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Zamboanga City
An Extension Program of
F.L. Peña, Kabasalan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Name: Jenifer L. Herolaga Date: October 017, 2018

Course and Year: BTTE-III Duration: 1 hour


Garments Fashion and Design

(Detailed Lesson Plan)


At the end of the lesson learners should be able to:

 identify the materials needed in making Old T- Shirt bag;

 perform the procedure in making an Old T- Shirt bag;
 appreciate the significance of Old T- Shirt bag;


a. Topic: Old T- Shirt Bag

b. Reference: IdunnGoddes. YouTube

c. Tools and Materials

 Old T- Shirt
 Scissors or shears
 Tape Measure
 Tailors chalk
 Thread
 Needle
 Ruler
 Ribbon

d. Visual Aids: Pictures

e. Multimedia: Video Presentation and PowerPoint Presentation


̶ Requesting everybody to please
stand for the prayer. Kindly lead the
prayer ______.

2. Greetings
̶ Good morning class! ̶ Good morning ma’am!
̶ How are you today? ̶ We are good.
̶ I’m glad to see you. ̶ We’re glad to see you too.
̶ Thank you, please take your seats. ̶ You’re welcome.

3. Checking of Attendance
̶ Let us check first your attendance. ̶ Everybody is present ma’am
Who is absent today?
̶ Very Good. Since all of you are
present, ̶ Students do the barangay clap.
Let us have a barangay clap.

4. Collecting and Checking of

̶ Last meeting I gave you an ̶ Yes ma’am.
assignment by group, right?
̶ What was your assignment all ̶ Ma’am our assignment was all
about class? about brings an Old T- Shirt.

̶ Ok. Please put your assignment at ̶ The student will put their
the table. assignment in the table.

̶ Very good. Seems that all of you ̶ The students will clap their hands
bring your assignment by group.
Let’s clap our hands.

5. Recall
̶ Class as a sort of recap, what have - Last meeting we discussed about
we discussed last meeting? Cut and Tie T- Shirt.
̶ Very good, so what are the ̶ Ma’am the materials needed in Cut
materials needed in cut and Tie T- and Tie T- Shirt are scissors or
shirt? Shears and Old T- Shirt.
̶ Your right! Let’s give five claps to ̶ Students will do the five claps.
miss ________________

6. Drill
̶ Before we go further to our lesson
proper, let’s have first a short
activity, for your mind and body to
energize. - Yes ma’am
̶ Group yourselves into two then
arrange the puzzle pictures then
post in the front. Am I clear class? - The student will do the activity
̶ The first group to finish the task will
be the winner. Okay, start now.

7. Motivation ̶ Students answer

̶ Ok class, what is shown in the
̶ Yes!

̶ Ok let’s find out. I have here a video

- Students answer
̶ From the video presented, what
have you observed class?

8. Presentation

̶ Now, we are going to discuss on

how to make an Old T- Shirt Bag.
̶ Before I discussed further, let us
read the objectives for you to attain
at the end of the lesson.
̶ Okay, everybody please read.

At the end of the lesson, the

students should be able to:

 identify the materials needed in

making Old T- Shirt bag;
 perform the procedure in making
Old T- Shirt Bag;
 appreciate the significance of Old T-
Shirt Bag;

(Students answer)
̶ Do you have any questions and
clarifications regarding our
objectives, class? TRADE TERMS:
 T- Shirt- a style of unisex shirts.
Unlocking Difficulties  Bag – a container used for carrying
Before we proceed to our personal things.
discussion let us take up first the  Strips- to remove, pull, or tear the
following trade terms that we will covering or outer layer from
encounter in our lesson. something.
 Braid- to weave together (three or
more strands or part or something.
 Cut- to used tool to open or divide.
 Tie- to fasten, attach or close by
means of tie.
 Slit- a long narrow cut or opening in
 Fringe- a boarder of hanging
threads use to decorate the edge of
something (such us clothing, rugs
and curtains).
 Knot- fastening or trying together.
 Trim- to remove something by

- Students answer
- Any questions regarding on the
trade terms?

