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The Busy Beans Cafe

Sugcad, Centro Occidental, Polangui, Albay, Philippines

Facebook: The Busy Beans Cafe

Proposed by:
Martinez, Jaime Jeanne P.

BS Architecture 5E


We envision a haven for individuals seeking the perfect blend of productivity and relaxation. We are
committed to providing a dynamic space where 'busy beans' can thrive, whether they are sipping on our
finest brews or immersed in their work, and sometimes even doing both simultaneously.

Company Description

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower the busy beans of the world to make the most of their valuable time, and
through this, we aspire to play a significant role in their journey toward success and fulfillment. We
envision 'The Busy Beans Cafe' as more than just a place to work and drink coffee; it's a destination
where dreams are brewed and ambitions are realized.

Long-term Goals and Objectives

The Busy Beans Cafe intends to have a comfortable place for individuals who intend to indulge in their
. Specifically, it has the following objectives:

1. To open new a cafe and co-working locations in key areas

2. To provide diverse workspace options

3. To enhance menu and maintain exceptional service

4. To establish a renowned brand in the industry.

The Management Team

The cafe's organizational chart begins with the Cafe Owner/CEO, who serves as the top-level
executive responsible for shaping the cafe's overall vision, strategy, and financial decisions.
Reporting to the owner is the General Manager, who plays a pivotal role in the cafe's daily
operations, overseeing both front-of-house and back-of-house management, staffing, and
ensuring top-notch customer service. Within the management team is the Front of House
Manager is responsible for the smooth operation of the front-of-house, which includes
supervising servers, baristas, and customer service staff, ensuring a pleasant dining experience.
On the other hand, is the Back of House Manager, who manages the kitchen and its operations,
including food preparation and the kitchen staff. Assisting in the operational aspects of the cafe
is the Operations Manager takes charge of logistics, inventory management, and supply chain
processes to ensure efficient day-to-day operations. Meanwhile, the Head Chef leads the culinary
team, playing a vital role in menu development, maintaining food quality, and overseeing all

kitchen operations. Finally, the Marketing Manager is responsible for promoting the cafe through
marketing and promotional activities, aiming to attract customers and enhance the cafe's brand
recognition. Collectively, this organizational structure ensures that the cafe runs smoothly and
efficiently, offering an exceptional dining experience to its patrons while maintaining the cafe's
high standards of quality and service.

The Product and Services

The Busy Beans Cafe offers an extensive range of products designed to enhance the overall
customer experience. From the moment you step in, you'll have access to an array of meticulously
crafted coffee and espresso drinks, including lattes, cappuccinos, and soothing herbal teas. To
accompany your beverage of choice, we provide freshly baked pastries, mouthwatering muffins,
flaky croissants, and local filipino pastries. For those looking for heartier options, the menu
includes a selection of savory sandwiches, wraps, as well as wholesome salads, and nourishing

In addition to our delectable food and beverages, we offer an array of complementary products and
services. Customize your coffee with various milk alternatives, sweeteners, and flavor syrups,
tailored to your unique preferences. Take a piece of "The Busy Bean Cafe" home with you by
browsing our branded merchandise collection, featuring stylish mugs, travel cups, T-shirts, and
handy tote bags. Enjoy the cafe experience in the comfort of your home by purchasing bags of our
premium coffee beans and loose-leaf tea leaves.

For those who visit our cafe to work, we stock essential workspace items such as notebooks, pens,
chargers, and laptop stands. And to enhance relaxation, we provide a selection of scented candles,
stress-relief toys, and noise-canceling headphones. Explore our curated bookshelf and participate in
our book exchange or simply unwind with a board game or puzzle from our collection. Connect
with local culture by perusing artwork and handcrafted items by local artists on display.

To cater to diverse needs and interests, we offer daily specials, host events, and provide Wi -Fi
access plans. For eco-conscious customers, we promote sustainability with reusable straws, eco-
friendly utensils, and other environmentally friendly products. Finally, if you are planning an event
or simply want to treat your colleagues to a coffee break, customers are free to take advantage of
the cafe's catering services, featuring coffee, pastries, and sandwiches. At "The Busy Bean Cafe,"
its' diverse product offerings ensure that there's something for everyone, whether you are seeking a
cozy coffee haven, a productive workspace, or a vibrant community experience.

