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- Aside from reaching targets, goals,

SMDB and objectives for the business,
sales force management formulates
Sales Force Management strategies that are designed
specifically for the product/service
offered. Being able to formulate
Importance of Sales Force Management strategies brings in systematic
● As more companies realize the importance methods of continuing sales growth,
of efficient management of sales teams, expansion of market reach, and CRS
they start to invest more in training, or Customer Relations Systems
tailor-fitted to the company. In
formulating strategies, and team building.
strategizing, one size does not fit
Here are some more reasons for you to all. Enabling your sales team to
invest in salesforce management: create strategies to zero in on
specific demographics or niches
- BETTER SALES OPERATIONS opens new doors for the enterprise.
- Efficient sales force management
ensures that all moving parts of SALES MANAGEMENT
sales operations are working well to Sales Management refers to the process of
guarantee the end user a developing a marketing team, leading a marketing
satisfactory experience. The team, coordinating sales activities, and
competitive edge of thriving implementing sales techniques. The general goal of
enterprises lies in sustaining regular sales management is to help a business achieve its
customers. Whatever the sales objectives or, ideally, exceed them. Sales
product/service may be, a good management is part of an organization’s total
sales force is able to guarantee marketing mix.
good experiences to customers,
which is a direct result of an This business discipline tries to effectively allocate
efficient sales management system. people and other resources to achieve objectives,
both in the long and short term. Although there are
countless activities in sales management, the core
- A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE is limited to creating supply and demand
MARKET predictions, planning a sales strategy, budgeting,
- Salesforce management allows for a training, recruitment, and selection, setting quotas,
better understanding of your and evaluating sales performance. Sales
management is not specifically about managing
market, keeping you up-to-date
just these activities, but rather the people who
with new trends and the ability to carry them out.
apply these trends to sustain
relevance within your market niche. This is also the role of a sales manager. This person
Relevance is key to sustaining creates an environment and opportunities for
salespeople to help them perform and plays an
growth in competitive
important role in researching and resolving issues
marketplaces. Your sales team is related to sales productivity.
tasked to keep your brand and
product/service relevant and
moving towards an excellent SALES PLANNING
customer experience.
Sales planning is the process of developing
- DEFINED SALES STRATEGY objectives and coming up with a plan to effectively

achieve them. These sales management activities from operational departments and
are what sales management is all about. The determines whether and how the company’s
following elements are important to any sales resources can best be used and if it might be
necessary to increase the budget. In short,
SITUATION ANALYSIS S&OP means balancing the sales
department’s objectives with the
- Sales Planning involves first evaluating the organization’s available resources and
current sales process for a particular
capacity. Sales and operations have
product or service in a certain region or
market. The current sales process needs to different interests. For instance, the sales
be carefully analyzed, for instance with a manager would like to see a wide range of
situation analysis. products and services being offered to meet
all customer desires and demands.
Operations see a lot of hurdles when they
- After the Situation Analysis has been
hear plans like this. Their resources are
carried out, you can start coming up with
limited, so compromises have to be made.
an objective. The type of objectives
depends on the situation in question. For
instance, one possibility is to focus on
- Generating a Sales Budget based on the
revenue, or you could look at the product
chosen strategy is an important step in
margins by examining the procurement
structuring a sales plan. It takes projections
process. Other objectives in sales planning
of past and present sales figures into
might include: improving customer loyalty,
consideration in relation to the company's
reducing sales costs in relation to revenue,
expenses. The more past figures are
increasing customer satisfaction, or
available, the more accurate the budget
generating more leads for potential
will be.
customers. Make sure the objectives follow
the SMART criteria.
- How the strategy will look depends entirely - Salespeople have an important role in Sales
on the objective that was set by sales Management. Regardless of how large or
management. If they’ve decided to increase small the sales team is, it’s important that
sales per salesperson, they could decide to it’s managed properly. It all starts with
recruitment and selection of the right
implement a bonus system that incentivizes
candidates. Before embarking on the search
the sales force with monetary rewards for for these candidates, there has to be a clear
positive sales figures. If the goal is to idea of what they should be able to do,
increase customer satisfaction, this means which skills they need, and whether
improving customer service. additional training is required. These
competencies can be determined using a
competency framework with the help of the
HR department.
- Next the strategy has to be coordinated - New salespeople will first have to be
with all relevant parties. This is called Sales introduced to the company, the products or
and Operations Planning (S&OP). A good services, the people they’ll be working with,
S&OP is vital in making the strategy and the customers. It is recommended to
successful. It brings together supervisors develop an onboarding process for this. An
onboarding process provides basic

information about the sector and the that sales teams use to record leads and
organization’s position within it. interactions between the company and
Salespeople have to learn about the customers. CRM as a strategy is about the
organization’s goals and how they can be corporate philosophy and how customer
achieved. Some candidates require a longer relations can best be managed. CRM as a
onboarding process than others. If they’re process is about the steps that are required
new to the industry, it will take more to retain and strengthen customer relations.
getting used to than someone who has been
in the business for a while. ROLES OF THE SALES MANAGER
- Clear individual goals have to be linked to
the salespeople based on the sales strategy. - The sales manager plays a key part within
Make sure that these goals are reasonable sales management. The sales manager is
considering the experience they have and responsible for meeting sales targets and is
for the region, they’ve been assigned. Goals the person who generates revenue for the
that are too easy may result in reduced business. Because of this responsibility, it is
revenues, goals that are too hard may the sales manager who has to know what is
undermine motivation and make people going on around the office, particularly
pessimistic. among the sales force.
- Salespeople make the difference when it - The sales manager doesn’t work alone but
comes to sales figures, so they require has a team. Naturally, the sales manager
careful monitoring. One famous method for makes sure that they set targets that are
this is analyzing conversion ratios. This realistic and achievable. He then delegates
refers to the number of visits, contacts, or these duties, depending on the strengths
other communication instances that are and interests of the salespeople. He knows
necessary to sell a product or service to a who can carry out the task in the most
customer. A conversion ratio that’s too low effective way. It’s his task to get the most
can have different causes. Also, take the out of every employee.
salesperson’s experience into consideration. - Motivation is a big factor. The sales
If it’s not related to the salesperson’s manager can employ different measures to
competencies, it could have something to do improve motivation. For example, he may
with a fundamental issue with the product offer incentives to employees to encourage
or service. The responsibilities or regions them to give it they're all. The atmosphere
that have been assigned to the salesperson in the team needs to be good too. That’s
might simply be too large. Another why one of the roles of the sales managers
frequently used method is conducting is to support their team and be at their side
opinion polls. in times of crisis as well as success.


(CRM) Customer Relationship Management
- In Sales Management, people often talk
about CRM. CRM refers to the actions,
strategies, and technologies that are used
- Customer relationship management (CRM)
to manage customer relations and other
is a systematic integration of information
data. The goal of CRM is to improve the
relationship with the customer and help technology and human resources designed
with attracting and retaining customers for to provide maximum value to customers
revenue growth. and to obtain maximum value from
- Within sales management, CRM can be customers.
discussed from different perspectives. If - CRM uses information to meet customer
you’re talking about the technology behind needs, for example, technology can be used
CRM, it usually refers to a software tool to match up five million different

promotional products with five million TRANSACTIONAL SELLING

individual customers. - It attends to short-term customer needs.
- It requires more frequent sales calls.
RELATIONSHIP ORIENTATIONS AND CRM - Buyers and sellers remain independent.
- It involves no long-term commitment or
● Mass Marketing - Mass marketing is a - It is more adversarial than cooperative.
way of dealing with customers by offering - Price is a key consideration.
the same product to the entire market.
● Differentiated Marketing - Differentiated RELATIONSHIP SELLING
marketing is selling to different groups of - Attracting new customers costs significantly
customers by offering a unique product for more than reselling to current customers;
each group. thus the focus is on customer retention.
● Niche marketing - Niche marketing is - In relational exchanges both the buyer and
offering a specialized product or small
seller recognize that each transaction is
range of products to an individual customer
merely one in a series of purchase
segment with specialized needs.
● One-to-one marketing - One-to-one
marketing involves matching individual - It involves a spirit of cooperation
products with individual customers. The between buyer and seller.
result is a product personalized for each - Firms seek to develop profitable,
customer in some way. ongoing relationships with
ORIENTATION - Firms focus on providing
● Production orientation - Production- exceptional service.
oriented companies focus on processes, - It requires higher levels of trust.
allowing large-scale, efficient, and
economic production. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP
● Marketing orientation - Marketing- - Strategic partnerships result when the
oriented companies focus on making what goals, strategies, and resources of buyers
could be sold, not selling what is made. and sellers become so interconnected and
Market-oriented firms are customer-centric, intertwined that they develop an
where customers are the heart of the integrated, symbiotic relationship although
business process. still retaining their independent identities.
- involve firms that capitalize on the
relative strengths of each partner
- are based more on inter-
organizational collaboration
● CRM is based on the premise of serving
- involve collaborative decision
customers over an extended period, thus
generating repeat business.
- require that firms share managerial
resources and expertise
- depend on partners showing high
levels of collaboration
- require equality among partners
- involve firms that share vision,
benefits, and goals

- involve extremely high levels of C = the cost of the sales and service
trust effort directed at the customer


● Governance refers to the mechanism that ● Although relational selling and strategic
helps ensure the exchange is fair to all partnerships have advantages, some
parties involved. disadvantages include these:
● Transactional exchanges are controlled by ○ increased dependency on a major
market forces. buyer
● Relational exchanges are governed by ○ loss of flexibility to capitalize on
contracts. future business opportunities with
● They include arrangements for sharing new customers
information and tasks between the buying ○ growth of complacency with current
and selling firm, but fall short of spelling customer(s) and decreased
out specific obligations for each party. creativity
● Strategic partnerships are governed by a
mechanism known as relational
● In all exchange relationships, opportunistic ● Value is often narrowly used as a synonym
behavior may occur. for low price.
● Value is an individual’s selective perception
CRM, CUSTOMER LOYALTY, AND LIFETIME of the worth of some activity, object, or
VALUE idea.
● CRM can lead to customer loyalty, which is ● To create value, salespersons can do the
important when a firm expects repeat following:
business from a customer. ○ gather important data about the
● Customer loyalty is a function of two customer and the market
components: ○ identify the types of data needed to
○ Customer share - Customer share give the customer better service
is the proportion of resources a ○ provide input into how the CRM
customer spends with one among a system should use data to create
set of competing suppliers. value for the customer
○ Customer commitment - Customer ○ manage the relationship between
commitment is the bond between a the firm and the customers to whom
customer and a sales firm. the salesperson is assigned


● Customer lifetime value (CLV) is a monetary ● A product portfolio contains a set of
amount representing the worth of a products a salesperson is responsible for
customer to a firm over the foreseeable life selling.
of a relationship. ● Customer portfolios are sets of customers
that have common traits, for example,
assigning salespeople based on medical
where specialties such as pediatrics or cardiology.
CLV = the lifetime value of customer
R = the revenue gained from the CRM AND PRODUCTION SYSTEM
customer in a time period ● There are two types of CRM systems:

○ Analytical systems ● order entry

■ Analytical CRM focuses on ● data entry
aggregating customer ● team selling materials
information electronically, ● sales tracking
enabling the company to
better identify target CRM HARDWARE
markets and opportunities TYPES OF CODES OF ETHICS
for cross-selling. ● PDAs, laptops,and servers -
○ Operational systems ● Database Marketing - Database
■ Operational CRM is more marketing refers to a computerized process
focused on using for analyzing customer databases in a way
information to improve that allows more effective selling by
internal efficiencies, such as tailoring product and promotional offerings
scheduling logistical and to a specific customer’s sales patterns.
production operations.
● Data warehouse - A data warehouse is an
electronic storage center containing data
TECHNOLOGY AND CRM PROGRAMS records from diverse information systems
● Web technologies and CRM that are shared across all functional
○ Web-based technologies have departments.
increased the effectiveness of CRM
● Data mining - Data mining is an
systems by allowing the sharing of
exploratory statistical analysis of data in
information between buying and
the data warehouse whose objective is to
selling firms.
identify relationships that enable customers
○ With push technology, e-mail can
to be targeted more accurately.
be sent to a particular customer or
customer group that might be
interested in purchasing products
● Multivariate statistical tools are necessary
going on sale.
for CRM
● Integrated web solutions
○ Cluster analysis
○ When firms take a relational
○ Discriminant analysis
approach or become strategic
○ Multiple regression
partners, integrated Web solutions
○ Automatic interaction detection
can give secure access to a strategic
partner’s decision support system in
● Despite CRM’s popularity, its adoption is no
dealing with inventory systems.o
guarantee of success.
● CRM is not for firms using a transactional
● Sales force automation (SFA) is an
● CRM is also not for firms whose customers
integrated system of computer software
won’t realize added value from the benefits
and hardware that performs routine sales
provided by the CRM process.
● An integrated SFA system ties together
some or all of the following functions:
● Some factors contributing to success or
● expense reports
failure of CRM implementation include the
● presentation software
● sales call scheduling
○ whether top management gives its
● territory management
● proposal generation

○ whether sales managers and sales ○ representing different demographic

force buy in to CRM variables (for example, gender,
○ confidence in CRM vendor education level)
○ training ○ with different personalities
○ a well-defined sales process ● Everyone sells something.
○ expectations ○ All engage in persuasive two-way
CRM SALES FORCE AUTOMATION (SFA) communication to convince (sell)
ADOPTION HINDRANCES others in various situations.
● Salespersons may feel less job security. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT
○ Sales managers can overcome this ● With effective CRM, salespeople can reduce
problem by convincing salespersons customer defection by creating customer
the benefits of CRM—help them sell loyalty.
more and earn higher bonuses ● The contemporary salesperson has these
and/or commissions. traits:
● Assure sales force that neither CRM nor the ○ is customer oriented
SFA components replace selling processes. ○ focuses on serving customers
● These high-tech components merely ○ listens to and communicates
enhance the activities of sales managers meaningfully with customers
and salespeople. ○ stresses customer benefits and
WEEK 4 ○ develops long-term, mutually
beneficial relationships with
customers by solving their problems
Selling Process ○ follows up with customers to
provide service and ensure
satisfaction leading to customer
● With readily available information, THE PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS
customers have become empowered. ● There are seven interacting, overlapping
● They expect greater value at lower prices steps in the professional personal selling
while demanding better service. cycle.
● Salespeople face sophisticated buyers with
high expectations. ➢ STEP 1: Prospecting and Qualifying
● Present-day salespeople are also
○ Prospects are potential new
developing a new level of professionalism
as they face sophisticated buyers with high
○ Leads are the names and addresses
and details of a person or
● Opportunities can be found in personal
organization that may have a need
for a product or service.
○ Salespeople are in high demand.
○ To become a prospect, a lead must
○ Six-figure signing bonuses are
available. be qualified in terms of four basic
○ Top performers can earn over $1 criteria that can be remembered by
million a year. the acronym N A M E, as follows:
● Sales careers are open to different types of ○ Need or want
individuals: ○ Authority to buy
○ from different cultural backgrounds ○ Money or ability to buy
○ from different ethnic group ○ Eligibility to buy

Qualifying: How a Lead Becomes a Prospect several salespeople join

● A lead points to a potential buyer. efforts to call on every
● Salespeople must qualify a lead to become organization in a given
a prospect in terms of four basic criteria territory or area.
that can be remembered by the acronym N ■ Advertising
■ Advertising can use
A M E.
broadcast, interactive, or
print media.
Qualifying Criteria ■ E-mail and websites
● Need ■ This method involves
● Authority to buy sending e-mails and using
● Money to buy websites to look for leads.
● Eligibility to buy
● Accessibility ● Selective Lead Searching: Direct sources
● Profitability ○ This refers to systematic strategies
to generate leads from
IMPORTANCE OF PROSPECTING predetermined target markets.
● Prospecting, the initial stage, is necessary ○ friends, neighbors, and
for several reasons: acquaintances
● Firms need to increase total sales. ○ satisfied customers and former
● Customers switch to other suppliers.
● Customers’ businesses are taken over by customers
another company. ○ junior salespeople and sales
● Customers have only a one-time need for associates
the product. ○ professional sales organizations
● Relationships with some customers
deteriorate, and they stop buying from you. ○ mailing lists and directories
● Your buying contacts are promoted, ○ personal observation
demoted, transferred, or fired, or ○ centers of influence
they retire or resign.
○ spotters, or “bird dogs”
● Customers move out of your territory.
● Customers go out of business. ○ endless chain
● Customers die. ○ networking
○ Internet (e-mails)
● Random Lead searching ○ surveys
○ Sometimes called “blind” searching,
random-lead searching generates ● Selective Lead Searching: Indirect
leads by randomly calling on
○ Examples of random-lead searching ○ General announcements or calls to
include the following: potential markets are made, hoping
■ Door-to-door canvassing that prospects will come forward
and cold calls and identify themselves.
■ Territory blitz of ○ Examples of indirect sources of
organizations selective-lead searching include
■ A territory blitz refers to an these:
intensified version of door- ■ Postal or electronic sales
to-door canvassing in which letters

■ Trade shows, fairs, and a. Prepare the prospect for the initial
exhibits sales call.
■ Professional seminars and b. Prepare the prospect for the initial
workshops sales call.
■ Contests c. Gather and analyze all relevant
■ Free gifts information about the prospect.
■ Unsolicited inquiries d. Identify the prospect’s problems and
■ Telemarketin for proposals. needs.
e. Identify the product features,
● Marketing library advantages, and benefits.
○ For prospecting or any other f. Choose the best sales presentation
stage in the PSP, Sales and strategy.
Marketing Executives g. Plan and rehearse your approach.
Marketing Library is an
outstanding source of Planning for the Sales Call:
information and help for Seven Steps to Pre-approach Success
salespeople. ● Prepare the prospect for the initial sales
○ The library offers the call.
following: ○ Use “seeding.”
■ more than 200,000 ● Sell the sales call appointment by
searchable articles prenotification.
on sales and ○ Sell the sales call appointment by
prenotification using the following
■ discussions by top
■ cold call
■ e-mail
leaders about their
■ fax
latest strategies and
■ mail
■ telephone
■ access to the world’s
● Gather and analyze all relevant
first knowledge base
information about the prospect.
in sales and
○ Gather information on
marketing prospects such as this:
■ company and ■ The prospect’s name
industry profiles and its
■ the latest pronunciation
■ Job title
compensation data ■ Duties
for salespeople, ■ Superior
sales managers, and ■ Education
■ Work experience
■ Level of technical
managers, plus expertise
much more ■ Purchasing authority
■ Personality
■ Prospect’s family
➢ STEP 2: Planning for the Sales Call: Seven
■ After-work
Steps to Pre-approach Success activities, hobbies,
and interests

