ExSum - State of Conservation - Borobudur Temple Compound

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Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines



(in compliance with Paragraph 169 of the Operational Guidelines)

Borobudur Temple Compounds (Indonesia) (C 592)

1. Executive Summary of the report

This report is a response to the request made in Paragraph 13 of the Decision 44 COM
7B.142 for the Borobudur Temple Compounds (Indonesia) (C 592) by the World Heritage
Committee at its 44th session (2021) for an updated report on the state of conservation of
the property and the implementation of the aforementioned, for an examination by the
World Heritage Committee at its 46th session. In this report, Indonesia also welcomes the
advice from the World Heritage Committee to engage in phased dialogue and consultation
with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies

The report consists of a narrative explaining the progress made in the implementation of
the measures taken by the Republic of Indonesia (the State Party) to address each of
requests enumerated in Decision 44COM 7B.142. For ease of reference, the Decision 44
COM 7B.142 for Borobudur Temple Compounds (Indonesia) (C 592) is attached to this
report as Annex 1.

The narrative report on progress made in the responses to each of requests arising from
Decision 44COM 7B.142 is supported and supplemented several documents, including
- Annex 1. Decision 44 COM 7B.142 for Borobudur Temple Compounds
(Indonesia) (C 592),
- Annex 2. Technical Brief towards Heritage Impact Assessment for Borobudur
Temple Compounds,
- Annex 3. Integrated Tourism Management Plan of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-
Prambanan (ITMP-BYP),
- Annex 4. Borobudur Visitor Management Plan (BVMP),
- Annex 5. Updated Heritage Impact Assessment 2022,
- Annex 6. Borobudur World Heritage Strategic Tourism Development Review,
- Annex 7. Plant Species Recommendations in the Borobudur Temple Area,
- Annex 8. Policy Strategy to Develop an Integrated Small Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) Center around Borobudur

Indonesia has submitted the updated Heritage Impact Assessment, Infrastructure

Development Review in The Context of Borobudur Key Tourism Area Development,
Selected Biodiversity in Borobudur Temple Area, and Policy Strategy to Develop an
Integrated Small-Medium Enterprises Center around Borobudur Key Tourism Area. The
Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context (2022) has
been incorporated into the Guidelines of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment, which were
first drafted in 2021.

During this process, Indonesia has updated the heritage impact assessment made in 2021
and enriched it with a review on tourisms infrastructure development, studies on selected
biodiversity, and studies on the development of Integrated Small Medium Enterprises. The
Integrated Tourism Management Plan of Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan (ITMP BYP)
and the Borobudur Visitor Management Plan (BVMP) have also been submitted to ensure
Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines

that the development projects within and around the Property do not conflict with the OUV
criteria and endanger the attributes of the Borobudur Temple Compounds.

The Presidential Decree Number 1 of Year 1992 concerning the management of the
Borobudur Temple Tourism Park and the Prambanan Temple Tourism Park as well as the
Environmental Control of the Area is currently being updated to harmonize the
management of Borobudur Temple Compounds based on the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Property and the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Management.

A proposal to construct the regional religious center in Borobudur Sub-Conservation Area

2 and its surrounding area (Zona 3 Integrated Zoning System Masterplan 1979) has been
received. In response to the Government of Indonesia's request, the initiator carried out a
heritage impact assessment and further redesigned the development plan in accordance
with the HIA recommendations.

In conclusion, there are no other current conservation issues identified which may
negatively impact the OUV of the Borobudur Temple Compounds.

2. Response to the Decision of the World Heritage Committee

Referring to decisions 44 COM 7B.142 for Borobudur Temple Compounds (Indonesia) (C

592) adopted by World Heritage Committee during the 44th Session in Fuzhou, China in
16-31 July 2021, the Government of Indonesia would like to address the Decision paragraph
by paragraph as follows:

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC/21/44.COM/7B,

2. Recognizing the measures taken by the State Party in preserving the Outstanding
Universal Value (OUV) of Borobudur Temple Compounds as a World Heritage

3. Takes note that there are developments within the Borobudur Temple Compounds;

4. Recognizes that development projects outside the property area and its buffer zone
are needed to support local communities and conservation activities, and that in order
to do so, the projects should be sustainable and support the OUV of the property;

5. Notes that development projects for tourism facilities are planned and that some
works have been commenced within and around the property, and that some of these
works have been paused, but welcomes the efforts made by the State Party to develop
a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the proposed development projects and a
Management Plan (MP) for the property;

6. Requests the State Party to continue to pause work on major development projects
within and around the property to enable collaborative engagement with the World
Heritage Centre and ICOMOS;
Indonesia has postponed several development projects in Borobudur Area on Zone
3,4, and 5 of Integrated Zoning System (1979), consist of Construction of Culture
Axis Pathways between Mendut–Pawon–Borobudur temples (Boardwalk and Progo
Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines

River Bridge), and Relocation of the Borobudur Commercial and Parking Area.
Studies have been carried out during this process to assess the impact of the
development projects on attributes in the Borobudur Temple Compounds. Heritage
authorities, experts, and the public were also involved in this assessment process.

