Activity 4

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Marie Elaine Ybanez Activity 4: Principles of High Quality Assessment

BEED DAY 2-H1 October 5, 2023

Using a long bond paper, answer the following questions and submit your answer during
our face-to-face schedule.

1. What are the 6 levels of cognitive targets according to Bloom?

Create-The final level of Bloom’s taxonomy is when students can create something new.
It is characterized by inventing, designing, and creating something that did not exist
Evaluate-means determining correctness. Here, students will be able to identify the
merits of an argument or point of view and weigh the relative strengths of each point
Analyze Conducting an analysis independently is the next level of understanding. This
includes the ability to draw logical conclusions based on given facts or make connections
between various constructs.
Apply- refers to the ability to use information in situations other than the situation in which
it was learned. This represents a deeper level of understanding.
Understand - means being able to explain. This can involve explaining the meaning of a
concept or an idea.
Remember- This means that students will be able to define concepts, list facts, repeat
key arguments, memorize details, or repeat information.

2. Provide one example for each level of cognitive target.

1. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to define different parts of the
human brain.
2. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to explain how the heart
pumps blood throughout our body.
3. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to compute their annual pocket
money using this mathematical formula.
4. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to differentiate between small and big.
5. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to explain which kind of medicine is
better for leukemia and why?
6. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop an application for the
Google play store.
3. What are the 7 classifications of psychomotor domain?
Complex Overt Response
Guided Response

4. What are the 5 levels of affective domain?

Characterization: internalizing and acting consistently with values.

Organizing: arranging and integrating values into a coherent system.
Valuing: assigning worth and importance to stimuli or phenomena.
Responding: actively participating and reacting to stimuli or phenomena.
Receiving: being aware of and attentive to stimuli or phenomena.

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