■ Trade associations problems by skillfully observing,

■ Chambers of listening, and asking probing
commerce questions.
■ Credit bureaus ○ Most successful salespeople learn
■ Mailing list how to “flex” (adapt) their
companies communication styles in accordance
■ Government and with their prospects’ communication
public libraries styles.
■ Investment firms
● Plan and rehearse your approach.
● Gather information on prospects from ○ Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse until
websites, such as these: you have mastered your total sales
○ Thomas Register - presentation and feel comfortable and confident about it.
○ Yellow pages - ○ Do not memorize a canned spiel, but keep in mind the key points you
○ Fortune magazine - want to make in each of the stages of the selling process.
○ Forbes magazine - ○ Carefully planning, preparing, and rehearsing each sales call will spell
○ Inc. magazine - success.
○ U.S. Census Bureau - ➢ STEP 3: Approaching The Prospect

● Identify the prospect’s problems and

needs Prospects Approaching Strategies
○ Problems, such as these: ● Non - Product Related Approach
○ products previously purchased ○ Self-introduction
○ production difficulties ○ Free gift or sample
○ productivity inefficiencies
○ Needs, such as these: ■ for example, free
○ increasing market share financial planning or
○ lowering cost of production lunch
● Identify the product features,
○ Mutual acquaintance or
advantages, and benefits (FAB).
○ Identify the features of the products reference
being considered for this sale. ○ Dramatic act
○ Enumerate the advantages of your ■ For example, setting
products relative to competitors’ carpet on fire to
products. show safety
○ Determine benefits to the prospect
of each ● Piquing-Interest Approaches
product feature and/or advantage. ○ Curiosity approach
(FAB information to be used in sales ■ for example, “Would
demonstration and presentation) you be interested in
learning about our
● Choose the best sales presentation high-tech steel
strategy. smelter that has a
○ Customer-oriented salespeople low carbon
identify and solve customer ○ Customer-benefit approach

■ for example, “Our ○ Minimum objectives (lowest

computer will acceptable outcome)
increase employee ○ Optimal objectives (best possible
productivity.” outcome)
similar to F A B Setting S M A R T Objectives
● Specific: Establish a specific, major objective
● Consumer-Directed Approaches for the sales call.
○ Question
● Measurable: Ensure that your major
■ for example, “Can I
objective is measurable or quantifiable, for
be of any help?”
example, a certain number of units or dollar
(Best Buy)
sales volume.
■ “I am aware your ● Achievable: Make sure the goals you set are
company buys a lot realistic and achievable.
of steel. Would you ● Relational: Always try to develop a long-
be interested in our term relationship with the prospect even if
high-tensile steel?” the major objective on this sales call is not
○ Compliment or praise achieved.
● Temporal: If you can, establish with the
■ for example, “I read
about the award you prospect a specific timeframe for achieving
recently received in the major objective.
the Star-Ledger.
Congrats!!!” Over All Sales Objectives
○ Survey ● Generate sales
■ for example, movers, ● Develop the market - find new customers
home insurance, and ● Protect the market - retain current
security systems customers
■ environmental
remediation costs ● STEP 4: The Sales Presentation And
based on amount of
clean-up Demonstration
● Ask qualifying questions to uncover needs.
● Product - Related Approaches ● Present products and services that will
○ Product demonstration satisfy needs.
■ for example, ● Stimulate desire for offerings with the
demonstrate product demonstration.
or statistical
● Highlight their features, advantages, and
software for CRM or
data mining benefits:
○ Product or ingredient ○ Features are the obvious
■ for example, carry characteristics of the product.
sample or catalog ○ Advantages are the performance
show product traits of the product that show how
it can be used to help the customer
Establishing Call Sales Objectives better solve a problem than present
● When establishing objectives for a sales products can.
call, set these objectives: ○ Benefits are what the customer
○ Primary objectives (targeted wants from the product.
The FAB Approach

● Features - identify features of the product matched with the appropriate prospect in a
● Advantages - enumerate the advantages designated sales situation.
relative to the competitors’ products
● Benefits - identify the benefits of the ➢ STEP 5: Negotiating Sales Resistance or
products to the prospect
Sales Presentation Strategy ● Objections are statements,
● Several alternative sales presentations, questions, or actions by the
include these: prospect that indicate resistance or
○ Stimulus-response - A salesperson an unwillingness to buy . . . at least
using stimulus-response asks a at the moment.
● Without sales resistance, there
series of positive leading questions.
wouldn't be any need for
○ Formula -A salesperson using a
formula leads the prospect through
○ The first person who reached
the mental states of buying
the prospect would make
(attention, interest, desire, and
the sale.
○ Serious negotiations seldom
○ Need satisfaction - A salesperson
begin until the prospect's
using need satisfaction tries to find
objections surface.
dominant buying needs.
○ Consultative problem solving -
Forms of objections
Most successful sales presentation
strategies do the following: focus on ● Valid objections - sincere concerns that
the prospect's problems, not the the prospect needs answered before making
seller's products emphasize the the commitment to buy
partnership of buyer and seller and ○ Product objections
stresses "win-win" outcomes in ○ Price objections
negotiations ○ Promotion objections
○ Depth selling - Depth selling ○ Distrubution objections
employs a combination of several
○ Capital objections
sales presentation methods.
○ Source objections
○ Team selling - Team selling
○ Needs objections
involves a presentation made to a
group of decision makers from ● Invalid objections - used by prospects to
different functional areas. stall the sales process/irrelevant,
untruthful, delaying, or latent reasons
Adaptive Versus Canned Sales Presentations negotiate
● Adaptive selling - Adaptive selling ○ Latent objections
stresses the adaptation of each sales ○ Stalling objection
presentation and demonstration to fit each ○ Time objections
individual prospect. ○ Unethical objections
● Canned selling - Canned selling is any
Specific techniques for negotiating buyer
highly structured or patterned selling
● Both adaptive and canned sales ● Put Off Strategies
presentations can be effective when

○ I’m coming to that: Put off things ● Five widely used closing techniques
like price until the end so you don’t include these:
turn off the prospect early. ○ Clarification closes
○ Pass-off: Keep a pleasant ■ Assumptive close - Assume
expression but say nothing. that the purchase decision
● Switch Focus Strategies has already been made so
○ Alternative product: Switch focus to that the prospect feels
another model. compelled to buy.
○ Feel, felt, found: Trace own
■ Choice close - Offer the
experience with product.
prospect alternative
○ Comparison or contrast: Compare
products form which to
product with another.
○ Answer with a question: What do
■ Counterbalance close -
you think?
Offset an objection that
○ Humor: Use lighthearted humor to
cannot be denied by
ease tension and redirect the focus.
balancing it with an
○ Agree and neutralize: Give some
important buying benefit.
level of agreement, then explain
■ Success story close - Tell a
story about a customer with
● Offset strategies
a similar problem who
○ Compensation or counterbalance:
solved it by buying the
Counter an objection that cannot be
denied by citing an even more
important buying benefit. ■ Contingent close - Get the
○ Boomerang: Turn the objection into prospect to agree to buy if
a reason for buying. the salesperson can
● Denial Strategies demonstrate the benefits
○ Indirect denial: Agree with promised.
prospect’s objection but follow with ■ Boomerang close - Turn an
a disclaimer. objection around so that it
○ Direct denial: Tackle the false rumor becomes a reason for
head-on. buying.
● Provide Proof Strategies
■ Future order close - If a
prospect does not have a
○ Case history: Tell experience of a
current need, but may have
satisfied customer.
one in the future, the
○ Demonstration: Dramatize major salesperson can ask for a
advantages and benefits. commitment from the
○ Propose trial use: Offer free trial prospect to purchase at a
use. future time.
■ If-when close -Ask the
➢ STEP 6: Confirming and Closing The Sale prospect to provide a
clarification as to when an
● The more closing strategies the salesperson order will be placed, as
knows and can effectively apply, the opposed to if an order will
greater his or her chances for closing the be placed.
sale. ■ Probability close -
Although similar to the “if-

when close” described ■ Advantage close - This

above, the probability variation of the impending
closing technique asks the
event close emphasizes the
prospect to assign a
quantified likelihood of specific advantages of
signing a sales contract in making a timely decision,

the near future . while still stressing a sense

of immediacy.
■ Suggestion close - Imply
that the prospect should ■ Reserve advantage close -
accept the salesperson’s In this slight variation of the
suggestion to buy without advantage close described
giving it a great deal of above, salespeople identify
thought. A salesperson, for
a number of merits for
example, might state that
customers who have purchasing a product, but
purchased the product have save a few to use if the
reported high levels of prospect exhibits resistance
satisfaction, therefore the yet again.
prospect should purchase it
also. ■ Puppy dog close - Let the
prospect take the product
○ Psychologically oriented closes home for a while and, as
with a puppy, an emotional
■ Stimulus-reponse close -
attachment may develop,
Use a sequence of leading
leading to purchase
questions to make it easier
for the prospect to say “yes” ■ Compliment close -
when finally asked for the Commend prospects for
order. raising interesting and
intelligent questions, which
■ Minor point close - Obtain
subtly flatters their egos,
favorable decisions on
then ask them to sign the
several minor points leading
sales order.
to eventual purchase
decision. ■ Dependency close - Used to
break the “choke-hold” that
■ Standing-room only close
a competing firm has over a
- Suggest that the
prospect’s business by
opportunity to buy is brief
suggesting that the prospect
because demand is great
have an alternative supplier
and the product is in short
to reduce the risk of being
dependent on one supplier.
■ Impending event close -
Warn the prospect about
○ Straightforward closes
some upcoming event that
makes it more ■ Ask for the order close -
advantageous to buy now. Ask for the order directly or

■ Order form close - While ■ Special-deal close - Offer a

asking the prospect a series special incentive to
of questions, start filling out encourage the prospect to
basic information on the buy now.
contract or order blank, then ■ No-risk close - Agree to
hand the order form and a take the product back and
pen to the prospect. refund the customer's
■ Summary close- money if the product doesn't
Summarize the advantages prove satisfactory.
and disadvantages of ■ Management close - When
buying the product before salespeople do not have the
asking for the order. authority to make the
■ Repeated “yes” close - This prospect’s requested
variation of the summary commitments or
close requires a salesperson concessions, they can elicit
to pose several leading the assistance of a senior
questions to which the sales manager who has the
prospect has little choice but authority to make the
to respond in an affirmative necessary decisions to close
manner. the no-risk close sale.
■ Benefits close - Also a ■ Takeaway close - This
variation of the summary close is used as an
close, it requires the emotional fear appeal to
salesperson to identify and cause anxiety that the
present a synopsis of the prospect may lose out on a
various salient benefits that special deal or incentive. A
the sales solution offers. salesperson may suggest
■ Action close - The that the special offer to
salesperson simply hands provide an ancillary product
the prospect a pen along or service free of charge is
with the contract, and available only for another
frequently the prospect, week, thereby evoking an
almost by reflex, will sign. immediate purchase.
■ Negotiation close - The
salesperson more forcefully ○ Lost sale closes
and effectively summarizes ■ Turnover closes - Turn the
key value-added benefits for prospect over to another
the prospect by using salesperson with a fresh
technologies such as approach or better chance to
PowerPoint, Excel, or other make the sale.
multimedia tools. ■ Pretend-to-leave close -
Start to walk away, then
○ Concession closes "remember" another benefit

or special offer after the ● Encourage customers to talk and fully

prospect has relaxed his or express their feelings.
her sales defenses. ● Never argue with customers or take their
■ Ask for help close - When complaints personally.
● Record the facts as the customer sees them.
the sale seems lost,
● Let customers know you understand their
apologize for not being able
to satisfy the prospect and ● Empathize with the customer and see the
ask what it would have problem from his or her viewpoint.
taken to get him or her to ● Don't make excuses for service problems or
buy; then offer that. criticize service personnel.
● Resolve problems quickly and fairly even if
that means the sale will become
➢ STEP 7: Following up and Servicing the
account ● Reassure customers that you will resolve
their problems promptly and get back to
● To maximize customer satisfaction after a
them regularly to report progress.
sale, salespeople should consider the ● Thank customers for voicing their
following basic service strategies: complaint.
● Express appreciation for the customer's
business. ● Follow up after the customer's complaint
● Make sure products are delivered and has been resolved to make sure that
installed on time. everything is okay.
● Assist customers with credit arrangements. ● Keep a record of all customer complaints
and their outcomes.
● Help customers with warranty or service
● After making the sale, top salespeople don’t
disappear. Managing your Time and Territory
● Maintain close contact with the customer to SELF-MANAGEMENT - Self-management is
handle any complaints. probably more difficult than management by
● It’s less costly to keep present customers someone else where feedback from various sources
satisfied than to search out and acquire
can keep you on track and motivated.
new customers.
● Frequent and comprehensive follow-up is a
primary means of retaining long-run, Effectiveness and Efficiency
satisfied, loyal, and profitable customers. ● Effectiveness is results-oriented and focuses
● Follow-up keeps the personal selling on achieving goals, while efficiency is cost-
process wheel revolving. oriented and focuses on making the best
possible use of the salesperson's time and
Handling customer complaints efforts
● Some guidelines for handling customer ● Together, the two equal success:
complaints are as follows: E1 (Effectiveness) + E2 (Efficiency) = S1
● Anticipate customer complaints and resolve (Sales Success)
them before the customer expresses them.
● Successful salespeople tend to
● Listen closely and patiently to the
possess the following
customers' complaint without interrupting.
● Never belittle a customer's complaint. characteristics:

○ Possess excellent ○ servicing the account - take

○ product knowledge inventory; set-up a point-of-
○ knowledge of competitors purchase displays; stock shelves
○ face-to-face selling skills ○ conferences/meetings -
○ Exercise the influence skills sales marketing; set-up and staff
needed to work with both exhibit and trade shows
internal staff and customers ○ training/recruiting - recruuit new
○ Recognize that the skills sales reps; train new sales rep
required to service an ○ entertaining customers - take
account are different from clients to dinner, golfing, to stage
those required to make a plays
○ out-of-town traveling - travel
overnight to sales appointment
How Sales People Spends Their Time
○ working with distributors -
● A recent study of 10,000 sales reps shows
establish and maintain relationship
with distributors; extend credit;
○ 33% of their time is spent in face-
collect past-due accounts
to-face selling
○ 20% in travel
Whats your job description?
○ 16% in phone selling
● Each salesperson needs to know exactly
○ 16% in account service and
what performance is expected in his or her
specific job assignment
○ 10% in administration
● In addition, the salesperson needs to know
○ 5% at internal company meetings
what is expected to be achieved during a
given time period.
Sales activities
● Basic sales activities include:
Sales people as field marketing managers
○ the selling process - search out
● For many companies, the modern
leads; prepare sales presentation;
professional selling job has evolved into
make sales calls;negotiate
that of field marketing manager for a sales
○ working with orders -process ● Today's salespeople have more
orders; expedite orders; handling responsibilities than ever before.
shipping problems ● They are their own bosses in their sales
○ servicing the product - test territories, working with groups of people
equipment; provide training; over whom they have little control and
supervise installation often impose conflicting demands and
○ managing information - expectations on them.
disseminate and gather information
from customers; provide feedback to Management activities

● Problem analysis - analyzing customer their inventory, distribution, product

problemscan be solved by the salesperson’s development, pricing, sales, and profit.
product or services. Helping customers profitably “sell through”
● Objective setting -establishing sales to their customers.
volume, market share, and customer service ● Information systems - using
levels needed in a territory to ensure a telecommunications technology to supply
strong competitive position. and access data needed in the
● Financial analysis - evaluating the impact salesperson’scompetitive efforts as the
a customer’s purchase will have on that interface between buyers or sellers.
customer’s financial health.
● Supervison and coordination - working Return on time invested (ROTI)
with others in the salesperson’s own firm to ● Although ROTI sounds like tedious record
answer questions, supply information, to keeping, it only takes a few minutes a day
prospects, provide customer service, and ● ROTI calculations can help salespeople
coordinate efforts of a company selling manage their time more effectively and
team. efficiently
● Training - educating buyers in the proper 3 Axiom’s in Personal Selling
and productive use of products sold by the ● Parkinson's Law - Work tends to expand to
salesperson. fill the time allotted for its completion.
● Controlling - reviewing time allocationto ● Concentration Principle ("80-20" rule) -
different prospects, customers, territories, 805 of the sales and profits come from 20%
and various tasks to determine how to of customers.
become productive. ● Iceberg Principle - Analogous to an
● Research - investigating prospect and iceberg, which shows only 10% of its mass
customer needs and recommending product above the water, many sales problems can
changes or new product ideas. remain hidden beneath the surface of
● Market analysis - determining the size and overall positive sales totals.
needsof various market segment. Performance measure
Continually searching for new market ● Instead of reliance on one performance
opportunities. measure such as sales volume, a balance of
● Sales forecasting - predicting sales several quantitative and qualitative
volume for different customer groups and standards is better because performance in
individual accounts to help allocate selling one area can conflict with performance in
time. another.
● Buyer behavior - studying the buying ● For example, a salesperson who stresses
process to become more effective in keeping sales and service expenses low may
adjusting to different motivational and find revenues adversely affected.
behavioral needs of prospect and ● Quantitative measures
customers. ○ Like dollar or unit sales volume or
● Marketing strategy - understanding the net profit, affect sales or expenses
overall marketing strategy of customers in directly, and can usually be
order to assesthe impact of purchases on measured objectively.
● Qualitative measures

