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Lesson 4 The Muscular System

 Define the different muscles in our body.
 Enumerate different muscles and its type in our body.
 Identify the importance and function of each muscles.

 MUSCLES- are tough and elastic tissues that give shape to the body. They
cover the entire human body from head to foot.
 There are more than 600 muscles in our body.
 The different muscles in our body are:

1. FRONTALIS- thin muscles that covers your forehead

2. ORBICULARIS OCULI- muscles surrounds your eyes.

3. ORBICULARIS ORIS- muscles that surrounds your mouth
4. STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID- muscles around your neck
5. PECTORALIS mucles that cover your
6. ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, muscles that
protect and allow you to move your waist.

7. GLUTEUS MUSCLES are the largest

muscles found in your hips and buttocks
muscles in your thighs, allow you to flex
your legs And bend your knees.
11. TRICEPS- three-headed muscle at
the back of the upper arm, relaxes in

Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles

 Certain muscles move only when you intend to move them. The muscles that
can be controlled are called voluntary muscles.

 Involuntary Muscles, are those that cannot be controlled.

Types of Muscles
 Cardiac Muscles or involuntary muscles that are made up of striped or
striated muscles.
 Smooth Muscles are involuntary muscles that are mainly found in the
walls of hollow internal organs, such as blood vessels, intestines, and
 Skeletal muscles are muscles that are attached to the bones of the
Essential Questions

What do you call the tissues that give shape to your body?

Let’s Explore

9. GLUTEUS- muscles are the largest muscles found in your hips and buttocks.
10. QUADRICEPS- muscles in your thighs, allow you to flex your legs and bend your

Test Yourself
Identify what is being described in each item. Write your answer on the space
_________________1. Muscles that attached to the bones of the skeleton.
_________________2. Muscles that can be controlled.
_________________3. Tough and elastic tissues that give shape to the body.
_________________4. There are more than ______ muscles in our body.
_________________5. Muscles that cannot be controlled.
_________________6. There are ______ types of muscles.
________________7. Muscles that surround your neck.
________________8. Muscles that surround your eyes.
________________9. Muscles that protect and allow you to move your waist.
________________10. What organ has cardiac muscles?

Answer the following. Write your answer on the space provided.
a. List down 5 examples of activities wherein we are using muscles.
b. How many muscles do we use in smiling?
c. Why do we need to take care our muscles?

Wrap Up

 What is muscles?
 What are the types of muscles?
 What is the importance of muscles in our body?

Identify what is being described in each time. Write the letter of your answer
on the line.
_______1. This is the framework of the body.
a. bone b. joint c. muscle d. skeleton
_______2. These are muscles that can be controlled.
a. cardiac b. smooth c. voluntary d. involuntary
______3. Hips and shoulders are example of this joint.
a. pivot b. hinge c. gliding d. ball-and-socket
______4. This is the main type of muscles that is found in the stomach and
a. smooth b. cardiac c. skeletal d. voluntary
______5. It is a muscle that covers your forehead.
a. gluteus b. pectoralis c. frontalis d. deltoid.
______6. Muscle that can be found in your shoulders.
a. gluteus b. pectoralis c. frontalis d. deltoid.
______7. Muscles that cover your chest.
a. gluteus b. pectoralis c. frontalis d. deltoid.
______8. Muscles on your thighs.
a. gluteus b. triceps c. biceps d. quadriceps
______9. A three-headed muscles.
a. gluteus b. triceps c. biceps d. quadriceps
_____10. Large and two-headed muscle.
a. gluteus b. triceps c. biceps d. quadriceps

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