses:
7. Principal or independent clause
8. Subordinate or dependent clause
a. Noun clause
b. Adjective clause
c. Adverb clause
9. Co-ordinate clause
1. Principal clause:
A clause which dosn’t depend on another clause to express it meaning is called
principal clause.
Ex. I have a cow which is red.
( Principal clause ‡h clause Zvi A_© cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ Ab¨ †Kvb clause Gi Dci wbf©ikxj bq Zv‡K
e‡j Principal clause )
‡hgb :
-The boy who is playing football is my brother.
-Forhad comes to me when he has time.

2. Subordinate clause.
A clause dosn’t express its meaning without principal clause its called subordinate
( ‡h clause principal clause Gi mvnvh¨ Qvov GKvKx A_© cÖKvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv Zv‡K subordinate
clause e‡j )
‡hgb : Salman wanted a pen which was costly.
-He worked hard so that he could succeed in life.

A. Noun clause : A noun Clause is a clause which function as a noun in a

sentence. The functions of a noun are: subject, object, prepositional object, subject
complement, object complement, appositive.
( ‡h me subordinate clause, noun Gi KvR K‡i _v‡K A_©vr subject, object, complement,
case in apposition Gi KvR K‡i _v‡K Zv‡K noun clause e‡j )
xiii. As a subject of a verb: Ex. That he has much money is known to all. / Who
has done this will be punished
xiv. As an object of verb: Ex. I know that he has done it./ He asked me if I would
go with him.
xv. As an object of a preposition: I can not understand the meaning of what he
said./ Don't think about what he did.
xvi. As a complement of a subject: Ex. This is what he said./ What I want to say
is that it is difficult to do.
xvii. As a complement of an object: Ex: He named his house what I suggested/
you may call that man whatever you like.
xviii. As an apposition of noun : Ex. The fact that he is a thief is clear to all./ The
news that he was ill is not true.
B. Adjective clause: An adjective Clause is a subordinate clause which acts as an
adjective in a sentence and qualifies a noun or noun equivalent.
( ‡h me clause ‡Kvb evK¨ adjective Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K adjective Clause e‡j )
‡hgb :
-The boy who came here is my brother.
-I don't know the reason why we came here.
-Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
-This is the book (which) I bought.
-That is the boy ( whom) we met yesterday.
-The pen (which) he gave me is missing.

C. Adverbial clause: An adverbial Clause is a subordinate clause which, used in a

sentence, acts as an adverb.
( ‡h me clause ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ n‡q adverb Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡`i‡K adverbial Clause e‡j ) ‡hgb :
 Adverbial clause of place: Go where you want to go. Go back to whence you
 Adverbial clause of time : She will dance whenever her sister will come.
 Adverbial clause of reason: He could not go to school because he was ill.
 Adverbial clause of purpose: Work faster lest you should miss the train.
 Adverbial clause of result: He is so weak that he cannot walk.
 Adverbial clause of manner: Save as you want to invest.
 Adverbial clause of condition: you will fail unless you study.
 Adverbial clause of concession: Though he came last he completed first.
 Adverbial clause of comparison or degree: Akbar was as strong as a lion./
He is strong then Jamal.

10.Co-ordinate clause : when coordinating conjunctions join two independent

clauses is called co-ordinate clause.
( hLb `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK mg‡kÖYxi clause ‡Kvb coordinating conjunctions Øviv hy³ nq,
ZLb Zv‡`i‡K co-ordinate clause e‡j ) ‡hgb : He has lost his purse, or it may
have been stolen.

Coordinating conjunction n‡jv : and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so, as, either...or,
neither...nor, not only...but also, ;, and :.

Topic 6

Topc 5 : Sentence and it's classifications and discussing simple and

compound sentence with structures and uses.
Defination of a sentence : A sentence is a set of group of words which gives
a complete sense or meanings.
Classifications of sentence
A.Simple sentence: A simple sentence is a sentence which haves only one
subject and only one finite verb.
Examples: I eat rice.( s+v)
He plays cricket.(s+v+o)

B.Compound sentence : a compound sentence is a sentence which has

more than one principal clause connected by one or more coordinating
conjunctions. Ex. He is a poor but honest.

