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Teaching material of PAL Vocational School of Surabaya

• Director:
Ir. Hery Sunaryo – Head of PUSDIKLAT PAL Indonesia Foundation
Eko Agus Triswanto, S.Pd., S.Si - Principal of PAL Vocational School of Surabaya

• Author:
Rendy Setya Kusuma, S.Pd.
Tita Amalia Pratiwi, S.Pd.

• Quality Control:
Egy Dwi Santoso, S.Pd.

• Publisher:
M. Fahmi Triwibowo, S.T.
• Editor:
Valantino Mardhanis Saiya, S.Pd.
Devi Kristin Natalina

• Cover Design:
Mahmud Hasanuddin

It’s prohibited to make any copy in any form from this book without permission from



Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Best regards to us all.

Firstly, all praise to ALLAH SWT for the grace, PUSDIKLAT PAL Indonesia is able to gain
trust for publishing module of PAL Vocational School of Surabaya.

This module publishing which is an effort from PUSDIKLAT PAL Indonesia is expected
to be a teaching material for students. It is aimed to produce experts especially in seven
sectors of economy that become mainstream in founding National Economy which are:
Marine Transportation, Marine Industry, Fishery, Marine Tourism, Energy and Mineral
Resources, Marine Development, and Marine Services.

With the improvement of capacity and capability in the module, students of

Vocational School of Teknik PAL Surabaya are expected to be able to replace the foreign
workers in Indonesia. The settlement of graduates of PAL Vocational School of Surabaya
which have achieved a competency certificate is referring to business needs in every
industry or company. Then, the participation of workers in Indonesia will be improved.

In this opportunity, we appreciate and reward all cooperation and support brought to
us. We also apologize if there is inconvenience in publishing this module. Hopefully, may
Allah SWT always protect and guide us. Aamiin.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Ir. Hery Sunaryo

Head of PUSDIKLAT PAL Indonesia Foundation




Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Best regards to us all.

All praise to ALLAH SWT for providing us an abundance of grace, guidance, we are
able to accomplish learning modules as teaching material for students of Vocational School
of Teknik PAL Surabaya.

We understand that the publishing cannot be realized without any support and help
from PUSDIKLAT PAL INDONESIA Foundation, Teachers, Instructors, Module Publisher,
Module Quality Control, Module Editor, and any involved parties which have provided
contribution. Thus, we deliver our gratitude and also our apologize for any inconvenience
occurs in publishing this module.

This module which act as a teaching material accomplished as a proof that PAL
Vocational School of Surabaya concerns with students’ improvement and development
which we always enhance both in quality and quantity.

We hope this module could provide benefit and become a reference in the learning
process in PAL Vocational School of Surabaya.

May Allah SWT always guides and saves us all. Aamiin.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Eko Agus Triswanto, S.Pd.,S.Si.

Principal of Vocational School of Teknik PAL Surabaya



All praises to almighty God because all of his love and mercy the writer can complete
the English module for Vocational School. This module is composed to make students learn
independently with ease. It is expected to be a guidance for students to achieve
competencies in learning English.
The process of making this module is based on the Revision of 2013 Curriculum which
adapts to the Structure of Vocational School Curriculum (Perdirjen Dikdasmen Nomor
07/D.D5/KK/2018). The activities in this module are expected to be able to help students
develop their competencies especially in their real time activity. Furthermore, it can be a
source for them to communicate in society through understanding the knowledge and skill
orally and written.
The writer realizes that this module is way far from perfect because of so many lacks
in any aspects. Therefore, any suggestion is accepted kindly in order to make it better.

Surabaya, August 2021

Rendy Setya Kusuma, S.Pd.
Tita Amalia Pratiwi, S.Pd.



To use this module with ease, please follow these steps cautiously:
1. Read the module completely and carefully, especially in the “how to use this module”
section and the instructions of each content.
2. Understand the purpose of learning the materials and the learning focuses.
3. Do the task and evaluation carefully to measure the level of understanding.
4. Use skimming and scanning in reading the text in each material.
5. Report the result of each material understanding to the teacher or instructor before
continuing to the next material.
6. Ask to the teacher or instructor if there’s any difficulties in understanding the materials.



EDITORIAL STAFF ............................................................................................................... i

PREFACE .............................................................................................................................. iv
HOW TO USE THIS MODULE............................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................ vi

CHAPTER I Cause And Effect .............................................................................................. 1

Main Map............................................................................................................................ 1
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 1
A. Function of Cause and Effect ......................................................................................... 2
B. Sentence Structure ........................................................................................................ 2
C. Language Features of Cause and Effec........................................................................... 2
Student Activity .................................................................................................................. 6
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 7
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER II Writing A Report ............................................................................................ 10

Main Map............................................................................................................................ 10
Learning Purposes ............................................................................................................. 10
A. Model Text of Report .................................................................................................... 11
B. Structure of Reports ...................................................................................................... 11
C. Simple Preset Tense ...................................................................................................... 15
D. Simple Past Tense .......................................................................................................... 17
E. Passive Voice (Simple Present & Past Tense) ................................................................ 19
Student Activity ................................................................................................................. 20
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 21
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 24

CHAPTER III Presenting A Report ....................................................................................... 25

Main Map............................................................................................................................ 25
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 25
A. Phrases Used in Presenting Report ............................................................................... 26
B. Adverb ........................................................................................................................... 28
Student Activity ................................................................................................................. 30
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 30
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 33


CHAPTER IV Offering Help ................................................................................................. 34

Main Map ........................................................................................................................... 34
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 34
A. Expressions of Offering and Responding Help ............................................................... 35
B. Pronoun .......................................................................................................................... 39
C. Simple Future Tense ....................................................................................................... 40
D. Simple Past tense ........................................................................................................... 41
Student Activity................................................................................................................... 44
Evaluation............................................................................................................................ 45
Reflection ........................................................................................................................... 49

CHAPTER V Job Application ............................................................................................... 50

Main Map ........................................................................................................................... 50
Learning Purposes ............................................................................................................... 50
A. Application Letter .......................................................................................................... 51
B. Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................................ 54
Student Activity .................................................................................................................. 58
Evaluation............................................................................................................................ 59
Reflection ........................................................................................................................... 63

CHAPTER VI Job Interview .................................................................................................. 1

Main Map ............................................................................................................................ 1
Learning Purposes ............................................................................................................... 1
D. Job Interview .................................................................................................................. 2
E. Useful Expressions For Job Interview ............................................................................ 2
F. Tips For The Interview .................................................................................................... 6
Student Activity................................................................................................................... 10
Evaluation............................................................................................................................ 10
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 13

CHAPTER VII Obligation ..................................................................................................... 14

Main Map ............................................................................................................................ 14
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 14
F. Social Function ............................................................................................................... 15
G. Sentence Structures ....................................................................................................... 15
H. Language Features ......................................................................................................... 17
Student Activity .................................................................................................................. 22
Evaluation............................................................................................................................ 22
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 26


CHAPTER VIII News Item .................................................................................................... 27

Main Map............................................................................................................................ 27
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 27
A. Social Function ............................................................................................................... 28
B. Sentence Structures ...................................................................................................... 28
C. Language Features ......................................................................................................... 31
Student Activity ................................................................................................................. 33
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 34
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 38

CHAPTER IX Conditional Sentences Followed By Suggestion Or Imperative ................... 39

Main Map............................................................................................................................ 39
Learning Purposes .............................................................................................................. 39
A. Social Function ............................................................................................................... 40
B. Sentence Structures ...................................................................................................... 40
C. Language Features ......................................................................................................... 42
Student Activity ................................................................................................................. 44
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................... 44
Reflection ............................................................................................................................ 48

GLOSSARIES ........................................................................................................................ 64
REFERENCE ......................................................................................................................... 65


Cause and Effect

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis struktur
kalimat dari kalimat yang menggunakan hubungan sebab akibat dengan baik dan
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dari kalimat yang menggunakan hubungan sebab akibat dengan baik
dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun kalimat
yang menggunakan hubungan sebab akibat dengan baik dan benar.


A. Function of Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect sentence is a sentence used to ask and give information
which showing cause and effect. In other words, Cause and Effect is a connection
between two things that one thing makes something else happen. For example, I
gain weight because I eat too much food. “Eat too much food” is the “cause;” “gain
weight” is the “effect.” There may be multiple causes and multiple effects depends
on the situation.
• I pass the test because I studied hard last night.
• My mother is angry because I don’t listen to what she says.
• My stomach is hurt so I am absent today.

B. Sentence Structure
In cause and effect sentence, connectors or linkers are words or groups of
words that help us connect words, phrases or sentences. Because of them we can
express relationships between ideas and improve the expression by making longer,
more complex sentences. As an example:

Sentence 1 → Our teacher was Ill.
Sentence 2 → We had to put off the exam.

The first sentence is the cause and the second sentence is effect of the first
sentence. The meaning can be easily understood if the relation of both sentences is
expressed. So:

Our teacher was ill, so we had to put off the exam.
Sentence 1 Sentence 2

We had to put off the exam because our teacher was ill.
Sentence 2 Sentence 1

The example in box II is easier to be understood than box I thanks to the use of
connectors so and because.

Task 1
Identify the cause and effect in the following sentences!
1. Tommy missed the bus and was late for school..
Cause : Tommy missed the bus.
Effect : She was late for school.


2. The cheesecake burned in the oven that was too hot.

Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
3. Thania did a part-time job at a restaurant and earned extra money to pay her
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
4. Doni forgot to take money from his ATM and he doesn’t have any money left
in his wallet.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
5. It is raining again and I decided to stay at home.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
6. Aldi never brushes his teeth and he has 5 cavities.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
7. Rania did not study hard for her exam and got a low score.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
8. Arya had a motorcycle accident and broke his arm.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
9. A storm destroyed many houses and bulidings.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________
10. My sister watered the chili plant regularly and it produced dozens of chilies.
Cause : ___________________________________________________
Effect : ___________________________________________________

Task 2
Read the following opinion and identify the causes(s) and effect(s) described in
the text

Many people think that they can get sick by going out in cold weather
improperly dressed. However, illnesses are not caused by temperature;
they are caused by germ. While you shiver outside in the cold , you
probably won’t strengthen your immune system. You’re more likely to
contact an illness indoors because you will have a greater exposure to



CAUSE _________________


C. Language Features of Cause and Effect

Connectors can be used to show contrast, purpose, sequence, etc.
Connectors in part of speech are also known as Conjunction. But to make the
learning easier this chapter will use term connectors and only concentrate on the
connector that show cause or result.
1. Connectors followed by a complete sentence:
a. Because
This connector usually follows the main idea. For example:
• Everybody likes her because she is very kind and friendly.
• My stomach is hurt because I ate too many chilis last night.
• I like Barcelona FC because the players are good.

b. As and Since
Both connectors are similar, but as is less formal than since. They are
used when the reason is well known. The clauses that start with these
words are often at the beginning of the sentence. For example:
• As I was very tired, I went to bed early.
• Since you are not interested, I won’t tell you about it.
• Since you come home earlier, please help me clean the living room.

c. For
For suggests that the reason is given as an afterthought. For-clauses
never come at the beginning of the sentence. This connector is very formal
because it is mainly used in literary text. For example:
• We listen eagerly, for he brought news of our family.


2. Connectors followed by a noun, phrase or gerund:

a. Because of
This connector is different from the connector because. Because of is
not followed by a sentence. For example:
• They have had problems raising cash because of the credit crunch.

b. Due to and owing to

They are considered by many speakers as exact equivalent, but not,
because due to is adjectival (it follows a noun or pronoun), whereas owing
to is adverbial (it compliments a verb). Let’s compare these two examples:
• The game was cancelled owing to heavy rain.
• The cancellation of the game was due to heavy rain.

If it is doubtful, here is some trick: due to can be replaced by caused

by while owing to doesn’t sound correct.
• The game was cancelled caused by heavy rain.
• The cancellation of the game was caused by heavy rain.

Moreover, owing to is similar to because of.

• The game was cancelled because of heavy rain.

c. Thanks to
It suggests that there is some cause for gratitude, though it can be
used sarcastically. For example:
• Thanks to my fitness instructor, I am now much stronger and healthier.
(This sentence indicates the speaker’s fitness instructor was
responsible for his improvement. It shows that thanks to has a
sincere/positive connotation.)
• Thanks to my little brother, my phone is broken.
(This sentence indicates the speaker’s little brother broke the
phone and the speaker blames him for it. it shows that thanks to has a
sarcastic/negative connotation.)

Task 3
Rewrite each of the following sentences twice with because, because of or due to!
1. There was a flood yesterday. That is why this road is closed.
2. Jhonny has a bad temper. That is why he got in trouble.


3. Many people have died this summer. The reason is the hot weather.

Task 4
Make sentences by using connectors you have learned!
Sony was late for school because he was missed the bus.

1. _________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________________.
6. _________________________________________________________.
7. _________________________________________________________.
8. _________________________________________________________.
9. _________________________________________________________.
10. _________________________________________________________.

Make sentences by using connectors about cause and effect you have
learned. Then, practice it in front of the class confidently!

Choose one of the following topics. Then, write a simpe essay that
comprises “cause and effect” paragraph!
1. Social media effects on young people.
2. Impact of drug use on the human body.
3. Effect of school bullying on children.



Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. I love living in Australia …. the weather.
a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of
e. but
2. The increase in the number of cans on the road has resulted …. more and more
traffic jams.
a. in
b. to
c. at
d. for
e. and
3. “He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect
word is ‘Cos short for?
a. due to
b. because
c. as
d. since
e. neither
4. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.
a. for
b. at
c. to
d. by
e. either
5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been …. global warming.
a. put up with
b. put down to
c. set down to
d. put to
e. both
6. …. being very rich, he never shows off.
a. Other than
b. Despite
c. Instead
d. Although
e. Furthermore
7. I am not feeling well, …. I will come to the party.


a. Because
b. However
c. Since
d. Unless
e. Eventhough
8. …. I had my lunch, I didn’t miss Pizza.
a. Although
b. Moreover
c. Finally
d. Already
e. Since
9. She never helps anyone …. having a lot of money.
a. Whenever
b. However
c. inspite of
d. instead
e. eventhough
10. You shouldn’t go out … it’s raining heavily.
a. For
b. Already
c. Because
d. Weather
e. But
11. … being very clever, my cousin never boasting about it
a. Despite
b. Instead
c. Otherwise
d. Other than
e. Because
12. Smith are not feeling well, … he will come to our house
a. but
b. however
c. since
d. because
e. because of
13. Me and my friends did not miss the fried noodle … we had our lunch.
a. moreover
b. Ffnally
c. although
d. already
e. because
14. … having a lot of money, they never help anyone.
a. Otherwise
b. However
c. Inspite of
d. Instead
e. Moreover


15. … it is raining, we shouldn’t go out.

a. Because
b. Because of
c. For
d. But
e. Altough
16. Smith … Mrs. Smith went to the library.
a. or
b. and
c. but
d. for
e. because
17. My fiancee was lie about her family, … she was shouting at me.
a. although
b. in order to
c. moreover
d. provided
e. due to
18. Please come on time, … they may miss the train.
a. so
b. but
c. therefore
d. otherwise
e. because of
19. We must avoid high kolesterol … be healthy.
a. in order to
b. finally
c. consequently
d. provided
e. so
20. My father will give my brother his car … he come back at dawn.
a. although
b. provided
c. as
d. because
e. because of

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about
it down here.




Writing A Report

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis struktur
teks dalam penulisan laporan sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis struktur
teks dalam penulisan laporan sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dalam penulisan laporan sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun teks
laporan sederhana dengan baik dan benar.


A report is a statement to describe the findings of research. Report are usually a

formal account of the result of an investigation or observation. Reports can be short,
just one page, or very long documents.

A. Model Text of Report

In contrast to an article, which sets out and depends on an author’s view of a
topic and does not need to include headings, a report examines a subject in an
organized, simple to pursue arrangement. Reports are separated into segments,
with heading and subheadings. Reports are designed to introduce and will
characterize and break down the current issue.
1. Preparation and planning
First, you should set aside some time to get ready and plan your
report. Before you begin composing, distinguish the groups of Audiences
and readers. Your report ought to be written and custom-fitted to the
readers’ needs and desires. When preparing the report, you have to ask
yourself several questions to better understand the goal of the report. A few
questions to consider include:
a. Who are thw readers?
b. What is the purpose of the report and why is it needed?
c. What important information has to be in the report?