Primary Target Customers

1. Professionals and Remote Workers: Many professionals, including freelancers, remote

workers, and entrepreneurs, are looking for a productive and comfortable workspace. They may
visit the cafe to work, hold meetings, or simply enjoy a change of environment.

2. Students: College and university students often seek a quiet and welcoming place to study,
collaborate on projects, or meet with study groups. "The Busy Bean Cafe" can cater to their
academic needs with its workspace and amenities.

3. Coffee Enthusiasts: Coffee lovers and connoisseurs who appreciate high-quality coffee and
specialty espresso drinks will find a haven at the cafe. They may visit regularly to enjoy a wide
range of coffee offerings.

4. Local Residents: The cafe can become a community gathering spot for local residents,
providing a place to catch up with friends, read a book, or attend cafe-hosted event.

The Target Industry

"The Busy Beans Cafe" targets multiple industries, combining elements from the hospitality,
foodservice, and shared workspace sectors. Primarily, it operates as a key player in the coffee
industry, offering a diverse menu of coffee and espresso beverages, emphasizing the use of
premium coffee beans, and appealing to coffee enthusiasts seeking high-quality brews.
Additionally, the cafe is deeply integrated into the food service industry by providing an array of
freshly baked goods, sandwiches, wraps, salads, and daily soup specials, serving as a hub for
culinary experiences. Furthermore, it actively participates in the shared workspace industry by
offering a conducive environment for professionals, students, and remote workers, equipped with
essential workspace amenities. The cafe also contributes to the retail industry with its branded
merchandise, including mugs, T-shirts, and tote bags. Lastly, through the display of local artwork,
crafts, and community events, "The Busy Beans Cafe" has a presence in the arts and culture
industry, enriching the local cultural landscape. This diverse positioning allows the cafe to meet the
multifaceted needs and preferences of its diverse customer base.

Competitive Advantage

Versatile Space: Unlike traditional cafes, "The Busy Beans Cafe" offers a versatile environment
that caters to various needs. Customers can enjoy premium coffee, a range of delectable food
options, and a comfortable co-working space, all under one roof. This versatility provides a
competitive edge, attracting a diverse customer base, including professionals, students, coffee
enthusiasts, and locals.

Quality and Sustainability: The cafe's commitment to quality sets it apart. It sources high-quality
coffee beans, tea leaves, and bakery products, ensuring an exceptional culinary experience.
Moreover, "The Busy Beans Cafe" promotes sustainability through eco-friendly practices, such as
offering reusable products and responsibly sourcing its ingredients. This commitment to quality and
sustainability resonates with today's conscious consumers.

Community Engagement: The cafe goes beyond traditional coffee shops by actively engaging with
the local community. It showcases local artwork and crafts, hosts community events, and
encourages a sense of belonging. This community-centric approach fosters customer loyalty and
sets it apart as a cultural hub within the area.

Inclusivity: "The Busy Beans Cafe" is committed to inclusivity, creating a welcoming space for
people of all backgrounds and identities. It avoids age, gender, or physical appearance as targeting
criteria, making it a place where everyone feels comfortable and valued.

Adaptability: The cafe's adaptability is another competitive advantage. It can host events,
workshops, and live performances, making it a flexible venue for a wide range of activities. This
adaptability ensures a constant flow of diverse customers and revenue streams.

