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Nur Azizah¹, Mahi M. Hkikmat²

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Djati



Abstract : The research entitled "The Fantasy Formula in The School for Good and Evil (2022)"
elaborates on the analysis of the Fantasy Formula using qualitative methods. This analysis
focuses on the Fantasy of Setting, which is one of the Fantasy formulas. The analysis will
explain how settings are patterned within the Fantasy genre.

Keywords : movie, popular literature, fantasy formula


In this increasingly modern era, popular culture has become hegemonic among society due to the
advancements in media and its easy accessibility to everyone. Popular literature is one example
of popular culture that has rapidly developed until today. Popular literature is widely accepted by
the public as a high-value entertainment medium because it is created to meet the demands of the
market and fulfill the desires of readers or viewers. According to Nurgiyanto (1999), popular
literature is categorized as entertainment and commercial literature. One popular genre of
literature that is highly favored by the public is film. Film is a popular form of literature with
evolving new formats. It is a medium of communication created with easily understandable
language and captivating stories for audiences (Febrianti, 2021).

A work of literature, including film, is created with stories that resonate closely with the
audience, such as various life issues, social life, family life, or love stories. Additionally, films
can also be differentiated by their genres. Some of these genres include comedy, action,
romance, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Among these genres, one that is highly favored by
the public is the fantasy genre (definition of fantasy). A fantasy film released in 2022 titled "The
School for Good and Evil" follows the success of the Harry Potter fantasy film series. This film,
with its fantasy genre, is expected to attract a large audience. It explores the use of magic in a
fantasy setting, which is often portrayed in imaginary or fantastical locations.

This research focuses on the Fantasy of Setting in the film "The School for Good and Evil." It
aims to analyze the different elements of the setting that form the patterns commonly presented
in the Fantasy genre. Therefore, the Problem Statement arises: How is the Fantasy of Setting
reflected in the film "The School for Good and Evil?"

This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive method from the perspective of formula analysis
with the aim of providing an overview of the fantasy formula in the movie "The School for Good
and Evil" (2022). The research focuses on the settings present in the film by examining the
aspects of time, place, and situation.

The data sources used consist of primary and secondary data. The primary data consists of
observations made while watching the movie "The School for Good and Evil" (2022). On the
other hand, secondary data is gathered from various information and references from other
journals related to the topic being discussed.

The method involves three steps. Firstly, preparation involves watching the movie "The School
for Good and Evil" (2022) in its entirety to thoroughly understand the content of the film.
Additionally, the researcher also seeks various information and references related to the topic at

Secondly, data collection involves identifying and marking the parts or sequences that exhibit the
fantasy setting in the film using the fantasy formula.

Lastly, data analysis entails explaining the parts of the film that fit into the fantasy formula with
a focus on the settings examined by the researcher.


This research examines the analysis of fantasy formulas, focusing on the setting, with theories
proposed by Cawelti and Sarick. "In general, a literary formula is a structure of narrative or
dramatic conventions employed in a great number of individual works (Cawelti, 1976: 5)."
According to Cawelti, a literary formula is a narrative structure or dramatic convention that is
typically used in various works. Formulas are patterns formed from universal cultural
conventions, making them predictable.

Over time, formulas continue to evolve along with the changes in society, but the essence of the
formula remains the same. For example, in the fantasy genre, the depicted setting is not a real-
life place but vastly different from the real world. Furthermore, the situations within the fantasy
formula may be unrealistic, yet readers or viewers still enjoy them. As Cawelti (1976: 6) states,
formulas are created in such a way to fulfill human needs for pleasure and escapism.

This study will explain the fantasy setting present in the film The School for Good and Evil
(2022). It can be observed that The School for Good and Evil (2022) is a fantasy film because it
incorporates magic and other supernatural phenomena as the main elements of its plot, theme,
and setting. Fantasy is a genre that utilizes the author's imagination to bring forth unreal

"The presence of magic or enchantment is the element that most clearly distinguishes Fantasy
from other genres (Sarick, 2009: 266)." The fantasy genre is easily identifiable because it differs
from other genres. Magic and unrealistic supernatural phenomena are exclusive to fantasy.
Additionally, there are variations in the settings used due to the creativity and imagination of the
authors who create these unreal worlds. According to Sarick, fantasy is also intertwined with
elements such as romance, adventure, horror, and others. These elements are utilized as spices to
prevent monotony.


