Audio Visual Aids

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Purpose of A.V.

1) To enhance the teaching learning process

2) To convey meaning clearly

3) To supplement the spoken word

4) To present subject in condensed form

5) To present subject in understandable form

6) To impress ideas better

7) To make teaching realistic

8) To attract the attention of the audience

9) To sustain interest of people

10) To clarify ideas better

11) To create interest in the learner

12) To change attitude

Types Of Audio-Visual Aids
The Audio-Visual aids can be broadly classified as two
types :
1) Projected aids
• Films
• Filmstrips
• Opaque projector
• Overhead projector (OHP)
• Slides
2) Non projected aids are of different types :
• Graphic aids
• Display aids
• 3 Dimensional aids
• Audio aids
• Activity aids
7) Globes
8) Diorama
q CD players
q Microphones
q Amplifiers
q Tape recorder
q Earphones
Other type of classification of A.V. aids

1) Auditory aids ?

2) Visual aids
• Projected aids?
• Non projected aids?

3) Combined A.V. aids ?

Selection, Preparation and Use of
Audio-Visual Aids
• Planning for preparation and selection of visual aids is the
first and important step in effective use of A.V aids
• From the view point of appeal to the audience and
encouraging people to acquire knowledge, the visual aid
should :
v Please the senses
v Be accurate
v Be understandable
v Convey up to date ideas
v Be simple in design
• Some important factors to be taken into consideration while
planning are :
v Nature of audience and their level of understanding
v Facilities available, help of artist, duplicating material
v Budget provision
v Complexity of subject matter
v Teaching objectives
v Size of audience
v Teachers competence
vPerception capacity of target group
1) Decide what kind of visual aid you need
Ø Whom i am teaching?
Ø What do i want them to be able to do?
Ø Where and how long?
Ø What teaching methods will i use?
Ø How will i know, how effective the instruction was
2) List the main ideas of the topic
3) Make the sketch or visual plan for each main idea
4) Attractiveness
• Colour - creates irresistible charm when properly used
• Size
• Shape - simple asymmetrical, irregular shapes are more
eye catching than routine
• Illustrations - increase attention
5) Brevity - The message should be brief, cn be easily read
in a short time
6) Clarity - Message idea should be clear
• The projected visual aid provides greater enjoyment in

• It enhances the learning process by attracting the

attention of students and retains on them more than non-
projected aids

• The main advantage of projected aid is it can be enlarged

or reduced the illumination according to the group size
• Motivate students mental and physical activity
• Save time
• Help pupils to have clear conception of ideas,
information, facts and principles
• Help to bring a change in the atmosphere in the
• Large number of students can be taught at a time
• Most convenient, easy way of learning
• Make learning effective and durable
• Opaque projectors
• Slides projector
• Filmstrips
• Overhead projectors
• Film strips
• LCD pannels
• Epidiascope
• Films
• It is a device which displays opaque material by
shining a bright lamp onto the object in which a
system of mirrors, prisms and/or imaging lenses is
used to focus an image of the material onto a veiwing
• Example : book pages, objects, coins, postcards or any
other similar flat material that is non-transparent
• Stimulates attention and arouses interest
• Can project a wide range of materials like stamps, coins,
• Can be used for enlarging drawings, pictures and maps
• Does not require any written or typed materials, hand
written material can be used
• Helps students to retain knowledge for longer period
• Review instructional problems
• Test knowledge and ability
• Simple operation

• Costly equipment
• Need to use it with care
• Need a dark room for projection
• The OHP is the most used in all A.V. aids
• It projects transparencies with brilliant screen images
suitable for use in a lighted room
• The teacher can write or draw diagrams on the
transparency while he teaches, these are projected
simultaneously on the screen by the OHP
Preparation of Transparency
• Transparencies can be prepared by writing on cellophane
sheets with the help of an OHP pen
• Coloured pens also can be used or Xeroxing from any
printed material can be taken