Responsible Actors/Staff

The Busy Beans Cafe relies on a dedicated and skilled team of individuals who play integral roles
in ensuring the cafe's smooth operation and success. At the helm is the Founder/Owner, the
visionary who sets the cafe's direction and strategic objectives. The General Manager oversees day-
to-day operations, supervises staff, and maintains the cafe's efficiency. The Head Barista is
responsible for upholding the cafe's high standards for coffee and beverage quality, while the
Kitchen Manager ensures that food preparation and quality consistently meet customer
expectations. A team of cafe staff, including baristas, servers, and kitchen staff, provides friendly
and efficient customer service, creating a welcoming atmosphere for patrons. The Event
Coordinator plans and executes cafe-hosted events, workshops, and performances, enriching the
cafe's community engagement. The Merchandise Manager ensures that the cafe's branded products
are well-stocked and appealing to customers, while the Community Engagement Coordinator
fosters connections with local artists, artisans, and the broader community. The Marketing and
Social Media Manager spearheads marketing campaigns, maintains an engaging online presence,
and engages in customer outreach. A Financial Controller manages the cafe's finances, budgeting,
and financial reporting. A Sustainability Officer focuses on sustainable practices, responsible
sourcing, and eco-friendly initiatives. Lastly, Workspace Attendants maintain the co-working area,
ensuring it remains conducive to productivity and collaboration. Together, this diverse and
dedicated team works cohesively to uphold the cafe's values, provide exceptional service, and
create a warm and inclusive environment for all patrons, making "The Busy Beans Cafe" a thriving
and community-centric establishment.

Quality Control

Quality control is at the heart of "The Busy Beans Cafe," underpinning our commitment to
delivering a consistently exceptional customer experience. Our approach to maintaining quality
spans various facets of our operations. From the selection of suppliers who adhere to stringent
sourcing standards for coffee beans, tea leaves, and ingredients, to the rigorous training of our staff,
including baristas and kitchen personnel, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring quality is
ingrained in everything we do. Standardized recipes and preparation methods are key, ensuring that
our coffee, espresso drinks, and food offerings consistently meet our high standards. We prioritize
freshness, with our baked goods prepared daily and coffee beans freshly ground for each order,
preserving the rich flavors and aromas our customers love. Regular taste testing sessions help us
continuously evaluate and refine our offerings.

Customer feedback is a vital part of our quality control process, with an active and open channel for
patrons to share their thoughts and suggestions. Hygiene and safety protocols are rigorously
enforced to maintain a clean and safe environment for both customers and our dedicated staff.
Sustainability is another cornerstone of our quality control measures, with responsible sourcing
practices ensuring the integrity of our ingredients and products. Our quality assurance team
conducts regular audits, assessing equipment, facilities, and overall cleanliness to ensure we
consistently meet or surpass industry standards. In the rare instance of quality-related issues or
customer concerns, we take immediate action to rectify the situation and view it as an opportunity
for improvement. Our unwavering commitment to quality is central to our mission, ensuring that
every visit to "The Busy Beans Cafe" meets or exceeds expectations.

The Busy Bens Cafe Regulations:

Cafe regulations:
Food Safety Regulations: Ensure compliance with local and national food safety regulations to
maintain safe food handling, preparation, and storage practices.
Health and Safety Standards: Adhere to health and safety standards to create a safe environment for
customers and employees. This includes fire safety, sanitation, and emergency preparedness.
Business Licensing: Obtain the necessary permits and licenses to operate legally. This includes
licenses for food service and any required business permits.
Environmental Regulations: Comply with waste disposal and recycling regulations, and consider eco-
friendly practices to reduce environmental impact.
Accessibility: Ensure that the cafe is accessible to individuals with disabilities, complying with
accessibility regulations to provide an inclusive environment.
Taxation: Comply with tax laws, including sales tax and income tax, and accurately report and remit
taxes to the appropriate authorities.
Zoning and Land Use: Verify that the cafe's location is zoned appropriately for its business activities
and adheres to local land use regulations.
Intellectual Property: Respect trademark and copyright laws when using branding, logos, or
intellectual property.

Working Space Regulations:

Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA): Comply with OSHA regulations to ensure the safety of
co-working space users. Provide a safe workspace, proper training, and adherence to workplace
safety standards.

Business Licensing: Ensure that the co-working space component of the business is properly
licensed if required by local or national regulations.

Employment Laws: Comply with labor laws and regulations, covering aspects such as minimum
wage, working hours, overtime, and employee benefits, especially if the cafe employs co-working
space staff.