2. Main Section
To keep your report well-organized and easy to understand, there is clear
format to follow. The main sections of a standart report are:
a. Title
b. Table of Contents
c. Summary or Abstract
d. Introduction or Background
e. Main body of Report
f. Conclusion: Recommendations
g. References
h. Appendices

B. Structure of Reports
a. Title or Title Page
The title page generally has four main pieces of information:
1) Title of the report
2) Name of person or organization receiving the report
3) Name of person or organization who authored the report
4) Date the report was submitted


“The Most Likeable
Gadget in Our City”
For Ms. Atmaja, Class 2
Teacher SMK 2, Pangkep

By Rini & Fani,

Class 2 SMK 2, Pangkep
April 5th, 2019

b. Table of Contents
Table of Contents is a table of the information located in the report.
Each item in the contents should have a corresponding page number that
shows where the section begins only.

c. Abstract or Executive Summary

The summary contains a summarized version of the entire report, including
any conclusions or recommendations. The Executive Summary may be omitted in
a short report. For vocational students the Executive Summary of a short report
may contain only one or two lines. For example, “This report was intended to find
new opportunities for facilities in our school”.

d. Introduction or Background
The introduction provides a context, so that the reader understands
what is in the report. It explain the aim and the scope of the report. The
purpose of the introduction is to describe why the report was written, what
problem the report was meant to addres or the situation that led to the
report being produced. The scope describes the extent and limitations of
the report. It tells the reader what specific aspects of the problem will be
For example:
This report aims to determine what additional entertainment options can be
introduced for young people in Krobokan. Currently high-school students
have few opportunities to meet their friends and practice English. The
method of research used is extensive interviewing with local businessmen,
community, leader, parents, students, and teachers.

e. Main Body of Report (Discussion)

The major part of the report is called “the body”. It cntains
information about the problem that the report focuses on. The fact and the
details are explainned in organized paragraph. It is common to use headings
in the Main Body.


f. Conclusion and Recommendations

The conclusion are the logical outcomes of the information presented
in the report. Recommendations are often included in or directly follow the
conclusions. For example:
In conclusion, our extensive research has determined that Rantepao is too
small to support a new amusement arcade and cinema complex. However,
building a new football field and sports centre is a smart option. The writer
recomend that high-school studentsstart fund-raising activities soon, to
raise money to build the sports centre and football field.

g. References
The references section is a list of books, journals, and other sources of
information that were used to compile the report.

h. Appendices
The appendices includess all suplementary material related to the
report. Generally, they include material that provides additional
ainformation what would be excesssive within the body of the report.
Appendices can include the following information: test result, large photos
or maps, questionnairies, or other research information.


Task 1

Read the following report. Then identify the structure of the report.
The Influence of Social Media on Addictive Behaviors inCollege Students

Social media has become a primary way for college students to communicate aspects of their dailylives
to those within their social network. Such communications often include substance use displays (e.g., selfies of
college students drinking). Furthermore, students’ substance use displays have been found to robustly predict
not only the posters’ substance use-related outcomes (e.g., consumption, problems) but also that of their
social networking peers.
Nearly 90% of young adults ranging from 18-29 years old now use social media – a substantial 78%
percent increase from just a little over a decade ago. Additionally, those who have attended at least some
college are more likely to use social media than those less educated (e.g., high school diploma or no diploma).
Posting about substance use on social media is common among college students. For example, a study found
that of the 71 profiles surveyed, nearly all college students’ Facebook profiles contained alcohol-related
content (99%), followed by tobacco references (39%), whereas a minority of students posted about illicit
substances (10%, e.g., marijuana, cocaine).
Due to the fact that social media use is now such a pervasive and prominent force in college
students’ lives, interactions with others on social media may redefine students’ perceptions regarding, and
engagement in certain activities, including addictive behaviors. Most extant research has uncovered that
students’ and young adults’ communications on social media about substance use are positively valanced
(e.g., glamorizing or endorsing substance use) and that students generally receive positive reinforcement for
posting such displays.
Although students may mostly receive publicly viewable, positive reinforcement for their pro-
substance use displays, this does not necessarily mean that other students seeing such posts privately agree
with their behaviors.
Some students may avoid expressing negative attitudes about their friends’ displays online because of
incorrect assumptions that they themselves are in the minority. This effect, known as pluralistic ignorance,
results in a silent majority incorrectly perceiving that others are actually engaging in addictive behaviors more
than they actually are. Along these lines, according to the false consensus effect, individuals overestimate the
degree to which others agree with/engage in the risky behavior.
Students are increasingly relying on social media to communicate with one another about their
substance use experiences, even though such postings often breed misperceptions regarding acceptance and
prevalence of addictive behaviors. This might be exacerbated by social media users’ reluctance to post
dissenting viewpoints. Moreover, the literature generally indicates that college students’ substance use
displays uniquely influence not only the posters’ substance use-related outcomes (e.g., consumption,problems)
but also that of their social networking peers.

Perrin A. Social media usage: 2005-2015. Pew Research Center; Oct, 2015.
Moreno MA, Arseniev-Koehler A, Litt D, Christakis D. Evaluating college students' displayed alcohol
references on Facebook and Twitter. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2016;58(5):527–32.


Part of a report

Elements Contain
Yes No

Table of contents






C. Simple Preset Tense

Simple present tense is a tense used in describing an action which happens in
present time (right now) or happens regularly. Below are the formulas of simple
present tense.

Verbal Sentence Formula: Nominal Sentence Formula:

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V(s/es) + O - S + be(am,is,are) + non-verb
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + do/does + not + V(inf) + O - S + be(am,is,are) + not + non-verb
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Do/does + S + V(inf) + O? - Be(am,is,are) + S + non-verb?


Verbal Sentence
(+) She checks parts of the car.
(-) she does not check parts of the car.
(?) does she check parts of the car?
Nominal Sentence
(+) A jack car is a mechanical device.
(-) A jack car is not a mechanical device.
(?) Is a jack car a mechanical device?

Task 2
Make a simple sentence using subject and verb below.
1. (My Father) (drink)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
2. (My mother) (cook)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
3. (Thania) (invite)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
4. (Ricardo and Susan) (study)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
5. (I) (ride)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...

Task 3
Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present Tense!
1. Ramza, Razan and Rajni (study) ...................... together.
2. Doctor (check) ..................... the patients twice a day.
3. (come) ................ the post man to my school?
4. My little sister (not cry) ................. in the night.
5. The boys (play) .................. football in the afternoon.


D. Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is used to describe a completed activity that happened
in the past. In other words, it started in the past and ended in the past.
1. Forming the Simple Past Tense
If you're dealing with a regular verb, the simple past tense is formed like this:
base form of verb+ "ed"
jump > jumped
paint > painted
2. Forming the Simple Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
If it's an irregular verb, the simple past tense is formed in all sorts of different
ways. Here are some examples:
break > broke
catch > caught
find > found
see > saw

Verbal Sentence Formula: Nominal Sentence Formula:

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V2 + O - S + be(was/were) + non-verb
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + did + not + V(inf) + O - S + be(was/were) + not + non-verb
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Did + S + V(inf) + O? - Be(was/were) + S + non-verb?

Verbal Sentence
(+) Susan saw rainbow yesterday.
(-) Susan did not see rainbow yesterday.
(?) Did Susan see rainbow yesterday?

Nominal Sentence
(+) Bobby was a mechanical device last year.
(-) Bobby was not a mechanical device last year.
(?) Was Bobby car a mechanical device last year?

However, there are some spelling rules.

❖ Spelling Rules
If a verb of one syllable ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the final
consonant and add "ed":
chat > chatted
stop > stopped


❖ If the final consonant is w, x, or y, don't double it:

sew > sewed
play > played
fix > fixed
❖ If last syllable of a longer verb is stressed and ends [consonant-vowel-
consonant], double the last consonant and add "ed":
incur > incurred
prefer > preferred
❖ If the first syllable of a longer verb is stressed and the verb ends [consonant-
vowel-consonant], just add "ed":
open > opened
enter > entered
swallow > swallowed
❖ If the verb ends "e", just add "d":
thrive > thrived
guzzle > guzzled
❖ If the verb ends [consonant + "y"], change the "y" to an "i" and add "ed":
cry > cried
fry > fried

Task 4
Make a simple past tense sentence using subject and verb below.
1. (My Father) (drink)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
2. (My mother) (cook)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
3. (Thania) (invite)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
4. (Ricardo and Susan) (study)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
5. (I) (ride)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...


E. Passive Voice (Simple Present & Past Tense)

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that
experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In
other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the
Active Passive Voice
❖ Simple Present Tense ❖ Simple Present Tense
Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V(s/es) + O - O + be(am,is,are) + V3 + S
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + do/does + not + V(inf) + O - O + be(am,is,are) + not + V3 + S
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Do/does + S + V(inf) + O? - be(am,is,are) + O + V3 + S?

❖ Simple Past Tense ❖ Simple Past Tense

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V2 + O - O + be(was/were) + V3 + S
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + did + not + V(inf) + O - O + be(was/were) + not + V3 + S
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Did + S + V(inf) + O? - be(was/were) + O + V3 + S?

1. Simple Present Tense
Active : Santi cleans the house everyday.
Passive : The house is cleaned by Santi everyday.
2. Simple Past Tense
Active : Santi cleaned the house yesterday.
Passive : The house was cleaned by Santi yesterday.

Task 5
Change the following sentences become passive voice!
1. Active : The teacher helps me.
Passive : ...................................................................................
2. Active : Ms. Hopkins invited me to dinner.
Passive : ...................................................................................
3. Active : Helicopters fascinate children.
Passive : ...................................................................................
4. Active : Bob mailed the package.
Passive : ...................................................................................


5. Active : Water surrounds an island.

Passive : ...................................................................................
6. Active : Mr. Smith bought my old car.
Passive : ...................................................................................
7. Active : I listen the radio every night.
Passive : ...................................................................................
8. Active : Mr. James washed the new car.
Passive : ...................................................................................
9. Active : We study English every Tuesday.
Passive : ...................................................................................
10. Active : We saw this movie last night.
Passive : ...................................................................................

Make a simple report from your result of OJT or PJBL.

Identify the structure of your simple report from your result of OJT or PJBL.



Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. What is the first thing that you write in the report?
a. Key Features
b. Introduction
c. Conclusion
d. Title
e. Background of Study
2. Which of these is not a necessary feature of a report?
a. Clear headings
b. Clear paragraphs
c. Informal, personal style
d. A clear title
e. A clear fact
3. Which is the least preferable way to begin your report?
a. The purpose of this report is to....
b. This report aims to....
c. I'm writing this report to.....
d. The objective in writing this report
e. This report was conducted in order to …
4. A report will NOT usually...
a. discuss advantages and disadvantages of a situation
b. make recommendations and suggestions
c. give personal opinions
d. give professional opinions
e. explain the background to a situation
5. What's the communicative aim of a report?
a. Describe facts
b. Express point of view
c. Suggest improvement
d. State a tutorial
e. Express an opinion
6. What part of the report contains names of people and or organizations who helped
you with your study?
a. Introduction
b. Title Page
c. Main Body
d. Recommendations
e. Executive Summary


7. Here are questions possibly considered in a report, EXCEPT ...

a. Who is the reporter?
b. Who are the readers?
c. What is the purpose of a report?
d. What important information has to be in the report?
e. Why the report is needed?
8. Here are the main sections of a standard report, EXCEPT ...
a. title of the report
b. table of contents
c. abstract or Executive summary
d. references
e. salutation
9. A table of the information located in the report is called ...
a. table of contents.
b. table manner
c. time table
d. table of figures
e. table of Inquiry
10. Information about the problem that the report focuses on is found in ...
a. main body of report.
b. executive summary
c. conclusion
d. recommendations
e. references
11. Budi ... his aquarium once a week.
a. to clean
b. clean
c. cleeaned
d. cleans
e. cleaning
12. Safira ... always ... at the restaurant every Saturday night.
a. do not, eats
b. does not, eat
c. do not, ate
d. does not, ate
e. does not, eats
13. ... they ... a Habibie & Ainun movie in theater?
a. Do, sees
b. Do, see
c. Does, see


d. Do, seen
e. Does, sees
14. My mother and I ... to market to buy vegetables every morning.
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. gone
e. gos
15. On 17th August, we always ... our independence day in city park.
a. does celeberates
b. celeberates
c. celeberate
d. do celeberate
e. does celeberate
16. I………to the school alone yesterday
a. walk
b. walked
c. walks
d. walking
e. walkeds
17. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago.
a. ate
b. eaten
c. eating
d. eat
e. eats
18. I……in this sofa with him.
a. sleeping
b. sleep
c. slept
d. sleped
e. sleps
19. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday.
a. cuted
b. cuting
c. cut
d. cuts
e. be cutted
20. …… he read novel last night?
a. Do
b. Did


c. Done
d. Are
e. Does
21. He tells the lie stories. The active sentence is ....
a. The lie stories is being told by him
b. The lie stories has been told by him
c. The lie stories was told by him
d. The lie stories is told by him
e. The lie stories was tell by him
22. My mother drove the car in the morning. The active sentence is ....
a. The car was droven by my mother in the morning
b. The car was being droven by my mother in the morning
c. The car has been droven by my mother in the morning
d. The car is droven by my mother in the morning
e. The car was drives by my mother in the morning
23. Amman teaches mathematics in front of students. The active sentence is ....
a. Mathematics is being taught by Amman in front of students
b. Mathematics is taught by Amman in front of students
c. Mathematics has been taught by Amman in front of students
d. Mathematics was taught by Amman in front of students
e. Mathematics was teaches by Amman in front of students
24. Do they kick your legs? The active sentence is ....
a. Are your legs kicked by them?
b. Were your legs kicked by them?
c. Has your legs been kicked by them?
d. Will your legs have been kicked by them?
e. Does your legs kicked by them?
25. We ate something in front of your child.
a. Something was eaten by us in front of your child
b. Something was being eaten by us in front of your child
c. Something is being eaten by us in front of your child
d. Something was eats by us in front of your child
e. Something should be eaten by us in front of your child

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about it down





Presenting A Report

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis

ungkapan-ungkapan terkait menyajikan laporan secara lisan dengan baik dan
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
ungkapan-ungkapan dalam memberikan informasi terkait menyajikan laporan
secara lisan dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
ungkapan-ungkapan dalam meminta informasi terkait menyajikan laporan secara
lisan dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyampaikan
laporan sederhana secara lisan dengan baik dan benar.


A. Phrases Used in Presenting Report

For non-native speakers presenting using English can be challenging. Speaker
needs to consider many things. Firstly, if the speaker familiar with the audience,
informal language may help to make him more relax. But, in different situation,
formal language serves better. Whether using more formal or informal language, it
is important to give positive body language and a warm welcome in interacting
with the audience. To understand phrases better in delivering presentation, they
are categorized into three sections:
1. Opening
This part can be grouped into several parts:
a. Welcoming audience
Before delivering the presentation, introducing self to clarify his identity
and relevant expertise is necessary. It gives the speaker chance to briefly
clarify his expertise and why he needs to be listened to.
• Good morning, ladies and gentlemen
• Good morning gentlemen
• Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
• Good morning gentlemen
b. Opening/introducing subject
The opening is the part to explain the subject and purpose of the
presentation whilst gaining the audience's interest and confidence. It's
sometimes helpful to think of the opening as a simple talk before going to
introducing subject part.
• I’m very happy to see so many of you here today.
• I’m going to talk about …
• The purpose of my presentation is to introduce …
• Today I’m going to talk about something which is …
c. Outlining structure into stages
The main body of presentation needs to meet the promises made in the
introduction. Depending on the nature of the presentation, clearly segment
the different topics discussed, and then work the way through them one at
a time. It's important for everything to be organized logically for the
audience to fully understand.
• To begin, I’ll start with … Then I’ll mention … after that I’ll … Finally, I’ll
summarize my presentation.
• First, I’ll begin from … next is … following by … and … At the end of my
presentation I’ll give the summary of all.
d. Giving instruction to ask
• Feel free to interrupt me if you have any question.
• I’ll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation is over.
• I plan to keep some time for question after the presentation.


