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Journal of Advanced Research in Vol. 6, Issue. 4, 2014, pp.

Pure Mathematics doi: 10.5373/jarpm.1975.021814
Online ISSN: 1943-2380

Ideals in ordered AG-groupoids

Venus Amjad1 , Murad ul Islam Khan2 , Faisal Yousafzai3,∗
Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Abbottabad, Pakistan.
School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, China.
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of
China, Hefei, China.

Abstract. In this paper, we have characterized a strongly regular ordered AG-

groupoids in terms of left (right, two-sided, interior, bi-) ideals and shown that if
S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid, then A = (A ], for any left ideal A of
S, where i = 1, ..., n.

Keywords: Ordered AG-groupoid; Strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid and ideals.

Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 20M99.

1 Introduction
The idea of generalization of a commutative semigroup was first introduced by Kazim
and Naseeruddin in 1972 (see [5]). They named it as a left almost semigroup (LA-
semigroup). It is also called an Abel-Grassmann’s groupoid (AG-groupoid) [14].
An AG-groupoid is a non-associative and non-commutative algebraic structure mid
way between a groupoid and a commutative semigroup. This structure is closely related
with a commutative semigroup, because if an AG-groupoid contains a right identity,
then it becomes a commutative semigroup [9]. The connection of a commutative inverse
semigroup with an AG-groupoid has been given by Faisal et al. in [18] as, a commutative
inverse semigroup (S, .) becomes an AG-groupoid (S, ∗) under a ∗ b = ba−1 r−1 , ∀
a, b, r ∈ S. An AG-groupoid S with left identity becomes a semigroup under the binary
operation ”◦e ” defined as, x ◦e y = (xe)y, ∀ x, y ∈ S [19]. An AG-groupoid is the
generalization of a semigroup theory [9] and has vast applications in collaboration with
semigroup like other branches of mathematics.

Correspondence to: F. Yousafzai, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technol-
ogy of China, Hefei, China. Email:

Received: 18 February 2014, revised: 9 May 2014, accepted: 21 July 2014. 114 ⃝2014
c Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
V. Amjad, M.I. Khan and F. Yousafzai 115

An AG-groupoid is a groupoid S whose elements satisfy the left invertive law (ab)c =
(cb)a, ∀ a, b, c ∈ S. In an AG-groupoid, the medial law [5] (ab)(cd) = (ac)(bd), ∀ for all
a, b, c, d ∈ S holds. An AG-groupoid may or may not contains a left identity. The
left identity of an AG-groupoid allow us to introduce the inverses of elements in an
AG-groupoid. If an AG-groupoid contains a left identity, then it is unique [9]. In an
AG-groupoid S with left identity, the paramedial law (ab)(cd) = (dc)(ba), ∀ for all
a, b, c, d ∈ S holds. If an AG-groupoid contains a left identity, then by using medial
law, we get a(bc) = b(ac), ∀ a, b, c ∈ S. If an AG-groupoid S satisfy a(bc) = b(ac), ∀
a, b, c ∈ S without left identity, then S is called an AG ∗∗ -groupoid. Several examples and
interesting properties of AG-groupoids can be found in [19] and [9], also see [2,3,7,15,16].
Yaqoob and Gulistan [17], defined partial odering on left almost semihypergroups.

2 Preliminaries
Definition 2.1. An ordered AG-groupoid (po-AG-groupoid) is a structure (S, ., ≤) in
which the following conditions hold.
(i) (S, .) is an AG-groupoid.
(ii) (S, ≤) is a poset.
(iii) For all a, b and x ∈ S, a ≤ b implies ax ≤ bx and xa ≤ xb.

Let S be an ordered AG-groupoid. For H ⊆ S, we define

(H] = {t ∈ S | t ≤ h f or some h ∈ H} .

For H = {a}, usually written as (a] .

