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Unit 6 Test A
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Class .................................................................................

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form

Grammar of the verbs given.
1 Match the sentences in 1–6 with the functions 1 If we _______________ (leave) now, we
in A–F. _______________ (get) there by lunchtime.
1 You’re not going to eat all that! It’s far too 2 If we _______________ (not get) enough rain
much! ___ this spring, there _______________ (be) a
drought in the summer.
2 I’ll be 17 on 1st April. ___
3 I always _______________ (feel) bad in the
3 I’ll pick you up at 5:30. Is that OK? ___ morning if I _______________ (go) to bed late.
4 We’re going to spend a week travelling around 4 If you _______________ (buy) things online,
France this summer. ___ you _______________ (need) to be really
5 Jane will definitely be at Rod’s party. She told careful.
me. ___ 5 You _______________ (have) a smaller carbon
6 Take your coat because it might get really cold footprint if you _______________ (stop)
later. ___ driving.

A certainty /10
B objective truth
C prediction based on evidence Vocabulary
D plan
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
E possibility
F immediate decision 1 Governments are trying to persuade countries
not to cut down their r__________.
/6 2 The Himalayas is a magnificent m__________
2 Complete the dialogue using either will or 3 If the i__________ c__________ melt, then it
going to and the verbs given. will affect sea levels all over the world.
A: Hi Terry. What (1) _______________ (do) 4 We usually spend a lot of time sunbathing on
after school today? the b__________ in the summer months.
B: I think I (2) _______________ (go) to the 5 Crossing the d__________ by car can be very
library. What about you? dangerous because very few people live there.
A: I (3) _______________ (have) a coffee with
Brian and Marta. Do you want to join us?
B: Thanks. I (4) _______________ (think) about
it. I’ll go to the library later. What time
(5) _______________ (meet)?
A: 4:30 in the park. I expect we will play tennis
after that at the club.
B: OK. I (6) _______________ (call) you later.


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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

5 Complete the sentences with these words.

ozone layer oil spill droughts floods
environment 7 Read the article from which some sentences
have been taken out. Choose the correct
1 Today, children are learning more about the sentences A–F to fill the gaps. There is one
dangers to the __________ at school than in the extra sentence that you do not need.
2 Scientists say that we are destroying the
__________ and this creates global warming. A few years ago everyone was talking about the
new electric cars. They were going to be the
3 Many sea birds died because of a huge answer to our pollution problems. (1) ___ Why
__________ in the Atlantic last year. aren’t our roads full of electric cars? Why are we
4 Hotter summers with no rain will mean that still sending out huge amounts of pollution into the
there are more __________ in some countries. atmosphere and using oil faster than the oil
5 After the heavy rainfall, there were companies can produce it?
__________ in many towns on the river. There are several reasons. It’s not because the
cars aren’t for sale. They are. There are many
/5 different models and every year another, newer
type of electric car is designed. (2) ___ Many of
6 Replace get in the sentences with a different the faster, sporty-looking models are expensive,
verb in the correct form. but there are plenty of cheaper types for sale. So
what is the reason?
1 My sister gets a lot of her new clothes online.
Experts say that it’s mainly because electric
cars can’t travel very far before we need to charge
their batteries and there aren’t enough charging
points at the moment. (3) ___ It seems that the
people who have bought electric cars use them as a
second car, not their main one. (4) ___ They aren’t
2 If we hurry, we’ll get there by 6 pm. going to buy an electric car to use regularly until
they can be sure that they are not going to stop on
their way to work or somewhere important.
The hybrid car – a car that can switch from
3 We’d better start walking home because it’s petrol to electricity – is more popular and more
getting dark. and more people are buying them. (5) ___ It’s
obviously not quite as good for the environment as
the electric car, but it shows that people are
concerned and trying to do something about their
carbon footprints.
4 I didn’t get back from the cinema until 11:30
last night.

5 Did you get what you wanted for your



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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

A It isn’t because of the price.

B The only problem here is the cost, but in the
future this will probably get much cheaper.
Use of English
C So, where are they? 9 Complete the second sentence so that it means
the same as the first, using the word given. Do
D People worry about not having enough not change the word given. Use between two
electricity. and five words.
E Many people don’t buy them because they look 1 There’s a possibility that Sue will get a new
small and ugly. job.
Sue _______________ a new job.

F People need a car that is reliable. 2 If I don’t do my homework well, my teacher

will be angry.
My teacher _______________ if I do my

Listening (Tests CD, Track 7) homework well.

3 My plan is to catch the 6:30 train.
8 You are going to hear five people talking about GOING
different ways of dealing with our rubbish. I _______________ the 6:30 train.
Listen and match the speakers A–E with the
comments in 1–5. 4 Look! She can’t win the race now.
1 Companies don’t do enough. LOSE
Look! She _______________ the race.
Speaker ___
2 This gives people a good alternative if
you have a small kitchen.

Speaker ___

3 This is not a good solution. It just

makes things worse.

Speaker ___

4 Different people can use our old


Speaker ___

5 We have to change our habits.

Speaker ___

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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

10 Last year the council decided to pick up /5
people’s rubbish every two weeks instead of
every week and you think this is a bad idea.
Write a letter to your newspaper. In your letter,
you should /60
 say what the problem is

 explain why you think this is a bad idea

 say what you’d like the newspaper to do

about it.

Write 100 words.

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