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What is the Monte Carlo Simulation?

A Monte Carlo method is a technique that uses random numbers and probability to solve
complex problems. The Monte Carlo simulation, or probability simulation, is a technique
used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in financial sectors, project
management, costs, and other forecasting machine learning models.

Risk analysis is part of almost every decision we make, as we constantly face uncertainty,
ambiguity, and variability in our lives. Moreover, even though we have unprecedented
access to information, we cannot accurately predict the future.

The Monte Carlo simulation allows us to see all the possible outcomes of our decisions
and assess risk impact, in consequence allowing better decision making under

In this article, we will go through five different examples to understand the Monte Carlo
Simulation method. This tutorial’s code is available on Github and its full
implementation as well on Google Colab.

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Project Management.




Research and Development.


Oil and Gas.


And others.

1. Coin Flip Example.

2. Estimating PI Using Circle and Square.

3. Monty Hall Problem.

4. Buffon’s Needle Problem.

5. Why Does the House Always Win?

a. Coin Flip Example:

The probability of head for a fair coin is 1/2. However, is there any way we can prove it
experimentally? In this example, we are going to use the Monte-Carlo method to
simulate the coin-flipping iteratively 5000 times to find out why the probability of a head
or tail is always 1/2. If we repeat this coin flipping many, many more times, then we can
achieve higher accuracy on an exact answer for our probability value.

Figure 2: Heads and tails, mathematical representation.

While flipping a coin:

Figure 3: Formula for heads and tails coin example.

Next, we are going to prove this formula experimentally using the Monte Carlo Method.

Python Implementation:
1. Import required libraries:

Figure 4: Import the required libraries for our coin flipping example.

2. Coin flip function:

Figure 5: A simple function randomizing the results between 0 and 1, 0 for heads, and 1 for tails.

3. Checking the output of the function:

Figure 6: Running the function of coin_flip()

4. Main function:
Figure 7: Calculating the probability and appending the probability values to the results.

5. Calling the main function:

Figure 8: Calling the Monte Carlo main function, along with plotting final values.
As shown in figure 8, we show that after 5000 iterations, the probability of getting a tail
is 0.502. Consequently, this is how we can use the Monte Carlo Simulation to find
probabilities experimentally.

b. Estimating PI using circle and square :

Figure 9: Simple area of a circle and of a square.

Figure 10: Calculation of the area of a circle and square respectively.

To estimate the value of PI, we need the area of the square and the area of the circle. To
find these areas, we will randomly place dots on the surface and count the dots that fall
inside the circle and dots that fall inside the square. Such will give us an estimated
amount of their areas. Therefore instead of using the actual areas, we will use the count
of dots to use as areas.

In the following code, we used the turtle module of Python to see the random placement
of dots.

Python Implementation:
1. Import required libraries:

Figure 10: Importing required libraries for our π example.

2. To visualize the dots:

Figure 11: Drawing the figures.

3. Initialize some required data:

Figure 12: Initializing data values.

4. Main function:

Figure 13: Implementing the main function.

5. Plot the data:

Figure 14: Plotting the data values.

6. Output:

Figure 15: π approximations using the Monte Carlo methodology.

Figure 16: Data visualization of the values.

Figure 17: Data visualization of the values.

As shown in figure 17, we can see that after 5000 iterations, we can get the approximate
value of PI. Also, notice that the error in estimation also decreased exponentially as the
number of iterations increased.
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3. Monty Hall Problem:

Suppose you are on a game show, and you have the choice of picking one of three doors:
Behind one door is a car; behind the other doors, goats. You pick a door, let’s say door 1,
and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say door 3, which
has a goat. The host then asks you: do you want to stick with your choice or choose
another door? [1]

Is it to your advantage to switch your choice of door?

Based on probability, it turns out it is to our advantage to switch the doors.
Let’s find out how:

Initially, for all three gates, the probability (P) of getting the car is the same (P = 1/3).

Figure 18: A simulation of the three gates for our game show, showcasing each of the possible outcomes.
Now assume that the contestant chooses door 1. Next, the host opens the third door,
which has a goat. Next, the host asks the contestant if he/she wants to switch the doors?

We will see why it is more advantageous to switch the door:

Figure 19: A figurative outcome for the door gameshow.

In figure 19, we can see that after the host opens door 3, the probability of the last two
doors of having a car increases to 2/3. Now we know that the third door has a goat, the
probability of the second door having a car increases to 2/3. Hence, it is more
advantageous to switch the doors.

Now we are going to use the Monte Carlo Method to perform this test case many times
and find out its probabilities in an experimental way.

Python Implementation:
1. Import required libraries:

Figure 20: Importing required libraries for our game show example.
2. Initialize some data:

Figure 21: Initializing the doors and empty lists to store the probability values.

3. Main function:

Figure 22: Implementing the main function with a Monte Carlo Simulation method.

4. Calling the main function:

Figure 23: Calling the main function of our game show example, and interesting 1000 times.

5. Output:

Figure 24: Approximate winning probabilities to sticking with your choice or switching doors.

In figure 24, we show that after 1000 iterations, the winning probability if we switch the
door is 0.669. Therefore, we are confident that it works to our advantage to switch the
door in this example.

4. Buffon’s Needle Problem:

A French nobleman Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, posted the following
problem in 1777 [2] [3].