Rule of Six for Preparing Transparencies

• Six lines per transparency
• Six words per line
• Six mm smallest letter size
• Six cm (3+3 on each side) margin
Using tips of OHP
• Place the OHP on a stable table with the objective lens
facing the screen behind the teacher
• Put the cord plug into power wall socket
• Switch on the blower first and then the bulb
• Place transparency on the glass top
• Move the objective lens and mirror assembly up and
down to get the image in focus on the screen
• Explain about the material on the transparency from
behind OHP with a strong pointer
• The handle of the teacher should not come on the slide
• Make your points short and simple and remove what is
not needed
• Teacher can face the class without any difficulty
• The teacher can maintain eye contact and observe the
reactions of students
• Small objects can be shown on the machine simplyby
placing them on the machine
• The graphics and writings can be shown very clearly and
• It does not need as darkened room as compared tp other
Some Do’s and Dont’s while using OHP
• Focus and position image before presentation
• Stand to the side of the screen
• Turn off projector when not in use
• Letters the larger the better
• Use colour to attract attention
• Put captions on top
• Have images in to two-thirds of visual position image at
the top of the screen
• Use pen or ruler to point
• Use upper and lower case letters
• Walk or stand in front of the screen
• Leave the projector on when you’re talking about
• Write closely on the whole of the transparency sheet
• Have images too small
• Use black and white visuals only
• Use finger to point
• Use only capital letter
• A slide projector is a small piece of
transparent material on which a
single pictorial image or scene or
graphic image has been
photographed or reproduced

• A slide is a still transparency of

70mm, 35mm or 6mm size which
is optically enlarged and projected
on a screen as a real image
Types of slides
1) Photographic slides : 2”x2” , 3”x4”
• Black and white
• Colored

2) Hand made slides : can be made with

• Acetate sheet
• Cellophane
• Etched glass
• Plain glass
• Lumarith
• They attract attention and arouse interest
• Results in colorful, realistic, reproduction of original
• Easy to revise and update
• They facilitate teacher student participation
• They test student understanding
• Easily handled, stored and rearranged for various
• More time consumes for preparation of slides
• They can only be seen with the help of slide projectors
• Expensive material is used for making the slides
• Many errors occurs during preparation
• Film strips are sequence of
transparent still pictures with
individual frames on 35mm
• Each strip contains from 12 to
18 or more pictures
• It is a fixed sequence of related
stills on a roll of 35mm film or
8mm film
Types of filmstrips
1) Discussion filmstrips : it is continuous strip of film
consisting of individual frames arranged in sequence
usually with explanatory titles

2) Sound slide film : it is similar to filmstrip but instead

of explanatory titles or spoken discussion recorded
explanation is audible, which is synchronized with the
• Film strips can be prepared either by employing
photographic methods or by drawing picture by hand on
the film itself. The steps in preparation are
Ø Select a suitable topic from the syllabus after
considering the possibilities of depicting the subject
matter by drawing photographs
Ø Prepare a detailed script describing the contents of each
frame whether by at work or by photograph
Ø Make rough sketches of the figure on the paper so as to
serve as a guide
Ø Draw the sketches in suitable guide
Ø Arrange the drawings
Ø Prepare the guidebook, which is to follow the film
strips explaining the details of each frame
Precautions to be taken while using
• The film strip, because of its fixed sequence, is not as
flexible for individual stills as the slides, which can be in
any order
• The filmstrip is a skill medium.It cannot portray
effectively and is not intended to do so
• The film strip is easily damaged and is not easy to repair
• For presenting film strips in the class room teacher need
to analyse the significance of the use of strip for
educational purpose
• Determine the lessons that could be effectively
illustrated with a strip
• Review filmstrip before uing them
• Show again any part of the film strips needing more
specific study
• Use film strip to stimulate emotions, built attitude and
to point out there problem
• It’s an economically visual material
• Are compact, easily handled and always in proper
• Can be supplemented with recordings
• Takes up little space and can be easily stored
• Provides a logically sequence to the teaching
procedure and the individual picture on the strip can
be kept before the student for a length of time
• Are inexpensive when quantity reproduction is required
• Film strip can be projected on the screen or wall or paper
screen as the convenience and the teaching situation
• It’s availabe in both colour and black and white
• Good to use
• Need a darkened room
• Require equipment and power that will need to be
• Sequence cannot be changed
• Require professional assistance for final production
• The video materials such as TV,
films,computer, DVD players,
cassette recorder helps to enhance
the educational and entertainment

