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This Feasibility Study entitled, Cucurbetes, prepared and submitted by Mico

Roman M. Zaulda and Femelle J. Donato, has been examined and recommended for
acceptance and approval for Practical Research II.






Cucurbetes ii
The following report is all about a nutritious food feasibility study. Ice cream is a
mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and sometimes other ingredients, that has been frozen into
a soft, creamy delight using special techniques. Ice cream has been a popular treat for
hundreds of years but only become commonplace since the widespread use of
Squash is one of the most versatile and delicious food available throughout the
world and it packs a serious punch in terms of health and medicinal benefits.
Cucurbetes is an ice cream that is made of 30%-40% squash. It is a dessert that is
healthier than any other ice cream. Its price is budget-friendly so that anyone can taste it.
On the first day of their opening, there will be a free ice cream for the 1 st 100 customer.
It’s a way to thank their customers for going to their store. Squash and milk is the
primary ingredients of the proponent’s product. To be more healthy and productive, they
will have their own field and farm wherein they collect their supplies of milk and squash.
Before having their permanent business, first they experiment what two different
foods are perfect to combine. After that they chose the combination of ice cream and a
squash, they asked and gave their friends and relatives the sample of their product to
know how it is tastes like and what things to be improved or to maintain.
When the time comes that their product will boom to the market, they’ll make another
flavor or maybe another product.


Cucurbetes iii
The completion of this feasibility study was made possible through the
encouragement and assistance of some persons who have given their time and solicited
advice to this study: Ms. Shannice Q. Gazzingan, our instructor, for his patience and
guidance, encouragement and for sharing his expertise in writing this feasibility study;
The Librarian St. Nicholas Catholic School Of Anda, Ms. Allison Cacho, for allowing us
to use their facilities; To our parents, who gave us life and guided us ever since we were
born, and for the financial and moral support; also to our friends, who always there for
us. To our classmates and teachers who gave us inspiration and support to finish this
study; and above all, to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, for His abundant graces and
blessings showered unto the family of the researchers.

God Bless!

Cucurbetes iv

We dedicate this project to God Almighty our creator, our strong pillar, our
source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He has been the source of
our strength throughout this work and on His wings only have we soared. We also
dedicate this work to our parents; Mercedes Zaulda, Richel Zaulda, Ma. Catherine
Donato, & Edmon Donato who encouraged us all the way and whose encouragement had
made sure that we give it all it takes to finish that which we have started. To our siblings
Francine Zaulda, Jesmond Donato, & Mondale Donato who have been giving all their
best to make our parents proud.
Thank you. My love for you all can never be quantified. God bless you.

Cucurbetes v
Table of Contents
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………….i
Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………………...ii
Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………..iii
Table of Contents………………………………………....……………………………


Background of the Study………………………………………………………………...1
Significance of the Study……………………………………...…………………………2


Name of the Firm………………………………………………………………………...3
Product Description…….…………………………………………...…………………...3
Justification of the Logo…………………………………………………………………4
Demand Analysis…………………………….…………………………………………...5
Target Market……………………………………………………………………...……5
SWOT Analysis…………………………….………………………………………….....6
Pricing Strategies………………………………………………………………………..6
Promotional Strategies………………………………………………………………….7
Competitive Advantages………………………………………………………………..7


Organizational Structure……………………………………………………………….8
Employees Guidelines and Reprimands….…………………………………………….9
Company Philosophy…………….……………………………………………………..10


Facility Layout………………………………………………………………………….11
Equipment,Furniture,Fixture, and Utilities…………………………………………..12
Raw Materials and Supplies…………………………………………………………...13


Income Statement for the next 5 years………………………………………………..14


Contribution to the Government………………………………………………………17
Generation of Employment Opportunities……………………………………………17
Social and Community Involvement (CSR)…………………………………………..18
Conclusions & Recommendations……………………………………………………..19
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………….20
Chapter 1

A yummier and healthier ice cream is what the proponents are producing. The
proponents like to introduce a new way to be healthy in an exciting way. Ice cream is one
of the best desserts in all times while squash is one of the healthiest vegetable. The
proponents find a way to make these two different varieties of foods to be more delicious
and healthy in one. The result in making a delicious and healthy ice cream is what the
proponents called now “CUCURBETES”. Cucurbetes is a combination of words,
cucurbita and sorbetes. Cucurbita is the scientific name of squash and Sorbetes is a
Filipino term for an ice cream.

