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16/10/2023, 10:31 Tech Excellence | Building Muscat's new airport | New Civil Engineer

people in their career will be able to say they’ve been able to work on a job with 240M
hours worked.”

Bechtel was part of the JV which built the new airport

The passenger terminal building and maintenance yard buildings started commercial
operation in March, bang on time. And again Brightman is proud. “For a building of
this complexity, in a country and a region that has never had anything like this, that
was a phenomenal achievement.”

Brightman explains how the project learned from other terminal openings around the
world – not least Heathrow’s Terminal 5 – and set up an emergency operating centre
to handle the opening and switchover from the old terminal. Based in the centre were
the contractors, the owner/operator, the baggage handling subcontractor, the main
airline and other key stakeholders such as the Royal Omani Police. It was manned
24/7 in the weeks leading up to the opening and remains operational today, months
after the switchover, albeit somewhat scaled back.

But in the hours, days and weeks building up to switchover it was a busy place, says
BEB operational readiness and airport transfer and third party interface manager
Fatma Gobel. 3/8

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