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Lesson 1

Exploration: Youth Empowerment

Instructions: Form five groups. Each group must go to the library and find old or
current newspapers. Based on the information provided by the newspapers,
choose one individual mentioned in the news whose reputation may lead to a
spot in the pantheon of national heroes. A checklist has been prepaid below.
Using this checklist, which among the criteria ( the criteria are enumerated in the
discussion) is applicable to the group’s chosen individual? When majority of the
criteria have been met, groups have to create a law that will promote the heroism
of the chosen individual. Take note that all applicable criteria must mention the
provisions of the law.

As I scan the old news paper in the house I saw the picture of Ferdinand Marcos
and for me Ferdinand Marcos is a hero and when we heared Marcos it was
accompanied with martial law and I know that it cause a lot of life and I know that
using violence as a system to control its constituents will never be good to any
society. But try to think of it, what happened after Marcos went down from his
position, Philippines went from bad to worst and history can proved that. Our
Past administration up until now is just as corrupt as before, atleast in the past
only Marcoses our the corrupt one, now almost all the politicians are corrupt. At
least Marcoses build big infrastructure that a lot of it are still being use up until
now. After them nothing was done anymore, maybe there is, but if it is still
Ferdinand Marcos I think he can do better. That is why for me he can be a
national hero.
Lesson 1: Memory test

1. Who sponsored the Rizal Bill in Congress? What are their arguments in support
of the bill?

Senator Claro M. Recto was the main proponent of the Rizal Bill. He sought to sponsor
the bill at Congress. Because that time, internally the country was buffeted by corrupt
party politics and news of political corruption was rampant. The fifties was indeed
confusing times. This was the period when Recto submitted his bill, calling for a return
to patriotic values enunciated by Filipino heroes like Jose Rizal. After all the Rizal bill
was about recognizing the need to instill heroism among the youth at the time when the
country was experiencing social turmoil. It was the time when the country was being
ravaged by the hukbalahap insurgency. It is one of the arguments that supported the
bill and through that people saw the need to rebuild the Filipino identity which was
equally affected by war. Nationalist policy-makers did not waste any time and
painstakingly redirected the nation to the essence of History as a foundation of national
and pride. Education became the primary weapon of reorientation while prioritizing the
youth as the bearers of country’s future. That is why it was implemented for college
and university student to study the life and works of Jose Rizal.

2. What are the arguments of the position of the bill?

The bill was an attempt to discredit the Catholic religion; The Church played a big role in
this fight because they are the ones who intervened with the approval and signing of
this bill into a law. Second is, it is Inimical to the tenets of the faith to which 170 lines in
Noli Me Tangere and lines in El Filibusterismo were offensive to the Church doctrine; It
because the measure was strongly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church in the
Philippines due to the anti-clerical themes in Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo. Also
The bill might divide the nation; A vast majority of our people are at the same time
Catholics and Filipino citizens. As such, they have two great loves: their country and
their faith. It is also included in the arguments of the position of the bill is the the
compulsion to read something against one’s faith impaired freedom of
speech and religious freedom;
3. What is the importance of having dissenting opinions in democratic legislation

Because while a majority opinion settles disputes as to how the law should be applied to a
particular set of facts, dissenting opinions on the other hand highlight potential flaws in
the majority's reasoning and unsettled questions that remain in the wake of the court's
decision. Just like what happened in proposing the Rizal bill where in dissenting
opinions broadened the scope of democratic processes. Because after all the purpose of
dissenting opinions is to highlight potential flaws in the majority's reasoning and
unsettled questions that remain in the wake of the court's decision. That is why dissenting
opinions are really important in democratic legislation processes since they put an
alternate interpretation of the case on the record, which can boost the future discussion

4. What are the amendments made in the original Rizal Bill in order to perfect it?

Republic Act No. 1425, known as the Rizal Law, mandates all educational institutions in
the Philippines to offer courses about José Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to
Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His Novels Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for
Other Purposes. The Rizal law, in any case, was emphatically restricted by the Christian
church much appreciated to the anti-clerical subjects that were pertinent in Rizal’s books
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo..

Also in the said amendments the National Education shall cause the translation of the
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as well as other writings of Jose Rizal into
English, Tagalog and the principal Philippine dialects; cause them to be printed and
cheap, popular editions; and cause them to be distributed, free of charge, to persons
desiring to read them, through the Purok organizations and Barrio Councils throughout
the country. And lastly nothing in this Act shall be construed as amendment or repealing
section nine hundred twenty-seven of the Administrative Code, prohibiting the
discussions of religious doctrines by public school teachers and other person engaged in
any public school.
Reflect on the importance of law in a democratic society. As a law-abiding citizen,
what can you do to uphold the rule of law? What are the implications when the rule of
law is eradicated?

If your going to ask me, I could say that law is important especThe law is important for a
society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens. It was also made to provide for
proper guidelines and order upon the behaviour for all citizens and to sustain the law is
important for a society for it serves as a norm of conduct for citizens. It was also made
to provide for proper guidelines and order upon the behaviour for all citizens and to
sustain the equity. Without law there would be chaos and it would be survival of the
fittest and everyman for himself. Not an ideal lifestyle for most part. The law is
important because it acts as a guideline as to what is accepted in society. Without it
there would be conflicts between social groups and communities. It is pivotal that we
follow them. The law allows for easy adoption to changes that occur in the society.

That is why as a law- abiding citizen by just simply following and respecting the law is my
way of upholding it. Because I know it was made for the betterment of everyone and
also for the country as a whole. Law is made for enjoying freedom while maintaining
peace and equality for everyone what ever class or profession you have in the society.
Without law for or if ever law would be eradicated it would cause chaos for the country
and having a not equal rights for everyone and later on it would result in prohibiting us
to have freedom that our heroes and ancestors fight for a long time.
Lesson 2 : Memory Test

1. What are the differences of the Western concept of Hero and Filipino
concept of Bayani?

One may notice the limited approach in the definition of the word “hero” in
tradition western dictionaries. Hero is normally defined here as in illustrious man,
often of divine descent, or with distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, and
fortitude in suffering, who is supposed to be exalted after death. Being an
extraordinary person and individuals is apparent. This may be seen in the
synonym of hero in Microsoft word –“ Superman.” The Filipino concept of hero,
on the other hand, is a much broader concept, albeit stripped of grandeur. Known
as Bayani, Bagani, Magani, or Wani in various Filipino ethno –linguistic groups, a
hero in early Philippine societies was just a normal warrior of the community. His
simple tasks were based on daily needs of the village. Pangangayaw or raiding
into unallied territory is an example of this.

According to William Henry Scott, pangangayaw was done because of four

reasons, namely: 1) to secure resources, ranging from the occasional use goods
or bounty to human slaves; 2) to avenge a personal affront or family honor; 3) to
fulfill mourning requirements to which the life of enemies must be sacrificed; and
lastly 4) for personal prominence or a mercenary reward. It is important to point
out that a Bayani does not work alone; he or she always exerts efforts together
with his/her comrades in the community. Hence, the root word of Bayani is bayan
(community/town/nation). When pangangayaw is done, the group of Bayani
returns home; thus, fulfilling what Zeus Salazar said about the bayani as a
person who leaves his/her town and then returns. The tattoo, used as the
protection of kaluluwa (soul) of a bayani, his kris/kampilan (weapon), his putong (
head gear)

2. Enumerate the criteria in recognizing heroes. Explain their meaning.

Criteria for Recognizing Heroes

There are ten criterias prepared in recognizing heroes. The first criteria is,
the extent of a person’s sacrifice for the welfare of the country ( Teodoro
A. Agoncillo 1965); It simply means that he love his/ her country more than
how much she or he love theirselves That they would always priorities the
country even if it may cause their lifes. The second third one is the
motive and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal (welfare of
the country) ( Teodoro A. Agoncillo); and the moral character of the
person concerned (Teodoro A. Agoncillo 1965); It should be purely about
the country sake should be the agenda and not accompanied with
personal greed or bad motives.

The moral is also considered. Fourth is the influence of the person

concerned on his/her age and or the succeeding age (Teodoro A, Agoncilli
1965); What are his achievements or works done during his life. Fifth and
sith is those who have a concept of nation and thereafter aspire and
struggle for the nation’s freedom (Onofre D. Corpuz 1993);and those who
define and contribute to a system of life of freedom and order for a nation
(Onofre D. Corpuz 1993); It simply means they have done something or
big things in order to attain the freedom that all of us are enjoying now.
Seventh is, those who contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a
nation (Onofre D. Corpuz 1993); It means you did something for the
nations destiny and its people. One of the reason of what the country and
its people are enjoying now especially the freedom and liberty.

Eight is a part of the people’s expression (Alfredo Lagmay 1995); As

what I understand people are okay of it being our national hero. Nine and
ten is person who thinks in the future, especially the future generations
(Alfredo Lagmay 1995); and the choice of a hero involves not only the
recounting of an episode or events in history, but of the entire process that
made this particular person a hero ( Alfredo Lagmay 1995); A person who
doesn’t only think of the present but also the future of the country and its
people and what is really we deserve

3. What are the steps done by the colonial and post-colonial Philippines in
promoting the heroism of Rizal?
During American colonization in the Philippines they are the one who declared
that Jose Rizal should be the national hero according to the criteria they made
and that when William H. Taft, President of the Second Philippine Commission,
had appointed Rizal to embody the brand of nationalism propagated by the
American colonial government. However, there was no actual law during the
American Regime that explicitly declared Rizal the official hero of the country.

