2.1. Miêu Tả Và So Sánh Số Liệu

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Ngôn ngữ so sánh và miêu tả số liệu

I. Liên từ (từ nối)

II. So sánh hơn/ kém/ bằng/ nhất
III. So sánh cấp số
IV. Các cấu trúc khác
V. Miêu tả số liệu tại 1 điểm

I. Sử dụng các liên từ (từ nối)
1. So sánh tương đồng
a. …Similarly, S + V
e.g: - The percentage of young people in higher education in country B remained at around 40% during the given period. Similarly, after increasing to
52%, that of country D stayed unchanged until 2010.

b. …Likewise, S + V
e.g: - In 2030, the number of barrels consumed per day in the USA is expected to fall to 7.8 million. Likewise, that of Western Europe and Japan is
predicted to experience a drop and finally hit its bottom of 2 million.

Tương tự, 2 cụm “in the same way” và “in a similar way” được sử dụng với nghĩa tương tự.
c. In the same way, S + V
d. In a similar way, S + V

2. So sánh tương phản

a. However, S + V hoặc S, however, V
= Nevertheless, S + V
e.g: - The proportion of moviegoers aged 7-14, however, decreased slightly and became equal to that of their 25-35 counterparts in the same year.

b. While S1 + V1, S2 + V2 hoặc S1 + V1 while S2 + V2

- While the amount of beef eaten sharply decreased to approximately 50 pounds, the consumption of broilers underwent a dramatic growth to just under
60 pounds, with figures eventually surpassing those for beef
- Out of the less popular media, Vietnam and Australia had the similar proportions of Radio advertising expenditure, at 21%, while this figure for Japan
was considerably lower, at 14%.
- In 1988, over half of the visitors to the US were from Canada, while people from Mexico accounted for exactly a quarter.
- Healthcare received the least amount of money in two countries while the percentage of money spent on Other goods and services were quite
significant, at over a quarter in each country.
- Regarding non-manual jobs, clerical or related jobs were chosen by a good proportion of women (31%) while just a minority of men (6%) were
employed in this field.
- Also, while German students gained the highest scores in three skills (Listening, Writing, Speaking), the highest band score in Reading belonged to
Malaysian ones.

c. Whereas S1 + V1, S2 + V2 hoặc S1 + V1, whereas S2 + V2
= S1 + V1. Meanwhile, S2 + V2
- It is noticeable that monthly figures for precipitation in Kolkata vary considerably, whereas monthly temperatures remain relatively stable.
- The number of Vietnamese students studying abroad in France and Russia decreased by 1 million, whereas that in America saw a rise of 2 million
- Out of the four nations, Canada had the lowest percentage of consumer expenditure on housing, at nearly 14%, whereas the Japanese spent the lowest
amount of money on transportation, at around 10%.
- Looking at the chart in more detail, the second most popular subject among males was Mathematics with 200 students, whereas the number of females
choosing this subject was significantly lower with just nearly 60 students.
- By 2000, the male membership had decreased to about 1800 members, whereas that of females had increased to 2800 members.
- the percentage of one-car households increased significantly to nearly 55%, whereas that of no-car families dropped rapidly to just over 30% in 2005.
- It is anticipated that there will be a sharp decline in the oil consumption of the US, before moderately dropping to just under 8 millions million in
2030. Meanwhile, after steadily climbing until 2025, the number of oil barrels consumed by China is expected to fall to just under 4 millions million in
the end.

d. By/In contrast, S + V
e.g: By 2000, the production of paper and packaging had sharply increased and reached a peak of 350 million. By/In contrast, the figure for sawn-wood
continued to fall and finally hit its bottom of about 130 million, even lower than that for wood pulp, at about 160 million.

e. On the other hand, S + V

e.g: The period between 1985 and 1995 saw a sharp climb in the annual spending on men’s clothes. On the other hand, the yearly expenditure on
women’s clothes grew more significantly, reaching a peak of just under $700 in 2005.

