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Patented June 22, 19$4



Baymom‹d A. Frans, El &orade, Art., assignor to
Lion Oil Coz pony, Ek, Arh., a corpora-

No Brawing. Application Only 8ï, 1q53,

Serial de. 3’f0,605
18 Cïaizns. (6t. 360—555)

This invention relates to an improved process P.çgroxïnaately 70Po urea arereported foi this sO-
of proétucing urea, and more particularly to the called carbonyl sulfide process, the art has not
production où urea from carbonyl sulfide and develop d the process beyond a very small lab-
ammonia. oratory scale. Likewise on.e major diUncultv witn
Unless otherwise specified herein, yields of urea flits process is the high pressure reo_uired. Be-
are given a.s per cent by weiglit and are fiased ce.user the ammon.ium thiocarbarnate is in a soli5
on to) carbon dioxide or earbonyl sulfide, (b7 state, another ttiificulty involves handling it. A
urea of 100 No purity, and (c) on the reaeian*s rarities dif6culir is that at least one and prefer-
being passed through tne reaction zones only once s.bly both of the reactants must be liquefied in
ti. e. no urea resulting Jrom recycle is incliided to accelerate the reaction.
in *lie yields, nor is recycling necessary in the An object or this invention is to provide an
present inventions . By “excess” and “subs*antial improveti process of producing urea. é. further
excess” of ammonia as used Serein is meant that object is to provide an improved process of pro-
the quantity of ammonïa involved is more than wincing urea f rorr. carbonYl sulfide anti ammonia.
the stoichiometric requirement. PreieraÔly the .A still further object is to overcome the draw-
ammonia is employed as about i0 je—30 je solu- 'oacâ,s of the p›-ior art. Another object is to pro-
tion, by weight, in metlianol and at a ratio of aide suer. a process by which, as compared with
at leasv about tlaree mots animonia to one mol the test linoivn orior arc processes, substantially
carbonyl sulfide. “Riixture” as used Serein is lai%lieF yr.Eds of' urea csn be produced unfier sub-
intendett to include s solution as well o.s a slu.rry. 20 stantially lower conditions of pressure and tem-
Wnile it ïs much preferred ana contemplated perature. 'rhe above *nd oth°-r objects will be
that this invention will be carried out under con- apparel.I from th.e description of this invention
ditions as Serein disclosed, sucé that no slu.rry s‘ ven hereinaiter.
is involved during the reaetion où carbonyl sul- I nave :found b,y employing m.ethanol that the
fide and ammonia, it is within the scope of this 25 o.mmoniurn thiocarbaniate dissolves therein as
invention to dave a slurry ai this point, e. S. the last as iorm.d and thereby greatly improved the
relative amount of methanol to aminonium thio- F›rocess froin an engineering or handling stan-d-
carbamate formed could be sucé that soir.e of the point. Tire use of metnanol is also advantageous
latter would not dissolve in the ir.ethanol. in I’espects, as is disclosed hereinafter. In
One conveiitional process où manuiacturing aéidition I la-ave found that, as compared with the
urea in•/olves subjecting a mixture of carbon art, a marked increase in yield of urea is ob-
dioxitte and amrr.onia to an elevated pressure and tained under lower pressure and temperature.
temperature. there are a ri-umber of modifica- the above objects are accomplished according
tions to this so-called carbon dioxide process, but to ‘che present in'/ention broadly by reacting to-
only two of thèse are in commercial use today. carbonyl sulfide and ammonia in the
de conditions vary from 180º C. anjt 3000 p. s. i. iaresence of methanol, heat-'ne the resulting mix-
to 210º €J. and 6000 p. s. ?. and up to 250 9o e.xcess ture at a urea-forming temperature but below
ammonia a.bove the stoicliiometric requirernent, II°-.• temperature at which urea substa.ntiallr de-
the yi•1ds of urea un-der thèse conditions varying c,omiooses, and then I'emoving die methanol
from 40 % to 50 No . the art states tnat v/1iile Proc›e specifically the reaction desirably is car-
liigher yields per pass can de obtained, ii is im- ried out emploxing an excess of ams.ionia, and
practica.1. Altnough the carbon dioxyde process i› re erably the carbonyl sulfide and ammonia are
nas been in commercial use for a numb r o:f Initially in *.he gaseous state. In c* rying out
years, it has its drawbacks. One serious clrav - the reaction it is lil:eu ise desirable to introduce
bach is that the cost of buildinp• and operatins ammonia gas into methanol and add carfionyl
the plant is vert nixh because of me liign pres- sulfide to the e.mmonia-methanol mixture.