2. Body
Body of a presentation is the core. If the introduction is good, the body will flow
nicely. These key points could help to deliver the presentation better.
a. Starting a subject
• Let’s begin with …
• I’d like to start by …
• First of all, I’ll …
b. Finishing a subject
• So much for …
• That’s all I have to say about …
• That’s all about …
c. Starting another subject
• Next …
• Now, let’s move on to …
• Let’s move to next point.
d. Analyzing a point and making recommendations
• In more detail, let’s think about …
• Translated into real terms …
• What does this mean for us?
e. Giving an example
• For example, …
• A good example of this is …
• As an illustration, …
f. Summarizing point
• In conclusion, …
• Let’s summarize this point, …
• Let’s review the key point from this subject, …
There are some tips that can be the keys while delivering presentation:
➢ Do not hurry
➢ Be excited
➢ Look friendly
➢ Use your notes
➢ Maintain positive body language
➢ Remain polite when facing a difficult person
3. Closing
In presentation closing is used for:
a. Giving conclusion
• To conclude, …
• In conclusion, …
• So, let me summarize what I’ve said.


b. Making recommendation
• Therefore, I suggest/recommend …
• In conclusion my recommendations are …
• … is what I recommend.
c. Thanking audience
• Many thanks for your attention
• I thank you for your attention …
• Thank you so much for being such an attentive audience
d. Inviting question
• Now, I’ll try to answer any questions you may have.
• Are there any questions?
• I’ll be gladly to answer a question.

Task 1
Make a written presentation text using the expressions of presenting Report. The
text should include the following item:
a. Introducing self
b. Welcoming audience
c. Opening
d. Introducing subject
e. Outlining structure in stages
f. Giving Conclusion

B. Adverb
1. Adverb of Sequence
An adverb is a word or an expression that used to change modifies a verb,
adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence.
Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of
certainty, etc., answering questions such as how? in what way? when? where?
and to what extent? This is called the adverbial function, and may be
performed by single words (adverbs) or by multi-word adverbial phrases and
adverbial clauses.
Adverb of sequence is used to describe the order in which two or more
action happen. it is also used to tell a story, write a recipe, or give directions.
Adverbs of sequence almost always come at the beginning of a sentence and
are followed by a comma (,). These are the example of adverb of sequence:
a. First
It is frequently used for an action that happens before any others. It can
also be used at the end of the sentence. E.g.
• First, I’ll start with plugging in the power cord.
• Clean your hand first.


b. Next
Used to describe thing that happens immediately after another action.
• Next, turn on the computer by pushing the power button.
• I’m having a break now. I will clean the room next.
c. Then
Describing an action that happens after another action.
• Push the power button and then wait until the screen appears.
d. Finally
To show an action happens at the end
• I studied all evening for the exam. Finally, I went to bed at 11.
• After five years, I finally had my own business.

Task 2
Good morning and thank you for being with us today. My name is Anita and I’m in
(1)_______ of public affairs. What I’d like to do today is (2)__________ our recent
collective campaign. This (3)________ talk will ideally (4)_________ a springboard
for discussion. I’m going to (5)_________ the corporate campaign from three
(6)_________ firstly, the customer; secondly, the financial organizations; and
(7)_________ the investors. If you have any (8)_________, just (9)_________ me.
Your opinion may well be different, and we really like to (10)__________ from you.

Task 3

talk about consider perspectives questions charge

hear serve thirdly short interrupt

These sentences below are the closing of a presentation, but they are in the wrong
order. Arrange them into right order of a presentation’s closing.
1. So, I’ll be happy to answer any questions.
2. I sincerely hope you’ll go away with a more complete picture of the principal
activities of You Tube.
3. Very briefly, there are three. First, fundraising; secondly, publicity; thirdly,
political lobbying.
4. So, that’s the end of my presentation.
5. Finally, I would love to leave you with something which I heard recently. “You
can’t please all the people all the time, but we should certainly be able to feed
all the people all the time.”


Use the following words and explain how to do an assignment in E-Learning of SMK
Teknik PAL Surabaya.
First …
Then …
Next …
After that …
Finally …

Make a complete presentation based on the “Let’s Do It” part above. Present it
completely starting form introducing self to giving conclusion.


Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e!

1. "What do you firstly do when you open the presentation?"
a. thanking the audience
b. introducing yourself
c. telling your topic
d. summing up your presentation
e. inviting question
2. Below are the activities in the end of our presentation, except:
a. welcoming the audience
b. thanking your audience
c. answering the questions from audience
d. inviting question
e. summing up your topic
3. "Today, we are going to discuss about ..."
This sentence is used when you want to ...
a. state your topic
b. welcome the audience


c. give question to the audience

d. sum up your topic
e. open your presentation
4. What should you do while you do your presentation?
a. speak slowly
b. make eye-contact
c. read your slides
d. have a look outside
e. keep silent
5. keep silent"our main point of the material today is about...”
This sentence is used to tell ...
a. the introduction
b. the ice-breaker
c. the conclusion
d. the content
e. the question
6. I am delighted to be here. Words below are synonym of word “delighted” except …
a. happy
b. excited
c. glad
d. hate
e. thrilled
7. What can we say to open a report presentation?
a. Thanks a lot for your attention
b. Do you have any questions?
c. Good morning ladies and gentlemen
d. Keep silent, please
e. Let’s start from the biggest problem today.
8. The similar word of 'opportunity' is …
a. speech
b. report
c. chance
d. change
e. pay
9. What will you say to start your presentation?
a. let us sum up the main idea....
b. Please feel free to interrupt me ....
c. First of all, I would like to say....
d. Here are some facts about....
e. Good morning and see you later.


10. When you are presenting your report, how do you come to the point / main body of
your presentation?
a. I'd like to start by....
b. Secondly....
c. Let us look at....
d. In conclusion...
e. let’s move on to …
11. How do you open questions to the audience?
a. I’d be grateful if you could ask me question at the end of the presentation.
b. Here are the key points of today's talk
c. Firstly ...
d. Here are some reasons for …
e. I’ll try to answer the questions.
12. Here are the techniques of presenting report, except ...
a. Movement
b. Gesture
c. vocal behavior
d. level
e. body language
13. “Well, that’s about it for now.” We’ve talked about ...
a. Conclusion
b. Introduction
c. body overview
d. main body
e. allowing question
14. What would you say if you want to greet audience?
a. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, see you next time.
b. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming …
c. Let's move on to our topic.
d. This leads me to next point which is …
e. Thank you for your attention.
15. What would you say if you allow your audience to ask anytime they want?
a. Feel free to ask if you have any question.
b. I will try to answer the question about …
c. That will be my best answer.
d. Next question please.
e. We'll save the question for last session.
16. "What do you firstly do when you open the presentation?"
a. thanking the audience
b. introducing yourself
c. telling your topic


d. summing up your presentation

e. inviting quetion
17. Below are the activities in the end of our presentation, except:
a. thanking your audience
b. answering the questions from audience
c. inviting question
d. summing up your topic
e. welcoming the audience
18. "Today, we are going to discuss about ..."
This sentence is used when you want to …"
a. state your topic
b. welcome the audience
c. give question to the audience
d. sum up your topic
e. open your presentation
19. "our main point of the material today is about...”
This sentence is used to tell …
a. the introduction
b. the ice-breaker
c. the conclusion
d. the content
e. the question
20. An introduction should contain the following EXCEPT:
a. Greeting
b. Self-Introduction
c. Objective/purpose/goals
d. Questions from audience
e. Stating name

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about
it down here.




Offering Help

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan

informasi rinci dalam dialog menawarkan jasa dan menanggapinya dengan baik
dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
ungkapan-ungkapan dalam menawarkan jasa dan menanggapinya dengan baik
dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dalam teks dalam menawarkan jasa dan menanggapinya dengan
baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun teks
lisan sederhana dalam menawarkan jasa dan menanggapinya dengan baik dan


A. Expressions of Offering and Responding Help

Offering help is willing to do something for someone. If it is classified into
level of formality (situation), consider the speaker and listener, these following
are the classification:
1. Offering Help
Informal Neutral Formal
• Can I help you? • Need some help? • May I be of
• Let me help you... • I'll do it for you. assistant?
• Shall ... • Want a hand? • Might I help at all?
• If you like I could ... • Can I help out? • Perhaps I could assist
• What can I do to • You look like you in some way?
help? could • If we can be any of
• Would you like any • do with some help ... assistance, please do
help? not hesitate to
• Is there anything I contact us again.
can do? (usually for written)
• I will

In asking help using the sentence “Would you mind … (doing

something)?” is the most polite and formal way of asking someone to do
something. It is literally asking if it would bother someone asked to do
something for the speaker. Keep in mind that the verb for this interrogative
needs to be in the gerund.

2. Responding Help
To respond help, people may accept or refuse an offer of helps. The
common response for help is “thank you”. Here are the expressions of the
a. Accepting an offer
Informal Neutral Formal
• Thank you very • That’s very kind of • you’re most kind.
much. you. • that’s extremely
• Just what I need. • Yes, please. kind/good/thoughtful
• Lovely • If you’re sure it’s no of you.
• great trouble.

b. Refusing an offer
Informal Neutral Formal
• No, it’s ok. Thanks. • No, thank you. • It’s very good of you


• Thanks a lot, but … • No, really, I can to offer, but …

• Nice thought, but … manage. • Please don’t trouble
• No, don’t worry. • That’s very kind of yourself about …
you, but … • That’s extremely kind
• Don’t think so, thank of you, but …
you. • I’m very grateful for
• No, it’s alright really. your offer. However,
• Thank you for …
offering, but …
• Bo, don’t bother,

Here is the example of a dialog of offering help and responding help.

Elly : You look so sad, what is going on?
Thania : I get the lowest score in mathematics,
I don't want to make my parents sad.
Elly : Can I help you to teach you after the class end?
Thania : With my pleasure, thank you very much.
When we are in the class, I am shy to ask with the teacher.
Elly : Don't be shy, you can ask her after class in the teacher office.
Thania : What should I do next?
Elly : You should read the book very often.
Thania : Ok, I will do it.

As can be seen in the dialog, “can I help you to …” is an expression of offering

help while “with my pleasure, thank you very much” is an expression of
accepting an offer. The speaker offers her assistance to help her friend and
her friend accepts the speaker’s offer.


Read the dialog below carefully

Situation - Mrs. Laura will prepare for dinner in the kitchen and her son Jimmy
will help her to do something.
Jimmy : Hi mom.
Mrs. Laura : Have you finished your school homework?
Jimmy : Yes, mom. I've already done it.
Mrs. Laura : Good boy. Your milk is in the refrigerator.
Jimmy : Okay, mom. I'll take it. Mom?
Mrs. Laura : Yes, sweety. What's going on?
Jimmy : What are you going cook for our dinner?
Mrs. Laura : I'll cook your favorite food and some vegetables.
Jimmy : Do you need chili and pepper?
Mrs. Laura : Yes, of course.
Jimmy : Let me take them for you.
Mrs. Laura : Thanks, but pepper is here. Just give me chili, please.
Jimmy : Okay. Here it is. Anything else, mom?
Mrs. Laura : Can you help me to take some eggs?
Jimmy : That's no problem. How many eggs do you need, mom?
Mrs. Laura : Two eggs, please. They are in the cabinet.
Jimmy : I see. Here you are.
Mrs. Laura : Thank you, sweety.
Jimmy : You are welcome, mom. Anything else?
Mrs. Laura : Wait a minute. Can you come here?
Jimmy : Yes, mom.
Mrs. Laura : Please make up these vegetables.
Jimmy : I like it. Someday I want to be a chef like you do.
Mrs. Laura : That's a good idea. But, your father, he wants you to be an army.
Jimmy : I can be an army, but not on the battlefield.
Mrs. Laura : What do you mean?
Jimmy : I will join the forces but my position will be in the kitchen. I'll cook
for them.
Mrs. Laura : Hahahaha ... That's so funny.
Jimmy : It's done for the vegetables.
Mrs. Laura : Wow ... Nice.
Jimmy : See ... I can be a chef someday.
Mrs. Laura : I'm sure about it, sweety.
Jimmy : Let me clean the dining table, mom.
Mrs. Laura : How kind of you. Thanks a lot.
Jimmy : No problem mom.
Mrs. Laura : The doorbell is ringing. That must be your father. Please open the
Jimmy : I'm on my way.


Task 1

1. How many persons are in the dialog?

Answer : _______________________________________________________
2. What has Jimmy done before helping his mom?
Answer : _______________________________________________________

3. What helps does his mom need? Mention!

Answer : _______________________________________________________
4. How many eggs does his mom need?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
5. What does Jimmy want to be later?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
6. What does Jimmy’s father want him to be later?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
7. Does Jimmy agree with his father decision?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
8. What will Jimmy do after helping his mom cooking?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
9. “he wants you to be an army”. Whom does the word “he” refers to?
Answer : _______________________________________________________
10. Who will open the door when his father arrives?
Answer : _______________________________________________________

Task 2

Take a look again at the previous dialog, analyze the dialog and classify
expressions based on its type below.
Offering Help Accepting Help Refusing Help


B. Pronoun
In grammar, pronoun is a word which replace for a noun or a noun phrase in a
sentence. Here is the types of pronouns.
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
I me my mine Myself
S 2nd
You you your yours Yourself
I person
N 3rd
G person He him his his Himself
U (m)
L 3rd
A person She her her hers Herself
R (f)
It it its - Itself
P We us our ours Ourselves
U You you your yours Yourselves
person They them their theirs themselves

Example in a sentence
• Hi, I am Andra. I am a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya.
Word (I) is a subject pronoun of 1st person singular because the speaker is
speaking about himself.
• How about you? Are you a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya too?
Word (you) is subject pronoun of 2nd person singular because the speaker
ask to someone.

Task 3

Choose the Pronouns according to the sentence.

1. I have a brother. (He/His/Him) name is Alan.
2. Maya and Dito are late. I am still waiting for (they/them/their).
3. “Mother wants to talk (you/your/yours).”, I said to my sister.
4. Lala was born in Jakarta. (She/Hers/Her) sister was born in Bandung.
5. My father is a technician. (He/His/Him) works at PT. PAL Indonesia.


C. Simple Future Tense

The simple future is a verb tense that's used to talk about things that haven't
happened yet. Use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will
begin and end in the future.
1. Simple Future Tense ‘Going To’
➢ A future decision or plan made before the moment of speaking.
➢ See or feel now that something is certain to happen in the future.

Positive Sentence
- S + to be (am,is,are) + going to + V1 + O
Negative Sentence
- S + to be (am,is,are) + not + going to + V1 + O
Interogative Sentence
- To be (am,is,are) + S + going to + V1 + O?

(+) Doni is going to buy medicines.
(−) Doni is not going to buy medicines.
(?) Is Doni going to buy medicines?

2. Simple Future Tense ‘Will’

➢ A future decision made at the moment of speaking.
➢ When believe something will happen in the future.
➢ To do something voluntarily.

Positive Sentence
- S + will + V1 + O
Negative Sentence
- S + will + not + V1 + O
Interogative Sentence
- Will + S + V1 + O?

(+) They will go to Pasir Putih beach.
(−) They will not go to Pasir Putih beach.
(?) Will They go to Pasir Putih beach?


Task 4
Complete the sentences with be going to or will!
1. A : why did you buy this flour?
B :I ___ make some bread.
2. A : Could someone get me a glass of water?
B : certainly. I ___ get you one. Would you like some ice in it?
3. I arranged to borrow some money because I ___ buy a motorcycle tomorrow.
4. A : could someone please open the window?
B : I ___ do it.
5. A : can I borrow this book?
B : Sure, but I need it back soon.
A : I ___ return it to you tomorrow. Okay?
6. A : I ___ wear a dark suit to the wedding reception. How about you?
B : I’m not sure.
7. A : what are your vacation plans?
B : I ___ spend two weeks on Bali island.
8. A : gee, I’d really like an ice cream cone, But I didn’t bring any money with me.
B : That’s okay. I ___ get one for you.
A : Thanks.
9. A : Hi , Josh. I hear that you ___ move into a new apartment.
B : That’s right. Sara and I found a great apartment on 45th street.
A : I ___ help you on moving day if you like.
B :Hey, great! we’d really appreciate that.
10. A : So you ___ get married.
B : That’s right. on September 22nd.
A : my congratulations.

D. Simple Past tense

The simple past tense is used to describe a completed activity that happened in
the past. In other words, it started in the past and ended in the past.
1. Forming the Simple Past Tense
If you're dealing with a regular verb, the simple past tense is formed like this:
base form of verb+ "ed"
jump > jumped
paint > painted
2. Forming the Simple Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
If it's an irregular verb, the simple past tense is formed in all sorts of different
ways. Here are some examples:
break > broke
catch > caught
find > found
see > saw


Verbal Sentence Formula: Nominal Sentence Formula:

Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V2 + O - S + be(was/were) + non-verb
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + did + not + V(inf) + O - S + be(was/were) + not + non-verb
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Did + S + V(inf) + O? - Be(was/were) + S + non-verb?

