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22. 3. 2.

오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

중간고사 주관식

2021-1학기 주관식 1번문제 : Pull system VS

Push system

• Pull system ( Dell, Toyota )

Pull system starts with initial inventory, and usually we go by initial inventory.
However, if there's no inventory any more, customer should wait until product

Customers request the product and distributors pull it through the delivery
channel. it means production and distribution are demand driven. And pull
system took a make-to-order strategy.
Due to these features, Pull-system has zero inventory. because pull-system
respond to specific orders. it also makes decreasing in lead time

An example of this is the car manufacturing company Ford Australia. Ford

Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by customers.

Customer order to pull demand through Dell’s supply chain

• Push system ( coca cola )

Push System is a system in which we produce goods based on our best

projections of what the market wants. It is based on customer demand. A
production system that seeks stability in the production line by stockpiling
inventory through planned production based on demand forecasting and
absorbing changes in demand into inventory.

In the "push" system, consumers do not ask for the production of goods.
Distributors just push goods to the customers by forecasting demand. Push
system takes 'Make-to-stock strategy', so inventory volumes are usually high. we
can think of Coca-cola as an example. 1/13
22. 3. 2. 오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

Total quality management (TQM) is a philosophy that stresses three principles for
achieving high levels of process performance and quality. In TQM, quality means a
term used by customers to describe their general satisfaction with a service or
TQM concentrates on customers, employee involvement, and continuous
improvement in achieving high levels of process performance and quality.
TQM’s customer involvement can evoke creativity in making product, and this
creativity is linked to customers satisfactions nowadays(which pursue divergence,
originality). And in order to improve product and process, we need to care
employees and customers. not just product itself. So just concentrating on product
quality is not appropriate for high performance. It’s very outdated

Difference between Traditional quality management and total

quality management
Traditional quality management and total quality management define quality
differently. In traditional quality management, a company determines quality
standards. It also determines whether a particular product is acceptable. But in total
quality management, consumers decide on the quality of the product. Companies
can change standards for quality, train employees and modify processes. However, if
consumers are not satisfied with quality, the organization is not producing quality
Traditional quality management emphasizes the achievement of short-term goals.
For example, production numbers and quarterly profits. Total quality management,
however, is viewed from a long-term perspective. It is important for the product to
create and maintain customer satisfaction.
Managers and employees of traditional quality management solve the problems
they face based on their intuition and experience. However, in total quality
management, a large number of employees solve problems and make decisions
based on Statistical Process Control(SPC). Statistical Process Control is the
application of statistical techniques to determine whether a process is delivering
what the customer wants 2/13
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Traditional quality management requires reproduction of defective products. If a

problem occurs, the problem is solved through case-by-case basis. However total
quality management emphasizes lean manufacturing by eliminating waste and
increasing efficiencies so that a product is produced correctly the first time. It also
emphasizes quality at source. It means errors or defects should be caught and
corrected at the source, not passed along to an internal customer. By continuous
process improvement, total quality management resolve issues systematically.
Traditional quality management and enterprise-wide quality management differ in
various ways, including philosophy, practice, problem solving, and goals. Traditional
quality management solves problems by focusing on the organization's short-term
goals. In total quality management, on the other hand, all executives and employees
move toward long-term goals for customer satisfaction as a team.

The Difference Between Traditional & Total Quality M…

Traditional and total quality management differ in philosophy,
implementation and measurement. In traditional quality…

Advance of mordern quality management, Total Quality

Quality management is old. In the 1920s and 1930s, the economic recession
occurred in the United States shortly after World War II. At this time, demand
overwhelmingly exceeded supply. Opinions have been made about quality
management, but many manufacturers have questioned the concept of quality.
Because due to overwhelming demand, everything is sold out as long as it is
World War II began in 1940, and even during the war, demand grew much higher
than supply. Demand is soaring, but supply is far from enough. Right after World
War II, until this time, quality issues were not that important.
However, Japan, which lost World War II, thought quality issues were very important.
Japan lost everything because of the war. Their only chance left was to export
Japanese products to the world and recover. Japan had to imprint on the world that
its products were reliable, better, and even cheaper. Accordingly, the Japanese
thought quality issue was important. Quality for the Japanese was the only thing
they could learn. Japanese learned how to monitor the manufacturing process and
control the quality. Japan's persistence with quality after the war is the beginning of
modern TQM. 3/13
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Toyota and other Japanese companies began by introducing old American quality
management methods. However, through their persistence with quality, Japanese
companies occupied the American market in the 1970s and 1980s. They lost the war,
but they invaded the United States economically. At that time, consumers began to
say that it was a German product or a Japanese product.
Studies have begun into why Japanese products are so good, reliable, and even
cheap. As a result of these studies, enterprise quality management began in the
1980s, particularly in 1987. This is the starting point for the company-wide quality
management of modern. Enterprise-wide quality management is similar to one

