The Future of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Used in Automotive Industry

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The future of fossil and alternative fuels used in automotive industry

Conference Paper · October 2019

DOI: 10.1109/ISMSIT.2019.8932925


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2 authors:

Battal Doğan Derviş Erol

Gazi University Kirikkale University


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The Future of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Used in
Automotive Industry
1* Battal
Doğan, 2 Derviş Erol
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Karatekin University, Çankırı, 18100, Turkey
2 Department of Automotive Technology, Kırıkkale University, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale, 71450, Turkey and

Abstract—Fossil fuels, which has determined all the the chamber is below the boiling point of the material. Thus,
important economic and political events of the last century, are the components of the crude oil are separated by using the
the most widely used fuel type in the world. Petroleum or boiling point differences in the chambers. By refining and
crude oil is a fossil fuel. In this study, the amount of petroleum processing crude oil in the refineries, on average, 43%
reserves in the world and their lifetime are examined. Based on gasoline, 18% fuel oil and diesel fuel, 11% LPG (liquefied
the studies conducted by international oil companies and petroleum gas, propane or propane-butane mixture), 9% jet
independent energy organizations, it is predicted that oil fuel, 5% asphalt and 14% other products are derived [4-5].
reserves will be depleted in about 50 years. Paris Agreement
aims to reduce fossil fuels and oil use in order to reduce air World’s first oil well was drilled on August 27, 1859 in
pollution by 2030. Until the 2050s, it is seen that many Pennsylvania, United States of America. On August 16,
developed countries conduct studies on how to meet their 1861, the “Number One Well” in the town of Titusville in
energy needs for the areas such as electricity, heat and the city of Rouseville, at the entrance of which there is a
transportation 100% by renewable energy sources. Oil directly writing that says, “Welcome to the birthplace of the oil
effects the economies of all countries in the world. In this study, industry” began the first regular oil production in the world
oil production and consumption rates and alternative fuels that [7-8].
will be used in future vehicles are examined. In the upcoming
years, economic growth, policy and technology will be shaped Because the oil was stored in wooden barrels when it was
by alternative fuels. In addition, it has been determined that placed on the market for commercial purposes, it was
alternative fuel studies to replace oil have not reached the measured in barrels. As a result, 1 barrel in the international
desired level yet. market corresponds to 159 liters or 42 US gallons; whereas 1
ton corresponds to 7.33 barrels [9].
Keywords—fossil fuels, alternative fuels, biofuels, electric
vehicles Nowadays, petrochemical raw materials derived from
processing petroleum are mostly used in the production of
I. INTRODUCTION plastic, artificial rubber, artificial fiber, fertilizer, detergent,
insecticide and various solvents. In addition, petroleum-
Petroleum is a compound of the Latin words petra based raw materials can be used in many different fields such
“stone” and oleum “oil”. Petroleum is a dark, sticky and as aircraft, automobile, construction, explosive industry,
flammable liquid. The density of oil, which consists of the textile industry, dye industry and agriculture [10].
composition of various hydrocarbons such as methane,
ethane, propane, butane, varies according to its chemical Environmental problems caused by petroleum can be
composition and viscosity [1]. Petroleum is mineral oil classified into three groups as follows; pollutants emitted to
formed from the decay of animals and plants. After decaying, the atmosphere during the extraction and refining stages,
the remains of plants and animals stay underground for pollution caused by oil transportation accidents and end-user
millions of years in layers of a certain density and thickness, emission [11-13]. Oil refineries are among the major
turning into oil or natural gas [2]. pollutants that consume large amounts of energy and water,
produce large amounts of wastewater, emit hazardous gases
Liquid hydrocarbons that are formed by transformation into the atmosphere, and produce wastes that are difficult to
of the organic material in the earth and contained in the treat and neutralize [14-15]. One of the reasons of oil
porous rocks are called crude oil or petroleum. The term contamination in seas and oceans exceeding certain rates is
“crude” indicates that the oil is a raw material and has not yet petroleum or derivative products that are released into the sea
been processed. By seperating the components (distilling) of during tanker collisions [16-17]. Toxic gas waste released
crude oil in the refineries, many intermediate materials and into the atmosphere as a result of combustion of petroleum
fuel products that we use in our daily lives are derived [3]. products in land, sea and air vehicles disrupts the oxygen and
Once extracted from the underground, crude oil is nitrogen balance that should be primarily in the air and cause
transported to refineries and transformed into products for many fatal diseases [18-21].
various uses by atmospheric distillation. After the crude oil Nowadays, global climate change threatens the world.
arrives at the refinery, it is first heated and boiled and sent to Our planet which is getting warmer with every passing day,
the distillation system that has units with different is severally and negatively affected. One of the major causes
temperatures. Fig. 1. shows the distillation system in which of global climate change is the increasing use of fossil based
the temperatures of the units are gradually decreased from fuels. The Kyoto Protocol was established in 1997 to combat
bottom to up. In the distillation system, components of the climate change and the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015.
crude oil evaporate due to the temperature and move from The main objective of the Paris Agreement is to keep the
the bottom of the distillation tower to the upper temperature rise in the world to below 2 degrees. The Paris
compartments. A component that arrived at the upper Agreement is the first global agreement that came into force
chambers condenses into a liquid state if the temperature of less than a year after its adoption [22].