II. So sánh hơn/ kém/ bằng/ nhất
1. So sánh nhất
1.1. Động từ to be
a. X + be highest/ lowest + số liệu
the figure for X + be lowest/ highest + số liệu
the proportion of X + be lowest/ highest + số liệu
- Among the three countries, it can be noted that the expenditure for the TV advertisements was highest in Japan, at 61%, almost doubling that in
Australia, at only 31%.
- The proportion of spending on Housing was highest in Malaysia, at 34% while Japanese families allocated just 21% of their budget for this
- The figure for international fixed-line service was lowest during the period, at 20%.
- The number of Vietnamese students learning in France was largest with over 3.5 million.

b. X + be the most common/ popular/ used + N + số liệu

X + be the largest producer/ consumer of… + số liệu
X + be the best + N + số liệu
X + be the lowest + N + số liệu
- Sending and Receiving text messages was the second common function in 2005, at 82% before decreasing gradually to only 68% in the last year.
- Myanmar was the second largest country for elephants inhabit with about 5,500 elephants.
- It is also notable that Castle was the most popular tourist attraction in Scotland for most of the period.
- It is clear that Nuclear was by far the most popular source of electricity production over the period.
- Also, Print resources were the most popular choice among students at the university
- Festival was the most attractive place in Scotland in 1980 with 30% of Scotland tourists choosing this
- Although well over three quarters of mobile phone owners made use of record audio in 2005, this function was the least popular choice for people
in 2010, at only 63%.
- Also, coal and gas were the most significant sources of energy in both years.
- It is clear that making calls was by far the most used function over the period shown.
- It is clear that Speaking was the best IELTS skills for all students, regardless of their nationalities in the year of 2009.
- It is clear that Marid is predicted to become the most attractive tourist destination for all three nations in 2018.
- It is clear that living in flats was the most popular choice among Liverpool residents
- Overall, Japan was the largest consumer of New Zealand’s kiwi fruit all time.

c. the lowest figure + be + N + số liệu
the second most popular + N + be + N + số liệu
- The lowest figure in Germany was Reading skills with 6.3.
- Looking at the chart in more detail, the second most popular subject among males was Mathematics with 200 students.

d. X + be recorded to be + the least/most favored/preferred

- Chicken consumption was recorded to be the most favored type of food, with roughly 70%.

e. be at the top of the list

- The proportion of the 15-25 age group was at the top of the list.

1.2. Động từ thường

a. X have/ account for/ make up the highest/ lowest percentage… + số liệu
- Out of the four nations, Canada had the lowest percentage of consumer expenditure on housing, at nearly 14%.
- On the other hand, the Internet category has the lowest percentages in the table.
- In leisure activities and education category, Vietnam had the highest percentage of national consumer expenditure, at 4.35%.
- It is clear that processed food accounted for the highest percentage in all three charts.
- The elderly made up the largest percentage of the population in New Zealand.

b. X spend the largest proportion + số liệu

X provide the lowest/ highest figure + số liệu
X remain the lowest/ highest figure + số liệu
X receive the lowest… + số liệu
- On the other hand, the health care and clothing categories provided the lowest figures in 2009.
- It is clear that householders in both countries spent the largest proportion of their income on Housing and Hood
- In 2005, the percentage of energy from Coal went up insignificantly but remained the highest figure in the chart, at 30.93%.
- …while Healthcare was the service receiving the lowest share of expenditure.
- Healthcare received the least amount of money in two countries
- Consumers from 4 countries tended to spend the most money on Fast Food/Drinks

c. the largest proportion of X belong to… + số liệu
the highest X belong to … + số liệu
the lowest/smallest figure belong to… + số liệu
the lowest/ highest figure can be seen in… + số liệu
the largest N comes from…
- The smallest figure belonged to Japan, at only 1.98%.
- In contrast, the lowest figure belonged to Terraced Houses in all cities.
- As can be seen from the table, the highest average overall band score of 6.7 belonged to German students, compared with 6.4 of Malaysian ones.
- Also, the most significant proportion of consumer spending on all items belonged to China.
- The lowest figure can be seen in the percentage of energy produced by other sources, at nearly 5%.
- The largest number of visitors to all four cities in this year came from the USA.
- The least number of elephants belonged to China with nearly 500 elephants in the year 2000.

2. So sánh hơn
2.1. Động từ to be
a. X + be Adj-er than Y
- …while the figure for Print Resources was still higher than any other aspects, at 91% in 2010.
- The figure for female counterparts was a little higher, at 9%.
- Similarly, the figure for Writing in France was significantly higher than that in Vietnam with 6.5 and 6.1 band score respectively.
- Meanwhile, the figure for terraced houses was lower, with slightly less than 20% of survey participants selecting them.
- In contrast, the figures for the Internet were significantly lower than any other methods of advertising in each country, at around 4%.

b. the expenditure for X + be Adj-er than Y + số liệu

the number/ proportion of X + be Adj-er than Y + số liệu
the figure for X + be Adj-er than Y + số liệu

- The expenditure for Fast Food and Drinks was significantly higher in China than that of the others, at nearly 29%.
- Similarly, the number of female students choosing Marketing as their major (about 120 students) was also higher than that of male ones
(about 80 students).
- In 2008, the proportion of processed food consumed in the world was 41%, slightly higher than the figures for India and China, which stood at
39% and 34% respectively.
- The figures for Gas and Petro were slightly lower, at 29.63% and 29.27% respectively.
c. X + be more popular than Y + số liệu
- blue-collar jobs were more popular among British men.