C. Complexe sentence: a complex sentence is a sentence which have a

principal clause and on or more subordinate clauses. Ex. I know what when
he will come.

Classifications of simple sentence in terms of structure

1.Declarative :
Examples: Hamid is a good boy.
He is not a teacher.

2.Interrogative :
Examples: what is your name?
Where are you from?

3. Imperative :
Examples: come in .
Shut the door.
4. Exclamatory:
How nice to see you!
What a wonderful idea!
Structures of simple declarative sentence with examples
1.Subject + intransitive verb
Dogs bark
Hasiana is sleeping

2.Subject + linking verb + Complement ( adjective)

Ali is tall
Honey tastes sweet

3.Subject + Linking verb + Complement (Noun)

Kabir is a farmer
Mina became a nurse.

4.Subject + Be verb + Complement (adverbial)

Hamida is in the kitchen.
Ahmed is in the library.

5. Subject + Transitive Verb + Object ( noun/pronoun)

Kamal speaks English
Monica has bought an umbrella.
6.Subject + Transitive Verb + Object ( noun/pronoun) + complement
We found. the poem difficult.
The nurse kept the baby quiet.

7.Subject + transitive + Object (noun/pronoun) + complement (Noun)

We elected karim secretary.
They appointed him headmaster.

8.Subject + transitive + indirect object + direct object (noun/pronoun)

They awarded shamim a prize.
I sent her some flowers.

9.There + verb + subject

There is a book on the table.
There lived a hermit in the forest.

B. Compound sentence and making compound sentence with the flowing

conjunctions: and, or, but, for, nor, yet, so, either…or, nather…nor, not only
but also, ;. :.
Defination of compound sentence: A Compound sentence is a sentence
which has more than one principal clause connected by one or more
coordinating conjunctions
Example: He is poor, but he is honest.

Making sentences with the flowing conjunctions :

And=The rain stopped, and the sun began shining.
But=Mr Hassan is fat, but his wife is thin.
Or=He has lost his purse, or it may have been stolen.
For= I have to find a new job, for I am unemployed.
Yet =Babib plays cricket well, yet his favorite sport is football.
So = she was sick, so he could not attend the meeting.
Nor=Hamid is not tall, nor is he short.( েখন দুভিা 'না' সূচক রবকল্প বক্তবে
যপশ করা হয় তখন not বেবহার হয়। লক্ষণীয় যে, এই ধরভনর বাভকে not এর পভর
বাভকের গঠন subject+verb না হভয় verb+subject হভব। যেমন: nor is he short.)
either…or: Either he will come, or I will go.

neither…nor : Nether will she have her dinner, nor will she go to bed.(এই
ধরভনর বাভকে auxiliary verb যক subject এর আভগ বসাভত হয়)

not only ….but also : Not only does he have a car, but he has also a
house.(এই ধরভনর বাভকে প্রথভম co-ordinate clause এ not only এরপর
auxiliary বসভব, তারপর subject রকন্তু রিতীয় co-ordinate clause এ verbএর
অবস্থান স্বাোরবক, তভব also শব্দটি but এর সভঙ্গ না বভস verb এর পভর বসভব। )

Conjunction ছাডাও compound sentence ততরর করা যেভত পাভর যস যক্ষভে দুটি
co-ordinate clause এর মাঝখাভন semicolon (;) অথবা colon (:) বসাভত হভব ।
তভব লক্ষণীয় যে, ঐ simple sentence গুভলার মভধে যকাভনা না যকাভনা যোগসূে
থাকভত হভব
1.I heard a scream; a little girl had fallen into the drain.
2.Hamid listened: somebody was coming.

Note: compound sentence এর punctuation রবভশষ্োভব লক্ষণীয় । co-

ordinate clause এর যশভষ্ conjunction এবং এর আভগ comma বসাভত হভব।
তভব cloise েরদ আকাভর যছাি হয় তাহভল comma না বসাভলও চভল। Ex. Hasan
whistled and the dog came back.

