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1. Which quantum number(s) do 2s and

2p orbitals have in common? a)4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12
a) l b) n & l c) l & m d) n
2. The principal quantum number of an
atom is related to the:- 9. The energy of an electron in first Bohr
a. size of the orbital orbit of H-atom is –13.6 eV. The
b. spin angular momentum possible energy value of electron in
c. orbital angular momentum the excited state of Li2+ is:
d. orientation of the orbital in space
a) -122.4eV b) 30.6 eV
3. Correct set of four quantum numbers
c) -30.6 eV d)13.6 eV
for the valence (outmost) electron of
rubidium Z = 37) is: 10. The electronic transitions from n = 2
a. 5,0,0,+1/2 to n = 1 will produce shortest
b. 5,1,0, +1/2 wavelength in (where n = principal
c. 5,1,1,+1/2 quantum state)
d. 6,0,0,+1/2 a) Li+2 b) He+ c)H d) H+
4. Bohr model can explain:- 11. Mg2+ is isoelectronic with:-
a. the spectrum of hydrogen atom a) Li+2 b) Ca+ c)Na+ d) Zn+
only 12. The wave number of the spectral line
b. spectrum of an atom or ion was in the emission spectrum of hydrogen
will equal to 8/9 times the Rydberg's
containing one electron only.
constant if the electron jumps from:
c. the spectrum o hydrogen molecule
a)n=10 to n=1 b) n=3 to n=1
d. the solar spectrum c) n=2 to n=1 d) n=9 to n=1
5. Which one of the following sets of
quantum numbers (n, l, m, and s) 13. Particles that most effects material
represents as impossible properties:-
arrangement? a) Neutrons b) Proton
c) Electrons d) Valence electrons
a. 3,2,-2,1/2 b. 4,0,0,1/2
c. 3,2,-3,1/2 d. 5,3,0,-1/2
14. The number of radial nodes of 3s and
6. Any p-orbital can accommodate up to: 2p orbitals are respectively
a. four electrons (a) 2, 0 (b) 0, 2 (c) 1, 2 (d) 2, 1
b. two electrons in parallel groups 15. If the nitrogen atom has electronic
c. six electrons configuration 1s7, it would have
d. two electrons with opposite spins energy lower than that of the normal
ground state configuration 1s2 2s2 2p3
7. Maximum number of electrons in a
because the electrons would be closer
subshell with l = 3 and n = 4 is:- to the nucleus. Yet 1s7 it is not
a)10 b)12 c)14 d)16 observed because it violates.
8. The work function (f) of some metals a) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
is listed below. The number of metals b) Hund’s rule
which will show photoelectric effect c) Pauli exclusion, principle
d) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits
when light of 300 nm wavelength falls
16. Which of the following has maximum
on the metal is:-
number of unpaired electrons:-
a)Zn b)Fe2+ c)Ni3+ d)Cu+
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Pt W
f(eV) 2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 6.3 4.75