Verbal Sentence
(+) Susan saw rainbow yesterday.
(-) Susan did not see rainbow yesterday.
(?) Did Susan see rainbow yesterday?

Nominal Sentence
(+) Bobby was a mechanical device last year.
(-) Bobby was not a mechanical device last year.
(?) Was Bobby car a mechanical device last year?

However, there are some spelling rules.

3. Spelling Rules
a. If a verb of one syllable ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the
final consonant and add "ed":
chat > chatted
stop > stopped
b. If the final consonant is w, x, or y, don't double it:
sew > sewed
play > played
fix > fixed
c. If last syllable of a longer verb is stressed and ends [consonant-vowel-
consonant], double the last consonant and add "ed":
incur > incurred
prefer > preferred
d. If the first syllable of a longer verb is stressed and the verb ends
[consonant-vowel-consonant], just add "ed":
open > opened
enter > entered
swallow > swallowed
e. If the verb ends "e", just add "d":


thrive > thrived

guzzle > guzzled
f. If the verb ends [consonant + "y"], change the "y" to an "i" and add "ed":
cry > cried
fry > fried

Task 5

Make a simple past tense sentence using subject and verb below.
1. (My Father) (drink)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
2. (My mother) (cook)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
3. (Thania) (invite)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
4. (Ricardo and Susan) (study)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
5. (I) (ride)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...


Arrange the dialogue below into appropriate form!
1. Riza : No, is it true?
2. Dhea : Would you need my help?
3. Riza : That's wonderful! I haven't even started yet.
4. Dhea : Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended?
5. Dhea : Yes. It will be due next month.
6. Riza : No, thanks. I'll do it as soon as possible. I know that you're as busy as I
7. Dhea : Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.


Make a simple dialog based on the picture. Don’t forget to include the expressions of
offering help and responding to an offer.



The dialogue is for questions number 1 to 4

Doni : Good morning,Lisa.
Lisa : Good morning, Doni.
Doni : Why do you bring a lot of gardening tools,Lisa?
Lisa : Well, I am going to plant these jackfruit seeds, would you like to bring the
tools for me?
Doni : Of course, I'Ill help you with pleasure.
Lisa : Lets go to the garden then.
(In the garden)
Lisa : Put the tools over there, Doni?
Doni : Okay, what are we going to do first?
Lisa : Let's dig the soil.
Doni : Then,what?
Lisa : Put the seeds in the soil like that.
Doni : Sure.
Lisa : Put the soil back onto the seeds.
Doni : Okay, done.

1. What does Lisa bring?

a. She brings a books
b. She brings bags
c. She brings gardening tools
d. She brings her cat
e. She brings cookies for Doni
2. Where does the dialogue possibly take place?
a. in the classroom
b. in the garden
c. in the canteen
d. in the library
e. in the mall
3. Which one is the expression of asking for
a. Put the seed in the soil.
b. Put the soil back onto the seeds.
c. What are we going to do first?
d. Why do you bring a lot of gardening tools?
e. Would you bring the tools for me?


4. What do we do after putting the seed on the soil?

a. Watering the soil
b. Watering the seeds
c. Put the soil back onto the seeds
d. Put back the tools
e. Washing hands
5. Bryan : Nugy,where are you?
Nugy : I'm at home.What's the matter?
Bryan : Oh._________
Nugy : I'd like to help you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is.....
a. Would you like some help?
b. Sorry, I can't help you.
c. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
d. Let me help you.
e. No, you don't need to help.
6. Judy : Good morning, sir. Do you have science book about animal anatomy?
Shopkeeper : Of course,dear.We have the book that you want ________ (9) to
show the shelf?
Judy : I am fine, sir. I can find by myself. I have other books to find,too
Shopkeeper : __________ (10). Take your time.
Judy : Thank you,sir.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
a. I would like
b. Can you
c. Do not go
d. Would you like me
e. May I
7. What should the shopkeeper say?
a. | am busy
b. Sorry
c. Thank you
d. Will you go?
e. That's okay
8. Andry : Some of our friends will join the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go
with me?
Sintya : It will be very interesting. I need to refresh my mind this time.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
a. l'd love to but I don't think I can come
b. I'm really sorry. I already have my own plan
c. Well, I'm not sure


d. What a great idea!

e. Not for me, thanks
9. John :Hello,Jean.Where have you been?
Jean :Hi,John.ljustboughtfew kilograms of apples in the market.
John :Do you need some help to carry the apples?
Jean : ______________
The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is....
a. Idon't know.
b. Why?
c. Of course,that's very kind of you.
d. I will help you.
e. Good bye.
10. Ronald :You look so busy.
Marry :No, thank you.I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is.....
a. I will leave you alone.
b. Would you like some help?
c. Do you want to help me?
d. Sure, I would like to.
e. Yes,please.
11. Andy :I heard there will be a concert tonight. Would you like to go with me?
Sam : I'm afraid I cannot.
Andy : Why? I think you really love the band.
Sam : Yes, I do. But I have many works at home.
Andy : Let me help you then.
Sam : __________
Andy : Never mind. That's what friend should do.
What should Sam say?
a. I really appreciate your help.
b. I don't need your help.
c. I am fine, thank you.
d. I will go, too.
e. Don't worry.
12. Andy : Shall l carry your luggage to your apartment?
Boby : Yes,please!
The underlined word has similar meaning with …
a. borrow
b. bring
c. .drop
d. dodge
e. leave


13. Indry : The box you brought looks very heavy.

Putry :Sure. It's very kind of you. Thanks.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Would you like me to help you?
b. Would I like to help me?
c. Would you like to help me?
d. Would you like to bring it for me?
e. Could you bring it for me?
14. Romy:May I help you?
Deny :Hmmm. Don't bother yourself, thanks.
The underlined sentence express.....
a. asking help
b. giving help
c. offering help
d. refusing an offer
e. accepting an offer
15. Elsa : Will you help me to build a snowman?
Olaf :Yes,of course_______
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is.....HOTS
a. I won't.
b. I will.
c. I will not.
d. Will l?
e. Shall I?

The dialogue is for number 19 and 20

Mr lqbal : Andy,come here please!
Andy : Yes, sir. I'm coming.
Mr Iqbal : (19) .., the goods to the shop, please?
Andy :With pleasure, sir.
Mr Iqbal : Don't forget to put into the correct case!
Andy : (20)...,sir
Mr Iqbal : Thanks.
16. The suitable expression is.....
a. Can you bring
b. Can I bring
c. May | bring
d. Don't bring
e. I would like to bring


17. The suitable expression is ...

a. Sorry,I can't
b. I wish I could help you
c. I'm busy
d. I need some help
e. Don't worry
18. They … accompany me tomorrow.
a. will
b. will not
c. is
d. are
e. is going to
19. I will … to your party.
a. come
b. came
c. comes
d. coming
e. cames
20. I get many emails.I can't read ... all
a. they
b. them
c. our
d. ours
e. me
21. Look at the cat overthere. ... is very funny.
a. I
b. She
c. It
d. Its
e. They

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about it down





Job Application

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan informasi
rinci dalam teks lamaran kerja dengan baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis struktur
teks dalam teks lamaran kerja dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dalam teks lamaran kerja dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun teks
lamaran kerja sederhana tertulis dengan baik dan benar.


A. Application Letter
1. Function
An application letter is a separate document you submit to an employer
or a company to express that you’re interested in an open position. It is also
known as a "cover letter," and it is sent along with a resume during the job
application process. The letter provides more details to set you apart from
other applicants and impress a potential employer with your background and
interest in the position.
2. Structure of Application Letter
a. The Sender’s address
This part explains your personal identification such as name, address,
phone number and email. Example:

Arino Redisanto
6 Pahlawan Street
Surakarta, 80665

b. Date
Explain the date the applicant composes the application letter.
c. The Addressee
If the applicant has the information about someone receives the
application letter then it’s better to attach it in the letter. Example:

Herdiawan Pungguh
HR Manager
Super Steel Company
99 Gundala Road
Jakarta, 90907
d. Salutation
If the applicant do not have a contact name, he can skip the salutation
entirely. Or, he can use Dear Hiring Manager. Doing research can help to
figure out who is the most appropriate person to receive the letter and be
able to address your cover letter to a specific person, such as “Dear Mr.
Wahyuono” or “Dear Ms. Kusumawati. Sometimes, it is not possible to
know the gender of your contact. Writing out the person's full name, e.g.,
"Dear Cory Smith"or "Dear Jordan Parish." can be the better option.
e. Opening Paragraph
The first paragraph of the letter should include information on why
the applicant are writing. Mentioning the position applied for and where it’s
found the job listing help to make the letter explains better. E.g.:


I am writing to apply for the welder position which is advertised in the

Jakarta Post July , 2021. I also enclose my resume and my certification
for your consideration.

I was interested when I saw your advertisement seeking a welder position

in the Jakarta Post July , 2021. I believe that my skills and background
would be a good match for the position. I also enclose my resume and my
certification for your information.
f. Content/Body
The next section of is to explain what the applicant has to offer to the
employer. Mention precisely how the qualifications match the job applied
for. Think of this section of the application letter as where to make a pitch
for the appropriateness as an employee and show what to be a great
candidate. Some of these options can be added to assist as a good
1) Education
2) Work experience
3) Ability to work with others and/or alone
4) Interest in your field
5) Interest in the company
6) Responsibilities in previous positions
I’m a fast and accurate worker, with a keen eye for detail. My degree
course gives me varied skill and the ability in safe and strong welding result.
I have no difficulty in working alone or with other. I also have lots ideas and
enthusiasm. I look forward to work for a company with a great reputation
and high profile like yours.
g. Closing Paragraph
Use the closing paragraph to ensure action from the reader. Conclude
the letter by thanking the employer for the consideration for the position
applied. Include information on how the employer will follow-up.
Optionally, briefly restate the reason for being a good fit for the position.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be reached anytime via
email at or phone 0803-1111-9090. I look
forward to speaking with you about this opportunity.

h. Enclosure
A sign in an application letter. It shows serious intention and dedication.
Respectfully Yours,

Arino Redisanto


Here’s the example of full application letter

Molly Smith
21 Spring Street
Anycity, NY 12000

December 11, 2020

John Brown
Sales Manager
Acme Corp.
321 Main Street
Anycity, NY 12000

Dear Mr. Brown,

I wish to apply for the sales position advertised on Terry Johnson
suggested that I contact you directly, as we have worked together, and he felt that
I would be a good fit with your team.

For the past two years I have been working in sales for Goodman & Co.. I have
consistently exceeded my targets and I was recognized last quarter for outstanding
service. As an avid cyclist and user of many of your products, I'm aware that Acme
Corp. is a company with tremendous potential. I am confident that my experience,
communication skills, and ability to convey product benefits effectively would
enable me to excel in the sales role.

I would be delighted to discuss with you how I might be an asset to the Acme Corp.
sales team. Thank you for your consideration; I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfully yours,

Molly Smith


B. Curriculum Vitae
A CV—short for the Latin phrase “curriculum vitae” meaning “course of
life”—is a record of someone’s professional and academic highlighted in a form of
document. CVs typically contain information like work experience, achievements
and awards, scholarships earned, coursework, research projects and publications of
your work. A CV is typically two or three pages long, but it’s usually much longer for
mid-level or senior job applicants as it serves as a full outline of one’s career
A CV and resume are similar because they’re both documents that summarize
your professional history, education, skills and achievements. Word résumé comes
from French which is translated to “abstract” or “summary” in English. Therefore, it
includes skills and qualifications for a specific role only, it should typically be just
one or two pages. A CV, on the other hand, is typically a longer, more detailed
document focused mostly on academic coursework and research. CVs are
commonly required in industries such as education and academia as well as science
and research.
CV should be specific to your background and fit to the job applied, these are
several steps to write an effective CV:
1. Write your contact information. This includes full name, phone number and
email address but Including address is optional.
2. Point your academic history in reverse-chronological order. Mention most
recent two educational experiences to ensure the reader’s focus is on that
information. Dates attended is only recommended if graduated in the past five
3. Record your professional experience. List the company or organization, job title
and dates employed starting with the most recent job. List the job duties,
experience gained and achievements.
4. State relevant skills and qualifications. This can be in a separate skills section
which includes both hard and soft skills that are approriate for the job vacancy.
5. List honors and awards. This section is for achievements in the field related to
the application. Start with the award name followed by the year it was
awarded, the organization gave the award.
6. Mention relevant publications and presentations. This could be some relevant
citations of presentations, papers, studies, books or other publications made
that are important to support the professional history.
7. List the professional associations and affiliations participated. Include the name
of the organization, geographic location or chapter and dates of active
8. Recheck CV for errors. Make sure to carefully review the CV for any errors or
inconsistencies before submitting job application. Asking a trusted colleague or


professional mentor experienced in the industry applied to could give more

suggestion to make a better CV.

Example of CV.

Joe Smith
1234 Main Street, Atlanta, GA 30308

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree, 2018
University of Texas College of Science, Austin, TX

Professional experience
University of Southern California
Professor, Herman Ostrow School of Veterinary Sciences | 2012–2018
• Taught multiple undergraduate and graduate courses in veterinary sciences.
• Fostered student commitment to lifelong learning and excellence in veterinary sciences.
• Acted as a student advisor to first-year veterinary school students.

Skills and qualifications

• Team leadership
• Seminar instruction
• Fluent in English and Spanish
• Specialization in livestock science research and development

Awards and honors

• AVMA Advocacy Award, 2018
• AVMA Animal Welfare Award, 2016

Publications and presentations

• Yang, J., Sanchez, C., Patel, A., Johnson, L., (2017) “Study of cocoa product component
theobromine and danger to canines.” Journal of Modern Veterinary Medicine. 272: 1234-

Professional associations and affiliations

• American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (2013–Present)
• American Veterinary Medical Association (2011–Present)


Task 1

Read this application letter below and answer the questions.

Melissa Brown
11 South Street
Harbor View, Maine 04005

July 14, 2021

Jason Rivera
Human Resources Director
Avery Solutions, Inc.
700 Commerce Way
Harbor View, Maine 04005

Dear Mr. Rivera,

I was excited when my former colleague, Stephanie Taylor, told me that you were
hiring for a Human Resources Specialist at Avery Solutions.

Stephanie has told me how important teamwork is to your group at Avery, and
how much you need an HR Specialist who can fit in with the department and hit
the ground running on day one. I believe that I am the ideal candidate for your

In my current job at Smith Group, I created and ran our onboarding program,
including organizing background checks and new hire orientation. I also have
extensive experience in:

• Data reporting/data entry on HRIS software

• Recruiting and hiring processes, including creating job descriptions and
postings, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews
• Producing company events, such as the annual company-wide picnic (100+
employees from across the country)
I’d love to speak with you about my qualifications and what I can do for your
team. I’ve attached my resume for your consideration. Please don’t hesitate to
contact me on my cell at 545-786-2155 with questions or to arrange an interview.

Best regards,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Melissa Brown


1. Whom does Melissa send the application letter?

Answer: ...................................................................................
2. What position is applied by Mellisa?
Answer: ...................................................................................
3. Where does Mellisa get the information about the vacancy?
Answer: ...................................................................................
4. What did Mellisa do in her previous job?
Answer: ...................................................................................
5. What experience does Mellisa have to apply the vacancy?
Answer: ...................................................................................
6. Does Mellisa explain about her educational background in her letter?
Answer: ...................................................................................
7. What does she enclose in her application letter to ensure the employer?
Answer: ...................................................................................
8. What relationship does she have with Stephanie?
Answer: ...................................................................................
9. What is the position of Mr. Rivera in the company?
Answer: ...................................................................................
10. How will the employer contact Mellisa if she get the vacancy?
Answer: ...................................................................................

Task 2
Read again the application letter in “Task 1” then classify it into the parts below.
Parts Content




Arrange these parts of application letter below into a good application letter.
I have the excellent references and would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy with
you at your convinience. In case ou do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I would
be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.
I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies in your company. I enclose my CV for your
Dear Mr. Hardito
I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I’m flexible, quick to
pick up a new skills, and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm.
I’m keen to work for a company with a great reputation and high profile like this company.
As you can see, I have had extensive vacation work experience in office environments,
particularly the retail sector and service industries, which gave me varied skills and the ability
to work with many different types of people. I believe I could fit easily into your team.
Yours Sincerely,

Yuri Ahirul Setiawan

Kevin Hardito
HR Manager
Add Joy Company
7 Kusuma Bangsa Road
Surabaya, 78903

Make an application letter based on the following advertisement. Choose one of the
vacant positions which is suitable for you and your educational background.

