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Review Exercises

Name:__Lara, Annika T. Date: _________

Year & Section: BPED I-1 Score:__________

Activity 1.1 Essay: Be able to explain in one to two paragraphs on why Teaching is one of the
most demanding of all professions.

Teaching is one of the most demanding jobs. It places a high demand on the
teacher's teaching ability and personal traits before they can satisfactorily fulfill the
numerous duties and obligations that it requires. At all times, the practice of
teaching requires the presence of a facilitator of learning as well as a nurturer of
the learners. At times, he was a leader, administrator, and manager. To be able to
enjoy their responsibilities with associates, teachers must first feel like a friend, an
enthusiastic colleague, and a caring partner. Teaching, as a more serious job,
requires them to be decision-makers, instructional materials developers, and on-
the-spot researchers. Add to that the responsibility of maintaining a positive
relationship with parents and other members of the community.
The everlasting commitment and loyalty to the profession is a more vital
role that education invokes. A code is used to elicit their adherence to ethical and
moral principles. Finally, their exceptional integrity, honesty, and sincerity make
them worthy of emulation by pupils, coworkers, and other professionals. Finally,
here are a few issues that teachers face in the twenty-first century: Personalization.
The age old “one size fits all” teaching method has long outgrown, with the focus
moving on to different styles of learners, making the Right Use of Technology,
Classroom Management, Curriculum and Global Awareness.

Review Exercises

Name: Lara, Annika T. Date:

Year & Section: BPED 1-1 Score: __________

Activity 1.2 Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the following questions

1. What are the characteristics of an ideal teacher?

For me, the ideal characteristics of an ideal teacher is hardworking,

committed on his/her work, have mastery of their thought subject, being passionate
about everything they do, being caring and understanding towards the students and
competent enough to do their job, and, of course, a motivator to his or her students.

2. What talents and skills do you have that can be shared or used when you
become a full-fledge teacher?

Being a good dancer and motivator are great skills and talents for me
because as a teacher, you're the one who is assisting students in achieving their
goals, so it's a big factor if you're assisting students in learning to dance because
dancing is the way we express ourselves when words fail us and motivate
ourselves to study and be responsible, and to shape not only their minds but also
their bodies.

3. Think of teacher whom you consider to be talented and skillful in his/her

teaching. How do his/ her talents benefited his/her teaching?

She was my adviser and English for Academic and Professional Purposes
teacher in Senior High School. She's amazing. She's incredibly motivating, and
she generates interesting discussions with the entire class. When it comes to
deadlines for homework and other activities, she is very strict. She's the type of
teacher who wants her students to get involved in whatever she's talking about.
She's a perfectionist in the classroom. She brags a lot about her accomplishments,
but it doesn't bother me instead it pushed me to be better student and it motivates
me to work even harder to emulate her.

4.Do you believe that teachers are treated unfairly compared to other professions?
Yes, since the teacher had to deal with youngsters and teenagers who were
usually noisy and who had to work at home all night to write their school report.
The government does not provide them with enough funds to compensate them for
what they have done for the pupils, not to mention the fact that they have little time
to spend with their families and bond with them because of their profession. When
they go home, the first thing they do is do their homework and prepare their daily
classes, which is why they are regarded so differently than other professions.

5. What are the problems and issues related to teacher’s character and behavior that
you are aware of?
Favoritism is the worse in my case. You can get the idea that the teacher
favors the "intelligent" pupils since they seem to interact with them frequently in
class. This occurs because, sadly, many students are unwilling to actively
participate in class discussions. Actually, it's not always true that these students are
the "smartest" or most committed. They are simply the ones who are most at ease
participating in classroom activities.

6.Identify an expert teacher. Set an interview with him or her. What made him/her
as an expert teacher?
Review Exercises

Name: Lara, Annika T. Date:

Year & Section: BPED 1-1 Score: __________

Activity 1.3 Matching Type: Match the statements from Column A to Column B. Write the letter
only before each number.
Column A Column B
___B__1. It involves the teaching of students from a. interpersonal intelligence
different grade levels in one classroom.
___C__2. It empowers the learners as active participants b. multi-grade classes
and leaders of the learning process.
___I__3. Every brain is unique in its organization. c. learning to know
__G___4. It embraces all forms of technologies that enable
all people to receive information and communicate d. learner-centered teaching
or exchange information with others.
_____5. The idea of learners came from the research e. intrapersonal intelligence
of renowned Harvard University professor,
Howard Gardner f. children with special needs
___D__6. It simply means learning to learn
_____7. An appreciation of interdependence g. ICT Integration
___F__8. They must recognize that every learner has the
right to have access to quality education h. multiple intelligence
___A_9. Ability to recognize and understand other
people’s moods, desires, motivations and i. brain-based education
___H__10. Ability to recognize and understand his/her j. learning to live together
moods, desires, motivations, and intentions .

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