○ Like the salesperson's product ● A portfolio analysis approach provides an

knowledge, customer relationships, alternative to the analytical rigor of the
or ethical behavior, have a more mathematical models.
indirect and longer-run impact on ● In this approach, the sales call strategy is
sales and expenses, and thus must based on the account’s attractiveness.
be evaluated on a more subjective ● Account attractiveness depends on two
basis. From the standpoint of dimensions:
customers, qualitative measures are ○ Account opportunity
more important than quantitative. ○ Strength of position
● Derived from sales forecasts, sales quotas Territorial routing
are performance objectives and motivation ● Territorial routing is devising a plan or
incentives for salespeople. The four types pattern to use when making sales calls.
of quotas for salespeople are: ● Before developing a routing plan, the
○ Sales volume salesperson must determine:
○ Financial ○ the number of calls to be made each
○ Activity day
○ Combination ○ the call frequency on each class of
Performance measure: customer reviews of ○ the distance to each account
preformances ○ the method of transportation
● Obtaining feedback from customers is one Routing patterns
of the most effective ways to keep from ● Straight-line route
losing touch with customers ○ salesperson starts at the office and
● makes calls in one direction until he
● Salespeople should ask for an annual or she reaches the end of the
evaluation of their performance by territory.
customers and participate in this review ● Circular patterns
process at a special meeting
○ salesperson starts at the office and
moves in a circle of stops until
Account and territory management ending up back at the office
● A sales territory is a control unit that ● Cloverleaf route
contains customer accounts.
○ similar to a circular pattern
● Once the geographical control unit has been
○ rather than covering an entire
established, the next step is to analyze the
territory, the route circles only part
customers and prospects in the territory on
of a territory
the basis of their sales potential.
○ the next trip is an adjacent circle,
● Increasing numbers of companies are using
and the pattern continues until the
computer programs to assist their
entire territory is covered
salespeople in account analysis, planning,
● Hopscotch pattern
and control.
○ the salesperson starts at the
Portfolio Analysis
farthest point from the office and
hops back and forth calling on

accounts on either side of a straight salesperson’s daily or weekly planning

line back to the office calendar.
● The "outer-ring" approach ● Some companies put the 200 to 700 pages
○ the salesperson first draws an outer of memos, newsletters, brochures, reports,
ring around the customers to be announcements, and other sales-related
called upon materials sent to salespeople each week
○ then, those customers inside the onto audiotapes.
ring are connected to the outer ring Working smarter: Customer Service
route using angles that are as ● Customer service is a regular part of the
obtuse as possible salesperson’s daily job and should be
scheduled like any other activity.
Using computer in programs routing ● The suggestions on the following slides may
● Numerous computer-based interactive assist you in focusing your customer service
models have been successfully applied to activities:
sales force routing and territory ● Segment your customers according to costs
management. and the potential profits that could accrue
Working smarter: Using latest technology from providing them with superior service.
● Salespeople can work smarter and increase ● Remember that all customer contacts,
their selling effectiveness and efficiency by whether through telephone operators,
making use of the latest technologies, such receptionists, secretaries, delivery and
as: electronic pagers, cellular car phones, repair personnel, or customer service
electronic mail, facsimile machines, word people, shape the perceptions of your
processing and spreadsheet software, time company’s service.
management software, laptop computer ● Try to encourage all these people with
customer contact to treat prospects and
Working smarter: Excuses about time customers well.
● Often the problem is the individual's ● Continually stress the importance of
attitude toward time and the tendency to customer service to people in your
make excuses for using it inefficiently company, and reinforce this attitude by
○ Insufficient time your own actions.
○ Too many demands on my time ● Design and use measures of service
○ I can’t find time to work on big effectiveness such as the percentage of on-
projects time deliveries, the length of time it takes
○ Unexpected problems disrupt my to repair a product, and the level of
plans customer satisfaction.
○ If only i could work faster Working smarter: Time traps
○ It’s better to do small task first ● Many salespeople hurt their efficiency by
Working smarter: Paperwork falling into daily time traps, which include:
● One of the most dreaded and time- ○ Calling on unqualified or
consuming tasks of salespeople is handling unprofitable prospects
their paperwork. ○ Insufficiently planning each day's
● Like other sales-related activities, activities
paperwork ought to be scheduled on the

○ Making poor territorial routing and Working smarter: Steps to manage time
travel plans efficiently
○ Making too many cold calls ● Each weekday afternoon, write down the
○ Making poor use of waiting time schedule for the next day
between appointments ● On Friday afternoon, plan the schedule for
○ Spending too much time the following week
entertaining prospects and ● Concentrate on high priorities
customers ● Spend time as if it were money
○ Not using modern ● Stop procrastinating
telecommunications equipment like ● Schedule some personal time every day
a car phone, beeper, facsimile
machine, and laptop computer HRES
○ Doing tasks that could be delegated
to a staff person or to automated The Environment of Human Resource
equipment Management
○ Failing to prioritize work
Week 1
○ Procrastinating on major projects or
contacting high-potential prospects, A. THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE
resulting in redundant preparation FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A CHIEF EXECUTIVE
○ Inefficiently handling paperwork ● MERALCO – MANUEL PANGILINAN
and keeping disorganized records Our people are the true source of power.
○ Failing to break up huge, long- They have been the key in MERALCO’s
range goals into small, currently unprecedented growth, and our partners in nation-
manageable tasks building. They embody our corporate values which
○ Ending workdays early, especially reflect the best of the past and what it takes to
on Friday afternoons succeed in the future.
○ Failing to insulate oneself from ● METROBANK Mission/Vision Statement
interruptions on sales calls or while We realize that success depends on the
doing paperwork quality of our people, the efficiency of our
○ Conducting unnecessary meetings, systems, and the strength of our
visits, and phone calls organization. Hence, we shall continuously
○ Doing personal business during invest in our human resources to ensure a
working hours service force characterized by the highest
Working smarter: A plan for each day standards of dignity, probity, and
● Every salesperson can benefit from professionalism.
preparing a daily "To Do" list of projects ● AYALA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
and tasks that are prioritized into A, B, and CORPORATION
C categories of importance We recognize that our employees
● Use the Swiss cheese approach to punch are the principal assets of the company. As
little holes in top priority projects that can't such, we focus on their training needs,
be finished all at once inculcate the values of professionalism,
integrity and teamwork, provide career

opportunities, and reward outstanding qualified applicants to fill open positions in

performance. the organization.
We value our people. Employees are ensuring that employees’ performance
contributes to realizing the organization’s
at the heart of the company. Having chosen
goals and objectives. The managers monitor
personnel with commitment to the highest the employees and ensure that appropriate
standards, through teamwork, we aim to tools are made available by managers to
create corporate understanding and loyalty the employees so that the latter can meet
to one another. expected levels of performance.
(HRM)? to the process of providing employees with
specific knowledge and skills they need to
perform in their jobs. Management
● HRM is the systematic planning,
development represents activities designed
development, and control of a network of to improve employee’s capabilities beyond
interrelated processes affecting and those required by their current jobs.
involving all members of the organization. ● COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT –
● HRM is the process of acquiring, training, management of financial returns that
employees receive in exchange for services
appraising, and compensating employees,
that they provide to an organization.
and attending to their labor relations, ● BENEFITS MANAGEMENT – process by which
health, safety and fairness concerns. employee benefits, generally compensation
● HRM is designing management systems to outside of the basic pay, are designed and
ensure that human talent is used effectively given to employees in accordance with legal
and efficiently to accomplish organizational as well as organizational requirements.
goals. process of ensuring effective management
of all interactions and relations between
**WALMART - called their HR Department as “THE the organization and its employees. The HR
PEOPLE DIVISION” – where they can accomplish acts as employee champion – deals with the
day to day problems, needs and concerns of
their 7 overriding strategies : price, operations,
employees, promoting their well-being and
culture, key item/products, expenses, talent and building their capabilities and commitment.
service by aligning their HR practices with their ● LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS - refers to
business strategies. the functions of HR that pertains to the
management of employee’s terms and
conditions of employment. Interpretation of
C. MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF HRM the CBA between labor and management.
● TALENT ACQUISITION – workforce Concerns on employee grievances and
planning and employment (recruitment and discipline issues.
selection) Workforce focuses on assessing
the organization’s human resource needs. THEORETICAL BASES
Employment includes recruitment and
– Father of Scientific Management
selection of individuals to fill vacant ● HAWTHORNE STUDIES - Elton Mayo –
positions. Recruitment is designed to attract Western Electric Company- Working
qualified applicants to the organization. Conditions – Production –
Selection is the process of choosing the best Socialization/Teamwork


the rights of female workers, children and CHANGING ROLES OF HRM:
lesser human intervention – From personnel management to human resource
management – under personnel management or
D. STRATEGIC VIEW OF HRM administration the focus is on ensuring that policies
STRATEGIC HRM (SHRM) – a pattern of planned and procedures were implemented efficiently and
human resource deployments and activities changes in personnel status were appropriately
intended to enable an organization to achieve its processed and documented. Traditional functions –
goals. record –keeping, processing of new employees,
payroll, employee benefits administration.
● (a) Alignment of HRM activities with the ***from administration to management
organization’s goals, strategies and
objectives; (b) effective interrelations While HRM's important role was monitoring or
among the HRM functions, instead of each policing the activities of line managers to make
function standing alone; (c) use of the certain that they complied with organizational
systems approach in demonstrating the policies and procedures as well as legal
strategic role of HRM. requirements. More concerned with developing and
● SHRM is an attempt to understand and implementing programs that focus on talent
identify possible connections between HR acquisition and management ensuring that
programs and an organization’s strategies qualified HR are acquired, motivated, and
and business performance developed in order to realize the organization’s
● Distinctive HR practices help to create goals and objectives.
unique competencies that differentiate
products and services and, in turn, drive From the HRM department to the Human Capital
competitiveness. Management Department – HRM is expected to
SPECIFIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INTERNAL contribute to realizing the organization’s business



● Employees who possess specific skills which

are required to successfully implement an
enforcer; change facilitator; employee advocate;
organization’s strategic intiatives;
negotiator; legal adviser; strategic partner; coach;
● Behaviors or attitudes of individuals which
party planner, counsellor, terminator and mediator
constitute an organization’s competitive
edge and are not easily copied by others;
● Employees who demonstrate discretionary
behaviors which are critical in creating an
● STRATEGIC PARTNER: Management of
organization;s competitive advantage.
SHRM – this role makes certain that HR
strategies, programs and activities are

delivered in order to support the initiatives and activities to ensure that

organization’s strategies planned changes are effectively and
● ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERT: Management of efficiently carried out.
firm’s infrastructure – this role focuses on ● TECHNOLOGY PROPONENT – one of the
delivering efficient HR processes focuses of HR’s ability is to use the “social
● EMPLOYEE CHAMPION: Management of networking technology” to get potential
employee’s contribution – this to day employees, employees, retirees, and other
problems and needs of employees. It significant stakeholders to “stay connected
ensures employee’s commitment or with one another”. HR's role is necessary to
engagement in the organization. ensure that customer’s perspectives are
● CHANGE AGENT: this role enables the HR understood.
practitioners to identify and implement
processes for change. The HR practitioners
Week 2
build an organization’s capacity for change.
HIGH PERFORMING ORGANIZATIONS ● PLANNING - It is essential in order to know
● CREDIBLE ACTIVISTS – refers to HR the number of positions that organization
Practitioners ‘ need to deliver what they say needs in the short or even long term and
they will do and to “walk the talk”. HR the skills and competencies required for
practitioners will gain the trust and respect these positions.
of the organization’s members. ● FINDING THE RIGHT NUMBER OF PEOPLE
organization’s internal and externAl RIGHT TIME. - It signals the HR practitioner
environments and anticipate what is to be prepared to assess the supply side of
needed by the organization, participate in the organization’; to determine the gaps in
developing, strategic initiatives and align HR, and to conduct internal as well as
programs with the organization’s external recruitment.
strategies. ● WORKFORCE PLANNING - Deciding on which
● CAPABILITY BUILDER – identify the required person will make the best fit in an
“organizational capabilities” and take organization starts with knowing the right
initiative to build them through training kind of people needed by the organization
and development, reward’s systems and to enable it to succeed. Roadmap to
other HR programs and practices in an Workforce planning = Right people – Right
integrated way to ensure the organization’s skills – Right Place – Right Time- Right Cost
sustainability. It provides the organization with a guide to
● CHANGE CHAMPION - HR practitioners build make staffing decisions such as promotions
organizational capability for managing and all other movements that relates to
change, and provide tools to enable the getting people into, around and/or out of
organization to undertake the needed an organization.
change effectively.
● HUMAN RESOURCE INNOVATOR AND The over-all objective of workforce planning is to
INTEGRATOR – HR practitioners identify and define the right profile of the people an
plan required changes and integrate HR organization requires to meet its short term and

long term plans and goals. It is a process of c. when there are changes in the labor
identifying and addressing the staffing implications markets, i.e., introduction of new labor laws or
and business strategies and plans and the changes standards.
happening within and outside the organization. STEPS IN WORKFORCE PLANNING
a. Situational analysis or environmental scanning
The process of workforce planning helps the b. Forecasting demand
organization identifies the “right” kind of people c. Analysis of the supply of human resources
and the “right” number of people needed b the d. Development of plans for action
organization for the present and for the future ● SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS - review of the
while taking into consideration its plans, available environment in which the organization
resources, mission, as well as the internal and operates and of identifying/focusing on
external (economic, social and political ) current and anticipated factors in the
environments. internal environment that may affect the
Plantilla or hierarchy, categories of positions, organization. The internal scan include the
SCOPE OF WORKFORCE PLANNING examination of the history and past
experience of the organization such as the
Workforce planning can be performed at various trends in the growth or decline as a
levels of an organization. Planning can be done for company, employee turnover rates, track
an entire organization, a division, or section within record in employing and retaining good
the organization, a set of units or workgroups, or workers, changes in leadership, its use of
even for a single unit within a company. technology. The environmental scan
involves examining relevant aspects of the
FORMAL OR INFORMAL PLANNING external environment such as the economy
INTERNAL CHANGES within an organization of the country it operates in, the political
can prompt the need for changes in the staffing climate, and the regulatory and
profile through the rightsizing, re-training or re- demographic factors.
tooling. Example of internal changes that impact ○ SWOT ANALYSIS OR SITUATIONAL
the kind and number of people: ANALYSIS - it involves internal and
a. company expansion external environment; the SWOT
b. financial difficulties, company ANALYSIS framework categorizes
downsizing, or closure and labels internal aspects of the
c. company relocation organization as strengths and
d. company mergers weaknesses and external situational
e. changes in technology or production / factors as either opportunities or
work systems or streamlining systems threats.Through the SWOT, an
f. new product lines or services offered organization able to identify both
g. increased targets for production, sales, positive and negative factors that
services,, etc. influence its success from within or
EXTERNAL CHANGES outside the organization. The
a. political or economic environment is advantage of doing a SWOT is that
beset with problems it helps the organization develop a
b. when the organization competes or full awareness of major factors that
operates with new players or competitors

may affect the organization’s ability of various factors related to

to attain its goals. the business of the
● FORECASTING DEMAND – After making the organization such as
SWOT, the HR practitioner begins to map production time, sales
out certain details of the manpower plan. volume, turnover rates,
One can make a projection of how many retirement rates, growth
people are needed by the organization and rate, net profit on the
what qualities and competencies these manpower needs. In
people must possess in order to realize the statistical analysis, the HR
plans of the organization. This process practitioner normally use a
which identifies the number and kind of computer software to do the
people that an organization will need at forecasting.
some point in the future is known as ○ QUALITATIVE FORECASTING
○ QUANTITATIVE FORECASTING experience, sound judgment and
APPROACHES conclusions derived from existing
■ HISTORICAL RATIO ANALYSIS information or knowledge about
– examination or analysis of organizational plans.
the relationship between 2 ■ EXPERT FORECAST – in this
quantitative or numerical method, managers estimate
factors which have direct future HR requirements
impact on the success of the based on their past
organization. The particular experiences, judgment, and
relationship that is knowledge about the
examined between these organization’s future and its
two factors is that of a ratio anticipated manpower
(proportion of one factor needs. Since the managers
measured against the other are knowledgeable about
factor). organizational plans, they
■ TREND ANALYSIS – is quite are in a good position to
similar to ratio analysis – it make predictions about the
examines the changes in an staffing levels that are
organization’s staffing needed to attain these
levels over a period of time goals.
and determines a patter or ■ DELPHI TECHNIQUE- since
trend in these changes when Managers are experts within
they are compared with the organization who are in
changes in the levels of key the best position to project
performance or financial the needed profile of people
metrics of the organization. needed for the
■ STATISTICAL ANALYSIS – it organization, the DELPHI
consists of studying sets of technique, aims to improve
complex interrelationships the objectivity of expert

forecasts. This method probability; it shows the internal

involves a group of pre flow of human resources.
selected individuals and ● EXTERNAL SUPPLY – speaks of availability
getting their inputs on of people outside the organization
future manpower levels and
then consolidating their D. DEVELOPMENT OF PLANS OF ACTION –the final
projections. This technique step in planning involves consolidating all of the
sometimes uses a “bottom data and inputs and determining the most effective
up” approach to gathering strategy to close the gap and achieve the desired
and consolidating staffing manpower profile. The HR Planner must identify
projections from “experts” the right number and profile of people needed by
within the organization, the organization in various positions at the
such as lower-level specified time in the future. Along with this is the
managers, and then qualitative and quantitative projections as well as
transmitting these the chosen strategies to reach the projections
projections “upwards” in the (example of strategies: acquiring manpower
organization for the externally; internally through promotions, lateral
confirmation of higher transfer; renting talents/outsourcing services;
levelsof management. flexible working hours, increasing or decreasing
C. ANALYSIS OF THE SUPPLY OF HR – work overtime; retirement or exit programs)
● INTERNAL SUPPLY – analysis of the internal
supply of HR is to make an inventory of the JOB ANALYSIS
manpower available in the organizations, Job - maybe defined as a “collection or aggregation
number and quality of people available in of task, duties, and responsibilities which as a
the organization (education, training, whole, are regarded as a regular assignment to
experience, job performance, age, years of individual employees”
service in the organization). Making also of Job Analysis - Edwin Flippo, “job analysis is the
skills inventory – which is a summary of the process of sudying and collecting information
skills and abilities of employees, especially relating to the operations and responsibility of a
of those who are considered critical for the specific job.”
organization’s success. - Is a systematic analysis of each job
○ SUCCESSION ANALYSIS - (1) making for the purpose of collecting
a detailed inventory of how many information as to what the job
people are currently in various job holder does, under what
categories or have specific skills circumstances it is peformed and
within the organization; (2) making what qualifications are required for
an analysis of the expected doing the job.
movements and changes in the
Uses of Job Analysis
inventory as a result of retirements,
● Human Resource Planning
promotions, transfers, voluntary
● Recruitment
turnovers and terminations.
● Selection of Personnel
○ MARKOV ANALYSIS - is usually
● Training and Development
expressed in terms of statistical
● Organization Audit