• The video lessons are more effective

than the conventional lessons and
serve as a better models as they are
given by more efficient teachers
• Source of entertainment
• Source of information
• Stimuli for discussion
• Animation can be used to show an abstract concept
• TV monitors tolerate fluctuations in voltage much
better than projectors
• They are less expensive and easier to maintain than
slide projector
• Commercially prepared video tapes are often
Graphic aids:
It’s a combination of graphic and
pictorial material designed for the orderly and logical
visualizing of relationships between key facts and
ideas E.g. comparisons, processes, classification or
Charts :
It is defined as a visual aid which depicts
pictorial and written key information in systematic way to
summarize, compare E.g. Anatomical charts and figures,
diagrams etc
• To visualize an item which is difficult to explain in
• It is used to motivate students in learning
• To highlight important points
• To provide outline for materials covered in
• To show continuity in process
• For creating problems and stimulating thinking
Types of Charts
A chart, also called a graph, is a graphical
representation of data in which the data is represented
by symbols such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line
chart or slices in a pie chart
• A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or
some kinds of qualitative structure and provides
different information
• Flash cards are a set of pictured paper cards of varying
sizes that are flashed one by one in a logical sequence
• Flash cards can be self made or commercially prepared
and are made up of chart or drawing paper, plane paper
using colors or ink on them for drawing
• To teach the students
• To give health education
• Useful for small group
• Used in group discussion

• The messages can be brief, simple line drawing or
photographs, cartoons and the content will be written in
few lines at the back of the each card
• 10X12 or 22X28 is commonly used size
• 10-12 cards for one talk can be used. It should not be less
than 3 and more than 20
• Prepare a picture for each idea which will give visual
impact to each idea
• The height of writing on the flashcard is to be
approximately 5cm for better visualization
• Flashcards can be used to introduce and present topics
• It can be used to apply information already gained by
students to new situation
• It can be used to review a topic
• Can be used for drill and practice in elementary classes
• To develop the cognitive abilities of recognition and recall
of students
• Cannot be used for a large group
• Prone to get spoiled soon
• Preparation is time consuming
Posters are the graphic aids with short quick and typical
message with attention capturing paintings
• To provide general motivation
• To create awareness among people
• To communicate a more general idea
• To thrust the message for leading to action
Preparation and rules
• To promote one point
• Planned for specified people
• Tell the message at single glance
• Use bold letters
• Use pleasing colors
• It should be placed, where people pass or gather
Features of good poster
• Brevity : message should be concise
• Simplicity : message should be easily understandable
• Idea : should be based on single idea and it should be
• Color : suitable color and combination should be used to
make the poster attractive and eye catching
• Display : while displaying one should be sure to find a
place where there is adequate light and where the larger
population will see it
• It attracts attention
• It conveys the message very quickly
• It does not require a detailed study
• Good poster leads to action with good motivation
• It can stand alone and is self explanatory
• Poster does not always give enough information
• When a poster is seen for longer time it may not be
attractive. So it should be dynamic
A simple drawing showing the features of its
subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a
satirical one in a newspaper or magazine
A film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence
of drawings rather than real people or objects
• The quality of the drawing should be high primarily for
visual effectiveness
• The symbols used should be familiar and represent a
concept or idea to which students can react intellectually
•A cartoon can be effectively used to initiate certain lesson
• It can be used for making a lesson lively and interesting
• Fantasy
• Satire
• Exaggeration
Comic strips
A comic strip is the graphic depiction in a series of
pictures or sketches of some character and events full of
A sequence of drawings in boxes that tell an amusing story,
typically printed in a newspaper or magazine
• This medium of communication is found very interesting
and exciting by children
• Comic strips fire the imagination of children
• It boosts the courage of children and builds up the spirit
of adventure
• It stimulates reality and involvement
• The communication is detailed and vivid
• Comic strips misguide children by depicting characters
with supernatural powers divorced from the hard
realities of life
• Comic strips hamper the development of language of
• Classics brought out in the form of comics develop the
tendency in children to ignore or bypass the original
• Comics can soon become an obsession with young
children and they tend to avoid serious studies
Three Dimensional Aids

