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Event Flow

2:25pm Assalamu’alaikum and a very good day ladies & gentlemen.

Welcome and thank you for joining the C.I.I.F’s webinar featuring Dr Irum
Saba, who is our Chartered Member and Grand Councillor of the CIIF. The
title of today’s webinar is

My name is Hariz Kamal, and I shall be representing the Chartered Institute

of Islamic Finance Professionals, CIIF.

Before we begin, allow me to briefly go over the proceedings:

 Dr Irum will be giving her presentation over the next 45-60 minutes,
after which we will have time for a Q&A session.
 Please keep your microphones on mute and your webcams switched off
for the entire presentation.
 If you have any questions, please type them out in the questions section
which you can find on the control panel.
 At the end of the presentation, I will select a few of the questions to
read out for Dr Irum to respond to. I do apologise in advance if we are
not able to go through all the questions during this short session.
 The session will be recorded and uploaded onto the CIIF Members’
Portal for future access.

I’d like to now hand over the session to Dr Irum. Please, enjoy the webinar.

Closing Thank you, Dr Irum. Ladies & gentlemen, we shall now proceed to the Q&A

The first question is by ______.

The second question is by ______.
The final question for this session is by ______.

Ladies & gentlemen, with that, we have come to the conclusion of this
webinar. On behalf of the CIIF, I wish to thank Dr Irum for sharing her
valuable time with us today.

I wish to thank all the participants for taking your valuable time out to join
this webinar.

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for more information on upcoming

webinars and programmes.

We look forward to welcoming you again for our future events.

Assalamu’alaikum and have a pleasant day.

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