sure requireû. An additional drawbac'z 1s tliat In loracticinp this invention according to a
the yields ai’e undesirably low. preferred embodimen-t thereof, ammonia gas is
Anoiher conventional process of producing r.fixed with anhydrous methanol an5 with the
urea comprises subjecting a ni::iure où carbony' these.thing solution is m.ixed carbonyl sulfide gas,
sulfide and am.monia to a pressure où 300-500 th-- r-soler ratio of ammonia to carbonyl sulfide
p. s. i. a tempero.ture o:f 110º C.—130° G. Undor being sweater than about 3 to 1. Thus at room
thèse conditions a.ri interine5iate product, am- tern-perature the intermeciat•. product, am-
monium thiocarbarnate, form.s as a precipita.te monia.n tiiiocarbanaate, ia iorrried. almost iristan-
and is convertecl to urea. Althouah yields up •,› ianeo'as1y. T'he avr.monium thiocarbamete is
converted to urea br subjecting in a closed sys- carbamate to urea. At the end of each run, the
temthe mixture thus formed to a temperature pressure was released from the reactor and the
of 80° C.-120° C. and the autogenous de- methanol distilled from the mixture and recov-
veloped until the reaction 1s substantiaily com- erect for re-use. ’rhe urea was recovered from the
plete. Then the methanol is remo*/ed, •. g. by 5 distillation residue and then analyzed in order to
distillation. During the distillation of the metha- determine the yield.
nol the ammonia and sulfur values are also driven 2'obIe 2
or and may be recovered, thus leaving the urea
behind. The distillation may be continued to
the point at which urea crystallizes from solu- 10 Run Ratto M0l NOl8
NSU Time TemP., Autogonous
Pressure, Area,
tion'. or the mixture may be completely evaporated No. N£fa/ per %OUfS ° G. r
to dryness and the urea crystallized from fresh G OS Liter
While it is preferable to operate this invention 1. . . .. 6. 64 18. 4 16 t0 25 16.7
2....... 11.8 8.1 1 60 40 76.1
under the above conditions, iv will be seen from 16 3........ 11. 8 8. 1 3 s0 •.5 s7. 7
the examples given hereinafter that conditions
outside these aFe also contemplated. The ex-
amples show the use of temperatures of 40° C.-
140° C. and a ratio of 1.84—39.o vols ammonia
peF mol of carbonyl sulfide. Also the examples
show that the invention can he practiced in an
open system, in whieh event the pressure is sub- 12- -. . . 5. 4 15. 1 0. 25 140 260 100. 0
stantially atmospheric.
Altliou n other means may be employed, the A number of advantages of the; invention are
following give good results in recovering the am- clearly shown by the data in the above examples.
monia and sulfur values. The escapin, gases * Ctook yields are obtained at only atmospheric
from the methanol distillation are cooled to tare- pressure and very mild temperatures even with
cipitate therefrom the ammonium bisulficle men- relatively low ratios of ammonia to carbonyl sul-
tioned below. The excess ammonia ge.s is thus ñcle, the lo•v ratios reducing the amount of am-
separated for re-use. The ammonium bisulfide monia to be recovered for re-use. In faet, prac-
is warmed and passed through sulfuric acid, ** tically theoretical yields are onta.ined under sub-
forming ammonium sulfate and allowing the hy- stantially less drastic conditions than the pressure
drogen sulfide ,•a.s to bubble on through. to and temperature disclosed in the art. £''urther-
sizlfur value then is recovered from the hydro8en more, these high yields are obtained in only a
sulfide by known methods, e. g. bx partial oxida.- single pass of the reactants through the reaction
tion thereof. ** sone.
