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讀讀 單車王國

Vol. 48 No. 11 November 2023

Interpreting 自行車、零件和它的產地
NOV. 2023 the Bicycle Kingdom 小花蔓澤蘭的生態難題
解讀單車王國 中華民國一一二年十一月 第四八卷第十一期

Forest Road
圖/文•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

徑林道,從空中俯 M any of Taiwan’s roads are stunningly beautiful. Seen
here from the air, the Taiping Forest Road in Yilan
County is flanked on both sides by verdant, luxuriant forest
兩側蒼鬱的森林,加上常 amid the floating mists that shroud the mountains year-round,
年雲霧繚繞,恍若仙境。 making for a fairyland scene.
(photo and text by Kent Chuang/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

有一種綠色環島交通工具,既零碳排、環 生活結合的方方面面。
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 保又自在,也很貼近土地,只要放緩速度, 本期亦有許多精彩的報導主題,有產官學
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 徐詠梅 旅遊與健身兼具,最重要的是,全台知名景 協力守護寶島生態多樣性的具體行動、台灣
Director: Catherine Y.M. HSU
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: CHEN Liang-chun 點,用騎的,也能到。 櫻花蝦的產銷實例、原民部落的小米復耕,
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編 / 鄧慧純 郭美瑜
在台灣流行一種說法:「想要環島,開車 以及小花蔓澤蘭的循環利用解方。還有台灣
Deputy Editors: Cathy TENG, Mei KUO
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 李雨莘 太快,走路太慢,騎自行車剛剛好。」2015 男仕理容文化的時代變遷與演進,以及台
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Cindy LI
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 馬英凱 劉俊良
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, MA Ying-kai, 年底通行的自行車環島一號線,起訖點是台 灣視障跑者征服世界六大馬拉松賽事的奮鬥
Lance LIU
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
北市松山車站,以台一線和台九線為主軸, 故事,如此豐富多元的內容,盡在本期《光
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN 全長960.8公里,沿途每15至20公里都設有補 華》報導當中。
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱

Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 給站,另可搭配高鐵、台鐵接駁,環島一圈
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR,
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏 約9到14天。 島.台灣恁靚》即將出版,裡頭除了有全台
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI,
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
經此路線可沿西台灣南下,繞經南台灣, 各地優美之地貌地景外,還有媽祖遶境、蘭
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香 再由東台灣北上,途中可至幾條環島支線, 陽博物館、原住民慶豐年、月津港燈節、客
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯
Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen 如北中南的濱海段、內山線、日月潭、故宮 家桐花……等數十幅精彩圖文,讓你一覽台
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
南院、奇美博物館、東海岸花東縱谷、蘭陽 味十足的常民風景,探索屬於台灣特有的文
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
平原……等,這種綠色旅遊方式,在國內外 化底蘊。
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉 都很風行。 騎行台灣,可以極限熱血、可以生態旅
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei
資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi 而你知道全球排名前五大的自行車零件供 遊,也可以漫遊各離島的風光,不論何種方
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
應廠就在台灣嗎?台灣單車工藝是如何升級 式,都可找到專屬於自己的單車行程。找個

成為時代精品的?隨著各地方政府陸續完善 時間,放下束縛,跨上自行車,雙腳踩踏的

許多自行車道,還有哪些經典路線等著你來 同時,馳騁於風中,讓時間停留在每個最美

挑戰?本期《光華》封面故事將帶你一探自 好的時刻。準備好了嗎?讓我們以時速15∼

行車產業在台灣的發展與應用,以及與民眾 20公里的慢風景,來一趟自行車之旅吧! l

T here is a green mode of transportation craftsmanship now sets the standards of the GPN: 2006500016 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

that produces zero carbon emissions and era? As local governments have continued 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama

is environmentally friendly as well as being to open cycling paths, what classic routes SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
carefree and close to the land. Just slow down remain for you to try? Our Cover Story this Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years

your pace and you can exercise as you travel. month will lead you on an exploration of
Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
US$72/2 years by airmail

Most importantly, well-known scenic spots Taiwan’s bicycle industry and the ways it
Elsewhere: US$45/year,
US$80/2 years by airmail

all over Taiwan can be reached in this way. intersects with daily life. 社址/中華民國台灣台北市100209中正區愛國西路

As the saying goes: “For traveling, driv- There are many other fascinating reports
Address: 3F, No. 2, Aiguo W. Rd., Zhongzheng

ing is too fast and walking is too slow, but in this issue, including on cooperation be-
District, Taipei City 100209, Taiwan, ROC

cycling is just right.” Taiwan Cycling Route tween government, business and academia
PO Box 8-398, Taipei Fuxing Bridge,
Taipei City 100908, Taiwan, ROC

No. 1, which opened in 2015, circles Taiwan in protecting Taiwan’s biodiversity, the
傳真機/Fax: +886-2-2397-0655
by a route that broadly tracks Provincial sakura shrimp fishery, the revival of millet 網址/

Highways 1 and 9. It is 960.8 kilometers long, cultivation in indigenous communities,


with a rest stop every 15–20 kilometers. One finding uses for the invasive mikania vine, 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
can also combine cycling with journeys by men’s barbershop culture, and the accom- 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
rail. It takes about nine to 14 days to circle plishments of visually impaired runners All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
be reprinted without our permission.
the whole island. from Taiwan in international marathons. If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
Following this route anticlockwise, one In addition, the 2024 Ministry of For- administrative editor.
Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
can head south through the western half of eign Affairs appointment diary is about to be gladly replaced.

Taiwan, cross the island’s southern tip, and be published. It includes many stunning
head back north in the east. There are nu- images showcasing Taiwan’s beautiful land-
merous side journeys or partial routes one scapes, colorful festivals, diverse cultures
can take: the northern, central, and southern and characteristic lifestyles.
coastal roads; inland routes through the By cycling in Taiwan you can get your
mountains; the East Coast, East Rift Valley or heart pumping and enjoy ecotourism. What-
Lanyang Plain; or visits to Sun Moon Lake, ever your preference, you can surely find 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨

the Southern Branch of the National Palace a cycling itinerary that fits you. Find some
Museum, or the Chimei Museum. This kind time to get on a bike, and as you pedal you
of green travel is increasingly popular. will feel the wind in your face and time will
Meanwhile, did you know that the world’s seem to stand still as you enjoy each beauti-
five largest bicycle parts suppliers are all ful moment. Are you ready? Let’s ride! l
based in Taiwan? Or that Taiwan’s bicycle (Chen Liang-chun/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國112年11月 第48卷 第11期 Vol. 48 No. 11 November 2023

18 封面故事 Cover Story

Interpreting the Bicycle Kingdom

6 自行車、零件和它的產地
Spinning Wheels:
How Taiwan Became a Hub
for High-End Bicycle Manufacturing
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立

18 全球不敗
On Top of the World:
Cutting-Edge Bike Parts from Taiwan
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒

28 與永續並肩而騎
Cycling for Sustainability:
The Growing Market for Smart e-Bikes
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

38 騎行台灣

Cycling in Taiwan
—From Island-Circling Tours to Pump
文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒

編者的話 來自地方的明信片
Editor’s Note Postcards from Home

2 騎,就對了 1 森之路 50 月月好讀

Let’s Ride! Forest Road Variety Pages
文•陳亮君 圖/文•莊坤儒 文•雪羊(黃鈺翔)
影像對話 Photo Essay

56 《光華》攝影徵件
Readers’ Photos:
封面說明: Rural Communities and Agritourism
Cover: Taiwan bicycle makers’ focus on quality and innovation 全球視野 Global Outlook
have made the island a global hub for high-end bike
manufacturing. (photo by Lin Min-hsuan, design by Hsiao Ying-tsen) 66 生物多樣性危機
Safeguarding Taiwan’s Biodiversity:
Multidisciplinary Solutions
文•李雨莘 圖•林旻萱

74 陰影中的生命之光
Dashing Through the Dark:
Visually Impaired Runners
from Taiwan Go International

文•李雨莘 圖•林格立

島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan

84 小蝦立大功
Small Is Bountiful:
The Sakura Shrimp
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立

94 踏進男仕理髮的神秘領域
The Mysterious World of Men’s

Exploring Taiwanese Hair Salon Culture
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

產業新創 Entrepreneurship

104 小花蔓澤蘭的生態難題
Invasion of the Mikania Vine
—Turning “Green Cancer” into “Green
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

多元族群 Communities

114 「玉山守護者」的文化復振

Renaissance of Bunun Millet Culture:
Growing Native Varieties
Under the Garden Program
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立
事 R Y


封 V ER



文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•劉俊良
行車展(Taipei Cycle)是自行車界僅次於德國
請回想你生命中曾經共行的那輛自行車,是 Eurobike之外最重要的車展。
或是周末呼朋引伴在公路奔馳的公路車?但你知 「台灣並非自行車騎乘人口最多的國家,但全球
道,只要提到自行車,一定不能不說起台灣嗎? 十大品牌高階自行車的零件一定要用台灣生產的零

Spinning Wheels:
How Taiwan Became a Hub for
High-End Bicycle Manufacturing

W hen you think about bicycles, what comes to mind? An adventurous BMX
bike from your childhood? A YouBike pedaled around the streets of Tai-
pei? A road bike used on weekend rides with friends? Whatever your personal
experience of cycling, you know that Taiwan and bicycles go hand in hand.

The Cycling Culture Museum’s collection
of antique bicycles traces the vehicle’s

這個提問勾起我們的好奇。 材料上的創新,從鋁合金到碳纖維的一體成型,
自行車文化探索館是巨大集團創辦人劉金標退 一再地改寫自行車的歷史;甚或在共享單車上,
休前,希望可以跟大眾溝通自行車文化而創設的 台灣公共自行車系統YouBike是聞名世界的成功
場域。走進一樓展廳的時光走廊,汪家灝先帶我 案例。
們認識世界自行車的發展史。200多年前,第一 自行車造型簡單,但技術含量卻不簡單,台灣
台自行車出現在歐洲街頭,逐步發展出操作桿、 從曾經是生產量最大的出口國,當時一台自行車
踏板、剎車、鍊條及菱形的車架結構,這以兩 FOB(Free on Board,船上交貨)約50美金,到
輪維持著平衡的工具,自此改變了人類移動的方 今日一台報價達813美元,從量到質的轉變,數
式。 倍的成長,台灣今日是全球最大高階自行車的製
1970年代,全球遭遇能源危機,美國開展自行 造基地。
多零件廠商伴隨而生,聚落於焉形成,目前台灣 想進一步了解台灣自行車產業如何發展成為世
有900多家自行車廠家,集中在台中、彰化、台 界高階自行車的產業聚落?我們拜訪中央研究院
南一帶。 社會學研究所副研究員謝斐宇,產業轉型是她專
利用簡單機械原理為驅動的自行車,不斷突 注的主題,自行車產業則是她研究的其一案例。
破人們對於移動的想像,逛著展區,汪家灝談到 2002年左右,當時她還是博士班學生,中國
捷安特的越野自行車紅武士BMX(Bicycle Moto 改革開放已多年,全球產業競逐低廉勞力而居,
Cross),曾經是美國與台灣青少年的夢幻逸品; 台灣社會瀰漫工廠外移,產業空洞化的喧囂;許
在環法賽上,TCR(Total Compact Road)特殊的 多人認為自行車已是夕陽產業,但她訪問業者,
壓縮車架,輕量化與剛性提升,更進一步提高動 卻得到:「現在是台灣自行車產業的黃金時期。
能的傳遞效率,成為其他車廠競相模仿的造型; 許多外國人到中國想開發產品,都沒辦法,最終

Giant’s TCR carbon-fiber road bike sparked a revolution in racing bikes.

Taiwan first imported bicycles for the wealthy while bicycle-industry companies clustered in the Taichung,
under Japanese rule. Our domestic bicycle industry Changhua, and Tainan areas.
began growing rapidly after the Second World War. In As we wander through the museum’s exhibits, Wang
the decades since, Taiwan has become a top-tier global shares cycling-industry milestones including Giant’s
manufacturer of bikes and bicycle components, a host introduction of the “Red Samurai” BMX bike, the
to R&D centers for major international brands, and the dream of many a young child in Taiwan and the US,
home of one of the world’s most important bicycle ex- and the company’s development of the much- emulated
pos: Taipei Cycle. compact TCR frames, the lightness and stiffness of
Simple, but not
“Taiwan doesn’t have the world’s largest cycling
population, but we manufacture components that the
world’s ten largest high-end cycling brands use on their
bikes. How did Taiwan manage that?” asks Howard
Wang, operations director of the Giant Group’s Cycling
Culture Museum, hoping to pique our curiosity.
Wang walks us through the history gallery on the
first floor, explaining the global development of the
bicycle. Invented in Europe more than 200 years ago,
the bicycle’s steady improvement through the adop-
tion of innovations such as pedals, brakes, chains, and
diamond-shaped frames enabled it to transform hu-
man transportation.
When the 1970s oil crisis triggered a surge in
the popularity of cycling in the US, Taiwanese
businesses leapt at the opportunity. Present-
day heavyweights Giant and Merida were
founded in quick succession during this
period, and component suppliers quickly 汪家灝解釋巨大集團如何將結構技術與先進材料結合,讓鋁
g rew up a rou nd t hem. Nowadays, Howard Wang explains how Giant combined new frame
Taiwa n is home to more t ha n 900 technologies and materials to advance aluminum-alloy bike

國的廠商開始嘗試氬焊(TIG welding),氬焊的


者,是如何應變全球的競爭? 登山車車架焊接技術的突破,鼓勵了許多零
回首歷史,台灣生產的自行車在1970年代曾 件廠創新,引爆自行車零件從標準化到多樣性的
有過製作規格不一,品質參差不齊,被退貨拒修 蓬勃發展,也讓台灣零件廠看見發展的契機。謝
的日子。靠著公部門如金屬中心、自行車工業研 斐宇說道,台灣戰後經濟發展的特色為分散式的
究發展中心等公法人,協助廠商改善製程、產品 生產體系,以中小企業為主體。拿自行車產業舉
標準化及品質檢驗,謝斐宇點出:「檢驗跟標準 例,組成一台自行車的零配件有200多個,不可能
化的過程,很重要的意義就是它建立了技術的能 由一家業者全包,而是分由各廠商製造;有人生
量,成就了台灣蓬勃發展的零件產業。」另外, 產車架,有人做傳動系統,有人做轉向系統、車

Mountain biking required changes to frame assembly
techniques and encouraged component manufacturers to
innovate. The resulting move away from standardized
components led to explosive growth in customized parts.
(photo by Kent Chuang)

Michelle Hsieh says that the many hidden champions in Taiwan’s
bicycle industry are behind its innumerable innovations.

which gave riders a boost at the Tour de France. He her that it was actually enjoying a golden age as the diffi-
also tells us about the materials innovations, from alu- culties foreign companies were encountering developing
minum alloys to monocoque carbon-fiber frames, that products in China were bringing them back to Taiwan.
have rewritten cycling history, and even goes into Tai- Not all of the bikes made in Taiwan in the 1970s were
wan’s world-renowned YouBike bikeshare program. up to standard. Their uneven quality caused some cus-
While bicycles may be simple devices, they utilize tomers to reject shipments outright. Public entities like the
some less-than-simple technology. Once the world’s Metal Industries R&D Center and the Cycling and Health
largest exporter of bicycles, Taiwan has transitioned Tech Industry R&D Center stepped in to help local firms
from quantity to quality. With locally manufactured improve their manufacturing processes, standardize prod-
bikes now selling to international brands for an average ucts, and upgrade quality control. According to Hsieh:
of US$813 apiece, the value of our bicycle exports has “Quality inspections and standardization were important
grown exponentially. because they created technical
Responding to global demand capabilities, which enabled the
How did Taiwan become a hub of high-end bicy- rapid development of Taiwan’s
cle manufacturing? To find out, we spoke to Michelle components industry.”
Fei-yu Hsieh, an associate research fellow at Academia
Sinica who studies industrial transformation in sectors
such as the bicycle industry.
Hsieh says that when she was pursuing her PhD in
2002, China’s economic reform and opening policies had
been in place for many years. With global manufactur-
ers moving operations to China to take advantage of its
cheap labor, conversations in Taiwan revolved around
how the offshoring of production was hollowing out local
industry. Though many people expected Taiwan’s bicycle
industry to go into decline, industry figures explained to
輪或者剎車及其他配件,他們各有專精,生產的 網絡,使零件廠不侷限和特定的供應商合作,而
是中間商品,產品可以獨自出口,或是交給成車 是同時供給產業內許多廠商,也將產品賣給其他
廠組裝。 產業。
謝斐宇指出,傳統上,這些中小企業因為缺乏 各家專精於生產自行車各系統的零配件,有
資源與人力投入研發創新,再加上商場上的競爭 高度的關聯性,對於生產技術與產品的改進與創
激烈,楚河漢界,涇渭分明,因此鮮少有學習與 新,各廠間會互相討論交流。謝斐宇訪問廠商,
自主研發的機會,也因此不利產業升級。但是台 許多人都講到,他們是朋友,白天是戰友,到了
灣的行車產業卻走出自己的模式;零件廠商都是 晚上脫下戰袍,大家一起聚會,討論客戶的需
出口導向,經營的是利基市場,他們清楚競爭對 求,互動下激發出許多製程、加工技術的突破。
手在國外,而非自家鄰居。同時,開放式的生產 「因為幫不同的廠商,甚至是不同的產業,

Bicycles have more than 200 parts. The mix of
cooperation and competition among Taiwan’s
component makers has given rise to many technological
breakthroughs and established the industry’s global
reputation for excellence.

The emergence of mountain biking represented an- the need for lugs, reduced costs and production time,
other turning point for the industry. Mountain bikes and enabled low-cost experimentation. Meanwhile,
brought variability to the conventional diamond frame. Taiwan’s experience manufacturing BMX bikes for ex-
They also changed frame construction. Hsieh explains port had cultivated a pool of skilled arc welders who
that traditionally, frame tubes were joined using lugs began training themselves to do TIG welding. Their
and brazing. If a bike maker wanted to adjust the angles skills enabled Taiwanese firms to accept orders from
of a frame, it would need to order new lugs, which in US companies and quickly respond to market demand.
turn would require new dies. That difficulty encouraged “When mountain biking took off, Taiwan seized the
the building of standardized, mass-produced bicycles. opportunity, laying the foundation for its emergence as
Mountain biking, which became popular in the the world’s cycle-making king.”
United States in the 1980s, involves riding on forest Cooperative and competitive
trails and therefore requires a more robust bike frame. Taiwan’s TIG welding breakthrough encouraged fur-
This led US manufacturers to begin using tungsten inert ther innovation at bicycle component makers, resulting
gas (TIG) welding to build the frames, which eliminated in a rapid shift from standardized components to more

所獲取的專業知識比組車廠還要多,所以很多 級,成為高階自行車的產地。當年許多人預測
的創新其實是來自於這些零件廠商。」我們常 自行車產業會一路移轉到勞動力較低廉的國
以為「創新」是要像賈伯斯拿出iPhone那樣的橫 家,如從日本移轉到台灣,再轉移到中國或東
空出世,但謝斐宇指出,在產業內技術與製程中 南亞,但這樣的情況並沒有發生在自行車產
的突破也是創新,「台灣生產開放的網絡特質, 業,謝斐宇提出她的觀點:「台商去中國投
促進了學習跟資訊的流動,廠商可以快速找到解 資,其實是台商學習怎麼樣做一個跨國企業,
決問題的方案,與新的排列組合,成就技術的創 而不只是一個西進或產業外移的故事。」
台灣的業者,反而藉由產業聚落的優勢創新升 除了業內的技術升級,許多創新點子是來自鄰

customized parts, and making Taiwanese component addition, the openness of the local bicycle manufactur-
makers aware of the market potential for these products. ing network enabled component makers to be flexible in
Hsieh says that Taiwan’s distributed production sys- sourcing materials, to supply multiple bicycle makers at
tem and its orientation around small and medium-sized the same time, and to sell products into other industries.
enterprises (SMEs) were key characteristics of the is- We often think of “innovations” as involving game-
land’s postwar development. But these SMEs’ relative changing moments like Steve Jobs’ introduction of the
lack of resources and manpower and their tendency to iPhone, but Hsieh points out that the smaller, more
keep to their own market niches left them with very few mundane breakthroughs in technology and manu-
opportunities to conduct their own R&D, which was facturing processes that occur within companies on a
an obstacle to upgrading their businesses. Fortunately, regular basis are also innovations. “Taiwan’s open pro-
Taiwan’s bicycle industry developed a slightly different duction network encourages the free flow of informa-
model: as exporters operating in niche markets, com- tion and best practices. It allows companies to quickly
ponent makers came to realize that their competitors find solutions to problems and facilitate technological
were not the companies next door, but those overseas. In innovations by reconfiguring production processes.”

Cycling is on the rise in Taiwan, where groups of riders are becoming a common sight on

近的產業別,如機械設備與機械加工產業,甚或 說。這樣跨產業的交流在其他地方並不易見,我
是材料廠的協力合作。舉車架為例,車架材料從 們以為是台灣的人情味使然,但謝斐宇說非也。
鐵管到鋁合金再發展到碳纖維,謝斐宇說起當初 如日本或韓國,他們的中小零件廠商依附大廠的
開發鋁合金材料的廠商,除了跑去美國學鋁合金 訂單,垂直關係分明,技術也傳承自大廠,少有
的熱處理,又跨產業找到台灣鋁材的供應商, 廠與廠間的交流。她做學術訪談也獲得例證,在
一起開發鋁擠型機器,在台灣建立起材料的生 日本或韓國想藉由商家去引薦商家並不容易,而
產鏈,甚至後來還開發高階的合金材料,出口國 不像台灣上午在一家業者這邊訪談,下午他們還
外。 會順便帶著去拜訪其他的業者。「在這個聚落裡
台灣各業者間是水平關係,大家相互認識,交 面,對於創新跟嘗試新的東西,大家都很願意去
流熱絡,有點子先來談談,能不能合作談過再 試,讓很多開發跟idea可以實現。甚至廠商也喜

A high-end manufacturing hub
Other innovative ideas have trickled in from neigh-
boring industries, such as the machine tool and metal
manufacturing sectors, or even via cooperation with
materials suppliers.
These Taiwanese businesses have a horizontal rela-
tionship. Everyone knows everyone else and partici-
pates in warm and lively exchanges. If someone has an
idea, they first talk to others about it, and then deter-
mine whether there are opportunities for cooperation.
“Everyone in this cluster is willing to try out new ideas 台灣公共自行車系統YouBike是聞名世界的成功案例。
Taiwan’s YouBike is a world-renowned public bikeshare program.
and innovations, which results in many of these ideas
getting implemented. Firms actually like to take on
these kinds of projects because they find the challenges
interesting.” The business environment draws compa-
nies seeking to put innovations into practice to Taiwan frame tubes than unpowered bikes because they have
to look for resources within the cluster, which has con- to accommodate a battery and other components.
tributed to Taiwan’s transformation into a global hub E-bike frames must also be drilled with holes for wir-
for high-end bicycle manufacturing. ing, which is time consuming on a CNC machine. But
Local manufacturers have also responded quickly Taiwanese manufacturers have an edge in building
to the recent market demand for electrically assisted such frames because they already have the neces-
bicycles. Hsieh says that e-bikes require different sary processes and equipment in place. While foreign

Taipei Cycle 提供
courtesy of Taipei Cycle

先前研發的加工技術及設備,成為車架加工的 件都是極致的工藝。汪家灝又說起當時要開廠
利器,這兩項優勢讓台灣快速回應市場需求, 給大家參觀,各零件廠都有出口七、八百萬輛
因此儘管電動自行車的馬達系統技術掌握在國 的實績,心中著實不願意,以為開廠觀摩自己
外大廠手上,他們還是要回到車架廠進行測 的know-how會被學去,結果卻發現每家業者都
試,仰賴與車架廠、零件廠商密切互動合作, 有厲害之處,透過相互學習切磋精進,自行車
這都是要來到台灣才能實現。如掌握全球五成 產業轉型成少量多樣的彈性化生產,生產高單
電動自行車馬達的博世Bosch ,把電動自行車系 價的零組件,高附加價值的產品。這也印證當
統亞太總部設在台中就是一個例證。 年A-Te a m的業者告訴謝斐宇說:「我們是一個
2016年,A-Te am完成階段性任務。謝斐宇回
2003年,是台灣自行車發展史的關鍵,那一 想當年曾詢問主導的巨大集團,為什麼邀請競
年A-Te a m成立了。由自行車界的兩大龍頭巨大 爭對手一起來做這件事情,「市場很大,就只
與美利達,聯手推動產業轉型及根留台灣,雙 有我一家,沒有辦法說服我的supplier去做這件
方各自邀集了上游零件廠商,再次推動產業轉 事情(產業轉型)。」這的確是一群人才能達
型,包括引進T P S(豐田式生產流程改造)、 成的事功。在以中小企業為主體的台灣,任一
T Q M(全面品管)、T P M(全面生產管理)等 家廠商都吃不下全球的市場,因此兩大互為競
制度,讓業者從降低庫存、縮短交期、提升良 爭對手的成車廠,一起合作。
率等基本功開始重新蹲馬步,並且要求各零件 「台灣自行車的故事,其實不是個別廠商的
廠開放工廠互相觀摩。 故事,而是一群人、一串生產鏈的故事。是這
在自行車文化探索館先前舉辦的「R I D E O N 麼多的隱形冠軍,撐起了這些創新,而這些創
臺灣自行車50週年特展」中,也傳述著這段故 新都是無法被切割的,它需要很多的資源跟技
事。汪家灝解釋展台上自行車零件,為求取更 術的累積,然後搭配天時、地利,這些都齊備
輕、更強、更好,A-Te a m團隊不斷的精進,像 了,才成就了台灣自行車的輝煌。」謝斐宇總
鍊條、飛輪、車架、曲柄、輪組等零件,一件 結地說。 □

companies control the technologies underlying e-bike transformed into “high-mix, low-volume” producers of
propulsion systems, they still have to work hand in smaller quantities of varied high-end parts and high-
hand with Taiwan’s frame makers and component mak- value-added products. Their success is a testament to
ers to bring their e-bikes to market. In a tacit acknowl- what A-Team members told Hsieh at the time: “Our goal
edgement of this reality, Bosch, the world’s dominant is not to integrate the supply chain, but to learn.”
producer of e-bike motors, has located its Asia–Pacific When the A-Team finished its mission in 2016, Hsieh
headquarters for e-bike systems in Taichung. recalls asking Giant why it had invited its competitor
Progress is a group effort to be part of the effort. The company told her: “It’s a big
A key moment in the development of Taiwan’s bicycle market. We wouldn’t have been able to persuade sup-
industry came in 2003, when local heavyweights Giant pliers to participate in the upgrades by ourselves.” It
and Merida formed their own version of the A-Team. A required a group effort to succeed.
joint effort to upgrade the local industry while keeping “Taiwan’s bicycle story isn’t one of individual com-
its roots in Taiwan, the program had each company en- panies, but of the whole production chain. There were
courage the transformation its component suppliers. so many hidden champions supporting these innova-
Wang mentions that the component makers, who tions, and the innovations themselves were all inter-
were then exporting 7–8 million units each, really didn’t connected. They grew out of many resources and many
want to open up their factories to one another out of fear technologies coming together at the right time and
that others would learn their particular trade secrets. place. All of those things had to be in place for Taiwan’s
But they eventually realized that each of them had areas bicycle industry to blossom,” concludes Hsieh. l
in which they excelled, and that comparing notes en- (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
abled them all to improve. The companies subsequently tr. by Scott Williams)

台灣是高階自行車的製造聚落,台北國際自行車展(Taipei Cycle)是自行車界僅次於德國Eurobike之外最重要的車
展。(Taipei Cycle提供)
Given Taiwan’s status as a manufacturer of high-end bicycles and components, it’s no wonder that Taipei Cycle is second
to only Germany’s Eurobike among the world’s leading bike expos. (courtesy of Taipei Cycle)

事 R Y


封 V ER

敗 台

不 在
球 件
全 零

端 文•曾蘭淑

尖 圖•莊坤儒


「很難想像,一條變速線,這麼小的零件, 除了高階變速器被日本島野(Shimano)以及
可以撐起一家工廠,而且在技術與設計上不斷精 總部在美國的速聯(SRAM)主導之外,幾乎所
進,做得有聲有色,做到全球第一。」在自行車 有零組件在台灣都找得到。
產業界浸淫23年的台灣自行車輸出業同業公會秘 許多跨國品牌例如SRAM、避震前叉第一品牌
書長周淑芳所說的,是位於彰化市的佳承精工; 的龍頭廠商美國品牌Fox,都將產線與研發中心
自行車的鏈條、花鼓、輪胎等零組件,全球第一 設在台灣;品牌商Trek、Prologo、BMC也都在台
大廠都在台灣。 尋找零件,設立整車廠,出口至世界各地。
「台灣高階單車產值也是全球第一。」周淑 投資環境,最重要的是因為台灣有很完整的供應
芳指出,用於炫富社交、競技比賽,以及拜歐美 鏈,供應商能夠快速應變少量多樣的市場生態,
山林運動盛行之賜,需要高品質零件的高階登山 即時回應零組件之設計調整及生產,加上台廠對
越野單車,客層雖少,市場的需求不受景氣的影 於品質的堅持與追求,台灣擁有優秀的人才庫,
響。 成為跨國品牌商最堅強的後盾。
A-Team 成功,造就無可取代
商可以很容易找到solution,提高零件的精密度。 造就這個完整供應鏈,不得不歸功於產官合作
以生產自行車花鼓市佔率最高的久裕興業科技為 的一項計畫「A-Team」。曾任A-Team最後一屆
例,一進工廠,全部都是CNC精密機械。 執行秘書的周淑芳分析:「A-Team的成功可以說

On Top of the World:
Cutting-Edge Bike Parts from Taiwan

I n 2022 the value of bicycles and bicycle parts produced in Taiwan surpassed NT$200 billion. Of this,
bike parts accounted for about 60%, with a value in excess of NT$120 billion. Over the past ten years
Taiwan has continually been the top source country for imports of bicycle parts into the US and China
and the second-ranked source country for the European Union. This is because Taiwan’s bicycle parts in-
dustry, which is concentrated in Taichung and Changhua, is unequalled in the world in its combination of
a comprehensive supply chain, advanced technology, and high responsiveness to customer needs.