A model is a recognizable representation of a
real thing into three dimension i.e. height, width and
depth are felt as reality
1) Solid models : it is the replica of an original thing
made with some suitable material like clay, POP,
wood, iron etc

2) Cutaway and X- ray models : are the replicas of

the original things to show internal parts of a thing
3) Working models : these models are either actual
working things or their miniature replicas. Ex,
motor, generator

4) Sand models : made by using sand, clay, saw dust

Models can be used in various situation namely :
v When the real thing is not available or far away
from the educational institutions
v When real things are not carried to the class room
or teaching place
v When real thing may cause physical harm
v When real materials are too expensive
v When real things may invisible to human vision
• Models help in stimulating real situations
• Models explain the complex topics in a simplified
• Models are of reasonable size and convenient to
• It gives learner a sense of experience
• Stimulate interest and capture attention
• Enables learner to have a correct concept about
real objects
• Working models helps to explain the action in a
real situation
• Models involve the use of all the five senses and
thus make learning effective
• Models are costly to purchase
• Needs more storage place
• Useful for only small group teaching
• Require skills and talents to prepare models
Objects and Specimens
A collection of real things for instructional use
refers to objects. A specimen is a sample of the real
object or a material
Sources of objects and specimens
• Local markets
• Hospitals
• Manufacturers and factories
• Dead bodies of human and animals
• Wild flowers, leaves, shells, stones, butterflies,
moths, insects can also be procured from nature
The specimens are usually stored in glass
bottle containing formalin solution which prevents
decomposition of them and prevents growth of the
bacteria. Also label each object or
specimen using self adhesive paper
• Itarouse interest among students in learning
• It heighten the reality in the class room
• It makes teaching lively
• Collection of objects and specimens requires
interaction with others leading to development of
social skills and values
• Students observation skills is enhanced by
collection of objects and specimens
A diorama is a 3 dimensional arrangement of
related objects, models and cut outs to illustrate a
central theme or concept
• The objects and models are generally placed in a
big box or show case with a glass covering and
background printed with a shade or a scene. Ex: a
harvest scene, planting scene etc
Ø Provides a good opportunity to learn
Ø It gives the appearance of actual things which
cannot be brought to the class room
Ø Interesting and enhance creativity
Ø Live things also can be shown in diorama ex:
Ø Provides opportuinty for students to do project
Ø Requires budget
Ø Needs expertition for the preparation
Ø Sometimes it may misguide the students if it is
not the replica of actual thing
One of the old and popular arts in Indian villages is
puppetry. Puppetry is an education cum
entertaining aid in which puppets are manipulated
by performer as a characters in a story to be
A puppet is a manipulative doll dressed as a
character and the performer is a person termed as a
puppeteer. It is used as an effective teaching aid for
languages and social sciences
Types of puppets
1) String or marionettes puppets : marionettes
consist of puppets with hinged body parts which are
controlled by nine strings produces required
movements in the puppet. Thes puppets are mainly
manipulated by professional puppeteers
2) Stick puppets : stick puppets are the painted
cutouts attached by sticks. The actions of these