Three steps, instead, were made by the American colonial government to

promote his herorism, namely: 1) the creation of Rizal Province; 2) the erection of
Rizal Monument; and 3) the declaration of Rizal Day on December 30 as a public
holiday. Since then, Rizal’s image as a hero of the Philippines has become a
viable enterprise for stamp, chart, post card makers, and other printed materials.
This was heightened when in 1956 , the Rizal Law was conceived, since books,
textbooks, and modules werw necessary for educational purposes.


Reflect on the Filipino concept of a hero. Now that the nature of the concept
of “hero” has been clarified as not to be posthumous award,how can a student
like you become a bayani in your own way?

You know as I read and answer some of the activities prepared for this lesson I
realized that really there is a criteria in being a national hero. But of course a lot
of things or most of the things requires criteria or popularly known qs standard
that even in choosing a hero is not an exception. So now that I realized about it if
I will be ask, how can a student like me become a bayani in my own way? I can
say that, even though I’m still a student I can be a bayani by just studying well
because if I hot a good grades, be able to graduate and find a job, I know I
contribute something not only for the society but also for our country as a whole
after all I believed that “kabataan ang pag asa ng bayan’. Being a student who
thinks on contributing for its country that something that should be proud of and I
can say that through that I can consider myself as a bayani.

Lesson 3: Memory test

1. What is the difference between the historic Rizal and symbolic Rizal?

The Historic Rizal who lived and died in the 19 th century Philippines. H e
is the Rizal born and raised in Calamba, Laguna, who studied at the
Ateneo Municipal in Manila, travelled and studied abroad, published Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, founded the La Liga Filipina and the
Martyr of Bagumbayan in 1896. He was the true person, the actual Rizal
we can read in History books. While the Symbolic Rizal is the “second”
Rizal. He is the kind of Rizal we have today. He is the Rizal in Luneta,
the Rizal in the one peso coin, the Rizal in postage stamps, the Rizal as
Tagalog Christ, the Rizal as an icon of Rock, the Rizal in t-shirts, and the
list goes on. This kind of Rizal has indeed become a text open to many

2. What is a text? a sign? a symbol?

A text can be any example of written or spoken

language, from something as complex as a book or
legal document to something as simple as the body
of an email or the words on the back of a cereal
box. ... Literary theorists, for example, focus
primarily on literary texts—novels, essays, stories,
and poems. While the sign is any object, action,
event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning. a
conventional or arbitrary mark, figure, or symbol
used as an abbreviation for the word or words it
represents. a motion or gesture used to express or
convey an idea, command, decision, etc.: Her nod
was a sign that it was time to leave.

For the symbol, it somehow familiar with it for sometimes we

use this to remind us of something. Because in our daily life,
we can easily identify objects that can be taken as examples
of symbolism, such as the following : The dove is a symbol of
peace. A red rose, or the color red, stands for love or
romance. Black is a symbol that represents evil or death.

3. What instances in the past show that Rizal’s image was

manipulated by people?

According from this module, This is not first instance the icon
of Rizal was subjected to manipulation of other people.
Oftentimes during the meetings of Katipunan, his portrait was
hung on the walls of the meeting room so that members would
see his face clearly. This was because Andres Bonifacio made
Rizal the honorary president of the secret society.

Debates may trigger controversies with regard to the true

intention of the supremo; but one thing is for sure, Rizal was
considered a symbol by many Filipinos. So it was evident
then that “two Rizals” appeared in the course of our history.
The first one is the Historic Rizal who lived and died in the
19th century P

Reflect on the concept of text. It can be deduced using

the definition of text that it is impossible to establish a single
meaning since all things viewed as text are open to many
interpretations. Applying this in the study of History, the past
may be considered a text, especially when it has been pun into
writing. It is really impossible to come up with a sinle historic

Well for me yes because in the first people have different

views of the things that’s happening that is why it would
produce different interpretation of the situation. In the past only
word of mouth the news travels, there is no social media, there
is no television that all people can hear a same news but just
think of it even up until now that we have this advantage
people have still different views of what is the fact and the lie.
That is why, its really impossible to come up with a single
historic fact.

Just like what happens now, more specifically the martial

many people, even books says Marcoses are the worst
leaders and it was written in the history. Many people
condemned Marcoses and favors Aquinos but now many
people said that it would be better if Marcoses are the one who
leads the Philippines, they say that all the things written in the
nook about Marcoses are nig lie. That history is a
misunderstanding because they saw that Marcoses was not
yet fully at fault. And this begins giving another fact about

Lesson 4: Memory test

Exploration: Choral Recitation

Instructions: Form five groups. As a group, write a poem about the current
issues of the country, as well as the method to be employed to solved
them. Recite the poem in chorus while recording a video. Upload the video
on YouTube and share it on Fcebook. Gather as many Likes, hits, and
comments as possible.

Democracy in Politics
Patricia Niña Marie B. Ardiente

Democracy gave us enough freedom to choose

If we vote for the best or if we vote for the fools
Let’s be wise for our country’s sake
Let’s be good citizens before its to late

Don’t choose leaders who talk about change

When they are the one hindering it
Let us open ourselves for the reality
And use democracy in voting wisely

Enough of the good for nothing promise and bribes

Now let’s stick together, stand up for our rights
Let’s choose leaders who values the sake of people and its
Leaders who will serve our great country without hesitation.
Lesson 4: Memory test

1. many History contribute to the process of nation-building?

History is a big part of country to the future it will help us know what
early aged people do to prevent us from doing it again because they
help us discover things that is makes our life more comfortable and
easy. It help us build strong and nice economy that will advantage
everyone and for me the numbers of history that contributed to the
process of nation-building, starts from our ancestors, because of
them we are what today, we have what we have today and what we
are in the future.

2. How can the study of life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal contribute
to the process of nation-building?

It because, it all started there. We all know that Jose Rizal gave a
bigger contribution on giving us our freedom back, on giving us the
liberty to lead our own country with the rules we create and
implement. And I think studying the life of our national hero would
somehow become an eye opener for us to see the greatness
especially the treatment we have right now. As a student and people
of the Philippines who was born after the chaos and wars, studying
the life of Rizal would be a reminder for us the sacrifices of our
ancestors, for us to be able to experience being free.

It would somehow make us realized that we are lucky, that we

experience freedom and be able to do and enjoy the greatness of our
country. It would remind us to do better since we our the future of our
nation that in the near or even now we can create something better
that would contribute in building our nation for the better. That is why I
can say that studying the life, works, and writing of Rizal would really
contribute to the process of nation-building.

3. What are the crucial infinitives in life according to Gemino Abad?

The crucial infinitives in life according to Gemino Abad are “to read,
to think, to write”. According to Abad, any language is essentially a
translation of reality, that is, what we perceive, imagine, or intuit.
Thus, to think, speak, or write is, in every instance, to re-translate
from a given language’s abstract conceptual system of
representation, to ferry across its river of words.

Your own pristine text or word-weave without hurt or injury to your

own mind’s import and aim. The mind’s power of abstraction and
imagination then makes real to the mind the translation. The
meanings of our words do not arise so much from their differential
interplay as from our living experience. Meanings, abstractions: they
come to life only when writer or reader light them up with their
imagination. “When the imagination sleeps,” says Albert Camus,
“words are emptied of their meaning.”[5] Thus, to write is to get real,
and the poem is to live: indeed, as you read, you are also read.


Reflect on Rizal’s role as a symbol of nation-building. As a

student, how can you become a herald of nationalism?
First of all, Nationalism is the concept of loyalty towards a nation. In
Nationalism, this sentiment of loyalty must be present in every citizen.
This ideology certainly has been present in humanity since time
immemorial. Above all, it’s a concept that unites the people of a
nation. It is also characterized by love for one’s nation. Nationalism is
probably the most important factor in international politics.

That is why as a student I can become a herald of a nationalism by

just refusing to think critically and challenge what you’re being taught.
History, everywhere is presented in the way that it is for very specific
reasons. If you choose to accept what you’ve heard in class without
stimulating debate around it you’ll be well on your way to being a
proud goose stepping nationalist.

Lesson 5

Exploration: Mapping Rizal’s Travels

Instructions: Form five groups and do the following:

Group 1- map Rizal’s travel from the Philippines to Madrid;



1. What were the most important economic changes in the

Philippines during the 19th century?

The new trade, industrial growth, and colonization all contributed

to a global economy. One of this is the demand for Philippine
sugar and abaca (hemp) grew apace, and the volume of exports to
Europe expanded even further after the completion of the Suez
Canal in 1869. The growth of commercial agriculture resulted in
the appearance of a new class.