Background of the Study

Ice cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It may
be made from dairy milk or cream and is flavored with a sweetener, either sugar or an
alternative. Colorings are usually added, in addition to stabilizers. The mixture is stirred
to incorporate air spaces and cooled below the freezing point of water to prevent
detectable ice crystals from forming. The result is smooth, semi-solid foam that is solid at
very low temperatures (below 2 °C or 35 °F). It becomes more malleable as its
temperature increases.
That being said, ice cream does provide your body with a handful of nutrients,
including bone-strengthening calcium, blood-pressure-lowering potassium, and
energizing B vitamins. It also provides a decent amount of protein, which is important in
tissue repair and cell growth.
Squash which is also one of the ingredients of the product are a kind of fruit. They
originally came from the New World. Gourds are in the same family as squashes.
Although squash is a fruit according to its botanical classification, it is generally
considered vegetable in food preparation.
Squash has a very rich nutritional profile that consists of various organic compounds,
nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are responsible for providing all its impressive
health benefits. This list includes a huge amount of vitamin A, as well as significant
amount of vitamin C, vitamin E, and B vitamins (vitamins B6, niacin, thiamin,
pantothenic acid, and folate). In terms of minerals, squash contains magnesium,
potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. It is also a very good
source of carotenoids and other important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.

Significance of the Study

Cucurbetes Page 1
These parts provide a concise explanation on the benefits that the following group
of people will get from this study:

To the proponents
To acquire high profit from the product. Being a new face to the ice cream
industry will gain a lot of attention.

To the customers
They can be healthy by simply eating the proponent’s ice cream. Now a
days it is so hard to be healthy because most of the foods that we love to eat are not
healthy that’s why the proponents make this product.

To the future researchers

This study will help the future proponents to have a guide in making a
feasibility study.

To the locals/community
This study would enhance the steady supply of dessert in the community.

Chapter 2

Cucurbetes Page 2

Name of the Firm

They decided to name it as Cucurbetes. Cucurbetes is a combination of words,
cucurbita and sorbetes. Cucurbita is the scientific name of squash and sorbetes is a
Filipino term for an ice cream. The proponents named it Cucurbetes because it is unique
and can gain a lot of attention made by their curiosity asking what the product is.
The proponents decided to make this kind of name for it is the trend of today’s generation
whereas the name of their business was a combination of two words.

Product Description
Cucurbetes is a combination of ice cream and squash. By eating these two
variations of food you can get both of of their vitamins and nutrients. Squash is a very
interesting fruit, and is often identified as a vegetable because it is a broad term that
encompasses a number of different foods, including pumpkins, zucchinis, courgettes, and
marrows. They have a number of overlapping characteristics and belong to the genus
Cucurbita. Squash has a very rich nutritional profile that consists of various organic
compounds, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, which are responsible for providing all its
impressive health benefits. This list includes a huge amount of vitamin A, as well as
significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, and B-vitamins (vitamin B6, niacin,
thiamin, pantothenic acid, and folate). In terms of minerals, squash contains magnesium,
potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, and iron. It is also a very good
source of carotenoids and other important anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.
Ice cream is the frozen food which is mostly consumed as a dessert. It is made with the
use of cream and milk or fruits and flavoring agents. Sugar or artificial sweeteners are
used to sweeten ice cream. Colorings, flavorings and stabilizers are also used. The
mixture is whisked to combine air spaces and cooled down to the water’s freezing point
in order to prevent formation of detectable ice crystals. It forms semi-solid and smooth
foam which becomes solid in low temperatures. It is consumed with spoons or placed in
cones. The vitamins that we can gain in ice cream are Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin
B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-
3, Vitamin B-5, & Vitamin B-9. The minerals that we can gain in ice cream are Calcium,
Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, &
Cucurbetes is an ice cream that is more nutritious than any other ice cream
out there. It is served in cones, cups, or even in buns.