978-1-7281-3789-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Fig. 1. Schematic view of crude oil refining and distillation [6]

Countries are in need of an uninterrupted energy source

for their economic development. The desire to possess
petroleum, which is a source of uninterrupted energy, has Based on the results of research conducted by
brought about many disagreements and wars. Today, international oil companies and independent energy
petroleum is great importance as a primary fuel for the institutions, the reserve life of crude oil was calculated as
automotive industry and as a raw material for the chemical 50.6 years in 2016 and 50.4 years in 2017. Fig. 2. shows that
industry. Although substantial amounts of resources have Central and South America rank as the first, Middle East
been invested to increase the use of renewable energy ranks as the second and Africa ranks as the third based on the
sources in recent years, oil will continue to be an important reserve amounts given in the BP Statistical Review of World
component of the world’s energy production in the coming Energy report. [23-24].
decades. In this study, oil reserves were investigated and The world’s oil production is presented regionally in Fig.
their lifetime was calculated. Oil production and 3. Oil production reached to 92.6 million barrels per day
consumption amounts in the world were regionally (b/d) increasing by 0.68% in 2017. 34.5% of that production
determined recognizing the reports of international was carried out in the Middle East. The highest rate of
organizations. Taking the Paris Agreement into increase in production occurred in Libya (102.9%) where
consideration, global climate change projections were there were experienced internal disturbances. Oil production
evaluated. of The United States of America (USA) increased from 12.3
million barrels per day to 13 million barrels per day (b/d),
II. PETROLEUM AND OIL SECTOR IN THE WORLD with an increase rate of 5.6%. [23-24].
Petroleum is the most important energy source of the The data on oil consumption according to the BP
transportation industry. Petroleum and its derivatives are Statistical Review of World Energy report is presented in
used as fuel in land transport, maritime transport and air Fig. 4. In 2016, the world’s oil consumption of 96.5 million
travel. The petroleum industry in the world is followed by barrels per day (b/d), increased by 1.8% in 2017 to
many institutions and organizations. International institutions approximately 98 million barrels per day (b/d). The most
and organizations such as International Energy Agency, US significant regional increases occurred in Asia Pacific
Energy Information Administration, BP, ExxonMobil (3.0%), Europe (1.9%) and Eurasia (1.9%) [23-24].
monitor production, consumption and reserve status in the
Countries with the largest oil reserves in the World
world with detailed reports.
according to the 2019 report released by the global data
The world’s oil reserves were announced to be 1.7 trillion source Knoema are shown in Table 1. Knoema report covers
barrels in 2017 according to the BP Statistical Review of the 190 countries and, Türkiye ranks the 48th among these
World Energy report. According to the report, Venezuela countries with the largest oil reserves [25].
with 1.4 billion barrels and Brazil with 0.2 billion barrels
were the countries with the largest increase in reserves in
2017. Developments in oil exploration and production
technologies in recent years increase the number of available
reserves. It is known that some countries with oil reserves are
showing their reserves more than they are in order to
increase their bargaining power in OPEC [23-24].
Fig. 2. Countries by proven petroleum and oil reserves in World [23-24]