Staff required in the field of:
• Welding Staff
• Drafter,
• Electrical Staff
• CNC Machine Operator
• IT Support
If you are interested, send you application to Jukso Company before September 1 st,



Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Which of the following information should you include on a job application?
a. Personal Information d. Previous Work Experience
b. Medical History e. References
2. Which of the following should you NOT include on a job application?
a. Name d. Phone Number
b. Position applying for e. Skills
c. Movies you like
3. Which of the following is typically the first section of a job application?
a. Education and work experience
b. Job-related questions
c. References
d. Signature
e. Personal information
4. The first paragraph of an application letter contains information about ...
a. education history
b. special skills
c. job position applied
d. working experience
e. opportunity for an interview
5. What is the definition of application letter?
a. a personal letter that is typically used to apply for a job
b. a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their
customers, clients and other external parties.
c. a type of letter written to address any type wrong doing, offence, grievance,
resentment arising out of a product, service etc.
d. a letter written to publicise and ultimately sell a product or a service to the
e. a letter to request to the company to send catalogue.
6. The parts of an application letter are ...
a. sender's address, date, addressee, salutation, body of letter, closing paragraph,
signature & full name.
b. sender's address, date, addressee, steps, body of letter, closing, signature & full
c. sender's address, addressee, date, salutation, body of letter, complimentary
closing, signature & company name.
d. general description, addressee, date, salutation, body of letter, complimentary
closing, signature & full name.


e. addressee, sender's address, date, salutation, body of letter, coda, signature &
full name.
Read the letter carefully
March 18, 2019

Mr. William Chan

Personnel Manager
Wong and Lim Consulting
PO Box 583, Kwai Chung
Dear Mr. Chan,
I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the
Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 1 March
My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my
leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have
fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can
therefore work in mainland China.
Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
graduating in 2019. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of
Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management,
Accounting, Marketing and strategic Management.
During my study, I have had the post of Executive in Management Society. While leading
and organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and
supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a
team environment.
Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and
it provides excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can
contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.
I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.
Yours sincerely,
Wong Wai Man Wilfred

Encl: Resume

7. What job position that the applicant is applied for?

a. Consultant
b. Operation management
c. Human resources management
d. Accounting
e. Management trainee


8. What skills and personnel qualities are required?

a. Leadership skills, computer skills, and communication skills
b. Leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment
c. Leadership skills, communication skills and have knowledge about environment
d. Fluent spoken and written Mandarin, willing to work overtime and hardworking
e. Fluent spoken and written Mandarin and have knowledge about environment
9. Where does Mr. Chan live?
a. In the city of China
b. In the city of Hong Kong
c. In the city of England
d. In the city of Malaysia
e. In the city of Singapore
10. What is the name of the company or organization Wong Wai Man Wilfred applying
a. Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited
b. Hong Kong Polytechnic University
c. Marketing and Strategic Management
d. Wong and Lim Consultant
e. Executive in the Management Society
11. What does Mr. Wilfred enclose the application letter?
a. Address
b. Job interview
c. Resume
d. Reputation
e. Skills
12. How does Mr. Wilfred know this ad?
a. From Wong and Lim Consulting
b. From Student Affairs Office notice board
c. From Lucky Star Garment Manufactory
d. From Hong Kong Polytechnic University
e. From Management Society
13. The following subject of study have relevant to Management Trainee, except ...
a. Operations Management
b. Human Resources Management
c. Accounting
d. Marketing and Strategic Management
e. Management Society
14. What is the purpose of the application letter?
a. to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story.


b. to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their

c. to explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something
d. to say your intent to apply for a certain job or college.
e. to tell the applicant to reapply the job.
15. “Dear Mr. Peterson“
This part of the letter is called …
a. salutation
b. opening
c. closing paragraph
d. body
e. addressee
16. “Sincerely,”
This part of the letter is called …
a. salutation
b. complimentary close
c. close
d. body
e. opening
Read the letter carefully
Lilis Handayani
Jl. A. Yani 389
Surabaya, 65151

April 19, 2009

Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager

Jeans and Co.
Jl. Raya Pandaan 186
Pandaan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502

Dear Mr. Peterson:

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a local branch manager, which
appeared in the Jawa Pos on Sunday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume,
my experience and qulifications match this position’s requirements.
My current position, managing the local branch of a national shoe retailer, has provided
the oportunity to work under a high – pressure, team environment, where it is essential to
be able to work closely with my colleagues in order to meet sales deadlines.
In addition to my responsibilities as manager, I also developed time management tools for
staff using Access and Excel from Microsoft’s Office Suite.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally
discuss why I am particularly suited for this position. Please call me after 4.00 p.m. to
suggest a time we may meet. I can be reached via telephone number 031 – 858564 or by


email at

Lilis Handayani
17. Who is the sender of the letter?
a. Frank Peterson
b. Jeans and Co
c. Personnel Manager
d. Lilis Handayani
e. Colleagues
18. Whom was the letter addressed?
a. Frank Peterson
b. Jeans and Co
c. Personnel Manager
d. Lilis Handayani
e. Colleagues
19. What job position that the applicant is applied for?
a. Personel manager
b. Operation manager
c. Human resources management
d. Local brand manager
e. Management trainee
20. Who is Mr. Frank Peterson?
a. Personel manager
b. Operation manager
c. Human resources management
d. Local brand manager
e. Management trainee

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about it down here.




Job Interview

Setelah mempelajari materi pada KD ini, diharapkan:

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan informasi
rinci dari teks tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dalam
konteks wawancara pekerjaan dengan baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu mengidentifikasi
struktur teks dari teks tentang memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri
dalam konteks wawancara pekerjaan dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
ungkapan-ungkapan dalam wawancara pekerjaan dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun teks
monologue sederhana tertulis berdasarkan pertanyaan mengenai wawancara
pekerjaan dengan baik dan benar.


A. Job Interview
A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job
applicant and a representative of an employer, which is conducted to assess whether
the applicant should be hire. Interviews are one of the most popularly, used devices
for employee selection. Interviews vary in the extent to which the questions are
structured, from a totally unstructured and freewheeling conversation, to a
structured interview in which an applicant is asked a predetermined list of questions
in a specified order; structured interviews are usually more accurate predictors of
which applicants will make suitable employees, according to research studies.
A job interview typically precedes the hiring decision. The interview is usually
preceded by the evaluation of submitted resumes from interested candidates,
possibly by examining job applications or reading many resumes. Next, after this
screening, a small number of candidates for interviews is selected.
Potential job interview opportunities also include networking events and
career fairs. The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for
evaluating potential employees. It also demands significant resources from the
employer, yet has been demonstrated to be notoriously unreliable in identifying the
optimal person for the job. An interview also allows the candidate to assess the
corporate culture and demands of the job.
Multiple rounds of job interviews and/or other candidate selection methods
may be used where there are many candidates or the job is particularly challenging
or desirable. Earlier rounds sometimes called 'screening interviews' may involve
fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much shorter and less in-depth.
An increasingly common initial interview approach is the telephone interview. This is
especially common when the candidates do not live near the employer and has the
advantage of keeping costs low for both sides. Since 2003, interviews have been held
through video conferencing software, such as Skype. Once all candidates have been
interviewed, the employer typically selects the most desirable candidate(s) and
begins the negotiation of a job offer.

B. Useful Expressions For Job Interview

Here are some useful expressions for the most common types of job interview.
1. Draw attention to your education and qualifications, or any formal training you
may have received:
• I graduated from (university/college etc.) in (the year) …
• I studied at (university/college) …
• I got a diploma in…. and then went on to study...
• I did a Management course in 2018 and this helped me to...
• I am a qualified...
• I have a TOEIC certificate with a score of (number)…
2. Focus on your work experience and your career so far:
• I worked for (company name) as a (job role) …


• I worked in (sector) for (period of time) …

• I was promoted to (job role) …
• I was responsible for...
• I am good at multi-tasking/working under pressure/working to a deadline…
• My strengths are/my strength is communicating well/my ability to solve
• I have worked for several companies including….
• I have ... years’ experience in…
• I have a proven track record in…
3. Describe your best features and what motivates you:
• I am hardworking/ organized/decisive/patient/easy going/a team
player/committed/focused/proactive and methodical.
• I am proud of...
• I perform well under pressure.
• I am self-motivated.
• I take pride in my work.
• I’m good at problem-solving.
4. Use intensifiers to make stronger statements:
• I am very organized and extremely focused.
• I am really good at showing initiative/presenting information/problem-
solving/controlling budgets/achieving objectives/motivating
colleagues/meeting deadlines/creating ideas.
• I have very good people skills/management skills/organizational skills.
5. Make sure you highlight your language skills:
• I have effective communication skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
• I’ve been using English in my professional life for the past ……years.
• I’ve got a good grasp of the specialized English needed in this post/industry.
• I’ve been working in an English-speaking environment for the past……years.
• I’m a confident speaker of English/I feel comfortable speaking English.
6. Include any technical expertise or projects that might be relevant to the role:
• I am very proud of (the last project I was involved in) because...
• I have (say how many years) experience working in (the sector) ...
• I have worked in (sector) for...
• I developed some important skills when I (what role or function did you do)
7. If appropriate, talk about your background, where you are from, and where you
grew up:
• I was born in (country) and grew up in (country).
• I moved to (country) when I was (age).
• I speak (number) languages.


• I currently live in (country/city/ town).

• I currently live in (country/city) however I would consider relocating if the
company required me to do so.
8. If you are asked questions that test your technical skills, the STAR approach will
help keep you focused on your answer.
STAR stands for: Situation, Task, Action, Result. Here are some examples of
expressions you can use with the STAR approach.
• When I worked for...I sold/set up/related/implemented/controlled/
• A good example that comes to mind is…
• I worked in the...department for (period of time) and had to
manage/oversee/control/create/liaise with/prepare/provide/organize/
• I have several years’ experience in...
• I have worked in (sector) for (period of time) ...
• As I mentioned earlier, I have a diploma in... and I am a qualified...
• I perform well under pressure which was one of the main reasons why I was
asked to...
• I held a meeting with...
• I created a...
• I liaised with...
• I designed...
• I successfully managed/controlled/ created…
• We won the contract/the tender/the award…
• I was able to resolve the situation/find solutions/negotiate a better…/move
from ……. to……
• We won a new contract/the pitch…
• We achieved our sales targets/the desired result…
9. Demonstrate you can solve a problem:
• A good example that comes to mind is...
• In my role as…. I was responsible for...
• Due to (the situation e.g. COVID 19) our company was under a lot of
pressure to implement new health and safety measures.
• Our team was under pressure to meet new deadlines.
• I was asked to...
• I was able to turn the situation around.
• I organised/arranged/implemented...


• Even though it wasn’t possible there was still a positive outcome.

• Fortunately, ...
• Finally, ...
• I was able to turn the situation around.
• By motivating/creating/implementing/showing initiative...
• I was able to get the team back on track.
• However, it was difficult/ it was a challenge because (we had limited
10. It is always a good idea to give examples of how you use your skills in a work
• I was involved in several projects…
• I have managed a large number of projects over the years….
• I set up several new systems.
• I was responsible for implementing the new safety measures… This
• I was asked to….
• It was challenging/difficult; however, the end result was …. (something
positive) …
• I am very/really proud of how well it turned out…
• I am very proud of the end result.
• We achieved the desired result/we achieved the result we wanted.
• We achieved our aim.
11. You may be asked to talk about how you’d like to develop and where you see
yourself in the future:
• I would like to take on more responsibility.
• I’m looking to further my career.
• I would like to further my career, so opportunities for professional
development would be important to me.
• I would like to add to my skill set, so training would be important to me…
• Training is very important to me because….
12. Some interviewers may want to know what other interests you have outside of
work. Here are a few suggestions:
• I like/love going to art galleries/museums…
• I like/love playing football/tennis…
• I watch a lot of...
• I like to keep fit and active so I…
• I am a volunteer for (organization)...This organization is responsible for…
• The reason why I love/ because...
• I play the piano/the guitar/the trumpet and my favorite musician/composer


• Every weekend/summer/winter I go to…

Personnel manager : Hi Mark, thanks for coming today. I'm Linda Smith. Nice to
meet you.
Candidate : Hello, I'm Mark Turner. Nice to meet you, too.
Personnel manager : Have you read the information about this job?
Candidate : Yes, it sounds very interesting.
Personnel manager : What did you studyy?
Candidate : I studied marketing at Sorbonne University.
Personnel manager : Great. Can you tell me about your present job?
Candidate : Well, I work in sales and I've managed teams and projects I also
have a lot of contact with customers.
Personnel manager : How long have you been in sales?
Candidate : I've worked in sales for four years.
Personnel manager : What do you do in your free time, Mark?
Candidate : I play golf and go swimming
Personnel manager : And finally, why do you want this job?
Candidate : I really want to work in marketing. This is a great opportunity
for my career and I think T have the right skills for the job.
Personnel manager : Thank you Mark. It's been good talking to you. Thanks for
coming to the interview.

C. Tips for The Interviewee

An interview means a face to face interaction between the interviewer and the
candidate/candidates so as to obtain desired information from him/them. It can also
be defined as a way of exchanging meanings between individuals by using a common
set of symbols. Interviews generally need a preparation. Job interviews seem
frightening, even if the individual is well prepared. Interviews have a definite
structure. Clear communication should take place during an interview. All interviews
have a definite purpose familiar to the interviewer and the candidate/interviewee.
1. The tips for the interviewee.
➢ The interviewee should be dressed formally, and not casually. Have a
pleasing appearance as the candidate’s personality is a significant part of
the communication.
➢ Always carry an extra CV, a notepad to write on, a pen, and all essential
things required in an interview.
➢ Practice, practice and practice in advance. Prepare and rehearse for the
unexpected also.
➢ Research a lot about the organization for which you are being interviewed.
➢ As soon as the interview gets over, pen down the name of the interviewer,
your strengths and weaknesses, answers to questions raised by you during
the interview and the feedback of the interviewer.


➢ Be punctual. Try reaching before time for the job interview.

➢ Do not indulge in a fight or argument with the interviewer.
➢ Answer the questions specifically, truly and undoubtedly.
➢ Be courteous and sophisticated during an interview.
➢ Just “be yourself”. Do not boast about yourself. The interviewer is smart
enough to judge the candidate’s intelligence and aptness for the job.
➢ Do not make negative statements or comments about your past employer.
➢ Your body language should be positive during the interview, i.e., maintain
an eye-to-eye contact with the interviewer, sit in well balanced and
confident posture, do not lean on the table, do not yawn, smile when
appropriate, etc.
2. The example of questions and answer in interview:
❖ Tell me a little about you yourself?
I was graduated from Islamic University of Jakarta with major Arabic
language department. When I was in college I was an activist in Arabic
debating competition and also in teaching Arabic language in some Arabic
course institutions and as private tutor for some people around Jakarta and
Depok. And I am interested in public speaking, so I made it as an object
research for my mini thesis (skripsi).
❖ What are your strengths?
I able to communicate easily with everyone, open minded, fast learner,
honest, hard worker, computer literate, and I speak Arabic and English well.
❖ What are your weaknesses ?
• If I have to make an important decision, I need to a long time to make
some research.
• If love my job, Il usually do it totally and sometime I don't pay attention
to the people around me.
• I difficult to say "no" if other people asked me some help.
❖ What are your short goals?
To be accepted in this company. (Or tell it name)
❖ What are your long term goals?
I want to be a CEO/GM in this company.
❖ Where do you want to see yourself in 5 years from now?
I want to see myself in 5 years from now become a valuable person,
professional and mastering my job as well as possible.
❖ If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and
I usually have a very high standard in my job. Sometimes if I work in a team
Teel don’t understand about my friends' low standard. So I will try to
understand that everyone have their own standard in work.
❖ What does success mean to you?
Success is when I finished my job on time and pertectly. g


❖ What does failure mean to you?

Failure is when I finished my job late.
❖ Are you an organized person?
I am organized person. I always try to finish my duties on time.

