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I'm just a text-based AI, so I can't create videos, but I can help you script a 2-minute video discussing

significance of the Treaty of Peace to the US, Spain, and the Philippines. You can use this script as a
starting point for creating your video:

[INTRODUCTION - 0:00 - 0:20]

[Begin with a montage of historical images related to the Spanish-American War]

1. Narrator (V.O.): "Welcome to this brief journey through history, where we explore the
significance of the Treaty of Peace of 1898, a pivotal moment for the United States, Spain, and
the Philippines."

[Transition to maps showing the locations of the US, Spain, and the Philippines]

2. Narrator (Voiceover): In the late 19th century, the world witnessed a pivotal moment that would
change the fortunes of three nations—The United States, Spain, and the Philippines.

[UNITED STATES - 0:21 - 0:50]

[Show images of American leaders like McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt]

3. Narrator (V.O.): "For the United States, the Treaty of Peace marked the end of the Spanish-
American War, catapulting it onto the global stage as a major imperial power. It acquired Puerto
Rico, Guam, and the Philippines from Spain."

[Show images of American flags being raised in the acquired territories]

4. Narrator (Voiceover): These acquisitions were not without controversy, as they brought forth
questions of imperialism and colonialism. The United States had to grapple with the
responsibilities of governing distant lands.

[Transition to Spain]

5. Narrator (Voiceover): For Spain, the Treaty of Peace was a bitter pill to swallow. It marked the
end of its once-mighty empire, with territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific slipping away.

[Show images of Spanish ships leaving the Philippines]

6. Narrator (Voiceover): However, it also brought an end to a costly war and allowed Spain to
redirect its efforts towards domestic matters and rebuilding.

[Transition to the Philippines]

Narrator (Voiceover): But the story doesn't end there. For the Philippines, the treaty brought a mixed
bag of hope and disillusionment.

[Show images of Filipino leaders and American soldiers]

Narrator (Voiceover): Filipinos had fought alongside Americans against Spanish colonial rule, hoping for
independence. However, the treaty led to American colonial rule, sparking a new struggle for freedom.

[PHILIPPINES - 1:11 - 1:30]

[Show images of Filipino revolutionaries]

Narrator (Voiceover): The Philippine-American War ensued, lasting until 1902, as Filipinos sought self-
determination against their new colonial masters.
Narrator (V.O.): "And for the Philippines, the Treaty of Peace brought both hope and disappointment.
After centuries of Spanish colonial rule, the Philippines saw itself transferred from one colonial power to
another, sparking the Philippine-American War for independence.".

[Closing shot: Montage of modern images representing the US, Spain, and the Philippines]

Narrator (Voiceover): As we reflect on the significance of this treaty, it serves as a testament to the
enduring interplay of power, ambition, and the pursuit of self-determination in the tapestry of our
shared global history.

[CONCLUSION - 1:31 - 1:59]

[Include images symbolizing the lasting impacts of the Treaty]

Narrator (V.O.): "In conclusion, the Treaty of Peace of 1898 had far-reaching consequences. It reshaped
the destinies of nations, redrawing global maps, and setting in motion a series of events that would
shape the 20th century. It left behind a legacy of complex and enduring relationships, reminding us that
history is never truly confined to the past."

[Transition back to the narrator]

Narrator (Voiceover): In summary, the Treaty of Peace of 1898 had far-reaching consequences. It
transformed the United States into a global power, marked the decline of Spain's empire, and ignited the
aspirations and struggles for independence in the Philippines.

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