Tools and Materials Needed:

̶ Let’s have also the tools and  Scissors/ shears- a tool used for
materials needed in making Old T- cutting paper and cloth.
shirt bag  Tailor chalk- a thin piece of hard
chalk used in tailoring for making
temporary alternations mark on
 Tape measure- is a flexible ruler
used to measure distance.
 Old T- Shirt- is a style of unisex
 Ruler- a straight piece of plastic
use to draw a straight line.
 Hand needle- a small, very thin
object that is used in sewing and
that has a sharp point at one end
and a whole of thread.
 Thread – a long, thin piece of
cotton silk, etc., used for sewing.
 Ribbon- a narrow piece of cloth
(such us silk) that is used to tie
things or for decoration.

- Yes ma’am
̶ Did you understand the uses of
every materials class?

̶ That’s great!

̶ In making Old T- Shirt Bag there 1. Always prepare the materials
are some reminders and safety needed.
precautions that we must to keep in 2. Always follow the proper procedure.
mind. 3. Presence of mind while doing to
avoid accident.
̶ Everybody please read. 4. Use sharp scissors/ shears.

- Students answer

- Any question regarding the

reminders class?

9. Demonstration 1. Prepare all the materials needed.

2. Cut the T- shirt 6 inches from the
̶ In order to come up with a beautiful edge.
output, we must follow the 3. Divide each part of the fabric into 3
procedure correctly. strips, so that you can get long
4. Overlap ends of 2 strips and used a
needle and thread to sew them
together so that you can get 6 long
5. Sew 3 long strips together.
6. Now start braiding the strips
together, once you reach end, tie a
7. Mark 1 ½ inch apart.
8. Cut the fringes.
9. Take the pair of the fingers and tie it
twice into a thigh knot.
10. Trim the edges.
11. Tie the sleeves with a ribbon, so
that they will get a nice shape and
for additional decoration.
12. Insert the braided strap into the
sleeves and sew the ends together,
13. Done.

̶ Yes ma’am
̶ Did you understand the procedure

 Actual Demonstration

̶ This time, I will demonstrate to you

the proper way in making Old T-
Shirt Bag. Please come closer and
observe carefully on how I make the
Old T- Shirt Bag following the given
procedure. ̶ Student read the procedure.
̶ You will be the one to read the
procedure and I will perform it. Now,
read the first procedure.

̶ This is now the output, the Old T-

Bag. (The teacher presents the
output to the class).
(Student response)
̶ What can you say class?
̶ Yes ma’am
̶ Okay class, can you now follow the
̶ I want one representative to re-

- Thank you for your participation.

̶ (students answer)
̶ Is there any question and
clarification class?

10. Application

̶ Alright class, since you don’t have

any questions, I presume that all of
you are ready now for the final

- ( the teacher will group the student

into two) - Yes ma’am
̶ Are you ready class?

̶ Let’s see who among the group Rubrics

performs better. Criteria Points G1 G2
̶ Class be reminded that you are Accuracy 2
guided with the rubrics. Cooperation 5
Creativity 3
̶ ( the teacher present the rubrics) total 10

( Student point of view)

11. GENERALIZATION - Ma’am I learned how to create a
 Based on our topic today, what bag with the use of Old T- Shirt.
have you learned?

 In making an Old T- Shirt bag what (Students answer)

are the materials needed?
 How can you apply it in real life?


DIRECTION: Answer the following questions on a ¼ sheet of paper. Write only the
letters of your answer.

1. Why we need to follow the correct procedure in making an Old T- Shirt Bag?

a. To work safety
b. To come up with the nice and tidy output
c. To lessen our work

2. Why we need to be reminded with the safety reminders before we work.

a. To come up with the nice and tidy output

b. To finish the work without accident happen.
c. To add decorations

3. What is the main material in using Old T- Shirt Bag?

a. Ruler
b. Ribbon
c. Old T- shirt

4. It is used for additional decorations.

a. Braid
b. Ribbon
c. Fringes

5. What are the materials needed in making an Old T- shirt bag?

a. Old T- shirt, Tape Measure, Tailors Chalk, ribbon, scissors, thread, needle and
b. Thread and needle
c. Tape Measure and Ruler
Answer key:
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A


RESEARCH WORK: Answer the following in a 1 whole sheet of paper this is to be

submitted next meeting.

1. What is pillow case T- shirt?

2. What are the materials needed in pillow case T- shirt?

References: Internet website (Google. Com)

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