Task 1
Fill in the blanks with the word inside the boxl
Ms. Gina : Hi, (1) _____ to meet you.
Ms. Hanny : Yes, nice to meet you too.
Ms. Gina : So what makes you want to be a (2) _____?
Ms. Hanny : I studied (3) _____ and (4) _____ studies at college andI have traveled
I have been to (5) _____ and I (6) _____ each one.
Ms. Gina : But you don't have any experience (7) _____ as a travel agent?
Ms. Hanny : No, but I am (8) _____ with the (9) _____ systems.
Ms. Gina : That's great. I think we have a position for you.
Ms. Hanny : Iam really glad. You won't regret (10) _____ me, I promise.

Familiar 65 countries
Tourism nice to meet you
travel agent Working
hiring booking
leisure enjoyed

Task 2
Fill in the blank with apropriate expression!
Interviewer : Good morning. Please have a seat.
Melissa : Good morning.
Interviewer : So, your name is Melissa right?
Melissa : Yes, sir.
Interviewer : (1) _______________________________________________
Melissa : Nice to meet you, Sir.
Interviewer : (2) _______________________________________________
Melissa : Yes, I am ready, Sir.
Interviewer : (3) _______________________________________________
What's make you interested to apply as the Finance Manager in this
Melissa : I read an advertisement on Newspaper the Post, Sunday edition.
I interested to apply as the Finance Manager because I think that I am
capable to be in that position. Besides, I am graduated from economic
faculty with good GPA 3.90.
Interviewer : Do you have any job experiences at the same position?


Melissa : (4) _______________________________________________

Interviewer : Do you have any computer ability? Can you speak other languages?
Melissa : (5) _______________________________________________
Interviewer : (6) _______________________________________________
Melissa : I took a course to learn that languages.
Interviewer : Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness point?
Melissa : (7) _______________________________________________
Interviewer : Well it was a great time to have an interview with you. I thought you are
a great candidate to fill up the position. I will call you later after the
board of directors make a decision. Thank you for coming Melissa.
Melissa : (8) _______________________________________________

a. I am Ricky, the head of human resource department in this company.

b. Are you ready for the job interview?
c. How do you know about job vacancy in this company?
d. No Sir. I am a fresh graduate.
e. Yes, I have. I can operate Ms.Word, Ms.Excel, Ms.Powerpoint, and
Internet. I can speak Chinese and Japanese.
f. That's interesting. Where did you learn all that languages?
g. My strength is my spirit and my responsibility in doing something. I
also like to learn new things. My weakness is I am afraid of height.
h. You are welcome, Sir.

Task 3
Answer the questions based on the dialogue in Task 2!
1. What kind of dialogue is it?
Answer: ______________________________________________
2. How many persons are inside the dialogue?
Answer: ______________________________________________
3. How Melissa knows about the job vacancy?
Answer: ______________________________________________
4. Is Melissa a fresh graduate?
Answer: ______________________________________________
5. How many languages does Melissa mastered?
Answer: ______________________________________________


Read the dialogue carefully then arrange it into good position!
Mr. X : Nice to be here
Ms.Y : I see from your resume that you are a cardiologist with 10 years of
Mr. X : That's right.
Ms.Y : This interview is just to get to know you a little and then there are
follow up interviews. So what do you do in your free time?
Mr. X : I like golfing and swimming. I also like to read newspapers.
Mr. X : Actually I love helping people get well. I think cardiology has made
great strides recently and I would like to share my findings with
Ms.Y : Why did you want to be a doctor?
Mr. X : Not yet. But hopefully soon.
Ms. Y : Okay. We'd like to learn more about you. Let's go for lunch with our
colleagues, if that's Okay?
Ms. Y : Have you written in any scientific journals so far?
Mr. X : That's fine, I am free.
Ms.Y : Welcome to our doctor's office.

Make five questions and answers based on dialogue in Lets’ Do It!


Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. What is a job interview?
a. an interview to find information
b. an interview to find the crime suspect
c. an interview to select an applicant
d. an interview to get information
e. an interview to get the crime suspect
2. Who interviews the applicants in job interview?
a. HR Officer
b. Employee
c. General Manager


d. Sales Marketing
e. Receptionist
3. What is applicant?
a. The one whom interviewing
b. The one whom welcoming
c. The one whom applying
d. The one whom giving interview
e. The one whom looking for the interview
4. Where can we find the job advertisement?
a. In the newspaper
b. In the book
c. In the story book
d. In the phone
e. In the computer
5. Who can apply the job?
a. All people that fit in the qualifications
b. All people that hate the position
c. All people that miss the job information
d. All people that miss the position
e. All people that lost the job information
6. What are the things in job advertisement?
a. Position
b. Qualification
c. Both a and b
d. Location
e. Needs
7. What are going to be happened in the job interview?
a. Asking and answering related to the job position
b. Just chatting
c. Discussing about politic
d. Looking for the questions
e. Just say hello
8. What do the applicant bring in the job interview?
a. Final thesis
b. Curriculum Vitae
c. Nothing
d. Report
e. Newspaper
9. What do the applicant do before having the job interview?
a. Sending flowers
b. Sending best wishes
c. Sending job application letter
d. Sending a message
e. Sending a gift


10. How should the applicant be during the job interview?

a. The applicant should answer the questions well.
b. The applicant should not listen the questions well.
c. The applicant should ignore the questions.
d. The applicant should ask the questions well.
e. The applicant should follow the questions well.
11. Do you have any questions?
a. Yes, I will.
b. Thank you.
c. Never mind.
d. No, I don't.
e. Yes, I does
12. Why are you interested in this position?
a. I am probably best at this position.
b. If I were hired for this role, what would you want me to achieve?
c. My plan is to work full-time in a long-term position.
d. I tend to get bored easily, so I chose this job.
e. I am doubt in this position.
13. Can you work in a team?
a. Very well, thank you.
b. Probably.
c. Of course I can
d. I dont think it can work
e. No, I can not
14. Why should we hire you?
a. We will be a good team.
b. I am a hard worker and disciplined.
c. I know I would be terrific at it.
d. You should hire me next month
e. Because I am interested
15. When will you join our company?
a. Two days after notification
b. week ago.
c. l consider it.
d. When I am ready to come
e. It’s up to me
16. How would you improve our company?
a. Yes, I think so.
b. How about dropping my CV?
c. Will get really involved in contributing to this company.
d. I know I will be suitable for this position.
e. I can not work well


17. Where were you educated?

a. have taught in a public school.
b. I was graduated from Sydney University.
c. I took an English Literature program.
d. I like sports. I joined the basketball club.
e. I study at Vocational school
18. How do you handle stress and pressure?
a. I truly want to do the job correctly.
b. I can make it very well.
c. I am very sensitive to the nuances of group.
d. I try to react to situations and enjoy them.
e. I will work based on the situation.
19. What is your expected salary?
a. High rate, please
b. No, I cant mention it
c. It is based on the salary agreement
d. You can pay me after work.
e. As much as I can get it.
20. Why have you left your Current job?
a. I love engaging with people and providing them with assistance.
b. My plan is to be a permanent employee.
c. I am looking for a bigger challenge.
d. Spend more time with my family.
e. I don’t like the job

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about
it down here.





Setelah mempelajari materi pada KD ini, diharapkan:

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan informasi
rinci dari suatu kalimat yang menyatakan atau menanyakan keharusan. dengan baik
dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis struktur
kalimat dari kalimat yang menyatakan atau menanyakan keharusan secara lisan
dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam kalimat yang menyatakan atau menanyakan
keharusan secara lisan dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun suatu
kalimat yang menyatakan keharusan dengan baik dan benar.


C. Social Function
Obligation is an expression used in English to state something must to be done. it is
used to express something must be done by someone in particular. It means that
task is required to do. As an example, Students must do their homework. The
statement says that students in anywhere is required to do and finish their

D. Sentence Structure
In stating obligation, the sentence mostly uses modal verb. There are several modal
verbs in English which can be used in expressing obligation. Every modal verb has
its meaning when its used in a sentence. Modal mostly followed by Inf. Verb (V1).
Take a look at the structure below to understand how to express an obligation
using each modal verb.
1. Should
It is a past form of Shall. Should is used talk about obligation, things that are
necessary to do, or to give suggestion or advice about things that are good to
do. Modal verb can also be used to express probability when followed by “be +
adjective”. Example: He should be there at the moment.
Below are the examples of the uses of modal verb ‘should’ to state obligation.
a. Should + Inf. Verb
“Should + Inf. Verb” is used to talk about future obligation or advice. The
time of doing is often not really matter. Example:
• You should visit your grandparents.
• We should study hard.
• I should call my clients soon.
b. Should + be + Prog. Verb
“Should + be + Prog. Verb” is used to talk about present obligation that
needs to be done is often moment speaking. It may also be used to express
predication, probability, or what is likely. Example:
• They should be learning English now.
• He should be consulting his report to his supervisor.
• She should be cleaning her room right now.
c. Should + Have + Past. Pt. Verb.
“Should + Have + Past. Pt. Verb” is used to talk about past obligation. It may
also express regret due to failure to do the obligation/needed
action/activity. Example:
• I should have done my homework first.
• He should have bought his flight ticket earlier yesterday.
• You should have called me if you need any helps.


2. Must
Must is the strongest and most serious modal verb of the three and is most common in
writing. It is unusual to use “must” in questions. However, in negative sentence “must”
used to state a prohibition or prevention. Example:
• I must finish my homework this afternoon.
• I must go to the pharmacy to buy a medicine.
• You must not drive more than 50 km/h.

3. Have to
“Have to” is the most commonly used modal of obligation. In negative form, the
sentence expresses a lack of necessity. Yet, be careful that the subject and verb must
fulfill the subject-verb agreement for third person subjects. The negative and question
form requires auxiliary verb in using this modal. In past form, it’s expressed by using
“had to” Example:
Present or future
• I have to go now. I have an English class in five minutes.
• Please, you don’t have to shout. I can clearly hear you.
• You don’t have to come to school on Sunday unless you have a club activity.

• I had to drive my sister last night.
• I had to study last night to prepare for the test.
• You don’t have to come here if you have an urgent matter.

4. Ought to
Ought to is also a modal verb which also state suggestion or advice. “Ought” word is
always followed by the preposition “to” in the sentence. It’s similar with should
whereas ought to is used to express obligations, suggestions, or advice that is correct
ethically, or correct according to society’s point of view. Example:
• You ought to respect your elders.
• You ought to follow the traffic rules to drive.
• You ought to do best in your placement test.

5. Be + Supposed to
“be supposed to “is a common phrase that functions the same way a modal verb does.
Modal verbs, also called auxiliary or helping verbs, add meaning to the main verb in a
sentence by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or obligation.


a. Supposed to, like have to, can fall into the “obligation” category. Example:
• I have to be home by midnight or my coach will turn into a pumpkin.
• I am supposed to be home by midnight or my coach will turn into a
Both examples above have the same meaning. It indicates a something
requires to be done.
b. It can also be used to indicate what a person (or thing) is likely to do or is
reputed to do. Example:
• It was supposed to sunny today.
• James is supposed to be the best goalkeeper in this club.
c. Whenever it is used in either of these senses, supposed to will be preceded
by a form of to be and followed by a verb. Example:
• Ruth is supposed to arrive in the airport on Sunday morning.
• Were we supposed to be in the mall so early?

E. Language Features
When studying English, the term modal verb is certainly familiar. Modal
verbs, or sometimes called modals, are auxiliary verbs in English. This modal verb is
certainly used in everyday conversation. The modalities can express possibility,
ability, demand, capacity, suggestion, command, and obligation.
In this chapter, modal verb which are learned is modal verb to express an
obligation. To understand clearly about the function of each modal verb take a look
at the table below.

In Present Tense
Function Modal Verb In Past
and Simple Future
Compulsion Make (sb.) (do) She makes them The teacher made
tidy their room them write it out
six times.
Prohibition Can't / not My dad says that I She wasn't
allowed to can’t see you, allowed to see him
anymore. anymore
Permission May (be) May I go now? I was allowed to
Strong Obligation Must (do) I must remember I had to apologize.
to pay the phone
Strong Obligation Mustn't (do) Mother: “you The children
mustn’t play with weren't allowed to
matches” play outside.


No Obligation Don't have to (do) I don't have to I was happy that

wake up early on didn’t have to see
Saturdays. him again.
No Obligation Needn't (do) You needn't pay it You needn't have
if you don’t want now done it, but
to. I’m glad you did.
No Obligation Don’t need to (do) I don’t need to He didn’t need to
study French revise for the
anymore. exam.
Duty Supposed to You're supposed You were
to arrive at work at supposed to have
8 a.m. done this by now.
Duty Not supposed to You are not I wasn’t supposed
supposed to be to have been at
here! the meeting.
Formal Advice Would (do) I'd arrive on time if I would have
I were you arrived on time if
I'd been him.

Formal Advice Wouldn't (do) I wouldn't do that I wouldn't have

if were you. done that if I'd
been him.

Informal Advice Should (do) You should always You should have
dress well at dressed well at the
interview. interviews.

Informal Advice Shouldn't (do) You shouldn't You shouldn't have

speak to him like spoken to him like
that. that.

Informal Advice Ought to (do) You ought to be You ought to have

here earlier. been there earlier.

Informal Advice Not ought to (do) You didn't ought You didn’t ought
to touch that. to have done that.

Requests Can (I/you) Can/Could you I asked him to help

help me, please? me.
Ability Can (do) I can speak I could speak
English. English when I was


Ability Be able to (do) Will you be able to She was able to

come? answer all the
Ability Manage to (do) Does he manage He managed to
to get here on rescue her.

Normal Behavior Will She'll always do She would always

her homework. do her homework.

Offers Will I’ll help you with I'd have helped

that. you.
Offers Shall Shall I give you a I should have
hand? helped you.
Suggestions Shall (let's) Shall we meet at 9 I suggested
p.m.? meeting at 9.
Willingness Won't (do) I won't do it! She wouldn't do it.

Read the dialogue below carefully

Rica : I need your help.
Could you be the moderator for tomorrow presentations?
Fino : Um, actually I've never been a moderator before. What should I do?
Rica : You just need to lead the discussion section. First, you should be
introducing the presenters when the section begins.
Fino : Should I have studied the materials of the presentations before?
Rica : No, you don't need to, but I suggest you to pay attention to the
presenters since you may to summarize the presentations.
Fino : All right. What should I do after that?
Rica : Presentations end, you're the one who should invite the audience to ask
questions and open the discussion section. You should pay attention well
and list the names of the audience and their questions.
Fino : I don't need to help answer those questions, do I?
Rica : No, you don't have to. So, will you be the moderator?
Fino : Okay, I'll do my best.
Rica : Thanks, Fino.
Fino : My pleasure, Rica.

Task 1
Answer the questions based on dialogue above!
1) What does Rica ask from Fino?
Answer: _________________________________________________________


2) What is moderator?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
3) What should a moderator do in a presentation?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
4) What should a moderator do to open the discussion section?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
5) Should moderators help the presenters to answer the questions from the audiences?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
6) List all modals used in the dialogue with their functions!
Answer: _________________________________________________________
7) What tense is used in the dialogue? Mention one example of the tense in the dialogue!
Answer: _________________________________________________________
8) Does Fino accept Rica’s request? What does he say?
Answer: _________________________________________________________

Read the text below carefully

We Should Make the City Clean and Fresh
A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning
especially in
dry season, all roads should be watered with clean water and swept by the workers
of regional government under the mayor's instruction.
To protect people from heavy pollution caused by car, trucks and motorcycles,
enough trees should be planted along the roads. Every building or house in the city must
be surrounded by short and small trees which bear colorful flowers. Bad and improper
habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere should
be stopped at once.
The city mayor will have to think over the way to educate people, so they realize how
important cleanliness and health care. More public lavatories are badly needed.
It will be wise if the city mayor decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those
who break the government regulation on cleanliness matter.
So, bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the
city will be dirty, unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic
tourists as well.

Task 2
Answer the question below based on the text above.
1) What should the workers of regional government do in dry season?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
2) What should we do to protect people from heavy pollution?
Answer: _________________________________________________________


3) What should be surrounded in every building or house?

Answer: _________________________________________________________
4) Why city mayor should educate people?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
5) What should be immediately stopped?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
6) What is the text about?
Answer: _________________________________________________________
7) What modals are used in the text above? Mention with their function!
Answer: _________________________________________________________

Task 3
Complete the sentences below with your own words.
1) A Student must _________________________________________________.
2) A teenager has to _______________________________________________.
3) A citizen should _________________________________________________.
4) A son/ daughter should __________________________________________.
5) A trainee has to ________________________________________________.
6) A driver must __________________________________________________.
7) A graduate should ______________________________________________.
8) A sibling has to ________________________________________________.