Justification of Logo

Cucurbetes Page 3
The GRAIN symbolizes a productive agriculture.
The TWO LARGE & SMALL CONES symbolizes children and its parent.
The HAPPY SQUASH symbolizes the healthiness of our product.
The color of the logo which is ORANGE means joy, health, & success.
The color of the happy squash which is YELLOW ORANGE signifies the
freshness of the product.
The color of the leaves which is YELLOW creates a sense of joyfulness and


Cucurbetes Page 4
Demand Analysis

Forecasted demand for the next 5 years

65000 63,840
55000 53,200
25000 Daily Customers
15000 Monthly Customers
5,320 5,320 Yearly Customers
5000 190 190 5,320
190 5,320
190 5,320
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 190
Year 5
Daily Cus- 190 190 190 190 190
Monthly Cus- 5,320 5,320 5,320 5,320 5,320
Yearly Cus- 42,560 47,880 53,200 58,520 63,840

The table shows that in year 1, their estimated daily customers are 190. Therefore,
the proponents assumed that there are 5,320 estimated monthly customers buying
their products. Thus the proponents assumed that there are 65.75% days per year
acquired their product in year 1, and in year 2 there’s 73.97%, year 3 there’s
82.19% and year 5 there’s 93.15%.

Target Market
Our target market will be children and those who have poor eyesight. We are
targeting all those who have taste buds but especially those kids who don’t like to eat
vegetables because of its taste and texture.

SWOT Analysis

Cucurbetes Page 5

 Nutritious product  Sources of Fund

 Convenient  Risky in terms of
 Budget-friendly budget

 A new face of ice  Less value on cold
cream. places and cold


Pricing Strategies
For the proponents’ pricing strategy, they will use the penetration pricing which
they will set a low price to enter a competitive market and raising it late. When the time
comes that their product is already well-known, they’ll change their pricing strategy into
competitive pricing which they’ll change their price based on what the competition

Promotional Strategies
For Customers
On the proponents’ opening day there will be free taste for the first 100
persons in our shop. The proponents want them to be satisfied in the taste of theirPage 6
product to make them buy our product more and to spread the word to it. The
proponents will make flyers and their social media page to advertise their product to a
large number of people.
The proponents will also make a commercial featuring their product so that the
consumers will be encourage buying not because it is an ice cream but because it is a
unique and healthy ice cream.
For Competitors
The “thing” that the proponents have that their competitors don’t have is the
healthiness of their ice cream. The proponents’ ice cream is rich on vitamins and
nutrients especially in vitamin A that is good for their eyesight. When the time that
the proponents have the budget to make expensive marketing strategies, they’ll have
an exhibit featuring their ice cream, hire a prestigious and famous celebrities to
advertise their product, to have some giveaways, and a free ice cream day which suits
to everyone.
Tagline “A scoop of healthiness.”
Having a tagline is also a part of promoting your product. The proponents’
tagline is “A scoop of healthiness.” In their tagline there is the word “scoop” which
for them means the act of taking the ice cream out of its box. They can also see the
word “healthiness” which emphasizes the benefits that they’ll acquire by eating

Competitive Advantage
Product differentiation is the competitive advantage of the proponents. They have
the ability to provide better benefits than their competitors. For example, their ice creams
have a lot of vitamins and minerals that can help improve their body. They can attain this
kind of advantage because they haven an innovative products, a quality products, and
what nutrients their products have.
Chapter 3
Cucurbetes Page 7
Organizational Structure