Quality management는 오래되었다. 1920년, 1930년대 미국에서는 세계 2차 대전 직

후 경제 대공황이 발생했다. 이 당시에는 수요가 공급을 압도적으로 초과했었다.
Quality management에 대한 의견들이 나왔지만, 다수의 제조업자들은 Quality라는
개념에 대해 의문을 가졌다. 왜냐하면 압도적인 수요로 인해, 물건을 생산하기만 하면
모든 물건이 다 팔렸기 때문이다.
1940년 세계 2차대전이 시작했고, 전쟁 기간 동안 심지어 수요는 공급에 비해 훨씬 더
많아지는 현상이 발생했다. 수요는 치솟아 오르지만, 공급은 턱 없이 부족한 것이다.
세계 2차대전 직후, 이때 까지도 Quality issues는 중요한 것이 아니었다.
하지만 세계 2차대전에서 패배했던 일본은 품질 이슈가 상당히 중요하다고 생각했다.
전쟁으로 인해 일본은 모든 것을 잃었다. 그들에게 남은 기회는 일본의 제품을 세계에
수출해 회복하는 것 뿐이었다. 일본은 그들의 제품이 믿을만하면서도 더 좋고, 심지어
싸기도 한 제품이라는 것을 세계인들에게 각인시켜야 했다. 이에 따라 일본인들은
Quality issue를 중요하다고 생각한 것 이다. 일본인들에게 Quality는 그들이 유일하게
배울 수 있는 것이었다. 어떻게 제조 과정을 monitor하는지, 어떻게 품질을 control하
는지 배웠다. 전후 일본의 Quality에 대한 집요함이 바로 modern TQM의 시작이다.
도요타와 다른 일본 기업들은 오래된 미국의 품질 경영 방식을 도입해 시작했다. 하지
만 그들의 Quality에 대한 집요함을 통해서, 1970년대 80년대에 일본 기업들은 미국
시장을 점령했다. 그들은 전쟁에서 졌지만, 경제적으로 미국을 공습한 것이다. 그 당
시 품질이 좋은 물건이라고 하면 독일 제품, 혹은 일본 제품이라고 소비자들이 시작하
기 시작했다.
왜 일본 제품이 이렇게 좋지만, 믿을만하고, 심지어 싸기까지 한지에 대한 연구들이
시작되었다. 이러한 연구의 결과로 1980년대, 특히 1987년 전사적품질경영은 정부에
서도 시작되었다. 이것이 바로 mordern 전사적 품질 경영이 시작된 시발점이다. 전사
적 품질 경영은 하나의 철학과 비슷하다. 4/13
22. 3. 2. 오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

Online-based clothing brand ( Online-based fashion brand )

Environmental scanning is important when devising corporate strategies in

operational strategies. Thanks to the recent development of various technologies,
customer-oriented companies are leading the market. The fact that Jeff Bezos, who
leads a customer-oriented company and is the richest man in the world, proves this.
Accordingly, a customer-oriented culture will be selected as the core competency,
and each process of the core process will be designed according to this core
By segmenting the market, you can look into consumers who buy clothes online.
What do they really want? Consumers who buy clothes online want the same quality
at a lower price and delivery speed comparable to offline shopping. It even wants
more product number due to the peculiarity of its environment online. However,
consumers who buy clothes online have limitations that they cannot experience the
quality of their clothes in person, but can only see them in pictures. In addition,
overpriced prices are one of the factors that hinder customer satisfaction.
Considering this environmental scanning, Supply chain is gonna take customer
oriented process reengineering. Let me focus on the core process. Core process is a
set of activities that convey value to external customers. These core processes have
their own roles. These have their own roles. However, existing clothing brands had a
problem with a lack of customer-oriented tendencies.

• Customer relationship process

We have no choice but to speculate about 'why this price' when we buy a
product. Like "I guess the material is good" and "I guess it's a new product. In
order to solve these consumers' questions, we adopted a customer-oriented
pricing policy. It is a policy that transparently reveals how the products sold are
priced. This gives consumers the power and power to choose. It delivers
information to customers about which product development processes have
gone through, which logistics systems have been delivered, and which
companies have produced, and achieves ultimate customer satisfaction by
inducing reasonable and active consumption. 5/13
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• New service/product development

Investigate the market and devise a way to satisfy the majority of customers by
going a step further, rather than developing new products that reflect the
opinions of some customers. Recent advances in big data technology have
made it possible to read consumers' minds through numbers. It delivers
products to consumers through this. It also releases products and continuously
tests A/B and reads consumers' minds leanly.