Task 4
Rearrange the jumbled words into good sentences!
1) go outside - should - hang out - and you - your - friends with
2) take-jacket - a blanket - or - have to - you
3) closer - I’m - should - you get - to understand what - feeling
4) take a rest - you'll be - should -sick - you or
5) are - on time - supposed to - come - you
6) medicine - should - take you - some
7) carry - because - my book - have to - I - you - study for - want to - the exam
8) know - around - you - should - try to - you - somebody
9) keep - you - clean - ought to - your - area
10) a taxi - campus - to go - should - to - you - take


As a student, there are something you should do and you shouldn’t do. List them
on the table below about something you should do and you shouldn’t do.
Students should do Students shouldn’t do
1. _____________________ 1. _____________________
2. _____________________ 2. _____________________
3. _____________________ 3. _____________________

Make a paragraph about your obligation as a student of Vocational School of
Teknik PAL Surabaya! (write in at least 100 words)

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e!
Text for question number 1 to 4
To: Rudy
Please have enough rest. I am going to work. You should eat then take your medicine
when you wake up. I have made porridge and put the medicine for you in the table. Don’t
forget to heat the porridge before you eating it. don’t drink cold water.
Rest well. I hope you’ll get well soon.
Ps: I’ll be back at 3.30.

1. From the text we know that?
a. Rudy is going to work
b. Rudy is sick
c. Rudy is a doctor
d. Mommy is sick
e. Mommy going to see a doctor


2. Rudy should do the following things, except?

a. Heat the porridge
b. Drink cold water
c. Take a medicine
d. Eat warm porridge
e. Get rest
3. What should Rudy do before take his medicine?
a. Warm the porridge
b. Drink cold water
c. Sleep
d. Eat the warm porridge
e. Get rest
4. “… before you eating it”. The underlined word refers to ...
a. the water
b. the porridge
c. the medicine
d. Mommy
e. Rudy
5. We ... obey the school rules without exception.
a. don't have to
b. useless
c. must
d. not recommended
e. don't care
6. Ann : ...
Diana : All right, be careful on your way home.
a. May I sleep here?
b. I am glad to be with you.
c. You don't come to my house?
d. Why you are here?
e. I should be going home now.
7. you ... go to the doctor if you are sick.
a. not allowed
b. should
c. do not like
d. straight ahead
e. does
8. Andy : I always come late to school
Helena : ...
a. You must wake in the afternoon.
b. You have to take a bath in the midnight


c. It is not my business
d. It is better
e. You should wake up earlier
9. What ... I do for you, to make you believe me?
a. shouldn't
b. should be
c. should not be
d. should
e. hurt
10. Girl : What should I do if my phone didn’t work?
Boy : You should ...
a. take care of it well
b. dry it with hair dryer
c. try to repair it by yourself
d. take it to the repair shop
e. dry it with a towel
11. A : ...?
B : Yes, I just take a rest for a moment. I am so tired right now.
a. Shouldn’t you call your dancing mentor?
b. Shouldn't you be having a rehearsal now?
c. Should you be having a rehearsal now?
d. Should we start the rehearsal now?
e. Should I take you some water?
12. Lisa : …
Rose : Yes, you should. It is a carpet room and we have to keep it clean.
a. Shouldn't we be practicing now?
b. What should I do?
c. Should I take off my shoes?
d. Do you think, it is necessary for me to do that?
e. Shouldn't you take off your shoes too?
13. A : What should we do as a student?
B :…
a. We should obey the school rules.
b. We should get enough rest.
c. We should exercise everyday.
d. We should practice everyday.
e. We should help our mom everyday.
14. Mona - the books - should - he - returned - have - borrowed
The correct arrangement is ...
a. 1365247
b. 1265347


c. 1345672
d. 1365274
e. 1375264
15. "I should be careful when I ride”
What does the sentence above express?
a. Asking about obligation
b. Asking for suggestion
c. Stating past obligation
d. Stating future obligation
e. Stating announcement
16. Deni : I really don’t know what! have to do to make Mrs. Liam pass me next
lrawan : Mrs. Liam’s exam will be about understanding. You just have to study
hard and make sure you understand the materials.
Deni : Ohh ... that’s the problem in understanding the materials.
lrawan : Don’t worry. I'll help you.
The underlined sentence shows ...
a. Agreement
b. Support
c. Necessity
d. Compliment
e. preference
17. You ... tidy up your room.
a. have to
b. will not
c. must not
d. had to
e. don't
18. Teenagers ... be home before 9 pm.
a. must not
b. must
c. doesn't need
d. had
e. is


19. Which one of the following below are not expressing necessity?
a. Must
b. Have to
c. Be necessary
d. Will not
e. You’d better
20. They … be in Surakarta before Sunday.
a. Don’t
b. Have to
c. Doesn’t
d. Aren’t
e. Isn’t

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about
it down here.




News Item

Setelah mempelajari materi pada KD ini, diharapkan:

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan
informasi rinci dalam teks berita sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menemukan
informasi umum dalam teks berita sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
struktur teks dalam teks berita sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dalam teks berita sederhana dengan baik dan benar.
5. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun teks
berita sederhana tertulis dengan baik dan benar.


A. Social Function
News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The
events are considered newsworthy or important. It means if there is an important
event that should be known by many people, then this event deserves news.
Well, the news text is called the news item text. Basically, a news item text
answers the 5W and 1H questions: what, who, when, where, why, and how
relating to the newsworthy.
News item text serves to convey events every day. Usually the events that
are written down are events that are important and recent. This type of text
mostly can be found in newspapers.
In order to make it easier to determine what text is being read, the
following will share the characteristics of news item text:
• Using action verbs or dynamic verbs (verbs that show activity).
• Dominant uses saying verbs.
• Using adverb of place, adverb of time, and adverb of manner.

B. Generic Structure
Making news item text is not difficult. These following components will
share ways to create news item text. So, everyone can make a good and correct
news item text.
a. Main events/ Newsworthy event
The main incident deserves to be news. In the first paragraph there will
be a newsworthy event where this paragraph introduces the background of
something happening and where something started. This paragraph is more
like an introduction.
b. Elaboration/ Background event
After knowing a glimpse of the events raised, the reader will be taken
into several situations that usually become the supporting idea of the main
event. This supporting idea is packaged in paragraphs after the newsworthy
event, which is commonly known as elaboration. Elaboration itself can also be
the causes of main events. This is where the explanation of the main events is
discussed, including the time, actors, events, etc.
c. Source
In this last stage, a learner will see for himself the characteristics of
news item text. Because this type of text is a news text, a valid news source is
something that is absolute, so it is necessary to have sources listed in the
form of experts, notes from experts and research conducted by experts.
Read carefully the news item text below to understand the structure clearly.


Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build temporary houses
for 400 families displaced by the recent strong earthquake that hit Sigi District, Central
Sulawesi Province.

Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji informed that
the temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed by Bank Mandiri in the South
Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district. Meanwhile, Bank BNI will build the temporary
shelters for 300 families in Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-district that severely
suffered from soil liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that rocked the
area on Sept 28, he noted.

The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the sub-district
government, village, and community members, he stated, adding that the Sigi district
government will facilitate all related parties to sign a letter of agreement.

“We are going to provide a letter of agreement that will be signed by all related parties
to avoid any unexpected eventuality in the future,” he explained. (Antara, 17th
October, 2018)

From the text above we get the generic structure like below:
• Newsworthy Event
Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build
temporary houses for 400 families displaced by the recent strong
earthquake that hit Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province.
• Background event
Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji
informed that the temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed
by Bank Mandiri in the South Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district.
Meanwhile, Bank BNI will build the temporary shelters for 300 families in
Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-district that severely suffered from soil
liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that rocked the area on
Sept 28, he noted.
The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the
sub-district government, village, and community members, he stated,
adding that the Sigi district government will facilitate all related parties to
sign a letter of agreement.
• Source
Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji


Read the text carefully and answer the question.

Nine traditional Balinese dances have been recognized as part of the world’s intangible cultural
heritage following a UNESCO session in Namibia on Wednesday.

Balinese dances included on the list were the Barong Ket, Joged Bumbung, Legong Keraton, Topeng
Sidhakarya, Baris Upacara, Sanghyang Dedari and Rejang dances, as well as the Wayang Wong and
Gambuh dance dramas.

“We are very pleased with the recognition; it enables Bali to receive protection in terms of traditional
dance preservation as well as economic benefits in the future,” said Bali Cultural Agency head Dewa
Putu Beratha on Wednesday night as quoted by Antara news agency.

During the UNESCO session, Indonesia’s proposal regarding the dances reportedly ranked 18th
among a total of 35 countries. “The nine dances represent Balinese dance as a whole based on their
historical concept, function and style,” said Dewa.

According to Dewa, the Rejang, Sanghyang Dedari and Baris Upacara dances represented the Wali
dance, which is usually performed during processions. Meanwhile, the Topeng Sidhakarya dance and
Gambuh and Wayang Wong dance dramas are part of the Bebali dance, known as a semi-sacred and
ceremonial dance. The Legong Keraton, Joged Bumbung and Barong Ket dances are a representation
of the Balih-Balihan dance that serves social and entertainment purposes.

The Wali dance is said to have originated between the eighth and 14th centuries. The Bebali dance
and Balih-Balihan dances are believed to have come from the 14th-19th century and 19th centuries,

“The community has actively played an important role in preserving these traditional dances,
especially the Wali dance. Meanwhile, the Bali provincial administration and its city and regency
administrations should increase their role in preserving the Bebali and Balih-Balihan dances during
tourist events,” said Dewa

Task 1
Identify generic structure from the text above.





Task 2
Answer questions below based on the text above.
1) What is the text about?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
2) What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
3) Mention all nine Balinese dances!
Answer: __________________________________________________________
4) Explain all representation of Balinese dances!
Answer: __________________________________________________________
5) When were the Wali dance and Bali Balihan dance originated?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
6) Who is Dewa Putu Beratha?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
7) What is the similar meaning of word “originated” in the text?
Answer: __________________________________________________________
8) In the last paragraph” … should increase their role in preserving …”, word their
refers to ...
Answer: __________________________________________________________

D.Language Features
1. Simple Present Tense

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. Speaker uses the
simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it
happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present
indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by
using the root form or by adding ‑s or ‑es to the end. The other is to talk
about habitual actions or occurrences.
In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in
the third-person singular (which ends in -s). Take a look at the sentences
based on its subject.
• First-person singular: I write
• Second-person singular: You write
• Third-person singular: He/she/it writes (note the ‑s)

• First-person plural: We write

• Second-person plural: You write
• Third-person plural: They write


For a few verbs, the third-person singular ends with -es instead of -s.
Typically, these are verbs whose root form ends in o, ch, sh, th, ss, gh, or z.
Below are the formulas of making simple present tense.
Verbal Sentence Formula: Nominal Sentence Formula:
Positive Sentence Positive Sentence
- S + V(s/es) + O - S + be(present) + non-verb
Negative Sentence Negative Sentence
- S + do/does + not + V(inf) + O - S + be(present) + not + non-verb
Introgative Sentence Introgative Sentence
- Do/does + S + V(inf) + O? - Be(present) + S + non-verb?

Verbal Sentence
(+) She eats breakfast every morning.
(−) She does not eat breakfast every morning.
(?) Does She eat breakfast every morning?
Nominal Sentence
(+) I am a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya.
(−) I am not a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya.
(?) Am I a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya.

Task 3
Change the verb or be in the bracket to the correct form.

1. Every morning, the sun (shine) _________ in my bedroom window and (make)
_________ me up.
2. Kenny (be) _________ a student of SMK Teknik PAL Surabaya. He (be, not)
_________ an unemployed man who (look) _________ for a Job.
3. Great! This curry (taste) _________ good. I (want) _________ more, please.
4. The bank (be) _________ crowded because there (be) _________ many
customers today.
5. The door (be, not) _________ locked. It (be) _________ usually locked.
6. Nobody (know) _________ where Tabitha (be) _________ at this hour.
7. I (know, not) _________ who (be) _________ the chairman of this company.
8. The class (bore) _________ all students because the teacher always (give)
_________ a quiz in the morning.
9. This concert (be) _________ the best. It surely (excite) _________ fans and they
(want) _________ an encore.
10. Mrs. Wijayanti (work) _________ in an orphanage. She (dedicate) _________ her
life to help the orphans. She (be) _________ a person with high dedication.


Complete the blank spaces in the text below with words from the box.
Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily
diverted its flights intended for Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo
Airport in Surakarta, Central Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto
runway lane on Wednesday night.
“All of Garuda Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of 34
flights, now will [be diverted] to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate
communications Benny S. Butarbutar said in an official statement on Thursday.
The flights include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from
Denpasar, Bali, two to and from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from
Surabaya, East Java.
The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport
passengers to Yogyakarta.
Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped
on the runway and overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123
passengers, none of whom were harmed.
Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon. (bbn)
Taken from:

Include overshot harmed said

Diverted aims transport evacuating

Slipped heading provide evacuating

Search a news in Indonesia from TV and Write it in your book. The news should
be written in a paragraph in at least 125 words



Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

Text for question number 1 to 5.
Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related mistake after leaving
the hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors, in a new
Consequences of mistakes – such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the
wrong dose – can range from side effects like constipation to more serious drops in blood
pressure. Two percent of errors were life-threatening.
Hospitals involved in the study were already taking steps to prevent medication
mistakes in addition to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the study’s
lead author from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
“We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts that 50 percent (of patients)
were still having these medication errors,” he told Reuters Health.
Although the pharmacist visits didn’t help the average patient, he added, certain ones
seemed to benefit – such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had trouble
understanding health information.
As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other strategies to prevent errors may
be needed.
1. What does the text tell us about?
a. The patient’s medication errors
b. The hospital’s medical treatments
c. The doctor’s medical treatment
d. The uncontrolled medical treatment
e. The pharmacist’s medication mistakes
2. What is the effect of medication errors?
a. Bleeding on heart
b. Health information
c. Problem in healing
d. Life—long time
e. Life –threatening
3. “… and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors ….” The similar
meaning of word “reduce” is ….
a. Improve
b. Upgrade
c. Decrease
d. Degrade
e. Increase
4. Which one of the sentences below are correct according to text?


a. Hospitals do nothing to prevent medication mistakes.

b. Constipation is one of the consequences in taking a wrong dose of drugs.
c. Serious drops in blood pressure are nothing related to forgetting to take
certain drugs.
d. There are less than 50 percent of patients were still having these medication
e. It is stated that twenty percent of errors were life-threatening.
6. The similar meaning of word “prevent” in the text is …
a. avoid
b. increase
c. invent
d. invade
e. take
Text for question number 6 to 10.
Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas
and Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.
According to Riau Islands deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have
their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
Singapore's investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands'
need, he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the
Riau islands asministration on Tuesday to show the country's commitment in developing the
marine tourism sector.
6. Singapore is interested in making investment in …
a. Building tourism infrastructure in the three islands in Riau.
b. Tourism in the three islands in Riau.
c. Tourism in the sea around the three islands in Riau.
d. Building marine infrastructure in the three islands in Riau.
e. Developing tourism industry in the three islands in Riau.
7. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. Singapore ambassador visited the three islands in Riau.
b. Singapore needs to invest in the three islands in Riau.
c. Singapore needs to invest in the three islands in Riau.
d. Anil Kumar Nayar is the Singapore ambassador in Indonesia.
e. Singapore shows its commitment in developing the marine tourism sector in the
three islands in Riau.
8. What is the generic structure of the first paragraph?
a. Newsworthy Event
b. Orientation
c. Source
d. Background Event
e. Problem
9. Which one is incorrect according to the text above?
a. Developing its marine tourism has become an interest of Singapore.
b. Natuna, Anambas, and Lingga are the areas to develop.
c. Natuna, Anambas, and Lingga have a strong adequate infrastructure.
d. Singapore's investment in the tourism sector is perfect for the islands’ need.
e. Natuna, Anambas and Lingga are beautiful areas in Riau.