Suppose that we drop a short needle on a ruled paper — what would be the probability
that the needle comes to lie in a position where it crosses one of the lines?

The probability depends on the distance (d) between the lines of the ruled paper, and it
depends on the length (l) of the needle that we drop — or rather, it depends on the
ratio l/d . For this example, we can interpret the needle as l ≤ d. In short, our purpose
is that the needle cannot cross two different lines at the same time. Surprisingly, the
answer to the Buffon’s needle problem involves PI.

Here we are going to use the solution of Buffon’s needle problem to estimate the value of
PI experimentally using the Monte Carlo Method. However, before going into that, we
are going to show how the solution derives, making it more interesting.


If a short needle, of length l, is dropped on a paper that is ruled with equally spaced lines
of distance d ≥ l, then the probability that the needle comes to lie in a position where it
crosses one of the lines is:

Figure 25: Buffon’s needle problem theorem.


Figure 26: Visualizing Buffon’s needle problem.

Next, we need to count the number of needles that crosses any of the vertical lines. For a
needle to intersect with one of the lines, for a specific value of theta, the following are the
maximum and minimum possible values for which a needle can intersect with a vertical

1. Maximum Possible Value:

Figure 27: Maximum possible value.

2. Minimum Possible Value:

Figure 28: Minimum possible value.

Therefore, for a specific value of theta, the probability for a needle to lie on a vertical line
Figure 29: Probability for a needle to lie on a vertical line formula.

The above probability formula is only limited to one value of theta; in our experiment,
the value of theta ranges from 0 to pi/2. Next, we are going to find the actual probability
by integrating it concerning all the values of theta.

Figure 30: Probability formula by integrating all possible values for theta.
Figure 31: PI estimation.

Estimating PI using Buffon's needle problem:

Next, we are going to use the above formula to find out the value of PI experimentally.

Figure 32: Finding the value of PI.

Now, notice that we have the values for l and d. Our goal is to find the value of P first so
that we can get the value of PI. To find the probability P, we must need the count of hit
needles and total needles. Since we already have the count of total needles, the only thing
we require now is the count of hit needles.

Below is the visual representation of how we are going to calculate the count of hit
Figure 33: Visual representation to calculate the count of needles.

Python Implementation:
1. Import required libraries:

Figure 34: Importing the required libraries for our problem.

2. Main function:
Figure 35: Implementing the Monte Carlo Simulation method to our Buffon problem.

3. Calling the main function:

Figure 36: Calling the Monte Carlo Method’s main function to our Buffon’s problem.

4. Output:

Figure 37: Data visualization of 100 iterations using the Monte Carlo Method.

As shown in figure 37, after 100 iterations we are able to get a very close value of PI using
the Monte Carlo Method.
Source: Pexels

5. Why Does the House Always Win?

How do casinos earn money? The trick is straightforward — “The more you play, the
more they earn.” Let us take a look at how this works with a simple Monte Carlo
Simulation example.

Consider an imaginary game in which a player has to choose a chip from a bag of chips.

1. There are chips containing numbers ranging from 1–100 in a bag.

2. Users can bet on even or odd chips.

3. In this game, 10 and 11 are special numbers. If we bet on evens, then 10 will be
counted as an odd number, and if we bet on odds, then 11 will be counted as an even

4. If we bet on even numbers and we get 10 then we lose.

5. If we bet on odd numbers and we get 11 then we lose.

If we bet on odds, the probability that we will win is of 49/100. The probability that the
house wins is of 51/100. Therefore, for an odd bet the house edge is = 51/100–49/100
= 200/10000 = 0.02 = 2%

If we bet on evens, the probability that the user wins is of 49/100. The probability that
the house wins is of 51/100. Hence, for an odd bet the house edge is = 51/100–49/100
= 200/10000 = 0.02 = 2%

In summary, for every $ 1 bet, $ 0.02 goes to the house. In comparison, the lowest house
edge on roulette with a single 0 is 2.5%. Consequently, we are certain that you will have a
better chance of winning at our imaginary game than with roulette.

Python Implementation:
1. Import required libraries:
Figure 38: Importing the required libraries for our casino problem.

2. Player’s bet:

Figure 39: Placing bets for odds and even numbers.

3. Main function:
Figure 40: Applying the Monte Carlo Methodology to our casino problem.

4. Final output:
Figure 41: Calculating and displaying the final values.

5. Running it for 1000 iterations:

Figure 42: Running our function 1000 times.

6. Number of bets = 5:

Figure 43: Data visualization of results when the number of bets equals five.

7. Number of bets = 10:

Figure 44: Data visualization of results when the number of bets equals ten.

8. Number of bets = 1000:

Figure 45: Data visualization of results when the number of bets equals 1000.

9. Number of bets = 5000:

Figure 46: Data visualization of results when the number of bets equals 5000.

10. Number of bets = 10000:

Figure 47: Data visualization of results when the number of bets equals 10000.

From the above experiment, we can see that the player has a better chance of making a
profit if they place fewer bets on these games. In some case scenarios, we get negative
numbers, which means that the player lost all of their money and accumulated debt
instead of making a profit.

Please keep in mind that these percentages are for our figurative game and they can be
Like with any forecasting model, the simulation will only be as good as the estimates we
make. It is important to remember that the Monte Carlo Simulation only represents
probabilities and not certainty. Nevertheless, the Monte Carlo simulation can be a
valuable tool when forecasting an unknown future.

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