Alongside the landholdings of the church and the rice estates of

the pre-Spanish nobility there arose haciendas of coffee, hemp,
and sugar, often the property of enterprising Chinese-Filipino
mestizos. Some of the families that gained prominence in the 19 th
century have continued to play an important role in Philippine
economics and politics.

2. How did these economic changes affect the live of Filipinos during
that time?
These developments however did not help in bridging the gap
between the local elites and the poor and marginalized sector in
the country. This gap led to different revolts such as the Basi
Revolts in Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte duringthe early 19 th century.
These revolts showed the growing gap between the rich and the
poor because they were directly not only against the Spanish
authorities but also to the babaknangs or elites in the two province.
The implementation of the Cadiz Constitution 1812 also provide a
brief legal justification for the quest for equality since it was stated
in the document that all citizens of Spain, including those in the
colonies were, equal under the law.

In Southern Tagalog areas, brigandage and tulisanes

increased their robbing, kidnapping, and pillaging activities,
prompting the colonial government to create the Guardia Civil in
1868. Some movements such as the Cofradia De San Jose in
Tabayas, Quezon, on the other hand, had more religious
overtones that challenged the dominance of the Catholic Church
and the discrimination between the religious order and secular

3. The Spaniard also provided educational reforms especially in

higher education in the country. Universities in the Philippines
such as the Ateneo and the University of SantoTomas were
require to provide secular courses to Filipinos. How did education
help in shaping the nationalistic consciousness of Filipinos during
that time?

Through the increase of educated Filipino as the colonial

government, under directives from Spain, also started to reform
educational institution in the Philippines. Filipino and Chinese –
Mestizo elite families who were able to capitalized on the opening
of the Philippine markets to the world sent their children to school
to take professional course not only in the Philippines but also in
Europe. Travelling to Europe during that time was also made
easier with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1859. With their
education and exposure outside the country, these individual, who
later on were referred to as illustrados, eventually formed the core
of a new emerging movement that asked the colonial government
for much needed reforms in the Philippines.

This new movement, called the reform and propaganda

movement, was different from earlier revolts because it had a
more nationalistic and racial dimension fuelled by the suffering and
discrimination experienced by Filipinos under the Spaniard. This
was also supplemented by the liberal policies applied by liberal
administrations of Spain in the Philippines such as the Cadiz
Constitution in 1812. This movement also drew inspiration from the
earlier efforts of the native secular priests such as Padre Jose
Burgos who fought for equal rights among the clergy in the 1860’s.
The secular priest’s move, along with the students’ involvement
from different higher institutions in the country during that time, to
gain equal rights.

4. Based on your personality assessment, how were these events in

the 19th century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s love for his

Rizal belonged to a local elite family who was fortunate enough to

capitalize on the existing conditions at the time. He sent to school
in the Philippine; and despite the hardships that his family had to
go through during the latter part of the century, he was able to
study in Europe. Rizal actively participated in the propaganda
movement while he was studying in Europe. Later on, he move
back to the Philippines in 1892 establishing La Liga Filipina.
Rizal’s involvement in the revolution is still a controversial issue
among historians today, with some arguing that Rizal was not in
favor of the revolution; while others see Rizal being one of the
main influences of the KKK.
Two thing are for sure, however. First is that Rizal also
thought about revolution as means of emancipating the Philippines
from Spain based on his letters to fellow propagandist and friends
such as Jose Alejandrino , Antonio Luna, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, and
Ferdinand Blumentritt. Second is that the founders of Katipunan,
like Andres Bonifacio and Deodato Arellano, were members of
Rizal’s La Liga Filipina. He saw the sacrifices and struggle of
Filipinos and when he was given a opportunity to contribute in
earning our freedom back he use his knowledge to earn it.


Reflect on the importance of a person’s context in his/her

awareness of the various problems in society. What are the
different problems in your community today? How do these
problems affect your daily life? How can these problems be
addressed by an ordinary student or a citizen?

I am aware about the things going on lately. An infective virus had

a break out, not only in our society, but all over the world. Covid-19
affects every person’s daily life because of anxiousness. People
are nervous of going out, but some people go out, causing them to
be affected by the virus. These problems can be adressed by
citizens when the government can put up a great economy, and a
great management.

Also poverty is always present whether there’s a pandemic or not

and it become really rampant because pandemic make it worst.
That is why as a student the only contribution that I can give now
is to focus in my studies because I do believe in what Jose Rizal
said that Children are the future of nations. I think by doing it and
also by abiding by the rules and protocols I can already somehow
address problems even if I’m still a student. After all I am not only
a student but also a citizen of the Philippines.

Lesson 6

Exploration: Producing an Autobiography

Instruction: Form four groups. Each group well select a

famous individuals in history. Then write a biography of
the said individual. Insert or omit at least ten facts about
the individuals being written about. Then exchange
biographies and identify the omitted and added facts in
the biographies being checked. Identifying errors entails a
lot of cross-referencing of facts through different legitimate
sources. Avoid blogs and Wikipedia when searching the
internet. Use reliable sources of information.

José Rizal, in full José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda,

(born June 19, 1861, Calamba, Philippines—died December 30,
1896, Manila), patriot, physician, and man of letters who was an
inspiration to the Philippine nationalist movement. He is the son of
a prosperous landowner, Rizal was educated in Manila and at the
University of Madrid. A brilliant medical student, he soon
committed himself to the reform of Spanish rule in his home
country, though he never advocated Philippine independence.
Most of his writing was done in Europe, where he resided between
1882 and 1892.

In 1887 Rizal published his first novel, Noli me tangere (The Social
Cancer), a passionate exposure of the evils of Spanish rule in the
Philippines. A sequel, El filibusterismo (1891; The Reign of
Greed), established his reputation as the leading spokesman of
the Philippine reform movement. He published an annotated
edition (1890; reprinted 1958) of Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas, hoping to show that the native people of the
Philippines had a long history before the coming of the Spaniards.
He became the leader of the Propaganda Movement, contributing
numerous articles to its newspaper, La Solidaridad, published in
Barcelona. Rizal’s political program included integration of the
Philippines as a province of Spain, representation in the Cortes
(the Spanish parliament), the replacement of Spanish friars by
Filipino priests, freedom of assembly and expression, and equality
of Filipinos and Spaniards before the law.

Rizal returned to the Philippines in 1892. He founded a nonviolent-

reform society, the Liga Filipina, in Manila, and was deported to
Dapitan in northwest Mindanao. He remained in exile for the next
four years. In 1896 the Katipunan, a Filipino nationalist secret
society, revolted against Spain. Although he had no connections
with that organization and he had had no part in the insurrection,
Rizal was arrested and tried for sedition by the military. Found
guilty, he was publicly executed by a firing squad in Manila. His
martyrdom convinced Filipinos that there was no alternative to
independence from Spain. On the eve of his execution, while
confined in Fort Santiago, Rizal wrote “Último adiós” (“Last
Farewell”), a masterpiece of 19th-century Spanish verse.

Following the format used by the Ateneo de Manila University

during the 19th century, divide the class into two empires. Allow
each group to create 20 questions based on Rizal’s personal
accounts of his life as a child and as a student in Manila in his
memorias. Question may range from the biggest to the smallest
details of Rizal’s life (ex. Give an example of a tree found in the
Rizal family backyard). Each group will ask questions to the other
group. If there are questions with similar answer to those of the
other group’s questions, then these questions are nullified and
each group is required to create new questions.

1. Why is Rizal dubbed as an ambivalent hero?

2. Which work of Jose Rizal explains the causes and implications
if lack of national sentiments if Filipinos?
3. What is the weakest attributes of Rizal
4. In October 1883, Rizal was informed about the imprisonment of
the 14 rich innocent persons in Manila. The prisoners became
sick and they were kept in humid prison cell. Rizal was
indignant of this inhuman act. Who ordered the imprisonment of
the 14 rich innocent people?
5. Who wrote the letter to Rizal about the 1,035 loaves of milled
sugar produced from Pansol Farm and also granting him the
permission to proceed to Paris as soon as he finished his
medical course in Madrid?
6. In January 1884, Rizal sent to C.O a piece of Guimaras cloth.
C.O is a code that represents one of the women linked to Rizal.
Who is she?
7. Rizal explained the term “Filibusterismo” in the newspaper
Madrid El Progreso. What did he asked from the Spaniards that
8. In a letter, Rizal requested Chengoy to marry Leonor
Valenzuela. He would rather see him marry Leonor than to be
married to another person. Who is Chengoy?
9. What prize did Rizal received in September 1885 for his
Hebrew Language and Greek Language examinations?
10. Who procured Rizal’s passport when he went to Spain?


Reflect on why Rizal highlighted the story of the moth in the

last chapter of his Memorias. What was the message intended by
Rizal through this story? Is the moral of the story still applicable for
today’s generation? What does the light symbolize?

Dr. Jose Rizal highlighted the Story of the Moth in the last
chapter of his Memorias to enable him figuratively compare his
martyrdom to the moth that died from its illusion and attraction
to the beautiful light. In the story, Rizal justified the moth’s noble
death. He showed that he was not dying in vain. He died as a
martyr to light the way for his countrymen and women, young
boys and girls, and children to embrace education, liberty, and
opportunities for happiness.