● Job Evaluation ● Physical fitness

● Job Design ● Special qualities required for performing
● Performance Appraisal the job
● Career Planning ● Intelligence, judgement, and initative
● Safety And Health
required for performing the job
Job Description - the preparation of job
description is necessary before a vacancy is
RECRUITMENT refers to the organizational
advertised. It tells in brief the nature of job. Inother
activities that influence the number and types of
words, it emohasizes the job requirements.
applicants who apply for a job and whether the
applicants accept the jobs that are offered.
The details given in job description
● Job title
● Organizational location of the job
● Supervison given and received
EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT – includes the actions
● Materials, machinery and equipments work
intended to bring a job opening to the attention of
potential candidates outside the organization and
● Desigantion of the immediate superiors and
to influence whether these candidates apply;
maintain interest and, in the end, accept a job
● Salary levels: Pay, DA, other allowances,
offer. War of Talents
bonus, incentive wages, method payment,
hours of work shift, break, etc.
INTERNAL RECRUITMENT – is done when people
● Definition of duties to be performed
within the organization are sourced as possible
separated according to daily, weekly,
candidates for new or vacant positions. It can
monthly and casual, estimated time to be
company initiated or employee initiated. If
spent on each day.
company initiated – promotion or offers the
● Definition of unusal terms
position . If employee initiated – the employee
● Conditons of work: location, time, speed of
applies for the position.
work, accuracy, health hazards, accident
1. Job advertising
● Training and development facilities
2. Internet posting – company websites; online job
● Promotional chances and channels
boards; use of social media
3. Headhunting or executive search firms
Job Specification - Edwin Flippo, “job specification
4. Employee referrals
is a statement of minimum acceptable
5. Rehiring a former employee
humanqualities necessary to perfrom a job
6. College recruiting
7. Internships

Job Specification Covers:

● Educational and Professional bonus – a lump sum of money that an employer
qualifications provides to entice an applicant to join or sign on
● Skills with the company.
● Practical experience

Week 3 This is advantageous because all applicants are

required to provide the same biographical data (or
biodata) deemed important by the company. The
What is Selection? “biodata” usually consists of demographic data,
The screening or selection is a systematic educational background, previous job information,
series of activities that is done to assess the examination results (i.e. bar, board, or civil service
qualification and competencies of applicants so exam), information on candidate’s social activities,
that the employer can determine whether or not interests and preferences, job expectations, and
the applicants can be hired for the vacancy. career goals. The structure form or biodata makes
screening more efficient since it makes the
Theoretical Bases comparison and selection decision be based on the
Reliability and validity are important in same type and amount of information from all of
screening of candidates – this is because the the candidates. It is like comparing apples to
different methods of screening or selection need to apples.
be both reliable and valid so that hiring of (b) Testing
managers or HR interviewers are able to make a Psychological or psychometric tests are
good assessment of each candidate’s qualification instruments that consists of a set of carefully
and fitness to fill the vacancy. developed items, questions, or tasks that measure
specific behaviors, abilities or aspects of
For purposes of applicant screening, personality.
validity specifically refers to the extent to which There are multitude of tests that are
the screening method gives useful information available for purposes of pre-employment; these
about how well an employee will actually perform can be categorized under the following general
on the job. Validity is the most important factor in types of tests:
considering whether or not to use an assessment
method, because an assessment that does not 1. COGNITIVE ABILITY TESTS
accurately identify who will perform effectively on Cognitive ability tests is called “IQ” tests. It
the job has no value to the organization. measure a variety of mental abilities such as
numerical ability, reading comprehension, logical
Selection / Screening Methods reasoning, general intelligence, learning ability,
a) Paper Screening verbal ability, etc. Normally made up of multiple
The first encounter that the choice items ; paper and pencil or computer
recruiters have with the applicants is usually generated; have specified time limits; measured in
thorough their written application letters, terms of the total number of items that are
application forms, or resumes. These documents answered correctly.
can be submitted as a “hard copy” given personally 2 kinds of cognitive ability tests:
by the candidate, sent via mail or courier, (a) Test of achievement – focus on what an
submitted through an electronic (or soft) copy, or applicant already knows or has learned in the past
posted in a company website. (b) Test of aptitude – focus on what an individual is
To make the work of the capable of achieving in the future.
recruitment specialist easier, some organizations
require applicants to fill out a standard company 2. JOB KNOWLEDGE TESTS
prepared and company-issued application form.

There are jobs that require candidates to commit workplace theft and/or other
possess knowledge about a particular field or counterproductive acts.
disciple because they are critical for the person to
be able to successfully and effectively perform the 5. SITUATIONAL JUDGMENT ANALYSIS
job. There are tests that measure the level of Situational judgment tests are those that
technical knowledge that the applicants possess in assess how candidates handle specific situations
a given field or discipline (i.e., accounting, encountered in the workplace. These tests often
psychology, engineering, chemistry) these are measure judgment required for solving problems in
called the job knowledge tests. work related situations. Challenging but
hypothetical situations at work and ask the
3. PERSONALITY TESTS candidates to choose what course of action they
Personality tests are those which measure would take to resolve the situation. Normally
traits and examine aspects of a candidate’s written form or with the aid of computer.
character or psychological make up which are
relevant to effective job performance. It measures 6. WORK SAMPLE TESTS
the aspects such as the person’s interests, Work sample test is a way of testing
motivations, attitudes, perceptions regarding candidates’ ability by giving them a sample of
certain situations and ways of interacting with typical work that is done by the position /job they
people. are applying for and then evaluating their
performance on the sample task. The tasks selected
It can be done through paper and pencil or for the tests must be those that are as similar as
electronic format, multiple choice, true or false , or possible with the functions that employees are
Likert scale. No right or wrong answer. All that is required to perform on the job.
needed is that the test taker will answer all
questions honestly and as candidly as possible. 7. PHYSICAL FITNESS AND ABILITY TESTS
Some job require candidates who are
4. INTEGRITY TESTS physically fit and are able to take on physically
Polygraph or lie detector tests that use demanding tasks (such as lifting weights, being
machines to detect whether a person is being exposed to extreme temperatures, prolonged
truthful during an interview through direct standing, prolonged visual attention, etc, ) These
measurements of changes in physical state or are the tests which used the candidate’s physical
characteristics of a person. But this tests have long capacity (strength, endurance, tolerance, ) to
been abandoned already. perform the tasks that incumbents in the position
Paper and pencil tests have been developed will perform..
to measure a candidate’s attitudes and experiences (c) INTERVIEW
related to personal integrity such as an individual’s An interview is primarily a question and
tendency to be honest, trustworthy, dependable, answer type conversation between a candidate and
reliable, and an exemplar of “pro-social behavior”. one or more interviewers. During an interview, the
It include questions about an individual’s interviewer asks job related questions that the
attitudes toward “theft and other deviant or illegal candidate must answer.
acts, and questions about an individual’s prior There are different types of interviews
involvement in such behavior”. Propensity to depending on the questions that are asked:

a) Behavioral Interview – questions that -verifying biographical and educational

ask the candidates to provide information on information and past work experiences supplied by
actual past behaviors and actual past experiences the candidate are true and accurate. Contacting the
that are relevant to the job. Using this type of previous employers, reviewing authenticity of
questions will reveal the specific behavior needed documents submitted (i.e., TOR/diplomas).
upon the job applicant for effective performance on
the job and then find out from the interview who CRIMINAL RECORDS CHECKS – clearance from the
among the candidates demonstrate or have shown NBI, police clearance, certificate of good moral
those behaviors in the past. standing
b) Situational Interview - similar to the
situational judgment test, situational interview ask MAKING THE HIRING DECISION
the applicant to talk about how they would deal The screening process concludes with the
with a particular hypothetical issue or situation in final decision to hire a candidate or group of
the future. It involves problem-solving and candidates. A good hiring decision is made through
handling difficult situations that are typical in the an objective, systematic, thorough, and timely
workplace. review or analysis of factual information gathered
c) Stress Interview – applicants are placed about the prospective candidate/s.
in a stressful situation to see how they react under
pressure.. The “stress” or “pressure” during the At the end of the screening process, the HR
interview comes in the form of repeated difficult or practitioner and other decision makers must
inappropriate questions, or when different meaningfully consolidate all the information about
interviewers ask questions simultaneously or ask the candidate/s and arrive at a sound and informed
long and varied questions one after another. The decision about who to hire and to whom to make a
interview sometimes is treated rudely before, job offer.
during and after or put in an intimidating or
d) Structured Interview – one where Careful consideration has to be made in
candidates are asked a fixed set of questions that choosing the recruitment and selection methods to
consists of the same number, sequence, and tyoe of use, otherwise precious man-hours, effort and
questions. The responses of the candidates are company resources may be wasted on a yield of
recorded and assessed responses through a applicants that is neither qualified nor sufficient in
standard, pre-determined and behaviourally number. HR Metrics relevant to talent acquisition
anchored rating system or evaluation form that include cost-per-hire, time-to-hire, and applicant-
specifies clear standards for acceptable answers. to-successful hire ratio.
(a) COST-PER-HIRE (CPH)- aims to measure all
PRE-EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND CHECKS – a the costs of all recruitment and selection related
crucial step in the selection of candidates is activities needed to fill a vacant position in the
conducting a pre-employment check, which in some organization . CPH is a ration of the total amount
countries is known as “vetting” or locally known as spent to the total number of hires in a specified
“background checking”. One main component of time period; it is considered a measure of cost
the background check is to process and verify all efficiency.
character reference and information provided by
the candidate.

It is computed by the sum of all expenses achieve business objectives. Training efforts need to
used for talent acquisition and dividing this sum by aligned with the organizational strategies. When
the number of successfully hired candidates. designing training programs, the training designers
External costs (outside spending) – take into consideration the organizational
job ad printing and placement costs, hunting fee, objectives which are defined by the management.
rental for company booth space, payment for
testing services, purchase of test materials, fees of TRAINING PROCESS starts with analysing and
external assessors identifying operational and strategic training needs
Internal costs (inside spending) – of the organization and the employees.
recruitment activities (salary of recruitment and
selection staff during the recruitment and selection EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING EFFORTS –
period, internal costs of the use of company determine whether the training programs have
facilities, etc realized their objectives and have created expected
(b) TIME-TO-HIRE METRIC- is the cumulative employee competencies needed to achieve
amount of time needed to fill the open position in organizational objectives.
the organization, is another measure of the TRAINING FRAMEWORK
efficiency of the talent acquisition efforts. The TRAINING FRAMEWORK illustrates that
Timeliness is key in filling a vacancy. A position when a new employee enters the company, he / she
that is left vacant for a long period can lead to brings with him/her certain skills, competencies,
serious disruptions in the work and operations of a and values from former work environment or from
unit/organization. what was learned in school or at home.
Factors to be considered: complexitiy of the
recruitment and selection methods used, To align these skills, competencies and
availability or scarcity of candidates, number of values to set the expectations in terms of behavior
steps in the selection process, ability of the and performance in the company, the employee
organization to effectively conduct the recruitment, goes through an onboarding process in which
selection and hiring processes. activities are prepared to orient and to allow the
new employee to blend to the new environment.
(c) APPLICANT YIELD OR RATIO OF APPLICANT The socialization process allows the employee to
HIRED TO EMPLOYEE understand the culture and values of the company.
The ratio measures the proportion of The formal training process goes hand in
candidates hired and applications received and hand with the acculturated and trained employees
processed. The ratio of 1 hire:50 candidates on the specific skills and competencies needed to
indicates that out of 50 applicants for a vacancy, succeed in his/her new job.
one candidate is hired. As the new employee completes the
process, the training efforts are evaluated based on
Week 4 efficiency, skills and behavior learned by the
employee and the impact of the process has on the
Employee Training
company objectives.
Training is a planned effort of a company to
contribute to learning or relearning new skills, 1. Training helps employees develop specific
attitudes and competencies specifically needed to skills – it pertain to the use of new technology or

new strategy that a company is adopting with information, clarifies expectations and reduces
knowledge and/or use of new products. anxiety; (b) it lowers employee turn over rate. If
employees perceive they are ineffective, unwanted
2. Training assists employees to develop skills or unneeded, they may react to these feeling by
to work efficiently in a team – training results in quitting. Orientation is by making the new person
increased awareness and understanding of each feel welcome and at home and part of the team; (c)
other’s roles, the company’s culture and the el it saves time. Improperly oriented employees still
xpectation from all members of the organization. get the job done, and to do so they need help. The
most likely people to provide this help are co
3. Training supports the company strategies in workers and supervisors who will have to spend
delivering business results – training must be time orienting new employees; (d) it develops
built upon the knowledge that it is part of a long realistic expectations. New employees must learn
term organizational learning process. It should realistically what the organization expects of them,
determine what can be done before, during and and their own expectations of the job must neither
after the training that can lead to the increased be too low nor too high
level of trainee competencies and the organization 2. ON BOARDING PROCESS
as a whole. 3 STEPS:
PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TRAINING a. Pre-orientation- establishing job fit. The job
specification usually indicates the competencies,
1. Training requires resources – one of the skills s well as the job and company expectations
potential problems is the cost of process, i.e., from an employee. RJP or realistic job preview a
financial support to fund trainers, formal learning process of determining a match between
in college/university, seminar or training expectations and qualifications of an applicant
conference with that of the company such that both parties
2. Training program can be time-consuming to achieve the objectives set.

implement – adequate time is needed to cover all b. Employee orientation - as a job offer is
the training materials, and there is not always accepted, the new employee goes through the
enough time for deepening the training. orientation process or onboarding process. It
introduces the employee to the organization.
3. Impact of training is difficult to link to the
Orientation of the policies, company handbook,
attainment of objectives. The process of training
benefits, tour of the facilities and introduction to
is complex and it takes a good trainer to ensure
key offices where the employee is assigned,
quality of training. Linking the impact of training
discussion of job expectations, practices expected
to the overall business objectives can be difficult as
from all employees, processes and procedures that
it takes time to assess organizational impact of
need to be observed. It is a proactive approach in
training and study the different processes of the
ensuring that the first few days of the new
company to determine which, including training,
employee is spent on productive activities and that
impact on the business goals.
the employee starts with the “right” practices
C. Post-orientation – this happens once the basics
of the orientation have been completed. Immersion
1. ORIENTATION – the purpose of orientation is :
into the company consists of socialization and
(a) to reduce employee anxiety or failure or fear on
acculturation activities in which the employee is
the job. Effective orientation equips the new person
formally and slowly introduced into the different

teams. Some companies assign a mentor or a alignment of the training to the attainment of
“buddy” to act as the guide should a new employee organizational goals.
need to clarify company values, practices or work c. Development of the training program done
processes. through the following training methodologies:
Instructor-led or guided-training
THE TRAINING PROCESS Lecture refers to the traditional method of learning
a. Training needs analysis– Needs in a classroom format. Lecture allows the trainees
assessment is a process used to determine whether to be exposed to the knowledge of an expert
the training is necessary or the solution to closing lecturer not available in published materials.
the performance gap in the organization. This Lectures are conducted with use of technology.
involves the analysis of the needs of the following
domains: Web conferencing, webinar, workshops, interactive
Organizational analysis – it involves examining conferences, use of internet technology and
the company’s mission, long and short term gadgets that allow trainers and trainees to
business objectives and determining the interact.
appropriate training programs to achieve these
goals. Outdoor training is an approach often used for
Task analysis – it involves a detailed duty of the training activities conducted outside company
jobs in the organization to identify the skills and primarily for team building and leadership training.
behaviors needed to do these jobs. Analysing the Teambuilding games or activities where task is
job description and other company information about to accomplished or solving problems with
about the job. use of equipment or props.
The person analysis – a process to identify who
needs training and the employees’ readiness level. Training simulations refer to imitating real life
This step involves (1) determining whether work competencies through the use of technology.
performance deficiencies result from a lack of It provides the employees with real life experiences
knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or in an exciting way for an enduring learning to take
from a motivational or work design problem; (2) place.
identifying who needs training; and, (3) Duration of the training- to determine if enough
determining employees’ readiness for training. time is given for skills training, delivery and
b. Training objectives and design- allows the assessment. Whether the training can be done
execution of the training design that has been during working hours or off site
planned for. Specify the following: On the job training an approach that is conducted
while the employee is actually working. Skills can
Program objectives – enumerate the overall scope be gained while trainees are carrying out their jobs.
of the training activity such as skills and behaviors Coaching is a close working relationship between
that will be learned and the expected learning an experienced employee and the trainee to help
outcomes at the end of the training programs. the latter learn the skills and processes by
providing instructions or demonstration or both;
Program content – lists the topics that will be Mentoring assigns each trainee to an experience
covered during the training course. This clarifies the staff who acts as a guide and helper and usually
skills gap and closing these gaps as well as the offers more personal support; Job rotation allows a

trainee to be given several jobs in succession and to Results – to what extent did the change in
gain experience of a wide range of activities. behavior affect the organization? Evaluation of
Off the job training refers to training method in results measures the impact of the training
which employees are taken from their place of program by the trainee//s on the business such as
work to be trained. Attending external training, on output, quality, cost, time ad customer
enrolling in distance learning or online courses, and satisfaction.
taking up a sponsored course in college or graduate
school. Return on investment (ROI) It involves making
Technology based training (TBT) is a computer estimates or obtaining measurements of the
based training methodology that uses web based, expenses and benefits connected with a training
intranet-based, DVD or CD based training on any program this calculating ROI. ROI is a measure of
topic. the economic payback obtained by an organization
● Delivery of the training over a particular time period in exchange for a
● The trainer given investment in a training program.
● Skills to be assessed after training
● Assessment tools that will be used
Physical Education
d. Methodology and validation of training
Aerobic Gymnastics
validation by piloting the program uses interviews,
surveys, or focused group discussions. AEROBIC GYMNASTICS BACKGROUND

e. Evaluation of the programs’ effectiveness Aerobic exercise programs have been available for
ensures the preparation of the appropriate training many years, bringing health benefits to millions of
assessment tools that will be used after training people. They are offered at a low cost, need little or
has taken place. It takes the following levels: no equipment and are practiced in schools,
Reaction – how did the participants feel about the community centres and fitness clubs worldwide.
training program? This measures the participant’s Aerobics dates back to 1968 and has since expanded
reaction to the program and how the participants worldwide. Aerobic Gymnastics, born in the United
felt about the training or learning experience. States in 1988 and Japan in the same year, is a
Happy sheets; verbal reaction; post training unique combination of aerobic dance choreography
surveys; feedback forms which covers: speaker, and gymnastics elements. It creates an opportunity
venue, content and materials. for children, adolescents and adults to participate
and/or compete in a low risk sport while keeping
Learning – is there an increase in knowledge – the artistic quality and fun of aerobics. Still in its
before versus after training? Measures the skills, maturing phase Aerobic Gymnastics has been
knowledge and/or attitude that the participants practiced within the Federation of International
are expected to have learned. Gymnasts (FIG) for demonstration purposes for
many years. In 1994 at the Geneva Congress, seeing
Behavior- did the participants change their the potential of this growing sport, the General
behavior and apply learning back on the job? It Assembly of FIG decided to adopt it as yet another
measures how much transfer of knowledge, skills, discipline, to have complete recognition by the
and attitude has occurred once participants return world’s top sporting bodies, including the General
to their jobs. Association of International Sports Federations and

