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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 05
October 2011

Sprint from Longniddry


5.5 miles

Dogs on walk

Archie, Cyrano, Dylan, Jolie, Phoebe, Solo

Apologies are due today to Dylan, Jolie and Solo. A touch of dj vu for them as they were along this way last Monday. It was not our planned ramble but the car threw all plans into chaos. At one point it looked like we were not going to be going anywhere. The car had been a little sick on the Tuesday and the boys at the garage had suggested that I bring it in today around three in the afternoon for them to check it out. I was a little worried overnight that it may not start in the morning. But I convinced myself all would be well and so failed to make a backup plan. Of course that was my mistake. In the morning the engine turned over but failed to get going. I tried again. Again. Again. It was not going to happen. Thankfully one of the boys from the garage said he would come over and have a look. This was all going to take a little time and what if it still would not start? Time to make a belated plan. First I spoke to Phoebes owner Jane to ask if there was any chance of borrowing their Land Rover Defender. As I had the last time the car was stuck in the garage. Good plan or so it seemed until we found that the keys had gone off into town with Duncan. So it was plan B. Get the Peugeot from Ian and walk the dogs in small groups on much shorter walks. He was primed and ready to go when I heard the bursting

throttle noise of an engine being revved. Colin had managed to get it started. The spark plugs were shot but he had chibbed them down. Not sure if this is technical garage term or just means a short term bodge. But it would be enough to save the day. Limp the car around and get back to the garage in the afternoon for replacements. Waving to our saviour from Cranston Autocare I was underway by nearly ten oclock. So much time lost and I needed to be back at the garage for about three oclock. This is why despite the speed of our walking we did not quite get the full six miles in today. The extra pace and urgency of the walk seemed to galvanise the dogs into a fun packed time. Limited as it was they made the most of it. Archie, Jolie and Phoebe quite a bundle of frantic fun. Cyrano being drawn unexpectedly into the throng and Solo finding himself walking with each of them in turn as they took a breather from their hectic pace. Only Dylan took his time having to run to catch us up once he had taken in all the smells of this bush or that tree trunk. Leaving the railway line and mixing up the walk from last week we took a path between fields hidden by tall bushes not quite making a hedge. Then into a small wood policy. Like a pirate it was almost possible to hear Phoebe call There be squirrels. She was off bounding through the trees. The squirrel leapt into one of them as she launched herself into the air and then was left standing looking into the branches her head cocked and ears erect. She returned and gathered her hearties ready for the next raid. It soon came and off most of them rushed. But they did not have a plan other than to get in each others way. The squirrels were finding this easy. The dogs split up Archie going deeper into the trees, Jolie sticking with Phoebe and Cyrano quite delicately and quietly sailing through the undergrowth like a well keeled ship. Still they failed. As if knowing this would be the outcome Dylan and Solo gave it all a miss. Back onto the railway walk and we paced along quickly to cover as much ground as possible. The high winds crashing in the trees like waves onto a pebble beach. Wrecking the pirate ship. The dogs left swimming in a trackside pond. We stayed on the track on the way back and the dogs made up for the slightly shortened walk by chasing back and forth. By the time we reached the car I would just have enough time to drop the dogs home and get to the garage half an hour late. The car all fixed The Dog Rambler was ready for Thursday.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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Nick Fletcher The Dog Rambler 9 Links Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6JL t. 0131 665 8843 or 0781 551 6765

Your dog walking service for active dogs

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