In the study titled "The Analysis of Fantasy Genre's Formula on Harry Potter Series" written by
Risa Ambariski in 2012, the examination of popular literature in the fantasy genre was found to
have similar patterns with different storylines, which were analyzed using a qualitative
descriptive method with formula theory. The research aimed to discover and analyze the
formulas and genres present in the Harry Potter films. When comparing the object of study in
that literary work with the object of study in this research, similarities can be observed, such as
both focusing on fantasy genre films that involve magic and other spiritual phenomena, including
the presence of mythical creatures that do not exist in reality. Additionally, both studies show
similar patterns, such as the presence of antagonistic and protagonistic roles, and the main
characters who are initially unaware of the existence of magic in their world and later attend a
school full of magic.

The difference in this research lies in the specific focus of study. The previous study examined
all aspects encompassed by the formula, whereas this research places more emphasis on the
settings depicted in the film.


1. Setting of Place
Setting of place refers to the location where events take place in a story.

a) Another World: The Unknown Land

The first fantasy formula discovered in this film is Another World. It is an unknown
and fictional land that serves as the setting of the film. It resembles a fairy tale world,
consisting of places that exist solely in imagination. These places are not found in the
real world. In the film, it is revealed that the setting is a school, but it is unclear
which country or city the school is located in. To reach the school, the characters
Sophie and Agatha must embark on a terrifying journey. When the red moon
appears, a horrifying creature takes them to the school.

b) The Blue Forest

This place is an imaginative setting where beautiful pansy flowers grow, which can
consume humans. Pumpkins transform into monsters at night, and scarecrows come
to life as cruel Reapers that drink blood when night falls. While Sophie is trying to
prove something, she is attacked by the pansy flowers in the Blue Forest at night,
leaving her wounded and bleeding. Such patterns are commonly found in the fantasy
formula, where plants and objects can communicate and befriend humans, or even
transform into monsters and predators that prey on humans. This setting formula is
consistently present in fantasy genre films, depicting a place that does not exist in the
real world.

c) The Pool of Wishes

In this pool, all good students can grant their wishes by putting their hands into the
pool. Any wish they desire the most will come true. Of course, this is an imaginary
place that cannot happen in the real world. Here, the character Agatha successfully
saves one student who was punished and helps them return home. This event is
something that would never happen in the real world.

d) Staircase to the Principal's Office

This staircase appears in the middle of the movie when Agatha and Sophie are going
to meet the principal. Initially, the staircase doesn't exist, so when someone steps into
that area, they would fall down. However, when a foot steps into that area, suddenly
the steps of the staircase appear and provide a pathway to the principal's office. This
is highly unlikely to happen in the real world. In fantasy, there are always settings
that cannot exist in the real world.

2. Setting of Situation
It refers to the situation that occurs during the events of the story.

a) Groger's Punishment
When the character Groger is punished, the situation is unclear. It is unclear whether
all the other good students know about it or not, and the only one who shows
empathy towards Groger is Agatha.

b) The Death of the Principal

In the scene leading up to the end, Rafal declares that the principal has passed away and
he transforms himself into the new principal. However, in certain instances, such as
during the climax scene where Sophie attacks a well-behaved student and chaos ensues in
the school, the principal is absent, and the absence of the principal goes unnoticed by the

Thus, the fantasy formula unfolds in the setting of the situation. With an unclear and illogical

3. Setting of Time
The setting of time refers to when the events/everything in the story take place.
The fantasy formula in the setting does not have a specific time or timeframe.
Throughout the film, there is no clarity regarding time. Day and night are evident, but
the duration of their stay in the school is unclear. When they return from the school, it
seems ordinary to their family, as if they have only been gone for a day.

Fantasy is a literary genre that presents supernatural and magical phenomena as the main
elements of its plot and setting. The fantasy formula consistently follows patterns in its various
settings, themes, adventures, and magic. In the film The School for Good and Evil (2022), data
on the fantasy of setting has been observed. The setting in this film adheres to patterns in terms
of the setting of place, setting of time, and setting of situation.


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