the International Olympic Committee. In popularity is world-wide with programs operating

conjunction with FIG the sport continues to grow from recreational, school-based programs to
and develop. The Aerobic Gymnastics World Provincial, National, and International competitive
Championships have been held annually since 1995. programs. With today’s focus on fitness and the
The Gymnastics Ontario Aerobic Gymnastics growing need for people of all ages to be physically
Committee wishes to promote Aerobic Gymnastics active, Aerobic Gymnastics offers a unique
in Ontario and to play a leadership role in the opportunity to satisfy both.
progression of this popular sport. We invite you to
embark on this new and expanding discipline of Aerobic Gymnastics is a creative combination of
gymnastics and fitness and be part of this aerobic and dance choreography with fitness and
important phase in the history of Aerobic gymnastic elements. It involves high-energy/cardio
Gymnastics. routines that maximize development of core
strength, flexibility and power.
Aerobic Gymnastics appeals to a wide range of
Aerobic Gymnastics is a recreational and participants from young children, teenagers,
competitive activity that utilizes a unique adults, to dancers, ex-gymnasts/athletes and
combination of aerobic dance choreography and fitness buffs. It is an excellent activity of fun and
gymnastic elements. According to the definition in fitness for gymnastics clubs seeking to provide
the FIG Code of Points, Aerobic Gymnastics is the new, innovative programming or to enhance
ability to perform continuously with high intensity existing programs.
movement patterns to music which originates from
traditional aerobics. The routine must demonstrate Aerobic Dance is the newest competitive event
creativity with the perfect integration of all category of FIG Aerobic Gymnastics that was
movements, music and expression. introduced in 2011. Aerobic Dance is designed for a
The routine must use the seven basic steps of group of 8 (any combination of males/females)
aerobics, variations of dance moves and at least that incorporates greater segments of dance
four difficulty elements to a maximum of 10 choreography with aerobic content. Many clubs or
elements for a competitive routine. The routines school programs refer to this recreational modified
can be very simple or complex depending on the version as Gym Dance (small or large groups of 4
level of the participants. There are 6 different event or more) in order to distinguish it from the
categories in Aerobic Gymnastics that if a competitive version.
participant wants to compete can select a category The Aero-Gym Fitness Manual is an excellent
that suits them. The categories are as follows: resource that provides a variety of activities that
1. Individual Women, Individual Men introduce the basic components of Aerobic
2. Mixed Pairs Gymnastics to teachers/coaches, clubs and schools
3. Trio (any combination of males/females) seeking to provide new, innovative programming
4. Groups of 5 (any combination of males/females) or to incorporate and enhance existing
5. Aerobic Dance (8 – any combination) recreational/curriculum programs.
6. Aerobic Step (8 – any combination)
Aerobic Gymnastics is another exciting and JACK, OR LUNGE
dynamic discipline of the sport of gymnastics. Its

- your way into the Aerobic Gymnastics A proper Aerobic routine must also include
Program. “Difficulty Elements” which are the gymnastics-
based skills. Please note that Aerobic Gymnastics
Aerobic Gymnastics also allows tumbling or acrobatic elements;
An Aerobic Gymnastics routine is a creative however, it prohibits held inversions or any hyper-
combination of “Basic Steps” and “Elements”. It extension of the back (ie. bridges, ring leaps/jump).
interprets a piece of fast paced, upbeat music For safety and to maintain the Aerobic style, the
through movement. back should be in a “neutral spine” position at all
times during the Elements and dance of the routine.
The 7 Basic Steps An Aerobic Gymnastics
routine must include all of the 7 Basic Steps listed There are four Aerobic Difficulty Element
below: Groups and a routine must include at least one
Element from each group. The Element Groups are:
● March toe-ball-heel locomotion (e.g., v- ● GROUP A (Dynamic Strength): pushup,
step, grapevine, step touch, heel dig) straddle pushups, triceps pushups, hinge
● Jog knee flexion (e.g., circular, backward) pushups, explosive pushups, free fall, leg
● Skip knee flexion to extension (e.g., front, circles
side, traveling) ● GROUP B (Static Strength): supports held
● Lunge extension of one hip, flexion of the for 2 seconds (V support, straddle support,
other with a knee flexion (e.g., front, side, L support, Lever, Planche )
traveling) ● GROUP C (Jumps and Leaps): Split Leap,
● Jack abduction of the hips (e.g., cross jack, tuck, straddle, pike, jump full turn
sideways moving) ● GROUP D (Flexibility and Balance/Turns):
● Knee Lift flexion of the hip to at least 90 vertical splits, frontal splits, pancake, full
degrees with knee flexion (e.g., cross, front, pirouette, illusions
side) Aerobic Gymnastics – Routine Composition
● Kick flexion or abduction of the hip to at Aside from Elements linked with combinations of
least 90 degrees (e.g., side, front, moving the 7 Basic Steps and dance, there are other
backwards) composition requirements unique to Aerobic
All steps can be done as high or low impact, Gymnastics. Combined, they create the “Aerobic
(bounce or no-bounce) with infinite options for arm Gymnastics Style” of movement.
movements. The movements should be on-beat and
interpret the music. It is easiest to group basic step ● Athletes are judged on presentation. They
combinations into 8 count sequences. must smile naturally, make eye contact
A routine may also include optional dance steps with the judges or audience, and look
like: confident.
● Chasse ● Transitions should be smooth at all times-
● Charleston going from the floor to surface, from an
● Mambo Element to a basic step, etc. There should be
● Pendulum no obvious pauses in the routine. Each beat
● Pony etc. of music should be accounted for.
● Athletes should make full use of the floor
Difficulty Elements space – all corners and centre.

● Athletes should travel in all directions – straight up and down progresseively increasing
forward, backward, sideways, diagonally rhythmn and knee high.
and in a circle. BROAD JUMP-STICK LANDING - Two-footed jump
● A routine should have a balance of floor, as far as possible. Hold landing (knee bent) for 5
surface and airborne content. seconds.
● As a group, athletes should make a variety CONE JUMPS - With feet together, jump side-to-
of formations. For example, the whole side over cones quickly. Then performs jumps
group is arranged in a line, v-shape, circle forward and backward.
or square. HOP, HOP, STICK - Perform 3 single leg hops,
● Arm and leg movements are strong and holding the third landingfor 5 seconds with knees
with a definite shape. (sharp and crisp, not slightly bent. Increase distance of hops as
graceful). Hand positions include fist, open techniques improve. Alternate legs.
fan, or closed razor. JUMP INTO BOUNDING - Two-footed broad jumps.
● Correct posture – neutral alignment without Land on single leg, then progress into bounding for
hyperextension of joints. Alignment of leg distance
(knee over top of foot) with aerobic steps.
● Routines should include interactions
hop for distance. Hold landing for 2 seconds with
(touching and occasional eye contact)
knee slightly bent.
between group members and project a
SQUAT JUMPS (FROG JUMPS) - Standing jumps
“team effort”. Routines with 2 or more
raising both arms overhead, land in squatting
athletes must also include lifts. Lifts that
position touching both hands on the floor.
propel are prohibited.
● Athletes performing in a group should
jump into 6-8 inch box or stack gym mats. Reverse
synchronize their movements and timing.
and jump forward off box with two feet. After
● No prohibited moves – propelled Lifts,
landing, quickly jump straight up with armsraised
bridges, ring leap/jump, twists
TUCK JUMPS - From standing position, and bring
Dr. Walter R. Lowe
both knees up to the chest as high as possible.
Repeat quickly.
18O JUMPS - Two-footed jump, rotating 180° in WALL JUMPS(ANKLE BOUNCES) - with knees
mid-air. Keep arms At the side in a 90° angle. Hold slightly bent and arms raised overhead, bounce up
each landing for 2 sec.Repeat in reverse direction and down off toes.
SCISSORS CISSORS JUMP - Hold each landing for JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, VERTICAL - 3 broad jumps
2 sec. Start in stride position with one foot well in with vertical jump immediately after landing the
front of the other. Jump up, alternating FOOT third broad jump. Raise arm straight up after
positions in mid-air landing vertical jump.
place and slowly increase distance with each step,
⇒ These jumps performed on a surface such as
keeping knees high.
a track or gym mats.
BOUNDING IN PLACE - While leaning forward
⇒ Proper form is a must!
over the toes, jump from one leg to another

⇒ Stop when the athlete loses proper form or STRATEGY - A Plan of action or policy design to
fatigue has set in. achieve a major or overall aim.
⇒ Rest time is double the jump time. 30 sec A SIMPLE MARKETING SYSTEM
rest for rep jumps.


What is Marketing?
Marketing is an organizational function and a set
of processes for creating, communicating, and
delivering value to customers and for managing
customer relationships in ways that benefit the 3 PHASES OF STRATEGIC MARKETING
organization and its stakeholders.

MARKETING MANAGEMENT - is the art and science

of choosing target markets and getting, keeping,
and growing customers through creating,
delivering, and communicating superior customer


● Goods


● Events ○ This requires a deep dive into not
only your business but your
● Experiences customers and competitors.
● Persons ○ The first step is a SWOT analysis.
Analyze your business's strengths
● Places and weaknesses before looking at
● Properties the opportunities and threats
coming from elsewhere.
● Organizations ○ A competitive analysis, analyzing
● Information their strategies and markets.
○ PESTEL analysis
● Ideas ○ to look at your marketing mix.
process of implementing your business’ mission ● STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION
through specific and strategic processes in order to ○ This is the action to all of that
maximize your current marketing plan planning and analysis.
○ Strategic marketing plans are
designed to be adaptable

○ It’s about making actionable steps

towards achieving your commercial
○ Budgeting for stock and resources,
setting up distribution models and
marketing channels, developing
content plans and cash flow

○ Evaluation is an important part of
marketing: it helps your company
eliminate ineffective strategies and
develop an overall plan that helps
build your business.
○ By scheduling regular evaluations
of your marketing plan, it can save
wasted money by modifying or
eliminating campaigns that are not
reaching your target market or
garnering the response you need.
○ As you plan, build in mechanisms to
monitor the success of each
marketing effort to make
evaluation cheaper and easier.


● Develop market strategies and plans
● Capture marketing insights
● Connect with customers

● Build strong brands ○ superior organizational

● Shape market offerings performances
● Deliver value Becoming market-oriented organization
● Communicate value ● Information Acquisition
● Create long-term growth
● Cross-Functional Analysis of Information
● Shared Diagnosis and Coordinated Action
Imperative Market - Driven Strategy ● Delivery of Superior Customer Value
STRATEGY ● Information Acquisition
● Becoming market-oriented ○ Gather relevant information on
customers, competition, and
○ Customer focus
○ Competitor intelligence
○ Involve all business function
○ Cross-functional coordination
● Inter-functional Assessment
○ Performance implications
○ Share information and develop
○ Customer is the focal point of the
innovative products with people
from different function
○ Commitment to continuous creation
● Shared diagnosis and action
of superior customer value
● Deliver superior customer value
○ Superior skills in understanding and
○ Requires involvement and support “Capabilities are complex bundles of skills and
of the entire workforce accumulated knowledge, exercised through
○ Monitor rapidly changing customer organizational processes, that enable firms to
needs and wants coordinate activities and make use of their assets.”
○ Determine the impact of changes on - George S. Day, Journal of Marketing, October
customer satisfaction 1994, p.38.
○ Increase the rate of product ● Desirable capabilities
innovation ○ Applicable to multiple competition
○ Pursue strategies to create situation
competitive advantage ○ Superior to competition
○ Difficult to duplicate
● Outside in processes
● Customer Focus
○ What are the customer’s value ● Spanning processes
requirements? ● Inside-out processes
● Competitive Intelligence ORGANIZATION’S PROCESS
○ Importance of understanding the External emphasis
○ competition as well as the customer ● Outside-in process
● Cross-Functional Coordination ○ Market sensing
○ Remove the walls between business ○ Customer linking
functions ○ Channel bonding
● Performance Consequences ○ Technology monitoring
● Inside-out processes
○ Market orientation leads to
○ Financial management
○ Cost control

○ Technology development ○ Create and maintain close customer

○ Integrated logistics relationships
○ Manufacturing/transformation
processes ● Aligning Structure and Processes
○ Human resources management ○ Potential change of organizational
○ Environment health and safety design
● Spanning processes
■ Improve existing processes
○ Customer order fulfillment
○ Pricing ■ Process redesign
○ Purchasing ○ Cross-functional coordination and
○ Customer service delivery involvement
○ New product/service development
○ Strategy development ○ Primary targets for reengineering:
● Customer Value: customer relations,
○ Value for buyers consists of the order fulfillment,
benefits less the costs resulting from and distribution
■ Superior value: positive net Corporate strategy
benefits ● Deciding the Scope and Purpose of the
● Creating Value: Business
○ “Customer value is the outcome of a ● Business Objectives
process that begins with a business ● Actions and Resources for Achieving
strategy anchored in a deep Objectives
understanding of customer needs.” CHARACTERISTIC OF A SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY
VALUE COMPOSITION ● Unique competitive position for the
● Benefits company.
○ Product ● Activities tailored to strategy.
○ Services ● Clear trade-offs and choices vis-à-vis
○ Employees
● Competitive advantage arises from fit
○ Image
across activities.
● Cost (saccrifices) ● Sustainability comes from the activity
○ Monetary cost system not the parts.
○ Time ● Operational effectiveness a given.
● Value (gain/loss) ● Management’s long-term vision for the
● Market Sensing Capabilities ● Objectives
○ Effective processes for learning ● Assets, skills, and capabilities
about markets ● Businesses in which the corporation
○ Sensing: competes
■ Collected information needs ● Structure, systems, and processes
to be shared across ● Creation of value
functions and interpreted to ➔ The marketing strategy process
determine proper actions. ◆ Markets, segments and customer
● Customer Linking Capabilities value

●Markets and competitive ● Developing the strategic plan for each

space business
● Strategic market ○ Preparing the marketing plan
segmentation ■ Planning relationships and
● Strategic customer frequency
relationship management ■ Planning considerations
● Capabilities for continuous ● Responsibility for
learning about markets preparing plans
➔ Designing market-driven strategies ● Planning unit
● Market targeting ■ Preparing the marketing
and strategic plan
● Strategic Markets and Competitive Space
Strategic Plans Lose Favor
● Innovation and new
Slump Showed Bosses Value of Flexibility, Quick
product strategy
◆ Market-driven program
management ● The Challenges ―
● Value chain strategy ○ Markets are increasingly complex,
● Pricing strategy turbulent, and interrelated.
● Promotion strategy ○ Importance of a broad view of the
➔ Implementing and managing market.
market-driven strategy ○ Essential to develop a vision about
◆ Designing market-driven how the market is likely to change
organizations in the future.
◆ Marketing strategy ● Continuous Monitoring is Necessary to:
implementation and control ○ Find promising opportunities
MARKETING STRATEGY PROCESS ○ Identify shifts in value requirements
● Market segments and value ○ Understand competitors’ positioning
● Designing market-driven strategies ○ Guide targeting and positioning
● Market-drive progam decisions
● Implementing and managing market-driven OPPORTUNITIES OUTSIDE THE COMPETITIVE
strategy BOX
The competitive box
● Escalating globalization TRADITIONAL COMPETITOR
● Technology diversity and uncertainty Coventional value preposition
● The Web 2.0 Existing Customer Base
● Ethical behavior and corporate social New customer base(s)

● Market changes often require altering has won much automobile insurance
strategies business for Progressive.
● Forces of change create both market ● These initiatives also enable Progressive to
opportunities and threats reduce its own costs – the cost of storing a
● Inherent danger in faulty market sensing damaged automobile for a day is $28,
DEFINING AND ANALYZING PRODUCT - MARKET about the same as the profit from a six-
● Determine the Boundaries and Structure of month policy.
● Form the Product-Market ● Determining Product-Market Structure
● Describe and Analyze End-Users ○ Start with the generic need satisfied
● Analyze Competition by the product category of interest
● Forecast Market Size and Rate of Change to management
MATCHING NEED WITH PRODUCT BENEFITS ○ Identify the product categories
● A product – market matches people with (types) that can satisfy the generic
needs to the product benefits that satisfy need
those needs ○ Form the specific product – markets
● “A product – market is the set of products within the generic product – market
judged to be substitutes within those usage EXTENT OF MARKET COMPLEXITY
situations in which similar patterns of Three characteristics of markets:
benefits are sought by groups of ● Functions or uses of the product
○ Flour
○ Textile
○ Rice Grain
Progressive Insurance:
○ Paint
Customer Needs at the Center of Strategy
○ Gravel and Sand
○ Essential Oils
● In the period 1994 to 2004, Progressive
● The enabling technology of the product
Insurance increased sales from $1.3 billion
○ Aseptic Packaging
to $9.5 billion, and ranks high in the
○ Appable
Business Week Top 50 U.S. companies for
shareholder value creation.
○ Sustainable Power Source
● The company invents new ways of
○ Multi-functional
providing services to save customers time,
● Customer segments in the product-market
money and irritation, while often lowering ○ Men
costs at the same time. ○ Women
● Loss adjusters are sent to the road accidents ○ Boys
rather than working at head office, and ○ Girls
they have the power to write checks on the ○ LGTBQ
spot. ○ College Students
● Progressive reduced the time needed to see ○ Bakers
a damaged automobile from seven days to ○ Sari-sari store owners
nine hours. ○ Backpackers
● Policy holders’ cars are repaired quicker, ○ Staycationers
and the focus on this central customer need ○ Rock jobbers

IDENTIFYING AND DESCRIBING END-USERS ● Key competitive advantages (e.g., access to