10. In sentence “Singapore has expressed its interest in developing …”, word “its” refers to …
a. Riau
b. Natuna
c. Anambas
d. Lingga
e. Singapore
Text for questions number 11 to
Reindeer delivery company in Japan "Domino's" has got into the Christmas spirit already! It
started to train reindeer to deliver pizza to customers. the company is working with reindeer
breeders to train the reindeer how to deliver pizza. People can watch the reindeer in real-time by
using a GPS driver tracker. The company claims that it is taking all possible steps to ensure that
animals are well.
11. What does text tell us about?
a. Pizza in Christmas event
b. Reindeer delivery company
c. Special pizza in Christmas
d. The Christmas spirit on December
e. The company claims
12. Why does the company use reindeer to deliver pizza?
a. because it is cheaper than using car
b. because the owner of the company like reindeer so much
c. because the company wants to give beautiful moment in Christmas
d. because the customer likes reindeer.
e. Because it is eco-friendly.
13. In “It started to train reindeer to deliver pizza to customers.” The word "it" refers to...
a. Reindeer
b. Domino's Company
c. Christmas spirit
d. Pizza
e. Reindeer breeder
14. The synonym of “ensure” in the text above is …
a. Make
b. Guess
c. Guarantee
d. Doubt
e. Pass
Text for questions number 15 to 20
Apple, which has stumbled in its efforts to (15) _______ into social media, has
talked with Twitter in recent months about making a strategic investment in it,
according to people briefed on the matter.
Although apple has been hugely successful in selling phones and tablets, it (16)
_______ little traction in social networking, which has become a major engine of
activity on the Web and on mobile devices. Social media are increasingly influencing


the ways people spend their time and money — important consideration for Apple,
which also (17) _______ application, games, music and movies.
Apple has considered an investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars, one
that could value Twitter at more than $10 billion, up from an $8.4 billion valuation
last year, these people said. They declined to be identified because the discussions
were private.
There is no (18) _______ that the two companies, which are not in
negotiations at the moment, will come to an agreement. But the earlier talks (19)
_______ a sign that they may form a stronger partnership amid intensifying
competition from companies like Google and Facebook.
Apple has not made many friends in social media. Its relationship with
Facebook, for example, has been strained since a deal to build Facebook featured
into Ping, Apple’s music-centric social network, fell apart. Facebook is also aligned
with Microsoft, which (20) _______ a small stake in it. And Google, an Apple rival in
the phone market, has been pushing its own social network, Google Plus.

15. The best word to fill the blank space number 15 is …

a. Got
b. Get
c. gotten
d. is getting
e. is got
16. The best word to fill the blank space number 16 is …
a. having
b. has
c. had
d. have had
e. has had
17. The best word to fill the blank space number 17 is …
a. sells
b. sold
c. is sold
d. is selling
e. have sold
18. The best word to fill the blank space number 18 is …
a. guarantor
b. has guaranteed
c. guaranteed
d. guaranteeing
e. guarantee
19. The best word to fill the blank space number 19 is …
a. is
b. am
c. be


d. are
e. been
20. The best word to fill the blank space number 20 is …
a. owns
b. owning
c. owned
d. is owned
e. are owned

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about it down





Conditional Sentences Followed

by Suggestion or Imperative

Setelah mempelajari materi pada KD ini, diharapkan:

1. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
struktur kalimat dari kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran dengan baik dan benar.
2. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis
struktur kalimat dari kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran dengan baik dan benar.
3. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian diikuti
perintah/saran dengan baik dan benar.
4. Peserta didik secara disiplin dan bertanggung jawab mampu menyusun suatu
kalimat yang menyatakan pengandaian diikuti perintah/saran dengan baik dan


A. Social Function

In simple terms, a conditional sentence is a compound sentence that contains

conditions regarding a presupposition, imagination, or an event that has not yet
occurred. The form of a conditional sentence is "If-clause + main clause." Notice that
the if-clause is part of the conditional sentence. While the main clause, usually
contains the consequences or consequences of the previous conditional assumption.
Conditional Sentences are used to express that the action in the main clause
(without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled.
In other word, if the condition is fulfilled by the subject, then the result will happen.
It is indicated in the name “Conditional”, means depends on something.

B. Sentence Structure
1. Conditional Sentence
Conditional sentences are divided into several types. They are:
a) Conditional sentence type 1
A first conditional sentence is a form of conditional sentence that is used
when the outcome or consequence is likely to occur in the future. This can
happen because there are conditions that make sense for the possibility to
happen. Therefore, the sentence form of this first type of conditional
sentence has the form of a simple future sentence. The formula for this
sentence is:

If + simple present, simple future "will"

Below are some examples of conditional sentence type 1:
- I will cook dinner tonight if you clean the house.
- If you set your mind to a goal, you will eventually achieve it.
- If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the library.
b) Conditional sentence type 2
Second conditional sentences are a type of conditional sentence that is used
when the result or consequence has only the hope of being realized even
though the probability is very small. So it can be said that this second type of
conditional sentence does not necessarily happen but rarely to become a
reality. In the form of this sentence, the formula used is:

If + simple past, S + would/could/might + inf. verb.

The use of would/could/might serves to explain how big a condition will be.
For example:
- If I were you, I would continue my study.
- If I had time, I would go with you.


- If she met her mother, she would be very happy.

c) Conditional sentence type 3
The third conditional sentence is a conditional sentence when a condition is
not possible at all. This can be described as a very impossible condition or just
a dream or imagination. In this third type of conditional sentence, the form of
the sentence uses the past perfect which is equipped with auxiliary modals
such as would, could, and should. The formula used is:

If + past perfect, S + would/should/could/might + have + past part. verb.

Example sentences:
- If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.
- If she hadn’t taken the course, she wouldn’t have gotten the
- If I had locked the car, the thief wouldn’t have stolen my car.
2. Modified Conditional Sentence
a) Followed by Imperative
The conditional sentence in this function is used to tell someone to do
something if they want a condition to occur. To make a conditional sentence
with an imperative, take a look at the formula below.

If + simple present, inf. verb + O.

To understand better, take a look on these examples.
• If you want to play an instrument, search in YouTube and study seriously.
• If you want to be on time to school, take a bath soon, boy!
• If you are drowsy, don't drive.
b) Followed by Suggestion
This conditional sentence is used to give advice on what to do if someone
want a condition to occur. These are the formulas to compose a conditional
sentence followed with suggestion.
Formula 1
If + simple present, S + should /had better/ ough to + inf. verb.

Below is the other form in giving suggestion along with the conditional
sentence. The only difference with formula 1 is formula 2 is in the form of

Formula 2
If + simple present, why don’t + S + inf. verb?
To understand better, take a look on these examples.


• If you want to pass the exam, you should study harder.

• If you want a good price, why don't you go to the factory outlet?
• If you want to be the chair of OSIS, you had better offer a good program
to improve the school environment.

Task 1
Change the verb in the bracket based on the type of conditional sentence.
1. If I (see) _______ her today, I would borrow her notebook.
2. My grandma will be happy if I (visit) _______ her in the next holiday.
3. Eva would have come here if you (agree) _______ to come along.
4. If you want to be the winner in the next competition, (keep) _______ practicing
and never (give) _______ up.
5. If I (be) _______ you, I would tell him the truth as soon as possible.
6. If you have a camera, you should (take) _______ the picture of this beautiful
7. If you have more money, you should (save) _______ some for your future.
8. I don’t have a money, but if I (do) _______, I would lend some to you.
9. You should (listen) _______ what I say if you want to pass this test.
10. If you (be, not) _______ so selfish, you would not (put) _______ yourself in a

C. Language Features
1. Imperative Sentence
Imperative sentence is a type of sentence that is used to create a command,
warning, instruction, advice, and demand. The formula of making imperative
sentence is only by starting a sentence with an infinitive verb.

Inf. verb + O.
• Have a safe trip!
• Eat more vegetables!
• Never forget the person who loves you.
• Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
• Please do not touch the baby
• Stop talking!
2. Suggestion (should)
Suggestion is an advice which is given to someone. It means that the advice
is not as strong as obligation or necessity. In English, giving suggestion commonly
use a modal verb should.


Should is a type of auxiliary modal verb used to express obligation and duty
through advice or recommendations. Should always has the same form even for
the third person, and we find this structure in its three forms: affirmative,
negative and interrogative. Its structure, in the positive sentence, is:

S + should + Inf. verb + O

Take a look at the example below:
• I should go before I miss the bus.
• You should be quiet when you visit a public library.
• We should always wear seatbelts when we drive the car.

Task 2
Put modal verb “should” if the sentence needs it or put “X” mark if the
sentence doesn’t.
1. You are beside the ICU, please ________ be quiet.
2. You ________ avoid doing anything else when typing or you’ll make a
3. Vocational school students ________ have health insurance.
4. If you need some help, just ________ call me or ________ text me instead.
5. I ________ visit Emma this afternoon or I’ll miss Beatrice’s wedding party.
6. Don’t put your bike there! ________ put it in the parking lot.
7. You ________ get over it or you will be stuck in this problem forever.
8. Please ________ call a taxi for me because I need to be in the airport in an
9. You ________ take your laptop to the service center or you’ll make it worse.
10. ________ pay attention at the road, will you. You are driving.


Take a look at the table below and make a suitable suggestion and command based on
the situation.


Watching movie at the

movie theatre.
Buying stuffs online
Finding someone injured
from a traffic accident
Designing a
homecoming event at
your school
Competing in a National
Essay Writing

You are about to graduate from your school. Write at least 5 conditional sentences
with suggestion or imperative based on your aim after you graduate.


Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e!

1. A: Can you fix my phone? It can’t connect to the internet.
B: Check your data package first. If it’s still not connected, you … it to the service
a. should be taken
b. should take
c. should be taking
d. should took
e. should taken


2. If Anita forget about her own birthday, I … a prank to her.

a. will pull
b. would pull
c. will pulling
d. will pulled
e. would pulled
3. I had a promise when I was kid. If I ever had got a bad score, I … to my parents
right away.
a. would apologize
b. will apologize
c. would have apologize
d. would have apologized
e. will apologized
4. Ruth : Are you really going to go to all right now?
Gwen : Yeah, why?
Ruth : If you go to mall, …
a. you should wearing a mask.
b. you should worn a mask.
c. You should be worn a mask.
d. You should have wearing a mask.
e. You should wear a mask.
5. If you want to make a good impression in the job interview, … .
a. wear a proper outfit.
b. worn a proper outfit.
c. wearing a proper outfit.
d. is wearing a proper outfit.
e. are wearing a proper outfit.
6. If the drought continues, plants and animals … .
a. will perish
b.would perish
c. will perished
d.would perished
e. will have perished
7. If he had got a promotion, he would have moved to Jakarta.
Which one of the statements below is correct according to the conditional
sentence above?
a. He just gets a promotion right at this moment.
b. He didn’t get a promotion.
c. He moved to Jakarta.
d. He moves to Jakarta.
e. He will get a promotion sometimes.


8. If Anita asked Herman politely, He … her right away.

a. would helped
b. will help
c. will helped
d. would have help
e. would help
9. Your sister … to you if you don’t stop yelling at her.
a. Wouldn’t be nice
b. Wouldn’t will be nice
c. Wouldn’t have been nice
d. Won’t be nice
e. Won’t will be nice
10. If it rains, we will cancel the match.
Which one of the statements below is correct according to the conditional sentence
a. There’s a possibility that today will rain.
b. There’s no possibility that today will rain.
c. It rained a lot.
d. It didn’t rain at all.
e. The match stopped.
11. … window, will you? Termites will get in.
b. Closing
c. Closed
d. Have closed
e. Had closed
12. You should … to Prof. Guttierez’ room right now because he has been looking for you
for a day.
a. Going
b. Are going
c. Go
d. Goes
e. Went
13. If She (be, late) …, we (go) … without her tonight.
a. be late, will go
b. are late, would go
c. is late, will go
d. is late, would go
e. are late, will go
14. Andra wants to pass the university. The best suggestion for him is …
a. If you want to pass the exam, study hard and never underestimate it.


b. If you want to pass the exam, studied hard and never underestimated it.
c. If you wanted to pass the exam, studying hard and never underestimating it.
d. If you wanted to pass the exam, studied hard and never underestimated it.
e. If you wanted to passed the exam, studied hard and never underestimated it.
15. If she … earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
a. has decided
b. have decided
c. had decided
d. had decide
e. has decide
16. We … the English teacher if she had spoken slowly and clearly.
a. would have understood
b. would had understood
c. would have understand
d. would had understand
e. would has understand
17. If you are always sleepy in the morning, …
What is the best suggestion for the conditional sentence above?
a. you should sleep earlier.
b. You should sleep late.
c. You should work overnight
d. You should stay up late.
e. You should have an extra job in the night.
18. If I can speak English fluently, I will continue my study in Australia. Which one of
the statements below is correct according to the conditional sentence above?
a. There’s a possibility that the speaker can improve his English.
b. There’s no possibility that the speaker can improve his English.
c. He won’t be able to speak English.
d. He doesn’t want to speak English.
e. He wants to study in his hometown right now.
Text for number 19 and 20.
Franz : Hello Gina, do you have something to do tonight?
Gina : Nope, why?
Franz : I’m grilling some barbeque. Do you want to come over?
Gina : sounds great. If it’s okay with you, I (19) … Janice and Tea to join.
Franz : no problem at all. If you don’t mind, please (20) … some cola.
Gina : Ok then.
Franz : thanks, and see you soon.


19. What is the best choice to fill the blank space?

a. Will called
b. Will calls
c. Will calling
d. Will be called
e. Will call
20. What is the best choice to fill the blank space?
a. Buy
b. Bought
c. Have buy
d. Have bought
e. Had buy

Express Your Feeling

After you learn all the materials, write your opinions and feeling about it down here.





Absolute : not qualified or diminished in any way; total.
Account : written or spoken description of something that has happened.
Action : process of doing something.
Advice : guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future
Applicant : Person who applies for a job
Application : request for a job formally
Assumption : a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
Author : person who writes something (writer).
Cause : thing that makes something happen.
Command : give an authoritative order.
Company : business organization
Component : a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or
Compose : write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).
Connection : something that connects to facts.
Consequence : a result or effect of an action or condition.
Document : official paper which is giving information
Effect : a change that something causes in something else.
Employee : person who is paid t work for somebody
Employer : person or company that employs people
Equip : supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose.
Ethically : in a morally good or correct manner.
Expertise : great knowledge or skill in particular subject or job
Fulfill : bring to completion or reality; achieve or realize.
Glimpse : a momentary or partial view.
Habitual : done or doing constantly or as a habit.
Incident : an event or occurrence.
Interviewee : Person who is interviewed
Interviewer : Person who interviews
Issue : important topic for discussion.


Lack : the state of being without or not having enough of something.
Necessary : required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential.
Newsworthy : noteworthy as news; topical.
Observation : act of watching something carefully for a period of time.
Offer : say that someone is willing to do something for somebody.
Organization : group of people who form a business, club, etc. to achieve a particular
Particular : used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
Polite : having or showing good manners.
Prevention : the action of stopping something from happening or arising.
Probability : the extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something
happening or being the case.
Recommendation : a suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially one
put forward by an authoritative body.
Regret : feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened
or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
Require : need for a particular purpose.
Response : action done in answer to something.
Resume : curriculum vitae
Root : the basic cause, source, or origin of something.
Society : the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered
Speakers : person who makes a speech
Stride : Walk with long steps
Valid : having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent.



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DOYLE, ALISON. 2021. How to Format a Cover Letter (With Examples). (online)
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Infastpedia.2021. contoh soal pilihan ganda cause and effect beserta
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Lande, Shyla K. dan Astuti, Eka Mulya.2019. Forward an English. Jakarta: Erlangga.
London School Of English. 13 useful expressions for job interviews. (Online).
Management Study Guide. Job Interview - Meaning, Tips for Interviewee & Interviewer.
Septiarti dan Rannisa Elly Fathin. Tahun tidak diketahui. Modul Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris
Untuk SMK/MAK Kelas XII. Surakarta: CV Grahadi.
Shyla K. Lande dan Eka Mulya Astuti. 2018. Forward An English Course For Vocational School
Students Grade XII. Jakarta: PENERBIT ERLANGGA.
The London School of English.2021. 30 useful phrases for presentations in English.
Wall Street English. 2020. Conditional Sentence Type 0,1,2,3: Definition, Formula, dan
Examples. (online)
Wall Street English. 2021. Imperative Sentence: Definition, Example, and Usage. (online)
Wijayanti, Septiarti dan Fathin,Rannisa Elly. Modul Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris. Surakarta:


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