“It may be hard to imagine, but even such a small end bicycles by production value,” notes Chou. The rea-
part as a derailleur cable can support an entire factory. son the bicycle industry is concentrated in Taichung and
Moreover, the technology and design of these cables Changhua is that Central Taiwan has many highly capable
are continually being refined. Taiwan has become the manufacturers of precision machine tools and production
top maker of these in the world, which is very impres- machinery. This enables the bike industry to readily find
sive,” says Hope Chou, secretary general of the Taiwan solutions and enhance the sophistication of parts.
Bicycle Association (TBA), who has been involved in the You can source virtually every kind of bicycle
bike industry for 23 years. The company Chou is talking part in Taiwan. Many multinational brands
about is Chia Cherne Industry, located in Chang hua including component maker SRAM and
City. In fact, the world’s number-one producers of bicy- leading front suspension fork maker
cle chains, hubs, and tires are all located in Taiwan. Fox have set up production and
World leader in high-end bicycles R&D centers on the island.
“Taiwan is also the world’s leading producer of high- Bra nds i nc lud i ng

是天時、地利、人和。」2003年A-Team成軍, 等。就連汽車輪胎大廠正新、建大,也願意配
剛好2004年歐盟終止反傾銷稅,讓台灣自行車可 合巨大創辦人劉金標的理念,建立起單車研發團
以大舉出口;地利是供應鏈都集中在台中、彰 隊,現在也是全球生產單車輪胎數一數二的廠
化;人和就是組車大廠巨大、美利達,放下競爭 商。
系統等一系列know-how。 節能、減碳的電動輔助自行車(以下簡稱
「廠商也很爭氣,投入之認真,每家老闆都 「e-bike」),將成為全球自行車市場的新興趨
親自上課,為督導產線的修改與精進。」周淑芳 勢。根據工研院統計,e-bike出口將於2025年超
回憶著說,每個季度在成果報告時,A-Team的 過傳統自行車,產生「黃金交叉」。「根據經濟
成員抱著不落人後的心態,發表適合自家產品的 部的統計資料,2021年已經交叉了,」周淑芳
改善方式與效益,往製造高階、高單價的自行車 說,由於電輔車單價高,2021年台灣在電動自行
轉型。每家廠商不只做到提升產能、減少庫存、 車產值已超過一般的自行車,出口也首度超過
縮短交貨期,「隨著品質的精進,變得無可取 100萬台。
代,讓台灣在高階自行車的製造立於全球不敗之 目前歐洲是電輔車製造重鎮,但歐洲沒有零
地。」 組件工廠,仍需仰賴供應鏈完整的台灣等亞洲
A-Team運作的13年期間,每家廠商開始進行全 廠,讓台灣自行車零組件出口逐年成長,但也為
球的布局與分工,進軍全球市場,將低階據點移 零件廠帶來新的挑戰,必須去思考零件如何與電
至中國與越南,同時回台加碼投資,中、高階留 連上關係,重新為電輔車設計專屬的車架、鏈條
在台灣,包括重要零件也不再自中國進口,而是 等。「公會與經濟部以PPP模式(Public-Private
在台灣研發、製造。 Partnership)協助單車零件廠商突圍,將台灣電
A-Te a m的成員,現在都是全球數一、數二的 子資訊的優勢應用在電輔車上,這將是一場硬
單車零件製造商,例如桂盟、佳承、久裕興業等 戰。」周淑芳語重心長地說。

The formation and success of the “A-Team” has made it possible to keep R&D of bicycle parts in democratic Taiwan and has
put the island in an invincible position in this industry.

Trek, Prologo, and BMC shop for parts in Taiwan or
have established bike assembly plants here, exporting
their products around the world.
“This is because you can’t find a parts supply chain
anywhere in the world as complete as the one that ex-
ists in Taiwan,” says Chou. Taiwan not only provides
an excellent investment environment, but even more
importantly suppliers, attuned to market conditions re-
quiring “high-mix, low-volume” production, are able to
rapidly respond to changing demands from buyers by
immediately adjusting designs and production. In ad- 台灣自行車輸出業同業公會秘書長周淑芳指出,這幾年全
dition, Taiwanese firms are adamant about maintaining 品。
high quality and the island has an outstanding pool of Hope Chou, secretary general of the Taiwan Bicycle
Association, notes that the production of e-bikes (electrically
human resources. These factors make Taiwan the opti- assisted bicycles), which have become popular worldwide,
mal support base for international brands. also depends on Taiwan’s supply chain.

The success of the A-Team

The credit for assembling this comprehensive supply facturers Cheng Shin and Kenda branched out into the
chain goes to the “A-Team” program, a cooperative effort industry: At the suggestion of Giant founder King Liu,
between industry and government. Chou, who was the both established bicycle R&D teams, and they are now
last executive secretary of the A-Team, offers the follow- among the world leaders in production of bike tires.
ing analysis: “The success of the A-Team can be said to Crisis and opportunity for e-bikes
be due to being in the right place at the right time with Electrically assisted bic ycles, bet ter k nown as
the right people.” The “time” aspect was that the A-Team e-bikes, with their energy-saving and carbon- emission-
was formally established in 2003, and in 2004 the EU reducing credentials, are an emerging new product in
lifted anti-dumping duties on Taiwan’s bicycle indus- the global bicycle market. “According to MOEA data,
try, giving Taiwanese bike builders the opportunity to the production value curves for e-bikes and conven-
greatly boost their exports; the “place” aspect was that tional bikes crossed over in 2021,” says Hope Chou.
the supply chain was concentrated in Taichung and E-bikes sell for a higher unit price, and in 2021 the
Changhua; and the “people” aspect was that the major value of e-bikes produced in Taiwan surpassed that of
bicycle manufacturers Giant and Merida set aside their conventional bicycles, while the number of units ex-
competitive mindset and agreed to work together to ported also exceeded 1 million for the first time.
guide 20 parts makers in upgrading their manufactur- At present Europe is the main bastion of e-bike man-
ing capabilities and quality management. With impartial ufacturing, but Europe lacks the necessary component
mediation from the Industrial Development Bureau of makers and must still rely on factories in Taiwan and
the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), the A-Team elsewhere in Asia where there are comprehensive sup-
introduced know-how from the Toyota Production Sys- ply chains. This has enabled exports of bicycle parts
tem and other sources to the selected parts makers. from Taiwan to increase year by year, but also poses a
Chou concludes: “As quality was upgraded, Taiwan new challenge for parts makers: They need to reassess
firms became indispensable, so that the island assumed how their products will perform on an electrically pow-
an unchallenged position as the world leader in high- ered bike and redesign bicycle frames, chains, and so on
end bicycle manufacturing.” to make versions specifically for e-bikes. “The TBA and
The members of the A-Team are today all leading the MOEA have adopted a public–private-partnership
global manufacturers of their respective products. model to help bicycle parts makers overcome obstacles
Examples include chain makers KMC, cable makers and apply Taiwan’s competitive advantage in electron-
Chia Cherne, and hub makers JoyTech (owners of the ics and information technology to e-bikes,” says Chou.
Novatec brand). Even the major automobile tire manu- She concludes earnestly: “This will be tough battle.”





The chain maker: KMC International

KMC International is the world’s largest chain manufacturing conglomerate, and has an 80% share
of the global market for bicycle chains. It has been the world’s leading manufacturer of this product
continuously for more than 30 years now, and it is estimated that the total length of the chains they
produce each year would circle the equator four times.



World leader in alloy wheel rims: Alex Global Technology

Despite the trend of using carbon fiber materials for high-end bicycles, Alex Global Technology,
which got its start manufacturing aluminum alloy wheel rims, has stuck with its core business
of alloy parts. With the growing popularity of e-bikes, demand for alloy rims is again surging.
The company is a model of not blindly following trends but instead choosing to focus on a core



The saddle experts: Velo

Velo, located in Taichung’s Dajia District, produces 15 million bicycle saddles per year and 20 mil-
lion sets of handle bar grips. It is among the top firms in the global saddle market.

Hidden champions of the bike parts industry
Taiwan has a comprehensive bicycle parts supply chain, including everything from handlebars, front forks,
suspension, chains, and bike frames to saddles, tires, gears, and bicycle assembly. It has companies making more
than 20 different types of bicycle parts, which constitute a formidable force. On trips to Taichung, Chang hua, and
even Tainan, one can discover a dozen or more hidden champions.



Hydraulic disc brakes: Tektro Technology Corporation

With hydraulic disc brakes becoming increasingly popular equipment on mountain bikes, Tektro has
become one of the top two firms in the world in terms of production value.



High-end frames: Apro Tech

For 40 years Apro Tech has been focused on bicycle frames and suspension systems. It has been devel-
oping bike frames and wheel rims using high-grade materials like aluminum alloy and carbon fiber,
and is today a top choice as a partner for international high-end e-bike companies.





First in the world in bike tires: Cheng Shin (Maxxis)

In 2022 Cheng Shin produced over 82 million bicycle tires, making it the number-one company in the
world by production volume.

Third in the world in bike tires: Kenda

Kenda has thrived making bicycle tires. In 2022 the company produced 38,836,000 bike tires, making
it third in the world by production volume.


市、高階品牌「NOVATEC Premium」的「星型
dual ratchet system)牽動棘齒環,咬合度更好,
樓高的自動鍛造機,以及由機械自動手臂操作的 強調智慧製造的生產線來製造花鼓。
These hubs are made by production lines which feature
組裝線與檢測,展現智慧製造的趨勢;自動化可 intelligent manufacturing.
The hub experts: JoyTech
JoyTech (Joy Industrial Company) got its start 52
years ago making steel hubs for single-speed bikes.
與e-bike零件total solution的供應商。 Today it produces 15 million hubs per year, giving the
company a 10% share of the global market.
“The hubs are the heart of a bicycle. They bear weight
as part of the wheels, and play an important role in the
drive train.” JoyTech sales team leader Glen Lin adds
that the “dual ratchet system” (DRS) cassette freehubs
being produced under the high-end brand Novatec
Premium are well-suited to use on mountain bikes and
BMX bikes which are used for off-road activities. DRS
has greater strength, longer service life, and greater du-
rability than a conventional pawled ratchet. However,
its structure is also more complex, using two interlock-
ing ratchet rings and thus giving better engagement.
Compared to traditional freehubs, the new system can
久裕興業的台灣廠生產製造高階零組件。 enhance the efficiency of pedaling on rugged terrain.
JoyTech’s Taiwan factory makes high-end bicycle parts.
For road bikes, where the emphasis is on speed, the
lightest hub weighs less than 80 grams.
Visiting the JoyTech factory in Taichung’s Daya Dis-
trict, we see three two-story-tall cold-forging machines,

In line with the move toward ESG sustainability. JoyTech’s hubs are packed in honeycomb paper in order to reduce greenhouse gas

Hydraulic disc brakes, comprising calipers, brake discs, and
hydraulic hoses, embody a high level of bicycle manufacturing

針對三輪的e-c a r g o所設計一對二的油壓碟
也就是佳承在『J A G W I R E』之外的第二品牌
一條線的延伸,佳承精工 或是彩色的精品外殼,都有熔岩灰、Tiffany藍等
以台灣Yo u B i k e煞車線為例,因應日曬的需
的道理。 □

and assembly lines with robotic arms and automated Chia Cherne has expanded its production of preci-
testing, illustrating the trend toward intelligent manu- sion cables to include fitness cables, yacht motor ca-
facturing. bles, throttle wires for farm machinery, and avalanche
Lin mentions that JoyTech’s product range has ex- airbag ripcords. From cables to complete brak ing
panded into other bicycle parts including carbon fiber systems, along with the development of a heatsink
wheel rims, front forks, and handlebars. The firm has and cooling devices division, the company is making
also crossed over into aftermarket parts for owners of optimum use of its expertise. This is the same logic
high-end bicycles. In the future they aim to become a that has enabled Taiwan’s cutting-edge bicycle parts
“total solutions” components supplier for both conven- manufacturers to continue to extend their operations
tional bikes and e-bikes. virtually without limits. l
Built on cables (Esther Tseng/photos by Kent Chuang/
Chia Cherne Industry Company, located in Chang- tr. by Phil Newell)
hua City, made its name producing gear cables and
brake cables. It provides customized cables for a vari-
ety of bicycles and ranks first in the global market for
its products.
Take the brake cables used by Taiwan’s YouBike
bike share service. To deal with the intense sunshine
the bicycles are exposed to, Chia Cherne adjusted the
formula of its cables’ plastic sheathing material, up-
grading the UV resistance from 100 hours to 400 hours.
Also, in response to ESG demands for environmental
sustainability, the company is now working on incor-
porating recycled materials into its products.
“The quality of brake cables is reflected in the feel
the rider gets when braking: Can they bring the bike to
a halt by gently squeezing the brake levers, with a sta-
ble level of braking force?” Johnny Chen, an engineer
with Chia Cherne’s control systems division, explains
that this kind of quality comes from the stability of the
production process and the design of the cable system.
In the casing of a brake cable there are a number of
metal wires, and the problem is how to arrange and
braid them to eliminate deformation during compres-
sion. This is especially important for elderly or female
riders, to ensure that their hands do not become sore
from using the brakes on longer rides.
For its hydraulic disc brakes designed for electric
cargo trikes, Chia Cherne’s competitive advantage lies
in the design of its hydraulic hose, and in particular in
controlling the hose’s expansion coefficient. The thick-
ness of the hose walls has been reduced, which allows
the hydraulic fluid to flow more freely, giving faster 佳承精工的煞車線材,講求煞車時柔順的手感。
The brake cables produced by Chia Cherne provide riders with a
response times and excellent braking power. smooth and gentle braking experience.

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輔 車盛 世
的智 慧 電
下一 輪
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•劉俊良
代如何更迭,自行車永不退流行。這回,搭上電 綠色交通的最後一哩路

Cycling for Sustainability:
The Growing Market for Smart e-Bikes

N o mat ter how times may change, bic ycles

never fall out of fashion. Though they have
been on the market for more than 200 years, today
the combination of battery technology and artifi-
cial intelligence has opened the way to an unprece-
dented transformation for bikes.

With YouBike 2.0, you can complete the hire and return
processes on the bike itself.

climate Taiwan has not developed a bicycle commuting

culture similar to those in Europe and Japan, with sup-
port from its powerful bike industry Taiwan has made
Looking back on the pandemic we have just gone impressive achievements in the realm of public bicycle
through, the bicycle industry is one of the few that sharing.
experienced growth, in contrast to the decline of most For example, Velo-city Global is a cycle planning
other business sectors. This performance highlights conference that is seen as a major event for the bicycle
the fact that bicycles meet basic human needs. Unlike industry and is always hosted by a high-profile city that
many traditional industries which are in their “sunset” shows leadership in cycling and sustainable transport
periods, the bicycle industry is still flourishing. In par- policies. The 2016 conference was held in Taipei, the first
ticular, at a time when we are striving for net-zero car- time the event took place in Asia. This suggests that Tai-
bon emissions, bicycles, which produce little in the way wan’s YouBike bikeshare network, launched in Taipei in
of pollution and carbon emissions, will play an increas- 2009, was already attracting international attention.
ingly important role in transportation in the future. As we move towards a future of low-carbon life-
The “last mile” of green transit styles, bicycles are seen as a solution to the “last mile”
In 2022 the output value of the bicycle industry in problem for green transportation, by carrying people
Taiwan, which has long been known internationally between their homes and mass transit systems. “Trains
as a “bicycle kingdom,” surpassed NT$200 billion, the and mass rapid transit systems can be seen as the main
second highest of any country in the world. Although arteries, buses as the small arteries, and public bicycles
one could say that because of its hot, humid, and rainy as the capillaries.” This remark by Frank Su, director of

推廣自行車的騎行文化,營利是次要。為了讓 蘇聖雄說,YouBike的車設計不計成本,為的就是為民眾打
「非專業」的一般民眾也能在短短的騎乘過程中 造出一輛真正屬於「你的車」。
Frank Su says that no expense has been spared in the design
享受到樂趣,又能保障其安全,從設計、用料 and manufacture of YouBike bicycles in order to truly meet riders’
的台灣之光。如:成本為一般鍊條的數倍,由全 科技推動著產業向前,能藉由電力輸出提供輔
球最大鏈條廠商「桂盟」生產的鏈條;由Te s l a 助動力的電動輔助自行車(又稱e-bike)堂皇問
汽車椅墊製造商「維樂」生產,強調一體成型、 世,為產業揭開了新局。
透氣的椅墊;以及「建大」生產的輪胎,配方及 雖說,電輔車並不是新鮮事。1989年,
製程都經過客製化調整,並額外加印反光輪圈。 YAMAHA就曾嘗試在車身上加入電池、馬達與傳
集結了台灣自行車產業各大強棒的YouBike, 動系統,然當時的技術未臻成熟,受限於電池蓄
造價不菲,足以稱它是公共自行車界裡的勞斯 電量太低、體積過大等問題,產品未能市場化。
萊斯。 直到2015年以後,德國Bosch與日本Shimano紛紛

the YouBike bikeshare service, clearly defines the roles design and ventilation. Meanwhile, the tires, made by the
played by various modes of transportation. major tire manufacturer Kenda, are produced with a cus-
In Taiwan the name YouBike is virtually synonymous tomized rubber formula and manufacturing process and
with public bike sharing. YouBike’s parent company is come with an added reflective strip on the sidewalls.
the Giant Group, the leading firm in Taiwan’s bike in- The production cost of each YouBike 2.0 bicycle, com-
dustry. Such backing has made it possible for YouBike bining the work of major players in Taiwan’s bicycle
to become one of the few bikeshare services that operate industry, is considerable. It would be no exaggeration to
with a unified system bringing together design, devel- call it the Rolls Royce of the bikeshare world.
opment, manufacturing, and operations. The rise of the e-bike market
Frank Su emphasizes that the initial motivation be- Technology pushes industry forward. The rise of elec-
hind YouBike was to promote cycling culture and allow trically assisted bicycles, also known as e-bikes, which
ordinary people to enjoy the pleasure of short cycling get added motive power from electricity, has created a
trips while also ensuring their safety. From design to new situation for the industry.
materials, it can be said that no expense has been spared Since 2022, the value of e-bike sales in the global
with YouBike. A great deal of thought has been put into cycle market has surpassed that of traditional bikes.
everything from the countoured handlebar grips that They account for more than 70% of Taiwan’s bicycle
fit comfortably into the palm of one’s hand, the intuitive export market. The IEK Industrial Intelligence Network
rotary-action bell and the three-speed gears to the highly
reliable roller brakes and the sturdy center stand.
As for the bikes’ main components, there is no short-
民眾借用Yo u B i k e,可利用A p p了解各別場站的自行車數
age of well-known Taiwanese companies producing 量,也可以看見每台電輔車的蓄電量,依個人需求選擇合適
high-quality products. For example, the chains, which 的車。
By using a mobile app you can not only find out how many bikes
cost several times as much as ordinary chains, are made are available at each station, you can also see the battery charge
level of each YouBike 2.0E e-bike, to help you choose the best
by KMC, the world’s largest maker of this product. Velo, bike for your needs.
which makes seats for Tesla automobiles, exclusively
manufactures the saddles, which emphasize ergonomic

A highly durable one-piece ergonomic
ventilated saddle made by Velo.

YouBike 2.0推出的電輔車,電池藏在
One of the electrically assisted bicycles
provided as part of YouBike 2.0. The
battery is located at the back of the bike
and is swapped out as needed by the
relocation teams who transport bikes
between hire stations.

The Giant Group has developed “hybrid
cycling technology” for e-bikes, with a
centrally mounted electric motor that
supplies assistive power smoothly.

A rust-resistant bicycle chain custom-made
by KMC.

推出最新的電機系統,加上高齡化社會以降,以 事長林鳴皋不無誇張地說。
及疫情促使個人運具的市場需求提高,全球電輔 太平洋自行車成立於1980年,作
車市場一飛衝天。 為第二代接班人,林鳴皋提出市場的
2022年起,全球自行車市場電輔車的銷售金 長期觀察:「近半世紀以來,自行車市
額已超過傳統自行車。台灣自行車市場外銷比重 場的主要銷售對象,都以有騎車習慣的
超過七成,工研院「IEK產業情報網」亦預測, 戰後嬰兒潮世代為主,然這一輩的人口也
2025年,台灣電輔車的出口數量將正式超過傳統 逐漸邁向高齡。」能夠適度給予助力的電輔
自行車,電輔車大勢來襲,「現在的自行車不帶 車,兼顧休閒、運動效果,雖然銷售價格較傳
電,簡直都不能稱作是車了。」太平洋自行車董 統自行車高,長久來看,仍是銀髮族購車的上

Contoured handlebar grips fit
comfortably into the palm of
one’s hand. (courtesy of YouBike

A built-in electronically actuated cable
lock means there is no key for riders to
keep track of.

YouBike uses tires with reflective
sidewall strips, made by Kenda.

(IEKNet), an industrial intelligence platform operated appropriate level of assistance to riders and are suitable
by the Industrial Technology Research Institute, esti- for both recreation and exercise, are the top choice for
mates that in 2025 the number of e-bikes exported from elderly people in the long run, despite being priced
Taiwan will also surpass traditional bikes, showing that higher than traditional bikes.
the e-bike industry is coming on strong. “These days if a In Taiwan, cycling is seen as a recreational activ-
bike doesn’t have electric power, it can hardly be called ity. Thompson Su, secretary-general of the Taiwan
a bike,” says Michael Lin, president of Pacific Cycles. Smart Electric Bicycle Association, notes that
Pacific was founded in 1980 by Lin’s father. Lin of- while veteran cyclists do not necessarily make
fers his long-term perspective on the market: “For the electrically assisted bikes their first choice,
last half century, the main target market for bicycles in recent years many have been buying
has been the postwar baby-boom generation, who were e-bikes for their wives and children.
in the habit of riding bikes. But today this population “Finally they can see their dreams of
cohort is getting older.” E-bikes, which can provide an family cycling trips come true.”

