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Geoweb System Leading with Advanced Geotechnology Developed trough krone, eight nd exprine. Preven ough exerive ‘esoorch ond testing. Presto's Perforated Geoweb cellular confinement system {s a result of innovation designed to provide superior averal system performance. Fresto's products and technology lead the industry with reliable, cost-effective soll stabilization solutions, ‘The Perforated Geoweb system on er, ml cmon! ys tines: © the Perfovaied Geoweb section “the speci infill material + cher tcl cemponens that add vl to he scton ‘The Perforated Geoweb system ons hls pecicin iz, qunty ond spacing. The hl desi tes nese fiona inelck wih opgropoes ond cot, increased roo! lop wth eget sts ad bei eral rine” Presto qty management sysem is crifiad 10 9002 andl phases of smanaocorng ore monitored through stasical proces cotrl, Nonfecred from selyethylne, perforaedGeoweh secon mest cried quliy standards before shiping tothe jb ile. Each Geoweb scion is spciclyengnered in acrdone with esbishedgesyteticindusy guidelines ands backed by waranty fr nei end weremarship. PAaiiiages of Perforations Developed wih heen ser in ind, he sytem inneoses performance in Sloe ond hae! Poteien, Earth Retention an Lond Support applications. «+ Improved lateral drainage through cll walls results in better performance in saturated soils 16% cll ol pan oes elon trl thenag of excesive ground and sac wot. © Greater cell wall/infil lock-up with coarse materials suck os ‘oggregote and concrete - incest cna nteak upto 30%. * Increased root lock-up in vegetated systems - soos gow fram calo-al cetng amore ibe vegetted mes. «+ Heclthy sol environment - los tho pssogeof water, nuns ond sokorgorsms rom cll, en thus som wide. + Redoced installation and long-lerm maintenance costs ess fom reduced motel eight ond rece infil kup yy [Retforated System Standard Sizes ‘Peed Geoneb® sens elena een sis cl ses od el depts. '* GW20 section dimension is 2.44 m (8 ft) wide x 6.10 m (20 ft) long with special section langths ronging from 0.61 m (2 ft) 10 9.14 m (30 ft. © GW40 section dimension is 2.44 m (8 ft) wide x 12.19 m (40 ft) lng ‘with special section lengths ranging from 1.22 m (4 f} 10 18.24 m (60 ft. a © GW2Dcllsize is 244mm (9.6 in} x 03 mam (Bin). GWAO col sis CeLL DEPT 488 en (192i) x 406 nm (16). Bn. 2 ee Th ove Perated Gave cel depths for bath cl ses or 76 mm al eee (3 in), 102 mm (4 in), 152 mm (6 in) and 203 mm (8 in). awa cen, wo ce Bune esi nat Sem aatton (sion th (ls ond depth sdtrmied by he opin end dt ofthe rable bing soe Secions clas int ight, compact bundles foxes in shipping. During instinct the job ste, he Prtorted Geowebsecions lighter nd eso hand thn sold wl systems [ottiee system Components ter campers used wih he Perforated Geoweb section oeofien Bins citclothe sucestlovromeof th sluon. Many projets inde he option of pyre Yandors ander Pesos ATRA® Cipsin he desig o ens optimum sem perornanc.* Inter high strength poles nda, incerporced int he perce sysem through pre-drledholes, re used to anchor Geoveb seas. The endoned Gaowob system provides ational stbiy opens grvitional ond hykodnanic forsee in channel ond slop options. Tendons ore recommended for gnarl anchoring wih stakes or when geomembraneundetlaye or neue hard suil/rck prevents encharing wi stokes Tendons are viable intense strengths fom 3.1 kN (70 I] o 13:3 (3000 I) All rngeofendors ore evaable, stishying mos! types of environmental and site conditions “Yee pneg diel Pres yl Gobo, IA cp an oboe gas Developed to improve perfomance nnn Pres’ ection male, high strength polyethylene ATRA® Clip provides ime and maw cost savings dung Geawa? system intlaton fering os much os 25% materiel cst savings the ATRA® lip provide performane benefits when wed wih the Geaweb system inthe along ways. PTREATRA™ Anchor System The ATEA® Cp inserted on heed of rebrsoke forms the ATRA™ Anca, providing on inline, coset dive echoing syste. The arm fhe ATRN® Clip faces eer ever the walle Gaaweb cl or oer th tendon, providing resionce to exces siding and/or pit foes. Eliminates the tsk ond cos of foing rber ins ‘+ Provides an in-e,esr to drive onchor ino esse superior anchoring, When used wih fendar,ATRA™ Anchors cana prvide te ors nchring for slope and chomel protection systems. The ATRA™ Anchor can os tach two Geo eons ogee. The ATRA™ Anchors dren side side stem cl between to Geoveb eons so each erm of the ip passes oe diferent cel el on thet ects being joined. Using the TRA ‘Anchor a cnmetGeowe seins ogee des ot el the ned tstaple when condos require amore secure attachment meta, [EAT Rest Pin The ATRA® Cp restrain pin sued tot off tendons at speci lod anf pons in slope