Lemma 2.2. Let S be an ordered AG-groupoid, then the following are true.
(i) A ⊆ (A] , for all A ⊆ S.
(ii) If A ⊆ B ⊆ S, then (A] ⊆ (B] .
(iii) (A] (B] ⊆ (AB] for all A, B in S.
(iv) (A] = ((A]] for all A ⊆ S.
(v) For every left (resp. right) ideal or bi-ideal T of S, (T ] = T.
(vi) ((A] (B]] = (AB] for all A, B in S.

Proof. It is same as in [6].

Definition 2.3. An element a of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a right regular

element of S if there exists x ∈ S such that a ≤ a2 x = (aa)x and S is called right regular
if all elements of S are right regular.

Definition 2.4. An element a of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a left regular

element of S if there exists x ∈ S such that a ≤ xa2 = x(aa) and S is called left regular
if all elements of S are left regular.
116 Ideals in ordered AG-groupoids

Definition 2.5. An element a of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called an intra-regular

element of S if there exist some u, v, x, y ∈ S such that a ≤ (ua)(av) = (ua2 )v and S is
called intra-regular if all elements of S are intra-regular.

Definition 2.6. An element a of an orderedAG-groupoid S is called a strongly regular

element of S if there exists x ∈ S such that a ≤ (ax)a and ax = xa. S is called strongly
regular AG-groupoid if all elements of S are strongly regular.

Example 2.1. Let S = {a, b, c, d, e} be an ordered AG-groupoid with left identity b in

the following multiplication table.

. a b c d e
a a a a a a
b a b c d e
c a e b c d
d a d e b c
e a c d e b

Let us define the order relation as {(a, a), (a, b), (a, c), (a, d), (a, e), (b, b), (c, c)(d, d), (e, e)}
It is easy to verify that S is strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid.

It is shown in [20], that left, right and intra-regular classes coincide in an ordered
AG-groupoid with left identity.

Remark 2.7. A strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid is right and left regular.


a ≤ (ax)a = (xa)a = (aa)x = (xa)a ≤ (xa)((aa)x) = (xa)((xa)a) = (x(xa))(aa).

However the converses are not true in general which can be seen from the following

Example 2.2. Let S = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g} be an AG-groupoid with the following multi-

plication table.

. a b c d e f g
a b d f a c e g
b e g b d f a c
c a c e g b d f
d d f a c e g b
e g b d f a c e
f c e g b d f a
g f a c e g b d
V. Amjad, M.I. Khan and F. Yousafzai 117

Let us take the trivial order on above mentioned AG-groupoid

By routine calculation it is easy to see that S is right ( left ) regular but S is not
strongly regular, because ax ̸= xa, ∀ a ∈ S and for any x ∈ S.

Corollary 2.8. A right regular ordered AG-groupoid becomes a left regular.

In [20], it has been shown that the concepts of left and right regularity coincide in
an ordered AG-groupoid with left identity.

Lemma 2.9. If S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid, then S = (S 2 ].

Proof. It is straightforward.

The converse is not true in general which can be followed from example 2.2.

Definition 2.10. A non-empty subset A of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a left

(resp. right) ideal of S if

(i ) SA ⊆ A (resp. AS ⊆ A), and

(ii) If a ∈ A and b is in S such that b ≤ a, then b ∈ A.
Equivalently: A non-empty subset A of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a left
(right) ideal of S if (SA] ⊆ A ((AS] ⊆ A).
By two-sided ideal or simply ideal, we mean a non-empty subset of an ordered AG-
groupoid S which is both left and right ideal of S.

Definition 2.11. A non-empty subset A of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called idem-

potent if A = (A2 ].

Definition 2.12. Let S be an AG-groupoid. By an ordered AG-subgroupoid of S, we

means a non-empty subset A of S such that (A2 ] ⊆ A.

Definition 2.13. A non-empty subset B of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a gen-

eralized bi-ideal of S if

(i) (BS)B ⊆ B
(ii) if a ≤ b ∈ B then a ∈ B.
Equivalently: A non-empty subset B of an AG-groupoid S is called a generalized
bi-ideal of S if ((BS)B] ⊆ B and an AG-subgroupoid B of an AG-groupoid S is called a
bi-ideal of S if ((BS)B] ⊆ B.