24. All of the orbitals in a given subshell

17. The ratio of the energy of a photon of have the same value of the
2000A0 wavelength radiation to that __________ quantum number.
of 4000A0 radiation is:
(a) 1/4 (b) 4 (c) 1/2 (d) 2 a) Principal b) Azimuthal
18. What should be the maximum c) Magnetic d) a and b
number of lines obtained in the 25. Which one of the following is not a
spectrum, if total numbers of energy valid value for the magnetic quantum
levels are four? number of an electron in a 5 d
A) 6 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2 subshell?
19. A mole of yellow photons of
wavelength 527 nm has __________ a)2 b)3 c)0 d)1
kJ of energy. 26. Unpaired electron present in Cr+3 :-
a)165 b) 227 a)3 b)1 c)2 d)4
c) 4.56 10 d) 6.05 103 27. Maximum frequency of emission is
20. It takes 254 kJ/mol to eject electrons obtained for the transition:-
from a certain metal surface. What is
a) n=2 to n=1 b) n=6 to n=2
the longest wavelength of light (nm)
that can be used to eject electrons c) n=1 to n=2 d) n=2 to n=6
from the surface of this metal via the 28. When an electron transit from n=4 to
photoelectric effect? n=2 then emitted line in spectrum will
a) 471 b) 233 be:-
c) 165 d) 725 a)first line in lyman series
21. Which electron configuration b) Second line of balmer series
represents a violation of the Pauli
c) First line of paschen series
Exclusion Principle?
d) Second line of paschen series
29. Which value is closest to the
wavelength of in metres of a quantum
A) of light with frequency of 8x1015S-1. a)
3x107 b)2x10-25
c) 5.5x10-18 d) 3.75x10-8
30. The de-Broglie wavelength associated
with the particle of mass 10-6kg
C) moving with a velocity of 10m/s is:-
a)6.63x10-22m b)6.63x10-29m
D) c)6.63x10-31m d)6.63x10-34m
22. If an electron has a principal quantum 31. For principal quantum number n=4 ,
number (n) of 3 and an azimuthal
the total number of orbitals having
quantum number (l) of 2, the subshell
designation is _________. l=3 is:-
a)3 b)7 c)5 d)9
A) 3p B) 3d C) 4s D) 4p 32. The isoelectronic pair is:-
23. The __________ orbital is degenerate a)Cl2O,ICl2- b) ICl2- ClO2
with 5py in a many-electron atom. c)IF2+ , I3- d)ClO2-,ClF2+

a) 5s b) 5px c) 4py d) 5dxy


33. The debroglie wavelength associated 41. No. of nodal surface in 2s orbital is:-
with a ball of mass 1kg having kinetic a)0 b)1 c)2 d)3
energy 0.5 J is:- 42. Number of orbitals in h sub-shell is:-
a) 6.63x10-34m b) 6.63x10-22m a)11 b)15 c)17 d)19
c) 5.67x10 m d) 5.67x10-34m 43. The number of neutrons in tritium is:-
34. The measurement of the electron a)1 b)2 c)3 d)0
position is associated with an 44. Which orbital is represented by the
uncertainty in momentum ,which is complete wave function ψ420:-
equal to 1x10-18gm -cm /sec , the a)4d b)3d c)4p d)4s
uncertainty in electron velocity is:- 45. Number of waves in fourth orbit:-
a) 1x1011 b) 1x109 c) 1x1016 d) 1x106 a)4 b)5 c)0 d)1
46. The ratio of minimum wavelengths of
lyman & balmer series will be:-
35. Which orbital has n=3, l=1,m=-1 a)1.25 b)0.25 c)5 d)10
values:- 47. The ratio of minimum frequency of
a)3px b)2py c)3pz d)4s lyman & balmer series will be:-
36. If the wavenumber of emitted light is a)1.25 b)0.25 c)5.4 d)10
2x106/m, then its wavelength is:- 48. When an electron jumps from n=4 to
a)500m b)200nm n=1, ultraviolet light is emitted, if the
c)5000m d)500nm transition corresponds to n=4 to n=2
37. Multiplication of electron velocity and which colour is observed?
radius for a orbit in atom is:- a)green b)u-v light
a)proportional to mass of electron c)infrared d)no colour
b) proportional to square of mass of 49. Maximum magnetic moment will be
electron shown by :-
c) Inversely proportional to mass of a)3d5 b)3d2 c)3d9 d)3d7
electron 50. Number of possible orbitals (all types)
d) Does not depend upon mass of in n=3 energy level is:-
electron. a)1 b)3 c)4 d)9
38. Two electrons present in K shell differ
a) principal quantum number
b) Azimuthal quantum number
c) Magnetic quantum number
d) Spin quantum number
39. Isoelectronic pair is:-
a)CO,NO b)NO3-,CO32-
c)CO2,NO2 d)C2H2,BF2
40. What is the maximum number of
electrons which can be accomodated
in an atom in which the highest
principal quantum number value is 4?
a)10 b)36 c)32 d)54

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