上之選。 YouBike場站,我們跳上電輔車試乘。雙腳踩踏
在台灣,自行車被視休 向前,輔助動力的加入既隱微又服貼,存在感
閒運動。台灣電動智能自 若有似無,但爬上陡坡的舉重若輕,令人耳目一
行車協會祕書長蘇雍翔 新。
也分享,對專業車友來 運作的關鍵,就在「輔」字上頭。「不管騎乘
說,雖然減輕體能負擔 者在哪個時刻加速,輔助力量的進入,騎行的體
的電輔車未必是首選, 驗仍舊平滑、順暢,不會有突兀的暴衝感。」蘇
但近年,也有不少車友 雍翔如此定義了「好的電輔車」。
流行購買電輔車給太太 但沒有人為的操控,這又是怎麼辦到的?「一
或小孩,「如此一來, 輛電輔車至少需要三個主要參數:速度、扭力與
終於可以實現一家人騎車 迴轉數。」林鳴皋解釋了輔力輸出的基本原理。
旅行的夢想。」 對於電腦而言,這些參數各具意義。騎乘時,
可以見得,電輔車在不同年 扭力忽然變大、速度變慢,代表騎乘者踩得更
齡、族群都具有相當的市場潛力, 費力、速度卻更慢,也許是因為體力下降,也
有機會把市場的餅做大。蘇聖雄提出另 可能是因為在爬坡,可以輸出更多電力予以輔
一項頗具說服力的證據:以有購置電輔車作為 助。反之,若扭力瞬間變小、速度加快,可能
關鍵都在「輔」字上 Thompson Su is optimistic about the future of the bicycle

ent meaning. When riding, if torque suddenly increases
and speed decreases, this means that the rider is pressing
harder on the pedals, yet the bike is slowing down. The
reason may be that the person is growing tired, or that
they are climbing a slope, but in either case more assistive
power can be provided. On the other hand, if the torque
The power mode of high-end e-bikes can be selected according abruptly decreases while speed increases, the e-bike may
to riders’ needs and the bikes can record the route, distance,
speed, and time of the journey. be going downhill, and which point the amount of assis-
tive electric power is reduced to ensure safety.
This kind of “human factors engineering” involves
computer interpretations of human behavior, and is criti-
The key word is “assistive” cal know-how for everyone in the bike business.
Nonetheless, while traditional bicycles are a purely An intelligent future
mechanical product, the process of making e-bikes also Besides reducing the burden on riders, bicycles that
involves the fields of electrical engineering and elec- incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) can be said to
tronics, including electronic controls, battery and motor create new scope for reimagining bicycles. For example,
manufacturing, and programming. high-grade e-bikes can be operated in different modes
In fact, the principles behind powering e-bikes are not such as “power-saving,” “normal,” and “high-speed,”
that difficult. The challenges lie in determining when to with riders able to choose the setting based on their
provide assistive power and how much to provide. This needs. For example, they can select power-saving mode
is the biggest difference between e-bikes and electric to get a more strenuous workout. Or, taking account of
motor scooters. “Although both products are driven by the battery capacity, they can make adjustments as they
electrical power, the operating logic is completely differ- go, first using power-saving mode to ensure that their
ent,” says Michael Lin. batteries don’t run out in the later stages of their journey.
It is relatively simple to ride an electric motorcycle: “An e-bike will only help you when you need it. It is
The rider simply has to turn the throttle handle to control this understanding of human factors that marks the big-
the speed of the vehicle. But e-bikes are based on the idea gest difference between e-bikes
that the main motive power comes from the feet pressing and e-motorcycles,” says
down on the pedals, while the power provided by the Michael Lin.
smart electric assistive system is supplementary only. Moreover, “AI
The key to the operation of an e-bike is in that word applies not only
“assistive.” “No matter when the rider accelerates, the
addition of assistive power must be done in such a way
that the rider’s experience is smooth, without any feel-
ing of suddenly lurching forward,” says Thompson Su,
describing his definition of “a good e-bike.”
But without human controls, how can this be achieved?
Michael Lin explains the basic principle underlying as-
sistive power output: “An e-bike requires at least three
parameters—speed, torque, and number of revolutions
per minute.”
To a computer, each of these parameters has a differ-

Special-purpose e-bikes designed by
Pacific Cycles include hand-powered
bikes for people with disabilities and
delivery bicycles that are widely used
in Europe.

恰好在下坡,輸出力量就會相應減少,保障騎 心律、血壓等生理數據,藉此打造出一套詳盡
乘者的安全。 的個人體能記錄。
此一「人因工程」,涉及電腦對人類行為的解 另外,「『智慧』兩個字,不只包括車輛本
讀,是每家自行車業者關鍵性的know-how。 身,也可以延伸到後台管理系統。」蘇聖雄由公
除了讓騎乘者更輕省,結合了人工智慧的自 聰明且有效率。以YouBike來說,每一場站需要
行車開啟了自行車新的想像維度。好比如,高 運補的數量、運補的途程規劃、電輔車的電池更
階電輔車可以細部設定「省電」、「一般」、 換等,調度員利用調度卡車上必備的平板電腦,
「高速」等模式,騎乘者再依照個人需求調 就可以透過後台管理系統掌握;加上大數據的
整,如:利用「省電」模式進行體能鍛鍊;或 累積,還能搶先在尖峰時段前到特定場站先行補
者考量到電池的續航力有限,依照騎行路徑調 車。
整,先以省電模式「配速」,免得到中後段電 更別說,在碳排必須斤斤計較的未來,每騎一
力用罄等。 公里可以減掉多少碳?都必須仰賴電輔車記錄下
「在需要的時候,它才會出來幫助你。能夠 的路線、距離、時間,才能進一步計算。
了解人性,這就是電輔 自行車產業前景方興未艾,「你知道嗎,自
車與電動摩托車的最 行車是不需要做廣告的。」林鳴皋篤實且樂觀地
大差別。」林鳴皋一 說。這項古老卻又永遠被人們需要的生活必需
言以蔽之。 品,市場潛力深不可測。電輔車的鵲起,更吸引
更有甚者,電輔車還可 不少電子廠爭相投入,加入戰局,好比達方電子
以透過A p p與智慧型手機連 所創的「BESV」,從日本一路紅回台灣,邑昇
結,載記騎手在特定路段使 實業也推出品牌「DOSUN」。
用的力氣、時間。或者搭配 無庸置疑,下一輪是智慧電輔車市場的盛世,
自行車把手或健身手環等裝 雖說市場變化莫測,但可以確定,擁有自行車、
置,記錄騎乘者的脈搏、 電子等產業立基優勢的台灣,必不會缺席。 □
Although Pacific Cycles, led by
Michael Lin, is a small firm, it has
robust design capabilities.

to the bikes themselves, but can also be extended to of the smart e-bike market. Although the changes in
include the backend management system,” says Frank the market are unpredictable, we can be sure of one
Su, looking from the perspective of bicycle sharing. The thing: Taiwan, with its competitive advantage in indus-
management of a public bikeshare service combines the tries such as bicycles and electronics, will surely be a
Internet of Things, the deployment of the bicycle fleet, significant player. l
and the relocation of bikes to where they are needed, (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
and in all aspects current systems are smarter and more tr. by Phil Newell)
efficient than those used in the past. For example, using
the tablet computers that all the relocation trucks are
equipped with, relocation teams can access the backend
management system to do everything from determining
the number of additional bikes that need to be brought
to each station and planning their routes for doing so,
to keeping track of e-bikes to facilitate timely battery
changes. Moreover, thanks to the accumulation of big
data, relocators can bring bicycles to specific stations
ahead of time to cope with peak usage periods.
Not to mention that in the future will people have
to be meticulous about carbon emissions. In that case,
how much can be saved in emissions per kilometer of
bike travel? This can only be calculated based on the
routes, distances, and times recorded by each e-bike.
The future of the bicycle industry looks as bright as
ever. “Did you know that bicycles don’t even need to be
advertised?” says Michael Lin straightforwardly and
optimistically. The market potential of this old but es-
sential evergreen product is unfathomable.
Undoubtedly, the next wave will be the flourishing

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文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•劉俊良

清晨四點半,天還未亮就出發。騎著單車來到 道,靜享河岸風情與日光交織所激盪的放空心情
台北市大佳河濱公園的地標——希望之泉,等待 時,發自內心的讚嘆。
第一道霞光,為單車之旅揭開序幕。 同樣是迎接旭日,「在基隆澳底漁港看日出,
「當陽光灑落大地時,你會驚嘆『哇!好 太陽從基隆嶼升起,心中的歡欣媲美在玉山或阿
美。』」這是推廣「五感」騎車的台灣樂活自行 里山迎接『鑽石級日出』。尤其在海堤上看著太
車協會創辦人林惠忠,一早在台北河濱自行車 陽蹦出來,真是美!」但林惠忠補充:「你一定

Cycling in Taiwan
—From Island-Circling Tours to Pump Tracks

H ere in the “bicycle kingdom” of Taiwan, bicy-

cles are used not only for tourism but also as
an everyday means of transport.
At 4:30 a.m., the sky hasn’t yet begun to brighten.
We ride our bicycles to the Fountain of Hope in Tai­
pei’s Dajia Riverside Park, awaiting the first rays of
When coming to a nation that is a major manufac- dawn to kick off our bike tour.
turer of bicycles, it is well worth arranging a bicycle “When the sun casts its light across the earth, you’ll
tour, whether it takes you on a spin through town say, ‘Whoah, it’s so beautiful!” says Coco Lin, founder
or countryside or offers the challenge of ascending of the Formosa Lohas Cycling Association. In a relaxed
3,000-meter mountains. A bicycle can help you move mood amid the riverside scenery and dawn’s light, it’s
from stop to stop on an outstanding travel itinerary. hard not to vocalize one’s admiration.

與各縣市政府聯手佈建自行車道, 2012年台北市


潭,在都會區享受河岸景緻,有御風踏青的舒暢 隧道,就能從新北汐止直通基隆。
之感。 The Wudu Tunnel, built a century ago for a railway, has been
converted to use by cyclists. It connects New Taipei’s Xizhi to
中部則可環騎CNN網站評選為全球十大最美自 Keelung.


Likewise, “It’s beautiful to watch the sunrise at Kee­
lung’s Aodi Fishing Harbor, particularly from the seawall.”
With a firm industrial foundation, Taiwan is a major
nation for bicycle manufacturing. It also features dedi­
cated bike lanes and bikeways established by the Ministry
of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in part­
nership with county and municipal governments. In 2012,
Taipei City was the island’s first local government to intro­
duce the YouBike bikeshare system, partly as a means of
reducing carbon footprints. This system makes it possible
to rent a bike in one locale and return it in another. Many
scenic areas also have private operators that rent out bikes,
making it convenient for tourists who want to take a spin.
“Currently, Taiwan has a total of 9,354 kilometers of
bike paths and lanes, including those built by the two Tai­
peis as well as various other municipal and county gov­
ernments,” notes Chen Yen­po, political deputy minister
at the MOTC. An extensive islandwide network of trails
is gradually coming to completion in step with a riding
boom. Cyclists have also uncovered little­known local
scenic spots, knowledge that is making cycling routes
more colorful and diverse.

Consequently, the MOTC has connected 13 national
追風的快感。 scenic areas to the basic round­the­island cycling route,
Whether in the mountains or by the shore, in big cities
or in small towns, there are many opportunities to
which largely mirrors the main railway lines. There are
experience the thrill of chasing the wind on a bike path. 16 itinerary options, including routes that circle and
ascend mountains or access coastal areas, riverbanks,
farming areas, and offshore islands. From dawn to dusk,
whether navigating through big cities or hopping be­
tween small towns, whether in the mountains or by the
shore, cyclists are sure to find an option that suits their
style of cycling and provides the joy of exploration.
Classic Taiwan cycling route
But with so many options, which one should you
choose? Simon Huang, a cycle tour expert at the KHS
Bike School, says that a single­day mini­tour is the most
popular choice. Those with a few days can arrange a trip
to southern or eastern Taiwan to enjoy mountain and
coastal scenery.
Huang recommends a classic route for cycling in
Northern Taiwan: the Taipei Riverside Bikeway.
緻,就覺得很愜意。 The loop around Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan
The well-planned riverside bike paths in Taipei and New Taipei was selected as one of the world’s ten most beautiful
allow cyclists to take leisurely rides while enjoying beautiful
scenery. Riding on them is an altogether pleasant experience. bike routes by CNN’s travel website CNNgo. In South­
ern Taiwan you can explore Hengchun and Kenting on

是腿力不足,也可以租借日漸普及的電動輔助自 武嶺被評比為世界十大艱難的單車路線,也是單車友心
行車(E-Bike)悠閒騎、輕鬆玩。另可分段騎, 提供)
Known as one of the world’s ten most difficult rides, the climb
想騎、愛騎車的旅人皆可完成騎行的想望。 to Wuling Pass is a challenge that many serious cyclists
hope to conquer at least once in their lives. (courtesy of
環島一號線,享受奔馳快感 Formosa Lohas Cycling Association)

車國道」之稱的「環島1號線」,這是快速環島 力就可以分段完成環島旅程。需留意的是,目前
的圓夢路線,主線全長960.8公里,從松山車站0 旅客攜單車搭台鐵須事先申請。
段因多落石,可搭乘台鐵。「環島1號線」沿途 攻頂武嶺
月潭、嘉義故宮南院、恆春墾丁、國家風景區等 星;夏天賞花,冬天賞雪,美不勝收。

知名景點。 近年中華民國自行車騎士協會每年舉辦「台灣
考量腳力不同,交通部觀光署規劃11處兩鐵 自行車登山王」(KOM)挑戰賽,從花蓮七星潭
(鐵路+鐵馬)轉運站,例如松山車站,兩鐵接 的太平洋濱,經高聳深邃的太魯閣峽谷,直達武

Coastal bike paths provide
an unrivaled way to enjoy
Taiwan’s beautiful seashore.

a route that takes in historic old towns along with scenic
vistas of blue seas and sky. In Eastern Taiwan the sea
cliffs of Hualien and Pingtung offer slow­paced rides
and relaxing views. And on the island of Kinmen, cycle
routes link historical settlements and wartime relics.
Huang says that cyclists can plan their own bike
tour or work with a professional route planner to create
a detailed customized route. Or one can take a bimodal
approach, mixing bikes and trains. If there are con­
cerns about stamina, then riders can rent increasingly
prevalent e­bikes to make the trip less taxing.
Around the island on Cycling Route 1
The most convenient way to circumnavigate the is­
land by bike is to follow Taiwan Cycling Route No. 1,
regarded as the “national cycling highway.” Its main
route extends for 960 kilometers. From its starting point
at the Songshan railway station in Taipei, it heads down
the western side of the island to Pingtung and then
turns up along the east coast. You can board a train to
avoid the heavy traffic and frequent rock slides along
the section between Hualien and Su’ao. There are many
convenient rest stations along Cycling Route 1, which
typically takes nine to 14 days to complete.
Cycling Route 1 and its 25 branch routes extend for
a total length of over 1,200 kilometers. Cyclists can
use the branch routes to take off from the beaten path
and explore Sun Moon Lake in Nantou, the Southern 慢騎金門,沿途可以欣賞閩南建築風情。
Taking a slow spin through Kinmen is a great way to enjoy
Branch of the National Palace Museum in Chiayi, Ken­ traditional Southern Fujianese architecture.
ting National Park on the Hengchun Peninsula, and
various national scenic areas.
Ascending to Wuling warming up on the gentle slopes of Provincial Highway
Wuling Pass, near the main peak of Mt. Hehuan, fea­ 8 for five kilometers before reaching Dayuling and then
tures the highest elevation of roadway in all of Taiwan, riding another ten kilometers to Wuling. “Don’t under­
making it a mecca for serious cyclists. estimate the challenge of those ten kilometers: You as­
In recent years the Taiwan Cyclist Federation has cend 710 meters, which is worthy of the Tour de France.
been sponsoring the annual KOM (“King of the Moun­ You’ll be amazed by the wild scenery and cliffs, and
tain”) Challenge, which starts at sea level at Hualien’s will be singing the praises of Taiwan’s natural beauty!”
Qixingtan Beach and crosses numerous climatic zones Circling Sun Moon Lake
on its 105­kilometer course up to the pass at 3,275 me­ Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan is regarded as one
ters. The French cycling magazine Le Cycle described of the island’s eight great scenic sites. With an interme­
the route as one of the ten most difficult and 50 most diate elevation of 748 meters, its views of distinct layers
beautiful in the world. of mountain scenery change with the mists. The High­
“Competitive cycling and leisure cycling offer totally way Bureau has created a bikeway around the lake. In
different vibes and takeaways,” says Coco Lin, who sug­ 2014, it officially became a sister route of the renowned
gests a more leisurely approach to ascending to Wuling: Shimanami Kaido, which island­hops through Japan’s
Start from Hualien County’s Kuanyun Youth Hostel, Seto Inland Sea.

嶺,全長 105 公里,道路有許多 品嚐邵族風味餐,啜飲知名的日月潭紅茶後再
曲折蜿蜒的彎道。海拔則從0公尺 出發。
至3,275 公尺,必須通過多個不同的
雜誌《Le Cycle》曾將這項賽事列為世界 「若是深度旅遊,就從認識首都開始。」林惠
10條最艱難和最美的50條自行車賽路線之 忠推薦騎進巷弄裡,尋訪在地日常,他公布自行
一。觀光署說,這 條 風 情 萬 種 、 瞬 息 萬 變 開發的113條單車秘境路線,首推騎乘台北基隆
的「朝聖級」路線,值得前來挑戰。 河左、右岸河濱自行車道;在左岸欣賞25層樓高
「挑戰與悠閒騎車的心情、收獲完全不 的希望之泉噴泉,在右岸走訪調和自然與公共藝
同。」林惠忠說。他推薦登武嶺的休閒賞景 術、建築設計的經國七海文化園區,是一條暫離
路線;從花蓮觀雲山莊出發,騎行台8線5公 塵囂的騎行路線。
里的緩坡暖身抵達大禹嶺,再騎10公里到武 遊客也可以從大稻埕出發,先逛逛百年前台
日月潭環潭自行車道 若腳力夠,林惠忠推薦挑戰台北市「騎行路
道,2014年與日本「瀨戶內島波海道」締結姊 卡公路到北海岸,再前進淡水漁人碼頭,全程70

妹自行車道,相互推廣自行車活動與觀光。 公里,是一趟飽覽北台灣風情的充實之旅。

日月潭國家風景區管理處說,連結水社至向 東北角海岸的貢寮、福隆、澳底很適合小鎮漫

山遊客中心的向山自行車道,有段長約400公尺 遊;走訪雙溪、瑞芳與金瓜石,在102公路上的
的「水上自行車道」,騎行於此更有水上行舟 山之巔賞無敵大景;到瑞芳、基隆訪礦鄉,認識
之感。旅客可以在伊達邵碼頭老街飲食補給, 百年前北台灣的煤礦業發展歷史。

A ride through the East Rift Valley
presents a beautiful melange of
mountains, water, fields, and
small farming villages.

A trip through Taroko Gorge has riders gasping in awe at the deep canyon, magnificent cliffs, and
gorgeous mountain scenery. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

The Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Manage- Wharf, or even take a ferry to Bali on the left bank of
ment Office notes that there is a unique 400-meter-long the Tamsui River, as they enjoy the diverse array of rec-
waterfront bike path connecting Shuishe to the Xiang- reational opportunities along the river.
shan Visitor Center, which offers the impression of If your legs are strong enough, Lin recommends
cycling on water. Travelers can also recharge at the climbing to the Mt. Datun Air Navigation Station Look-
shopping district by the wharf at the Ita Thao Visitor out, which at 1,076 meters is the highest spot on any
Center, savoring the delicious dishes of the indigenous Taipei City bike route. Mt. Datun is an active volcano,
Thao people and sipping on famous Sun Moon Lake and on the ride up from the Guandu MRT station, you
black tea. can enjoy the volcanic topography and take in distant
Deep and secret views of the Guandu Plain. Afterwards, you can ride
“For in-depth travel, start by getting to know the along the Balaka Highway to the northern coastline
capital city.” Lin has 113 bike route options. He begins and then back around to Fisherman’s Wharf in Tamsui.
by recommending the bikeways on either side of the The route, 70 kilometers in all, offers a good look at the
Keelung River. On the left bank travelers can enjoy the charms of Northern Taiwan.
Fountain of Hope, which shoots water to the height of a Exploring the East Rift Valley
25-story building. On the right bank, nature, public art, Hualien and Taitung in Eastern Taiwan are
and architecture merge harmoniously at the Ching-Kuo wonderful places to savor slow-paced travel.
Chi-Hai Cultural Park, where a bike path can take you The area is deeply loved by domestic and for-
away from the city’s hustle and bustle. eign travelers alike. Sheltered by the Cen-
Visitors can also start their journey from Taipei’s tral Mountain Range on one side and the
Dadaocheng, taking in the Dihua Street shopping area, Coastal Range on the other, the fields
a century-old commercial hub that integrates old and and wilderness of the East Rift Val-
new. From there, they can continue along the riverside ley offer a look at a pure and sim-
bike path to the Guandu Pier and Tamsui’s Fisherman’s ple way of life.

The undulating pump track in Taipei’s Rainbow River Park keeps cyclists coming back for more.

徐行花東縱谷 胖場的賽道融入導角,也適合滑板或直排輪。騎
花蓮玉富自行車道,橫跨歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板 神。

塊,是花東縱谷重要景點。 夏日午後,15歲的義大利籍費加德(Caterina)

騎行花東縱谷,莫錯過以好山好水孕育剔透 與家人在胖場競速,她讚揚場地很好且有挑戰性,

好米製成的便當,以古法柴燒的豆皮、豆包等美 並說河濱公園不僅有自行車道,還有球場可運動,

食。近年部落旅遊盛行,車友也可以探訪原民之 且完全免費,在國外不常見,她曾沿自行車道騎到
鄉,認識原住民的生活態度與禮敬天地的精神, 關渡、淡水,遠至新北市福隆,騎得很過癮。
順道品嚐部落美食。 台灣已有多元的單車騎乘環境,今年交通部推
想騎「刺激的」單車路線,可以體驗新落成的 區,織成一面通勤路網,鼓勵上班族實踐減碳淨零
輪狀車練習場地(Pump track,簡稱胖場)。台 的新生活。
北市政府水利處今(2023)年啟用位在內湖彩虹 全球歷經新冠肺炎疫情,人們開始省思過往的
河濱公園段的全台最大越野型胖場場地,1公里 生活與旅遊方式,許多人選擇擁抱低密度人潮的大
長的高低起伏賽道符合國際賽規格,深受專業車 自然,以慢活方式探索在地魅力,單車就是最佳的
友喜愛。 工具之一。旅人可以騎單車融入在地,發現人情、
台灣越野自行車聯盟協會理事長林芝因說, 美味、風景秀麗的台灣。 □

Coco Lin (right), director of the Taiwan Mountain Bike Association, Che Che (left), executive director of the Taipei X-Game Association,
and experienced riders often volunteer at the pump track to promote “extreme” cycle sports.

When stopping for supplies, try a boxed lunch with with lower population densities to savor the charms
fine local rice nourished by water flowing off pristine of a slower pace of life. In this context, bicycles are an
mountains. You can also savor traditional delicacies ideal choice. Meanwhile, by immersing themselves in
such as grilled tofu skin and bean cakes made the tra- the locales through which they travel, touring cyclists
ditional way. In recent years, tribal tourism has been can fully experience Taiwan’s friendly people, delicious
thriving, and cyclists can visit the indigenous villages food and scenic beauty. l
in the valley, indulging in tribal cuisine along the way. (Mei Kuo/photos by Kent Chuang/
Challenge yourself on a pump track tr. by Jonathan Barnard)
If you’re a cyclist who puts a premium on excitement,
then have a go at the “pump track” in Neihu’s Rainbow
River Park. Finished earlier this year by Taipei City’s
Hydraulic Engineering Office, it features a full kilo-
meter of undulating paths that meet requirements for
international competitions.
Taiwan has a diverse cycling environment, and this
year the MOTC promoted a bicycle commuting plan for
Taipei and New Taipei. The goal is to create a compre-
hensive commuting network that makes the most of the
region’s riverside bike paths and their connections into
Taipei, Banqiao, Zhonghe, and Yonghe, encouraging
office workers to embrace low-carbon lifestyles.
After the Covid pandemic, people have begun to
reconsider their previous lifestyles and modes of trans- 胖場賽道挑戰十足,令車友不斷想超越極限。
The extreme challenges of the pump track push riders to outdo
port, and many have turned toward nature and areas themselves.

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閱讀台灣 因為它讓
的風土民 我透過其
情與歷史 他語言來
I love Tai 風采。
wan Panor
Taiwanes am a because
e trends, cu it lets me
oms, and st out read ab
外国語で history in
台湾の風 other lan
とができ 土 や民俗、 guages.
る『光華』 歴史など
が大好き を読むこ
Daniel Li
ao, Taoy
《光華》47 年之久的故事旅行 ,

Thank you for accompanying us on

Taiwan Panorama ’s 47-year journalistic
odyssey. The heartfelt letters we have
received have encouraged us to be bold
in launching the magazine onto the next
leg of its journey, and we look forward
to traveling with you for years to come....


請 利 用 雜 誌 所 附 訂 閱 單 或 信 用 卡 專 用 單 訂 閱。
To subscribe, please use the form in the back of the magazine.