puppets are manipulated by the teachers and
students by hiding behind a screen so that only
puppets are visible to the audience or the class
3) Shadow puppets : shadow puppets are
silhouettes of cardboard which produce shadows on
white screen. The motion of these silhouettes is
manipulated by the teacher and students
4) Finger of hand puppet : Hand puppets are
round balls painted as heads with overflowing
colorful costumes. These are worn on fingers which
operate their movements
In writing or selecting a puppet play, the age,
background and tastes of the students should be
taken into consideration. A short puppet play is
always preferable
v Createsinterest
v Gives the knowledge in a brief period
v Puppet is an effective method in teaching
v Motivate students
v Easy to carry and operate
v Needs group cooperation and coordination
v Requires skills in preparation and supply
v Skills needed in presentation
A mockup is a scale model of a structure or
device, usually used for teaching, demonstration,
testing a design
A special model where parts of a model is
singled out, heightened and magnified in order to
focus on that part
Display Boards
Chalk Board
A chalkboard or a blackboard is a reusable
writing surface on which text or drawings are made
with sticks of calcium sulfate or calcium carbonate
known as chalk
Blackboards were originally made of smooth,
thin sheets of black or grey slate stone
• A blackboard can simply be a piece of board
painted with matte dark paint (usually black,
occasionally dark green)
• A modern variation consists of a coiled sheet of
plastic drawn across two parallel rollers, which can
be scrolled to create additional writing space while
saving what has been written
• The highest grade blackboards are made of a
rougher version porcelain enameled steel
• Porcelain is very hard wearing and blackboards
made of porcelain usually last 10-20 years in
intensive use
As compared to whiteboards, blackboards have a
variety of advantages
• Chalk requires no special care, whiteboard markers
must be capped or else they dry out
• Chalk is cheaper than whiteboard markers
• It is easier to draw lines on a chalkboard compared
to whiteboard
• Chalks has a mild smell, whereas white board
markers often have a pungent smell
• Chalkboard writing often provides better contrast
than whiteboard markers
• Chalk can be easily erased, but writing left on
whiteboard for a long perion may require solvent to
• The chalk board produces dust of chalks and it
may produce allergic reaction and create
complications in people with respiratory problems
• It creates ugly appearance if not maintained
• The scratching of fingernails on a blackboard is a
sound that is well-known for being extremely
Bulletin Board
It is a soft board which will hold pins or
tags almost suitable. Simple device placed either
indoor or outdoor. Items generally displayed are
photographs, publications, posters, newspaper cut
outs. It is also called as
notice board
q The contents of the board should be organized
around a central theme of content
q Materials should be dated to ensure that it does
not remain no longer than desired
q The appearance should be neat, orderly and
q Materials should be changed frequently and
q The contributions of students should be
q Responsibility for editing the board should be
placed on one person
q Everyone should be held responsible for reading
and knowing what is on the board
q All material should be appropriately classified
and labeled for future reference
ü To motivate the learner
ü To give correct initial impressions
ü To intensify impressions and vitalize instruction
ü To add variety to the classroom activity
ü To provide information
ü To save time
• Explains important events
• Reports special activities