Topic 7

Topic 6: Definition of complex sentence and techniques of

it's making with structural explanation.
Definition of Complexe sentence: a complex sentence is a
sentence which have a principal clause and one or more
subordinate clauses. Example
-I know when he will come.
- I have a cow which is red.
-The boy who is playing football is my brother.
-Forhad comes to me when he has time.
এক কথায় complex sentence বলভত main clause + subordinate clause
বা clauses বুঝায়।
Classification of subordinate clause
a) Noun clauses
b) Adjective clauses
c) Adverbial clauses
Types of Making complex sentence
A. Complex sentence with noun clause (subordinate) : A noun
Clause is a clause which function as a noun in a sentence. The
functions of a noun are: subject, object, prepositional object,
subject complement, object complement, apposition of noun or
pronoun. ( Noune clause িারা Complex Sentence রনম্নরুপ হভয় থাভক )
1. As a subject of a verb: noun clause েখন verb এর subject রহভসভব
কাজ কভর, তখন রনম্নরলরখত শব্দ রদভয় শুরু হয়। that, who, what, how and why.
Ex. That he has much money is known to all. / Who has done this
will be punished./what he said is important.
2. As an object of a verb: noun clouse প্রায়শ: transitive verb এর
object রহভসভব কাজ কভর এবং that, when, how, where, if রদভয় শুরু হয় Ex. I
know that he has done it./ He asked me if I would go with him.
3. As an object of a preposition: I cannot understand the
meaning of what he said./ Don't think about what he said.
4. As a complement of a subject: Ex. This is what he said./ The
reason for his popularity is that he is an honest man.
5. As a complement of an object: Ex. He named his house what I
suggested./ You may call that man whatever you like.
6. As an apposition of noun or pronoun: Ex. The fact that he is a
thief is clear to all./ The news that he was ill is not true.
B. Complex sentence with adjective clause: An adjective Clause
is a subordinate clause which acts as an adjective in a sentence
and qualifies a noun or noun equivalent. Example:
-The boy who came here is my brother.
-I don't know the reason why we came here.
-Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
-This is the book (which) I bought.
-That is the boy ( whom) we met yesterday.
-The pen (which) he gave me is missing.
Adjective যেমন noun যক modify কভর, adjective clause ও যতমরন noun
যক modify কভর । তভব adjective সাধারণত: noun এর আভগ অথবা linking verb
এর পভর বভস, রকন্তু adjective clause এর অবস্থান সবসময় noun এর পভর ।
Adjective clause এ কতগুভলা relative pronouns বেবহার করা হয় এবং যসগুভলা
subject, object অথবা possessive form এ থাকভত পাভর। রনভচ relative
pronouns ও তাভদর রবরেন্ন forms যদওয়া হল:
Relative pronouns
Subject form Object form Possessive form
who. whom. whose
which. which. of which
that. that
রনভম্ন Relative pronoun িারা গটঠত Adjective clase এর রবরেন্ন রুপ
যদখাভনা হভলা
1. adjective clause with relative pronouns as subjects: (যসইসব
adjective clause যেখাভন relative pronouns (who, which, that) ঐ
clause এর subject রহভসভব কাজ কভর):
a. Mr. Kamal is a teacher (who works in Libya.)
b. This is a grammar book (which should be read carefully.)
c. My friend has bought a car (that looks very nice.)
d. This is the man (that helped me yesterday.)
2. Adjective clauses with relative pronouns as objects: (যসইসব
adjective clause যেখাভন relative pronoun ঐ clause এর transitive verb
এর object রহভসভব কাজ কভর: ) Ex.
a.The book (which I borrowed from the library) is very interesting.
b. This is the pen (that I lost yesterday.)
c. Professor Ali is a teacher (whom everybody respects.)
3. Adjective clauses with relative pronouns as objects of
prepositions: (যসইসব adjective clause যেখাভন relative pronoun গুভলা
preposition এর object রহভসভব কাজ কভর।). Ex.
a. This is the book (about which I told you.)
b.The man (to whom I spoke on the telephone) is ill.
c. The house (in which we live) is small.
4. Adjective clauses with relative pronouns as possessive:
(যসইসব adjective clause যেখাভন relative pronoun যক possessive রহভসভব
বেবহার করা হয়). Ex.
a. The man (whose car crashed against a tree) died soon after.
b. The book (whose leaves are torn) has been replaced.
c. The building (whose roof collapsed) has been rebuilt.
Whose এর পররবভতে of which ও যলখা যেভত পাভর । যস যক্ষভে রিতীয় ও তৃতীয় উদাহরণটি
এই রকম দাাঁডাভব:
-The book, (the leaves of which are torn) has been replaced.
-The building, (the roof of which collapsed) has been rebuilt.
5. Adjective clause with when and where meaning on which in
which: (যসইসব adjective clause যেখাভন when ও where শব্দগুভলা on which
ও in which অভথ বেবহৃত
ে হয়) Ex.
a. I forget the day when (on which) we moved house.