Definition 2.14. A non-empty subset Q of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called a quasi

ideal of S if (SQ] ∩ (QS] ⊆ Q.

Definition 2.15. A non-empty subset I of an ordered AG-groupoid S is called an

interior ideal of S if ((SI)S] ⊆ I.

Proof. It is simple.
118 Ideals in ordered AG-groupoids

Lemma 2.16. A non-empty subset A of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with

left identity is a left ideal of S if and only if A is a right ideal of S.

Proof. It is straightforward.

Lemma 2.17. Every two-sided ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with
left identity is idempotent.

Proof. Let S be a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity and A be a
two-sided ideal of S, then (AS] ⊆ A and (SA] ⊆ A. Let a ∈ A, then there exists some
x ∈ S such that

a ≤ x(aa) = a(xa) ∈ A(SA) ⊆ AA ⊆ (A](A] = (A2 ].

Now let a ∈ (A2 ], then a ≤ yz, where y, z ∈ A, therefore

a ≤ yz ∈ AA ⊆ SA ⊆ A,

which implies that A = (A2 ].

Corollary 2.18. Every left (right) ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S
with left identity is idempotent.

Definition 2.19. A non-empty subset A of an ordered AG-groupoid S called semiprime

if and only if a2 ∈ (A] =⇒ a ∈ (A].

Lemma 2.20. Every two-sided ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with
left identity is semiprime.

Proof. It is simple.

Theorem 2.21. If S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity, then
A = (A3 ], for any two-sided ideal A of S.

Proof. Let S be a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity and A be any
two-sided of S. Let x ∈ (A3 ] then x ≤ (ab)c where a, b, c ∈ A, therefore

(ab)c ∈ (AA)A ⊆ SA ⊆ A.

Now let a ∈ A. Since (a2 S] is two-sided of S such that a2 ∈ (a2 S], therefore by using
lemma 2.20, we have

a ∈ (a2 S] = ((aa)S] = ((Sa)a] ⊆ ((S(a2 S))a] = ((a2 (SS))a]

= (((aa)S)a] = (((Sa)a)a] ⊆ ((((SA])A)A] ⊆ (((A]A)A]
⊆ (((A](A])(A]] ⊆ (A3 ],

which is what we set out to prove.

V. Amjad, M.I. Khan and F. Yousafzai 119

Corollary 2.22. If S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity, then
A = (A3 ], for any left ideal A of S.

Theorem 2.23. If S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity, then
A = (Ai+1 ], for any two-sided ideal A of S, where i = 1, ..., n.

Proof. It can be easily followed by generalizing the proof of theorem 2.21.

Corollary 2.24. If S is a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity, then
A = (Ai+1 ], for any left ideal A of S, where i = 1, ..., n.

Lemma 2.25. A non-empty subset A of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with

left identity is a two-sided ideal of S if and only if (AS] = (SA] = A.

Proof. Let S be a strongly regular AG-groupoid with left identity and let A be a two-
sided ideal of S then, (AS] ⊆ A and (SA] ⊆ A. Now by using Lemma 2.17, A =
(AA] = (A](A] ⊆ (A](S] ⊆ (AS], which implies that (AS] = A. Similarly we can show
that (SA] = A.
The converse is simple.

Proposition 2.26. If S is an ordered AG-groupoid with left identity e then (xy)2 =

(x2 y 2 ) = (y 2 x2 ), for all x, y in S.

The proof is easy. Consequently (a2 S] is an ideal of S.

Theorem 2.27. In a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with left identity, the
following are true.

(i) B is a bi-(generalized bi-) ideal of S ⇐⇒ ((BS)B] = B = (B 2 ].

(ii) Q is a quasi ideal of S ⇐⇒ (SQ] ∩ (QS] = Q.
(iii) I is an interior ideal of S ⇐⇒ ((SI)S] = I.

