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2 2 16. Years of experience in government service: 1. Less than S years 2.5.9 years 3.10414 years 415-19 years 5, More than 19 years Items 17 0 20 In which ofthe following types of work do you consider yourself best qualified? Choose oaly two ‘rom among the options liste in items 17-20. Shade the boxes that correspands to your choices, For exampl, if you think you are best qualified in budget management, and project plamning/maaagement, shade box no. 2 of item 17 and box no.3 of tem. Leave items 18 and 20 ‘lank If you think you ate best qualiied in researctepost ineluding statistical analysis, shade oxex no, end no. 3 of item 20 on your Answer sheet, and leave items and 19 blank: 17.1. Axcounting 2. Budget Management 3. Brying Purchasing 4. Co-ordination 6. Computer Operations 1. EDP Computer Programming 2. EDP System Analysis and Design 3. Hun Resource Development 5. Management and Audit Analysis 19, 1, News/Feature Writing 2. Personal Reeritment/Selection 3. Project Planning/Mavagement 44 Public Relation Work 6. Reoords Management 20. 1, Research / Report Writing 2. Statistical Analysis 3. Stenography 4, Supplies Management 6. None ofthe Above * TEST BEGINS HERE * DIRECTIONS: Choose fiom among the suggested answers tle word that means most nearly the same a the word in capital leers, On your Answer Shect, shade completely the box that corresponds io your answer ‘Ang PAGAL na guro ay sandaling tumigil bago muling nagpat loy sa pagsasalita, 1. pazod 2. galt 3 plan 4.inebagal 5. amahinahon A special greup in te police fore is believe to be engage in FURTIVE activities 1 illegal 2. suspicious 3.umsual 4. wary S. secret “The Defense presented its case to the jury ina TRENCHANT manne

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