月 布農丹社歸鄉路 ◎ 雪羊(黃鈺翔)




聽見家的聲音 好 像 聽 到 小 孩 嬉 鬧 時 隨 口 叫出 名
古 道 靠 近 溪 底 時,就 不 再 是 直 字。「你 怎 麼 知 道?!」「你 就 想,
線前進了。我們迂迴 繞行十來處的 男生有喉 結,女 生 沒有啊!所以公
「之字 彎」後,距離 馬太鞍溪底只 的聲音比較厚。」「太誇張了吧!」
剩10 0 公 尺,時 間 是下午 四 點半; 「矮(擬 聲 語 助 詞),聽 久 就 知 道
大 家 前 前 後 後 走 在 一 塊,隊 伍 不 了!」從 小 跟 著 長 輩 出 入 山 林 的
再破 碎,眾人 笑 逐 顏開。 Vilian,小小 年紀就累 積了非常 扎
「 嗶 ──」忽 然,一 聲 巨 響 劃 實的傳統 布農 狩獵與山林知識。
破 寂 靜。「 那 個 水 鹿 是 公 的。」扛 前 兩 天 他 都 在 營 地 照 顧 大 家,
著 愛 槍 的 V i l i a n 馬 上 篤 定 地 說, 從 馬 太 鞍 溪 底 開 始,V i l i a n 才 真
正 開 始 發 揮 他 的 長 才,讓 我 見 識 「追 蹤 師」。著名作 家 湯 姆.布 朗

傳 承 完 整 文 化 的 布 農 族 獵 人,是 (T o m B r o w n)以《追 蹤 師》系

用 怎 麼 樣 的 方 式、心 態 與 山 林 互 列 文學 將 美 國 阿 帕 契 族 的 傳 統 智

動。 慧 發 揚 光 大,在19 7 8 年 所 創 辦 的

「 他 在 找 蚯 蚓,就 這 樣 挖 挖 追 蹤 師 學 校 紅 遍 全 球。而 我 也 在

挖……這 大概 上禮拜的。」走著走 關 門 古 道 這 條 百 年 山 徑 上,看 見

著,V ilian忽然看 到地上有 如被犁 了 源 於 這 座 島 嶼 的 文 化,所 孕 育

耕 過 的 土 坑,那 是 山 豬 為了 找 食 而出的「追蹤師」。

物 刨 過 的 地 面,他 靠 著土 壤 顏 色 其 實,「 追 蹤 」乃 掠 食 者 為 了

與落葉量,推斷山豬挖洞的時間。 生 存 而 發 展 出 的 技 能,只 是 人 類

「你 看,這 是山豬 抓 癢 的痕 跡。」 在 步入 當 代 社 會 後 將 其 忘 卻 了

又 走 了一 段,他 隨 手 指 了 路 旁 一 而 已。無 論 是 布 農 族 還 是 阿 帕 契
書名: 記憶砌成的石階──翻越關
株小雜木,樹幹上長滿絲狀苔蘚, 族,都 在各自的土 地 上,承 襲 來自 門,布農丹社歸鄉路
卻 在 人 的 膝 蓋 以下 被 刮 得 乾 淨 溜 其 祖 先 與 環 境、其 他 生 命 體 互 動
頁數:256頁 定價:490元
溜。 所 累 積 的 智 慧,繼 續 將 人 以一 個 出版時間:2023年7月
出版: 寶瓶文化
V i l i a n 說 山 豬 數 量 很 多,只 是 掠 食 者 的 角 色,編 入 生 態 系 這 張

白 天 不 好 遇 到,一 般 都 是 放 陷 阱 綿 密 的 大 網 之 中,成 為 狩 獵 文 化

抓;真 正 的 獵 人 應 該 要 能 透 過 這 的根本。

些 痕 跡,來 判 斷 這 座 森 林 有 多 少 「 磅 ─!」硝 煙 瀰 漫 在 指 向 樹 訴家 人、老人家們,我們回來了。

動 物 可 以 拿,而 不 是 只 會 拿 槍 就 冠 的 槍 口 周 圍,轟 鳴 的 巨 響 迴 盪 關門古道抵達馬太鞍溪底的
打。「看 久了 就 有 答 案。」他 簡 短 在 紅 檜 與 台 灣 杉巨木 頂 天 立 地 的 所 在,在 清 代 設 有「 營 盤 」,即 開
回 答,體 現 的 是 長 期 在 山 中 累 積 軀 幹 之 間。即 將 抵 達 馬 太 鞍 溪 底 路 清 兵 或 工 人 住 紮 的 地 方,在 上
的 大 量 經 驗,以 及 代 代 相 傳 的 布 時,詠恩請V i l i a n對空鳴 槍,那是 河 文化 出 版 的《 高 山 百 岳 地 形 圖
農智慧。 布 農 族 的 到 家 儀 式;除 了 出 發 以 14:七 彩 湖 六 順 山》中,被 標 示
這位小獵 人 讓 我想 到美國的 外,在 即將到家 前,也會用槍聲告 為「神 木 營 盤 舊 址 」,海 拔1, 8 2 2

公 尺。然 而,神 木 營 盤 遺 跡 的 確 長 輩 人 們,全 都 曾 經 在 這 裡 有 過 煮 晚 飯 時,詠 恩、阿 達 神 情 嚴
切 位 置 模 糊,僅 在 鄭 安 睎 老 師 的 自 己 的 夢。因 此,承 載 著 無 數 靈 肅地找我討論接下來的行程安
《重返關門:踏上布農丹社歸鄉路 魂 的 餘 溫,代 代 使 用 者 身 影 交 錯 排。這 三 天 實 在 太 累 了,如 果 照
(下)》一 書 中 有 約 略 描 述,在 一 而寢的 T o n g q o l a n,其地 位自然 原 計 畫 走,隔 天 要 再 爬 升 陡 峭 的
處 稜 尾「 有 七 株 超 過15 公 尺 高 的 有 如 長 輩 們 曾 生 活 著 的 家一 樣, 1,10 0 公尺 真的很硬。而且一些 人
紅 檜 所 圍 成 之 營 盤 址 」。我 們 所 尤 其 令人 放 鬆 與 安 心,族 人 們 也 的 狀 況 已 經 很 不 理 想,怕 隔 天 勉
紮 營 的 廣 大 腹 地 周 遭,確 實 約 有 相信這裡住著許多「老人家」。 強 上 中 央 山 脈 會 有 人 受 傷,因 此
七 株 巨 大 的 紅 檜 與 台 灣 杉,但 我 「 哆 欸 嘿 呀 ─ 哆 喔 喔 ─ 喔、 希 望 能 調 整 後 面 的 行 程,讓 我 們
們並未看見 顯著遺跡。 喔 喔 喔 ─ 嘿 ─ 」詠 恩 領 唱 著 將 在 Tongqolan多留一夜。
此地布農族語為「Tongqolan」, 到家時必定 會 響 起 的 M a t i s m a- 此時我也看到眾人已難掩疲
音譯「冬庫蘭」,意思是「中午太陽 ma’mulumaq,眾人齊聲應和,歌 態,因 此 在 確 認 糧 食 分 配 與 前 一
會照進來的地方」。因為此處 是個 聲 迴 盪 密 林 之 間;鑽 過 幾 棵 倒 臥 天 收 到 的 天 氣 預 報 後,我 判 斷 天
南北縱長的深谷,東西兩側皆是高 的 巨 大 紅 檜,我 們 總 算 在 最 後 一 氣 正 在 逐 漸 變 好、多 休 息 一 日 回
度超 過1,0 0 0 公尺的巨大山體,陽 絲 陽 光 消 逝 之 前,走 進 了 這 馬 太 復 體 能 與 精 神 狀 態,有 助 於 面 對
光 只有正午左右才得以直射而得 鞍溪底的巨木天堂。 和 倫 太 文 大 牆 一 樣 硬 的「中 央 山
名。但為何To n g q o lan明明沒有部 這 裡 的 營 地 廣 大 平 坦,地 層 的 脈 大 牆 」。於 是 便 同 意 迫 降 的 決
落,我們在抵達前卻也會進行到家 抬升讓這處曾經的河床成為山裡 定,消耗 原本安 排探訪 P a l u b(巴
的鳴槍呢? 罕 有 的 平 地,厚 厚 的 腐 植 層 淡 化 羅博 社)的預備日,並 將最後 一日
原 來,這 裡 自 古 以 來 都 是 整 條 了 這 處 高 位 河 階 上 的 大小 起 伏; 的路 徑,改由丹大 溫 泉上攀,經 原
關 門 古 道 上 最 重 要 的 中 繼 站,整 幾 棵 粗 壯 巨 大 的 紅 檜、筆 直 高 聳 本沒有計畫要到訪的Q a l m u t(堪
條 古道 唯 一 有 著 溪 流 活 水 源 的 夜 的 台 灣 杉 聳 立 在 營 地 四 周,以 自 姆卒社)接回丹大林道。
宿 點。因 此,在 歷 經 翻 越 大 山 的 身 的 存 在 實 證 這 片 森 林千年 來 的 「 預 備 日 」是 指 在 長 登 山 行 程
磨 難 後,T o n g q o l a n 就 成 為了可 安 穩 靜 好;注 視 著 百 年 來 的 旅 人 中,在 行 程 內 最 硬 的 日 期 後 多 安
以 好 好 休 息 整 備、暢 飲 甘 泉,甚 們,傾聽他們言語 各異的夢。 插 一 天 原 地 停 留 的 日 子,或 者 在
至 跳 進 河 裡 洗 去 一身 髒 汙 的 桃 源 行 程 後 預 留 一 天 起 來。這 種 安
天 堂,沒 有 任 何 一 支 隊 伍 會 跳 過 排 常 見 於 超 過 七 日 的 隊 伍,因 為
這裡。 今 天 的 抵 達 禱 告,大 家 眼 睛 閉 山 區 的 天 氣 變 幻 莫 測、人 員 狀 況
早 在 百 餘 年 前,關 門 古 道 仍 是 得 特 別 緊。從 葉 梢 落 下 的 水 滴, 也 隨 時 在 變 動,因 此 會 希 望 多 留
丹 社 群 族 人 的 獵 路 時,T o n g q o - 彷 彿 台 灣 杉 正 摸 著 我 們 的 頭, 一 點 時 間,以 便 應 對 任 何 緊 急 狀
l a n 就 一 直 被 作 為 營 地 使 用 著。 和 藹 地 說:「 平 安 就 好,歡 迎 回 況,讓 行 程 調 度 保 有 餘 裕,不 必
其 後,關 門 古 道 興 工 時 的 清 兵、 來。」在 一 陣 幾 天 來 最 震 耳 的 如 為了 趕 路 下 山 而 冒 不 必 要 的 風
來 往的日本調 查隊,以 及昭和 8 年 雷 掌 聲 中,我 們 感 謝 老 人 家 一 路 險。
(19 3 3 年)從 南 投 丹大 遷 徙 至 花 上 的 照 看 與 自 己 的 努 力,開 始 分 雖然我心中也暗自竊喜可以
蓮 馬 遠 的 丹 社 群 族 人 們,再 到 沿 工 整 地、砍 柴 生 火,打 點 今 晚 的 休 息 一 天,好 好 欣 賞 這 片 壯 闊 的
著 祖 先 的 路 回 來 打 獵 的馬 遠 部 落 家園。 紅 檜 — 台 灣 杉 高 山 溪 谷,親 眼 見

證 當 年 丹 社 群 老 人 家 們、長 野 義 牆 的 家 屋 遺 跡,只 剩 一 面 完 整 的 阿光 帶 領 的 團 體 祭 告 劃 破 隊 伍 站

虎、森 丑 之 助 所 看 見 的 原 始 大 檜 側 牆,以 及 矮 矮 的 前 牆,靜 靜 被 定 後 的 寧 靜,也 讓 這 百 年 的 部 落

林;但 這 就代 表,往後 沒有預備日 柳 杉 環 繞。屋 內 還 長 著 三 株 筆 直 遺 跡 活 了 過 來。個 人 的 祭 告 緊 隨

可用了,每 一步都 要更 加 謹慎。 的柳杉,屋頂不知道散 落何方。 在 後,詠 恩 打 開 一 瓶 我 們 珍 惜 了

新 手 隊 伍 因 為 狀 況 比 較 多,且 根 據 阿光訪 談 A k i L a u n g阿祖 七天的好酒,先 傾 斜瓶身、以手 指

體 能 與 經 驗 尚 不足 以 承 擔 過 大 風 的 說 法,H a v a a n 主 要 是 L a m i - 沾 酒,念 念 有 詞 地 往 外 滴 灑 三 次

險,一 般 而 言 不 太 會 在 沒 有 意 外 l i n g a n姓 氏(漢 姓「余」)家 族 的 後,注視著家 屋,口中以母語 喃喃

的 狀 況 下 輕 易 啟 用 預 備 日,壓 縮 聚落,而阿祖本人 則是在H a v a a n 傾訴著自己的家 族 姓 氏、名字、對

行 程 後 半 段 的 容 錯 率。不 過,由 附 近一 個 未 標 示在 地 圖 上 的 小 部 祖 先 一 路 照 顧 的 感 謝,還 有 想 對

於 我 們 有 攜 帶 衛 星電 話 能 即 時 調 落出生,只 是日人 註 記 戶口時,被 祖 居 地 說 的 話。語 畢,他 仰 起 瓶

度接駁,加上因為大家普遍疲憊、 註 記在H a v a a n部落。因此,日本 身 啜 飲了一口,接 著把 酒 遞出,依

經 驗 不 足、隔 日 行 程 又 硬,因 此 古 地 圖 所 標 記 的 各 個 舊 部 落,並 長幼順序開始 一一祭告。

在最 舒服的To n g q o l a n啟用預備 不代 表 就 是 各族 群 聚 落 的 完 整 樣 「Uninang, Madadaingaz!( 感

日,也是此時 最正確的做 法。 貌。 謝先祖!)」「Taki-vatan du, Ma -

一 宣 布 明 天 睡 到 飽 時,大 家 發 族 人們在傾 頹的家 屋前整齊列 d a d a i n g a z!( 丹社的先祖啊!)」

出 了 來 自 靈 魂 深 處 的 歡 呼。隊 員 隊,隨行的 K av i a z(朋友)們則安 族人們對著沉睡在此的老人家

們 臉 上 綻 放 出 無 比 燦 爛 的 笑 容, 靜 地 在 一 旁 屏 息 觀 禮。空 氣 很 安 們,表達深 刻的感 謝與敬 意。和中

讓 原 本 安 靜 的 溪 谷 頓 時 充 滿 了生 靜,只有踩 踏 落 葉的聲 響,與白耳 央 山 脈 上 的 感 言 不 同,整 個 祭 告

氣。儘 管 迫 降 代 表 行 程 不 順 利, 畫眉悠揚高亢的「吐吐米酒──」 過 程,除 了少 數 想 不 起 來 的 詞 彙

但 是 在 這 瀰 漫 林 間 的 歡 愉 之中, 鳥鳴。 外,整 座 山 林 間 只 聽 得 見 布 農 族

可以 深 切感受到這支馬遠回家隊 「Madadaingaz(祖先)……」 語 和 來 自 森 林 的 聲 響。如 同 祖 先

伍的核心價值,不是「成 功執行一

個大計畫」,而是大家一起平安 快



「M a d a d a i n g a z(祖先)!M a -

ha san Misumitan……」


H av a a n的老人家們請安,輕敲家

門 般 訴 說 著:「 我 們 回 來 了。」簡

短 的 祭 告 後,族 人 們 魚 貫 走 下 家

屋 所 在 的 平 台。稜 線 下 方 是 一 幢
以 石 板 堆 疊 而 成、以 稜 線 作 為 後

與 山 林 相 依 而 生 的 古 老 日 常,這 族 並 沒 有 地 圖 記 錄 的 傳 統,日 本 的小心喔!」

屬 於 丹 社 群 的 一 刻,交 織 著 白 耳 人也 沒 有 繪 製 舊 部 落 的 配 置 圖, 「嘿,啊!!!」

畫 眉 的 悠 揚,充 盈 在 場 所 有 人 的 僅 記 錄 門 牌 編 號 與 家 族 資 料,所 「砰 ──!」

雙耳之中。 以 只 能 靠 長 輩 手 把 手,將 傳 統 領 那 棵 朽 壞 的 柳 杉,在 幾 位 族 人

說 著 說 著,大 頭 哥 的 布 農 母 語 域中所有地點的位置傳承給後 的 控 制 下,精 準 朝 著 家 屋 大 門 轟

逐漸 混 雜了鼻音。 輩。他 們 對 山 林 地 貌 的 感 覺 與 認 然 倒 地,沒 有 砸 壞 兩 旁 的 正 面 矮

A b u s接 過 酒杯,也努力用稍 微 知,是 奠 基 於 親 身 走 過 建 立 的 連 牆。刀 疤 司 忍不住 怒 斥:「這 個 種

生 澀 的 母 語 表 達 對 於 祖 先、對 於 結之上。 樹 的 也 太 白 目 了 吧!但 大 部 分 的

故 土 的 懷 想 與 感 謝:「U n i n a n g 因 此,舊 部 落 裡 的 每 棟 家 屋 究 林 班 都 是 原 住 民,只 能 聽 老 闆 的

m ai m a da da in g a z A bus s aik in 竟 分 別 屬 於 哪 個 家 族,各 種 文化 話,唉。」阿 光:「2 0 14 年 長 輩 帶

Takbanuaz Istasipal taikan sia 故事 與 獵場的確切位置在哪 裡等 我 來 的 時 候 就 很 生 氣 啊,一 直 罵

Ta n a p i m a u n i n a g t u q u m i s a n 等,在 族群 移住多年,老人家 無 法 啊,說 為 什 麼 這 麼 不 尊 重 我 們?

zami sauiti saduu imita ma da- 親 自 帶 著 晚 輩 指 認 的 情 況 下,大 把 那 個 樹 種 在 家 屋 裡 面 ……」家

da ingaz uninang.」 多 終 將只有 被 遺 忘 在 歷 史 洪 流 之 屋 不僅 承 載 著 布 農 族 的 文化 與 家

酒 傳 到 了 強 哥 手上,他 虔 敬 地 中的結局。 族 記 憶,許 多 家 屋 的 主 人 更 依 然

說著,聲 音逐漸 顫抖,淚水為臉 頰 家 屋正面的矮 牆旁散落著許多 在石板 之下沉睡 著。

添 上 兩 行 閃 爍 的 光,對 著 家 屋 哽 大 型 石 片,阿 光 拿 起 一 片,說 那 族 人 離 去 後,家 屋 自 然 會 被 山

咽 傾 訴 心 中 澎 湃 的 情 感。他 努 力 是 掉 落 的 屋 簷。刀 疤 司 站 在 尚 稱 林吞噬,屋 頂 逐漸傾 頹,石牆日漸

克 制 自 己,不 要 宣 洩 太 多 初 次 踏 完 整 的 石 板 牆 前,指 著 牆 上不 尋 坍 毀;植 物 取代了人,入 主 那 一 幢

上 祖 居 地 的 感 動,以 及 看 到 族 人 常 的 凸 出 物 說:「 沿 著 石 牆 多 出 幢 方 格。這 原 本 會 是 一 個 無 可 奈

們 曾 經 的 生 活 場 景,如 今 卻 是 頹 來 的 那 個 石 頭,那 是 專 門 放 貴 重 何 的 自 然 過 程,但 我 們 今 天 所 在

敗朽壞的悲 傷。 東 西 的。」除 此 之 外,側 牆 與 後 牆 的 森 林是「柳 杉人 造 林」,因 此 並

這 是 一 個 近百 年 前 離 開 孕 育 自 之間的角落還有一 個精緻的方形 非 大 自 然 的 演 替,而 是 在 台 灣 林

身 土 地 的 語 言,跨 越 時 空 回 到 自 壁 龕,阿 光 說 那 是「 阿 嬤 的 藏 寶 業 蓬 勃 發 展 的 年 代,透 過 人 工 刻

己 誕 生 的 地 方,又一 次 在 石 板 縫 盒 」,是 家 族 長 輩 用 以 存 放 貴 重 意栽植而成。

隙、樹 葉 之間呼吸的時 刻。 物品的地方。 原 來,在 日 本 時 代 布 農 族 們 仍

我 們 接 著 進 入 家 屋,開 始 為 這 「哆!哆!哆!」厚實的山刀,一 居 住 於 此 的 年 代 中,從 長 野 義 虎

素 昧 平 生 的 房 子 打 掃,將 枯 枝 落 刀 一刀 劈 砍 在 屋 中 一 棵 朽 壞 的 柳 到 後 來 的 森 丑 之 助,在 行 經 關 門

葉 整 理 整 齊,阿 光 一 邊 分 享 道: 杉上,回音 繚 繞 在山林之間。他 們 古 道 的 報 告 書 中,皆 異 口 同 聲 描

「H a v a a n(哈巴昂)部 落是在 底 也 將 另 外 兩 棵 大 柳 杉 環 狀 削 皮, 述 丹 社 群 所 居 住 的 區 域,幾 乎 看

下,那邊 大概 是 六 到七間,然後 這 露 出 柳 杉 淡 色 的 木 質 部,這 麼 做 不 見 什 麼 樹 木。森 丑 之 助 則 進 一

邊 是兩間。」雖 然日本戶籍 資料記 是 為了 讓 它 無 法 繼 續 生 長,慢 慢 步解 釋:「前 山(關 門 古道 西 段)

載,阿光的阿祖 就 是住在H ava a n 枯死,待下次回家時,就比 較容易 缺 乏 森 林 的 原 因,是 數 百 年 來 占

的 第 八 號,但 他 仍 不 能 百 分 百 確 伐倒移除。 居 這 一 帶 的 布 農 族,全 力 拓 墾 的

定 到 底 是 哪 一 間 家 屋。因 為 布 農 「欸,來 喔 來 喔!要 倒 了,那 邊 結 果。放 眼 一 望,山 地 到 處 是 連

綿 的 舊 墾 地 和 新 墾 地。」(森 丑 之 立的柳杉或香杉。然而,茂密涼爽 隨 著 石 板 屋 遺 址 一 格 格 出 現,

助,楊南郡譯,20 0 0)布農族傳統 的樹蔭之下,樹 根穿 破 石板、深入 隊 伍 自 然 地 散 開 來,每 個 人 都 在

會 以 燒 墾 輪 耕 的 方 式 進 行 農 業、 地 底 的 盤 根 錯 節,與 老 人 家 們 如 用 自 己 的 方 式 感 受 H a v a a n,或

以 火 攻 的 方 式 狩 獵,而 導 致 部 落 今 的 處 境,卻 是 族 人 們 不 願 意 去 禮 貌 地 隨 意 走 看,或 溫 柔 撫 摸

周遭的山區呈現童山濯濯之樣 想像的慘 狀。「也不知道怎 麼移除 石 牆,讚 嘆 老 人 家 的 手 藝 精 湛。

貌。 了,只 能 盡 量。」阿 光 無 奈 地 嘆 了 阿光則忙著記錄每一幢家屋的

這 些 光 禿 禿 的 山,在 昭 和 8 年 口氣。 G P S 座 標,為 屋 內 的 陶 罐 破 片 拍

(1 9 3 3 年)族 人移 住 到 花 蓮 後, 家 屋 整 理 告 一 段 落,比 起 我 們 照。

便 逐 漸 呈 現 無 人 的 狀 態。直 到 民 剛 抵 達 時 清 爽 許 多。大 頭 哥 轉 身 這時,大 頭哥 放 下 背 包,走 入一

國 4 8 年(19 5 9 年)振 昌 木 材 防 腐 凝 視 空 蕩 的家 屋,淡 淡 說 道:「這 幢 家 屋 內。他 緩 緩 蹲 下,撥 開 落

工 廠 丹 大 事 業 部 負 責 人 孫 海,得 個 真 的 很 難 想 像 欸,以 前 這 邊 都 葉,一小撮一小撮 掬起家 屋的土,

標 丹大事 業 區 第 八 林 班 第 一 小 班 有 人 住 是 什 麼 情 形?」從 抵 達 家 放進一個小夾鏈袋裡,喃喃說著:

的採伐 權,並開 闢丹大林道後,丹 屋 時 的 感 動 震 撼,動 手 整 理 的 沉 「 我 要 讓 我 的 老 婆 知 道,你 的 家

社 群 的 傳 統 領 域 才 回 復 往 昔人 聲 澱 省 思,到 見 證 自 己 的 文 化 與 故 在 這 邊。」大 頭哥 結 髮的祖 居地,

鼎 沸 的 樣 貌。當 年 孫 海 砍 伐 的 區 事 在 深 遠 的 山 中 傾 頹,在 場 每 一 正 是此 刻我們所在的地方。

域,主要 在丹大林道六 分所以東、 位 族 人 都 沉 下 了 表 情,森 林 又 陷 基 於 種 種 原 因,山 下 的 族 人

以北的「丹大事業區七、八、九、十 入了寧 靜。 或 許 只 能 透 過 這 個 方 式,觸 摸 老

林班」;而位 於丹大林道南側的丹 臨 走時,詠 恩 掉了幾 滴淚,強哥 人 家 曾 觸 碰 過 的 土 壤,將「 真 實

社 群 舊 部 落、舊 耕 地 區 域 本 就 無 的 眼 淚 也 終 於 決 堤,對 著 家 屋 傾 存 在,但 可 能 此 生 無 緣 到 訪 的 老

樹 可 砍,但 這 些「 荒 地 」,卻 也 成 訴著自己心中的觸 動,L i l i也在一 家」與自己連 結起來。

為 日 後 來 此 的 造 林 承 包 商 十 分重 旁 靜靜地哭了。 最 後,我 們 在 一 幢 十 分 乾 淨 整

要 的 植 樹 目 標,可 以 輕 鬆 達 到 造 「咿 呀 ─ 哆嘿 ─ 啊 ─ 咿 ─ 嗨 呀 齊 的 大 家 屋 遺 跡 旁 休 息,海 拔 大

林 績 效。 ─ 哆喔喔 ─」 約1,610 公尺,大家 輕 鬆交 流 著自

當年許多原住 民受僱 入山進行 「嘿 ─」 己 的 感 受 與 故 事。此 時 此 刻,不

造 林 工 作,像 阿 光 的 父 母 就 是 在 在 詠 恩 高 亢 的 嗓 音 帶 領 下, 同 背 景、不 同 年 紀 的 人 們 齊 聚 於

高 登(七 彩 湖 東 側 一 帶 )幫 忙 造 十八 人各 自 以 自 己 的 音 域 找 到 和 此,一 起 感 受 布 農 族 老 人 家 生 活

林。早 年受僱上山的原住民很多, 聲的位置,為這首獻 給H a v a a n老 的 痕 跡 與 場 域,見 證 族 群 的 遷 徙

他們不一定 是布農 族,就 算是,也 人家的M a t i s m a m a’m u l u m a q 脈 絡;這一路走來 歷 經的種種,也

不 一 定 知 道 石 板 屋 的 過 往;他 們 塗 上 一 層 又一 層 靈 魂 的 顏 色,迴 已 經 在 彼 此 生 命 中 留 下 不 可抹 滅

只 是 盡 忠 職 守 地 執行 承 包 商 的 指 盪 在 這 片 整 齊 劃 一 的 柳 杉 林 間。 的 深 刻 記 憶。臨 走 時,阿 光 深 情

令,機械 式 種下一株株的苗 木,完 豐 滿厚實的歌聲 讓森林與石板 屋 地 對 著大 家 屋 說:「A k i A k i、我

成自己的任 務。 熱 鬧 了 起 來,一 行 人一 面 和 聲, 們 要 回 去 嘍!希 望 你 在 這 邊 平 平

因此,在今日位 於丹大 溪、郡大 一 面 踏 著 整 齊 的 步 伐,以 乾 爽 落 安 安,以後 還 有 機 會 來 看 你!」那

溪 流 域 的 眾多 布 農 族 舊 部 落 石 板 葉 的 啪 沙 聲 為 伴 奏,一 步 步 走 進 個 神 情,好 像 老 人 家 就 在 眼 前 一

屋 遺 跡 中,都 可 以 看 見 一 株 株 挺 Havaan部落的核心區。 樣。

Readers’ Photos
攝 影 徵 件

Rural Communities and Agritourism

A Country Lane (Li Shengzhang)

Every year after the autumn rice harvest, Chishang
Township in Taitung County is widely planted with
oilseed rape. The golden-yellow flowers make for
beautiful scenery in the fields alongside the small
lanes that crisscross the land.

Harvesting Watermelons (Wang Changlin)

Large expanses of the bed of the Lanyang River in Yilan County’s Datong Township are used
to cultivate watermelons. The melons grown in the free-draining sandy soil are sweet and juicy,
earning a big thumbs-up from everyone who tries them.

Harvesting Mangoes with Poles (Wang Changlin)

Mango trees flourish on both sides of this road in Tainan’s
Liuying District, forming a beautiful green tunnel. The trees
fruit abundantly, and harvesting the mangoes is loads of fun
for all the family while bringing back heartwarming childhood
memories for adults.

