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achicving these gonls determine how he ses his future gous, ‘NO ERROR 3 4 5 42, The Labor Scerctary will met rpreseniatives ofthe entwtainment industry tomorow 1 2 todisouss pmoblems affecting the working conditions of Filipino workers abroad, 3 4 NO ERROR s 4, Some people are ‘simplytoo opportunities tolakea stand 1 i 3 ‘on controversial iss, NO ERROR 4 3 44, Wo were discussing about politcal issues so her semasks 1 2 sboutclahes and fishion _ were completely beside the point, NO ERROR 3 4 5 45. The bestconsultants ate those who can suggest 7 NO ERROR s = “t 2 3 tobesogencrou, NOERROR 4 5 47. This is just one approach ‘toa selection system and there are many 1 2 3 from whom to choose NO ERROR 4 3 48. Manating umabotsasandaangtaon ang buliey ng iseng tao L 2 Jung gugustuhin at susundan lamang ang miga postiboug saloobin. NO ERROR 3 4 3 49.Luse totmkeashortsiesia everyaffemoon _afisrlumch, NO ERROR 1 2 3 4 5 ‘50. The sucess of aleader avs not only on the leader's soility to influence people, 1 2

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