● Illustrative buyer characteristics in resources, patents)
○ Family size, age, income, FUTURE
geographical location, sex, and ● Industry Boundaries Blurring and Evolving
occupation ● Competitive Structure and Players Changing
○ Illustrative factors in organizational ● Value Migration Paths
markets: ● Product Versus Business Design Competition
○ Type of industry ● Firms are Collaborating to Influence
○ Company size Industry Standards
○ Location Strategic Marketing Segmentation
○ Type of products
● Strategic segmenation
○ Vision
○ Problem recognition
○ Information search ○ Strategic intent
○ Alternative evaluation ○ Product benefits
○ Purchase decision ● Managerial segmentation
○ Post-purchase behavior ○ Resource allocation
● External factors influencing buyers’ needs ○ Planning
and wants: ● Operational segmentation
○ Government, social change, ○ Marketing programs
economic shifts, technology etc. ○ Advertising
○ These factors are often non- ○ Sales
controllable but can have a major ○ Distribution
impact on purchasing decisions BEST BUY SEGMENTATION STRATEGY
● Jill’s - “soccer moms”
● Start with generic product – market
● Barry’s - wealthy professionals
● Move next to product- type and variant
● Buzz’s - “tech enthusiasts”
profiles >> increasingly more
● Ray’s - the family man
● Mr Storefront - the small business customer
● Customer profiles guide decision making
● Carrie’s - young, single females
(e.g. targeting, positioning, market
● Helen and Charlie’s - older couples whose
segmentation etc.)
children have left home
● Business scope and objectives
● Management experience, capabilities, and
weaknesses OLD NEW
● Market position and trends
● Market target(s) and customer base CONSUMER Passively Empowered
receive, media users,
● Marketing program positioning strategy
whateve tv Control and
● Financial, technical, and operating
shape content

Buyer’s need/preferences
thanks to
broadcast ● Identifiable segments
internet ● Actionable segments
● Favorable cost/benefit
ASPIRATION To keep up To standout
with the crowd with the crowd ● Stability over time
● Response differences
networks plus networks plus
● Identifiers of customer groups
maybe a PBS video on
station demand ● Customer response profile
● Characteristics of people and organization
MAGAZINES Age of the big Age of special ● Use situation
glossies: Time, interest
Life, magazine of
Newsweek every age and ● Customer analysis
affinity group ● Competitor analysis
● Positioning analysis
ADS Everyone Talking to a
● Financial and market attractivenes
hums the group of one,
Alka-Seltzer ads go ever Strategic Customer Relationship Management
jingle narrower
BRANDS Rise of the big Niche brands, MANAGEMENT
uniquitious product DEVELOPING A CRM STRATEGY
braands from extension and
● CRM Levels
Coca Cola to mass
Tide customization ● CRM Strategy Development
mean many ● CRM Implementation
● Customer Value
● Value Received by the Organization
● Value opportunities ● Implementation
● Capabilities/segment match ● Performance Metrics
● Targets ● Short-Term Versus Long-Term Value
● Positioning strategy ● Competitive Differentiation
● Market to be segmented ● CRM is a cross-functional core business
● Decide how to segment process concerned with achieving improved
● Form segments shareholder value through the development
● Finer segmentation strategies of effective relationships with key
● Strategic analysisi segments customers and customer segments.
SEGMENTATION VARIABLES ○ CRM Recognizes That Customers:
Purchase behavior ■ Vary in their economic
Characteristics of people/organizations value to the company
Use situation

■ Differ in their expectations ● Allowing Technology to Dominate the CRM

toward the firm Process
CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE ● Focusing on the Wrong Customers
● Customer lifetime value (CLV) calculates VALUE CREATION PROCESS
past profit produced by the customer for ● THE VALUE EXCHANGE
the firm – the sum of all the margins of all ○ Value Received by the Organization
the products purchased over time, less the ○ Value Received by the Customer
○ Successful Value Exchange
cost of reaching that customer
○ To this is added a forecast of The Perfect Customer Experience
margins on future purchases (under “The perfect customer experience, which must be
different assumptions for different affordable for the company in the context of the
customers), discounted back to their segments in which it operates and its competition,
present value. is a relatively new concept. This concept is now
○ This process provides an estimate being embraced in industry by companies such as
of the profitability of a customer TNT, Toyota’s Lexus, Oce, and Guinness Breweries,
during the time span of the but it has yet to receive much attention in the
relationship. academic literature. Therefore, multi-channel
○ The CLV calculation is a powerful integration is a critical process in CRM because it
tool for focusing marketing and represents the point of co-creation of customer
promotional efforts where they will value. However, a company’s ability to execute
be most productive. multi-channel integration successfully is heavily
PERSPECTIVE TOWRDS CRM dependent on the organization’s ability to gather
● STRATEGIC - THE ENTIRE COMPANY and deploy customer information, from all
● THE CUSTOMER channels and to integrate it with other relevant
● Gain enterprise commitment CRM AND STRATEGIC MARKETING
● Build a CRM project team From the perspective of strategic marketing, there
● Business needs analysis are several reasons why CRM is important and why
● Define the CRM strategy there should be extensive marketing involvement in
DEFINE CRM STRATEGY decisions about CRM. Importantly, an
● Value Proposition organizational perspective is needed in guiding the
● Business Case CRM strategy.
● Customer Strategy
● Enterprise Transformation Plan Capabilities for Learning about Customers
● Other Stakeholders
● Implementing Without Developing a ● Market-driven strategy, market sensing
Customer Strategy and learning processes
● Failing to Initiate Necessary Organizational ● Marketing information and knowledge
Change resources

● Marketing intelligence and knowledge ● Scanning processes

management ● Specific marketing research studies
● Ethical issues in collecting and using ● Internal and external marketing
information information resources
LEARNING CAPABILITIES AT P&G ○ Relationships with external
● Competitive strength from superior marketing research providers
● To deliver a customer experience, less ● Managers reject new insights/information
formal research, more one-to-one ● Rigid organizational structures and
communication inflexible information systems
○ Consumer Village ● Politics favour the status quo
○ Online virtual reality Cave ● Overwhelming pressure of existing business
○ Watch people clean baths operations
○ Understand what it is like to live on ● Tendency to “active inertia”
○ Social networking sites ● Strategy treats customers as individual,
MARKET SENSING ANDLEARNING PROCESS develops solutions for needs and engages
● Market sensing processes employees to serve them
● Learning organization ● New ideas from listening more closely to
○ Learning and competitive customers and employees
advantage ● Knowledge shared with manufacturers and
○ Learning about markets product developers
○ Barriers to market learning ● Core innovation competency is gathering
processes and synthesizing customer intelligence
● Retailer entry to U.S. grocery market, not ● “Customer-led innovation” - “dreaming
with existing format with the customer”
● Discovering what U.S. consumers want: ● Not just building prototype and getting
○ Senior managers live with U.S. feedback
● Focus groups as first step in commercial
printer design
○ Probe lifestyles of families
● Changing designs in response to customer
○ Prototype store insights
● Developing a new retail format and ● Investment in understanding what
targeting the “grocery gap” customers think about the “bright ideas”
● Open-minded inquiry processes ● Defining the problem
● Analyzing competitors’ actions ● Understanding the limitations of the
● Listening to front-line employees research
● Searching for latent customer needs ● Quality of the research
● Scanning the peripherary of the market ● Costs
● Encouraging experimentation ● Evaluating and selecting suppliers

● In-company resources ● Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

● Open source resources ● Pictures response of brain to stimuli
● Research agency resources ● Probing consumer preferences is
● Observation and ethnographic studies ● Invasive
○ Marriott - rethink hotel experience ● Privacy issues
for “road warriors” ● Information sharing
○ GE - developing plastic fibers ○ Insurance companies
position ○ Employers
○ Intel - use of computers by children ○ Law enforcement

in China
● Research surveys
● Internet-based research
● Online Surveys ● Business is as old as human civilization. In
○ Fast the beginning of human existence, men
○ Inexpensive took care of their own needs and wants –
○ Limitations in population coverage hunted animals and cultivated land for
○ Resistance to excessive Web food and clothing.
● As time went on, people became more
● Customer feedback and peer-to-peer Web
proficient in doing one type of work or in
● Monitoring customer Web behavior producing one or several types of goods.
MARKETING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ● People learned how to continue supplying
SYSTEMS the products or services provided that they
have enough funds or goods to barter in.
● Marketing information systems
● For as long as people have needs and
● Management information systems
wants, there will always be business. Those
● Marketing decision support systems
who have capital will continue to produce
and sell goods and services that will satisfy
the needs and wants of customers. Business
● Marketing intelligence
is an activity that is part and parcel of
● Knowledge management
human society. Society will not exist
● Role of the chief knowledge officer
without business. Society will not exist
● Leveraging customer knowledge
without business. Since business is an
integral part of society, its activities must
INFORMATION be examined from the ethical perspective. In
● Invasion of customer privacy the same way that society examines
● Information and ethics politics, economics, government, culture,
○ Information collection religion from the moral point of view.
○ Research subjects ● The fundamental reason for examining the
○ Information sharing activities of business from the moral
NEUROMARKETING perspectives is for the promotion of the

common good, protection of the individual’s moral principles that should govern our
interests and the preservation of the human human behavior and guide our moral
society in general. Without ethics, business decisions.
will be a chaotic human activity because ● Business ethics opens a novel way of
there will be no common understanding and resolving moral problems and ethical
agreement about what is the right and dilemmas affecting business transactions
wrong human conduct. and the interaction of people in the
● Business is also a complex enterprise that corporate world. The study of Business
involves major activities like purchasing, Ethics will also enhance the human and
manufacturing, marketing, advertising, interpersonal skills of managers so they can
selling and accounting. Businessmen deal be more effective in managing the human
with suppliers, customers, workers, side of the organization.
employees and even competitors. Ironically,
it is within this structure of interaction of THE BUSINESSMAN’S MYTHS ABOUT BUSINESS
people that a lot of questionable practices ETHICS
occur – misrepresentation, questionable ● Businessmen are not immoral. It is their
pricing policies, false advertising, wrong perception about the role that ethics
misbranding, lying, adulteration, unfair plays in the world of business that affects
competition, and local pricecutting among his moral judgment and decision making.
others. The bottom line is, somewhere, Here are some myths that they have about
somehow people’s rights are being violated, Business Ethics:
their values disrespected and the interest of ○ MYTH#1 – Ethics is a personal affair
the common good disregarded. However, it and not a public debatable matter.
is the selfish motive and personal interests – People are entitled to their own
of unscrupulous businessmen that make value systems and religious beliefs
business bad and in some instances, but in the exercise of these value
unproductive. systems, they must also consider
● The study of Business Ethics paves the way orientations of others. Certainly,
for a common ground in our understanding one personal rights are always
of the fundamental idea of what is good limited by the rights of others. The
and what is bad in our human conduct. individual’s moral values may be
Without ethics, people, especially very subjective but in the exercise of
businessmen, will set their own moral this value system, he must also
standards, moral rules and moral consider the impact and gravity of
principles. This would result into a kind of his actions on others.
subjective morality, in which case, what is ○ MYTH#2 – Ethics and Business Do
good for one may be bad for another and Not Mix. – Since business is part of
vise versa. human society and its activities
● Ethics as a science does not only evaluate operate within the structure of
the morality of our human conduct but also beliefs and value systems of people,
provides us with a common understanding it must also be viewed and
of the universal, objective and irreversible examined from the perspective of

ethics. Any business activity that is ○ MYTH#5 – Business is a war. – Some

devoid of morality will bring more business leaders believe that
harm than good to people in business is a war. Because of this
particular, and the society in belief, businessmen often resort to
general. using predatory tactics to destroy
○ MYTH#3 – Ethics in Business is the competitors in order to emerge
Relative. – Akin to the view that as the market leader. Business is a
ethics is a private and subjective good human activity. And as an
matter is the claim that morality integral part of the society, it must
depends on the person himself and promote healthy competition and
his environment. This is another not destroy the competitors.
wrong perception on the role that
ethics plays in the world of
business. Some businessmen claim
that morality is relative, which RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ETHICS AND BUSINESS
means, the fundamental concepts of ● The concern of ethics as a philosophical
right and wrong depends on science is to discover that there are
cultural and religious values of unwritten laws, written in the hearts of
people. This implies further that men that should govern our human conduct
what may be considered a right where positive laws may be absent, and in
action in one country may be some cases, not very clear.
unacceptable in other country. Ex: ○ Business is an integral part of
Abortion may be legal in Japan but human society. Therefore, the
certainly not in the Philippines. actions of individuals and
There are universal moral principles institutions in business must be
that people share and agree upon subjected to moral rules and moral
regardless of religious orientations, evaluation.
cultural expressions and value ○ In business, as in any other human
systems. endeavor, “What is legal may not
○ MYTH#4 – GOOD BUSINESS MEANS necessarily be moral.” People tend
GOOD ETHICS – A business may be to confuse legality with morality.
profitable but the means of An action may be legal but not
acquiring profits may be necessarily moral.
questionable. The study of Ethics in ○ Laws are insufficient. They cannot
business encourages businessmen cover all aspects of our human
and managers to look closely into behavior. In the absence of the law,
the end and the means of doing Ethics will help us to discern the
business. Profit maximization is a correct conduct to follow based on
good end in business but the means the dictates of conscious and
of getting those profits must also be reason.
examined. The end does not justify ○ In today’s technocrat-oriented
the means. business education, the trend is to
train managers to maximize profits

by quantifying the operation of 3. Profit-motive turns the businessman from

business. Certainly, the operations being a reflective and a questioning person
of business must be aided by because he focuses his attention only on the
quantitative instruments to practical activity of making money.
measure and predict expected 4. Profit-motive promotes self-interest rather
outcomes. However, this is only one than the common good.
side of managing the enterprise. Sexual Harassment
Managers and business leader must
also be prepared to respond to A. SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND WORKPLACE
complex situations bearing ethical ROMANCE
consequences. ● Business is a productive human activity
○ Peter Drucker argues that “the that brings beneficial contribution to both
business enterprise is an organ of people and society. Business produces
society and its actions have a employment, fair deals, creativity,
decisive impact on the social scene. advancement of technology, customers’
Drucker reminds us that a business satisfaction, among others. Ironically,
corporation is not just created to however, business is also an activity that
make profits but also to consider its provides an opportunity for some
moral and social obligations to its unscrupulous people to take advantage of
stakeholders. Business others, e.g., the abuse of fiduciary
organizations should not just look relationship between employers and
after their own interests but also employees and between buyers and sellers.
the interests of the common good. ●
A. The Good Side of Profit-Motive: ✓ An issue in the corporate world that must be
1. Profit-motive motivates people to do looked into because it can create a hostile and
something meaninghful. unhealthy workplace for the employees.
2. Profit-motive promotes ingenuity and ✓ The Congress of the Philippines enacted the
cleverness Anti-Sexual Act of 1995 or R.A. 7877 declaring
3. Profit-motive promotes ingenuity & sexual harassment unlawful in the employment,
cleverness in running a business. education or training environment, and other
4. Profit-motive makes people productive. purposes. “The State shall value the dignity of
5. Profit-motive generates potential capital every individual, enhance the development of its
for the business. human resources, guarantee full respect for human
B. The Bad side of Profit-Motive: rights, and uphold the dignity of workers,
1. Profit-motive promotes rivalry among employees, applicants for employment, students or
competitors. those undergoing training, instruction or education.
2. Profit-motive makes people focus only on Towards this end, all forms of sexual harassment in
making money, that is, to sell as many the employment, education or training
goods as possible without considering environment are hereby declared unlawful.”
whether or not these products satisfy the ✓ Republic Act# 7877 defines Sexual Harassment
needs and wants of customers and end- as, “Employer, employee, manager, supervisor,
users. agent of the employer, teacher, instructor,
professor, coach, trainor or any other person who,

having authority, influence or moral ascendancy b. Comments about your body, leering,
over another in a work or training or education wolf-whistling, catcalls, insults of a sexual nature,
environment demands, requests, or otherwise persistently pestering for a date
requires any sexual favor from the other, c. Displaying or circulation of pornographic
regardless whether the demand, request or pictures with the intention of harassing
requirement for submission is accepted by the someone/posting of explicitly sexual materials
object of said act.” WHY DOES SEXUAL d. Workplace blackmails, e.g., suggestions
HARASSMENT OCCUR? that sexual favors may further your career
✓ It occurs due to the power struggle between men (or refusal may hinder it)
and women as a response to a real or imagined loss e. Green jokes
of power or as an expression of retaliation or a f. Obscene letters
flexing of the new power. Historically, sexual g. Sexual proposition
harassment has always occurred but there used to h. Suggestive looks
be no label for such behavior.
✓ As there are increased of women joining the PROFILES OF THE VICTIM AND THE HARASSER
workforce, sexual harassment occurs. When 1. The victim as well as the harasser may be
harassment is committed by a male against a a woman or a man. The victim does not
female, it may be a response to real or imagined have to be of the opposite sex.
loss of power. When committed by a woman 2. The harasser can be the victim’s
towards a man, it may be an expression of supervisor, an agent of the employer, a
retaliation or flexing of the new power. supervisor, an agent of the employer, a
supervisor in another area, a coworker, or a
1. QUID PRO QUO Harassment – means “this for 3. The victim does not have to be the person
that” (something for something) and is defined as harassed but could be anyone affected by
requiring a sexual favor or interaction as a the offensive conduct.
condition of employment or in exchange for an 4. The harasser’s conduct must be
employment benefit (such as promotion, transfer, unwelcome.
pay raise, and the like). ✓ It is helpful for the victim to
2. A HARASSMENT THAT CREATES A HOSTILE directly inform the harasser that the
ENVIRONMENT - In the hostile environment type of conduct is unwelcome and must stop. The
harassment, abuses include verbal, physical and victim should use any employer complaint
visual conducts that create an intimidating, mechanism or grievance system available.
offensive, or hostile environment in the workplace Although the victim of sexual harassment
that interferes with work performance. This type of and the person accused of sexual
harassment may be based on race, religion, harassment may be peers, more frequently,
national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran the victims are in a position of lesser
status, sexual orientation, or disability. position than the accused. Ex: Boss-
subordinate relationship. Harassment also
Examples of a hostile environment: occurs between customer/client and
a. Unwanted touching, patting, pinching or providers.
brushing up against a person