The Canvas of the Earth (Lin Minji)

Chiayi’s Minxiong Township, which lies close to the Tropic
of Cancer, produces more pineapples than any other locale
in Taiwan. The numerous varieties display multiple colors at
different stages of growth, making the earth into a canvas
and conveying the warmth of the land. It makes for a
remarkably charming scene.

Raking Grains of Rice (Wang Mingxian)

To dry rice in the sun the weather must be good and the grains must be evenly exposed to the sunshine, so raking and turning the rice grains are vital
chores. Farmers spread the grains evenly using purpose-made rakes, and must turn the rice over repeatedly until it is completely dry.

Picking Chrysanthemums in Tongluo (Wang Mingxian)

Chrysanthemums are harvested each winter in Miaoli’s Tongluo Township. Besides
the rural scene of farmers harvesting the blossoms, tourists find the flowers in full
bloom to be even more delightful to the eye.

Dried Persimmons (Xu Jia’en)

Xinpu Township in Hsinchu County is famous for its dried persimmons, which make a tasty and aromatic fruit snack. Each year when
autumn arrives, many tourists come here to check out the scene.

Drying Noodles (Xu Jia’en)

The Ayi Handmade Noodles shop in Changhua County’s Fuxing Township still
continues its century-old craft of making noodles by hand. The noodles are sun-dried
in the courtyard of an old three-sided compound. With a salty flavor from the sea
winds, they have a unique taste and are much enjoyed by travelers.

Diligent Farming with Respect for Deities (Lin Shihao)

To transform a piece of dry land into a verdant rice paddy is no easy task. Therefore
farmers feel grateful to the deities of heaven and earth, and before they begin tilling the
soil they will always first pay their respects to the Jade Emperor and the Earth God.

Dongshan Hot-Air Balloon Carnival (Pan Tongxi)

The hot-air balloons flying over the golden rice fields around Mr. Brown Avenue in Yilan’s Dongshan Township attract
tourists from near and far.


We share our mountains and seas with a rich diversity of animals and plants. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

文 •
圖 •

版面設計 •

The winners of the inaugural Taiwan Biodiversity Awards

come from a wide range of industries. (courtesy of Taiwan
Corporate Sustainability Awards)


Safeguarding T he United Nations Environment Programme

has stated that “the planet is experiencing a
dangerous decline in nature as a result of human
Taiwan’s Biodiversity: activity.” If we look carefully at the Aichi Bio­

Multidisciplinary Solutions diversity Targets set at the tenth Conference of

the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological
Diversity (COP 10) in 2010, we can see that less
than 30% of the 20 targets have been met.

近年林業署將淺山地區也納入保 生物多樣性獎鼓勵更多企業願意
護範圍。(外交部資料) 投入維護生態的工作。(莊坤儒攝)
In recent years, the Forestry Huang Hsiang-wen, director-general of
and Nature Conservation the Ocean Conservation Administration,
Agency has put low- believes the Taiwan Biodiversity Awards
elevation mountain areas will encourage more Taiwanese businesses
under protection. to commit themselves to environmental
(MOFA file photo) protection. (photo by Kent Chuang)

「生物多樣性」一詞,意指生存於地球上物種 樣性也是我們的義務和使命。
的多樣性和差異性,其中,差異性主要可依據基 農業部林業及自然保育署保育管理組科長石芝
因、物種及生態系三項層面來審視。不過,生物 菁表示,在《文資法》、《森林法》等法律規定
多樣性的複雜度可不只有三層次,猶如一張編織 下,台灣其實有35%陸域面積已獲得保護,因此
縝密的網,生態系和物種隨著各地氣候、地形種 除了重新檢視既有保護區和國有林,也將列入過
種因素有所不同,小至水和空氣,大至動植物, 往較不受關注的淺山地區,以期擴大生物多樣性
每個單位都是這張網不可或缺的元素。 的保育規模。
越複雜的網,有越高的穩定性;反之,則可能 不只陸地,台灣島所處海域更在全球海洋生物多
因為其中一個元素的改變,而產生不可挽回的後 樣性排名前5%。為減緩物種消失危機,海洋委員
果。聯合國跨政府生物多樣性與生態系服務平台 會海洋保育署署長黃向文指出,海保署與政府、民
(IPBES)2019年曾提出報告,指出全球約有100 間各組織單位通力合作,藉由調查海洋生態物種數
萬種物種已瀕臨滅絕,對人類糧食安全、經濟等 量、劃定相關保護區等方式,力求在2030年前達到
等都帶來威脅,這樣的趨勢,直至現在都沒有明 30%的海域保護目標。
聯合國生物多樣性大會(C O P15),最終達成 此外,GBF還提及了政府之外的另一角色──
的「昆明—蒙特婁全球生物多樣性框架(下稱 企業。
「GBF」)」協議,明確定義23項行動目標,其 世界經濟論壇2020年《新自然經濟報告》顯
中包含2030年前保護30%陸、海域的自然資源。 示,全球將近半數經濟產值,都是仰賴自然生態

Biodiversity targets ests, the government seeks to promote biodiversity by
“Biodiversity” refers to the variety and variability of conserving low-elevation mountainous regions, which
the Earth’s living organisms. While variability may be have been relatively overlooked in the past.
assessed through three primary aspects—DNA, species, Apart from the land area, Taiwan’s marine biodiver-
and ecosystems—in reality biodiversity is far more com- sity is among the world’s top 5%. Huang Hsiang-wen,
plex. Like an intricate web, the concept embraces every- director-general of the Ocean Affairs Council’s Ocean
thing from elemental forces to animals and plants, with Conservation Administration, says that in order to
ecosystems and biological organisms varying according achieve the 30% target, the administration is working
to numerous factors such as climate and geography. with the government and non-governmental organiza-
In 2019 the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plat- tions to survey the populations of marine species and
form on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services reported define conservation areas.
that around 1 million of the world’s animal and plant Biodiversity and businesses
species were threatened with extinction. The situation Alongside governments, the GBF mentions the role
does not seem to have improved since then. of businesses.
In light of this, the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodi- In 2022 the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Dis-
versity Framework (GBF) drawn up in December 2022 closures published a report that cited research findings re-
clearly defines 23 action-oriented targets, requiring leased by the World Economic Forum in 2020: around half
that at least 30% of the world’s lands, seas, and inland of the world’s economic value generation was dependent
waters should be protected by 2023. on nature and its services. Their data suggests that eco-
Shih Chih-chin, a section chief in the Conservation nomics has long been inextricably linked to biodiversity.
Management Division of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Soon after COP 15 in December 2022, the Taiwan Insti-
Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA), tute for Sustainable Energy announced that the first Tai-
says that under the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, wan Biodiversity Awards (TWBA) would be held in May
the Forestry Act, and other laws, 35% of Taiwan’s land 2023. By inaugurating these awards, the organizers aimed
surface is already under protection. So in addition to to foster a shared commitment to biodiversity among Tai-
monitoring existing protected areas and national for- wanese businesses and institutions.

Shih Chih-chin,
a section chief in
the Conservation
Management Division
at FANCA, tells us that
the Taiwan Ecological
Network, established
earlier this year,
provides a knowledge
bank that will help
businesses join the
national effort to
safeguard biodiversity.

提供的服務和功能;世界自然基金會《2020年地 色,因此來自社會的主動力量相當重要,舉辦獎
球生命力報告》也指出,生物多樣性每年創造高 項的目的在於鼓勵企業繼續參與、支持生物多樣
達150兆美元的經濟價值,足見企業與生物多樣 性,同時也讓民眾看見企業在盈利之外的其他面
性的關係早是密不可分。 向,使消費者願意花錢購買對環境、生態友善的
而過去16年來,每年都會舉辦「台灣企業永續 產品,進而成為「善的循環」。
台灣生物多樣性獎」,希望拋磚引玉,在台灣帶 對全聯集團來說,這樣的循環便是催生一系
起企業共同維護生物多樣性的風氣。 列友善生態產品的最大動力,而這其中,「老鷹
生物多樣性獎評審召集人林聰賢指出, 紅豆」的成功可謂全聯投入其他生物復育的定心
評審們一致以國際既有「自然相關財務揭露 丸。
(TNFD)」、「自然科學基礎目標(SBTN)」 來自董事長林敏雄的提議,讓全聯生鮮、採購
等倡議作為標準,再透過各家企業消耗自然資源 團隊透過屏東科技大學鳥類生態研究員牽線,實際
的程度,搭配第三方驗證完成的數據,評估企業 走入產地,部分的求快速收成使用落葉劑,卻也讓
是否對於台灣生物多樣性有實際貢獻。 有毒物質透過食物鏈,間接造成猛禽類喪命。
首屆生物多樣性獎得獎單位,包括推動生態 但,要說服農夫不使用農藥,除了全聯的收購
監測研究的石化業者;調查業務足跡、擬訂環境 意願,消費者是否買單也是計畫能否長久的關鍵
保護活動的半導體業者;更有獨創金融產品、服 之一。
務與生態保育的金控業者,以及串聯產地與消費 身為台灣最大零售業者的全聯,深知產地收購價
者、共同復育生態的零售業者,產業別涵蓋範圍 高於一般價格兩倍的老鷹紅豆,正式售價極可能讓
廣闊。 消費者卻步。且對於一般民眾而言,購買紅豆多半
林聰賢指出,政府在政策驅動上是被動的角 是為了煮紅豆湯,若是單賣原豆,經濟效益有限。

Chuan Lian Enterprise
has developed various
adzuki bean products,
drawing public
attention to stories
of environmental

Every adzuki bean reminds us of our collective effort to protect
biodiversity. (courtesy of Chuan Lian Enterprise Co.)

time to harvest. These chemicals entered the food chain

and could indirectly cause the deaths of birds of prey.
However, Chuan Lian knew that farmers would
charge twice as much for beans produced without harm-
ful chemicals, and customers would probably be put off
Lin Tsung Hsien, convener of the TWBA judging panel, by the higher retail price. Moreover, as most people buy
explains that they evaluated organizations’ actual contribu- adzuki beans just to make sweet soups, the economic
tions to Taiwan’s biodiversity by adopting selection criteria value of unprocessed beans is actually rather limited.
based on established international standards, and taking Considering these factors, Chuan Lian decided to de-
into account the natural resources consumed by individual velop processed adzuki bean products and package them
companies as well as data verified by third parties. in innovative ways. Making use of the media, Chuan
The first TWBA awardees come from a wide range of Lian has effectively conveyed the story of their Eagle Red
industries. Bean products to consumers.
Lin states that the purpose of the awards is to encour- “Actually we were quite worried at first,” says Amy
age businesses to continue supporting biodiversity, while Luan, Chuan Lian’s public relations and media manager.
also drawing public attention to the non-profit-motivated Despite all, however, their first small batch of adzuki bean
activities of Taiwanese enterprises. Greater awareness of confections sold unexpectedly well and gave them a lot of
biodiversity among both consumers and businesses helps encouragement.
create a virtuous circle. It wasn’t until they took part in the TWBA this year that
Food products Chuan Lian realized how much they had achieved in en-
For Taiwan’s Chuan Lian Enterprise Company, the vironmental conservation. Luan says that winning a gold
operator of the PX Mart and RT-Mart supermarket and award was a big surprise for everyone in the company.
hypermarket chains, it is precisely this virtuous circle
that has led it to create a series of eco-friendly products.
Through avian ecologists at National Pingtung Uni-
versity of Science and Technology (NPUST), Chuan Lian’s
fresh food and procurement teams learned that some
adzuki bean farmers were using defoliants to shorten the

The success of Chuan Lian’s Eagle Red Bean product range
prompted the company to engage in the protection and restoration
of other birds of prey. This photo shows a raptor catching a rodent
on a pesticide-free pineapple farm. It is part of Chuan Lian’s Owl
Pineapples project. (courtesy of NPUST Bird Ecology Lab)

因此全聯團隊決定研發相關產品、重新製作包 不少。2014年,美國佛羅里達州魚類和野生動物
裝,並透過媒體宣傳方式,積極與民眾傳遞老鷹 研究協會建議,州政府應立法管制設置於海岸的
紅豆背後的故事,讓商品與生態保育產生連結。 戶外燈具改用無藍光的橘紅光,以避免藍光誤導
「其實我們當初滿擔心的。」全聯經理欒美 小海龜走向城市。
雲這麼說,不過首批少量商品銷量卻出乎意料地 光林智能研發中心產品管理部資深經理彭耀祈
好,給足全聯團隊信心,決定長久發展這項計 指出,他們注意到該法案後,開始研究如何作出
畫。至今,老鷹紅豆系列已研發出25種以上品 符合人類用路安全需求同時有助生態保育的環保
項,總銷售額也從一開始的新台幣十萬元,來到 燈具。最終誕生出「全生態智能照明系統」,並
2022年的近新台幣五億元。 於2019年在台灣取得專利。
對於全聯來說,直至生物多樣性獎的出現前, 這項技術,讓原先只有白光和黃光的戶外燈
他們都沒有意識到,原來團隊在生態保育上已經 具,可依照生物視角及當地生物特性,加裝相對
做出這麼多成果,因此對於能在首屆生物多樣性 應的光學濾波光罩,達到引導或驅離等效果,同
獎中拔得頭籌,欒美雲表示:「團隊其實相當驚 時也不影響用路人對於路燈亮度的要求。
訝,原來過去幾年的付出是有做對到某個程度 以高雄六龜琉璃蟻案例為例,當地從市區一路
的。未來全聯也將持續深化生物多樣性領域的努 延伸到山區的LED戶外燈,把原本應該棲息在山
力。」 區的琉璃蟻引到住宅區,為居民生活帶來困擾;
獲頒創新獎的光林智能科技公司,也表示此次 光林智能團隊透露,全生態照明技術未來將響
得獎是水到渠成的結果。 應林業署國土生態綠網計畫,針對生物多樣性失
戶外照明技術燈具系統業者光林智能,在台灣 能熱區進行光學領域開發。另外,該計畫也將持
擁有廣大市佔率,全球30多國也都能看見它的產 續與學者合作,希望能同時開拓學界對於生物與
品。近年除了致力研發以人為出發點的環保綠能 光之間的研究視角。
LED路燈具及交通燈,更將AI導入光學技術,希 這場挽救生物多樣性的行動,結合產官學民的
望打造更加環保、智慧城市照明系統。 力量,共同為地球付出一份心力,將你我最熟悉
LED燈雖然相對環保,但其衍生的藍光問題也 的環境一點一滴恢復回最美的模樣。 l

Research on sea turtles and light
pollution inspired Leotek to develop
its Ecological Conservation Smart
Lighting System.

Kaohsiung’s Liugui District has adopted Leotek’s Ecological Conservation Smart Lighting System, which has helped
alleviate the problem of flying ants while still meeting residents’ lighting needs. (courtesy of Leotek)

Outdoor lighting tribute to environmental conservation. Since then,

Leotek, a company specializing in outdoor Leotek has successfully developed its Ecological
lighting systems, is devoted to developing human- Conservation Smart Lighting System. The technol-
centered, eco-friendly LED street lamps and traffic ogy was patented in Taiwan in 2019.
lights. In recent years it has also introduced arti- This new lighting system relies on Leotek’s
ficial intelligence to optical technology, aiming to “optical filter front masks.” They enable the wave-
create greener, smarter urban lighting systems. lengths of outdoor lighting, which used to be either
Though LEDs are better for the environment white or yellow, to be adjusted to the characteristics
than traditional lights, they have generated many of local wildlife and ecosystems. The filtered light
problems related to “blue light.” In 2014 Florida’s serves to guide or drive away wildlife without com-
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute recom- promising the brightness required by road users.
mended that the state government should reg- Leotek reveals that it will continue to develop its
ulate coastal lighting by replacing blue outdoor smart lighting technology in response to FANCA’s
light sources with orange and red lights in order Taiwan Ecological Network program, catering
to prevent sea turtle hatchlings from being lured specifically for areas that are experiencing serious
away from the sea. biodiversity loss. Furthermore, it will continue to
Ethan Peng, senior manager in Leotek’s prod- collaborate with academia, helping to broaden the
uct management department, says that Florida’s scope of research projects that explore the effects of
draft legislation prompted his company to inves- light on biological organisms. l
tigate the production of eco-friendly lights that (Cindy Li/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
could both satisfy road safety needs and con- tr. by Brandon Yen)


文•李雨莘 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱


M oving forward in the blackness, he listens carefully for directions

from the guide running beside him: “Obstacle at 12 o’clock.” But at
this point he can’t stop because the finish line is very near. Although it’s
hard to run on the cobblestones, he is determined to keep going.

Dashing Through the Dark:
Visually Impaired Runners from Taiwan Go International

Zhou Linxin (right) began training with Hong Guozhan (left) early this
year to prepare for the Rimi Vilnius Marathon in Lithuania.

Before Hong Guozhan (center) left for Lithuania, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a ceremony to present him with a national flag.

披著台灣國旗跨過終點線,台灣視障選手洪 公費留學的資格前往美國攻讀法律碩士學位,
國展與陪跑員周林信及楊鍾鼎於立陶宛當地時 即使最後因學校環境限制等因素選擇回台,他
間9月10日,以4小時30分的成績完成立陶宛馬 仍沒有氣餒,回國沒多久便投入國考,最終考
拉松(Rimi Vilnius Marathon)賽事,這是他馬 取公務員資格。
拉松生涯的第五場國際比賽,也是為台灣而跑 對於人生路上的阻礙,他始終告訴自己「快
的第五個國際全程馬拉松賽事。 樂是一天,不快樂也是一天」,積極地面對難
「創造成績是一定會希望的,但最重要的是 時有不同的想法。「台灣在國際上的處境,和
外交層面的意義。」2015年開始投入馬拉松世 我們視障者的處境很像,」洪國展說,如果處
界的洪國展,從小就熱愛運動,游泳、跳遠、 於相對弱勢,卻不願意走出去讓外界看見自身
盲人門球、鉛球和鐵人三項通通難不倒他,過 的需求,那也沒有人會知道需要提供什麼樣的
去也曾以百米短跑選手的身分參加身障全運 幫助。
會,對他來說運動是唸書之餘的紓壓管道,但 因此,他決定用自己的力量,幫助台灣站上
如今則多了一層不同的意義。 國際舞台。2017年,當時洪國展準備參加人生
因為罹患白內障,洪國展十歲起便失去視 首場國外馬拉松賽事──日本金澤馬拉松時,決
力,被上帝關上一扇窗的他,不曾因為這項限 定將「讓世界看見台灣」的想法與比賽結合。
制而停止探索世界的腳步,從小愛唸書,升學 為此,他向外交部尋求協助。2016年10月,
歷程中成績始終保持得相當好,更取得教育部 外交部收到一封來自視障朋友的信,表示他將

With Taiwan’s national flag draped over his shoul- Hong therefore decided to use his own abilities
ders, visually impaired Taiwanese athlete Hong Guo­ to help raise Taiwan’s international profile. To this
zhan, accompanied by his sighted guide runners Zhou end, he sought out help from the Ministry of Foreign
Linxin and Yang Zhongding, completed the Rimi Affairs (MOFA). In October of 2016 MOFA received a
Vilnius Marathon in Lithuania on September 10, 2023 letter from a visually impaired individual saying that
with a time of four hours and 30 minutes. This was the he was headed to Japan to take part in the Kanazawa
fifth international race in Hong’s marathon career and Marathon, and he hoped they could give him a na-
his fifth international full marathon for Taiwan. tional f lag to make a statement to t he world. The
Running the globe for Taiwan writer of that letter was Hong Guozhan.
“I definitely hope to set records, but the most im- Since then, the flag that Hong received from Diego
portant thing is the sports diplomacy aspect.” Hong, Chou, then director­general of MOFA’s Department of
who began run ning marat hons in 2015, has loved NGO International Affairs, has accompanied him on
sports since he was a child. For him, running was every overseas marathon.
always a way to blow off steam outside of class, but Gratitude for vaccines from Lithuania
today it has another level of significance. Visually impaired people often need help from
Hong lost his sight at age ten due to cataracts. But guide dogs, white canes, or other people in order to
this has never stopped him exploring the world. From be able to find their way around. Likewise, marathon
a young age he loved studying and he always had runners who have visual impairments always have a
good grades as he progressed through the education sighted guide runner at their side, who guides them
system. He even was awarded a national scholarship using a tether—a short length of rope or fabric with
by the Ministry of Education to go to the US to pur-
sue a master’s degree in law. Although he decided
to return to Taiwan early because of various factors
including the lack of an accessible environment at the
school, he did not become demoralized. Not long after
getting back to Taiwan he passed the national civil
service examination.
In the face of the obstacles thrown up by life, Hong
has always told himself: “I can spend a day happy or
I can spend it unhappy; either way it’s a day.” This
attitude also enabled him to think differently about
Taiwan’s international situation. “Taiwan’s situation
in the international community is very similar to the
situation of people who are visually impaired,” says
Hong. If you are in a relatively disadvantaged posi-
tion, but you are unwilling to leave your personal
space to let others see your needs, then nobody will
know what kind of help to provide.

About half of the course of the Rimi Vilnius Marathon was on
cobbled streets. (courtesy of Yang Zhongding)

Hong Guozhan (third from left)
and his companions wore clothing
with Taiwan’s national flag and
carried a flag with them in order
to express thanks to Lithuania on
Taiwan’s behalf. (courtesy of Yang

前往日本參加金澤馬拉松比賽,希望能贈與他 跑者通過;還要幫助跑者拿取物資、協助穿越
一面國旗,向全世界發聲,而落筆人就是洪國 人群;對一般馬拉松跑者來說,可以自行完成
展。 的配速也需仰賴他。
就此,他從時任外交部非政府組織國際事務會 但有些限制,無法單靠陪跑員的幫助來克
執行長周麟手中接下的台灣國旗,成為他每場海 服,洪國展此次在立陶宛遇上的石磚路設計便
外馬拉松的必備品之一,不論是2016年參與的日 是其中一個。這些鋪在地上的石頭,對明眼者
本金澤馬拉松、2017年澳洲黃金海岸馬拉松、 來說或許是古色古香的裝飾,對視障者而言卻
2018年美國波士頓馬拉松、2019年英國倫敦馬拉 是「地雷路段」,每一步都必須小心翼翼,就
松,或是此次立陶宛馬拉松,都能看到洪國展與 怕一個不小心就會跌倒受傷,洪國展更表示,
陪跑員一起拉著台灣國旗跨越終點線的畫面。 雖然賽前有針對困難路段進行訓練,但石磚路
視障朋友多數時間需要借助導盲犬、白手 賽事中路況最為艱困的,但洪國展仍是卯足全
杖,或是旁人的協助,才有辦法行動,而參加 力邁開步伐,朝終點邁進,因為這次參賽的最
馬拉松的視障跑者身旁也都會有一位陪跑員, 主要原因,是為了感謝立陶宛於新冠疫情爆
透過陪跑繩牽引跑者。另外,根據賽事類型不 發時,成為第一個捐贈疫苗予台灣的歐洲國
同,繩子長度也有所差別,以馬拉松為例,因 家,洪國展說:「實際和當地人民互動、參加
為跑步速度相較緩慢,故多半會使用約40至45 比賽,是我對他們(立陶宛)表達感謝的方
公分長的童軍繩,作為視障者與陪跑員的溝通 式。」
橋梁。 而立陶宛也帶給他滿滿的感動。從落地開始
一位合格陪跑員是視障跑者的雙眼、幫手, 便有許多立陶宛民眾主動與洪國展一行人搭
更是「超級保母」,除了要口述上下坡、地形 話,他表示,除了親切地打招呼,每個人都向
等路況;人多時,須出聲告知其他選手有視障 他們表達支持台灣的心意,讓他確信自己選擇

looped ends that the two runners hold or slip over extra careful with each step for fear that if they lose
their wrists, and that serves as a link for communi­ their focus for even a second, they could fall and be
cation between them. Running tethers for visually injured.
impaired people come in different lengths depend­ Nonetheless, though Hong considers this latest­
ing on the format of the competition. In marathons, marathon in Lithuania to be the most difficult inter­
for example, because the pace is relatively moderate, national race he has yet run in terms of road conditions,
mostly “scout ropes” of 40 to 45 centimeters in length he still carried on running with all his might. The
are used. main reason was that he wanted to express his grati­
A qualified sighted g uide acts as t he eyes and tude to Lithuania for being the first European country
helper of the visually impaired runner, and is a real to donate vaccines to Taiwan during the Covid­19 pan­
“super nanny.” Besides calling out road conditions demic. Hong relates: “Interacting in person with local
like uphill or downhill slopes and the general topog­ people and competing in the marathon was my way of
raphy, when there are a lot of people nearby guides thanking them.”
must inform other athletes that a blind person is Moreover, Hong was deeply touched by the behav­
coming through. They also must help their runners ior of the people of Lithuania. From the time of his ar­
pick up supplies and assist them in getting through rival many Lithuanians took the initiative to strike up
crowds. The pace that can be maintained by visually conversations with him and his companions. He says
impaired runners also depends on their guides. that besides offering cordial greetings, everyone also
In his most recent race, Hong encountered cobbled expressed their support for Taiwan, so that he ended
streets, which can be challenging for visually im­ up feeling certain that his decision to run in the mara­
paired people. The cobblestones set into the ground thon there was the right one.
are like “landmines” for blind runners, who must be On the day of the race, as Hong and his two guides

Hong Guozhan (in orange vest) along with his sighted guide runner completed the 2023 Vilnius
Marathon in a time of four hours and 30 minutes. (courtesy of Yang Zhongding)

為維持練習量,周坤芳(左)和侯美花常常一下班就到台灣大學操 自體會到立陶宛對於台灣的友善與關心。
To keep their practice time up, Zhou Kunfang (left) and Hou 比賽當天,與上千選手同時出發的洪國展與
Meihua (right) often go to run at the sports field at National
Taiwan University as soon as they get off work.