b. She went back to England where ( in which) she was born.
C. Complex sentence with adverbial clause (subordinate): An
adverbial Clause is a subordinate clause which, used in a sentence,
acts as an adverb.
রনভম্ন Adverbial clause এর রবরেন্ন ধরভনর বেবহার যদখাভনা হভলা:
1. Adverbial clause of place: where, whence, wherever ইতোরদ িারা
adverbial clause of place ততরর করা হয় ো যকান স্থানভক রনভদেশ কভর। Ex.
-Go where you want to go.
-Go back to whence you came.
-I want to remain sitting where I am.
-Do you want to go to whence I came?
2. Adverbial clause of time: adverbial clause of time রনম্নরলরখত
conjunctions রদভয় শুরু হয় : when, whenever, while, before, after,
till/until, as, as soon as
Adverbial clauses যক main clause এর আভগ অথবা পভর বসাভনা োয়। আভগ
বসাভল এই clause এর যশভষ্ comma রদভত হভব ; পভর বসাভল যকান comma রদভত হভব
না। Ex.
-When I was five, I want to a primary school.
-She will dance whenever her sister will come.
-Korim fell asleep while he was reading the newspaper
-Before she went to bed, Mina put out the light.
-He went abroad after he finished his studies
-Mina nursed her mother till/ until she recovered completely.
-As he went out, he cast a glance at his little son.
-I will let you know as soon as the results come out.
2. Adverbial clause of reason: adverbial clause of reason রনম্নরলরখত
conjunctions রদভয় শুরু হয়। because, since, as .Ex.
-He could not attend the meeting because he was ill.
-Since the summer is very hot, most people use electric fans.
-As he came late, the teacher refused to let him in.
3. Adverbial clause of concession: adverbial clause of
concession এ যকান একিা রকছু স্বীকার কভর যনয়া হয় এবং এই জাতীয় clause
রনম্নরলরখত conjunctions রদভয় শুরু হয়: though, although. even if (এমনরক
েরদও). Ex.
-Though he is poor, he is honest.
-Although the house is small, it looks nice.
-Though she suffered a lot, she never complained.
-Even if you pay the money now, you will not given The goods.
(েরদও তু রম এখন িাকা দাও তবুও যতামাভক মালগুভলা যদওয়া হভব না। )
-Even if you big excuse now, you will not be kind. (এমনরক এখন েরদ তু রম
ক্ষমা চাও, তবুও তার দয়া হভব না। )
4. Adverbial clause of condition: adverbial clauses of condition
এ একিা শতে থাভক এবং এই ধরভনর clause সাধারনত if রদভয় শুরু হয় । এছাডাও
unless, in case, whether, on condition (that), provided (that) ইতোরদ
িারা যকান clause আরম্ভ হভল তা শতে প্রকাশ কভর এবং adverb clause of
condition হয়। If এর অভনকগুভলা type আভছ। রনভম্ন দু একটি উদাহরণ যদয়া হভলা:
-If it rains, I will not come.
-If you come out first, your parent will be delighted.
-if the shirt is dirty wash it.
-if you are hungry, have a banana.
-You will feel unless you study.
-Unless you respect him you will not respect you.
-There is no success unless there is any effort.
-I don't want to know whether you are a Muslim or not.
-He will read the passage in case it is given in the examination.
-I will order some rice in case we fall short of it.
-I can go with you on condition that you will give me some
-He will be appointed provided (that) he is an M.A.
-Supposing that he passes the M.A., but will he get a job?
5. Adverbial clause of degree or comparison: adverbial clause
of degree শুরু হয় as এই conjunction রদভয় এবং এটি main clause এ বেবহৃত
as adverb যক modify কভর। Ex.
-He is as intelligent as you are.
-Hamid is as tall as korim is.
-I came as quickly as I could.
না সূচক বাভকে প্রথম as এই conjunction এর পররবভতে so বেবহৃত হয়। Ex.
-Hamid is not so quick as you are.
-Mamun does not write so neatly as Rashid does.
6. Adverbial clause of result : adverbial clauses of result এর কাজ
হভলা result বা ফল প্রকাশ করা । ইহা that, so--that, such ইতোরদ িারা গটঠত হয় ।
এটি main clause এ বেবহৃত so অথবা such এই adverb যক modify কভর এবং
that এই conjunction রদভয় শুরু হয় । Ex.
-The tea was so hot that it burnt my tongue.
-He worked so hard that he fell ill.
-There was such a big crowd that we could not see the film star.
7.Adverbial clause of purpose: adverbial clauses of purpose
উভেশে প্রকাশ কভর এবং রনম্নরলরখত conjunctions রদভয় শুরু হয়: that, so that, in
order that, lest Ex.
-We that (so that = in order that) we may live.
-You must work hard so that you may pass the examination
-The speaker raised his voice so that everybody could hear.
-He left an adequate provision for his children in order that they
might live comfortably.
-I am studying English in order that I can become an English
-Walk faster lest you should miss the train.
8. Adverbial clause of manner: as িারা যেমন---ভতমন অথ যবাঝাভল
ে যসটি
adverbial clause of manner হয় । Ex.
-Save as you want to invest. ( যেমন রবরনভয়াগ করভত চাও যতমন সঞ্চয় কভরা। )

