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1.Group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the
laws and the prevention of crimes.
a. Law Enforcement c. Police Organization
b. Bureau d. Police Officer

2.This type of police organization is the simplest and oldest type of organization. The channel of authority and
responsibility extends in a direct line from top to bottom within the structures, authority is definite and absolute.
Quick decisions can be made in this organization because of the direct lines authority.
a. Line Organization c. Functional Organization
b. Staff Organization d. Auxiliary Organization

3.It is the assignment of the particular workers to particular tasks. It is also the grouping of activities and
segregation of line, staff and auxiliary functions.
a. Specialization c. Specification
b. Peculiar d. Precision

4.It represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization. It can be
visualized as a ladder , with each rung (rank) representing a higher or lower level of authority.
a. Hierarchy c. Higher Rank
b. Authority d. Upper Level Manager

5.It is the right to command control the behavior of employees in lower positions within an organizational
a. Scalar Principle c. Authority
b. Delegation of Authority d. Unity of Command

6.It shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken chain of units from top to bottom
describing explicitly the flow of authority.
a. Principle of Balance c. Functional Principle
b. Scalar Principle d. Authority Level Principle

7.It is the use of rational design or pattern for all departmental undertakings rather than relying on chance in an
operational environment.
a. Planning c. Plan
b. Strategic Planning d. Operational Planning

8.It is the largest organic functional unit within a large department. It comprises of numbers of divisions.
a. Sector c. Division
b. Bureau d. Unit

9.It is a functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within an organization.
a. Division c. Section
b. Bureau d. Unit

10. It is a length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called LINE BEAT.
a. Sector c. District
b. Route d. Area

11. A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.
a. Route c. District
b. Sector d. Area

12. In the functions of police management, it is the process of directing and coordination the work efforts of other
people to help them accomplish important task.
a. Leading c. Controlling
b. Planning d. Organizing
13. What law gives a general qualification for initial appointment to the police service?
a. RA 11120 c. RA 8551
b. RA 10175 d. RA 6975

14. This policing system was carried out under a system of mutual pledge. Under this system, a community was
divided into TITHINGS or groups of 10 men in which there main function is to perform policeworks.
a. Frankpledge System c. Royal Judge System
b. Hueand Cry d. Trialby Ordeal

15. French word of policeis_____?

a. Politia c. Police
b. Politeia d. Puli

16. Which of the following composed the PNP under its creation on R.A 6975?
a. member of the INP c. jail guards
b. members of the PC d. all of them

17. Which is known as the Police Act of 1966 and created the office of the NAPOLCOM?
a. R.A. 6975 c. P.D. 765
b. R.A. 8551 d. R.A. 4864

18. A fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned such as designated desk or office or spot is called.
a. Post c. Beat
b. Route d. Sector

19. The staff directorate in charge of providing the necessary supplies and materials to all PNP units is the.
a.Research Development Office c. Plans
b. Logistics Office d. Comptrollership

20. In the history of our police force, who was the first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Capt. Henry T. Allen c. Gen. Rafael Crame
b. Col. Lamberto Javallera d. Capt. Nicholas Piatt

21. Among the following. he is known as the father of Modern Policing System.
a. William Norman. c. King Henry III
b. Sir Robert Peel d. John Westminster

22. In the history of patrol, the first recorded organized police that utilized dog patrol was the so called.
a. Medjays c. Ancient police
b. Vigiles d. Jacobians

23. The Chief magistrate at bow street in London that organized the Bow Street Runners is.
a. King Charles II of London c. King Richard of London
b. Henry Fielding of London d. none of the above

24. The responsibility of police that involves peacekeeping on community service role or social services is
referred to as.
a. crime prevention c. order maintenance
b. prevention of crime d. crime investigation

25. The effort of reduction of elimination of desire and opportunity to commit crime is known as.
a. order maintenance c. prevention of crime
b. law enforcement d. arrest of criminals

26. In the history of patrol US, the first daytime and paid police service was organized in.
a. New York c. San Francisco
b. Boston d. Philadelphia
27. Policemen are considered as servants of the community, who depend for the effectiveness of their function
upon the express wishes of the people. In this theory, policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is the
preservation of the public peace and security. This is practiced in England and in the United States of America,
where the government structure is decentralized pattern.
a. Old Concept c. The Continental Theory
b. Modern Concept d. The Home Rule Theory

