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Types of Quantitative Research

Generally, quantitative researches are classified into non-experimental and

experimental as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Matrix on Quantitative Research

Types of


True Quasi-
Descriptive Correlational
experimental experimental

Source: National Training of Trainers for SHS Teachers on School-Based Research (May 17-21, 2018,
Bureau of Learning Delivery, Department of Education)

1. Non-Experimental Research. This kind of research allows the researcher to either describe a
situation or phenomenon or the relationship between two or more variables without any
interference from the proponent. There are two major kinds of non-experimental research. These
are as follows:

A. Descriptive Research. It deals with describing the nature, characteristics and components of
the population or a phenomenon. Manipulation of variables or search for cause and effect is not
applicable in relating to the phenomenon. This design attempts to determine the frequency with
which it occurs and to find general attributes of the presently existing situation . Descriptive
research is used if, for example, you want to know how many hours senior high school students
spend in surfing the internet or the number of malnourished students who failed in the achievement
test , and how healthy is the food served during recess in the public schools.


(Code words to
(Purpose) (Degree of look for in (Example)
control over research
(Time Frame) factors or articles)
Describe the precision) Survey of
characteristics students who
of a certain are
phenomenon None or interested in
low sports
A. Correlational Research.
It is primarily concerned with an orderly or systematic investigation of the nature of relationships,
or associations between and among variables without necessarily investigating into casual reasons
underlying them. Furthermore it is also concerned with, the extent of relationships that exists
between or among the variables. For example , if Performance in Mathematics can be used to
predict performance then, the higher the Mathematics grade, the higher most likely be the score
in Practical Research 2. Correlational research is employed if you like to know , for example, if
the following factors are related to each other: sex and mathematical ability, age and leadership
style, and occupation and life span.


(Code words to
(Purpose) look for in
(Time Frame) (Degree of research articles) An investigation
control over that focuses on
factors or
precision) the relationship
Examine the Current or Past between the
relationships (correlation) Relationship number of
between Future Related to hours of
variables Low or
(prediction) associated with television
medium Predicts watching and

1. Experimental Research. This kind of research is centrally concerned with constructing

research that is high in causal (internal) validity. There are two major kinds of experimental
research. These are the following:
A. True Experimental Research. This kind of research can be identified by three
characteristics: randomly formed groups, manipulation of the treatment (the IV), and
comparisons among groups. The purpose is to test the true cause and effect relationships of
variables involve in the study. According to Prieto, et al., it offers the highest internal
validity of all the designs.

True Experimental

(Code words to
look for in (Example)
(Purpose) (Degree of research articles)
control over The effect of
(Time Frame) factors or Function of preschool
To test for precision) Cause language
true cause - comparison program on
Current Between the language
and – effect
relationships high Effects of skills of inner-
city children
A. Quasi-Experimental Research. This kind of research is almost the same as that of True
Experimental Design. The only difference is the absence of random assignment of subjects to other
conditions. Prieto, et al. added that the commonality between the quasi-experimental and true
experimental research is that some subjects receive intervention and provide data likely to reflect its

Quasi Experimental

(Code words to
look for in
Used to estimate research articles) (Example)
(Degree of
the causal (Time Frame) control over Function of The effect of
impact of an factors or Cause reading
intervention on precision) comparison programs to
its target medium-high Between Effects students’
population of comprehension
without random

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Identify the kind of research that is being referred to.

1. The relationship between the economic status and academic performance of the respondents.
2. The percentage of Grade 10 learners who will pursue academic track in Senior High School.
3. Effects of pandemic in the learning habits of Grade 12 learners.
4. A survey on the preferred course of Grade 12 learners in college.
5. The effectiveness of Content-based Instruction in teaching Social Studies in Grade 11.
6. It is a systematic investigation of the nature of relationships, or associations between and among
variables without necessarily investigating into casual reasons underlying them.
7. It is concerned with describing the nature, characteristics and components of the population or a
8. This research utilizes scientific method to test cause-and-effect relationships under conditions
controlled by the researcher.
9. It is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying samples chosen
from a population. It may be done in various ways like face-to-face phone, mail, and online.
10. It is intended to assess the effects, impacts or outcomes of practices, policies or programs.

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