Topic 8

Topic08: Definition of sentence and its classifications. Making

compound sentence with the flowing conjunctions: and, or, but,
for, nor, yet, so, either…or, nather…nor, not only but also,
: (colon). (Sentence Gi cwiPq Ges Gi MVbMZ cÖKvi‡f`| wbb¥ wjwLZ and, or, but, for, nor,
yet, so, either…or, nather…nor, not only but also, ; (semicolon) , :(colom). Øviv
compound sentence Gi MVb) |
Definition of sentence:
A sentence is a combination of words arranged in such an order that it
expresses a complete sense or meaning.
(evK¨ nj Ggbfv‡e mvRv‡bv k㸔Q hvi GKwU c~Y©v½ A_© cKvk K‡i|)

Classifications of Sentences:
MVb‡f‡` sentence wZb cÖKvi:
1. Simple sentence.
2. Complex sentence.
3. Compound sentence.

1. Simple sentence: ‡h sentence G GKU gvÎ subject Ges GKwU gvÎ finite verb ev mgvwcKv wµqv
_v‡K Zv‡K Simple sentence e‡j | (Definition: A simple sentence is a sentence having
only one subject and only one finite verb.)
Examples: I eat rice.
S v
He plays cricket.
2. Complex sentence: ‡Kvb sentence G GKwU principal clause I GK ev GKvwaK
subordinate clause _vK‡j Zv‡K Complex sentence e‡j |
( A complex sentence is a sentence having a principal clause
and one or more
subordinate clauses)
Examples: I know what he thinks.
S v O
3. Compound sentence. ‡h ev‡K¨ GKvwaK principal clause coordinating
conjunction Øviv hy³ _v‡K Zv‡K Compound sentence e‡j |
(A Compound sentence is a sentence which has more than one principal
clause connected by one or more coordinating conjunctions)
Example: He is poor, but he is honest.