Proof. (i) : Let B be a bi-ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S, then

((BS)B] ⊆ B. For b ∈ B there exists some x ∈ S such that

b ≤ x(bb) = b(xb) ≤ (x(bb))(xb) = (b(xb))(xb) = ((xb)(xb))b

= ((bx)(bx))b = (b((bx)x))b ∈ (BS)B ⊆ ((BS)B].

Thus ((BS)B] = B holds.


b ≤ x(bb) = b(xb) ≤ (x(bb))(xb) = (b(xb))(xb) = ((xb)(xb))b = ((bx)(bx))b

= (b((bx)x))b = (b((xx)b))b ≤ ((x(bb))((xx)b))b = ((b(xx))((bb)x))b
= ((((bb)x)(xx))b)b = (((xx)(x(bb)))b)b = (((xx)(b(xb)))b)b = ((b((xx)(xb)))b)b
⊆ ((BS)B)B ⊆ BB ⊆ (B 2 ].

Hence B = (B 2 ] holds. The converse is obvious.

120 Ideals in ordered AG-groupoids

(ii) : Let Q be a quasi ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with left
identity, then (SQ] ∩ (QS] ⊆ Q. Let q ∈ Q, then there exists some x ∈ S and y ∈ Q
such that
yq ≤ y(x(qq)) = y(q(xq)) = q(y(xq)) ∈ QS ⊆ (QS].
Now let qy ∈ QS, then

qy ≤ (x(qq))y = (q(xq))y = (y(xq))q ∈ SQ ⊆ (SQ].

Hence (QS] = (SQ]. As q = x(qq) = q(xq) ∈ (QS], therefore q ∈ (SQ] ∩ (QS] implies
that (SQ] ∩ (QS] = Q. The converse is obvious.
(iii) : Let I be an interior ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with
left identity, then ((SI)S] ⊆ I. Let i ∈ I, then there exists some x ∈ S such that

i ≤ x(ii) = i(xi) ≤ (x(ii))(xi) = ((xi)(ii))x = ((ii)(ix))x

= (((ix)i)i)x ∈ (SI)S ⊆ ((SI)S].

Hence ((SI)S] = I. The converse is simple.

In the following lemma, we have shown that all the ideals coincide in a strongly
regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity.

Lemma 2.28. Let S be a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid with left identity and
X ⊆ S such that X = (X ], then the following holds.

(i) A non-empty subset X of S is a left ideal of S ⇐⇒ it is a right ideal of S.

(ii) A non-empty subset X of S is a two-sided ideal of S ⇐⇒ it is a quasi ideal of S.
(iii) A non-empty subset X of S is a two-sided ideal of S ⇐⇒ it is an interior ideal
of S.
(iv) A non-empty subset X of Sis a two-sided ideal of S ⇐⇒ it is a bi-ideal (
generalized bi-ideal) of S.

Proof. (i) : Let X be a right ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with left
identity. Let y ∈ (SX ], then there exist some z, x ∈ S and a ∈ X such that

y ≤ za ≤ z(x(aa)) = z(a(xa)) = a(z(xa)) ∈ X S ⊆ (X S] ⊆ (X ] = X,

which shows that X is a left ideal of S.

Conversely assume that X is a left ideal of S. Let y ∈ (X S], then there exist some
a ∈ X and x, z ∈ S such that

y ≤ ax ≤ (z(aa))x = (a(za))x = (x(za))a ∈ SX ⊆ (SX ] ⊆ (X ] = X ,

which shows that X is a right ideal of S.

(ii) : It is an easy consequence of Lemma 2.25.
V. Amjad, M.I. Khan and F. Yousafzai 121

(iii) : Let X be a two-sided ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with

left identity. Now

((SX )S] ⊆ ((SX ]S] ⊆ ((X ]S] ⊆ ((X ](S]] = (X S] ⊆ (X ] = X ,

which implies that X is an interior ideal of S.