• Not effective for illiterate group
• Takes a lot preplanning and preparation
Flannel Board
It is a reusable board made up of flannel
cloth, usually resting on an easel. The posters can
be easily stick on the board and removed from it
How to use
v The principle involved is the interlocking of
fibers of two rough or hairy surfaces, so that the
pieces pressed on to a background which is hard
and vertical will stay
v Place the flannel board at eye level. Lighting
should also be checked
v Use a minimum number of objects to let the
students focus their eyes on a few items at a time
vTalk to the class as much as possible but not to
the board
v Remove the cutouts from the board as soon as
the explanation of that concept is completed and
place the next cutout in position
§ Permits numerous and varied arrangements of
visual materials
§ Permits the use of either chart or small pieces of
§ Challenges one to develop symbols to potray such
things as abstractions
§Easier to construct materials for flannel board
than to make slides or movies
Magnetic Boards
It is a framed iron sheet carrying porcelain
coating in some dark color generally black or green.
It can be used to display pictures, cutouts and light
objects with disc magnets or magnetic holders

Ø Movement of visual material is easy

Peg Board
It is a type of board which contains small
holes to fix certain letters into the holes which is
used especially in the offices to display certain
items, name of the personal or faculty member
Auditory aids
Activity Aids
These are certain learning situations in which
students participation through direct experiences
can be easily incorporated, these are called activity
The activity teaching aids are really of great
value as they put students in a role of active seekers
of knowledge
• There are different important activity teaching
aids, which are listed below :
1) Field trips
2) Demonstrations
3) Experiments
4) Dramatizations
5) Musems
6) Exhibitions
Field Trips
According to Hedger ken Field trip may be
defined as “an educational procedure by which the
student studies firsthand objects and materials in
their natural environment”
Types of field trips
Depending on the place of visit and its duration,
field trips are mainly of the following four types,
a) Local school trips
b) Community trips
c) Educational trips
d) The natural hunt
Ø It provides accurate information o systems in
their real life settings
Ø It provides meaningful direct experience and
hence results in lasting learning
Ø They are valuable aids to what students are
curious about the natural and man-made process
and objects
Ø Field trips can effectively supplement the
classroom learning through application and
reviewing the experience of student
Limitations of Field trips
ØA field trip may be occasional activity
Ø They can be expensive and out of reach for many
disadvantaged and poor students
Ø Field trips require proper and detailed planning
to make them meaningful otherwise the trip leads
to confusion, and fails to fulfill the requirement
v It is a performance to show a process or activity to
v When a teacher demonstrates, students observe
and imitate to learn
v This is a natural way of learning
Stages of Demonstration

Follow-up Performance
Ø It is good for acquiring and perfecting
operational skills
Ø It engages students attention and cooperation
Ø It encourages students participation in learning
Ø It activates several senses
Ø It provokes interest by use of concrete
Ø It correlates theory with practice
Disadvantages of Demonstration
• All content cannot be covered
• All students cannot participate
• Low thinking in fast demonstration
• No discussion
• Only useful for skilled subjects
Examples of demonstration
• A museum is a building displaying a collection of
historical relics, antiques, curiosities, work of arts,
work of science, literature and other artifacts of
general interest
• Museums can be useful both for public education
and specific class room instruction
Purposes of museum
• Museums act as agents of change and
• It houses things created by nautre and by man
and in our modern society
• Holds the cultural wealth of the nation
• Objects associated with idolatry and fetish
religions are kept foster the best of the cultural and
democratic ideas of the nations
Setting up school museum
• School should have enough space
• Take the help of students; collect old and new
objects and articles
• Accept donations from various organizations who
donates the articles
• Students can be guided to prepare the exhibits
• All the collected and prepared articles should be
displayed and labeled
• A detailed report book should be maintained
giving brief description of each museum pieces
• The museum room should be well lighted
• It should be cleaned and maintained timely
• Museums provide an effective way of learning
• Encourage a love of history
• Listening to stories
• Compare and contrast
• Boosts language development
• Encourage new ideas
• High economic investment required
• High maintenance costs
• Loads of visitors are required
• Numerous employers required
• Difficult to measure and demonstrate results
List of famous museums of our
• National museum , New Delhi
• Salarjung museum, Hyderabad
• Natural history society museum, Mumbai
• Sawai mansingh museum, Jaipur
The process of adapting a novel or presenting
a particular play or film

A play or film adapted from a novel or depicting a
particular incident
Many times in the school, a department of the
school or a class put up their work for showing it to
the people outside the school, and such a show
called exhibitions. The pieces of work done by the
students for an exhibition are called exhibits
“It is a planned display of models, charts,
specimens, posters etc., to present the public view
for instruction and to put in a competition,
advertising or entertainment”
Requisities for Exhibition
v The exhibition should have a central theme with
a few sub themes to focus attention to a particular
v The exhibits should be clean, labeled properly
v The exhibits should be so placed so that most
visitors can see them
v The place and exhibits should be well lighted
v To capture attention and interest of visitors,
both motion and sound should be utilized
v The exhibitions should have some exhibits with
operative mechanism such as switches, handles
to be operated by the visitors to observe some
v The exhibition should include lot of
demonstrations as they involve deeply the
students and the visitors
v The exhibition should be able to relate various
subjects areas to provide integrated learning
• Exhibitions inspire the students to learn by doing
things themselves and they get a sense of
• Exhibitions develop social skills of
communication, cooperation, coordination
• Exhibitions foster better school community
relations and make community conscious about
the school

• Exhibitions couple information with pleasure
• Exhibitions foster creativity among students
Ø Requires thorough preparation
Ø Time consuming
Ø Require funds or budget

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