Making sentences with the flowing conjunctions :

 And = The rain stopped, and the sun began shining.
 But = Mr Hassan is fat, but his wife is thin.
 Or = He has lost his purse, or it may have been stolen.
 For = I have to find a new job, for I am unemployed.
 Yet = Habib plays cricket well, yet his favorite sport is
 So = She was sick, so she could not attend the
 Nor = Hamid is not tall, nor is he short.
(hLb `y‡Uv ÔbvÕ m~PK weKí e³e¨ †ck Kiv nq ZLb nor e¨envi nq| jÿYxq †h, GB ai‡Yi
ev‡K¨ nor Gi c‡i ev‡K¨i MVb subject + verb bv n‡q verb + subject :n‡e nor is he
Hamid is not tall, nor is he short.
 either.....or: Either he will come, or I will go.
 neither....nor: *Nether will she have her dinner, nor will
she go to bed. (GB ai‡Yi ev‡K¨ auxiliary verb †K subject Gi Av‡M
emv‡Z n‡e |)
 not only ….but also: Not only does he have a car, but he
has also a house. ( GB ai‡Yi ev‡K¨ cÖ_‡g coordinate clause G not
only Gi ci auxiliary em‡e, Zvici subject wKš‘ wØZxq coordinate clause
G verb Gi Ae¯’vb ¯^vfvweK, Z‡e also kãwU but Gi m‡½ bv e‡m verb Gi c‡i

Compound sentence Gi punctuation we‡klfv‡e jÿYxq | coordinate clause Gi †k‡l

conjuntion Ges Gi Av‡M comma emv‡Z n‡e|
Examples: He has lost his purse, or it may have been stolen.
Z‡e clause hw` AvKv‡i †QvU nq Zvn‡j comma bv emv‡jI P‡j|
Examples: Hassan whistled and the dog came back.
 Conjunction QvovI Compound sentence ˆZwi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| †m‡ÿ‡Î `yÔwU
coordinate clause Gi gvSLv‡b semicolon(;) A_ev colon(:) emv‡Z n‡e|
1. I heard a scream: a little girl had fallen into the drain.
2. Hamid listened: somebody was coming.

Topic 9

: Definition of Q verbals, its classifications and function and types of

using gerund with example.
Ans: verbals ( hvi Aci bvg non finite verbs ) Ggb words hv verb n‡Z Mw©VZ nq wKš‘
Ab¨ †Kvb parts speech wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i |
Verbal wZb cÖKvi :
1. Infinitive.
2. Participle.
3. Gerund.

1. Definition of Infinitive. Verb Gi present form Gi Av‡M to ewm‡q infinitive

MVb Kiv nq |
Examples: I want to go there.
He told me to do the work.

*Z‡e †Kvb †Kvb †ÿ‡Î Infinitive Gi wPb&n “to’’ Dn¨ ev Aby³ _v‡K|
Examples: I saw him (to) go.

Types of Infinitive:

2. Definition Participle: verb Gi base (present) form Gi mv‡_ ing ev ed ewm‡q

participle MVb Kiv nq | GwU Sentence G Adjective wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|

Examples: Do not get on the running bus.

3. Gerund. Verb Gi base ( present) from Gi mv‡_ ing ewm‡q gerund MVb Kiv
nq| GwU sentence G noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i|

Types of using gerund with example:

1. ev‡K¨ subject iæ‡c :

Examples: Rising early is a good habit.
2. ev‡K¨ object iæ‡c : stop wirtting/ I like playing cricket.
3. preposition Gi object iæ‡c : He is found of catching fish.
4. verb Gi complement iæ‡c: Seeing is believing.
5. compound noun Gi Ask iæ‡c: A walking stick/give him his walking
6. Nominative absolute iæ‡c: Swimming being a good exercise, I will
swim every day.
7. Garand with possessive : I like your doing this.

8. Possessive pronoun ev noun Gi c‡i verb em‡j Zvi gerund from nq

Possessive pronoun: I don’t like his waking slowly.
Possessive noun: He resented Mahmud’s gambling.
9. Feel like Gi c‡i gerund e¨eüZ nq : I feel like going out now.

10. wKQz verb(admit, consider, detest, dread, enjoy, keep, help, mind
BZ¨vw`) Gi Av‡M I c‡i complement wnmv‡e Garand Gi e¨envi AZ¨vek¨Kxq
: He dreads going out along .
He enjoys fishing.

11. perfect gerund : having + verb (P.P. form): I am sorry for

having gone there.
He denied having gone the work.

12. Passive gerund :

A. having + verb ( P.P. form)
He was punished by being left alone.
B. Having been + verb (p.p. form)
I anticipated having been helped.