The light in Rizal’s Story of the Moth symbolizes intellectual

thought and understanding. Positive intellectualism eradicates
ignorance, diseases, and death. People perish for lack of
knowledge. With light, there is order in society. Light births and
sustains “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The moral
of Rizal’s Moth Story is still relevant for today’s generation.
Every generation must learn to create the enabling
environments for its continued growth and leave a legacy for
the next generation.

Thus, for Filipinos, Dr. Jose Rizal remains the beacon of light, a
faithful man that loved God, the Philippines, and Filipinos with
bravery and heroism in the face of death.

Lesson 7

Exploration: Philippine Studies

For the activity, the class may organize a fieldtrip to the Asian Center
in UP Diliman, or students may explore the website of the Asian Center
and DLSU’s website to get a glimpse of the description of the degrees, as
well as the curriculum of MA and PhD Philippine Studies.
The class may also explore various articles produced by the
Philippine Studies Journal of Ateneo de Manila to see the topics being
discussed in this journal. This can be done b dividing the class into two to
four groups.

1. What were your initial impressions of the place? How do you think
would Rizal react to the Asian Center if he were alive today?

The University of the Philippines Asian Center is a degree-granting unit

of the University of the Philippines, and is the only unit of the university
with a regional area of specialization. The Asian Center offers
multidisciplinary graduate programs on Asian Studies and on
Philippine Studies. If Rizal were alive today he would be surprised with
how people value nationalism and love of country nowadays. It is as if
the sacrifices he and his compatriots made were wasted,”
2. What subjects offered b the MA and PhD programs in UP Diliman do
think you are helpful in achieving Rizal’s goal knowing the Philippines
and the identify of the Filipinos?

Philippine Studies is an academic discipline encompassing the study of

Filipino society and culture and its constituent ethnolinguistic groups.
The Tri-College Ph.D. Philippine Studies Program is jointly offered by
the Asian Center (AC), the College of Arts and Letters (CAL), and the
College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) of the University of
the philippines Diliman.

The program seeks to problematize the distinct identity of Filipinos,

produce specialists capable of identifying and studying Philippine
programs using multi- and interdisciplinary approaches and
methodologies, expose students to different disciplinal perspectives,
and impart a holistic approach to Philippine problems.


1. Create a Curiculum Vitae (CV) of Rizal based on the discussion .

you ma also Use other sources in creating Rizal’s CV.
2. Austin craig was one of the first to write about Rizal’s biography.
One of his most notable works about Rizal was the Rizal family
tree. Using Craig’s work, recreate Rizal’s family tree and identify
notable individuals today who are related to Rizal.

Reflect on the importance of influencers in an individual’s life. Who are the most
influential people in our life? How did they affect your outlook about different aspects of
your personal, academic, and even social life? Can a person live without the influence
of others?

We admit it or not we cannot live without influence. It may be in the form of a person
things or even trend. With influence, individuals life becomes thrill. It affects us in any
form of values or even in molding our character. Even in academic matters we always
look for an influencer it may be for good or bad reason. As for me my Parents,they are
the most influence of all time.we Filipino people influence by parents. WE treasure of
what the said,we follow there for me my influencer is closest to family
who parent taught a strong work ethics,to aim high,work hard and value parent nurtured ,guided and comforted me.that’s all. Because they are
the one who guides me in the time of crisis such as feeling bored, anxiety, and
anxiousness. I feel happy when I saw their smile on their face even we are lifting the
heaviest difficulty in our life. For me, being happy with my significant people in my life is
such a milestone and it is just once in a lifetime.
Lesson 8
Exploration: Trying a Different Skill (Classroom Skills and Talent Show)

Organize a “Skills and Talent Show” activity for the class. You may invite
other teachers and students from other sections to act as judges. The
talent show must have the theme: A showcase of talents for the betterment
of the Philippines. The class ma determine the criteria for judging but they
must include relevance of the talents and skills to be shown in nation
building. How can these talents and skills help for the betterment of the
nation? (e.g., How can music be used as a tool for nation building?
Participants may sing nationalistic songs.

If I would be going to organize a skills and talent show it would be a
meeting de abancy (future of the nation version). In this activity participants
should answer questions from the audience ( questions about theirselves
and our country) then, later on they would going to explain their stands
about those questions throw at them, how does it help for the betterment of
the nation.

1. Enumerate at least five skills shown by Rizal during his time in

Dapitan. How were these skills instrumental in improving life in the

Brave, resilient, polite, unyielding,and nationalistic. Rizal had

maximized his stay in Dapitan by devoting much of his time in
improving his artistic and literary skills; doing agricultural and civic
projects; engaging in business activities, and writing letters to his
friends in Europe, particularly to Ferdinand Blumentritt and Reinhold

. He engaged in different community projects that boosted the

economy and quality of life in the area. He remained true to his vow
to educate the Filipinos by establishing a school in Dapitan. Whether
he was a genius or not by today’s standards, Rizal embodies his
vision of a true scholar and citizen in the service of his country. Rizal
was a model of consistency when he said that the ilustrados in
Europe must go back and serve in the Philippines. In fact, he himself
came back in 1892 despite the dangers he faced in the Philippines,
even when he enjoyed a relatively comfortable and safe life as an
ophthalmologist in Hongkong in 1891. He made sure that even in
exile, he used all of his abilities and talents to serve his countrymen.

2. Among the many skills shown b Rizal ,what do you think was the
most important in terms of its contribution to the nation?
I think writing letters, it because we all know that Rizal biggest
contribution is his, words and knowledge. Through his words many
Filipino were awaken to stand up for their country and rights.
Because of his words he was able to touch the heart of Filipinos not
to be blinded of what’s happening. He use words and pen instead of
sword and blood. I think that something that we should be proud of.
Because of that we are what we are right now and we have what we
enjoy right now. And I think that’s the skill that give most important in
his contribution.

3. In your personal opinion, can we consider Rizal as a genius? What

are our parameters in considering him as a genius?

If I would be going to be asked with this question all I can say is that
Jose Rizal is really a genius. It maybe in academic or even in
choosing a battle. Rizal’s academic background were very amazing,
he got high grades when he was still studying in Ateneo here in the
Philippines up until he studied abroad. He learned many languages,
he understood and speak it. He uses the most powerful weapon to
fight for our freedom, he uses his knowledge and words and I think
this is enough for him to be called a genius. He won’t be our national
hero for nothing.


Reflect on the importance of not limiting yourself and what you can
learn as an individual. How can you try and explore different skills
despite having a hectic schedule as a student? What skill or field
would you like to explore if given the chance, time, and resources?
How can you help your community by acquiring this skills and
Being open for new knowledge, experiences and learnings is really
important, especially nowadays that we are in a fast growing
community. If you reject learnings, its same like you had rejected an
opportunity to contribute to your country. If we become open for new
learnings it would be easy for us to join the society without being left
behind and ignorant. That is why as a student I just don’t close my
doors for other things I’m open to learn new things that wasn’t
thought in the school because not all learnings come from school
alone. That is why if given a chance the field that I want to really learn
is that the effects of politics in people mindset. Because I know that
not only the sake of the people, society, community relies on politics
on government but also the country as a whole. So I think if I would
be able to know about some information about this maybe I would
somey make a difference even a little thing.

Lesson 9


1. What were the most important writing by Rizal? What did he state un
those easy or poems?
His only two novels, Noli me tangere (1887) and El filibusterismo
(1891), which are Rizal’s best known works, became essential
manuals for members of the Philippine inde- pendence movement.
Rizal explains that there was once a type of cancer so terrible that the
sufferer could not bear to be touched, and the disease was thus
called noli me tangere (Latin: “do not touch me”). He wrote these two
novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo to show people how
the Philippines were being bondaged by Spain. Jose made the
Philippine League to get their first reform group and to get their
freedom from Spain.

2. Rizal dealt with a lot of critics because he was writing from a

perspective of a Filipino. How did his writing stir the population? What
did he provide that others before him did?

Rizal is well-known for being a propagandist and his way of fighting

the Spanish Government through his writing by revealing the
inhumane manipulation of the Spanish Government in the
Philippines. He chose to have a silent war and not a bloody war
because he thinks that it is the only way to gain freedom.

In that way Rizal was able to awakened the masses by his immense
writings about exploitation and slavery during colonization. He gives
us a glimpse of how filipinos back then are mistreated. He was the
voice of silenced people, he was the noise those of who are unheard.
I think what is distinct about rizal is he sees the world in different view
and that is to give people the voice instead of turning them down.

3. Based on your personality assessment, are the writing of Rizal still

relevant today as they were during his time?

Honestly speaking I think not, todays generation were eated by

technology. Even books lost its significant importance it because all
things, information, news are already can be found in internet.
There’s also a lot of authors appears that specialize writing fictions
rather than reality. Like harry potter, fifty shades of gray and many
more. And I think if todays generation would be going to ask about
Noli Me Tángere they don’t even know even whats written on the first
chapter or even in the first page of the book. That is why I can say
that writing of Rizal are not relevant today as they were during his

STUDENT’S JOURNAL:__________________________________

Reflect on the importance of Rizal’s, writing when it comes to being a

Filipino. If you were a Filipino searching for our Identify, would this be a
good place to start? Why? What are the key ideas Rizal intended for his
readers to learn about their country? Are the problems then already
addressed today? If you were to write about your life, what details would
you write about? To whom would you dedicated it?