Fig. 3. World petroleum and oil production [23-24]

Fig. 4. World petroleum and oil consumption [23-24]

TABLE I. COUNTRIES WITH THE MOST PETROLEUM AND OIL fuel. LPG is obtained from two main sources; natural gas
wells and crude oil refineries. LPG consists of hydrocarbons
Countries Reserves such as propane, butane and isomers, which are released by
1 USA ( 10.990
h d decomposition of crude oil in refineries to derivatives such
2 Russia 10.759 as gasoline, diesel or which are subtracted freely in some
3 Saudi Arabia 10.425 regions; or from their mixtures. This mixture is gaseous in
4 Iraq 4.613 its natural state and becomes liquefied by being compressed
5 Canada 4.297 under pressure, so that it occupies little space, is easily
6 Iran 4.251 stored and transported [26-27].
7 China 3.773 B. Compressed Natural Gases (CNG)
8 United Arab Emirates 3.216
Compressed natural gas (CNG), which is obtained by
9 Kuwait 2.807
compressing natural gas into high pressures, is becoming
10 Brazil 2.587
11 Nigeria 1.989
more commonly used in the world. It is a preferred fossil
12 Kazakhstan 1.856
fuel due to it being less harmful to the environment and
13 Mexico 1.852
having a more convenient cost. Natural gas is formed as a
14 Angola 1.593
result of natural transformation of organic matters over
15 Norway 1.517
millions of years in the lower layers of the earth. Natural gas
16 Venezuela 1.484
is used in vehicles after being compressed up to 200 bar.
17 Qatar 1.464
Therefore, it is also referred to as compressed natural gas
18 Algeria 1.259 (CNG). There are two alternatives for filling the fuel tanks
19 Libya 1.039 of CNG vehicles as home and commercial filling stations. In
20 United Kingdom 1.000 residential home stations, the vehicle owners can be filled
use a low-flow high-pressure CNG compressor installed in a
III. ALTERNATIVE FUELS suitable location in their homes. The energy density of
The depletion of the oil reserves in the coming years is natural gas is low. Natural gas is either compressed or
one of the major problems the world is facing. It is predicted liquefied in order to increase the energy density. In
that oil, which has been the main factor of many economic commercial filling stations, high flow and high-pressure
and political equilibrium in the world for years, and even the compressors are used. The use of CNG in vehicles with
main presumed cause of wars, will be depleted in the 21st internal combustion engines is not at the desired level yet in
century. When the world runs out of oil, which is the primary Türkiye. It is anticipated that the use of CNG will increase
energy source in the transportation industry, constituting the with depletion of oil. Very strict standards are practiced
raw material of at least three thousand products directly and regarding the natural gas fuel system. Natural gas fuel tanks
indirectly, it will have an immense impact on the world. for vehicles are made much more durable than gasoline
tanks. Thus, even in major accidents, they manage to remain
Because of the increasing energy demand in recent years,
an average of 85 million barrels of oil is consumed per day. intact and they can be used for years [28-30].
The rate of energy consumption in the world is about 300 C. Alcohol Based Fuels (Methanol and Ethanol)
thousand times that of fossil fuel formation. The oil embargo Alcohol fuels are biofuels that can be produced from
against the USA, who supported Israel during the Arab- many different agricultural products and have a higher
Israeli War, declared by the Organization of Arab Petroleum octane than gasoline. Alcohol based fuels can be examined in
Exporting Countries (OAPEC) on October 15, 1973 is also two groups as methanol and ethanol.
known as the Oil Crisis or the 1973 Crisis. Since
industrialized and developed countries are the most Methanol is derived from the distillation of fossil fuels
important customers of oil sellers, this serious crisis led to such as wood and coal under heat that contain methyl
the search for alternative energy sources for the first time. alcohol; by processing natural gas a number of times; or
from the synthesis of CO and H2 in a catalytic medium.
In recent years, the search for alternative fuel has Methanol which has the chemical formula CH4O is a very