Mico Roman M. Zaulda


Femelle J. Donato James A. Araullo Warren L. Camba Teresa D. Dava


Fig. 2

Justification of Organizational Structure

Proponents are equally contributed in all aspects (money, time and labor, etc.) for
the betterment of the organization. Everyone has to share the business profits and loss.
Each of them contributed to conceptualize the idea of the project ventured. The
proponents designate their positions according to their expertise and field of familiarity.
Proponents are considered as Limited Partnership.
Employees Guidelines and Reprimands


Title I

Chapter I

Art. 83. Normal hours of work. The normal hours of work of any employee shall not
exceed eight (8) hours a day.

Health personnel in cities and municipalities with a population of at least one million
(1,000,000) or in hospitals and clinics with a bed capacity of at least one hundred (100)
shall hold regular office hours for eight (8) hours a day, for five (5) days a week,
exclusive of time for meals, except where the exigencies of the service require that such
personnel work for six (6) days or forty-eight (48) hours, in which case, they shall be
entitled to an additional compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) of their regular
wage for work on the sixth day. For purposes of this Article, “health personnel” shall
include resident physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers,
laboratory technicians, paramedical technicians, psychologists, midwives, attendants and
all other hospital or clinic personnel.

Art. 84. Hours worked. Hours worked shall include (a) all time during which an
employee is required to be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace; and (b) all time
during which an employee is suffered or permitted to work.

Rest periods of short duration during working hours shall be counted as hours worked.

Art. 85. Meal periods. Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor may
prescribe, it shall be the duty of every employer to give his employees not less than sixty
(60) minutes time-off for their regular meals.

Title II

Chapter I

Art. 86. Application of Title. This Title shall not apply to farm tenancy or leasehold,
domestic service and persons working in their respective homes in needle work or in
any cottage industry duly registered in accordance with law.

Chapter II
Cucurbetes Page 9
Art. 87. Forms of payment. No employer shall pay the wages of an employee by means
of promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, tickets, chits, or any object other than
legal tender, even when expressly requested by the employee.

Payment of wages by check or money order shall be allowed when such manner of
payment is customary on the date of effectivity of this Code, or is necessary because of
special circumstances as specified in appropriate regulations to be issued by the Secretary
of Labor and Employment or as stipulated in a collective bargaining agreement.

Art. 88. Time of payment. Wages shall be paid at least once every two (2) weeks or
twice a month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) days. If on account of force majeure
or circumstances beyond the employer’s control, payment of wages on or within the time
herein provided cannot be made, the employer shall pay the wages immediately after
such force majeure or circumstances have ceased. No employer shall make payment with
less frequency than once a month.

Art. 89. Place of payment. Payment of wages shall be made at or near the place of
undertaking, except as otherwise provided by such regulations as the Secretary of Labor
and Employment may prescribe under conditions to ensure greater protection of wages.

Company Philosophy

Eating healthy and being happy at the same time is what makes our product
unique. We aim to make a happy and healthy community so that everyone could
enjoy their life in the fullest.

The primary goal of our business is to become the number one source of
happiness by means of vegetables.

Core Values
 Honest
 Obedient
 Patient
 Friendly
 Hardworking

Chapter 4

Cucurbetes Page 10

Cucurbetes will be having its first store at the front of the school of St. Nicholas
Catholic School of Anda. The proponents will place their store on a location where
there’s a lot of people and where it’s easily to be located. They will operate on a clean
and safe environment.
Facility Layout

Cucurbetes Page 11
This layout shows equipment and furniture layout at the ice cream cafe. It is a
cafe with a quite large dining hall, extensive kitchen area and restroom. Typically, the
cafe is a small and cheap restaurant, facility offering the limited range of eating and
drinking, like the water, coffee, tea, ice-cream, and light snacks. Such locations as bar,
coffee house, tea room, gelateria, ice-cream boutique are also known as cafe.