Privacy and Data Security: Implement measures to protect the privacy and data security of co-
working space users, especially if the space provides internet access and shared amenities.

Accessibility: Make the co-working space accessible to individuals with disabilities, following
accessibility regulations for public spaces.

Membership Agreements: Develop clear and legally sound membership agreements that outline
terms and conditions for co-working space users.

Security: Implement security measures to ensure the safety of co-working space users and their

Pricing Strategy

Cafe price strategy:

First and foremost, consider reducing the base prices of our core menu items, particularly regular
coffee beverages, to create a more budget-friendly experience. For instance, regular coffee can be
priced at an enticing PHP 60-90 range. Furthermore, simplifying size options can streamline pricing
for our customers. By offering fewer size variations, such as a Regular Size at PHP 60-80 and a
Large Size at PHP 80-100, we can enhance transparency and ease of selection. To incentivize
bundled purchases, our cafe can place a significant emphasis on value combos, providing customers
with notable discounts when they opt for combinations like Coffee + Pastry, available for as low as
PHP 100.

Enhancing our loyalty program can also contribute to affordability. By expediting the rewards
process, we can allow customers to earn a free coffee after every five purchases, making their visits
more cost-effective. Special daily specials with substantial discounts on select menu items can
attract budget-conscious patrons, while extending our happy hour promotions during off-peak hours
can provide more significant savings.

For specialty beverages, maintaining prices on the lower end of the range, approximately PHP 100-
150, can make these premium options more accessible to a broader customer base. Frequent
promotions and discounts for repeat customers can further bolster affordability, ensuring that
patrons can enjoy our offerings within their budget constraints. Lastly, we can consider creating
family-friendly options or packages that cater to groups and families at competitive prices,
providing an inclusive and cost-effective experience.

It's crucial to continually assess and refine our pricing strategy, taking into account customer
feedback and market dynamics, to strike the right balance between affordability and profitability for
"The Busy Beans Cafe."

Working space price strategy:

Firstly, we will introduce budget-friendly hourly rates, offering a range from PHP 45 to PHP 65 per
hour to accommodate students and freelancers seeking short-term workspace solutions.

For those needing a bit more time, our half-day rates, priced between PHP 130 and PHP 180 for a
4-hour work period, provide an excellent value proposition for remote workers and freelancers.
We've also made full-day rates highly competitive, falling within the PHP 220 to PHP 280 range,
positioning our cafe as a cost-effective alternative to traditional co-working spaces.

Memberships have been designed with affordability in mind. Our Weekly Membership ranges from
PHP 950 to PHP 1,100, granting unlimited access for seven days, while the Monthly Membership,
priced between PHP 3,300 and PHP 4,000, includes unlimited monthly access and perks like
discounted beverages.

To support students, we offer a generous 15% discount on all pricing tiers when they present valid
student IDs, ensuring accessibility to a productive study environment. Collaborative teams benefit
from a 15% group discount, promoting cost savings for group projects. Our flexible packages
combine co-working space access with coffee and snacks, with the "Work & Coffee" package,
priced attractively between PHP 180 and PHP 220, providing a day of co-working and unlimited
coffee. Community events remain a cornerstone of our co-working space, offering added value for
members and attracting potential customers.

Our referral program now rewards members with a 20% discount on their next booking for every
successful referral, encouraging word-of-mouth marketing and cost savings. Regular promotions,
including off-peak hour discounts and special occasion celebrations, make it even more economical
for co-working space users to enjoy our facilities. For those seeking extended commitments, we
offer substantial discounts of up to 25% on three-month, six-month, or annual contracts, promoting
long-term affordability. Newcomers can experience our co-working space firsthand through a free
one-day trial, allowing them to explore our amenities and ambiance before committing to a paid

These pricing adjustments create an exceptionally budget-friendly environment at "The Busy Beans
Cafe," ensuring accessibility and value for a diverse clientele while maintaining competitive rates.
Our commitment to ongoing evaluation and adaptation, based on customer feedback and usage
patterns, guarantees that our pricing strategy remains attractive and effective.


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