• Order fulfillment process

Due to the excessive competition in the e-commerce market, not only overnight
delivery but also same-day delivery is now order qualifier, not order winner. In
partnership with Coupang, which has a fullfillment system nationwide, it meets
order qualifier by delivering on the same day.

• Supplier relationship process 9

If you click on the product on the online site, you will be kindly informed of
which factory the product was made in. Very detailed information such as the
location of the factory, the name of the factory, internal photos, owner
information, and the number of employees are available. It will also introduce
how the plant is making efforts to produce products eco-friendly and what
culture respects its employees. In the past quality management, this information
was not important. Providers who could reduce costs as much as possible were
the best. However, consumer involvement is increasing, and what factories have
produced is also becoming an important issue.

Information about these suppliers was previously known only to internal

customers. Supplier selection was made in terms of cost reduction and delivery
schedule planning. By changing the existing supplier relationship process to a
more customer-oriented one, we will design a brand that allows consumers to
choose suppliers

In addition, in terms of process strategy, a Job process is needed for clothing to

provide ultimate satisfaction to consumers. Clothes such as bispoke are important in
terms of customer satisfaction. However, to run a brand, high-customization cannot
be implemented. 6/13
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However, it can maximize consumer satisfaction by making the process lean. At each
step, the line process and batch process should be properly mixed to make the
process lean. Different suppliers, different products (designs) are needed to satisfy
the diverse needs of consumers.
Total quality management is required to achieve this. Views are needed to improve
efficiency across processes, not individual problem solving. Consumers will be
satisfied if continuous process improvement eliminates process inefficiency and
provides mass-production to consumers. This allows us to achieve TQM.

운영전략에서 기업전략을 구상할 때, 환경 정찰이 중요하다. 최근 다양한 기술의 발전

에 힘 입어, 고객 지향적 기업이 시장에서 선두를 달리고 있다. 세계에서 돈이 가장 많
은 사람이 고객지향적 기업을 이끌고 있는 제프 베조스라는 사실은 이를 방증한다. 이
에 따라 핵심 역량으로 고객 지향적 문화를 선정할 것이고, 이러한 핵심 역량에 따라
핵심 프로세스의 각 프로세스들을 설계할 것이다.
Environmental scanning is important when devising corporate strategies in
operational strategies. Thanks to the recent development of various technologies,
customer-oriented companies are leading the market. The fact that Jeff Bezos, who
leads a customer-oriented company and is the richest man in the world, proves this.
Accordingly, a customer-oriented culture will be selected as the core competency,
and each process of the core process will be designed according to this core
시장을 세분화 해, 온라인으로 옷을 구매하는 소비자들을 들여다 볼 수 있다. 이들이
원하는 니즈는 과연 무엇일까? 온라인으로 옷을 구매하는 소비자들은 오프라인 쇼핑
에 버금가는 배송 속도, 그리고 저렴한 가격에 동일한 품질을 원한다. 심지어 온라인
이라는 환경의 특수성으로 더 많은 제품의 가짓 수를 원하고 있다. 하지만 온라인으로
옷을 구매하는 소비자들은 옷의 품질을 직접 체험하지 못하고, 사진으로만 볼 수 밖에
없다는 한계점을 갖고 있다. 또한 지나치게 비싼 가격도 고객 만족을 저해하는 요인
중 하나이다. 7/13
22. 3. 2. 오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

By segmenting the market, you can look into consumers who buy clothes online.
What do they really want? Consumers who buy clothes online want the same quality
at a lower price and delivery speed comparable to offline shopping. It even wants
more product number due to the peculiarity of its environment online. However,
consumers who buy clothes online have limitations that they cannot experience the
quality of their clothes in person, but can only see them in pictures. In addition,
overpriced prices are one of the factors that hinder customer satisfaction.
이러한 상황에 따라 공급사슬을 customer-oriented process reengineering 할 것이다.
그중 core process에 집중해 설명하겠다. Core process란 외부 고객에게 가치를 전달
하는 활동의 집합을 뜻한다. 이러한 핵심 프로세스들은 각자의 역할들을 갖고 있다.
하지만 기존의 의류 브랜드들은 고객 지향적인 성향이 부족하다는 문제점을 갖고 있
Considering this environmental scanning, Supply chain is gonna take customer
oriented process reengineering. Let me focus on the core process. Core process is a
set of activities that convey value to external customers. These core processes have
their own roles. These have their own roles. However, existing clothing brands had a
problem with a lack of customer-oriented tendencies.