The teachings of Jose Rizal has great relevance to the Filipino people
especially the youth in order to rededicate their lives to the ideal of freedom
and nationalism, for which our heroes lived and died. It is also important to
pay tribute to him for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino
character and to gain an inspiring source of patriotism through his writings.

Rizal’s ideals and teaching can also be related to the current conditions
and issues of our society and can develop an appreciation and deeper
understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for. As young adults who
have been given the responsibility of governing our country’s future, we
have the obligation to better ourselves and what better inspiration do we
have than Rizal?
Most people wonder why it’s important to study Rizal’s life when all he did
is write literature. It is through his writings that he revealed how cruel and
abusive the Spaniards truly are in their treatment of the Filipino people. He
also enlightened his fellow countrymen to take up arms and stand up for
their right. It’s because of this that he was imprisoned but that didn’t falter
him and inspired him to continue writing. It is Rizal who uplifted his
generation and emphasized that the youth is the hope of our nation. We
can take a lot from Rizal’s life, like being aware of what goes on in our
country and not just idly accept the injustice we receive in our country. To
quote Rizal: “The Filipino are worth dying for .”
If I would be given a chance to write my life, maybe the things I would put in
there are my struggles, my parents struggle and how people that should be
our confidante become the number one who wants to put us down. I will
dedicate it to those people who are experiencing, may experience and who
experienced it. I want them to know that they are not the only one who
experience it. That life should still be going because the world won’t stop
just for you to adjust.

Lesson 10

Instructions: Form six groups assigned with scientific disciplines as a

group name, like astronomy, archaeology, ethnography, linguistics,
chemistry, geology, or geography. Each group will then study one scientist
representative of the assigned group name stating his/ her life, context, and
valuable contribution to society. Share this with the rest of the class.
Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa in the Duchy of Florence, Italy, on February
15, 1564. Galileo was the first of six children born to Vincenzo Galilei, a
well-known musician and music theorist, and Giulia Ammannati. In 1574,
the family moved to Florence, where Galileo started his formal education at
the Camaldolese monastery in Vallombrosa.Galileo was an Italian scientist
and scholar whose inventions included the telescope.

His discoveries laid the foundation for modern physics and

astronomy.Galileo was an Italian astronomer, mathematician, physicist,
philosopher and professor who made pioneering observations of nature
with long-lasting implications for the study of physics. He also constructed a
telescope and supported the Copernican theory, which supports a sun-
centered solar system. Galileo was accused twice of heresy by the church
for his beliefs, and wrote a number of books on his ideas.

In 1583, Galileo entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. Armed

with prodigious intelligence and drive, he soon became fascinated with
many subjects, particularly mathematics and physics. While at Pisa, Galileo
was exposed to the Aristotelian view of the world, then the leading scientific
authority and the only one sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church. At
first, Galileo supported this view, like any other intellectual of his time, and
was on track to be a university professor. However, due to financial
difficulties, Galileo left the university in 1585 before earning his degree.


1. How was science valued during Rizal’s time? How did they view it?

Rizal was not an atheist but he did not subscribe to the Roman
Catholicism of his day. Rizal held the idea that science is the key to
progress and national liberation, that science is more than the rote
memorization and uncritical acceptance of facts, but a way of thinking
above anything else. Science is considered not merely the practice of
the scientific method but a way of thinking and viewing the natural
world. Rizal viewed his world in the context of the scientific paradigms
of his day. Darwinian Theory was the most contentious scientific idea
during Rizal’s time.

Rizal finished his medical course at a time of rapid developments and

advances in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Of the latter
science, Rizal was well acquainted with advances in diagnosis and
clinical practice as his medical case notes reveal. Rizal’s scientific
views can be easily found in his two novels that are required reading
for students, the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. In the Noli’s
“In the house of the Philosopher,” we read Rizal’s views on Filipino
attitudes to research and scholarship in general. Rizal’s Filosofo
Tasio says:

2. How did Rizal relate science to the propaganda movement? Can

you specify which essays were used in giving importance to science?
As a propagandist writing in the La Solidaridad, Rizal would
invoke the importance of science in laying out reforms and in
improving then state of the country. In the Indolence of the Filipinos,
Rizal argued the important use of physical sciences to understand
current social reality. In The Philippines a Century Hence, he
compared science with history. History does not record in its annals
any lasting domination b a group of people…the existence of a
foreign body within another endowed with strength and activity is
contrary to all natural and ethical laws. Science teacher us that it is
either assimilated, destroys the organism, is eliminated or becomes

An ardent admirer of the physical sciences, Rizal had to prove

his knowledge about the subject when he was in exile in Dapitan. The
solitude and tranquility of the place provided him with resplendent
natural surroundings and he believed that any scientist pursuit
would be within his grasp. In his four—year exile, he fostered
fascination for conchology or the study or collection of shells,
estimated to be around 346 shells from 203 species. Rizal became a
Familiar name for at least three species named after him: Draco rizali
(lizard), Apagonia , (beetle), and Rhacophorus rizali (frog).
Furthermore, he delved into archaeological, geological, geographical
and anthropological studies based on his correspondences with his
fellow scientist.
Rizal was also in touch with his scientific side and never
relinquished his thirst for knowledge.

3. Identify the different discoveries made by Rizal during his exile


In his four—year exile, he fostered fascination for conchology or the

study or collection of shells, estimated to be around 346 shells from
203 species. Rizal became a Familiar name for at least three species
named after him: Draco rizali (lizard), Apagonia , (beetle), and
Rhacophorus rizali (frog). Furthermore, he delved into archaeological,
geological, geographical and anthropological studies based on his
correspondences with his fellow scientist.

The species named after him clearly displayed his contributions

to botany and zoology. His inquiries into the local environment
provided detailed accounts of his different contributions to society. A
man of his caliber, born in the East, educated in the West, and still
was able to focus and look on the greater side of man makes you
take a second look on his scientific pursuits


Reflect on why the study of the science was integral into

understanding how nation are ruled. Why are the most advanced in
the science in the found in the most developed countries? How is it
related to nation building? What are their contributions to the

If nations do not implement science and technology, then the

chances of getting themselves developed becomes minimal and thus
could be even rated as an undeveloped nation.Expanded scientific
activity is thought to benefit national economic development through
improved labor force capacities and the creation of new knowledge
and technology. … Thus, science can be seen as encouraging a
trade-off between short-term economic growth and broader (and
longer-term) social development.Studying the history of science
allows you to have a glimpse into both the history of the world and
into just how we discovered everything we know about the world.
Those moments of discovery may seem anti-climactic to us now, but
imagine not having discovered them at all. Imagine living without that
knowledge. Science and Technology is associated in all means with
modernity and it is an essential tool for rapid development. Science
and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any
nation. Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation,
improvement of the quality of life and real economic growth and
transformation in any society.

Lesson 11


Reminisce about your travels and find out if you took photos of
them. What was unforgettable in those places? Why do the sick in
your memory? Did you learn from those places with regard their
history, or heritage? How did you relate with the people who lived

I don’t have the pictures but for me the place that we went that I have
a unforgettable moment is when we went to Trappistine I’m not sure if
this is the right spelling. Because that moment all that matters is the
beautiful scenery infront of me. It feels like the moment I laid my eyes
on to that beautiful place I felt like I fall in love at first sight. The place
is so holy, relaxing and beautiful. To tell you that place teach me a lot,
because we are their for retreat and their were sisters who tour us
around and give us some advice about life and God.

We also have a group sharing that time. I don’t know how to say this
but I really learn a lot about myself that time because there is a part
that we are given a time to be alone and enjoy our company for a
moment and you know that time I felt like I was given a chance to
scencerly reflect about my self and all the things I did.

1. Why did Rizal have to share his talents?

By sharing his talent in crafting something out of nothing,

Rizal provided his circle with the benefit of being complete. As he
was narrating his travels abroad, he also attached a sketch of a
view from his steamer or apartment. In most cases, he would send
some of his friends some letters with an attachment along with
these on special occasions. When he felt gloomy or wanted to
report to his correspondence about the state of his health, he
would often take a self-portrait about himself and would narrate the
state he was in. There were cases also of giving tokens of
appreciation in the form of a small portrait bust in exchange for the
hosts’ hospitality and warmth.

At times, his skills would be used to carve out toys for the games
he invented as well. One of the most famous would be his artistic
cover of his first novel, Noli Me Tangere. It was a teaser of sorts to
the uninitiated contents of his book, giving glimpses of details
about characters and elements in various chapters. He also gave
time to be playful and came up with his version of a comic strip for
his nephews in the Monkey and the Turtle. Yet even those dear to
his heart need not worry, for he was truly inspired by them and
drew their portraits as a souvenir. The variety and extent of Rizal’s
artistic practice was indeed diverse!