Equipment, Furniture, Fixture, and Utilities

Ice Cream Shop Equipment:

 Freezers
 Refrigeration Units
 Electric Stove

Ice Cream Shop Equipment: Dispensers

 Beverage dispenser
 Syrup pumps
 Ice cream cone dispenser
 Toppings dispensers
 Ice Cream Shop Supplies: Dishes and Utensils
 Soda glasses
 Ice cream scoops
 Ice cream spades
 Ice cream dipper
 Toppings spoons
 Disposable ice cream dishes

Ice Cream Shop Equipment: Tables and Seating

 Chairs
 Tables
 Bar-style chairs
 Children’s high-chairs

Ice Cream Shop Equipment: Sales and Display

 Cash registers
 Menu board
 Ice cream and topping bowl covers

Additional Equipment
 Dish washing units
 Blenders
 Organizers for lids, straws and utensils
 Can openers
 Safe
 Work tables

Cucurbetes Page 12
 Filing cabinets
 Cleaning supplies
 Decorations
 Tissue Paper
 Paper Bags
 Maps
 Broom
 Dust Pan
 Trash Can
 Garbage Bag
 Floor Mat

Raw Materials and Supplies

After many centuries and millennia’s in our presence, ice cream and other cold
deserts went through thousand changes. As our eating fashion, access to raw materials,
ingredients and refrigeration technology advanced through the centuries, ice cream went
from simple recipes that really used ice to the modern milk based recipe that we all know
and love today.

Raw Materials & Supplies

 Squash
 Dairy products (Milk, Cream)
 Sugar
 Food Coloring
 Sugar Cones
 Cups
 Popsicles
 Marshmallows
 Sprinkles

Production/ Service Process

Production Process on making a Cucurbetes:
1. Boiling
Boil the squash until it is soft.
2. Mixing
Mix the ingredients such as; squash, condense milk, cream, and food coloring.
Use a blender to make your work fast.
3. Freezing
After mixing, the mixed ingredients will be put on a container then put it on a
freezer to harden the texture of the ice cream.

Cucurbetes Page 13
Chapter 5


Type of Products Pricing

3 oz. ₱10
6 oz. ₱19
12 oz. ₱39
1L ₱149
Cone ₱20

Projected Income Statement for the next 5 years

a B c D
SALES PRICE Daily Sales Monthly
(estimated) (a*b) (c*30 days)
3 oz. ₱10 50 ₱500 ₱15,000
6 oz. ₱19 50 ₱950 ₱28,500
12 oz. ₱39 30 ₱1,170 ₱35,100
1L ₱149 10 ₱1,490 ₱44,700
Cone ₱20 50 ₱1,000 ₱30,000
₱5,110 ₱153,300


(d*8) (c*9) (c*10) (c*11) (c*12)
₱1,224,000 ₱1,379,700 ₱1,530,000 ₱1,686,300 ₱1,839,600
Monthly Annual 13th month
Salary Salary pay Total Salary
Crew ₱3,500 ₱42,000 ₱3,500 ₱45,500
L ₱3,500 ₱42,000 ₱3,500 ₱45,500
Monthly Rent Annual Rent
₱1,500.00 ₱18,000

Page 14
Equipment VALUE Year
Electric ₱1,999.75 8 ₱1,749.78
Refrigerator ₱2,136.5 10 ₱1,922.85
Freezer ₱14,559 ₱1,455.9 10 ₱1,310.31
Total ₱51,922 ₱4,982.94


Tables ₱9,000 ₱700 ₱8,300 20 ₱415
Chairs ₱17,000 ₱1,700 ₱15,300 20 ₱765
Others ₱30,000 - - - -
Depreciatio ₱107,922 ₱6.725

