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What are the risks that are involved with different applications (web

or non-web) when developing and what are the preventive techniques

that can be used to mitigate them?
1. Security risks:
Web applications are vulnerable to a wide range of security threats, such as SQL
injection, cross-site scripting, and denial-of-service attacks. These attacks can
exploit vulnerabilities in the application's code or configuration to steal user data,
take control of the application, or make it unavailable to users.
How to mitigate Security risks?
Use industry-standard security practices, such as input validation, output
encoding, and secure coding practices. Implement a web application firewall
(WAF) to filter and block malicious traffic. Regularly test the application for
vulnerabilities and fix them promptly.
Non-web applications are also vulnerable to security threats, such as malware
attacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access.
Implement security measures, such as strong authentication, encryption, and
access control. Regularly patch the application and its dependencies to fix known
What is SQL injection?
SQL injection is a type of cyber-attack where an attacker injects malicious SQL
code into a vulnerable database query. This can allow the attacker to steal data,
modify or delete data, or even take control of the database.
What is cross-site scripting?
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of web security vulnerability that allows an
attacker to inject malicious code into a web page. When a victim visits the web
page, the malicious code is executed in the victim's browser, which can allow the
attacker to steal the victim's cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive
What is denial-of-service attacks?
A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a cyberattack that aims to make a machine or
network resource unavailable to its intended users. DoS attacks are typically
carried out by flooding the target with traffic or sending it information that
triggers a crash. In both instances, the DoS attack deprives legitimate users of the
service or resource they expected.
2. Performance risks:
Web applications must be able to handle many concurrent users and requests
without slowing down. Non-web applications must be able to run efficiently
without using too many system resources. Failure to do so can result in poor user
experience, lost customers, and lost productivity.
How to mitigate Performance risks?
Use a performance monitoring tool to identify and address performance
bottlenecks. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute static content to
users around the world. Implement caching to reduce the load on the
application's servers. Optimize the application's code and use efficient algorithms.
3. Scalability risks:
Web applications must be able to scale up or down to meet changing demand. If
the application is not designed to be scalable, it may not be able to handle sudden
spikes in traffic, leading to outages or performance degradation.
How to mitigate scalability risks?
Design the application with scalability in mind. Use a scalable hosting platform,
such as a cloud hosting provider. Use a load balancer to distribute traffic across
multiple servers.
4. Compatibility risks:
Non-web applications must be compatible with the operating systems and
platforms on which they will be used. Failure to do so can result in user frustration
and lost customers.
How to mitigate Compatibility risks?
Test the application on a variety of operating systems and platforms to ensure
compatibility. Use cross-platform development tools to develop applications that
can be run on multiple platforms.
5. Compliance risks:
Web applications must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, such as
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Failure to comply can result in
fines, penalties, and damage to the company's reputation.
How to mitigate Compliance risks?
Conduct a compliance risk assessment to identify all applicable laws and
regulations. Implement policies and procedures to ensure that the application
complies with all applicable requirements.
How to conduct a risk assessment?
1. Identify the scope of the assessment.
For ISO 27001, the scope of the assessment should include all of the
organization's information security management system (ISMS) processes and
assets. This includes all of the information assets that the organization processes,
stores, or transmits, as well as the processes that are used to manage those
2. Identify the relevant regulations and standards.
In addition to the laws and regulations that apply to the organization's industry
and authority, ISO 27001 requires organizations to consider the following
standards when conducting their risk assessments:
• ISO 27002: Information security code of practice for information security
• ISO/IEC 27005: Information security risk management
• ISO/IEC 27006: Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of
information security management systems.
3. Identify the risks.
When identifying risks, organizations should consider the following:
• Threats to the organization's information assets, such as malicious actors,
natural disasters, and system failures
• Vulnerabilities in the organization's ISMS, such as weak passwords, insecure
configurations, and lack of awareness among employees
• The potential impact of a security incident on the organization's
confidentiality, integrity, and availability objectives
4. Assess the risks.
Once the risks have been identified, organizations need to assess their likelihood
and impact. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as qualitative risk
assessment matrices or quantitative risk assessment tools.
5. Prioritize the risks.
Once the risks have been assessed, organizations need to prioritize them based on
their likelihood and impact. This will help the organization to focus its resources
on the risks that pose the greatest threat.
6. Develop mitigation strategies.
For each risk, organizations need to develop and implement mitigation strategies
to reduce the likelihood and impact of the risk. This may involve implementing
new security controls, improving existing security controls, or raising awareness
among employees.
7. Monitor and review the risk assessment.
The risk assessment is a living document that needs to be regularly reviewed and
updated to reflect changes in the organization's environment and the threat
ISO 27001 specific considerations
• The risk assessment should be aligned with the organization's ISMS. This
means that the risks should be identified and assessed in the context of the
organization's ISMS processes and assets.
• The risk assessment should be documented. This documentation should
include the risks that were identified, the assessments that were
performed, and the mitigation strategies that were implemented.
• The risk assessment should be reviewed and updated regularly. This ensures
that the risk assessment remains accurate and up-to-date, and that the
mitigation strategies are effective.
• By following these steps, organizations can conduct a comprehensive
compliance risk assessment that meets the requirements of ISO 27001.

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