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Field visit report (One facility one report)

Facility visit format will be unique for each facility. Do enquire for the existing visit report before planning a facility visit and update the follow up plan.

DISTRICT: Bulandshahr Name & Address of FACILITY: CHC- Gulawthi, Bulandhshar

DATE: 30/08 /2023 Name/s of VISITING TEAM/ person: Zeenat Naz, DNS
Encircle the Key areas covered during the visit LR, TRIAGE, PNC, MSL, NBSU, DRUG STORE, LAB, MOIC, OT ETC.:

Enlist the major activities performed during the visit:

(e.g., DOD, LR and NBSU assessment etc.)
1. LR, triage
2. MSL inspection
3. Mentoring, OSCE of NM

ACTION PLAN: (please be very precise, specific and develop with the facility team)

Thematic area 1st visit Follow UP of Solutions

skills lab/ Supply/ Critical Gaps identified Root causes Proposed Solution Timelines Gap Closed/ New timeline Remarks if any
(if Gap not
HR/ Not Closed closed)
Infra etc.)
Infrastructure Triage not functional. Mothers are being They can form triage to 15-09-2-
examined in the that doctor’s room as 23
doctor’s room near it’s not their duty room
LR or in the LR as and will be effective as
triage is having less mothers are examined
space too by doctors or they can
keep ANC table in their
own duty room where
documentation is being
AC not functional in MNCU Due to damp walls Roof need to be repair 30-09-
electricity is also and water pipelines can 2023
affecting there be shifted.
Detergent and plain water Not in supply & lack Responsibility given to 15-09-
bucket not available in LR of responsibility & pharmacist to purchase 2023
nurse mentor was them locally and by that
not there since 1.5 can use bins as well if
months due to kept in extra.
health issues.
Supply 24*7 Electricity not available Lack of responsibility Will discuss in district 30-09-23
in LR and budget for regarding this
Soap, digital glucometer, Uristix kept in store Demand can be made 10-09-23
urine dipsticks not available. not demanding for and by that time soap or
them, rest is not handwash can be
available in provided locally
Tab. Misoprost, labetalol, Lack of supply issue Few emergency drugs 10-09-23
methyldopa, nifedepin, Inj. can be purchased locally
Ampicillin, metronidazole-
400gm, dexa not available.
BMW bins not available in Triage not functional Triage can be form in 10-09-23
triage not in use other room.
Practices Iron sucrose dose not Lack of practise & Nurse mentor can 05-09-23
calculated monitoring monitor on daily basis
Follow-up not done for iron Lack of practise & Nurse mentor can 05-09-23
sucrose administration. monitoring monitor on daily basis
Discharge slips are not Lack of practise and Mentoring done and 01-09-23
provided to the discharged not knowing the made them aware that
patients. importance of giving it is important to give
discharge slip discharge slip to the
QC not done from May 2023. Lack of interest, skill Instructions given to NM 10-09-23
& from July nurse to ensure QC should be
mentor was on leave done every month
due to health issues
Documentation Old format of LR register is Not printed in the Will be communicate in 10-09-23
used. district and the district for
previously not availability of register.
Post- natal assessment Lack of practice, skill Monitoring can be done 05-09-23
noted only once in the case and monitoring by the LR incharge or by
sheet. General conditions NM.
not mentioned in the case
FAP not prepared from cycle Lack of skill, Re oriented NM and 05-09-23
4. knowledge and instructed to complete
interest MSL documents timely

Mention any success story/intervention observed in the visit: ( e.g. NBSU become functional, supply related, infra related etc.)

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