Annual Supplies
Supplies Unit Cost Qty per year
₱50 72 ₱3600
Floor Mat ₱100 2 ₱200
Garage Bag ₱10 365 ₱3,650
Broom ₱100 3 ₱300
Dust Pan ₱50 3 ₱150
Trash Can ₱70 3 ₱210
Map ₱150 2 ₱300
Tissue Paper ₱15 1000 ₱15,000
Paper Bags ₱1 3360 ₱3,360
Ingredients - - ₱240,800
TOTAL ₱267,570
Annually ₱4,000


Monthly Annually
Water ₱2,000.00 ₱24,000
Light ₱3,000.00 ₱36,000
Kitchen Appliances ₱1,000 ₱12,000
Cooling Equipment ₱1,500 ₱18,000
TOTAL ₱7,500 ₱90,000
Income Statement


Sales ₱1,224,000 ₱1,379,700 ₱1,530,000 ₱1,686,300 ₱1,839,600
Total Income
₱4,000 ₱4,500 ₱5,000 ₱5,500 ₱6,000
₱45,500 ₱45,000 ₱45,000 ₱45,000 ₱45,000
Rent Expense ₱18,000 ₱18,000 ₱18,000 ₱18,000 ₱18,000
₱4,982.94 ₱5,900 ₱6,000 ₱6,800 ₱7,400
₱90,000 ₱92,000 ₱95,000 ₱95,000 ₱100,000
₱240,800 ₱270,900 ₱301,000 ₱331,100 ₱361,200
Taxes &
₱259,200 ₱305,910 ₱351,000 ₱395,890 ₱441,880
₱662,482.94 ₱742,210 ₱821,000 ₱897,290 ₱979,290
₱561,517.06 ₱637,490 ₱709,000 ₱789,010 ₱860,310
Cucurbetes Page 16
Chapter 6

Contribution to the Government

Government and business institutions in a country in many ways are interrelated
and interdependent. In today’s global economy, businessmen and entrepreneurs are the
driving forces of the economy. The main goal of businesses is to make a profit and
governments’ goal is to ensure economic stability and growth. Both of them are different
but very co-dependent. For this, the government and organizations or businesses always
try to influence and persuade each other in many ways for various matters. A balanced
relationship between the government and businesses is required for the welfare of the
economy and the nation.

Anyways, these are the common methods that the proponents’ business organization use
to contribute to the government:

Personal Conducts and Lobbying

The corporate executives and political leaders and government officials are in the
same social class. This creates a personal relationship between both parties.

Large Investment
One of the proponents’ goals is to make a very large investment in industries or
projects so that we could somehow affect government policies.

Contributing to Local Government with Taxes

When consumers patronize local small businesses, they are essentially giving
money back to their local community. A thriving local business will generate high levels
of revenue, which means that the business will pay higher taxes, including local property
taxes. This money is then used for local police and fire departments as well as schools. A
thriving small business also can improve property values throughout a community,
improving every homeowner's bottom line while generating more property taxes for local
The small business impact on local economy growth also takes the form of sales
tax collection. Local businesses charge sales tax based on their location and can be the
backbone of special taxation districts focused on unique projects, such as lighting and
sidewalk projects to improve historic shopping districts and attract additional customers.

Generation of Employment Opportunities

Creating jobs is a keystone of any economic recovery program. Providing jobs is
vital on many levels. Economically, employment provides income to poor families,
revives domestic demand for goods and services, and stimulates overall growth. Socially,
employment can also promote social healing, encourage the return of displaced persons,
and improve social welfare in the long run.

Cucurbetes Page 17
Public works projects are effective ways to generate a lot of employment quickly
while demonstrating progress that benefits communities. Job opportunities can include
small-scale food- or cash-for-work projects, such as cleaning up public places, repairing
roads and facilities, or installing generators.

