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July 2011

Bosch Security Systems EMEA

SDK newsletter 8

1. Status HD VideoSDK availability

As you were informed in earlier SDKNewsletters we are working on a new VideoSDK Version
5 Release.
The release of this SDK planned for week 29 is unfortunately postponed to Q4-2011

VideoSDK Version5 will support High Definition (HD) BVIP products from Bosch as well as
the current Standard Definition (SD) Bosch BVIP products
For those system integrators needing to implement HD in their projects on short notice, we
can supply a temporary Beta version.
This beta can however not yet work alongside a Version 4 installed SDK on the same
development PC.
Please contact your local Sales office for more details and inquiries.

2. Support of DVRs in VideoSDK 5

The support of Bosch DVRs in this first HD VideoSDK 5 is as follows:

 Divar 700 Series
Together with firmware 3.4 or higher you have to install additional memory in the
hardware unit to make the DVR HD compliant.
See release notes of the Divar 700 Series firmware 3.4

 Divar 400 and Divar 600 Series

At first release there is no support for the Divar 400/600 Series

 Bosch Recording System and Dibos

At first release there is no support for the BRS nor Dibos

 DivarMR and Divar2 (Classic)

No longer supported. Please use VideoSDK Version 4 only

At the moment we recommend System Integrators to only use VideoSDK Version 4 in

case your application is intended for Divar 2, DivarMR , Divar 400/600, BRS or Dibos.
The support of the Divar400 and 600 as well as Dibos and BRS will hopefully be
implemented in the new VideoSDK Version 5 by the end of this year.

3. New maintenance release videoSDK Version

This week we released a new VideoSDK4 maintenance release version

This maintenance release supports apart from the BVIP SD products also the following Bosch
 Divar Classic (Divar2) Wavelet Recorder
 Divar XF and Divar 700 Series
 Divar 400 and 600 Series
 DivarMR
 Dibos
 Bosch Recording Station

Note: The DivarMR was not available in the previous released version but back
again in the current version

Please read the Release Note included in the distribution zip file for further details of this

All Registered System Integrators with Certification level 2 will automatically receive an e-mail
notification about download instructions soon.


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