• 고객 관계 프로세스
우리는 제품을 살 때 '왜 이 가격인지'에 대해서는 추측을 할 수밖에 없다. '소재가
좋은가 봐', '신상품인가 봐'처럼 말이다. 이러한 소비자들의 궁금증을 해소해 주
고자 고객 지향적인 가격 정책을 채택했다. 판매하는 제품의 가격이 어떻게 책정
되었는지 투명하게 밝힌 정책이다. 이를 통해 소비자들에게 선택할 권한과 힘을
줄 수 있다. 어떠한 제품 개발 프로세스를 거쳤고, 어떠한 물류 시스템을 통해 배
송되었으며, 어떠한 업체에서 생산했는지에 대한 정보를 고객들에게 전달하고,
합리적이고 능동적인 소비를 유도해 궁극적인 고객 만족을 달성한다.

We have no choice but to speculate about 'why this price' when we buy a
product. Like "I guess the material is good" and "I guess it's a new product. In
order to solve these consumers' questions, we adopted a customer-oriented
pricing policy. It is a policy that transparently reveals how the products sold are
priced. This gives consumers the power and power to choose. It delivers
information to customers about which product development processes have
gone through, which logistics systems have been delivered, and which
companies have produced, and achieves ultimate customer satisfaction by
inducing reasonable and active consumption. 8/13
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• 새로운 서비스/ 제품 개발 프로세스

시장을 조사하고, 일부 고객의 의견을 반영해 새로운 제품을 개발하는 것이 아닌

한 차원 더 나아가 대다수의 고객을 만족시킬 수 있는 방안을 고안한다. 최근 빅데
이터 기술의 발전으로 숫자를 통해 소비자의 마음을 읽는 것이 가능해졌다. 이를
통해 소비자들에게 제품을 전달한다. 또한 제품을 출시하고 지속적인 A/B 테스트
를 거쳐서 lean하게 소비자의 마음을 읽는다.

Investigate the market and devise a way to satisfy the majority of customers by
going a step further, rather than developing new products that reflect the
opinions of some customers. Recent advances in big data technology have
made it possible to read consumers' minds through numbers. It delivers
products to consumers through this. It also releases products and continuously
tests A/B and reads consumers' minds leanly.

• 주문 충족 프로세스

이커머스 시장의 과도한 경쟁으로 인해 익일 배송뿐만 아니라 당일 배송은 이제

order winner이 아닌 order qualifier이 되었다. 전국적으로 fullfillment system을
보유하고 있는 쿠팡과 제휴해, 당일 배송을 실현시켜 order qualifier를 충족한다.

Due to the excessive competition in the e-commerce market, not only overnight
delivery but also same-day delivery is now order qualifier, not order winner. In
partnership with Coupang, which has a fullfillment system nationwide, it meets
order qualifier by delivering on the same day. 9/13
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• 공급자 관계 프로세스

온라인 사이트에서 제품을 클릭하면 제품이 어느 공장에서 제작되었는지 친절하

게 안내되어있다. 공장 위치, 공장 이름, 내부 사진, 오너 정보, 직원 수 등 매우 자
세한 정보가 나온다. 해당 공장이 제품을 친환경적으로 생산하기 위해 어떤 노력
을 하고 있는지, 직원들을 존중하는 문화는 어떤 것이 있는지도 함께 소개된다. 과
거의 품질 경영에서는 이러한 정보들이 중요하지 않았다. 비용을 최대한 절감시
킬 수 있는 공급자가 최고였다. 하지만 소비자들의 개입이 증가하고, 어떠한 공장
에서 생산했는가도 중요한 이슈가 되고 있다.
이러한 공급자에 대한 정보를 기존에는 internal customer만 알고 있었다. 공급 업
체의 선정은 비용 절감, 납품 일정계획의 관점에서 이루어 졌다. 기존의 공급자 관
계 프로세스를 조금 더 고객 지향적으로 바꾸어, 소비자들이 supplier를 선택할 수
있는 브랜드를 설계할 것이다.