The proponents keep sustainability in mind, but avoid placing undue emphasis on it in the
very early stages of recovery. The proponents will keep on mind about the development
of trade relations to increase linkages among producers, processors, and markets. An
entrepreneurs like the proponents, creates lot of employment opportunities for different
sections of society. When the existing units of the proponents increase their production
capacity, more employment opportunities are created. The goods and services produced
by the proponents will be sold in the market. This would require the services of traders.
The increase in trading activity will further require the services of transport, warehousing,
insure, advertising, communication etc. The resultant effect would be creation of more
job opportunities in the economy.

Social and Community Investment (CSR)

Social and Community involvement is the power to bring positive, measurable
change to both the communities in which the proponents operate and to the proponents’
business. When the time comes that the proponents are on a stable financials, they will
have an in-kind and financial donations, employee volunteer days, enduring non-profit
partnerships, and more to invest in the community.

In fact, the benefits of social and community investment are two-fold, providing
positive returns to local charitable organizations and neighborhoods and boosting
company performance indicators, such as reputation and employee engagement. As the
proponents’ company builds partnerships and working relationships with local
community non-profits and service-based organizations, neighborhoods are strengthened.

Social and community investment programs can provide the proponents’

company with a platform for showcasing products, employee competencies, and the
proponents’ firm's values. The proponents will use corporate citizenship to strengthen
community partnerships so that the proponents’ are not only able to foster a workplace
culture that deepens employee commitment, but are also able to build enduring
relationships in the communities within which they do business and a quality that benefits
both companies and communities alike.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Cucurbetes Page 18
This feasibility study concludes that putting up a business is very hard because
you do not know what your business will have to face and encounter. By planning your
business very well will help you a lot and will be worthy to work. And by that, the
proponents conclude that their business’ product, Cucurbetes, is a product worth working
for. For the financial aspect of the proponents’ product, they conclude that Cucurbetes
demands high profit because it supplies the population’s love for ice cream.
Therefore, the proponents conclude that choosing and supporting Cucurbetes
through many ice cream products out there, is a worthy and savory thing indeed. It isn’t
just affordable to buy but it is also a healthy food to eat. Customers will surely be having
fun eating Cucurbetes. It’s a product for the masses and surely people will love it. It’s in
the product itself that conveys the message to everyone that everybody should eat
vegetables and fruits for a healthier life and that even the food that we cannot eat daily,
can be form into something delicious and healthier one.

This feasibility study’s proponents recommend that future proponents who want
to learn or have basic knowledge about feasibility study can refer to the work of these
proponents. This will be a big help not only for the future proponents that will make a
feasibility study but to those who will make up any business someday.

Bibliography erms/n/noncurrent-liabilities.asp

Curriculum Vitae

Cucurbetes Page 19
Personal Information

Name: Mico Roman M. Zaulda

Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthday: December 1, 2001
Place of Birth: Gulod, Novaliches, Quezon City
Father’s Name: Richel C. Zaulda
Mother’s Name: Mercedes M. Zaulda
Address: Barangay Mal-Ong, Anda, Pangasinan
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
E-mail Address:

Educational Background

Primary: Rosa L. Susano Novaliches Elementary School

Gulod, Novaliches, Quezon City

Secondary: Saint Nicholas Catholic School of Anda

Poblacion, Anda, Pangasinan

Senior High School: Saint Nicholas Catholic School of Anda

Poblacion, Anda, Pangasinan

Personal Information
Name: Femelle J. Donato
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 17, 2002
Place of Birth: Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Father’s Name: Edmon C. Donato
Mother’s Name: Ma. Catherine J. Donato
Address: Sitio Catubig, Barangay Tara, Bolinao, Pangasinan
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
E-mail Address:

Educational Background

Primary: Saint Therese School

Dauis, Bohol
Miguel Oppus Memorial Elementary School
Poblacion, Baclayon, Bohol
Catubig Integrated School
Sitio Catubig, Barangay Tara, Bolinao, Pangasinan

Secondary: Saint Nicholas Catholic School of Anda

Poblacion, Anda, Pangasinan

Senior High School: Saint Nicholas Catholic School of Anda

Poblacion, Anda, Pangasinan

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