Topic 10

Course E-516 (Basic English Language) Q: Parts of speech and its classifications with examples. Parts
of speech এরপিরচয়এবংউদাহরণসহএরϕকারেভদসমূহ। Q: Definition of sentence and its
classifications.Making compound sentence with the flowing conjunctions: and, or,but,for,
nor,yet,so,as,either…or,nather…nor,not only…but also. Q: Simple sentence, its classifications in term
of meaning with its Structures with two examples. Q: Definition of verbals and its classifications with
example. Types of using gerund Q: paragraphs. Q: Essays. Q: Translation from bangle to English/
English to bangle. Q: simple sentence, its classifications in terms of struture and its Basic Structures
with two examples. (Simple sentence Simple sentence declarative sentence basic strutures)
Ans:Definition of simple sentence: Simple sentence: sentence subject finite verb Simple sentence. A
simple sentence is a sentence having only one subject and only one finite verb. Examples: Ieat rice. S
v Heplays cricket. Classifications of simple sentence in terms of structure 1. Declarative :statement
statement Examples: Hamid is a student. ( structure) He is not a teacher. ( structure). 2.
Interrogative : Examples: what is your name? Where are you from? 3. Imperative : Examples: come
in . Shut the door. 4. Exclamatory: Examples: How nice to see you! What a wonderful idea! Simple
declarative sentence basic Structureswith two examples 1. Subject + intransitive verb Dogs bark
Hasiana is sleeping 2. Subject + linking verb + Complement ( adjective) Ali is tall Honey tastes sweet
3. Subject + Linking verb + Complement (Noun) Kabir is a farmer Mina became a nurse. 4. Subject +
Be verb + Complement (adverbial) Hamida is in the kitchen. Ahmed is in the library. 5. Subject +
Transitive Verb + Object ( noun/pronoun) Kamal speaks English Monica has bought an umbrella. 6.
Subject + Transitive Verb + Object ( noun/pronoun) + complement (Adjective) We found the poem
difficult. The nurse kept the baby quiet. 7. Subject + transitive + Object (noun/pronoun) +
complement (Noun) We elected karim secretary. They appointed him headmaster. 8. Subject +
transitive + indirect object + direct object (noun/pronoun) They awarded shamim a prize. I sent her
some flowers. 9. There + verb + subject There is a book on the table. There lived a hermit in the

Topic 11

Conjunction: A conjunction is a part of speech that connects two or more words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences. Example: He is poor but (he is) honest. Kinds of Conjunctions: 1. Coordinating
Conjunction 2. Subordinating Conjunction Definitionof Coordinating Conjunction: Conjunction দুই বা
clause Coordinationg Conjunction । Coordinating Conjunction and, or, but, for, nor, yet, so,
either…or, nather…nor, not only but also, ; (semicolon) , :(colon). Coordinating conjucnction এর
উদাহরণ : Making sentences with the flowing conjunctions :  And= The rain stopped, and the sun
began shining.  But=Mr Hassan is fat, but his wife is thin.  Or=He has lost his purse, or it may have
been stolen.  For= I have to find a new job, for I am unemployed.  Nor= Hamid is not tall, nor is
he short.  Yet = Habib plays cricket well, yet his favorite sport is football.  So = She was sick, so
she could not attend the meeting. Classification of Coordinating Conjunction Coordinating
Conjunction চার ভাগ করা হয় : 1. Cumulative or Copulative Conjunction 2. Alternative or Disjunctive
Conjunction 3. Adversative Conjunction 4. Illative Conjunction 1. Comulative or Copulative
Conjunctions: এ conjunction : And, Both.........and, No less....... than, as well as, Not only.... but also
2. Alternative or Disjunctive Conjunctions: এ conjunction : Either....... or, Neither.......nor, or,
otherwise. Classifications of Subordinating Conjunction: 1. Time 2. Cause or Reason 3. Purpose 4.
Condition 5. Effect 6. Comparison 7. Concession or contrast 8. Manner 9. Introductory Sense 10.
Apposition 11. 1. Time: Till- Wait till I return. Until- Wait until I return. 2. Cause or Reason: As I was ill
I could not attend the class. You will not pass because you have not studied hard. 3. Purpose: That-
We eat that we may live. So that- We eat so that we may live. 4. Condition: If- You will pass the
exam the exam if you study. Unless- He will not respect you unless you respect him. 5. Effect: So---
that= He studied so hard that he passed in the first division. 6. Comparison: Than= The circle is
bigger than that. as-----as= He as tall as I. so----as= Panna is not so tall as Hira. 7. Concession or
contrast: Though- Though he is weak he can walk fast. As- Weak as he is, he can walk fast. However-
However weak he is. 8. Manner: As---- So= As you sow so you reap. According as= You will reap
according as you sow. 9. Introductory Sense: I know him He is known to me. 10. Apposition: The
rumour that his son has become a thief is false.