d. X + be + tỉ lệ/con số + higher/lower than + Y

e.g: The average figure for Country C was 10% higher than that of Country B, which was recorded at around 50% most of the time.

e. X + be + số liệu, which + be + so sánh hơn

- The average price of a house in London was 20,000 pound, which was significantly/ far higher than that of England, at around 13,000 pound.
- The proportion of small businesses using social media accounted for about 28%, which is slightly lower than that of medium-sized ones.
- The percentage of tourists who chose to visit Castle was nearly 25%, which was significantly higher than the figure for Zoo, at only 10%.
- The percentage of residents choosing detached houses in Manchester was roundly 35%, which was about 10% and 20% higher than that of
London and Liverpool respectively.

2.2. Động từ thường

a. X + have Adj-er than Y
X + achieve Adj-er than Y
X consumes slightly more A than Y.
- Also, Chinese tended to have healthier diets with noticeably higher consumption of vegetable, fruits and nuts, seeds.
- Of the other countries, French students achieved higher overall band score (6.5) than Vietnamese students (6.3).

b. X have higher figure for …

- US and UK had slightly higher figures for these categories

c. A higher percentage of X choose…

- A higher percentage of women chose white-collar occupations

3. So sánh bằng
3.1. Động từ to be
a. X + be similar + số liệu
- Additionally, the predicted figures for Paris are relatively similar, with just over 60 thousand visitors from each country
- The figures for other manual jobs were relatively high and quite similar, at over a quarter of each gender.
- The expenditures of the other countries on this category were relatively the same and below 6%.
- Also, the average band scores of both nations in listening and reading skills were equal, with 6.3 for listening and 6.1 for reading.
- In terms of food, the figures for both nations were similar, at 24% and 27% for Malaysia and Japan respectively.
- Additionally, the figures for clothing in all nations were relatively similar, hovering at 5%.
- Of equal note is that the figure for Building/ Teaching facilities was similar throughout the period, accounting for 77% of participants to the
survey selecting.

b. There was + số liệu + in both + N

- In contrast, there was just roughly 10% of residents in both cities choosing Terraced houses in 2009.

c. There was an equal proportion of X + V-ing

- There was an equal proportion of citizens choosing Semi-detached houses in London and Manchester with well over a third of survey participants

3.2. Động từ thường

a. X + have the similar proportion of N + số liệu
X + spend an equal amount of N + số liệu
- Out of the less popular media, Vietnam and Australia had the similar proportions of Radio advertising expenditure, at 21%.
- Of the other research fields, the US government spent an equal amount of about $7 million on Other and Space study in 1980.
- As can be seen from the chart, a finance course had an equal number of males and females with approximately 230 students.
- US consumers spent the same amount of money on mobile and national fixed-line services, with just over $500 on each.

b. X and Y share the same percentage/number of…

e.g: - Vietnam and China share the same percentage with 14 percent each.

III. So sánh cấp số
1. Double/ Triple/ Quadruple/ Quintuple (gấp hai/ gấp ba/ gấp bốn/ gấp năm)
- Các từ vựng này vừa là tính từ vừa là động từ và có cách dùng tương tự nhau, dưới đây là ví dụ với “double” (gấp 2 lần)

- Khi “double” là tính từ:

There + be + (a/an) + “double” + noun + in “what”
e.g: There was a double increase in the number of jobless people from 700 to 1500 between 2010 and 2015.

Time + witness/see + (a/an) + “double” + noun + in “what”

e.g: - The period between 2010 and 2015 witnessed a double increase in the number of jobless people from 700 to 1500.

- Hoặc có thể linh đông so sánh các vế trong câu như sau:
+ Oil consumption in Western Europe and Japan was 4 million, which was double that of the remaining regions: China and Middle East.
+ Likewise, the figure for Electronic Resources was almost double after 10 years, at 89% in 2010

- Khi “double” là động từ:

e.g: The consumption of beef doubled since the 1960, to around 90 pounds per capita.

- Hoặc linh động ứng dụng trong câu như sau:

- Among the three countries, it can be noted that the expenditure for the TV advertisements was highest in Japan, at 61%, almost doubling that in
Australia, at only 31%.