The following examples illustrate a plt*rality of Although the present invention has been de-
specific embodiments of this invention. 9me yield scribed with ref‘erence to specific embodiments
of urea, in per cent Dy weight based on COS thereof, it will be understood by tnose skilled in
charged., was determined by the well known the art that many of the conditions appearing
Urease method. Allowance was made ror the *< hereinbefore may be varied z'ithout departing
amnaoniacs.I nitrogen, which was determined by from the spirit and scope of the invention. The
tne formaldehyde method given in A. O. A.. c., invention is readily adaptable to either a batch
seventh edition, 1950, paae 14, paragraph *.28. process, a semi-continuous process or a con-
tinuous process. While, for the safe of‘ clarity
EXAMPLE 1 and simplicity, the invention has been d••°cribed
In carrying out these runs at atmospL.eric pres- with reference to carrying out the ammonium
ture, ammonia gas was passed into a.nnydrous thiocarbamate-forming reaction at room tem-
mets.anol ann then carbonyl sulfide gas wa,s perature tabout 20° C.1 , lower or higher tempera-
mixed ir:to tire resulting solution. his portion tures can be employed. Although it would not
of the reaction, in which ammonium thiocarbam- pq appear advantageous to reduce this temperature,
rite Jorms and dissolves in the methanol as last under ceFtain circumstances one may desire to
a,s formed, was carried out at room temperature recycle the methanol and the excess ammonia at
using the quantities or inateria.1s shown in TaDle 1 a temperature Just below the boiling point of
below. the final *olution was heated at a tem- methanol.
peratui'e of about 63° C.—65° O. until substantiail Although me mechanism of the reaction ac-
all of tne methanol was distilled. be urea was cording to this invention is not definitely linown,
recovered from the distillation residue and then there is evidence to support vhe following theory
analyzed in order to determine the yield. and it is presented for what aid it may be in
TQbfe £ understanding tne invention and not as a limita-
tion thereof.
Mobs the following reactions are thought to be in-
Run Nm° per Temp., Urea,
No. Liter ° G. Pressuro 1. methanol Nil,—G O—SN£f‹
Methanol Yield sN£fi + o oa R.........,
’“ £feat
1. _.. 6. 9 3. 6 G3—6ti Ataospbcric.. 46. 4
IT. NHwG O—SNlIi —+ Njf:—G O—N£fi 1 TfiS
2.......- 38. 0 G. 6 63—65 _.. s2.
III. Hi8 -{- NSU N£fi -IS
EXAMPLE 2 Equations T and IT illustrate t,iie main reactions
In these runs, the ammoni'am tliiocarbamate 70 producing urea. trst, the intermediate mate-
intermediate was formed under the same condi- rial, ammonium thiocarbamate, is produced
tion as in Example 1 above using the quantities tEquation In and then urea and hydrogen sulfide
of materials shown in Table 2 below. The final are produced on heating (Equation III . the
solution was hea.ted in a closed vessel under the use of an excess of ammonia increases the yield
conditions shown to convert the aininoniuin thio- i> of urea. ’I’wo reasons are advanced to account
for this. First, the excess of ammonia tends to reacting together carbonyl sulfide and ammonia
drive the reaction to completion and thus flavors in the presence of methanol, a substantial excess
a hign yield of ammonium tiaiocarbamate (Equa- of ammonia being emlsloyed, and then Recovering
tion 11 according to tne law of mass action. tire methanol br distillation at about atmospheric
Second, the excess où arnmonia tends to dri•7e the pressure.