Running tethers are an important means of communication between visually impaired runners and their
sighted guides.

took off alongside thousands of other contestants, However, after he started going out wit h Hou,
from time to time he also heard people in the crowd Zhou altered his previous habit of changing sighted
calling out his Chinese name and urging him onward, guides depending on the conditions of the particular
which surprised and delighted the trio. race, and switched over to having his partner as his
Light in a dark world fixed running companion.
For strong marathoners, competing in the six World If they were going to run together, however, they
Marathon Majors is a milestone in their careers and each needed to adjust their running patterns. Zhou
also a goal with which to challenge themselves. In states that because women tend to take smaller steps at
2018 Hong became the first visually impaired athlete a more rapid cadence, as a man he needed to adjust his
from Taiwan to complete the Boston Marathon, and running style to conform to his partner’s, as only in
this news inspired many people, including Zhou Kun- this way could the two stay in step with one another.
fang, another visually impaired runner. It proved to This couple wit h markedly different personal-
be a turning point in Zhou’s decision to run all six ities, tied together by a run ning tether, has since
World Marathon Majors. appeared on the international stage. Prompted by
Zhou, who lost his sight as an adult due to genetic Hong Guozhan’s completion of the Boston Marathon,
factors, was in a dejected state as his reached his thir- the proactive Zhou proposed: “Let’s try and run the
ties. At age 32 he decided to start a new career, and al- six World Marathon Majors.” Hou quickly agreed
though he encountered bumps in the road, ultimately that together they would embark on this challenging
he was able to successfully change his career path endeavor.
and become a masseur. As one consequence of this he The World Marathon Majors
happened to encounter the world of jogging, and in a Their first test was the 2019 Berlin Marathon, held in
running group he met his partner, Hou Meihua. September. However, there was some difficulty in con-
When Zhou first got into the sport of running, he firming whether they were qualified to enter this race,
was very competitive about his results. In pursuit of so that they only received confirmation two months
better times, he needed tougher training, for which before the contest. Thus the two were forced to acceler-
he had to find suitable sighted guide runners to help ate the training that they had originally embarked on
improve his overall speed. to prepare for the Chicago Marathon in October.



周坤芳(下圖右)的六大馬之旅,身旁總能看到侯美花(下圖左) 在常人眼裡的視障者處處需要協助,但在馬拉
Zhou Kunfang (above, right) has been accompanied by Hou 松比賽裡面,他們卻是無所不能,跨出的每一步
Meihua (above, left) all the way through their six World Marathon
Majors, from their first in Berlin (top) to their last in Tokyo (above 都象徵著他們追尋夢想的旺盛生命力;如同台灣
and facing page). (courtesy of Hou Meihua)
事務,只為讓世界能更了解我們。 l

Fortunately, Hou had more experience in running had orig i nally i ntended to r un i n 2020. The f i nal
full marathons than Zhou, who had previously not stop was the Tokyo Marathon, which they completed
run more than ten kilometers. With her support he in March of 2023. When Zhou received the Six Star
rapidly adapted to the full marathon distance within Medal from the majors organizers, indicating that he
two months. Zhou admits: “At first I didn’t think I had completed all six World Marathon Majors, he was
could run a full marathon.” the first visually impaired runner in all Taiwan to
The couple was excited about running in an inter­ have accomplished this feat.
national event, but they also had to deal with the Before losing his sight, Zhou never imagined he
learning curve of their relationship. “A lot of people could be a runner, and even complete the six World
say that independent travel is a relationship killer,” Marathon Majors, which is every marathoner’s dream.
Zhou says, mentioning that they argued endlessly Once someone asked him what the significance of
in the street of a foreign country about something running is. He replied: “I don’t know, but I feel hap­
as simple as which hotel to choose. “But it didn’t kill pier when I run, and it has become something indis­
ours.” He believes that the reason is Hou Meihua’s pensable to me.”
personality, adding: “If not for her patience and toler­ Most people have the impression that visually im­
ance, we might very well have broken up after Berlin.” paired people need constant assistance, but in mara­
In the end the couple completed the Berlin Mara­ thons there is no limit to their abilities. Each step they
thon in four hours and 57 minutes, and they followed take symbolizes the unflagging vitality they show in
up by running the Chicago Marathon in October and pursuit of their dreams. Their situation is not unlike
the New York City Marathon in November. the predicament Taiwan faces in international affairs,
With the outbreak of the Covid­19 pandemic, the in which we still energetically participate in as many
pace of their participation in the majors slowed down, activities as possible in order to enable the world to
but they didn’t stop for long. In 2021 they went to the better understand us. l
UK to complete the London Marathon and in 2022 (Cindy Li/photos by Jimmy Lin/
they took part in the Boston Marathon, which they tr. by Phil Newell)


小 蝦 立 大 功
Small Is Bountiful: The Sakura Shrimp



W orldwide, it is found in large numbers only in the seas off

Japan and Taiwan, and although it is less than five centi-
meters in length, in 2021 it earned over NT$400 million for Tai-
wanese fishermen working the waters near Donggang in Pingtung
County and Guishan Island in Yilan County, making it an import-
ant seafood product for Taiwan. It is the sakura shrimp (Lucenso­
sergia lucens).

The waters around Guishan Island are one of the major fishing
grounds for sakura shrimp in Taiwan.



龜山島海域捕獲的櫻花蝦成排放置著。 起網完成。
After the
Crates of sakura shrimp boatinreaches
caught the seasthe
offfishing ground,
Guishan Islandit 體積小、肉又少,經過乾燥加工後,一公斤市價約
only takes 30 to 40 minutes to finish bringing
are lined up in a row.
up the net with the catch. 3,000元,若換算成平均單價,其實所費不貲,主

lines are working overtime to deal with the opening of
the sakura shrimp season, racing against time to pre-
serve their product’s freshness.
“The most important thing with sakura shrimp that
will be consumed raw is to control the freshness,” says
Yang Yun-yu, general manager at Just Champion, which
exports over 90% of its sakura shrimp products to Japan.
What matters most at auction is to select lots that include
few shrimp of other species and are sufficiently fresh.
After arriving at the processing plant, the shrimp are
inspected and small fish and shrimp of other species are
picked out by hand. Then they are washed three times in
The fisher folk of Daxi Fishing Harbor first remove bycatch such
water of the same salinity as seawater, and flash frozen.
as fish and other shrimp species before sending the sakura The result is “sashimi grade” sakura shrimp, which can
shrimp to the processing plant.
be directly dipped in soy sauce or wasabi and eaten raw.
Yeh Chiung-yu, a manager at Just Champion, says
In November, following the compulsory closed sea- that with sashimi-grade sakura shrimp one can taste
son for sakura shrimp from June to October, 108 shrimp the sweetness of the meat. Also, like other fresh shrimp,
trawlers based in Donggang, Pingtung County, begin it can be used to make gunkan-maki (a type of Japanese
to get busy. Arriving at the auction venue for sakura sushi).
shrimp at Donggang Yanpu Fishing Harbor, we can see Meanwhile, “prepared food grade” sakura shrimp
the freshly caught shrimp landed by fishermen that day. that has been boiled in salt water is also exported to Ja-
When the afternoon auction is over, refrigerated trucks pan and is sold through restaurants and supermarkets.
carry the shrimp to processing plants. Restaurants use it to make sakura shrimp and vegetable
Scene-stealing supporting actor pancakes, tamagoyaki (Japanese omelet), or donburimeshi
We visit Just Champion Enterprise Company, located (served in bowls of rice), as well as add it to udon noodles
in Pingtung’s Nanzhou Township, where the production or sukiyaki (Japanese hotpot). Since sakura means “cherry

A sakura shrimp trawler
offloads its catch at Daxi
Fishing Harbor in Yilan’s
Toucheng Township.

態的楊雲裕指出, 2018、2019年間,日本秋季漁
早在1950年代,台灣東港漁民用底拖網捕魚即常 季產量銳減,年產量從1,000∼800公噸,驟降至
常撈獲櫻花蝦,但漁民有眼不識此「蝦」,都當成 300∼400公噸,經過休漁之後雖有復甦,但又遇上
蝦蟹的飼料低價賣出。 疫情,整個產業鏈受創嚴重。
直至1982年日本貿易商以每箱300元以上的價格 然而台灣多年來一直維持櫻花蝦漁業的榮景。
收購,讓櫻花蝦身價水漲船高,東港漁民開始發展 根據漁業署的統計,自從有規模地捕撈櫻花蝦以
專業性捕撈櫻花蝦的拖網漁船。 來,每年產量都能維持在800∼1,200公噸之間,努
1988年被尊為「櫻花蝦之父」的日本學者大森 力避免過漁現象,又能維持好價格,歸功於東港區
信,進一步確認台灣海域的櫻花蝦與日本同種, 漁會秘書鄭福山與漁民林江龍催生「東港櫻花產銷
「驗明正身」後的台灣櫻花蝦,更成為外銷日本的 班」的遠見。
搶手貨。 原來,1990年代由於沿近海的漁類資源愈來愈
櫻花蝦中文名是「正櫻蝦」,東港區漁會推廣 少,加上漁撈技術的進步,朝向遠洋發展,三代拖

(upper photo) The sakura shrimp landed at Donggang can only
be sold at auction. (courtesy of DDFA)

(lower photo) The sakura shrimp auction area at Donggang
Yanpu Fishing Harbor. (courtesy of DDFA)

blossom” in Japanese, it is only natural that dishes made in the waters between the mouth of the Gaoping River
with sakura shrimp are the most apt foods to appear on and Xiaoliuqiu Island, and off Fangshan Township, with
menus when the cherry blossom season arrives in March. the Gaoping Submarine Canyon and the Fangliao Sub-
In Taiwan, sakura shrimp are mostly used dried as marine Canyon being the most productive areas. Weng
an ingredient in various dishes. It takes four kilograms Jinn-shing, director of the Coastal and Offshore Fish-
of fresh shrimp to make one kilo of dried shrimp, but ery Research Center at the Fisheries Research Institute,
dried shrimp has an even richer aroma and can be used which conducts annual resource surveys and monitor-
in many ways: You can toss a handful into fried rice, mix ing of sakura shrimp, offers the following assessment:
it into steamed or scrambled eggs, put it into radish cake, Because these two submarine canyons are fed by water
or serve it with youfan (fried glutinous rice) at banquets, from various waterways such as the Houliao and Dong-
while Western-style restaurants use it to garnish pasta or gang rivers, the canyons are rich in nutrients, providing
shaved ice, or to make a snack mix with almonds.
Although this shrimp plays only a supporting or
decorative role in cuisine and is small in size with little
meat, dried sakura shrimp costs about NT$3,000 per kilo.
The main reason for the high price is the scarcity of this
shrimp: It is only caught in large numbers in the seas off
Taiwan and in Suruga Bay in Japan’s Shizuoka Prefecture.
Authentication of pedigree
As early as the 1950s, fishermen operating out of
Donggang in Taiwan often caught sakura shrimp while
fishing with bottom trawl nets. But they didn’t recognize
its potential value, and sold it cheaply as feed for shrimp
and crabs.
It was only in 1982, when a Japanese trading company
began purchasing sakura shrimp at over NT$300 per
crate, that the commercial value of this seafood became
apparent. At that time fishermen in Donggang began de-
veloping trawlers specially designed for catching sakura
shrimp. 「人工選蝦」挑出「魚目混蝦」的小雜魚或雜蝦。
In 1988 Makoto Omori, the Japanese scholar revered (佳辰實業提供)
Sakura shrimp are manually sorted to remove small fish and other
as “the father of sakura shrimp,” confirmed that the species of shrimp. (courtesy of Just Champion Enterprise Co.)
sakura shrimp in the waters off Taiwan are the same spe-
cies as those found off Japan. With their pedigree thus
authenticated, Taiwan’s sakura shrimp became an even
hotter commodity for export to Japan. an ideal feeding environment for sakura shrimp, which
Wang Chih-min, director of the Promotion Depart- can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures. There
ment at the Donggang District Fishermen’s Associa- are similar conditions in Suruga Bay and the surround-
tion (DDFA), explains the origin of the name “sakura ing waters off Shizuoka in Japan.
shrimp.” According to a legend from Japan’s Edo Period From crisis to opportunity
(1603–1867), a fishermen got drunk and fell asleep in his Taiwan has seen continual prosperity in the sakura
boat; on waking in the middle of the night under a bright shrimp fishery for many years now. According to the
moon, he saw glittering shrimp swimming about in the Fisheries Agency, since the start of large-scale harvest-
sea looking like sparkling cherry blossoms, which is how ing of this shrimp, the annual catch has stayed in the
they got their lovely moniker. range between 800 and 1,200 metric tons. Effort has
Pingtung’s sakura shrimp fishing grounds are found been devoted to preventing overfishing, and prices have

櫻花蝦油飯是台灣筵席上常見的料理。 櫻花蝦炒飯是國民美食。
Youfan served with sakura shrimp is a common dish at banquets. Sakura shrimp fried rice is a popular meal among ordinary people.

網的討海人,長久以來受制於被中間商控制產銷價 首先,東港區漁會祭出《漁業法》的規定,強
格,面臨「離漁」困境。 制加入產銷班才發給「採捕許可牌」,有牌照才能
櫻花蝦「重出江湖」,成為漁民東山再起的契 捕撈櫻花蝦,藉此管制捕撈的船數。
機。不想再受制於承銷商的林江龍,希望建立合作 其次,漁民只能在每年11月至翌年5月捕撈,而
產銷制度,向同為漁民的親朋好友溫情喊話,加入 且周休二日;同時,根據漁船總數與資源量,規定
產銷班,一開始漁民仍私下買賣,產銷班運作不到 每艘漁船每天漁獲量最高上限,今年規定不能超過
一年宣告失敗結束。1992年再度重組才順利運作。 12箱、共180公斤。如果抓太多,可以選擇轉送其
今(2023)年東港櫻花蝦每箱(15公斤)的拍 更有甚者,雖然一隻櫻花蝦十天就可以產卵
賣均價為7,000元,與1994年每箱600元的拍賣價相 1,800顆,算是很會生,但若當日漁獲中的半數櫻
比,上漲十倍之多。 花蝦出現「青頭」(額頭呈墨綠色),表示正值產
東港區漁會對櫻花蝦漁業成功地「以量制 卵期,為了讓蝦安心產卵,所有船隻將自動禁漁一
價」,達到經濟效益與保護資源的雙贏目標,漁會 周,讓漁場休養生息。
主任王志民分析,東港區漁會自1993年將私下契約 東港櫻花蝦產銷班限漁措施,30年不斷調整,
買賣改為公開拍賣制度,交由市場自由競標後,拍 甚至愈來愈嚴格,漁民卻可以心悅誠服。「我們相
賣價馬上從一箱300元漲了一倍至600元;還有1994 信魚賤傷漁。」王志民說。
倒回大海,這是捕魚的「譴損 (khiàn-sńg,禁忌

The snack food of almonds with sakura shrimp has a crispy
texture and goes well with tea or alcoholic beverages.
remained good. The credit goes mainly to the foresight the area’s sakura shrimp fishing grounds. In this way
shown by DDFA secretary-general Zheng Fushan and they have controlled the number of fishing vessels.
fisherman Lin Jianglong in setting up the Donggang Second, fishermen may only catch sakura shrimp
Sakura Shrimp Production and Marketing Group. from November to May, and must take two days off per
Back in the 1990s, when coastal and inshore fishing week during this open season. At the same time, based
resources were in decline even as fishing technology on the number of fishing vessels and available shrimp
and techniques were improving and Taiwan’s fishing resources, limits are placed on each vessel’s daily catch;
industry was developing in the direction of distant-water this year the limit is 12 crates, or 180 kilos.
fishing, families that had lived by trawl fishing for three Moreover, fishermen work proactively to preserve
generations, but had long seen the prices of their catch sakura shrimp resources. Sakura shrimp have a high re-
controlled by middlemen, were giving up fishing as a productive capacity, with one shrimp able produce 1,800
profession. Fortunately, the sakura shrimp came to their eggs in ten days. But if half of the catch on a given day
rescue. have “green heads” (dark green markings on their heads),
Restricting catches to control prices this indicates that they are releasing their eggs, and at
This year (2023), the average auction price in Dong- such times all the fishing vessels suspend operations for
gang for a 15-kilo crate of sakura shrimp is NT$7,000, one week in order to allow the fishing grounds to recover
more than ten times the price in 1994 of NT$600. The and let the shrimp spawn in peace.
credit for this goes to the DDFA’s success in using the No need to work so hard
catch volume to control prices, achieving the dual goals Sakura shrimp engage in “diurnal vertical migration”:
of conserving resources and ensuring economic profits. Every day they move up and down in the water column,
Wang Chih-min offers the following analysis: First, the sinking to depths of 100–200 meters at dawn and rising
DDFA, acting on the basis of the Fisheries Act, compelled nearer to the surface after sunset. This latter period is
sakura shrimp fishermen to join the production and mar- when they are most densely concentrated.
keting group (termed a ”fishery production cooperative” In the past the optimal time for catching sakura
in the legislation) to be able to receive a license to work shrimp was considered to be to leave port at midnight

(left) Gunkan-maki sushi made with
sashimi-grade sakura shrimp. (courtesy
of Just Champion Enterprise Co.)

(right) Shaved ice sprinkled with sakura shrimp.

Huaqiao Fish Market in Donggang sells a wide variety of dried
seafood products, including sakura shrimp.

熟食級櫻花蝦作成的小菜。(佳辰實業提供) 「東港模式」的成功,不只吸引日本漁民前來
A side dish made with “prepared food grade” sakura
shrimp. (courtesy of Just Champion Enterprise Co.) 取經,六年前日本櫻花蝦之父大森信到東港訪問,

時間的磨合,最終大家才了解不是「愈努力,就會 1996年水產試驗所在宜蘭龜山島海域也發現櫻花
捕愈多」,不是「捕愈多,就賺愈多」等違反常規 蝦族群,自2004年開始輔導漁民捕蝦。
的道理。 曾參與籌備產銷班、曾任龜山島頭城鎮鎮民代
櫻花蝦是日周洄游的生物,牠每天「垂直洄 表會代表簡英俊指出,龜山島可以說是全台漁夫
游」,日出即下潛100∼200公尺,太陽下山後開始 密度最高的地方,高達90%龜山島人(行政區屬於
上浮。沿近海漁業中心主任翁進興解釋,櫻花蝦白 頭城鎮龜山里)從事漁業,2014 年亦參考東港模
天下潛,極可能是下潛至更暗處,避免被獵食;天 式,成立頭城區櫻花蝦產銷班,每年限於2月∼8
暗了再上浮,方便牠們尋找浮游動物來進食,此時 月捕撈,並在6月1日至7月14日休漁。
也是密度最集中的時刻。 然而,近幾年龜山島與東港櫻花蝦的漁獲量,
以往船隻半夜12點出海,約清晨一、兩點到漁 亦出現下降的現象,近海資源中心主任翁進興認
場是最好的捕撈時刻。隨著漁網裝設「網位深度計 為,漁業資源每15∼20年之間都會出現周期性消長
測儀」,可以準確地監測到櫻花蝦群所在深度,下 的循環,近年來又可能因為環境的變遷導致漁場改
網即能一網打盡。東港區漁會卻要求漁民凌晨四點 變。若要避免資源的耗竭,未來應該要朝向每年不
才能出海,漁會主任王志民說:「就是要『故意錯 超過1,000公噸的總量管制。
過』漁群最密集的時間點,才不會造成資源過度的 不過,東港區漁會仍樂觀地認為櫻花蝦的未來
損耗。」 頗為光明,主任王志民認為,發展櫻花蝦觀光工
加上每日限制漁獲量,漁民下網次數不用太 廠,申請成為MSC(海洋管理委員會)永續認證
多,可以有效降低漁場壓力。公開拍賣後,一艘船 的藍色水產,將櫻花蝦推上國際,是未來努力的目
的一日所得超過上班族一個月的薪水,漁民終於了 標,畢竟櫻花蝦是上天賜給台灣一份珍貴的海洋資
解「不用太努力,反而好獲利」的道理。 源,我們也當珍惜牠。 l

and reach the fishing grounds at 1 or 2 a.m. However, keting Group was founded. Sakura shrimp fishing is
once nets were fitted with detectors to accurately mea- limited to the period from February to August each year,
sure the depth at which the shrimp gather, it became and is also suspended from June 1 to July 14.
possible to make one’s daily quota in one fell swoop. The Nevertheless, in recent years there has been a de-
DDFA now requires fishermen to put to sea no earlier cline in the quantities of sakura shrimp caught off both
than 4 a.m., as Wang Chih-min explains: “We do this in Guishan Island and Donggang. Weng Jinn-shing of the
order to deliberately miss the period when the shrimp Coastal and Offshore Fishery Research Center takes the
are most densely concentrated, so that this resource is view that in the future Taiwan should move towards
not exhausted.” limiting the total catch in Donggang to 1,000 metric tons
The success of this “Donggang model” has not only per year.
attracted Japanese fishermen to come and learn from its Despite this decline, the DDFA is still optimistic about
example, but when Makoto Omori visited Donggang six the future of the sakura shrimp fishery. Wang Chih-
years ago, he said frankly that Taiwan was managing min says that the goals for the future are to develop a
sakura shrimp better than Japan. tourist processing factory for sakura shrimp, to apply
Moving towards blue seafood for a “blue label” for sustainable fisheries products from
In 1996 the Fisheries Research Institute discovered the Marine Stewardship Council, and to promote sakura
colonies of sakura shrimp in the seas around Guishan shrimp internationally. After all, these shrimp constitute
Island (Turtle Island) and in 2004 they began giving fish- a precious marine resource that heaven has bestowed on
ermen guidance on how to catch them. Taiwan, and we should treasure them. l
In 2014, after studying the Donggang model, the (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
Toucheng District Sakura Shrimp Production and Mar- tr. by Phil Newell)

Donggang is one of Taiwan’s major production centers for sakura shrimp.


The Mysterious World of Men’s Barbershops
—Exploring Taiwanese Hair Salon Culture

文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

The uniformed barbers, the barber’s
chairs with electrical sockets on them,
and the picture-tube TV sets give Taipei’s
Red Rose Hair Salon an old-timey feel.


I n the film Day Off, released in March of 2023, the female lead A-Rui spends her
life styling hair. From inside her tiny salon she watches the world go by with
its sorrows and joys, and she develops emotional ties with her customers.
The story of Day Off is like a microcosm of the lives of hair stylists in Taiwan.
They spend a lifetime honing their skills, and customers respond with loyalty. “Once
people get accustomed to getting their hair cut someplace, they won’t change for
the rest of their lives.” What then is the secret appeal of men’s barbershops?

台北紅玫瑰理髮廳 Taipei Red Rose Hair Salon

在還沒有美髮沙龍的年代,男生整理頭髮是 夾雜著剪刀劃過頭髮與老式吹風機轟轟轟的聲
到理容院,女生則是到美容院。不分客人身分地 響,有一種歲月靜好的閒適。
鬍、做臉等。從頭到腳都有人打理,光用想像就 1954年創立的台北紅玫瑰理髮廳,曾是台北最
覺得備感尊榮。 時興的理髮廳,常有政商名流光顧,像是知名演
走入舊時光,回到黃金年代 師傅說,鼎盛時期,師傅和學徒加起來近30人。
踏進台北長沙街的台北紅玫瑰理髮廳,瞬間像 師傅人手多,代表客人絡繹不絕,有些師傅累積
是坐上時光機。兩排附插座和菸灰缸的復古理髮 的熟客多了會出去自立門戶,全台很多理髮師傅
椅,可坐可臥,座位前方的小台映像管電視,縱 都是從紅玫瑰開枝散葉。
使放映即時新聞,但因為映像管的放送,畫面略 陳師傅說:「剪得好不好,不是我們自己說了
帶暖色調又霧霧的質感,有種懷舊的味道。 算,能讓客人滿意是最厲害的。」遇到合意的理
到訪這天下午,上門的客人老中青都有。熟 髮師,客人就不會換了,所以縱使台北紅玫瑰幾
門熟路的客人,跟自己的理髮師傅打聲招呼後, 經搬遷,老客人仍死忠地上門光顧,有人一剪就
就被帶到位子,師傅遞上熱毛巾,一陣寒暄後, 是60年。紅玫瑰的師傅平均年紀70歲以上,每個
客人便放心地交由師傅打理。遇到初次上門的客 人都是從年輕小夥子做到現在成了「阿公級」。
人,師傅們就按照番號,輪流承接。 聽師傅說起三年四個月的學徒生涯,掃地、洗毛
紅玫瑰裡僅存的女師傅黃秀華,笑稱自己是襯 巾、掃廁所,包辦所有雜事,還要眼明手快。以
托男師傅的綠葉,店裡的修甲和燙髮服務,全由 前師傅忙,哪有空手把手耐心教,學徒都是邊做
她一人獨撐20年,她拿起銼刀就像彈奏小提琴, 事邊觀察師傅的手法,理容技術就是在經驗中不
修甲時彷彿有交響曲流瀉。看著紅玫瑰的師傅們 斷積累。
身穿白色制服,拿著髮梳、剪刀、電剪輪番上 身經百戰的師傅們,山本頭、飛機頭、油頭都
陣,仔細而專注。空氣中飄散著燙髮水的氣味, 難不倒他們。師傅自豪地分享外國人來理髮的經

Taipei’s Red Rose Hair
Salon was a symbol of
fashion in days gone by.
Though it has relocated
several times, customers
have remained loyal.

After the boat reaches the fishing ground, it
only takes 30 to 40 minutes to finish bringing
up the net with the catch.

Huang Xiuhua uses curlers to give a
customer a cold perm, after which a
barber will take over to trim his locks
into the style that suits him.

No matter what the identity or status of a customer, Regular customers familiar with the shop greet the hair
he can enjoy a full range of barbershop services. These stylists and are led to a chair and given a hot towel. After
generally include shoeshines, towels, tea service, hair a little small talk, the customers calmly settle down to let
styling, manicures, pedicures, ear cleaning, shaves, and the barbers to do their work.
facial skin care. There are services from head to toe, Huang Xiuhua, the only woman stylist at Red Rose,
and just imagining them gives one a sense of dignified says with a laugh that she is only there to complement
pleasure. the male stylists. She has single-handedly been respon-
Returning to a golden age sible for manicures and pedicures as well as perms for
Stepping into the Taipei Red Rose Hair Salon on Tai- 20 years, and when she picks up a nail file it is as if she
pei’s Changsha Street is like getting into a time machine. is playing the violin in a symphony orchestra. We watch
There are two rows of old-fashioned barber’s chairs with as the Red Rose barbers, attired in their white uniforms,
electrical sockets and ashtrays, and in front of the chairs concentrate on carefully cutting hair. The odor of hair
are small picture-tube televisions. Although they are perm lotion floats through the air, mixed with the sounds
broadcasting current events, the warm colors and fuzzi- of scissors snipping locks and the rumble of old-style
ness of the images give them a nostalgic air. hair dryers; there is an ambience of restful tranquility.
On the afternoon of our visit, there are customers of Gotta move with the times
all ages in the salon: elderly, middle-aged, and young. The barbers at Red Rose are on average over 70 years
old, and all of them have been working at this trade since
a young age. We listen as they describe the three years
and four months of their apprenticeships, when they had
to handle all the odd jobs, including sweeping floors,
washing towels, and cleaning bathrooms—and they had
to be sharp-eyed and quick-handed about it. In the past
barbers were busy, and had no time to patiently teach
their apprentices, so the latter learned by observing the
hair stylists while themselves handling the chores, con-
tinually accumulating the knowledge they needed for
hair styling through this experience.
These barbers have seen it all, and they can easily han-
Huang Xiuhua is highly skilled at giving manicures and pedicures,
dle any style desired, including “Yamamoto cuts” (similar
solving patrons’ nail problems. to buzzcuts), spiky hair (including quiffs), and undercuts
(short on the sides, long on top). The stylists share stories

華谷理容院 Huagu Barbershop

Huang Bisia (left) founded
Huagu Barbershop and from it
earned the money with which
she raised her children. Her
second-eldest daughter, Tseng
Yi Jia (right), is carrying on
Huang’s hair-styling practices
while her third-eldest, Tseng
Chin-chwen (center), is
promoting barbershop-based
tourism. Together they are
creating a new future.