28. The concept of police service looked upon the police as merely a repressive machinery. This old philosophy
means throwing more people in jail rather than keeping them out of jail. Under this concept, punishment is the
sole instrument of crime control. The yardstick of efficiency of the police is more arrest.
a. Old Concept c. The Continental Theory
b. Modern Concept d. The Home Rule Theory

29. The concept of police service considers the police as an organ of crime prevention. Police service today has
broadened its activities to include certain aspect of social services, and has for its objectives the welfare of the
individual as well as that of society. Under this philosophy, the yardstick of efficiency of the police is the absence
of crime.
a. Old Concept c. The Continental Theory
b. Modern Concept d. The Home Rule Theory

30. That’s the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable condition
of work.
a. Logistics Unit c. Staffing
b. Crime Laboratory d. Organizing

31. Unit shall be responsible for the procurement, distribution and management of all logistical requirements of
the PNP including firearms and ammunition.
a. Organizing c. Crime Laboratory
b. Staffing d. Logistics

32. Shall be established which shall provide scientific and technical investigative aid and support to the PNP and
other government investigative agencies.
a. Staffing c. Crime Laboratory
b. Organizing d. Logistics

33. It is the Greek of word where the term police originated, which means government. Citizenship, or the entire
activity of the polis – a city.
a.Polizi c.Pulis
b.Politia d. Politeia

34. How many regular commissioners in the NAPOLCOM that will serve as a collegial body within the
a. 3 commissioners c. 5 commissioners
b. 2 commissioners d. 4 commissioners

35. Which shall be the premier educational institution for training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP, Fire and Jail Bureaus?

36. What was the role of the Shire-Reeve in the Norman period of policing system?
a. Military leader in charge of the Shires c. Appointed to aid the Reeve in his duties
b. Judge selected to hear criminal cases d. Person with absolute powers

37. Which act introduced the system of 'citizen's arrest' during the Norman period?
a. Leges Henrici c. Statute of 1295
b. Magna Carta d. Justice of the Peace

38. What was the purpose of the Frankpledge System in the Norman period?
a. To close the gates of London during c. To protect the lives and properties of the
sundown people
b. To handle felonies, misdemeanors, and d. To try offenders against the state
39. Which law marked the beginning of curfew hours during the Westminster period?
a. Statute of 1295 c. Courts of the Star-Chamber
b. Justice of the Peace d. The Merchant Police

40. What was the role of the Justice of the Peace in the Westminster period?
a. To protect the property of merchants c. To pursue arrest, chastise, and imprison
b. To divide the people into religious areas violators of law
d. To try offenders against the state
41. What was the role of the Merchant Police in the Westminster period?
a. To protect the property of merchants c. To pursue arrest, chastise, and imprison
b. To divide the people into religious areas violators of law
d. To try offenders against the state
42. What was the purpose of the Parochial Police in the Westminster period?
a. To close the gates of London during c. To protect the lives and properties of the
sundown people
b. To handle felonies, misdemeanors, and d. To divide the people into religious areas

43. Who is considered the Father of Modern Policing System?

a. Shire-Reeve c. Sir Robert Peel
b. Travelling Judge d. Justice of the Peace

44. Which concept of policing was introduced by Sir Robert Peel?

a. Organizing the police along military lines d. Handling felonies, misdemeanors, and
b. Closing the gates of London during sundown infractions
c. Dividing the people into religious areas
45. Which ancient civilization introduced the use of dogs as guards and protectors in their policing system?
a. Kin Policing c. Rome
b. Egypt d. England

46. Which system in England required all males aged 12 and above to join a group of nine to form a Tything?
a. Frankpledge System c. Bowstreet Runners
b. Parish Constables d. Metropolitan Police Service

47. Which police department is recognized as the first modern style police department in the United States?
a. New York Police Department c. Philippine National Police
b. Boston Police Department d. Manila Police Department

48. Who was the first Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary?
a. Brig.Gen. Rafael Crame c. Col. Lambert Javalera
b. Col. Antonio Torres d. Dir.Gen. Cesar Nazareno

49. Which functions in a police organization are designed to support the line functions and assist in their
a. Primary or Line Functions c. Auxiliary Functions
b. Staff/Administrative Functions d. All of the above

50. Which functions in a police organization involve the logistical operations of the organization?
a. Primary or Line Functions c. Auxiliary Functions
b. Staff/Administrative Functions d. All of the above

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