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They are always absorbed in thoughts of Kṛṣṇa and are always eager to serve Him.

Devotees are like bees,

always searching for the nectar of devotional service. They are like swans, always pure and spotless. They are
like bumblebees, always buzzing with kīrtana. They are like the moon, always cool and pleasant. They are like the
sun, always shining with the light of transcendental knowledge. Devotees are like rivers, always flowing towards
the ocean of spiritual perfection. They are like trees, always providing shelter and nourishment to others. In short,
devotees of the Lord are the most exalted and glorious beings in the universe.”

These qualities are not only natural to the brāhmaṇas but also help them in fulfilling their duties. Peacefulness
enables them to remain calm and composed even in difficult situations. Self-control helps them to overcome their
desires and impulses. Austerity helps them to lead a simple and disciplined life. Purity helps them to maintain
cleanliness in their thoughts, words, and deeds. Tolerance helps them to endure the difficulties and hardships of
life with equanimity. Honesty helps them to remain truthful and transparent in their dealings. Knowledge helps
them to understand the scriptures and apply them in their life. Wisdom helps them to make the right decisions
based on the knowledge they have acquired. Religiousness helps them to follow the principles of dharma and
lead a righteous life. These qualities are not only essential for the brāhmaṇas but for anyone who aspires for
spiritual growth and excellence in life.

This verse from the Srimad Bhagavatam highlights the importance of devotional service towards Vāsudeva, the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. It explains that when one develops unalloyed devotion for Him, all the qualities
of the demigods, such as knowledge, renunciation, and religion, become manifest in him.

On the other hand, a person who is devoid of devotional service and who is engaged in material activities, no
matter how adept he may be in yoga or worldly affairs, cannot have any good qualities. Such a person is driven by
his own mental speculations and engages in service to the Lord's external energy, or the material world. Without
the guidance and shelter of the Supreme Lord, one is prone to material attachments and will fall victim to the
illusory energy of the world.

Thus, devotional service is essential for manifesting and cultivating good qualities, as it brings one under the
shelter of the Supreme Lord and helps to purify the heart. By practicing bhakti yoga, one can gradually develop
love and devotion for the Lord and ultimately attain liberation from the material world.

This verse from the Bhagavad Gita emphasizes the importance of showing respect and reverence towards the
ācārya, or spiritual master. The ācārya is considered the representative of all the demigods because he is the one
who imparts spiritual knowledge, guides and inspires his disciples, and helps them progress on the path of bhakti.

According to this verse, one should see the ācārya as an extension of the Supreme Lord Himself, and show him
the same respect and devotion that one would show to the Lord. This means that one should not disrespect or
envy the ācārya in any way, but rather follow his teachings and guidance with faith and humility.

Respecting the ācārya is an important part of the Vedic tradition, as it helps to maintain the chain of spiritual
knowledge and wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation. By following the example of
the ācārya and surrendering to him with devotion, one can attain spiritual progress and ultimately achieve the
ultimate goal of life – union with the Supreme Lord.

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