Four studies are conducted namely:

1. Heritage Impact Assessment, (2022). This study is an updated version of the
HIA (2021) on 12 Development Plan of Tourism Facility to assess the
impact and to propose mitigation plans.
2. Infrastructure Development Review: In The Context of Borobudur Key
Tourism Area Development. This study enriches the mitigation strategy
provided by Heritage Impact Assessment (2022).
3. Selected Biodiversity in Borobudur Temple Area. This study provides
knowledge about the local wisdom in managing, utilizing and conserving
plants in the past.
4. Policy Strategy to Develop an Integrated Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Center around Borobudur. This study provides recommendations regarding
Relocation of the Borobudur Commercial and Parking Area.

These four studies have enriched the development plan of the tourism facility in
Borobudur and have been discussed intensively to support the collaborative
management of Borobudur Temple Compounds (Annex 2. Technical Brief towards
Heritage Impact Assessment for Borobudur Temple Compounds).

7. Also requests the State Party to submit the Integrated Tourism Management Plan of
Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan (ITMP BYP) and the Borobudur Visitor
Management Plan (BVMP) to the World Heritage Centre for review by ICOMOS to
ensure that the development of the proposed projects within and around the property
will not negatively impact the OUV of the property;

Indonesia has attached the Integrated Tourism Management Plan of Borobudur-
Yogyakarta-Prambanan (ITMP-BYP) (Annex 3. ITMP-BYP) and the Borobudur
Visitor Management Plan (BVMP) (Annex 4. BVMP) documents along with this
report. The documents are being updated to align with the latest national policy and
post-pandemic situation.

Participatory approach is used during the document drafting. The heritage authority
and all the stakeholders in developing Borobudur, Yogyakarta and Prambanan
tourism are involved in the process, to ensure that the collaborative management plan
does not negatively impact the OUV and the attributes of the property.

8. Encourages the State Party to engage in phased dialogue and consultation with the
World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies on further assessments of these
projects and the development of the Management Plan through capacity-building
assistance, virtually or in person as the situation allows, as the MP will define how
the property and its setting develop in future;

Indonesia welcomes the advice from the World Heritage Committee to enrich the
Management Plan of Borobudur Temple Compounds (2021) through capacity
building assistance, and consultation with World Heritage Center and Advisory
Bodies. Indonesia intends to begin this process soon.
Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines

9. Further requests the State Party to review and revise the projects and update the HIA,
taking into account the advice of the preliminary ICOMOS Technical Review, and
to submit the updated HIA to the World Heritage Centre for review by ICOMOS;

Indonesia has updated the Heritage Impact Assessment 2021 into Heritage Impact
Assessment 2022 (Annex 5. Updated HIA 2022) based on the advice of the
preliminary ICOMOS Technical Review (2021). A number of studies are provided
to the The Heritage Impact Assessment 2022, including (i) Infrastructure
Development Review: In the Context of Borobudur KTA Development (Annex 6.),
(ii) Selected Biodiversity in Borobudur Temple Area (Annex 7.), and (iii) Policy
Strategy to Develop an Integrated SMEs Center around Borobudur KTA (Annex 8.).

10. Also welcomes the notification from the State Party that it will establish an integrated
management body covering the whole of the Borobudur National Strategic Area,
based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010;

Indonesia is currently updating the Presidential Decree No. 1 of 1992 as a base of
current management in Borobudur Temple Compounds to harmonize the
management of Borobudur Temple Compounds based on the Law of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Property and the Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Management.

11. Also encourages the State Party to develop specific HIA mechanisms for
development or restoration projects planned within and around the property, in
conformity with the ICOMOS Guidance on Heritage Impact Assessments for World
Heritage cultural properties;

Indonesia has developed the Guidelines of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
(2021) which were drafted based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Property, and ICOMOS Guidance on Heritage
Impact Assessments for World Cultural Heritage Property (2011). For now, the
guidelines are enriched in accordance with the Guidance and Toolkit for Impact
Assessments in a World Heritage Context (2022).

12. Further encourages the State Party to inform the World Heritage Centre of any
project that may have a negative impact on the OUV of the property, in accordance
with Paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines, and to submit HIAs and
associated documents for review by the Advisory Bodies before making any decision
that would be difficult to reverse;

Indonesia has received a public request to build a regional religious center in
Borobudur Sub-Conservation Area 2 and its surrounding area (Zona 3 Integrated
Zoning System Masterplan 1979). To respond to this request, Indonesia through
heritage authority requested the initiator to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment.
The initiator has followed the HIA recommendations and redesigned the
development plan.

13. Finally requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1
December 2022, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and
the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee
at its 46th session.
Annex 13 of the Operational Guidelines

3. Other current conservation issues identified by the State(s) Party(ies) which may have an
impact on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value

There are no other current conservation issues identified.

4. In conformity with Paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines, describe any potential
major restorations, alterations and/or new construction(s) intended within the property, the
buffer zone(s) and/or corridors or other areas, where such developments may affect the
Outstanding Universal Value of the property, including authenticity and integrity.

Already stated in Paragraph 12.

5. Public access to the state of conservation report

The public is allowed to access the report on the state of conservation of the Borobudur
Temple Compounds.

6. Signature of the Authority

Deputy Coordinating Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy

Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs

Odo R.M. Manuhutu

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