2. What kind of art practice did Rizal get involved in?

Rizal was a fan of the visual arts. His pen being famous for writing
so many lines, people tend to forget about its other use for
conjuring up an image. He had the talent for it even at a young
age. He was said to have been given clay and moments later he
fashioned in into a tiny sculpture. He was given creative freedom
by his parents at a very young age. If Rizal were to be given
another chance in life, he would have chosen to be an artist. But,
alas, was not to be. Instead, he used this skill in providing joy to
the people around him.

3. What significant piece of Rizal’s work do you closely associate

with him? Why?

One of the most sought-after books in Philippine literature until

today, is Rizal’s famous novel titled Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me
Not). Driven by his undying love for his country, Rizal wrote the
novel to expose the ills of Philippine society during the Spanish
colonial era. This is the novel of Rizal that I wont really forget and
for me it become his trade mark.

Instruction: Form six group. Each group will think of a fable back
when they were young and illustrate the fable in a one whole
Manila paper, then present it in front of the class. One member will
explain its social relevance even though the fable seems suitable
only for children

Si Matsing at si Pagong

This story becomes socially relevant not only for children but also
for all the people because it teaches how to treat your fellow with
honesty, care, and humanity. This story teaches us not only to be
a better person but also this story shows a scenario that most of
the times happens in real life. By this I can say that this story
becomes socially relevant even though it is intended for children


Reflect on your personal belongings. Which do you value the

Most? What does it look like? Does its value depend on its
outward appearance? Is there a sentimental value attached to it?
Why was such treated or invented in the first place? How was it
made? Will you ever be able to live without it?

If there is a thing that I value the most is my necklace not because

it is a jewelry or by its appearance, but because I bought it for
myself when I reach the legal age 18 years old that is why fir me it
has a sentimental value because it is my remembrance if the day I
become a maiden. I just don’t, I just feel like among the jewelry I
have this is my favorite. But I am not in the point that if ever I lost it
I cat live without it, maybe I would be sad and sulk for many days
because somehow it has a place in my heart.

Lesson 12


Name the different organizations famous in your own or City.

What have the done to gain this prominence? How were they able
to recruit members? Do the have corporate social responsibility to
the people in your town or city? What kind of services do they
provide? Are they open to other members not from your town or
city? Why or why not?

Well the only thing that I know that is somehow famous in our city
is SK (Sangguniang Kabataan) and I don’t know if its an
organization. But I heard a lot from them that they really create
and implement a good project like giving student a school supplies
that they will use for their classes. They really active and
participative. They don’t just sit but they take actions. And for me
they are a good leader of the country.

1. How was Rizal able to establish different organizations in such

a short period of time?

Shortly thereafter, towards the end of March 1889 Rizal organized

his friends into a society called Kidlat Club. … It was organized by
Rizal simply to bring together the young Filipinos in Paris so that
they could enjoy their sojourn in the city during the international
exposition. He displayed a kind of leadership that was not
motivated by personal interest but the willingness to sacrifice
oneself for the good of the majority which he described in his
novels as the national sentiment. That is why he was able to
Establish an organization even in a short period of time.

2. What organizations did he form?

. They adopted the name of Kidlat Club, whose members

included Antonio Luna, Baldomero Roxas, Fernando Canon,
Juan Luna, etc. Eventually, the name became temporal,
fashioned out of a whim. However, they spotted the native
American Indians and were inspired by them. From being Kidlat
Club, they became the Los Indios Bravos. Adopting the
derogatory term the Spaniards called their fellow Filipinos, the
members classified themselves into a greater goal of unifying
their fellow Filipino students in Europe.
Eventually, this group of student and young professionals
became entrenched in providing a voice to air their issue and
suggestions to the government. The Asosacion La Solidaridad
materialized. This organization later published the newsletter
entitled La Solidaridad where the lengthiest and
groundbreaking articles of Rizal were published, the 5- part
Indolence of the Filipino and Philippines, A Century Hence.

3. Among the organizations mentioned, what was the most

significant? Why?

La Liga Filipina (lit. ’The Philippine League’) was a secret

organization. It was founded by José Rizal in the house of
Doroteo Ongjunco at Ilaya Street, Tondo, Manila on July 3,
1892. It was significant in a sense that The purpose of La Liga
Filipina was to build a new group that sought to involve the
people directly in the reform movement.[4] The league was to
be a sort of mutual aid and self-help society dispensing
scholarship funds and legal aid, loaning capital and setting up
cooperatives, the league became a threat to Spanish
authorities that they arrested Rizal on July 6, 1892, then he was
sent to Dapitan.

Reflect how you can put up your own organization. Do you
have what it takes to envision a greater goal? Do you have the
greater good of the people at heart? How is your vision any
different in Rizal’s time and today’s generation?

Well in order to put up an organization it should have a purpose

and of course a goal. Because for me that was organization is all
about. But at this moment I don’t have any plans to put up an
organization because I’m not yet ready to be a leader and I think
its not my call or my drive. So for me I still don’t know how should I
put up an organization.

Lesson 13

Exploration: Corroborating Historical Sources

Instruction: Form five groups. Each group should go to library and

find newspapers or history books. Choose one event in the
Philippines which happened in the past 30 years. Find the other
documents (both primary and secondary sources) and try to
compare all the accounts. After doing this, each group must go to
their town and find people who have knowledge on the chosen
historical subject. Interview them and see whose narratives
corroborate. At the end of the process, the group will use yellow
paper to write its own history of the chosen subject.

More than 1,000 people are killed when a 7.7-magnitude

earthquake strikes Luzon Island in the Philippines on July 16,
1990. The massive tremor wreaked havoc across a sizeable
portion of Luzon, the country’s largest island, with Baguio City
suffering the most devastating effects. The epicenter of the quake,
which struck at 4:26 p.m., was north of Manila in the Nueva Ecija
province. Reports indicate that the shaking went on for nearly a full
minute. Collapsing buildings were the main cause of damage and
death. Getting out of a multi-story building was a good safety
precaution that afternoon, although many people were injured and
a few even died in stampedes of others doing the same thing.


1. What is the difference between the Bipartite View of History

and Tripartite View of History?

The perspective utilized by the Spaniards is known today in

Philippines History / Historiography as the Bipartite View of
History. It refers to the biased vision of colonialist to their colony
to justify the perpetuation of colonial status quo. It can be easily
understood by this twofold framework: DARKNESS—LIGHT
(DILIM—LIWANAG). Darkness here is metaphorically
pertaining to backwardness, while light means civilization, it
advances the idea that the Philippines had no civilization
(Kadiliman) before the advent of Spanish colonialism. But when
the Spaniards conquered the archipelago, civilization
( Liwanag) came afterwards.

The opposing concept of the view explained earlier is the

Tripartite View of History. It refers to the idea of the colonial
subjects against their colonizers to deny the nobility of
colonialism. The threefold framework is LIGHT— DARKNESS
approach centers on how 300 years of Spanish rule in the
Philippines ruined the advanced civilization of early Filipinos
and the possibility of returning to their glorious years when
colonialism is eliminated.

The Tripartite View of history preoccupied the minds of

many Filipino Ilustrados who studied in Europe in the 19th
century. Propagating it, however, was not the end-game as it
appeared only to be throwing stones at each other. Telling the
Spaniards that they ruined the Philippines was insufficient
because it would only be branded as accusations and black
propaganda. What the Filipinos needed that time were solid
evidence that rival the more dominant views expressed by
colonial sentinels.

2. Who is Antonio de Morga? Why did Rizal chose his works over
other accounts about the Philippines?

Antonio de Morga was a Seville-born statesman who joined the

Spanish government in 1580. In 1593, he was appointed
Lieutenant-Governor of Spain’s colony in the Philippines, the
second in command next to the Governor-General. In 1598, he
assumed the position of Oidor, or judge in the Audiencia. In
1600, he led the Spanish troops against Dutch invaders led by
Oliver van Noort; but he lost in this battle. This defeat paved the
way for his relief in position and transfer to Mexico, where the
published his books Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas in 1609.

He was chosen by Jose Rizal because, Morga saw the

transition of periods from early Philippine societies to colonial
Philippines; hence, he was an eyewitness, so his accounts
were more reliable compared to other narratives; and 2) Morga
was not a member of religious congregations (Jesuits,
Domonicians, Franciscans, etc.) so his accounts were secular
in nature. It is not to say that religious accounts were not
credible; it was just the chronicles of friars might not be
considered history in its modern concept.
3. What are the contributions of Rizal’s annotation to Antonio de
Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas?

Rizal found the answer to his idea in Morga’s book and it was
this work that he decided to reprint with his annotations. … The
Morga annotations provided the seeds of the idea of how the
Filipinos should view themselves amidst a growing nationalism
that eventually led to the formation of a nation.


Reflect on the use of history to address current issues.

How do you think the narratives of the past can help us in
understanding the issues of the country? For instance, what are
the pros and cons of the continued Martial Law in Mindanao
under the Duterte’s Administration? Does history repeat itself?
Is it the same with the Martial Law under the Marcos Regime?

Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain

problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might
otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial
perspective for understanding (and solving!) current and future
problems. History is a revelation for the things happening now.
The experience will always bring out a hint on how to handle
and accept the things happening. … In the quest to find out our
originality, history allows us to understand where our morals
and culture have come from.

That is why studying history allows us to observe and

understand how people and societies behaved. For example,
we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at peace, by
looking back at previous events. History provides us with the
data that is used to create laws, or theories about various
aspects of society. About the martial law, I’m may not
experience the martial law from Marcos regime but based on
what u heard I can say that martial from before is very different
from the martial law in Duterte’ s regime.

Lesson 14
Exploration: Debate

Divide the class into two groups. Assign who will be affirmative
side and the negative side.
The topic for debate is: Should students and professionals
engage in different social issues in addition to their studies as
stated by Simoun? Or should they just focus on their studies
and in their work?

Well for me I would definitely go in affirmative side because

student and professionals should participate in issues that not
only about their studies and works but also issues that is
happening in our society. In my own opinion, we can create a
safe and informed environment if its people are active. We can
be a students and professionals who are active in their chosen
fields to be also involved in conversations regarding the status
of the nation and in trying to address these society issues. Rizal
basically wanted an educated and active citizenry.


1. How did Rizal view the role of an educated individual in


Even at a young age, as a youth himself, Rizal saw that an

education was key to creating a class of Filipinos that could
lead the country to freedom and self-determination.
Education was thus key to knowing oneself. For Rizal, the
mission of education is to elevate the country to the highest
seat of glory and to develop the people’s mentality. Since
education is the foundation of society and a prerequisite for
social progress, Rizal claimed that only through education
could the country be saved from domination.

That us why he value education so much and encourage

Filipinos to be educated because he believes that education
plays an important part in building ourselves for the better as
well as our nation. That is why Rizal insist on education as
the for social progress. Education shall promote
understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations,
racial or religious group.
2. Aside from the works mentioned in the discussion, what
other works of Rizal mentioned or showed the importance of

Educating the Filipino is a common theme is most of Rizal’s

political writings. In Noli Me Tangere, the main character
Crisostomo Ibarra wanted to build a school for his
countrymen. As the story continued to the second novel, El
Filibusterismo, Crisostomo Ibarra, who was seeking for
revenge through his new identity Simoun, now had a more
pro-active view on education, starting that simple was not
enough. In chapter 7, Simoun was unmasked by Basilio and
they had a debate regarding the youth’s role in easing the
sufferings of the country. For Basilio, being a physician who
cured physical illness was already enough. Simoun,
however, emphasized the importance of curing not only the
physical illness but also the social illness experience by the

3. From the 1860’s intellectuals were tagged as destabilizers

by the colonial government. In your opinion, why were the
intellectuals, such as Padre Jose Burgos and the ilustrados,
became the favorite target of repressive regimes?

One thing that a repressive or oppressive ruler wants is to

control and subjugate people through a lack of education.
People who lack education are people who are easy to
control and manipulate. They are People who become
gullible, meaning, easy to believe in anything said. They lack
in knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom to think for

Intellectuals are threats to repressive and oppressive rules

because they can enlighten people under their rulership.
They can educate ignorant people and understand the truth
of their situation.


Try to create your own career path. How do you

see yourself five to ten years from now? How can you help the
country through your course and the career path that you have

I see myself ten years from now as a 6 years Certified Public

Accountant that’s has a good and very stable job. By this I can
contribute something for my country by paying taxes and not
becoming one of the problem of the government.

Lesson 15

Exploration: Connecting World Changers with the Youth

Instructions: Find the partner. Share your experience as a youth

to help others understand your case that might change other’s
perceptions about being a youth. Take note of the obstacles
that you faced. How did you overcome them? What was the
lesson you learned as you were going through such challenge
or difficulty? Will you be ready for the next one?
As a youth one of todays generation one of my struggles is
having a family that don’t bond together. My parents are most
of the time fighting in front of us and honestly speaking it
affected my mental state. It somehow made me depress. I cant
focus on my studies and I cant enjoy scencerly because I
sometimes think about home. I just surpass it by assuring
myself that everything would be fine that God is there and he
will do the rest just trist him.


1. How did Rizal view his fellow compatriots upon his arrival in
Spain? How did he immediately manage his time and

His stay in that continent was no bed of roses; the cost of living
was high and his own family, being in turmoil over land
disputes, had difficulty sending him money. Rizal was not only
in Europe to write letters to foreign friends and attend parties;
he was there to study and, eventually, campaign for reforms.

Rizal could not have been different from you and I as, upon
arrival, he looked for an immediate relative or friend to take care
of him. He was given to comparing this or that place with his
own Calamba and Laguna de Bay expressing thereby the
common sentiment of exiles longing for the sites of childhood.
Far from loved ones, solitude led Rizal to flirt with women as
some of our migrants in Spain are wont to do.

2. Describe Rizal’s vision of the youth throughout his career.

Has his vision already come true with today’s youth?
Rizal, immortalized in his novels, spoke to a generation of
Filipinos to carry on the task of Fulfilling their duty of improving
the nation from their forebears. His standards of the youth as
being pure and noble were for something worthy of the country.
Each moment the youth dreams, it must be for the good of the
nation. They fulfill their duties to their parents b performing well
in school and this is reflective not only of the grades received
but also of the critical thinking they do. Doing their obligation as
learners moment by moment reflect their obedience to duties.

Every minute of their waking hour must be deliberate,

aiming for something greater than them. They must not look at
themselves with a sense of entitlement, but rather with deep
regarding for others. As they look upon the state of their
community, society, and nation, they see themselves as either
a contributor to endless mayhem or a world changer much like
what Rizal envisioned them to be. For more than three
centuries, Spain dominated the Philippines, producing subject
in their likeness. Rizal wanted to break free from that mindset.
As Filipinos living in a democratic and sovereign nation now,
the youth experiences and enjoys what Rizal did not. They are
now benefitting from the struggle of their forebears and each
must continue to deliver advancements for the nation.

3. How is the youth connected to nation building? Is it a

burden or a civic duty?

Well, the role of the youth in the nation building is crucial.

They are problem solvers, have a positive influence on other
young people and the nation, and are extremely ambitious.
They have the ability to create an identity for themselves and
move the nation forward. The youth plays a great role in
nation-building. It has the power to help a country develop
and move towards progress. It also is responsible for
bringing social reform within a country. The youth of a
country determine the future of a nation.
The youth is important because they will be our future.
Today they might be our partners, tomorrow they will go on
to become leaders. The youths are very energetic and
enthusiastic. They have the ability to learn and adapt to the
environment. Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it
as well to achieve their goals.


Reflect on your current circumstance. Compare your

technological advantage over Rizal in his time. Identify how
he was able to look for knowledge. How did he manage to
go about living a full life without a smart phone or the
Internet? Will such full life be possible today without those
advances? How will you use them to your advantage? If you
have an advocacy, what would it be? Will it change the
world? If you encounter difficulty, how will you remind
yourself to keep on going? Or will you give up, despite
knowing that Rizal did not?

Well in my time now , I can say that 21st century are very
advance when it comes on technology not like the time of
Rizal. Now we have gadgets where everything is already
there, when it comes on communication we don’t use letters
anymore because even if you are million miles away from us
in just one click we can already build communication. Not
like the time of Rizal.

That is why during the time of Rizal he was able to

showcase his knowledge through writing and he was able to
gain knowledge through reading the books. I can say that if
we have the cellphone right now in Rizal time they have
books. That is why even with the absence of smartphones
they we’re able to live normally. Because you know, we
people will still be alive without the advances of technology.
Because even without smartphones, laptop, social media
and internet, life will still be a life even without technology.

Lesson 16

Exploring: Gender Inclusivity Project

For this activity, the class may work as a whole or in

two groups. Your group may interview and LGBTQ rights
advocates for their documents or even ordinary women and
LGBTQ members for them to appreciate the life and
challenges of being a woman in LGBTQ members in
society. Of course, you must observe proper ethical
measures in conducting interviews. Written or oral consent
must be given by respondents before they can be filmed or

1. Why was learning the Spanish language an important

skill during 19th century?

Because Spaniards don’t allow Filipinos to speak their

own language that time that is why learning how to speak
and understand the Spanish language is really important
that time. Filipinos are not allowed that time to talk in
Your life would be at stake if you do not follow that is why
Filipinos are force to speak and learn it, that is why it
become an important skills if you know how to speak and
understand Spanish language.

After the wars of independence fought by the colonies in

the 19th century, the new ruling elites provided Spanish to
the whole population to strengthen national unity and
encouraged all natives to become fluent in the language.

2. Why did Rizal encourage women to follow the example of

Spartan women?
Rizal, Jose P. “To My Young Countrywomen of Malolos” /
Jose Rizal; trans. By Juan Collas from Epifanio de los
Santos’s translation into Spanish of the original. In Rizal’s
Unknown Writings. Manila. 1953. Pp. FilipinExecutive
Summary: In his letter to the young women of Malolos
written in 1889, Jose Rizal pays homage to the 20
courageous women of the town for their desire to educate
themselves, truly, a liberating action at that time.Rizal
sees in these women a ray of hope in restoring the
Filipino woman’s dignity and worth, which are being
denigrated at that time. He emphasizes the importance of
the Filipino.