2. Twofold/Threefold/Fourfold/Fivefold
Tương tự, các từ trên vừa là tính từ vừa là trạng từ nên sẽ có hai cách dùng tương ứng. Xét “twofold” làm ví dụ.
- Khi “twofold” là tính từ, “twofold” sẽ đứng trước danh từ:
e.g: There was a near twofold increase in the number of children playing sports.
- Khi “twofold” là trạng từ, “twofold” sẽ đứng sau động từ:
e.g: The number of children playing sports increased twofold between 2005 and 2010.

3. S + V + twice/three times/ four times/…+ as + much/many/adj/adv + (N) + as + N/pronoun.

- lưu ý: trong công thức này khi N là danh từ đếm được thì dùng “many”, N là danh từ không đếm được thì dùng “much”
Ví dụ:
- Over the following 5 years, the number of male members, at nearly 3800, was twice as many as that of female ones.
- Regarding the remaining categories, Transport accounted for exactly a fifth of total expenditure in Japan, twice as much as the figure for Malaysia.
- Looking at the chart in more detail, there was an equal proportion of citizens choosing Semi-detached houses in London and Manchester with well
over a third of survey participants, which was twice as high as the figure for Liverpool with only 17%.
- In addition, the figure for male economics students was 150, almost twice as many as female economics students
- In 2015, the figure for females, with 2000 members, was twice as many as the male figure, with 1000 members.
- As can be seen from the chart, nearly 60% of respondents to the survey in Liverpool preferred apartments, nearly three times as much as that of
- As can be seen from the chart, nearly 60% of respondents to the survey in Liverpool preferred flats, almost twice and three times as much as that of
London and Manchester respectively.

IV. Các cấu trúc khác

1. Compared to/with + N
In comparison with + N
e.g: Compared to/ with/in comparison with (prices in) Canada and Australia, prices in the UK are high.
- There was an average of nearly $700 spent on national landline phones by US residents, in comparison with only around $200 each on mobile
phones and international landline services.
- As can be seen from the chart, approximately 100 thousand US travellers is expected to arrive in Marid, compared with expected 80 thousand and
70 thousand travellers coming from Canada and Mexico respectively.
- In contrast, vegetables and fruits made up a larger percentage of Chinese diet (32%) compared to 29% of the world average and only 23% of
Indian diet.
- As can be seen from the table, the highest average overall band score of 6.7 belonged German students, compared with 6.4 of Malaysian ones.
- Over half of all British households did not have regular use of a car, compared with well under 40% of households had one car and only about
12% had two or more cars.
- Compared to fast food and drinks, consumer spending on Shoes/Watches was noticeably lower in all countries.

2. As opposed to
e.g: Females accounted for over 90% of the teaching staff at Primary school as opposed to/compared to/in comparison with only 10% male counterparts.

3. ...X's number, followed by Y's number of Y

- The highest amount of annual daytime on average is recorded for New York at 2535 hours per ear, followed closely by 2473 hours of Sydney.
- Looking at the chart in more detail, the estimated number of US tourists arriving in Roma is 80 thousand, followed by 50 thousand ones from
- Myanmar was the second largest country for elephants inhabit with about 5,500 elephants. This was followed by Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China
with 1000 elephants while Malaysia, Sri Lanka Thailand had the noticeably higher quantities of roundly 3000 elephants.
- …This was followed by nearly 30% and 25% of citizens choosing Apartments and Detached houses respectively.

4. khi muốn diễn tả các xu hướng tương đồng/đối lập nhau, thay vì liệt kê thông tin của từng đối tượng và sử dụng các liên từ “Similarly” hay “By
Contrast” như phần lý thuyết bên trên, ta có thể làm cho câu văn ngắn gọn hơn bằng cách sử dụng cách diễn đạt “a (quite) similar/opposite pattern
is/was repeated for/seen in”.
Ví dụ: Oil consumption in the USA increased slightly to reach its peak of 10 million barrels in 2015. A similar pattern was recorded for/seen in the
number of barrels consumed in China and Middle East during the same period.

5. Tương tự, cách diễn đạt “while the opposite/same is/was true for” cũng là một cách diễn đạt hay, đặc biệt có thể sử dụng trong phần Tổng quan
(Overall) để có thể chỉ ra hai xu hướng - thông tin trái ngược/tương đồng nhau mà vẫn đảm bảo câu văn ngắn gọn, súc tích.
 ...while the opposite is/was true for…
Ví dụ:
- Brazil, Vietnam and Indonesia experienced an upward trends in their coffee production, while the opposite was true for Colombia.
- while the proportion of people using mobile phones to make calls and send & receive text messages and record audio decreased, the opposite was true
for taking photos.
- Also, while India had the largest number of Asian elephants in 2000, the same was true for Myanmar in 2010.
- As can be seen from the chart, the US expenditure on housing was highest, at about 26%, and Health care, at nearly 7%, and the same was true for
Japan’s spending on Food with nearly 23%.
- while the yearly spending on mobile phones increased significantly, the opposite was true for national landline phone expenditure.
- It is clear that while consumers from 4 countries tended to spend the most money on Fast Food/Drinks, the opposite was true for leisure
activities/education figure in the given period.
- It is clear that the population of Italy was older in the year 2000, and the same is predicted for the year 2050
- While the percentage of students who chose Technical Quality, Prin Resources and Electronic Resources increased, the opposite was true for Range
of modules offered.