HOW DOES SEXUAL HARASSMENT AFFECT THE ● Imprisonment of not less than one
WORKPLACE? (1) month but not more than six (6)
✓ Studies showed that use of months.
words, jokes and gestures were the type of ● Fine of not less than Ten Thousand
harassment which created a hostile Pesos (P 10,000) but not more than
environment or offensive work Twenty Thousand (P 20,000).
environment. It affected the individuals WORKPLACE ROMANCE
harassed and the persons accused, who ● People at work see each other every day,
may be innocent. Such cases can generate work together as teams, sometimes
costly lawsuits, unfavorable publicity or partners, on specific projects. Through this,
the invasion of privacy. It can also affect they get a sense of fulfillment and find
the bottom line of the employer, managers encouragement from one another.
and co-workers, and affect the entire life of Sometimes, people at work get attracted to
an organization and its members. each other. Survey says that somewhere
from 25 to 33 percent of the employees at a
HOW TO PREVENT SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE given company have had office romances
WORKPLACE once in their careers. About three-fourths of
✓ A significant step an organization the people in the survey believe that a
can take in preventing sexual harassment romance at the office is acceptable.
in the workplace is through creating a safe, However, others believe that is it uncalled
secure, and positive work environment by for and unprofessional to mingle romance
putting into practice a strong sexual with business proposes.
harassment policy.
Workplace romance, defined:
COMMUNICATING THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT ➢ A relationship between two people who are
POLICY employed by the same organization. It is
● The best policy is ineffective if it is characterized by mutual attraction between the
not communicated well. Even if the parties and a desire for a personal, romantic
company already has a well-written relationship. Workplace romance is very likely to
policy, it is important to expose it happen as long as men and women work together.
regularly through permanent Though it has been notably increasing in the last
posting on bulletin boards, memos, few decades due to the increasing number of
articles in the organization’s women in the corporate world, it seems that the
newsletters, meetings and trainings. workplace has become the perfect venue for dating
Training programs may come up people.
with various topics to support the ➢ Work offers numerous reasons for attractive
anti-harassment programs and to social benefits: To be with people with the same
assure each employee of a safe and economic, social interest and educational levels;
harassment-free workplace the chance and moment to get to know each other;
environment. continued intimacy with one another on shared
tasks; the opportunity to share emotional
LEGAL PENALTIES OF R.A. 7877 experiences and the accessibility of information for
background checks.

find out what is happening - time is the only

3. Changes in Productivity – the change in
✓ The company is trapped in the middle of office productivity depends on whether their morale is
and workplace romances present in the greatly affected by the relationship. The time spent
organization. Top management does not want to on gossiping, attempts to ruin and sabotage the
interfere unduly with their employees’ personal relationship, and complaints about the relationship
lives and their right for privacy. Conversely, they may affect employees’ productivity. It also includes
don’t want a workplace where employees are the aftermath of an office or workplace that did
uncomfortable to work. This is why a lot of not work out.
companies come up with policies that cover Product Misrepresentation And Caveat
workplace romances and educate all employees on
the guidelines and effects through training and Emptor
seminars. MISREPRESENTATION – is observed when there
is a transformation of information to
✓ Workplace romance offers benefits for the
employees in particular and also for the company
Two types of misrepresentation:
in general:
1. Intentional misrepresentation – a
1. It includes friendship, mutual support to
each other at work and other personal experiences.
scenario whereby the person is fully aware or
2. Employees involved in a love relationship deliberately misrepresents things, commonly
overcome rough times at work because of mutual known as lying.
support and inspiration. 2. Unintentional misrepresentation – a
3. Employees likewise tend to view work as scenario whereby the person is not aware and
fun even when pressures begin to pile up. Romance does not deliberately act on misrepresenting
becomes the reason to keep their jobs. things. It is a situation where the person
involved believes that it is the right and
acceptable things to do. It is also commonly
1. Damaged Professional Reputations – It is
called as a white lie.
wise to be aware of the company policy relating to
Definition of Lying:
office relationships and your organization’s
● It is the act of making others believe
reaction towards it. If the involvement is between
the boss and a subordinate, then the circumstance something that they, themselves, do not
becomes more complicated. Transfer, reassignment, believe in. It happens when someone
performance review, relocation, career tries to convince others with untrue
advancement & reprimands, and other employees’ statement. A lie takes place when the
opinions and perceptions can be very difficult and person’s actions are not in congruence
awkward. with his thoughts and with the intention
2. Disturbed Coworkers – the biggest to deceive others.
concern is the reaction of co-workers and if they
Types of Lying
will support the relationship or not. Even if the
1. Use of ambiguous terms: Is the act of
relationship is discreet, coworkers will eventually
deliberately using vague terms or open-ended

statements that can have several meanings to gravely detrimental to the neighbor and if it
mislead people that one is telling the truth. causes great dishonor to God.
Statements like: “I was at the office around However, lying can be morally justified when it
8:00 am.” This statement means either before is:
or after 8:00 am or even worse it is valid until 1. Used to protect innocent people;
8:55 am. The point is that the employee is still 2. Used to protect national
late for office. People must be very careful in security/important secrets;
using such kind of statements because it can 3. Used in the name of self-defense;
also be used against them which could entail and
another lie. 4. Used in protection of bodily integrity.
2. Use of false statements: Is the act of Business Practices Involving Misrepresentation
making a statement from which false and Lying:
conclusions may be drawn, eventually 1. Direct misrepresentation – is
misleading others. This type of lying is often characterized by actively misrepresenting
observed in advertising a product to be the something about the product or service. It gives
“best-seller” brand. This makes the public the business a bad name because deception
conclude that the brand is also No. 1 in sales and lying are used in the process of selling the
even if this is not true. The use of the term product to the customers.
“fast selling” brand is a statement from which Examples are as follows:
consumers may draw false inference. A. Deceptive packaging – The objective is to
3. Lying through action: Is a type of create an impression wherein the buyers or the
lying where the person gets caught in the act end users will see an improvement, either by
of wrongdoing. A good example of this is when size or by weight without any change in price.
someone is caught red-handed of stealing and It can also be done the other way around,
still denies the accusation. introducing a new packaging and lowering the
4. Suppression of correct information: Is price. The concept is to create an illusion and
an intentional or unintentional act of hiding convince him to believe that the product has
the correct information which eventually been made better. Ex: floppy-filled packaging
misleads others. This act is sometimes observed where containers are filled up to 90 percent to
in some crime scenes wherein a witness 95 percent of its real capacity; Excess package
conceals the truth from the investigating body cushioning is also one of the many techniques
for the sake of his own security or the that promote deceptive packaging;
unwillingness to be involved in the crime. Introduction of a new packaging material of
➢ According to Catholic moral theology, the same size and price but designed to lessen
lying becomes sinful only when: the contents of the goods.
1. It leads the neighbor to error; B. Adulteration – Is the unethical practice of
2. It breaches a promise; and corrupting a genuine commodity by imitating
3. It violates the nature of speech or by adding something to increase its bulk or
In general, lying is not a grievous sin. It is volume, or even by substituting an inferior
considered grievous only when it becomes product for a superior one for the purpose of

profit or gain. It is an unethical practice since it G. Short Numbering – The seller gives the
does not meet the industry standards. It can be consumer the quantity by piece of the product
done through repacking. less than the number he has paid for. It is often
C. Misbranding or Mislabeling – Is the act of practiced when the product being sold comes or
copying a product’s design to the closest is packed in a manner that would make
possible way giving an impression that it is the counting difficulty or inconvenient for the
same with the leading brand. It is based on the consumer. Ex: products sold by box or package
sole purpose of deceiving the customer as if it such as toothpicks, bond paper, toiler paper,
is of superior quality. Ex: placement of tags on paper clips, matchsticks and paper towel.
certain products that do not really contain the H. Misleading Advertising – The term “false”
advertisement on the tag; The packaging of means any representation or symbol that is
alcoholic beverages with almost similar design inconsistent with facts, and where the
to blend in the competition; Changing the deviation would be unacceptable to a
quality or quantity of the product but not significant number of the misunderstandings or
changing the label to conform to the change; incorrect decisions. The term “misleading”
Claiming inferior products as superior ones by means any representation or symbol that
placing them in containers of well-known would cause a significant number of the
brands, supports the concept of repacking general or relevant public to misunderstand or
D. Short-Weighing – the most common type of make incorrect decisions, regardless of whether
direct misrepresentation. It can be easily such representation or symbol is consistent
spotted in wet and dry markets. Weighing with facts.
scales are easily tampered by intentionally 2. Indirect misrepresentation – is characterized
offsetting the calibration of the dials. It is by omitting adverse information about the
practiced in selling products by manufacturers product or service. It is passive deception and
packing products in bulk. not as obvious compared to direct
E. Short-Changing – is taken directly from a misrepresentation. But it still contributes to the
situation where the seller gives the customer impression that businessmen are liars and are
less than the change he should get. When the out to make quick money. It includes caveat
buyer receives less than what should be taken, emptor and business ignorance.
the buyer is being shortchanged. On the ➢ Indirect misrepresentation is
quality of the product, a buyer who pays for a purposely done so that the product or service
brand new phone and receives a reconditioned maintains its good image by deliberately
phone is also being shortchanged. omitting adverse information about the
F. Short-Measuring – Is an unethical practice product or service to mislead customers into
observed in products that depend on length thinking that the product is reliable and
and/or volume. The meter stick or standard is durable and practically problem-free. The
shorter than the real length or smaller in following are the common practices involved in
volume than the standard. It is sometimes indirect misrepresentation:
observed in textile markets and electrical A. Caveat Emptor – means “Let the buyer
shops. beware” and is a practice very common among

salesmen. Based on this concept, it is the that does not know its real costs may charge
responsibility of the consumer to determine for such a high price and further burden the
himself the defects or negative features of the costumer who is already reeling from the
product. Therefore, it is not the responsibility continuing blows of inflation. It may even price
of the seller to reveal any defect of the product itself out of the market and not sell at all.
he is selling. Thus, the costumer cannot expect Introduction
the seller to voluntarily provide that kind of
Understanding the foundation of the business
ethics is very important to every decision
B. Deliberately withholding information in any
makers and members of the corporate
business transaction is also an unethical
organization. Easy resolution can be created
practice. – All parties should involved in all
and cautiousness for possible repetitions of
business transactions must know exactly what
ethical issues can be observed and examined.
they are giving away or receiving in return, in
In this chapter, we aim that you would
order to be fair. Honesty must always be
understand and learn the principles of business
observed in any business transaction. It is clear
ethics as a part of our social responsibility and
that an agreement for purchase and sale is fair
to embody the good corporate governance.
only if both parties are aware of all facts
relating to what they are offering and/or
ETHICS is derived from the Greek word
receiving in return.
“ethikos” which means “having to do with
C. Business ignorance is a form of passive
character. The Latin word for ethos is “mos” (or
deception because the businessman is unable
“mores”). That is why we known Ethics as the
to provide the customer with the complete
Moral Science or Moral Philosophy. It refers to
information he needs to make a fair decision. It
the theory of morality of right conduct.
is the duty of the businessman to know the
BUSINESS ETHICS refers to the standards for
nature of the product he is selling, the goods in
morally right and wrong conduct in business.
the market and what goods are really the best
Law partially defines the conduct, but “legal”
at what price.
and “ethical” aren't necessarily the same.
D. Ignorance of costs – the cost of
Business ethics enhances the law by outlining
manufacture, the cost to sell, and the
acceptable behaviors beyond government
attendant administrative costs, is another form
of business ignorance which is just as harmful
and inexcusable as ignorance of the product
one is selling. A company which does not know
o Wisdom. The ability to discern right from
its costs may sell at a price lower than the
wrong. Though it cost all you have, get
costs of manufacturing the product and
bringing it to the market. The company may
o Courage. It is defined as the ability to
then become a menace to other similar
withstand and defend one’s decisions. It is to
companies in that it may force them to sell at
accept things we (I) we cannot change.
below cost, making the whole industry
unprofitable. At the other extreme, a company

o Temperance. It is defined as the ability to being productive in order for all to flow
control oneself and keeping proper decorum properly. If the working environment possesses
even in the hardest situation. a weak or feeble performance, the workers
o Justice. It is known as the act of fairness; started to be lazy and not concentrated to the
being impartial or having no bias,deciding for work resulting of being not productive.
the sake of common interest of the o Deontology. The philosophy that says people
stakeholders. should meet their obligations and duties when
o Conscience. It refers to the practical judgment analyzing an ethical dilemma. This means that
of reason upon act as good. a person will follow his/her obligations
Types of Consience because upholding one‟s duty is what is
1. Antecedent Conscience is a judgment before considered ethically correct.
an action is done. o Legal Rights. It includes freedom of religion,
2. Consequent Conscience is a judgment after speech and assembly, protection from improper
an action is done. arrest, searches and seizures, proper access to
3. True Conscience is a conscience which judges counsel, confrontation of witnesses, cross-
thing truly as they are. examination in criminal prosecutions, right to
4. Erroneous Conscience is known as the false privacy in many matters and rights applied
conscience. without regard to race, color, creed, gender, or
5. Certain Conscience is a subjective certainty ability.
of the legality of particular actions. CHARACTERISTICS OF ETHICAL ORGANIZATION
6. Doubtful Conscience happens when a person o Ethical Organization are based on the
is not certain about a judgment. principles of fairness.
7. Scrupulous Conscience is one which sees o All stakeholders are treated equally without
wrong where there is none. 8. Lax Conscience is any discrimination.
one where it fails to see wrong where there is o Benefit of stakeholder in given precedence
wrong. over own interest.
FACTOR INFLUENCING BUSINESS ETHICS o There is a clear communication in an ethical
o Leadership. Leaders is a person who leads the organization.
people towards achieving a common goal. o What is to be done, how it is to be done is
Leader can be good or bad, great or small they clearly stated.
arise out of needs and opportunities of a o No bureaucracy.
particular time and place. Leaders should be o Minimum bureaucracy and high control helps
the role models and mentors to its in implementing business ethics.
subordinates to attain progress and not o Compliance with applicable laws.
became examples of disgrace and mentors of BENEFITS OF BUSINESS ETHICS
regress in work. o Goodwill of the People. People like to build
o Performance and Working Environment. long term relationships with organizations that
Good performance creates motivation to the performs their tasks on the principle of ethics.
subordinates to work harder. The working Moreover, strong public image leads to
environment must possesses the energy of continual loyalty and attracts new investors.

o Prevention from Legal Actions. By affected by them. An ethical decision is one

implementing ethical practices, organizations that avoids interfering with the fundamental
are automatically prevented from illegal and rights of other.
objectionable activities as business ethics THE SIX MORAL RIGHTS OF AN INDIVIDUALS:
instruct to avoid all that is wrong and evil. o The right of free consent o The right of
Such organization have no fear of legal action privacy
and social boycott. o The right of freedom of conscience o The right
o Business Ethics have Substantially Improved of free speech
the Society. Establishment of anti-trust laws, o The right of due process
unions and other regulatory bodies has o The right of life and safety
contributed to the development of the society.
o Ethical Practices Create Strong Public Image. 3. Justice View: there is always fair and
Organization with strong ethical practices will impartial treatments of people according to the
possess a strong image among the public. This legal rules and standards. The decisions to be
image would lead to strong loyalty. created are based to the standard of Equality,
o Ethical Practices Support Employees’ Growth. Fairness and Impartiality.
Ethics in the workplace help employee face
reality, both good and bad – in the THREE TYPES OF JUSTICE APPROACHES:
organization. o Distributive Justice: the treatment of people
o Strong Teamwork and High Productivity. should not be based on arbitrary
Constant change and dialogue will ensure the characteristics. In case of substantive
employee matches to the value of the differences, people should not be treated
organization. differently in proportion to the differences
o Build Trust with the Key Shareholders. among them.
Implementation of ethics helps organization to o Procedural Justice: the rules must be or
gain trust of their shareholders. should be clearly stated; equal and just for
o High Profit. Reputation of the company and everyone. All the rules approved should be
its share prices also increase if the company act consistently and impartially enforced for the
upon Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). betterment of the workplace.
FOUR VIEWS OF ETHICS o Compensatory Justice: the individuals should
1. Utilitarian View. ethical decisions are made be compensated for the cost of their injuries by
solely on the basis of their outcomes or the party responsible. Individuals should not
consequences. Greatest good is provided for the be held responsible for matters they have no
greatest number. And encourages efficiency control.
and productivity and is consistent with the 4. Individualism View. the acts when they
goal of profit maximization. promote the individual‟s long term interests,
2. Moral Right View. they are more in the which ultimately leads to the greater goods.
respecting and protecting the fundamental Individual self-direction paramount;
rights of the people. Moral decisions are those individuals is believed to lead to honesty and
that best maintain the rights of those people moral integrity since the Accounts Receiver. Is

the primary documents is to one‟s long term is advertisements typically end making
like one‟s long term self-receipt. misrepresentations or false claims.
➢ From the point of morality, advertising in
The Morality of Advertising
itself is not bad or immoral since it helps achieve
ADVERTISING the goals of both the seller and buyer. It only
● Plays a very significant role in becomes immoral when, in the attempt to persuade
marketing goods and services. consumers, the advertisements become deceptive,
Without advertising, the consumers misleading, and manipulative. Since the primary
would not be aware of the presence function of advertising is to sell goods, its purpose
of diverse products and services should not be limited to supplying consumers with
available in the market. Sometimes, appropriate information but it should also educate
even the mere presence of the public or mold the public’s opinion in choosing
advertising can sell a product due to products that they need and not become
consumer perception that a heavily manipulated in buying what they do not need.
advertised product is a product of ➢ There is only one criterion in evaluating
“good value.” the morality of advertising, and that is “to tell
truth.” An advertisement that conveys truthful
ADVERTISING, defined information is morally permissible. If an
● Philip Kotler defines it as “any paid form of advertisement contains false statements and lies,
non-personal presentation and promotion then it is said to be immoral.
of ideas, goods or services by an identified ➢ Advertising becomes unethical when the
sponsor.” advertisement becomes:
● Wells, Burnett and Moriarty, likewise 1. Misleading – do not misrepresent, do not make
defined advertising as “paid, non-personal false claims but it makes claims in such a way that
communication from an identified sponsor a normal person looking at it comes up with the
using mass media to persuade or influence wrong conclusion.
an audience.” 2. Deceptive – makes a false statement or
PRIMARY PURPOSE OF ADVERTISING misrepresent the product, e.g. , the picture
• To inform potential buyers of the availability of a presented in the advertisement is different from the
certain product by providing relevant information actual product;
on its uses, benefits and how it might serve the ➢ Deceptions may occur not only through
needs and wants of individuals. sentences or propositions but also through pictures,
➢ The use of advertising today has not individual words, or through certain combinations
been serving its intended purpose since very little of objects which can deceive the eye and mind.
information is conveyed to consumers and more ➢ Semantics in advertising is also allowed
often the information is not even useful. in some conditions to allow certain leeway in some
Advertising is part of the selling process and its products. In the case of cosmetics, since it is
goal is to persuade consumers to buy the products considered as luxury items, consumers expect
being advertised. The economic system is various cosmetics to be packaged in attractive
characterized by high degrees of business bottles, boxes or containers for aesthetic purposes.
competition where every producer would want to This is also true with shampoo, hair conditioners,
have a piece of the consumer’s demand; as a result, and lotions. Using these products does not
guarantee that an ordinary person will look like

the models pictured in the ads. Most people ADS DIRECTED AT CHILDREN
understand the semantics in advertising and do not • Most advertisers have recognized that advertising
take the implied claims of the products literally. to children is effective and eventually became a big
➢ Another deceptive technique in business recently. Ads are reaching children
advertising is ambiguity. When ads are ambiguous, through new media technologies and even in
they are considered deceptive. The use of weasel schools – with corporate-sponsored educational
words is often complementary to ambiguity in materials and product placements in students’
advertising. Weasel words are used to avoid or textbooks. The aim of advertisers is for the children
recoil from a direct or straightforward statement. to pester their parents to buy things for them.
Example: the word “help” which means to aid or Young children are naïve and gullible and are
assist. According to one author, the word help has particularly vulnerable to enticements made by
been generally used to say something that couldn’t advertisements.
be said. We are usually accustomed to ads that PHILIPPINE LAWS ON ADVERTISING
contain phrases like: helps fight, helps prevent, CONSUMENT ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES (R.A. 7394) •
helps stop, helps you feel, helps overcome, helps Article 108 of the Act declares that “The State shall
you look. Other commonly used weasel words are: protect the consumers from misleading
like, virtual or virtually, can be, up to, as much as, advertisements and fraudulent sales promotion
and many other words that are used to imply what practices.” The Department of Trade and Industry is
can’t be said. responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Act.
➢ Consumers might also be misled through With respect to food, drugs, cosmetics, devices and
exaggeration. Exaggeration occurs when hazardous substances, the Department of Health is
advertisements tend to make false claims of the the agency that oversees these products.
benefits of the goods or services which is actually Introduction To Internation Business
unsupported by valid evidence. Ex: claims that a
pain reliever provides “extra pain relief” or is “50 What is International Business?
percent stronger than aspirin”. ● The exchange of Goods & Services,
➢ Advertisers play on several different Resources, Knowledge, & Skills, among
tactics to get people interested in their products. individuals & businesses in two or more
There are some advertisements that are directed at countries.
arousing human emotional needs rather than
● Transaction that are carried out across
reason. This is one area in advertising that presents
national borders to satisfy the
a serious moral concern. Some of the psychological
objectives of individuals and
appeals that advertisers use to motivate people to
buy products are: Power, prestige, personal
enjoyment, masculinity, femininity, curiosity, ● All Commercial transactions that take
imitation, acceptance, approval, self-esteem, self- place between two or more countries.
preservation, altruism, and the most pervasive of ○ Private & Government
all are sexual pitches. ○ Sales
3. Manipulative or Coercive – manipulative ○ Investments
advertisement uses trickery or by devious or ○ Logistics
insidious means. Coercive advertisement involves ○ Transportation
the use of force or threat, either physical or
● Accurate Information & timely

