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Needs improvement Satisfactory Good Excellent

0’5p 1p 2p 3p

Grammar It is difficult to understand The students is able to The student is able to express their The student is able to express their
the student. They have express their ideas but with ideas and responses fairly well but ideas and responses with ease in
difficulty to express ideas some inconsistencies on their makes mistakes with their tenses, proper sentence structure and
because of grammar sentence structure and however is able to correct tenses.
mistakes. tenses- themselves.

Pronunciation Difficult to understand, quiet Student is slightly unclear Pronunciation is good and does not Pronunciation is clear and easy to
in speaking, unclear in with pronunciation at times, interfere with communication understand.
pronunciation. but generally is fair.

Vocabulary Inadequate vocabulary Able to use broad vocabulary Use of vocabulary learnt in class, in Rich, precise and impressive usage
words to express ideas words but is lacking, making an accurate manner for the of vocabulary words learnt in and
properly. the speech repetitive and situation given. beyond of class.
unable to expand ideas.

Interactive Difficulty understanding the Student fairly grasps some of Student is able to comprehend and Student is able to comprehend and
communicatio questions and topics. the questions and topics respond to most of the questions respond to all of the questions and
n discussed. and topics. the topics

Fluency Speech is very slow, Speech is slow and often Speech is mostly smooth but with Speech is effortless and smooth with
stumbling, nervous and hesitant and irregular. some hesitation and unevenness speed that comes close to that of a
uncertain with response. Sentences may be left causes primarily by rephrasing and native speaker.
uncompleted, but the student groping for words.
is able to continue.

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