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= TERMGEHILCA RECEIVED JAN 2 7 ENTD January 27th, 2012 LAW DEPARTMENT 66-061-2012 Te: Inc. 4400 AatayaTrall 02-499, (tiando, Florida 32828, Unites States of America Mc Oscar Falebn, Sales Director. Re: Notice to Procaed Dear Si, “This Notes to Proceed is hereby delivered to you pursuant fo Section 2.12.2 ofthe Lump Sum, “Turkey, Engineering, Procurement and Constuction Contact, dated as of March 24th, 2011 and ‘any subsequent change orders (‘Contract’) between TERMOCHILCA SAC. COwner) and ‘Siemens Energy Ine. (Contractor) and under the Amendment dated as of January 6°. 2012, between Ouner, Contractor and Scotiabank Perl SAA. (‘Bank’). Owme cers that Bank wil ‘make the Miestone Payment due upon NTP to Contract in accordance wth Section of the Contract. Oumer hereby instucts Contractor to commence ful performance of the Work, on the later of () February 7", 2012 and i) the dat hate seven (7) days ale Contractor's recep ofthe Milestone Payment due upon NTP. Uniess othenvee noted, caplalized terms used In his Notice to Proceed shal have the meanings assigned thereto the Contract, Yours fatty, TERMOCHILCA SA, By: By: me Name: Gamen Tatiana Alegre Chalco Name: Edvard Vicufe Baeza “Tile: General Manager Tie: Director ‘va nc 1880! €0- Snag ge Sues“ oan ssas08 0

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