If you click on the product on the online site, you will be kindly informed of
which factory the product was made in. Very detailed information such as the
location of the factory, the name of the factory, internal photos, owner
information, and the number of employees are available. It will also introduce
how the plant is making efforts to produce products eco-friendly and what
culture respects its employees. In the past quality management, this information
was not important. Providers who could reduce costs as much as possible were
the best. However, consumer involvement is increasing, and what factories have
produced is also becoming an important issue.
Information about these suppliers was previously known only to internal
customers. Supplier selection was made in terms of cost reduction and delivery
schedule planning. By changing the existing supplier relationship process to a
more customer-oriented one, we will design a brand that allows consumers to
choose suppliers

또한 프로세스 전략의 관점에서 의류가 소비자들에게 궁극적인 만족을 주기 위해서

는 Job process이 필요하다. 비스포크와 같은 옷이 중요하다. 하지만 브랜드를 운영하
기 위해서는, highly-customization을 실행할 수는 없다.
In addition, in terms of process strategy, a Job process is needed for clothing to
provide ultimate satisfaction to consumers. Clothes such as bispoke are important in
terms of customer satisfaction. However, to run a brand, high-customization cannot
be implemented. 10/13
22. 3. 2. 오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

하지만 프로세스를 lean하게 만들어 소비자들의 만족을 최대화할 수 있다. 각 단계에

서 line process와 batch process를 적절하게 혼합하여 프로세스를 lean하게 만들어야
한다. 소비자들의 다양한 니즈를 만족시키기 위해서는 different supplier, different
product(design)이 필요하다.
However, it can maximize consumer satisfaction by making the process lean. At each
step, the line process and batch process should be properly mixed to make the
process lean. Different suppliers, different products (designs) are needed to satisfy
the diverse needs of consumers.
이를 달성하기 위해서는 Total quality management가 필요하다. 개별적인 문제 해결
이 아니라 프로세스 전반의 효율성을 개선하기 위한 시각이 필요하다. continous
process improvement를 통해서 프로세스의 비효율성을 제거하고, 소비자들에게
mass-production을 제공한다면 소비자들이 만족할 것이다. 이를 통해 TQM을 달성할
수 있다.
Total quality management is required to achieve this. Views are needed to improve
efficiency across processes, not individual problem solving. Consumers will be
satisfied if continuous process improvement eliminates process inefficiency and
provides mass-production to consumers. This allows us to achieve TQM.

2021-1학기 중간 주관식 2번문제

If you formulated your process strategy either in manufacturing or service, you
would need to make decisions to position your process based on the four majour
process decisions, such as process structure, customer involvement, resource
flexibilty, and capital intensity.
Firstly, I want you select a product or a service you plan to produce or provide.
Second, I want you to target your customers and define their needs.
Next, You need to choose at least two or more competitive prioities.
Based on the product or the service you selected and the above assumptions, I want
you to formulate your own process strategy and to position your process
considering all of the four major process decisions.
You need to explain why your process is positioned in that way.
(If you move on to the next problem, you cannot come back. (다음 문제로 넘어 가면
돌아올 수 없습니다.)) 11/13
22. 3. 2. 오후 4:10 중간고사 주관식

(※ note)
1. All of the answers should be in English.
2. Each answer should be no more than a half page long(A4)

I'll choose bottled water as an item.

During the environmental scanning phase, we noticed that the recent MZ
generation's preference for ESG management and sustainability has been
prolonged. By segmenting the market, the main consumers of bottled water are
those in their 20s and 30s with many single-person households. They believe that
sustainability is important for all products. But bottled water is a daily necessity, so it
should be cheap.
I don't think bottled water needs flexibility. because bottled water is hard to tell the
difference. But quality, price, and time are important competitive priorities. Bottle
water has to be consistent quality, low price, and on-time delivery is essential.
Bottled water is suitable for continuous flow production and make-to-order
production as an industrial product. Therefore, Process structure will choose the
right product-process position for manufacturing.
For Customer involvement, I'm gonna select High-inovolvement. Unlike the existing
bottled water manufacturing process, we will promote customer participation and
imprint that it is a product that takes into account consumer needs. It will promote
consumer participation and release bottled water that has been removed from
existing bottled water bottles to reflect consumer needs. Plastic recycling is a hot
topic thanks to recent interest in sustainability. This product will deliver customer
satisfaction to sustainable consumers.
However, to protect the competitive priority of cost, we will select high automation
for each process as much as possible, and Specialized for Resource Flexibility. All of
this is to protect the competitive priority of cost.
In summary, when I envisioned a business, I not only met the order-qualifier of
existing bottled water users, but also created an order winner. It can be said that it
has responded to the interest of the MZ generation in sustainability by participating
consumers in processes that have previously lacked consumer participation and
choosing to remove labels. 12/13
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