驗,前些年法國的YouTuber製播的頻道「Bonjour 手冊《從台南老理容院出發,重返昔日老紳士的
Louis!我是路易」、「Ku’s Dream酷的夢」都分 日常》,近期更推出「理容院城市旅行展探險
享了到紅玫瑰理髮的影片。師傅們剪出能襯托他 團」,邀請大家換個角度認識台南。
們五官的好看髮型,還有修甲、刮鬍等讓外國人 許多師傅的生命經驗是,小學或初中畢業便
大感驚奇的服務,引起不少回響。經由網路的傳 踏入理髮這行,一做就是一輩子。以曾敬淳的媽
播,吸引許多外國人和年輕人光顧。 媽黃碧霞為例,14歲學理髮,25歲開了華谷理容
外國人將傳統理髮廳當作台灣文化的體驗,城 髮廳各有特色。曾敬淳笑說,「我媽是個曾經有
市洗頭文化實驗主理人曾敬淳,則致力推廣老理 開咖啡店夢想的人」,所以華谷設有飲料吧台,
髮廳的文化故事,鼓勵大家以理容院作為旅行的 黃碧霞會用心調製迎賓飲料。喜歡裁縫的曾媽
線索,重新牽起人們與理髮廳的連結,讓理容院 媽,連理髮椅套也都特別訂製,再加上挑高的天
成為更多人的日常。 井、大理石地板等,都讓華谷顯得氣派非凡。
身為台南傳統理髮廳二代的曾敬淳坦言,雖然 理髮廳是人情流動的場域,常會看到客人帶著
從小在理容院長大,卻從未想過深入認識。直到 自家種的水果、自製小菜與師傅分享。小時候曾
2015年,曾敬淳以美娜士理髮廳為起點,而後踏 敬淳不理解,為什麼客人上門消費,還會帶上伴
入了美樂士、偉群、新男美、大平洋等台南的傳 手禮,但她在其他理髮廳也觀察到同樣的現象,
統理髮廳,在師傅們的不吝分享下,她逐漸摸索 顧客與店家不單是消費關係,更像是一段時間便
台灣理容文化的輪廓,才得以回頭認識這個養育 會見上一面的老朋友。就像我們在台南昭安理髮
她長大的行業。 廳遇到一位剪了十多年的客人,問他為什麼每三
曾敬淳表示,每間理髮廳都乘載著一個地區 個禮拜就特地跨區從永康來中西區理髮,大哥回
的微歷史,於是她以一間理髮廳遊台南一區為概 答地精妙,「當然是習慣了,就像你回家吃飯一
念,策劃了理容院城市旅行展。她架設網站,放 樣,時間到了就要回家啊。」
上各家理髮廳的歷史、師傅們的故事,還有社區 曾敬淳認為,以理髮廳作為旅行的觸媒,傳統
古地名、好吃好玩的私房景點。同時也作成導覽 理髮廳裡的生活感,讓遊客不再是陌生城市裡的

Hair salon tourism
Foreigners see traditional barbershops as a way to expe-
rience Taiwanese culture. Meanwhile Tseng Chin-chwen,
who headed up a project on Tainan barbershop tourism, is
dedicated to spreading the culture and stories of old hair
salons. She urges everyone to make hair salons a feature of
their travel itineraries, in hopes of reestablishing the links
between people and hair salons and enabling them to be-
come part of the routine of even more citizens.
Tseng says that every hair salon is a focal point for the

microhistory of the place where it is located. Therefore she
The warmth you feel when a hot towel is placed on your face adopted the idea of traveling through Tainan by visiting one
epitomizes the Taiwanese barbershop experience.
hair salon in each district of the city in order to curate an
exhibition on hair-salon-based tourism in the city. She set up
a website where she posted the history of each barbershop,
about foreigners who have come to the shop. A YouTube as well as the old place names of the neighborhoods and
channel called “Bonjour Louis!” and another called “Ku’s little-known scenic spots with delicious food and fun activi-
Dream,” both created by Frenchmen, have shared vid- ties. She also produced a travel guidebook, and recently has
eos of hair styling at Red Rose. Not only did the barbers come out with the idea of “exploring Tainan through barber-
use their professional skills to give them hair styles that shop tours,” inviting everyone to get to know the city from
set off their best-looking features, the foreigners were this new perspective.
surprised and delighted by services such as manicures Hair salons are places where interpersonal connections
and shaves, and their videos got quite a large response. are made, and it is common to see customers bring fruit
Thanks to the Internet, many international visitors and grown by themselves or their families, or dishes of food pre-
young people have been drawn to patronize the shop. pared by them, to give to the barbers. As a child, Tseng, who
is the daughter of the owner of a traditional hair salon, did
not understand why customers who came to pay for a service
also brought gifts. But she observed the same phenomenon in
In a traditional barbershop one can simultaneously enjoy a other barbershops and saw how customers and staff not only
variety of services such as haircuts and manicures, giving one a
sense of respect and dignity. had a commercial relationship but were like old friends who

In traditional barbershops the hair stylists are all assigned
numbers, and you can see from the number of plates the
extent to which these businesses flourished in days gone by.
The plates read “at work” (white), “gone out” (blue) and “off
work” (green).

昭安理髮廳 Zhao’an Hair Salon


曾敬淳將理髮廳形容為生活的博物 昭安理髮廳的黃德祥(左)、黃金城(右)父子檔,聯手讓傳統理
館,不同年代的理髮廳保留著不同時代的器物。 Father-and-son team Huang Dexiang (left) and Huang Jincheng
像是雙人共用的小磁磚洗髮槽、隱藏在梳妝台的 (right) of the Zhao’an Hair Salon are working together to help
traditional hair styling keep up with the times.
曾敬淳表示,台灣獨特的歷史背景,孕育出融 而曾經在台灣時興的電棒燙,更早以前用的
合了中、日、歐混血基因的台式理容文化。隨著 是鐵夾再加上裝有電土的粉包,電土碰到水會升
清代移民潮而來的理髮師,帶來治喉嚨痛、洗眼 溫,因而能達到熱燙的效果。黃德祥打趣地說,
睛的附加服務;日治時期,政府為講求衛生,則 整頭捲滿是非常重的啊,也是一種酷刑。黃德祥
要求路邊理髮攤改制為店鋪,引入理髮椅、梳妝 接著拿出一支有70年歷史的鐵棒,介紹「火棒
台等西式設備,以及穿制服的習慣,成為台灣理 燙」,外型長得有點像現在的電棒捲,但是得一
容院現代化的開始。而台灣隨著日本流行的山本 根根在鐵桶裡生火加熱。黃德祥表示,以前師傅
頭、電棒燙則為台灣的理容植入日本的色彩。 會透過嗅聞來判斷火棒的溫度,拿著火棒將頭髮
我們跟著曾敬淳的腳步,造訪了掏耳技術一 一捲馬上有捲度。「以前的人只要頭髮有點捲,
流的昭安理髮廳。老闆黃德祥是位斜槓雕刻、金 就是很時髦的造型,走路就有風了。」黃德祥笑
工、繪畫的理髮師,喜歡動手做的他,連掏耳棒 說。
都是自己找材料打磨,金銀銅鐵竹都有,以因應 正如曾敬淳以展覽的概念來詮釋理髮廳,師
客人不同形狀的耳朵。 傅們就是活生生的展覽主角。聽黃德祥分享髮型
念舊的黃德祥,收藏了許多具時代感的理髮器 的流行變化,多是跟著當時火紅的影劇人物,像
物。像是被他戲稱為理髮廳十大酷刑的男仕燒髮 是源自日本演員石原裕次郎的「石原頭」就在台
膏,那是50幾年前為了讓頭髮服貼的產物。為什 灣風行很久;夯港劇的年代,劉德華、梁朝偉,
麼說是酷刑,黃德祥解釋,燒髮膏是用石灰、鹽 或像是賭神的「黑魯巴古」(日文: コームバッ
酸、紅丹調製而成,屬於強鹼,具腐蝕性,使用 ク,往後梳之意),都成了大家指定的造型;而
時必須拿捏塗抹位置和停留時間。掌控得宜能軟 英國球星貝克漢的刺蝟頭、韓星帶來的潮流,再
化頭髮,幫助造型;塗得太久會讓頭髮斷裂,甚 到近年流行的英式油頭,理髮師們跟著時代不斷
至傷到頭皮,這中間的拿捏靠的就是工夫。 磨練技術。

saw each other from time to time. For example, at Tainan’s tables were introduced and it became customary for barbers
Zhao’an Hair Salon we met a customer who had been having to wear uniforms, marking the beginning of modernization
his hair cut there for more than a decade. When we asked of Taiwan’s hair salons. Meanwhile, Japanese elements such
why every three weeks he made a special trip from the city’s as the popular Yamamoto cut and curling-iron perms were
Yongkang District to West Central District just to get his adopted in imitation of popular trends in Japan.
locks trimmed, he gave this clever response: “Of course it’s We follow Tseng Chin-chwen on a visit to Zhao’an Hair
because it’s what I’ve grown used to. It is like going home for Salon, which has particular expertise in ear cleaning. The
meals—when it’s time to eat you simply have to go home.” boss, Huang Dexiang, is a barber who is also a sculptor,
Tseng Chin-chwen believes that if we use hair salons as metalworker, and illustrator. He enjoys doing things by
focal points of travel, the sense of daily life one gets in a tra- hand, and he even makes his ear cleaners himself, using
ditional barbershop can transform visitors into people who various materials including gold, silver, bronze, and bam-
are no longer outsiders to the city, and give them a more pro- boo, to deal with the differently shaped ears of customers.
found local experience. Tseng’s second oldest sister, Tseng Yi The nostalgic Huang has collected a lot of barbering
Jia, is a stylist at Huagu Barbershop. She once had a customer memorabilia from the past. For example, the men’s pomade
from Belgium, and as they chatted she learned that he en- which he jokingly calls one of the top ten torture items of
joyed cooking and wanted to buy a Taiwanese kitchen knife, hair salons was a product used over 50 years ago to plaster
so she went with him to a traditional market to look for one, down locks on the head. Why does he call it torture? Huang
and even took him to try some rice soup with mushrooms explains that it was made by mixing lime, hydrochloric
and an oyster omelet. Such endearing human interactions acid, and red lead oxide, and was strongly caustic. When
are sure to become beautiful memories for travelers. using it one needed to carefully calibrate where to apply it
The hair salon as museum and for how much time. When properly used it could soften
Tseng Chin-chwen describes barbershops as museums of the hair and help in styling, but when applied for too long
daily life, with salons from different time periods preserv- it could make the hair brittle and even injure the scalp. The
ing the tools of the trade of their eras. For example, different proper application required skill and know-how.
types of hair-washing basin from different eras, including Meanwhile, curling-iron perms, which were popular
the two-person sink, the drawer-type basin hidden inside for a while in Taiwan, early on were done using metal
a dressing table, and the movable reclining sink, can be tongs with bags of calcium carbide powder attached. The
found in different hair salons. They testify to how
the basins have evolved into the reclining hair-
washing chair and sink widely used today.
Tseng says that Taiwan’s unique history
has given rise to a local hair-salon culture that
combines Chinese, Japanese, and European
elements. Barbers who came to Taiwan with the
tide of Han Chinese immigration during the
Qing Dynasty brought supplementary services
including treatment of sore throats and eye
washing. During the era of Japanese rule, West-
ern equipment like barber’s chairs and dressing

Huang Dexiang shows us a pair of old-fashioned
curling tongs. Huang, who enjoys making things
by hand, has created ear cleaners from various
materials as well as barbershop figurines rich with
a childlike sense of fun.

雕塑家理髮廳 Sculptor Barber

Sculptor Barber has
expanded the possibilities
of the hair salon space
while providing a meticulous
barbershop experience. For
something as simple as a
shave they have a number
of steps including placing
a towel on the customer’s
face, mixing the shaving
cream, and using a soft-
bristled brush to wipe away
the shaved facial hair.

曾敬淳策畫的理容院城市旅行展,展期不定, DJ派對等,翻玩空間的無限可能。到訪這天,現
直到師傅退休為止。當理髮廳因師傅衰老、無人 場展了周世雄以回收機油創作的〈石油畫·朝聖
接班時而結束營業,該實體展廳也就跟著結束, 者〉,利用鏡面反射的效果,民眾在欣賞的同時
只能從網站追憶過往。 也成為作品一部分。予人前衛感受的雕塑家理髮
然而,也有年輕人看到男仕理髮的潛力,要把 廳,總讓造訪的客人忍不住拿起相機猛拍。
上理髮廳變成一件很潮、很酷的流行文化。座落於 除了求新求變,雕塑家理髮廳亦與台北紅玫瑰
台北遠東百貨信義A13裡的雕塑家理髮廳(Sculptor 理髮廳合作,向老師傅請益傳統修容技術,師傅
Barber),即是一間顛覆眾人想像,結合髮廊與畫 拿起筷子比劃,熱情地傳授刮鬍技巧;他們則邀
廊概念的理髮廳。同樣是訴求男仕專屬的理容服 請師傅到雕塑家理髮廳擔任一日店長,讓老經驗
務,雕塑家理髮廳拓展理容空間的想像,讓理髮椅 與新創意相互激盪,為台灣的理容文化帶來更多
置身在宛如美術館的場域,客人在享受理容服務的 刺激。
同時,也沉浸在藝術的氛圍。 不論是傳統理容院還是新潮理髮廳,台灣的理
如同美術館不定期換展,身為當代藝術家的 容服務始終以客為尊,為紳士們提供從頭到腳的
創辦人周世雄,便運用策展專長,在店內做各種 呵護,職人師傅們要用他們溫暖厚實的雙手,為
嘗試。例如邀請他在耶魯大學的老師、同學舉辦 客人服務到剪不動為止。 l

Expert barbers use their warm, strong hands to pamper men from head to foot.

calcium carbide would be wetted, causing a hot chemical Just as museums change exhibitions from time to
reaction that heated up the tongs, thereby perming the time, salon founder Chou Shih Hsiung, who is himself
hair. Huang says humorously that when the whole head a contemporary artist, brings into play his expertise in
was covered with these tongs there was a lot of weight on curating shows to try all kinds of different things in his
there, making this procedure another a kind of torture. establishment. For example, he has put on joint exhibitions
He then pulls out a pair of metal tongs more than 70 years of works of various artists, fashion shows, and DJ parties,
old which look a little like modern curling tongs, but playing with the possibilities of the space. On the day of
had to be heated over an open flame in a metal container. our visit, on display in the gallery space is a work entitled
Huang relates that in the past hair stylists would judge the Pilgrim, which Chou created using recycled engine oil. The
temperature of the tongs by their smell, and when used to oil produces a mirror effect, and even as people are admir-
perm hair they had an immediate curling effect. “In the ing the work they are a part of it. Customers cannot resist
past, people needed only the slightest curl in their hair taking numerous photos.
to consider themselves to be fashionably coiffed and they Besides seeking novelty and innovation, Sculptor Barber
walked the streets with pride,” says Huang with a laugh. also works with Red Rose Hair Salon to get old master bar-
Back to the future? bers to pass along their skills. One older hair stylist gestic-
The barbershop-centered Tainan travel exhibition that ulates with chopsticks as he enthusiastically demonstrates
Tseng Chin-chwen is curating has no fixed end date and shaving techniques. Sculptor Barber invites old barbers to
will continue until the hair stylists retire. When the own- come and be boss for a day, blending veteran experience
ers of these salons get old and there is no successor to take with new creativity and thereby providing even more in-
over from them, they go out of business, and the “exhibition spiration for Taiwan’s hair and beauty culture.
spaces” (their salons) cease operations. All one can do then Whether it be traditional barbershops or cutting-edge
is to read about their pasts on the exhibition website. new salons, Taiwan’s hair and beauty services have always
Nonetheless, there are some young people who see the been based on putting the customer first, providing care
potential in men’s hair salons and want to make them into from head to foot. Professional barbers wish to use their
a cool and trendy part of popular culture. Sculptor Barber, warm, strong hands to serve customers right up until the
located in Far Eastern Department Store’s Xinyi A13 branch day they are no longer able to wield scissors. l
in Taipei, is a combination hair salon and art gallery that (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
completely overturns people’s ideas about barbershops. tr. by Phil Newell)



Invasion of the Mikania Vine

—Turning “Green Cancer”
into “Green Gold”
The small white flowers of mikania vine. To prevent
its further spread, it is best not to try to remove this
invasive plant during its flowering season.
(courtesy of FANCA Hualien Branch)

把 綠癌
變 綠金
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 生攀爬植物,原產於中南美洲,性喜陽光,繁殖能力強,生長
版面設計•蕭郢岑 速度飛快,生命力強韌,會將攀緣的植物纏繞掩蓋,以致無法

M ikania vine, also variously known as

bitter vine, climbing hempvine, Chinese
creeper, mile-a-minute weed, and Amer-
ican rope, is on the list of “100 of the
World’s Worst Invasive Alien Spe-
cies.” A perennial creeper native
to subtropical regions of the
Americas, it is a sun-loving
plant that reproduces
prolifically, grows at a
rapid pace, and is very
r e s il i e nt . It w r a p s
itself around other
plants, blocking out the light
that the y n eed for photo -
synthesis so that they die. In
this way it has caused ecolog-
ical problems worldwide, and
as a result has been called by
lurid names like “the plant
killer” and “green cancer.”

踏入花蓮的郊野,常見披覆在圍籬、路邊、喬 害生物多樣性的「入侵種」。在台灣,惡名昭彰的
木上的綠色布幔,我們隨著林業及自然保育署花蓮 動物如福壽螺、八哥、紅火蟻;植物除了小花蔓澤
分署技正呂坤旺的腳步,從中識別小花蔓澤蘭的 蘭以外,還有銀合歡、銀膠菊、南美蟛蜞菊等。
身影。它有著鋸齒邊的心型葉片、輻射狀的葉脈, 曾經在林業試驗所恆春研究中心作調查研究的
莖部柔軟又細長,新生的尾端呈現出淡淡紫色。 呂坤旺,談起恆春半島上赫赫有名的「銀合歡廊
一處荒廢的果園裡,香蕉樹被纏繞得密密麻 道」。原產於南美的銀合歡,因木材合適作為紙
麻,不少蕉葉因為頂端負重太過,從中間直接折 漿原料,1976年以能源樹種之姿大規模引進。
斷,新葉無法展開,老葉無法行光合作用,這是 孰料,商業模式還未發展成熟,銀合歡就不敵
小花蔓澤蘭經典的纏勒致死手法,倘若沒有人為 進口紙漿的低價,被業者所放棄。但銀合歡不僅
介入移除,植株枯死,不過早晚的事。 在淺山地區適應良好,還發揮了「毒他作用」的
更可怖的是,看上去已是鋪天蓋地的綠,「長 入侵性,從落葉、枯枝、種子分泌有毒物質,逐
成這樣,只需要兩、三個月。」呂坤旺說。據統 一侵佔了許多原生種的生長空間。
計,小花蔓澤蘭一天平均生長可達24公分,花季 在屏東龜山,至今仍可見排列得整齊茂密的銀
每平方公尺可產出17萬顆的種子,難怪外國人幫 合歡,留有當年人工造林的痕跡,呂坤旺說,他
它取了別名:「一分鐘一英哩雜草」。 們曾把把銀合歡的種子帶回實驗室,「發芽率高
全球化的時代,人的移動頻仍,物種大交換難 雖說外來種與入侵種,並不能劃上等號。但
免,有的物種增進人類生活的福祉,有的卻成為危 是,當某一物種過於強勢,又沒有天敵與之抗衡,

Mikania vine eradication efforts are timed to occur before the flowering season. (courtesy of FANCA Hualien Branch)

Vent uring out into t he countr yside of Hualien
County, we see many green masses covering fences,
roadsides, and trees. Specialist Lü Kunwang of the Hual-
ien Branch of the Forestry and Nature Conservation
Agency (FANCA) teaches us to identify mikania vine
(Mikania micrantha). It has heart-shaped leaves with ser-
rated edges; radial leaf veins; long, slender, soft stems;
and a light purple hue at the growing tip of the plant.
In an abandoned banana plantation, the trees are
tightly entwined and a number of their leaves have
broken in two because of the extra weight on their tips.
This is a classic example of how mikania vine strangles
other plants, and if nobody intervenes to remove it, then
sooner or later the victim plant will wither and die.
Data indicates that mikania vine can grow by as
much as 24 centimeters per day on average, and in its
flowering season can produce 170,000 seeds per square
meter. It’s no wonder that one of its English names is
“mile-a-minute weed.”
Action to control mikania vine
How did mikania vine get to Taiwan? Some say that
seeds were accidentally imported through the move-
ment of people or goods, or by birds flying in from
other places. Others say that it was introduced deliber-
ately because its rapid growth makes it suitable for use 林業署花蓮分署副分署長王怡靖強調,防治小花蔓澤蘭,
as ground cover to stabilize soil on slopelands. 必須跨單位合作,效果才會好。
Wang Yi-ching, deputy director of FANCA’s Hualien Branch,
Though at first it appeared only in small numbers emphasizes that interagency cooperation is essential to
effectively prevent the spread of mikania vine.
and in scattered locations, about the year 2000 people
began to take notice of what had become an omnipres-
ent weed. According to FANCA statistics, in 2002 the
area affected by mikania vine reached 56,848 hectares, quently on abandoned farmland and in fruit orchards
mostly at elevations below 1,000 meters above sea level. and betelnut plantations.
To effectively prevent the spread of mikania vine, In order to accelerate mikania eradication, t he
besides increasing its efforts to raise public awareness, Hualien County Government raised the stakes by of-
FANCA adopted a policy of purchasing uprooted mi- fering NT$8 per kilo of uprooted mikania vine. Wang
kania plants at NT$5 per kilogram year round. In ad- Yi-ching, deputy director of the Hualien Branch of
dition, the agency declared the second half of August FANCA, says that to take on this “green monster”
and the first half of September, prior to the flowering directly, the Hualien Branch proactively established
season, to be Mikania Vine Control Month, and named the “Hualien County operations platform for the erad-
the first Saturday in September as National Mikania ication of invasive plants” in cooperation with other
Vine Control Day, asking the public to participate. After government agencies, neighborhoods, indigenous com-
many years of effort, by the end of 2021 the area affected munities, private organizations, and schools.
by mikania vine had fallen to 3,391 hectares nationwide. At the same time, to more effectively monitor the
Hualien County was once one of the most severely presence of mikania vine, the Hualien Branch of FANCA
affected areas in Taiwan. In 2020, Hualien had 3,681 and the Department of Forestry at National Pingtung
hectares affected by mikania vine; it appeared most fre- University of Science and Technology are collaborating

Huang Ying-pin uses
a simple pyrolysis
kiln to explain the
extraction process
for wood vinegars.

就成為破壞生態平衡的入侵種。即便不少物種引進 購價提高到每公斤8元。林業及自然保育署花蓮分
的動機立意良善,但難題在於,生態系統錯綜複 署副分署長王怡靖分享,為了正面迎擊這一「綠
雜,人類難窺全貌,「一個外來種,會對當地環境 色怪物」,花蓮分署責無旁貸地成立「花蓮縣外
造成什麼影響,實在太難預期。」呂坤旺說。 來入侵種植物移除作業平台」,廣邀公家機關、
小花蔓澤蘭到底如何來到台灣?有人說,是因 長,花蓮分署與屏東科技大學森林系合作,趁著
人或貨物移動運送,或者鳥類跨境飛行,種子被無 花期出動無人機,拍攝影像後再套疊地籍圖,藉
意夾帶。亦有人說,是人為刻意引進,因為生長速 此掌握植株精準的分佈位置與數量。經過多管齊
度快,被認為可作為邊坡護土、水土保持之用。 下的努力,如今花蓮縣小花蔓澤蘭的面積已降至
初始數量總是零星,約莫千禧年左右,人們 800公頃左右。
頃,常見於1,000公尺海拔以下的地區。 去除小花蔓澤蘭的方法主要有三。使用農藥的
為了有效防治小花蔓澤蘭的蔓延,加強宣導之 「化學防治」;以人工拔除的「物理防治」;以
餘,林業署提出每公斤5元的收購價,全年收購, 及利用其他生物相互對抗,以達平衡的「生物防
更固定在花季以前的8∼9月,舉辦為期整個月的 治」。但因小花蔓澤蘭廣佈各地,噴灑農藥的殺
「除蔓月」,並訂定了9月第一週的週六為「除蔓 傷力過高;借助相剋的天敵,對環境的影響與成
日」,廣邀民眾響應。經過長年的努力,2021年 效又難以評估;到頭來,土法煉鋼的老方法反而
底,全國小花蔓澤蘭的面積已降至3,391公頃。 最為經濟有效。
範圍廣大的花蓮,曾是全台數一數二的重災 因為小花蔓澤蘭生命力強韌,蔓莖的節點只要
區。2020年花蓮境內的小花蔓澤蘭高達3,681公 觸碰到土壤,都有機會重新生長成另一株,因此
頃,常見於廢耕的農地、果園、檳榔園。 除蔓的程序有其訣竅。呂坤旺解說除蔓的標準流
為了加速「除蔓」作業,花蓮縣府加碼,將收 程:先循著植株的莖找到根部,再連根挖除,切

(above) The brick-built kilns at Zantan Studio are small, making it easier to
control temperatures and ensure the quality of the extracted wood vinegar.