● The size of the international business • Under this approach, the company operating
● Market segmentation successfully in a foreign country thinks of
● International markets have more exporting other neighboring countries of the
potential than domestic markets host country.
Scope • At this stage, the concerned subsidiary
● International Marketing considers the regional environment ( such as
● International Finance and Investments laws, culture, policies etc.) for formulating the
● Foreign Exchange policies & strategies.
● Global HR Geocentric approach
• Under this approach, the company analyses
Features the tastes, preference and needs of the
● Large scale operations customers in all foreign markets and then
● Integration of economies adopts a standardized marketing mix for all
● Dominated by developed countries and the foreign markets.
MNCs Problems
● Benefits to participating countries • Political factors
● Keen competition • High foreign investments and high cost
● Special role of science and technology • Exchange instability
● International restrictions • Entry requirements
Importance • Tariffs, quota etc.
1. Earn foreign exchange • Corruption and bureaucracy
2. Optimum utilization of resources • Technological policy
3. Achieve its objectives • Quality Management
4. To spread business risks Entry Strategy
5. Improve organization's efficiency 1. Exporting
6. Get benefits from Government • Indirect & Direct
7. Expand and diversify 2. Licensing
8. Increase competitive capacity • Agreement
Approaches of IB • Patent, trademark, copy right,
Ethnocentric approach technology, production processes, and
● Under this approach, target market is product
own country , Excessive production will • licensee’s fee
export due to change in customer taste, 3. Franchising
preferences • by franchisers to franchisee
Polycentric approach • Usage
● Under this approach, the companies 4. Foreign Assembly
customizes the marketing mix to meet • Subsidiary
the taste, performance and needs of the • local assembly
customers of each international market/ 5. Turnkey Operation
Regiocentric approach • Staff of an operating facility

• foreign buyer • Lower Governmental barriers to the

6. Foreign production subsidiary movement of goods, services, and resources
• Establishment enable Companies to take better advantage of
• Purpose international opportunities
7. International Firm General agreement on Tariff and trade (GATT)
• Significant portion ● An international organization formed to
• In foreign countries reduce or eliminate tariff and other
8. Multinational Corporation barrier to international trade
• Parent country International Monetary Fund (IMF)
• host country ● An international financial organization
9. Joint Venture that lend money to countries in
• Property rights conducting international trade
10. Foreign Direct Investment World Bank
• Arrangement in which a firm buys or • An international financial organization that
establishes tangible assets lend money to underdeveloped and developing
• In another country countries for development
• Through direct investment
• By buying a company stock in capital Economic Communities
markets • World Trade Organization (WTO)
Advantages • European Community (EC)
• Faster growth • North American Free Trade
• Access to cheaper inputs Agreement(NAFTA)
• Increased quality and efficiency • Asian Free Trade Agreement (AFTA)
• New market opportunities Entry Strategies International Business Entry
• Diversification Strategies
Disadvantages • Market entry strategy is influenced by the
• Increased costs firm and product characteristics and the
• Foreign regulations and standards domestic and international market
• Delays in payments characteristics.
• Complex organizational structure Foreign Market Entry and Operations
Reason for recent growth in IB Strategies
1. Expansion of technology Exporting
2. Business is becoming more global because • Direct Exporting.
• Transportation is quicker • Indirect Exporting.
• Communications enable control from Contractual Agreement
afar • Licensing & Franchising.
• Transportation and communications • Strategic Alliance.
costs are more conducive for international • Contract Manufacturing.
operations Production facility in foreign market.
3. Liberalization of cross-border movements • Assembly Operations.

• Wholly owned manufacturing facility. – A third form of indirect exporting is the

• Joint Ventures. export management company located in the
Mergers and Acquisitions same country as the producing firm and which
Direct exporting plays the role of an export department.
In direct exporting, the firm becomes directly Example The mumbai based American Dry
involved in marketing its products in foreign Fruits (ADF) which began selling a range of
markets, because the firm itself performs the packaged foods liked Chutneys, Spices, Canned
export task (rather than delegating it to vegetables, ready to eat dals, etc under
others). different brand names later moved to other
To implement a direct exporting strategy, the countries with large Indian population.
firm must have representation in the foreign Licensing & Franchising
markets. This can be achieved in a number of Licensing is another way to enter a foreign
ways: market with a limited degree of risk. Under
– Sending international sales representatives international Licensing, a firm in one country
into the foreign market. permits a firm in another country to use its
– Selecting local representatives or agents to intellectual property( Patents, trade marks
prospect the market. etc).
– Using independent local distributors who will
buy the products to resell them in the local Franchising is a business model in which many
market. different owners share a single brand name. A
– Creating a fully owned commercial parent company allows entrepreneurs to use
subsidiary to have a greater control over the company's strategies and trademarks; in
foreign operations. exchange, the franchisee pays an initial fee
Indirect exporting and royalties based on revenues. The parent
The market-entry technique that offers the company also provides the franchisee with
lowest level of risk and the least market support, including advertising and training, as
control is indirect export, in which products are part of the franchising agreement.
carried abroad by others. The firm is not Licensing is similar to franchising except that
engaging in international marketing and no the franchising organisation tends to be more
special activity is carried on within the firm; directly involved in the development and
the sale is handled like domestic sales Indirect control of the marketing programme.
exporting The major drawback of licensing is the problem
There are several different methods of indirect of controlling the licensee due to the absence
exporting: of direct commitment from the international
– The simplest method is to deal with foreign firm granting the licence. After few years, once
sales through the domestic sales organisation. the knowhow is transferred, there is a risk that
– A second form of indirect exporting is the use the foreign firm may begin to act on its own
of international trading companies with local and the international firm may therefore lose
offices all over the world. that market.

Example ITC Hotels and ITT Sheraton Contract manufacturing obviates the need for
corporation had an agreement under which ITC plant investment, transportation costs and
Hotel’s Welcom group franchised two of its custom tariffs and the firm gets the advantage
hotels in Bangkok and Hong kong to ITT of advertising its product as locally made.
Sheraton holding, in exchange, the franchise Contract manufacturing also enables the firm
for Sheraton in India. Later, partners decided to to avoid labour and other problems that may
set up a joint venture with Sheraton having arise from its lack of familiarity with the local
major stake to manage all new ITC hotel economy and culture.
projects in India. Example Balsara’s private label manufacturing
Strategic Alliance activity is focused on the supply of children’s
It is an arrangement between two companies toothpaste formulations. Balsara’s empahsis
that have decided to share resources to on Private lable products and contract
undertake a specific, mutually beneficial manufacturing has resulted in increased
project. A strategic alliance is less involved and business from North American and European
less permanent than a joint venture, in which Markets.
two companies typically pool resources to Assembly Operations
create a separate business entity. Assembling is a compromise between exporting
In a strategic alliance, each company and foreign manufacturing. The firm produces
maintains its autonomy while gaining a new domestically all or most of the components or
opportunity. A strategic alliance could help a ingredients of its product and ships them to
company develop a more effective process, foreign markets to be put together as a
expand into a new market or develop an finished product.
advantage over a competitor, among other By shipping CKD (completely knocked down),
possibilities. the firm is saving on transportation costs and
Example An oil and natural gas company also on custom tariffs which are generally
might form a strategic alliance with a research lower on unassembled equipment than on
laboratory to develop more commercially finished products. Another benefit is the use of
viable recovery processes. A clothing retailer local employment which facilitates the
might form a strategic alliance with a single integration of the firm in the foreign market.
clothing manufacturer to ensure consistent Example Notable examples of foreign assembly
quality and sizing. A major website could form are the automobile and farm equipment
a strategic alliance with an analytics company industries. In similar fashion, Coca-Cola ships
to improve its marketing efforts. its syrup to foreign markets where local bottle
Contract Manufacturing plants add the water and the container.
In contract manufacturing, the firm’s product is Wholly owned manufacturing facility
produced in the foreign market by local Companies with long term and substantial
producer under contract with the firm. Because interest in the foreign market normally
the contract covers only manufacturing, establish wholly owned manufacturing
marketing is handled by a sales subsidiary of facilities there. A number of factors like trade
the firm which keeps the market control. barriers, difference in the production and other

costs encourage the establishment of - by increasing specialization and

production facilities in the foreign markets. competition
- by facilitating desirable
Joint Ventures structural (linkages) changes.
Foreign joint ventures have much in common Increase of Trade.
with licensing. The major difference is that in A simple constituent of economic integration
policies is elimination of the additional payments
joint ventures, the international firm has an or tariffs, making trade low- priced and giving
equity position and a management voice in the exporters a superior incentive to do business with
foreign firm. A partnership between hostand integrated economies.
Allowing Consumers to Spend More.
home-country firms is formed, usually
Economic integration reduces or eliminates
resulting in the creation of a third firm. customs duties, which in turn results in cheaper
Mergers and Acquisitions imported products for consumers.
This way, the purchasing power of consumers
From a legal point of view, a merger is a legal
grows, and with it, activity in the market.
consolidation of two companies into one entity, The public can start buying more imported
whereas an acquisition occurs when one products or spend former duty expenses on other
company takes over another and completely products or services.
In addition, goods that are not produced in
establishes itself as the new owner sufficient quantities in one country can be
Regional Economic Integration imported and distributed in the market at low cost.
● Regional Economic Integration A simple constituent of economic integration
(REI) refers to the policies is elimination of the additional payments
○ commercial policy of or tariffs, making trade low- priced and giving
discriminatively reducing or exporters a superior incentive to do business with
eliminating trade barriers only integrated economies.
between the states joining together. MOVEMENT OF CAPITAL
● Regional economic groups eliminate or The benefit of capital movement is the investment
reduce trade tariffs in new markets, leading to their eventual
○ (and other trade barriers) among development
the Partner States while Economic integration removes barriers to foreign
○ maintaining tariffs or barriers for investors, minimizing or abolishing extra tax,
the rest of the world (non- member while advanced integration policies, such as a
countries). monetary union, can even eliminate the cost of
● Geographical proximity, cultural, historical, currency exchange
○ Similarities, competitive or When economies within the integrated the duty of
complementary economic Linkages, members to help, not only as a moral obligation,
and a common language among the but because a failing economy can have serious
Partner States are importantly effects on the whole integration process.
required for effective economic For this reason, European Union countries have
integration. offered to bail out the troubled economies of
The aim of economic integration is to lessen costs Greece, Ireland and Portugal
for both consumers and producers, in addition to SIMPLE FORMS OF REGIONAL
increase trade between the countries taking part in INTEGRATIONBILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATY (BIT)
the agreement. - A bilateral investment treaty (BIT) is an
primary economic objective of integration is to agreement establishing the terms and conditions
raise: for private investment (FDI) by nationals and
- real output and income of the companies of one state in another state.
participants & rate of growth BITs are established through trade pacts.

TRADE & INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT It involves the unification of previously separate
(TIFA) - A trade pact between countries that seeks states.
to develop the necessary structures or WHY MOST OF THE REI’S IS FORMED IN SAME
frameworks, such as committees and trade REGION?
councils, that will move the trading countries Most trade groups contain countries in the same
closer to a free trade agreement. area of the world (although not necessarily), for
It is a form of economic integration. the reasons that,
FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (FTA) - A free-trade area The distance that goods need to travel between
is the region encompassing a trade bloc whose such countries is short and consumers’ tastes and
member countries have signed a free-trade preferences are likely to be similar,
agreement (FTA). Such agreements involve Distribution channels can be easily established in
cooperation between at least two countries to adjacent countries resulting in reduced distribution
abolish or reduce trade barriers – import quotas cost.
and tariffs – and to increase trade of goods and Another reason is that the neighboring countries
services with each other. may have a common history and interests, and
CUSTOMS UNION A customs union is a type of they may be more willing to coordinate their
trade bloc which is composed of a free trade area policies.
with a common external tariff. FORCES / MOTIVATIONS OF REI
The tariffs are then shared among members Degree of integration depends upon the
according to a prescribed formula. willingness and commitment of independent
COMMON MARKET sovereign states to share their sovereignty.
Members of a common marketremove barriers to Economic aspects and political aspects as the main
trade in goods and services among themselves, motives of economic integration.
establish a common trade policy with respect to ECONOMIC ASPECTS/FORCES THAT MOTIVATES
non-members (common external tariff) and REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION
remove restrictions on the movement of factors of Reducing uncertainties
production (labor, capital, Land& entrepreneur) Improving credibility
across borders Thus making it easier for the private sector to
Restrictions on immigration, emigration, and cross- plan and invest.
border investments are abolished. ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF REGIONAL INTEGRATION
Members cooperate closely on monetary, fiscal, 1. Trade Creation
and remove barriers to trade in goods and services 2. Trade Diversion
among themselves; establish a common trade TRADE CREATION
policy with respect to non- members (common Trade creation occurs when common external trade
external tariff); remove restrictions on the policy and internal free trade lead to a shift in
movement of factors of production (labor, capital, production from high to the low cost Partner State
and technology) across borders; and Coordinate in the community.
their economic policies (monetary, fiscal, taxation, TRADE DIVERSION
and social welfare) so as to blend their economies Trade diversion on the other hand arises when
into a single entity. imports from the rest of the world are replaced by
POLITICAL UNION more expensive imports from the partner country.
Remove barriers to trade in goods and services The overall gain depends on whether trade creation
among themselves; is larger than trade diversion.
Establish a common trade policy with respect to POLITICAL ASPECTS/FORCES THAT MOTIVATES
non-members (common external tariff); REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION
Remove restrictions on the movement of factors of Many regional economic communities have been
production (labor, capital, and technology) across driven by political rather than economic goals.
borders; and These political objectives include,
Coordinate their economic policies (monetary, 1.National Security
fiscal, taxation, and social welfare) so as to blend 2.Structure of Governance : Macroeconomic Policies
their economies into a single entity. 3.Democracy
4.Human rights.

NATIONAL SECURITY advantage in each member states which in turn

Regional economic integration can enhance will lead to specialization which will further lead
security because it increases the level of trade to increased output and services thus making the
between member countries and, in so doing, whole region better off as a result of such
increases familiarity between the people of the specialization scheme.
member countries and lessens the degree of NEED FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC INTEGRATION IN
misconception. DEVELOPING
It can also be a means through which democracy To promote a balanced division of labor among a
and governance objectives can be pursued and to group of countries.
lock in changes in political institutions. To achieve Economies of Scale.
It may also worsen security and this is likely to Isolated tiny national economies has to give way
happen where the distribution of transfers is to strategic alliances that harness knowledge and
asymmetric between the member states. resource based comparative advantages through
Regional Economic Integration offers many One of the major problems developing countries
benefits to the participating member countries. face is the formulation and implementation of
However, these benefits are not pre-determined good macro economic policies. Consequently, these
and they depend among other things on the countries have experienced instability in their
internal design of the integration including the macroeconomic environment and thus regional
degree of political commitments by the Member integration can help them to harmonize their macro
States. policies, including fiscal and monetary policy and
An important feature of the higher levels of to achieve a stable macroeconomic environment
economic integration is free trade among members within the integrated economies.
and this free trade is expected to lead to a rapid
increase of trade which in turn is likely to lead to
rapid economic growth.
These gains result from the dynamic effects of
integration which are cumulative in nature and
lead to growth.
The dynamic effects of integration are often
described as the long-run consequences of
economic growth of member states as a result of
increased market size exploitation of economies of
scale increased competition learning by doing
increased investment.
The larger the integration (in terms of the
size) the more likely it is to lead to growth
since the larger the integration, the larger the
market created and so on. Also, the stronger the
potential economies of scale are, and the more
rapid the autonomous productivity advances,
the more likelythe integration will lead to growth.
economic integration can also serve as incentives
for investment and attraction of Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI).
General reforms such as stabilization, market
liberalization, and privatization adopted under
regional arrangements can raise returns to all
factors and are likely to be more than enough to
increase private investment.
Economic integration can help to ensure that
production is located according to comparative

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