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Manifestation of legal English/understand: How does one interpret the legal


Legal language is highly technical in nature (Tort, libel, plaintiff, Latin expressions
etc.) and it is understood only by its legal community. However, besides its
technical terms seen in legal writing, it is to be noted that In an analysis of any
legal writing/ language such as judgments, statutes, legislation, advisory opinion,
it is found that words of ordinary meaning acquire a legal sense when used in the
legal context.

The following are the examples of such words having two levels of meanings- its
own literal meaning and its legal counterpart:

Word list Literal meaning Legal Meaning

Act A thing done A bill which has passed through the various
legislative steps required for it and which
has become law
Action The process of doing Formal exercise of a right of suing for that
something to achieve an aim which is due

Aid support Knowingly assisting the perpetrator of a crime

Advocate a person who publicly supports Any person exercising a right of audience as a
or recommends a particular representative of , or on behalf of any party to
cause or policy. legal proceedings

Administrator a person responsible for One appointed by the court to manage the
carrying out the administration property of a deceased person in the absence
of a business or organization. of an executor
"hospital administrators"

Appeal A serious, urgent or heartfelt A proceeding taken before a superior court or

request authority for reversing or modifying decision
of an inferior court or authority on ground of
Attach join or fasten (something) to To take property into the custody of law
something else.

Array an impressive display or range A body of jurors

of a particular type of thing.

Article A particular item or object Clause in a legal document

Award a prize or other mark of The decision given by an arbitrator

recognition given in honour of
an achievement

Bench furniture Judge, seat, office of judge, law court

breach Gap in a wall The infringement /violation of a right, duty, law

bond a thing used to tie something Agreement under seal whereby a person binds
or to fasten things together. himself to another to perform or refrain from
an action
Bar A long rigid piece of wood, Barristers and advocates collectively
metal used as an obstruction
battery cell Infliction of blows or of any menacing touch to
clothes or person
bill a printed or written statement A draft Act which is discussed by Parliament .
of the money owed for goods
and services

suit outfit generic term for any filing of a complaint (or

petition) asking for legal redress by judicial

court a quadrangular area, either A place where justice is administered

open or covered, marked out
for ball games such as tennis
or squash.a squash court"

conveyance the action or process of Transfer of ownership of property

transporting or carrying
someone or something from
one place to another.
Delivery Process of giving birth The voluntary transfer of possession

judge A person who decides the a public officer appointed to decide cases in
results of a competition a law court.
deed feat A sealed contract or an instrument which
makes it clear on its face that it is intended to
be deed by person making it or the parties to it
and is validly executed as deed

Devise Plan or invent by careful A gift of real property by will made by a devisor
thought to a devisee
Digest A substance obtained by A collection of rule of law
Doom Death, destruction Judgment

Fine Very good of its kind Monetary penalty payable on conviction

Gift Present A gratuitous transfer of the ownership of

Motion Process of being moved a formal request made to a judge for an order or

will the faculty by which a person a legal document containing instructions as to

decides on and initiates action what should be done with one's money and
property after one's death.
Right True or correct as a fact a power, privilege, demand, or claim possessed
by a particular person by virtue of law.

sentence set of words that is complete the punishment assigned to a defendant found
in itself, typically containing a guilty by a court, or fixed by law for a particular
subject and predicate, offence
conveying a statement,
question, exclamation, or
command, and consisting of a
main clause and sometimes
one or more subordinate

injury wound The violation of one’s rights or its results, an

actionable wrong.

minor Lesser in importance A person under a certain age, usually the age of
majority, which legally demarcates childhood
from adulthood. The age of majority depends
upon jurisdiction and application, but it is
generally 18
Plead beg present and argue for (a position), especially in
court or in another public context.

clause Group of words having subject A section, phrase, paragraph, or segment of

and verb a legal document, such as a contract, deed, will,
or constitution, that relates to a particular point

charge a price asked for goods or A criminal accusation

contract Decrease in size A legally binding agreement

relief a feeling of reassurance and a grant of something to give short-term help, or

relaxation following release an order by the court before a full trial to
from anxiety or distress. preserve the current situation until the trial

Counsel advice A practicing barrister

void empty Not legally binding

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