6. Khi muốn chỉ ra một đối tượng có xu hướng đối lập/tương đồng, người học cũng có thể sử dụng cấu trúc:
 X + that show(s/ed) a similar/different pattern + be…
e.g: The one country that showed a different pattern was Colombia.

7. respectively: tương ứng

- The figures for China and other countries were low, at 10% and 12% respectively.
- In 2008, the proportion of processed food consumed in the world was 41%, slightly higher than the figures for India and China, which stood at 39%
and 34% respectively.

- there was a significant increase in the number of males and females applying for membership of gym clubs to reach a peak of 2950 and 5000 members
- The numbers of males and females who studied Accounting were relatively smaller, with 170 and 200 students respectively.
- However, the opposite tendency could be seen in the figures for detached houses and semi-detached houses, accounting for around 16% and well over
30% respectively.
- This was followed by nearly 30% and 25% of citizens choosing Apartments and Detached houses respectively.
- There were sharp increases to 10.10% and 9.10% in the figures for Nuclear and Other sources respectively.
- Regarding the remaining sources of energy, the proportion of energy production from Nuclear power and Other sources grew by approximately 5%, to
just over 10% and 9% respectively.
- By 2050, the proportion of children under 15 is predicted to drop by about 13% and 3% in Yemen and Italy respectively.
- Similarly, 19% of total food consumption in China was for nuts and seeds, while the figures for India and the world were relatively lower, at 11% and
4% respectively.
- As can be seen from the table, in 2000, the vast majority of students selected Print Resources, at 87%, compared with 63% and 45% of survey
respondents to Technical Quality and Electronic Resources respectively.
- Furthermore, German and Malaysian students were the two most
outstanding groups in speaking skills with the average band score of 6.9 and 6.7 respectively.

8. Thay thế cụm danh từ bằng “that”

- The figure for Gas rose slowly to 30.31%, while that for Petrol experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10%.
- Regarding animal food, standing at over a quarter of total food consumption, the percentage of this kind of food consumed in the world and India was
much higher than that of China (15%).

V. Miêu tả số liệu tại 1 điểm

* Công thức 1: Số liệu + Noun (Đối tượng miêu tả) + Verb
ST Số liệu Noun Verb Example
T (Đối tượng miêu tả)
1 70% of cell phone users made calls In 2005, 70% of cell phone users made calls.
2 approximately 100 thousand US travellers is expected to arrive in Marid As can be seen from the table, approximately
100 thousand US travellers is expected to arrive
in Marid in 2050.
3 about half of the population of was at the age of 14 or under In 2000, about half of the population of Yemen
Yemen was at the age of 14 or under
4 well over a third of the preferences went on Semi-detached houses well over a third of the preferences went on
Semi-detached houses.
5 over half of all British households did not have regular use of a car In 1990, over half of all British households did
not have regular use of a car
6 the vast majority of students selected Print Resources, at 87%, in 2000, the vast majority of students selected
Print Resources, at 87%,

* Công thức 2: Noun (Đối tượng miêu tả) + Verb + Số liệu

STT Noun Verb Số liệu Example
(Đối tượng miêu tả)
2 nonmanual jobs attracted just 6% of male employees As can be seen from the chart, nonmanual jobs attracted
just 6% of male employees in 2009.
People aged 60 or accounted for almost a quarter of the Italian population People aged 60 or over accounted for almost a quarter
over of the Italian population
4 the percentage of was nearly 25% In 1980, the percentage of tourists who chose to visit
tourists who chose to Castle was nearly 25%
visit Castle
5 the male fitness was approximately 2200 the male fitness membership was approximately 2200

* Công thức 3: Số liệu + Verb + Noun (Đối tượng miêu tả)

STT Số liệu Verb Noun
(Đối tượng miêu tả)
1 approximately 8 were disbursed on Health approximately 8 million dollars were disbursed on
million dollars Health
2 there was an average spent on national landline phones by US there was an average of nearly $700 spent on national
of nearly $700 residents landline phones by US residents


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