accelerated. Studies of alternative fuel for automobiles are light, colorless, odorless and poisonous alcohol.
being conducted due to the oil depletion and environmental
problems fossil fuels. A fuel type that matches up to the Ethanol can be produced from any biological source that
performance of the oil has not been obtained yet. can be converted to sugar such as starch (carbohydrates) or
Researchers have nearly 50 years remained before the oil is that contain sugar (such as cereal seeds). Ethanol is a
depleted. In addition, the other important purpose is keeping renewable alternative fuel that can be primarily produced
the air, water, soil and field of view clean with renewable from various agricultural products such as sugar cane, sugar
beet, wheat, corn, potato, barley. Among these raw materials,
energy sources.
those containing sugar are directly subjected to fermentation,
A. Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) while those containing starch are fermented after being
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has been preferred for converted to glucose. Ethanol is a flammable, colorless, and
automobiles in recent years because of its low fuel slightly toxic chemical with the chemical formula C2H6O.
Boiling point of ethanol is 78.5 °C, and its freezing point is -
consumption and emission values. The use of LPG as fuel is
114.1 °C. Ethanol can be used in internal combustion
provided by making some hardware additions to the internal engines as mixtures with gasoline in certain proportions
combustion engine. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) can be without needing any additional design.
stored easily. A lot of vehicles use LPG as their primary
The most commonly used mixture forms are E10 (10% combustion engine just like the accumulator. Hybrid electric
ethanol - 90% unleaded gasoline) and E85 (85% ethanol - vehicles have little differences compared to usual internal
15% unleaded gasoline). Ethanol is a high-octane fuel. combustion automobiles. These vehicles can be considered
Ethanol is added to the fuel instead of lead as an octane the ancestor of automobiles with electric. Hybrid
enhancer. Since the octane number increases with the automobiles can travel only with an electric motor, at low
addition of ethanol, fuel efficiency and thus engine speeds and in short distances. In this type of automobiles, the
performance increases by mixing ethanol with fuel. Since actual load is on the internal combustion engine. Fig. 5.
ethanol has oxygen in its structure and a low temperature, shows the schematic picture of a hybrid automobile [38-40].
there are less amount harmful exhaust emissions of NOx
B. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)
(nitrogen oxide) and CO (carbon monoxide) in the products
of combustion [31-33]. The only difference between the plug-in hybrid vehicles
and normal hybrids is that they can be externally charged. In
D. Biodiesel these vehicles, battery is larger and the electric motor is more
Biodiesel is an eco-friendly and renewable biofuel that powerful. In some models, the opposite of normal hybrids
can be produced with the help of chemical methods from can be seen that is, the gasoline engine is assisted by the
new or used vegetable oils (canola, sunflower, soybean, electric motor. Compared to normal hybrids, longer distances
safflower) and animal fats. Fuels produced from these about to 50-60 km can be traveled by using the electric
vegetable and animal oils and fats are also called biodiesel. motor. In the cases of long distance, high speed or low
In the 1900s, Rudolf Diesel succeeded in running a diesel charge, the internal combustion engine is starts. Fig. 6. shows
engine with peanut oil at the World’s Fair. Thus, it has been the schematic picture of a plug-in hybrid electric automobile
known as the first technically produced biodiesel fuel in [40-41].
history. The performance difference between biodiesel and
pure diesel fuels known to be between 1% to 5%. C. Electric Vehicles (EV)
Biodiesel fuels have an important role in extending the Electric vehicles were first developed by Scottish
life of the engine. When the vehicles that use biodiesel were entrepreneur Robert Anderson in the 1830s [42]. There is no
examined, the engines were observed to be working with less a fossil fuel-powered engine in these electric vehicles such as