Conversely assume that X is an interior ideal of S, then ((SX )S] ⊆ X . Let a ∈ X ,
then there exists some s, x ∈ S such that

sa ≤ s(x(aa)) = s(a(xa)) = a(s(xa)) ≤ (x(aa))(s(xa)) = ((s(xa))(aa))x

= ((aa)((xa)s))x = ((((xa)s)a)a)x ∈ (SX )S ⊆((SX )S] ⊆ ((SX ]S]
⊆ ((X ]S] ⊆ ((X ](S]] = (X S] ⊆ (X ]= X ,

which shows that (SX ] ⊆ X . Therefore X is a left ideal of S, and by (i), X is a

two-sided ideal of S.
(iv) : Let X be a bi-(generalized bi-) ideal of a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid
S with left identity, then ((X S)X ] ⊆ X , therefore

(X S] = ((X X ](SS]] = (((X X )(SS)]] = (((SS)(X X )]]

= ((SS](X X ]] = ((S](X ]] = ((SX ]] = (SX ]


(X S] = ((X X ]S] = ((X X )S] = ((SX )X ] = (SX ](X ] = (X S](X ] = ((X S)X ] ⊆ X .

Hence X is a two-sided ideal of S.

Conversely, assume that X is a two-sided ideal of S. Let x ∈ ((X S)X ], then there
exist some a ∈ X and x, p ∈ S such that

a ≤ (ax)a ≤ (ax)((p(aa)) = (ax)(a(pa)) ∈ (X S)((X (SX ))⊆ (X S](X (SX )]

⊆ ((X S)(X (SX ))] ⊆ (X S] ⊆ X , for some p ∈ S.

Similarly we can show that (X 2 ] = X . Hence X is a bi-ideal (generalized bi-ideal) of


Theorem 2.29. For a strongly regular ordered AG-groupoid S with left identity, the
following statements are equivalent.
(i) X is a left ideal of S.
(ii) X is a right ideal of S.
(iii) X is a two-sided ideal of S.
(iv) X is a bi-ideal of S.
(v) X is a generalized bi-ideal of S.
(vi) X is an interior ideal of S.
(vii) X is a quasi ideal of S.
(viii) (X S] = (SX ] = X .
122 Ideals in ordered AG-groupoids

Proof. (i) ⇐⇒ (ii) and (ii) ⇐⇒ (iii) are obvious from Lemma 2.28 (i).
(iii) ⇐⇒ (iv) and (iv) ⇐⇒ (v) are obvious from Lemma 2.28 (iv).
(viii) ⇒ (vii) is simple.
(vii) ⇒ (vi) : Let X be a quasi ideal of a left regular ordered AG-groupoid S with
left identity and let z ≤ (sa)s ∈ ((SX )S], then there exist some x, y ∈ S such that

(sa)s ≤ (sa)(y(ss)) = ((ss)y)(as) = a(((ss)y)s) ∈ X S ⊆ (X S],


(sa)s ≤ (s(x(aa)))s = (s(a(xa)))s = (a(s(xa)))s = (s(s(xa)))a ∈ SX ⊆ (SX ].

Therefore (sa)s ∈ (X S] ∩ (SX ] ⊆ X , which shows that X is an interior ideal of S.

(iii) ⇐⇒ (viii) is obvious from Lemma 2.25.
(vi) =⇒ (v) : Let X be an interior ideal of S, then by Lemmas 2.28 (iii) and 2.17,
X is a two-sided idempotent ideal of S. Therefore

((X S)X ] = ((X S)(X X ]] ⊆ ((X S](X X ]] ⊆ (((X S)(X X )]] = ((X S)(X X )]
= ((X X )(SX )] ⊆ ((X X ](SX ]] ⊆ ((SX ](S]]
⊆ (((SX )S]] ⊆ ((SX )S] ⊆ X .

Hence X is a generalized bi-ideal of S.

The last author is highly thankful to CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship and USTC


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