(left) The Hualien Branch of FANCA has worked with the wood vinegar
maker Dawoko to develop seven home cleaning products made with
mikania vine vinegar.

on a project to send out camera drones during flow- on the ground and regrow. During Mikania Vine Con-
ering season to take photos of areas affected by mika- trol Month, branches of FANCA bring uprooted plants
nia vine. These images are then overlaid on cadastral to a central location for disposal, either by packing them
maps in order to accurately determine the locations in garbage bags and burying them, or by incineration.
and quantities of mikania vines. Through multifaceted At other times, people can simply roll up the vines and
approaches, the area of Hualien County with mikania hang them on trees, where they will wither and die.
vine today has been reduced to about 800 hectares. During Mikania Vine Control Month in 2022, the
Transformation of a waste product Hualien Branch alone cleared away a full metric ton of
Because mikania vine propagates so prolifically, a the vine. Unfortunately, handling such an enormous
new plant may spring up wherever a stem node is left amount of waste material requires a great deal of man-
touching the soil. Hence special care is needed in its power and money and increases carbon emissions.
eradication. Lü Kunwang explains the standard oper- “This got us thinking about whether it might be pos-
ating procedure for removing mikania vine: Follow the sible to turn this waste into something useful,” says Chiu
stem of the plant to the roots and then dig it out with Huang-sheng, chief of the operations planning section
the roots still attached. You should remember not to at FANCA’s Hualien Branch. With this in mind, the Hua­
pull too hard, to make sure that broken stems do not fall lien Branch then asked Zantan Studio, located in Fenglin,


南投縣草屯鎮社區居民,嘗試開發小花蔓澤蘭的植物染、 「酢液」又稱「醋液」,有機物燃燒後,炭化
Residents of Caotun Township in Nantou County are trying to
develop plant-based dyes, enzymes, and other products using 後冷凝,靜置約半年,液體會依重量分層,上層
mikania vine in hopes of accelerating the eradication of this plant.
記不可強行拉扯,免得蔓莖斷裂在地上,到頭來 起近似烏梅、羅漢果的氣味,由於含有酚類、醇
重新落地生根。倘若逢「除蔓月」,各分署會將 類等豐富的有機化學物質,具抗菌消臭的功效。
採集到的植株集中處理,裝到垃圾袋中掩埋,或 日本人最先開始注意到酢液的妙用,加入清潔用
集中焚燒;平常時候,民眾只要將蔓莖捲起後掛 品中,可降解阿摩尼亞等刺鼻氣味,灑在農地
在樹上,任其枯死即可。 中,也可活化土壤、增強地力。
去(2022)年的除蔓月,光花蓮分署就清除了一 炭化爐中的火源熄滅後,空氣中殘留著淡淡的
噸的小花蔓澤蘭,如此龐大的廢棄物,處理起來耗 酸香,「如金華火腿一類的加工肉品,其實就是
費人力、金錢,又增加碳排,成本著實不低。 用酢液燻製出來的。」黃盈賓說,這項乍聽陌生
「這也讓我們開始思考,有沒有可能讓垃圾變 的產物,原來早已存在台灣人的日常。
成有用的東西?」林業及自然保育署花蓮分署經營 而歸功於讚炭工房負責人劉得劭的堅持,工房
企劃科科長邱煌升說。出於這樣的動機,花蓮分署 萃取的小花蔓澤蘭酢液品質優異。陶瓷工藝科班
進一步邀請位於鳳林、專門燒製竹炭的「讚炭工 出身的劉得劭,在鄉間自力造窯,小型的方型磚
房」,仿效工房製作竹酢液、木酢液的方式,嘗試 窯容採電力或瓦斯來加熱,並以測溫棒輔助,可
開發小花蔓澤蘭酢液,讓廢棄物就此華麗轉身。 以精準掌控燃燒的溫度曲線。

which specializes in making bamboo charcoal, to adapt to the uses of such vinegars, adding them to cleaning
their method for producing bamboo vinegar and wood products to reduce pungent odors such as ammonia
vinegar and try to develop mikania vine vinegar. This and sprinkling them on farmland to revitalize the soil.
would make a Cinderella story out of this waste product. In order to ensure the quality and safety of mikania
What is wood vinegar? Huang Ying-pin, manager of vine vinegar, FANCA Hualien Branch sent samples to
the Biomass Materials Technology Department at the the certification companies SuperLab and SGS to verify
Central Region Campus of the Industrial Technology that it contains no heavy metal residues. They also went
Research Institute (ITRI), leads a team that has done a step further and mediated the founding of a line of
many years of research into such vinegars. Huang tosses cleaning products made with mikania vine vinegar,
some mikania vine gathered from the roadside into a produced by the brand Dawoko.
simple pyrolysis kiln, and as the biomass is decomposed Dawoko, whose ideal is to implement the circular
by the heat, smoke and vapor curl up into the air. Huang economy, emphasizes that their main raw material for
explains that this is the basic process for making wood making wood vinegar is waste wood from the pruning
vinegar (a.k.a. pyroligneous acid). of longan trees. “This residual wood material and up-
During pyrolysis (thermal decomposition) of or- rooted mikania vine both make excellent raw materials,”
ganic material, smoke and vapor are given off. To make says Hung Wei-lin, production manager at Dawoko.
wood vinegar, the smoke and vapor are collected and In complete agreement with the idea of circular use
condensed into liquid, which is stored for about six of forest resources, Dawoko gladly agreed to work with
months, during which time the liquid settles into layers FANCA Hualien Branch and further distilled their mi-
according to weight. The upper layer consists of an oily kania vine vinegar before adding it to seven products
liquid, the bottom layer is tar oil, and the middle layer including shampoo, hand lotion, and liquid mosquito
is the vinegar. repellent. In their first batch they produced 5,000 bot-
As the names “wood vinegar” or “bamboo vinegar” tles of product, and consumers responded well, rapidly
suggest, these liquids include acetic acid. They have the buying up the entire stock.
aroma of smoked plums or monk fruit, and because they Natural nemesis of the biting midge
are rich in organic chemical compounds like phenols and There are slight difference among wood vinegars
alcohols, they can act as antibacterials and odor remov- based on the different raw materials used, but most are
ers. It was the Japanese who first began to pay attention effective antibacterials or disinfectants. Mikania vine

Mikania vine is often
found on untended
land as well as
abandoned farmland,
fruit orchards, and
betelnut orchards. It
poses a major problem
for both farmers and
the general public.

In combination with Chinese medicinal
herbs, mikania vine can be made into
incense products. The ingredients are
complementary and produce an even
better effect than if used alone.

但溫度和酢液又有什麼關係?原來,溫度過 成份,氣味較強烈,對於驅避小黑蚊格外有效。
高,酢液中懸浮的焦油含量愈高,農用無妨,但 為了擴大小花蔓澤蘭的去化,工研院致力於小花
卻無法供人體使用。日本人萃取酢液以500℃為 蔓澤蘭產品的應用與開發。黃盈賓及團隊取經酢液
上限,龜毛的劉得劭,到300℃後便捨棄不取。 的製程,將小花蔓澤蘭擴大應用在蚊香、燻香等香
如此追求品質,製程掐頭去尾,一公斤的酢液, 品中,他指出:「燻香類產品在使用過程中都得經
就得用上24公斤新鮮的小花蔓澤蘭。 過燃燒,原理就與酢液的萃取異曲同工。」
為了更進一步確保品質與安全,花蓮分署將小 他以小花蔓澤蘭酢液的特性,說服了不少業者
花蔓澤蘭酢液進一步送台美、SGS檢驗,確認無 採用。來到彰化花壇,在這因盛產艾草而發展出
重金屬殘留,再進一步媒合以木酢為原料的清潔 的在地產業中,居然可以發現小花蔓澤蘭應用的
用品品牌「木酢達人」。 另一片天。
以循環經濟為宗旨的木酢達人,強調運用龍眼 雖然難以獨挑大梁,但小花蔓澤蘭可是公認的
木修枝後產生的廢木材作為萃取木酢液的主要原 最佳配角,將它結合「百草之王」艾草,不論是
料,「這些剩餘的木料與移除所取得的小花蔓澤 驅蚊、淨化空氣,「相輔相成,效果更佳。」艾
蘭,都是很好的回收料源。」木酢達人生產部經 農科技採購專員陳秀枝相當肯定。
理洪瑋麟認為。 艾農科技與南投縣農業觀光藝術文化協會合
森林循環理念上的一拍即合,讓木酢達人欣 作,今(2023)年動員協會成員,移除後並交由
然同意合作,並將初製的小花蔓澤蘭酢液再次精 艾農科技250公斤乾燥的小花蔓澤蘭作為原料。
餾,才添加到洗髮精、護手霜、防蚊液等七款產 另一家龍晟燻香,總經理戴木村製做天然蚊香
品中。首波推出5,000瓶,不少消費者予以支持, 超過30年,諳曉各植物相輔相剋原理的他,因親
很快地就銷售一空。 身實驗有效,欣然將之加入蚊香配方,一盤線香
酢液依據不同的原料來源,成分略有差異,但 草除根,但透過跨領域的合作與創新的思維,人
多具抗菌甚至殺菌的效果。小花蔓澤蘭酢液除了 類可以反守為攻。從消極移除到積極去化,由此
對黃金葡萄球菌的抗菌效果高達99.9%,另外, 來看,小花蔓澤蘭的防治與應用經驗,可說邁出
黃盈賓說明,也因小花蔓澤蘭酢液含有「氮」的 了象徵性的一步。 l

Mikania vine incense is effective at repelling the Taiwanese
biting midge Forcipomyia taiwana.

(below) Taiwan has shifted from mere removal to proactively
looking for uses for mikania vine. Its multiple applications
have important implications for combating invasive species.

vinegar not only is 99.9% effective against the bacterium porting player. When used in combination with mug-
Staphylococcus aureus, but as Huang Ying-pin explains, wort, known as “the king of herbs,” “they complement
because it contains nitrogen and has a relatively strong each other and are more effective together” in uses
odor, it is exceptionally effective at repelling Forcipomyia from repelling mosquitoes and midges to purifying the
taiwana, a small black biting midge. air, affirms Chen Xiuzhi, a buyer at Artemisia Biotech-
In order to promote the removal of mikania vine, ITRI nology Company.
has been working on applications for and development of The environmental problems caused by invasive
mikania vine products. Inspired by the process of mak- species cannot be reversed overnight, but through
ing wood vinegars, Huang Ying-pin and his team have cross-disciplinary cooperation and innovative think-
expanded the applications of mikania vine to incense- ing, people can find ways to take the initiative in
type products such as mosquito coils. He says: “Incense- tackling them. In progressing from simple removal of
type products are burned when they are used, so in mikania vine to proactively developing uses for it, the
principle the process is similar to vinegar extraction.” experience of combating this plant and putting it to
Huang has persuaded many businesses of the merits good use can be seen as an important symbolic step on
of using mikania vine vinegar. Though it is not really the path towards the circular economy. l
suited to being an independent product in its own (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
right, mikania vine is recognized as an excellent sup- tr. by Phil Newell)



Renaissance of Bunun
Millet Culture:
Growing Native Varieties
Under the Garden Program
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑


I n recent years a number of young Bunun indigenous

people have been returning to their hometowns and,
through millet cultivation, have begun a renaissance of
fading traditional millet culture. From one plant pot and
one garden they have expanded outward, enabling Bunun
millet culture to once again take root in their communities
and continue into the future.
Niun Isqaqavut, a 90-year-old Bunun
woman, joins in the millet harvest
alongside younger Bunun people.
(photo by Mei Kuo)

玉山之巔,晴空萬里。山腳下台大實驗林的和 盈盈的。她先對著小米田祝禱,接著眾人下田採
社苗圃,防鳥網罩著的一小塊田地,長出一串串結 收、傳遞及綁縛小米;每株小米飽滿結實,握在
實纍纍的金黃色小米穗;春播的小米要收成了! 手裡有股莫名的感動。
「這個小米品系叫做『彩虹』(qunivalval) 阿嬤隨後持祭器對著田邊堆疊的「小米山」祝
喔!」南投信義鄉望鄉部落主席、久美國小文化 禱,完成這場「收穫祭」,祈望小米及小米靈返
教師全慈豪(族名:Nieqo Soqluman)在此舉辦 家後能使家族溫飽。
全阿春(族名:Niun Isqaqavut)現身,老少傳 4,000年前,小米就存在台灣,因抗病蟲害又耐
承,令大夥兒相當振奮。 旱、適應力強,且營養價值高於稻、麥等穀物,
或許是許久未見如此豐饒的小米穗,又或許是 是原住民族的主要傳統作物,也因此發展出許多
感受到年輕人追尋小米文化的熱忱,阿嬤始終笑 與之有關的歲時祭儀。
兒・犮剌拉菲(Haisul Palalavi)說,在飲食上小
During the Bunun ritual of “shooting taro with arrows,” Bunun 米可說是原住民族的主食,提供溫飽、延續生
males shoot arrows at the stems of taro plants. This symbolizes
an injection of energy in hopes of increasing the taro harvest. 命,在信仰上,原住民族的泛靈信仰,認為萬物


作者洪文和(族名:Tanpilic Balincinan)說,布農

On a clear day you can see forever from the top of Yushan,
Taiwan’s tallest peak. Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain,
in the Heshe plant nursery of the Experimental Forest of the
College of Bioresources and Agriculture of National Taiwan
University (NTU), there is a small field beneath bird netting
where golden ears of millet are heavy with grain. The millet
sown in springtime is now ready for harvest!
“This variety of millet is called qunivalval,” says Nieqo
Soqluman, leader of the Bunun community of Kalibuan in
Nantou County’s Xinyi Township and a cultural instructor
at Jiou Mei Primary School. He is holding a millet harvest
festival here, and as he introduces millet varieties to the
young Bunun in attendance, a 90-year-woman named Niun
Isqaqavut joins in. Everyone is excited to be part of the trans- 久美國小將
(久美國小提 相關祭儀融
mission of tribal culture from old to young. Jiou Mei Prim
供) 學童認識小
ary School ha
First Niun says a benediction over the millet field, after rituals into th s integrated m
e curriculum ille t cultivation
so that studen
(courtesy of Jio
u Mei Primar ts can learn ab and its associated
which everyone goes into the field to reap the crop, pass it y School) out millet cultu
along from hand to hand, and bind it into sheaves. Finally,
holding a ritual vessel, the old woman delivers blessings
over the heap of millet that has been stacked up by the side sibubut, a prayer for a good millet harvest which is sung in
of the field. She prays for the millet and the millet spirit eight-part polyphony after sowing. The Bunun believed that
to bring warmth and cohesion to the clan after the crop is the happier the gods were, the better the harvest would be.
brought home, and this completes the harvest festival. Bunun panel calendar
The cultural significance of millet The Bunun have long inhabited areas high in the Central
Millet was already present in Taiwan 4,000 years ago. Mountain Range, and live at higher elevations than any
Because it is resistant to diseases and insect pests, drought other Taiwanese indigenous people. They are known as the
tolerant and generally resilient, and moreover is more nu- “guardians of Yushan.” They were deeply aware that their
tritious than other grains like paddy rice or wheat, it was a survival depended on the mountains and grain, and that
major traditional crop grown by indigenous peoples. Con- they should feel especially grateful for millet.
sequently many festivals developed related to the various The panel calendar of seasonal rituals related to millet
seasons of millet cultivation. was made by combining a lunar calendar with pictographs.
“For indigenous people, millet has both dietary and re- It includes ceremonies for everything from preparing vir-
ligious significance,” says Haisul Palalavi, associate profes- gin soil, sowing seeds, weeding, and chasing away birds to
sor in the Center for Teacher Education at National Taitung harvesting, grain storage, and the safekeeping of farm im-
University. In dietary terms, it was the main staple food of plements. The Bunun have the most complex and rigorous
Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. In religious terms, under their rituals of any indigenous people in Taiwan, which reflects
animistic beliefs they held that everything has a spirit and the fact that they had greater knowledge of astronomy and
spiritual power, and millet was no exception. Accordingly calendars than the other peoples.
there were rituals to accompany everything from clearing Tanpilic Balincinan, a mother tongue instructor at Jiou
fields for millet cultivation, sowing, and weeding to har- Mei Primary School, who is also a cultural activist, says that
vesting and storing the crop. the Bunun people gave millet the same level of care and
Especially for the Bunun people, seasonal rituals and protection as a sweetheart. He surmises that this was be-
millet were two sides of the same coin. There is a Bunun cause his ancestors lived deep in the mountains in old tribal
carved panel calendar of rituals related to millet cultivation, communities with very harsh environments, and it was
recording changes in plant development. The Bunun even millet alone that enabled them to survive. As a result, the
created songs related to millet, including the renowned pa- Bunun used rituals to express their humility and reverence

居住在惡劣環境的深山舊社,小米可能是當地唯一 近年文化復振運動興起,原住民族開始從復耕
能夠作為補給生命的主食,因此布農人透過祭儀, 小米,來追尋與小米有關的文化與祭儀。
在行動上、言語上展現對小米高度的謙卑與敬重, 久美國小是布農與鄒族融合的民族實驗學校,
背後隱含的是對小米靈的召喚與豐收的期許。 五年前在校園種小米,將歲時祭儀融入課程設
不過,隨著時代變遷,原住民的小米傳統文化 計,並連結原住民族禮敬天地、愛護大自然及堅
已逐漸式微。海樹兒說,1930年代日治時期推動的 持環境永續的文化內涵,也發展出一系列的主題
「集團移住」政策,影響布農族甚深,族人被迫從 課程,包括族群的歷史脈絡、認識小米、耕種
舊社遷徙至方便管理之地,以小米為主食的耕種也 等,來解鎖板曆密碼。
慢慢地轉變為種植水稻,加上宗教信仰瓦解了小米 暑假期間,校方舉行布農族卓社群特有感恩
的歲時祭儀,晚近幾乎少有原住民種植小米。 祭,重現小米的傳統祭儀,也驗收學習成果。
「我們可以說沒有(族)人大面積種植小米 祭儀由地方耆老祝禱後揭開序幕,族語老師
了。」全慈豪說,信義鄉唯獨他的家族,80多年 洪文和引領進行「進倉祭」,學童們魚貫地將小
來持續種植五種小米品系,多數族人則早已改種 米、玉米、四季豆、木瓜等農作物送進家屋堆
牛蕃茄、四季豆、彩椒等經濟作物。 放,象徵豐收興旺。接著起火,殺豬、將豬血塗
「不種小米之後,這個板曆就沒有意義 糟,男子吟唱祈禱小米豐收歌,一邊前進芋田射芋
了。」久美國小校長田春梅(族名:S a v u n g a z 頭;另一頭有人備餐,分切豬肉、烤豬肉、煮小米
Tanapima)說:「我們覺得一定要種小米,才能 飯。小米飯是用傳統柴燒方式,加入豬油及水慢慢
了解板曆想傳達的內涵。」 拌炒,直到小米吸飽水分被攪出糯性口感。

The Bunun people cast millet wine lees into the air to symbolize gratitude to the spirits of the
sky and the land, the desire for harmony between all people, and new beginnings.

In recent years there has been a cultural renaissance
movement among Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and they
have begun by reviving cultivation of millet in conjunc­
tion with the culture and rituals associated with this crop.
Jiou Mei Primary School is an experimental school for
ethnic minorities with students drawn from the Bunun
and Tsou indigenous peoples. Five years ago millet was
planted in the school garden and seasonal rituals were
incorporated into the curriculum design, with a series of
themed classes being developed.
In the summer holiday, the school holds the thanksgiv­
ing ritual that is unique to the Takitudu community of the
Bunun people, an activity which has proven to have great
instructional value. Early in the day, the ceremony begins
with prayers from village elders, after which Tanpilic
Balincinan leads the way in the “storage ritual.” The chil­
dren line up in single file to carry recently harvested crops
including millet, corn, green beans, and papaya into a tra­
ditional Bunun dwelling house built on the school campus
for storage, symbolizing an abundant harvest.
Next a fire is lit and a pig slaughtered. The pig’s blood is
towards millet. Underlying these rituals were the desire to
daubed on door lintels to symbolize protection of the resi­
summon up the millet spirit and hopes for a good harvest.
dents against evil and disease. Later the participants divide
With the passage of time, the traditional millet culture
into groups to undertake various tasks: The women and
of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples gradually went into decline.
girls filter the lees from the millet wine. Meanwhile some
Haisul Palalavi notes that the policy of collective relocation
of the men and boys, intoning the pasibubut song of prayer
implemented in the 1930s under Japanese colonial rule had
for a good harvest, go into the taro fields to ceremonially
a profound impact on the Bunun. Indigenous peoples were
forced to migrate from their old tribal communities to places
that were more convenient for the Japanese to govern, and the
cultivation of millet as the main staple crop gradually gave
Students and teachers from Jiou Mei Primary School line up to
way to paddy rice. In addition, the introduction of Christi­ store recently harvested crops in a traditional Bunun house.
anity disrupted seasonal millet rituals. In later years, indige­
nous people virtually stopped growing millet altogether.
“We can say that there have long been no Bunun people
cultivating large areas of land with millet,” says Nieqo Soq­
luman. In Xinyi Township his family alone has continued to
plant five strains of millet, which they have been doing for
over 80 years now, whereas most other Bunun people long
ago switched over to cash crops such as beefsteak tomatoes,
green beans, and bell peppers.
Millet renaissance
“Once people stopped growing millet, the panel cal­
endar no longer had any significance,” says Savungaz
Tanapima, principal of Jiou Mei Primary School. “We felt
we had to cultivate millet in order to understand what the
panel calendar was trying to convey.”


肉分 切後分肉、
統文化,豬 「當我們的生活越來越不像原住民,或是越來
重 要 日 子 不可缺的傳
族在 rtant
殺豬是布農 文化的方式

ions of impo 越不像布農族人時,我們在台灣社會的角色是什
en si bl e pa rt of celebrat cooked, it is
disp and
a pig is an in rk is cut up
Slaughtering nun people. After the po culture of sharing. 麼?」面對逐漸流失的小米文化,全慈豪常思索
th e Bu s th ei r
days by illustrate
ively, which
eaten collect 著,如何彰顯布農人在台灣社會的獨特性,這也
校方也安排眾人拋灑小米酒糟,象徵感謝天、 盆、一小塊地,只要有種小米,每年能吃到一鍋
地、萬物之靈,人與人之間和好、開啟新局(或 小米,就成功了!起碼我們保留了它的價值。」
新年)。最後由耆老吟唱古調勸勉、報戰功,分 現今,不只南投布農族望鄉部落,屏東魯凱族


美國迎回學者Wayne Hazen Fogg蒐集來自信義鄉
東埔部落的方士成(Baki Takislinian)原本在
勞地徒步20公里來看望小米生長,祖孫還一起分 Cooking millet slowly over a wood fire while turning it to achieve
a sticky texture is how it was traditionally eaten in Taiwan, and
享種植心得。 this method gives it the most authentic original flavor.

The Bunun people brew millet
wine for worshipping heaven
and expressing thanks. The
millet wine lees are used in a
ritual in which they are cast into
the air as an offering.

shoot arrows into taro stems, while others cook millet offer instruction on how to cultivate it. Some of the parents
congee, prepare food, and carve up the pig for roasting. of young people who have returned to their communities
Finally, everyone gathers together and they throw the have also set aside plots of land specially to grow millet.
wine lees into the air while loudly proclaiming “Vis!” This Last year Baki Takislinian returned home to the Bunun
symbolizes gratitude to the spirits of the sky, the land, community of Tungpu Daigaz to take part in the Garden
and all things in the world, as well as harmony between Program. He planted millet in his family’s vegetable gar­
people and new beginnings or the start of a new year. As den, after which his maternal grandfather, with whom he
the ritual ends, elders intone heartfelt exhortations before had rarely spent quality time, walked 20 kilometers every
they finally serve up the pork and everyone eats together, day to see how the millet was growing and converse with
reliving their community lifestyle of days gone by. his grandson about millet farming.
Good response to the Garden Program This year Baki Takislinian borrowed some land to ex­
Nieqo Soqluman launched the “Garden Program.” It pand the area on which he planted millet, but he under­
calls on young Bunun people to cultivate 28 strains of mil­ estimated the threat from birds and rainfall. “Half of the
let collected in Xinyi Township in the 1970s by the Amer­ grain went in bird tax, and the other half went in natural
ican scholar Wayne Hazen Fogg (1940–2021) and brought precipitation tax,” he quips.
back to Taiwan in 2011 by Professor Warren H.J. Kuo of Baki Takislinian says wryly: “It’s not that I didn’t chase
NTU’s Department of Agronomy. Nieqo also offers classes away the birds from my land, it’s that birds from other
to guide Bunun people to better understand millet culture places all flew over to my millet fields.” But he also says
and ceremonies. with emotion that he is lucky to have learned about millet
In the first year, 2022, the program attracted more than now: “Being able to eat millet makes me happy, and I’m
30 participants, and this year a shared field is being used confident that next year I will grow it even better.”
to collectively cultivate the qunivalval variety of millet in A solution to environmental change
the NTU Experimental Forest. Two Han Chinese from Tai­ Given the steady disappearance of millet culture, Nieqo
chung and Miaoli have also joined the project. Soqluman often thinks about how to highlight the unique­
As millet has returned to indigenous communities, inter­ ness of the Bunun people in Taiwan society, which was
personal interactions have also been undergoing a change. another motivation behind the Garden Program. “Even if
Nieqo observes that elders in these communities have begun it’s just a single plant pot or a small patch of land, so long
to chat about their memories of millet and enthusiastically as people are growing millet and can consume at least one

霧台部落的中山大學社會系助理教授巴清雄,回部 meal’s worth of it each year, then the program is a success!
At the very least we will have preserved its value.” The
spirit behind the resumption of millet cultivation by indige-
nous people has inspired positive responses from a number
儀的重要意義;新竹泰雅族田埔部落文史工作者芭 of non-governmental organizations, who have taken the
翁.都宓,藉小米找回部落的文化、儀式和語言, initiative to promote and grow millet.
深化在地認同。原住民族復耕小米的精神,還吸引 Millet can thrive in dry soil and is an ideal solution for
阿之寶等民間團體響應,自主推廣、種植小米。 countries trying to raise their food self-sufficiency and
小米可以在乾旱的土地以最少的投入成本長成 reduce reliance on imported grains in response to climate
change. In fact, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture
Organization has declared 2023 the International Year of
Millets, with the aim of inspiring the whole world to redis-
合國糧農組織(Food and Agriculture Organization,
cover the potential of this plant.
FAO)宣布2023年為「國際小米年(International Over thousands of years, indigenous peoples have used
Year of Millets, IYM)」,就是希望喚起全球重視 seed selection to develop strains of millet unique to each
小米的潛力。 indigenous community. This provides a precious supple-
數千年來,原住民族每年透過選種、播種,發 ment to global efforts to preserve the biodiversity of millet
展出屬於各部落的小米品系,這對於全球小米種 germplasm. Today, millet is no longer simply an ethnic crop
of indigenous peoples, it is also imbued with the mission of
transmitting life wisdom and culture as well as being a solu-
tion to environmental challenges. Reviving the cultivation of
millet has become a collective global objective and action. l
小米,已是全球的共同目標與行動。 l (Mei Kuo/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)

Nieqo Soqluman is working with the NTU Experimental Forest to promote millet cultivation in the
Heshe plant nursery and is appealing to all Bunun people to join in the revival of this crop.

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