knocking. In addition, since it is a natural fatty acid, it helps in hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Electric vehicles work
the engine to remain oiled continuously. There is less soot by charging the batteries which they contain. Electric
formation than standard diesel fuel. Nowadays, although it is vehicles are significantly more expensive than traditional
seen that biodiesel is demanded in periods of increasing oil internal combustion engines and hybrid electric vehicles due
prices, demand is expected to increase further with the to the lithium-ion battery and other additional costs. It is seen
depletion of oil. It can be used directly in diesel vehicles or that electric vehicles cannot compete with internal
blends with diesel fuel in certain rates. Blends of biodiesel in combustion engines due to reasons such as charging time,
various rates are directly sold at fuel stations in Europe and charging station infrastructure and range problems.
the United States [34-35]. Nowadays, developments in battery and power management
technologies, changes in oil prices and measures taken
E. Biogas against harmful greenhouse gases have made electric
Biogas is a flammable gas that consists of 54-80% vehicles to the agenda once again. New investments of
methane (CH4) and 20-46% carbon dioxide (CO2) and burns automotive manufacturers, the mass production cost of
in a bright blue flame which is produced by fermentation of electric vehicles are predicted to decrease further in the near
organic matter caused by microbiological bacteria, that is future [43]. Fig. 7. shows the electric motor used on the front
colorless, odorless, lighter than air, with the airborne density and rear axles of the Tesla S model electric vehicle.
of 0.83 and octane number of 110. Since biogas production is
D. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV)
mainly based on the separation of organic substances, mainly
vegetable wastes or animal manure are used in its Fuel cell is a type of battery that generates electrical
production. Biogas is a significant alternative energy source energy as a result of the electro-chemical reaction of fuel and
due to its easy conversion into heating, lighting, electrical oxygen, rather than burning fossil fuels. Fuel cells are a
and mechanical energy [36-37]. technology developed to generate energy from hydrogen.
Hydrogen can directly used as fuel in fuel cell. In this
IV. ELECTRIC VEHICLES system, hydrogen is combined with oxygen with
electrochemical processes to obtain electrical energy.
A. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) Chemical reaction of hydrogen with oxygen produces only
water or water vapor as waste. There are no harmful exhaust
Hybrid electric vehicles, it is called “hybrid” because
emissions such as NOx (nitrogen oxide) and CO (carbon
they have two different engine structures, gasoline and monoxide) in waste products of fuel cell. Since there is no
electric working together. Hybrids are automobiles that combustion, there is no exhaust gas emission. Therefore, fuel
provide significant savings in fuel consumption by enabling cells are a type of energy production that does not pollute the
the vehicle to work with an electric motor instead of the environment. Fuel cells are systems that convert hydrogen
internal combustion engine, particularly in urban into electrical energy. Hydrogen can be produced from
transportation where there is heavy traffic. In these vehicles, products such as waste water or natural sources. When
there is a internal combustion engine, an electric motor that compressed, a denser energy compared to the battery is
does not need to be charged from the outside, and a small generated. Fuel cells are power sources that can convert
battery. The battery, charges itself with the action of internal chemical energy to electrical energy [45].
The development of fuel cell vehicles will decrease manufacturers focus on research and development studies of
environmental pollution, especially by reducing oil Fuel cells.
consumption in the transport industry. Today, many vehicle

Fig. 5. Shematic view of hybrid electric vehicle [40]

Fig. 6. Shematic view of Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle [41]

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