and channel options. it replaces the ned fr dowels or teres secre off mechanisms, > : J Davdangtacd Slope & Channel Protection System Poi cll wa inteose stem stobilty on spe ond camel. The Perforated Ceoweh® slope nd chanel prtcon stom confines, enfces and resins the vegitd tos or sion infil cnroling downslope movement de to hydodynaric and gravatar. Won cls oe infill wih coe, the stem becomes flexible concrete mt wth bait expansion joins. Single or mutiayerproteion systems meet o wide ronge of strucral ond hyde requirements Tendons ae incorporated to rect ditional city on teper apes and cham ot when a geomembrane o ard sol/rock surface prevents anchoring wih stakes, ‘TRA Anchors with tendons provid oe or rest anchoring in hope ond chanel proton appa, * The peroraed system ft paral ope drainage ofthe infil cl. Insouried conditions, on oe weight edo ofthe infil motel trues dn ope siding potenti resulting ino more stable system © Groce fiona sistance betwen infil matarls ond he perforated cel val provides grir resistance te upword displacement caused by freeze/ ‘hw ccs andhyrovl sour of eggregte inl, * ln vetted sens os cn grew rom col ein gel "age mes lau nd steht ogi! shor em yaoi een © Pafrations rate © more nour habit! fer plans and nimas by loving celtiocel movement of eothworms ond nates, ‘+ The perforations cow cnet inf ow trough the cls nreasing Iridonl esstnc between the cone andthe cel was which sus in & superior armred shpe or cone protection syste, * Ideal for enbonkments slopes, serine revetens,connment dikes ond lees lil inings ord covers, dom foes and spies, ond bunt protection Hath Renin Sse The Perforated Geoweb® system really stacks up in ‘earth retention opplcations. The Perforated Gecweb system, when layered, boars an eer retention syst ‘meting ol rua requirments. The sysem proiescenstucion Rail ond sie trough completely vegetated Fc. Horizont erocs ee formed where ‘eetton on flush in the exposed outer cls. Th impervious oer open eed system captures cinvaer and cont rovnatrevoperton ceting amore ‘elu enonnent fr vegan, The Perforated Gooweb ea retention system conform avery seep rot face surface while maintaining strut stbity under its sleight end known externally ‘imposed lads. The system met se chlenges, pally when subgrade re comprised of compres, usable sos, © Improved final itracion betwee he afore el ond soi ess in gente boc wl icon, potently reducing hain dsailing forces ond nceesing verti taiing fore © Perforated cols wih the opproproe infil ctrl can mes drainage nad tnd aint the need fr mae complex drainage systems. © Hyrostacorceswil be rede in aber ceined system, resutngin poteily lover moss ond mare econricl wall cure © Non petra fon, gree or spc colored fain anes rept ofthe sign, renting beter bending wth ey environment © eo for stepned slopes wih constuction righ oF way consis, such highway emonkmens, ond cantons wth usable foundation sos, Shree ames maybe ued in ear tein opin fas n minting secon shope end lain ding ifling operations. y Toad Sport Sistem ‘ens Bud n Past’ Pate Gone syste fo relable funin ‘The Perforated Geoweb stem preven sea fae and lterl movant of ‘gregate materi hough confinement. The tm tbs the inl, providing 0 load dbo sytem over eck sis base stbiztion for paved surfs and sure stain fo unpaved sures Te stom produces tif bse wth igh eval sen, acing like osm slob by isting loads aerally and edn subgrade cont presses. Moai ‘hid may be edved 50 percent or more with corfnd versus unconfined agregte. On-site sands nd poor quoi granular fils my be wsedin place of mre cosly imported materi + Feratons inns he con eg betveen egyregat inil odhe cl val goerang utr ogg kup Ts sls ingen over od distribution end system stability. The perforce stem fans cera dinage of xcesive ground ordre wot, resign amare stable ead suport ten when sls bxome sorted «© Perorains allow ter ll ol drainage beneth rfc areas, eding negative fies of cl ondng when the ssum sve lo gernenl os ‘+The prfortions allaw conti ofl through the cals, incening friionalrestonce between the concrete and the cll wal which resus ino superior modular pavement * Hel for inteedel nd toroge yrds, read blest support, genlar and sof aces reds, povement sub bss and bases, boat ramps, ras, foundation matress, sped fetngs pipe ond avert sport ond do level rosin Pres, wee decd thing you oppy the bs sltins o your sol stilton probles. Our cnn to uct begs with design estan ond conus troogh isillion oppor. You get beter ess ond rater pece of mind Rly othe leaders in th industry when you need alution hi ight for our ei stbilzafon problems. Presi the right stn! Leaders In Advanced Geotechnology™

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