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of Hystaspes, who was, like Cyrus, the great-grandson of

leaders of their own communion in England, and they commanded

much more effective than mixtures of salts of potash, soda and

by means of ferric oxide. This may be derived from any iron

the Hanover-Cassel main line of railway. Pop. (1900)

all the necessary edifices were ranged round one or more

Valley and elsewhere. At this time took place the Red River

Turnip, leaf 11,424 1531 146 49 5.7 40.2

The first faint glimmerings of medieval Spanish history begin

had at that date been extended by treaties with the native

east to the delta of the Nile. That river (see below) pierces

the reforms to which Mahmud had devoted himself. In November

who can operate, and the public have begun to realize the fact

ALBANUS MONS (mod. Monte Cavo, from an early city of

on the island in the Tiber (Livy x. 47; Ovid, Metam. xv.

Celestine V., pope . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dec. 13, 1294

spring, is used for drinking, while the Selkebrunnen supplies

Phoenician, though it would be premature to say that the

to the Mediterranean world. Among those who fought there was

attention is given to the rearing of bees and silk-worms; and

Viscount Newport, in whose interests he undertook a journey to

Saasberg Pass (Einsiedeln to Glarus), foot path. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,227

composition of sweetened condensed milk may be taken, with slight

by the Reform Bill of 1832. The annual fair, in September, is

was greatly extended, and commerce by land took to a large

satire. In 1542 he published a prose satire to which Luther

of North Devon. Alfred at once hurried westwards and raised

Strait. It is necessary to use geographical terms in the

position of the sliding weight and the ascertained constant

The JURUA is the next great southern affluent of the

the geographical north and south. (See MAGNETISM, TERRESTRIAL.)

for the twelve ``deniers'' he received there when ``poor and


(Malan, p. 16), ``and I willed to bring children of light from

1906 18,718,578 1,510,889,906 3,404,061 334,680,520

compared to that of the polar regions, but they are widely

war may have been due partly to AEthelfrith's persecution of

town. Apart from one or two fine thoroughfares converging to

farming classes, which found expression in the Jeffersonian

which, at Gartly and at Rhyme, are associated with lenticular

reservoir is Albert Edward Nyanza (q.v..) Lake Albert lies

work, and though the survivors continued to produce till

of his witty sayings (dicta), collections of which were

had to cope with the fast-growing power of the Turks in Asia

But everything points to the fact that in the development of

discovering among other things a method of working platinum.

designers are in close touch with the work in hand at the

seems that it must be as uncomprehended by one not familiar

spaces where water is scarce. There is not a pass of any

vol. xxiii. (1892), pp. 175-244; C. Diener, Der Glebirpsbau

the Infante Alphonso of Portugal suggested a radical change

reaper and miller (cf. Robert Burns's John Barleycorn.)

by the miraculous budding of his rod alone of all the rods of

and towns did homage to him, but his position was unstable,
what he narrates. Mutton and goat's flesh are the meats

the sprine crop. is sown in the end of autumn and reaped in

where it is said to be abundant. Iron ore is most abundant

includes the Khojak, or Kwaja Amran, range in Baluchistan.

clothing and pottery are largely imported. Of these by far

wily, adroit, unfailingly tactful, an adept in all the arts

similarity of shape (see DALMATIC); in other cases the colour

service scale to certain officers on retirement. lt may be

10 Years 13.21 18.18 32.06 29.32

assistance. Before the latter could come up, however, Rosecrans

Several Latin translations have been published, and an excellent

and sought to obtain possession of the Shire highlands by a

disturbed, and though the application of stimuli to the

another. The movements of amoebae are of several kinds. (1)

region in which the food remains for a considerable time

each side of the body a large ventral area has been separated

characterizes the lowest zone, is only occasionally exposed at

troops. In the British army the appointment of adjutant is held

time of King Theodore. Ambra-Mariam, a fortified station

of the correctness of their views, they determined to have a

harbour, lying to the east of the town, is protected on the

his father's death in 818 he married his widow, Judith.

flower shoot is cut out and the sap collected and subsequently

Pouget in France; Enrico Malatesta and Covelli in Italy; R.

both banks of the Congo on the coast, and for some distance

Russ. Circular of Jan. 27, 1820. Martens IV. part i. p. 270.

under Leo the Isaurian, afterwards emperor, to defend Syria;

publication, Exploration scientifique de l'Algerie (20

that has gathered round Acts may be found in two representative

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