Topic 12

Topic 3 : The phrase and it's classifications with uses. --------------------------------------------------------------

------- Defination of Phrase: A phrase is a group of words which has no subject and finite verb and
acts as a small element of a sentence. ( Phrase part of speech ) Example: I saw the fox without a tail.
Classifications : 1. Noun phrase : ( phrase noun sentence- verb subject, object, complement
preposition object complement preposition object ) -To take exercise is good forhealth.(sub.) - I like
to take tea in the morning (obj.) - The probabllity of rain is much(sub.) - We were sorry at his being
kicked out.( preposition) 2. Adjective phrase: ( phrase adjective noun pronoun noun phrase ) -
He is a man of friendly nature (He is a friendly man) -He seems to be one of idle nature (He seems to
be idle) 03. Verbal Phrase: word verb verbal phrase -We looked for a smart boy. -Do on your shirt. -
He gave up smoking. 4. Adverbial phrase: ( phrase adverb adverb ) -The horse runs at a great speed.(
The horse runs fast) - He came in a hurry.( He came hurriedly). 5. Prepositional phrase: phrase
preposition He sacrificed his life for the sake of his country.(He sacrificed his life for the country. I
couldn't go school on account of illness.(I couldn't go school for illness). 6. Conjunctional phrase:
phrase conjunction We work hard in order that we can succeed. 7. Interjectional phrase: phrase
interjection What a pity! we have won the game. What a pleasure! he is coming. Techniques of
making phrases: Using preposition: is a man of good nature.. Using non finite verb: tute Kitty is good
for health. Swimming in the rever is dangerous. Using exclamatory words: what a pleasure! We own
the game. Using conjunctions: I am not against the decision.

Topic 13
Topic 3 : The phrase and it's classifications with uses. --------------------------------------------------------------
------- Defination of Phrase: A phrase is a group of words which has no subject and finite verb and
acts as a small element of a sentence. ( Phrase part of speech ) Example: I saw the fox without a tail.
Classifications : 1. Noun phrase : ( phrase noun sentence- verb subject, object, complement
preposition object complement preposition object ) -To take exercise is good forhealth.(sub.) - I like
to take tea in the morning (obj.) - The probabllity of rain is much(sub.) - We were sorry at his being
kicked out.( preposition) 2. Adjective phrase: ( phrase adjective noun pronoun noun phrase ) -
He is a man of friendly nature (He is a friendly man) -He seems to be one of idle nature (He seems to
be idle) 03. Verbal Phrase: word verb verbal phrase -We looked for a smart boy. -Do on your shirt. -
He gave up smoking. 4. Adverbial phrase: ( phrase adverb adverb ) -The horse runs at a great speed.(
The horse runs fast) - He came in a hurry.( He came hurriedly). 5. Prepositional phrase: phrase
preposition He sacrificed his life for the sake of his country.(He sacrificed his life for the country. I
couldn't go school on account of illness.(I couldn't go school for illness). 6. Conjunctional phrase:
phrase conjunction We work hard in order that we can succeed. 7. Interjectional phrase: phrase
interjection What a pity! we have won the game. What a pleasure! he is coming. Techniques of
making phrases: Using preposition: is a man of good nature.. Using non finite verb: tute Kitty is good
for health. Swimming in the rever is dangerous. Using exclamatory words: what a pleasure! We own
the game. Using conjunctions: I am not against the decision.

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