So that women are not just mere followers and are only
capable to be fragile and silent, but teach them to try and
voice out their ideas and fight for freedom. Not like what
Spaniards women does, all they did is gossip, dress
nicely and wear jewelry not like with Spartan women, they
are not gossipy, frivolous, and quarrelsome like the
Spanish woman. She is not particular. About the beautiful
dresses and expensive jewelry, though she could dress
nicely like any other woman in the world.

3. How did Rizal propose to empower women?

Jose Rizal’s legacy to Filipino women is embodied in his

famous essay entitled, “To the Young Women of
Malolos,” where he addresses all kinds of women –
mothers, wives, the unmarried, etc. and expresses
everything that he wishes them to keep in mind. Jose
Rizal was greatly impressed by the fighting spirit that the
young women of Malolos had shown. In his letter, he
expresses great joy and satisfaction over the battle they
had fought.
In this portion of Rizal’s letter, it is obvious that his
ultimate desire was for women to be offered the same
opportunities as those received by men in terms of
education. During those days young girls were not sent
to school because of the universal notion that they would
soon only be taken as wives and stay at home with the
children. Rizal, however, emphasizes on freedom of
thought and the right to education, which must be granted
to both boys and girls alike. 4.

4. What do we mean by a patriarchal society?

Patriarchy, hypothetical social system in which the father

or a male elder has absolute authority over the family
group; by extension, one or more men (as in a council)
exert absolute authority over the community as a whole. A
form of social organization in which the father is the
supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe and descent
is reckoned in the male line, with the children belonging to
the father’s clan or tribe. A society, community, or country
based on this social organization.

An example of a patriarchy society is where men hold the

control and make all the rules and women stay home and
care for the kids. An example of a patriarchy is when the
family name comes from the man in the family. A social
system in which the father is head of the household,
having authority over women and children.

5. What limited Rizal’s perspective on the role of women in


It is obvious that his ultimate desire was for women to be

offered the same opportunities as those received by men
in terms of education. During those days young girls
were not sent to school because of the universal notion
that they would soon only be taken as wives and stay at
home with the children. Rizal, however, emphasizes on
freedom of thought and the right to education, which must
be granted to both boys and girls alike.


In one to two paragraphs, reflect on the status of

women in the Philippines. What are the challenges faced
by women in the Philippines because of their gender? Are
women’s rights properly observed in the Philippines?

Well I can say that the status of women in the Philippines

are empowered because they don’t let a man dictate what
they need to do. They decide for themselves and stand
up for their rights. Not like from the other countries
women here in the Philippines are not being
discriminated, both men and women here in the
Philippines are both equal.

Even in politics, women are very welcome to lead the

country, in fact there are women in the senate and
congress. So for me I didn’t see any challenges face by
women here in our country Philippines. I also can say that
womens right here in Philippines are properly observed.
Lesson 17

Exploration: Leaders Then and Now

Instruction: Mock Elections. Group yourselves into four

groups. Each will form their own political party complete
with agenda. You will be running as the new President,
Senator and Barangay Captain. Present your candidates
and their platforms after 15 minutes of gathering enough
speech material. When everyone has all presented their
views, everyone must answer questions from the body. A
mini election will ensue. Who will emerge as the new
President, Senator and Barangay Captain?


My name is [NAME], I am a first year ALT in [LOCATION].

I was thrilled when I found out that I was placed in such a
beautiful part of Japan. My dedication to the JET
community and this region, coupled with my drive to do
great work means that I will do the best job representing
the JETs here.

I have been lucky to land in one of the tightest JET

communities around. Since day one I have felt welcomed
and included, and am eager to pass this on to the new
arrivals. I think the bonds within each prefecture, and
inter-prefecturally are important to sustaining the JET
programme, and the well-being of each JET. I want to
encourage JETs to get involved in the great events in
surrounding prefectures to share history, information and
culture, and friendship


“If elected as an Off-Campus Senator, my top priority is to

collaborate with UCSB student artists which would include
film, theatre, communication students, as well as ALL
students who want to be involved in a production about
UCSB and the Isla Vista community. This web series will
allow collaboration among students across all disciplines
to develop a show that displays the various communities
at UCSB.”

Again, this is another platform that does not address

issues that are important to Isla Vista. The students of Isla
Vista do not need a web series to tell their stories. There
are other platforms that already cover the various
communities here at UCSB, such as The Bottom Line,
The Daily Nexus, and KCSB. As an Off Campus Senator,
she should focus on the issues that will improve the daily
lives of the residents of Isla Vista instead of fun projects
that could be done independently of Senate or student

Baranggay Captain

Good afternoon. Thank you for taking the time out to day
to attend this forum to give us a chance to introduce
ourselves to you.I am Bettina del Rosario. I am 31 years
old and a resident of Magallanes Village for the past
fourteen years – almost half my life.

I got involved in Barangay activities when I volunteered for

the recent Children’s Summer Program, handling the
Practical Home Arts Cooking classes. I prepared the
cooking curriculum for the summer and conducted the
lessons with the help of other volunteer parents like Vicky
Alunan and Judy Sarino and some Barangay officials. We
not only taught the children how to prepare an assortment
of recipes, we also provided them with lessons in table
settings, safety tips for the kitchen and table manners


1. How did Rizal transform to become a leader?

Theough a movement, because movements are fueled

by one’s desire for change and Rizal became a leaders
of a great movement. His passion was enlightening the
minds of his fellow Filipino’s. No matter how difficult it
was, his mind was fixed on a much greater goal that he
braved the different oceans and overcame all advertise
be they in Madrid or Manila.
To become a leader, one must train and become
an expert. As Rizal grew older, so did his intellectual
capacity. H e maintained this hunger for knowledge,
devouring countless books on literature, history,
sciences, and poetry among others. One essay he
published reflected another view on Philippine history.
Contrary to the accepted notion of Filipinos being wild
and uncivilized, he found answers in books, correcting
the flawed notion. His love for books gave him an
advantage over his peers. He even earned distinctions
and medals when he was a student, all because he
willed himself and believed that what he was doing
was not for his sake but for the betterment of his

2. What was in his mind when he wrote his claims about

the country?

The substantial claims that early Filipinos were

civilized were a big leap in understanding the cause of
the malady of society as what he did in The Indolence
of the Filipinos. However, in another great work, he
tried to extrapolate the play of contradiction between
the past and present while also giving an outline for
the future. He suggested radical ways of investigating
the malady through the use of physical sciences, social
determinism, and the unity to opposites. With the aid of
the physical sciences, he was predict the
independence of the country. According to social
determinism, abuses and oppression bred the flame of
revolt, and the eventual freedom and emancipation
was also at hand. On the unity of opposites, the
organic spirit began to disintegrate leading to its
eventual salvation.

Reflect on your character traits. What has honed
you to develop such a character? Whenever trials
arise, are you the first to volunteer? When the deadline
is fast approaching, are you affected by this? In what
way? Do you plan every task you need to do? How do
you approach your friends and family when you want
something to be done? What kind of leader do you
envision yourself to be?

Honestly speaking the character that I am known for is

being practical, because I grow up in a poor family and
prioritizing my wants over my needs are not in my list
to prioritize. I should be practical because the money
that we have was earned using sweat, hardship and
sometimes dignity. And I don’t have a heart to just put
it on an unnecessary things where in fact I have a lot of
things that I should priority.

And I am also a kind of a person that if deadline is fast

approaching, I panic because I have this habit that I
will do my assignment in the day of submission that is
why im kind of panicking. I am also a dependent kind
of person. If given an opportunity to let someone do my
work I grab it that is why I don’t see myself becoming a
leader. Because I am not responsible like what leaders
should be.

Lesson 18

Exploration: Rizal-Bonifacio Connection

Instruction: Form five groups. Each group should go to
the library and find newspaper or history books. List down
all the possible connections you can find about Rizal and
Bonifacio. Categorize them according to topics: e.g.
ideology, organizations, cultural studies language,
individual characteristics, etc.

Three key leaders inspired or led the Filipino

Independence movement. The first two – Jose Rizal and
Andres Bonifacio – would give their young lives for the
cause. The third, Emilio Aguinaldo, not only survived to
become the first president of the Philippines but also lived
on into his mid-90s.

Jose Rizal was a brilliant and multi-talented man. He was

a doctor, a novelist, and the founder of La Liga, a
peaceful anti-colonial pressure group that met just one
time in 1892 before the Spanish authorities arrested

Jose Rizal inspired his followers, including the fiery rebel

Andres Bonifacio, who attended that single original La
Liga meeting and reestablished the group after Rizal’s
arrest. Bonifacio and two associates also tried to rescue
Rizal from a Spanish ship in Manila Harbor in the summer
of 1896. By December, however, the 35-year-old Rizal
was tried in a sham military tribunal and executed by a
Spanish firing squad

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