reaction to completion by virtue or removing one' 7. Process of preparing urea which comprises
of the products (hydrogen sulfide in Equation lil reacting together carbonyl sulfide gas and am-
of the reaction fv/Iaich otherwise would tend to monia gas in the presence of anhydrous methanol,
reverse the reaction) and thus favors a high yield a substantial excess of ammonia aas being em-
of urea. 10 laloyed, and then recovering the methanol by dis-
It is believed that the use of a closed system tillation at about atmospheric pressure.
t autogenous pressurel in converting the am- 8. Process o* preparing urea wnich comprises
monium thiocarbamate to urea, as who z/n in reacting together at atmospheric pressure at
Equation II, further increases the yield of urea about room temperature carbonyl sulfide as and
for two reasons. First, the excess ammonia is 15 mm-monia gas in the presence oJ anhrdrous meth-
not allowed to escape the reaction zone, which anol, a substantial excess of ammonia gas b.ring
results in maintaining excess ammonia in tne employ=d, o.nd subJecting the resulting reaction
reaetor at all times. The advantage of this is mixture to a temperature of about G3° C.-65° C.
explained in the immediately preceding para- aL about atmospheric pressure.
graph. Second, increased pressure promotes Re- 20 9. Process of preparing urea which comprises
action III which tends to make Reaction II no to mixing carbonyl sulfide gas and a substantial
completion by virtue oJ removing one où the re- excess of ammonia gas with methanol at about
action products therefrom. room temperature, and subjecting the resulting
Wrther theorizing, it is thought that meth- mixture to a temperature of about 63° C.—65° C.
anol serves four purposes. First, it serves as a 25 at about atmospheric pressure until substantially
solvent for the ammonium thiocarbamate tEqua- all of the methanol has been distilled.
tion Il . Second, it tend.s to riaimtain the epuilili- 10. Process of preparing urea which comprises
rium in Equation III in tne form of ammoniUm mixing carbonyl sulfide gas and a substantial
bisulfide. Third, the meihanol tends to reduce excess of ammonia gas with anhydrous meth-
the pressure developed while convertina the a.m- 30 anol at about room temperature and atmospheric
monium thiocarbamate to urea. Fourth, the pressure, subjecting the resulting mixture to a
metlianol stabilizes the ammonium bisulfide temperature of about 63° C.—65° C. at about at-
against decomposition. :uospheric pressure until substantially all of the
As many apparently v/ideIy different embodi- methanol has laeen distilled, and recovering the
ments of this invention may be made witnout de- 35 methanol and excess ammonia thus evaporated.
parking from the sioirit and scope thereof, it is to 11. Process of preparing urea which comprises
de understood that the invention is not limited mixing ammonia gas with methanol, mixin car-
to the specific embodiments thereoi except as de- loonyl sulfide gas Leith the resulting mixture, and
flned in the appended claims. the thus formed mixture to a tempera-
This application is a Continuation in part of IO of about 63° C.—65° C. at about atmospneric
my cop=nding applications i erial No. 225,060, pressure.
bled May 7, 1951, and Serial No. 334,087, filed 12.Process of preparing urea which comprises
January 29, 1953, both now abandoned. reacting together at about atmospheric pressure
what is claimed is: a.nd room temperature carbonyl sulfide and. am-
1. Process of preparina urea wl2ioh comprises monia ii;. the presence of methanol, heating the
reactinq together carDonYl sulflde and ammonia resulting mixture in a closed vessel at a temper-
in the presence of metlianol, heating the resulting ature not in excess or about 140° C., and tnen
mixture at a urea-formmg temperature but be- em.oving the methanol.
how the temperature at which urea substantially iz. rrocess où preparing urea v/hich cona.prtses r-
decomposes, and then removing the methanol. •actint tos•-tner at about atmosphei’ic pres- sure
2. Process of preparing urea which comprises nnd room tern aerature carbonyl suliiac an-d
xeacting together at about atinospherie pressuFe ammonia in tt'.e presence oi methan-o1, l•.eating
and room I.•mperature carbonvl sulfide and am- the resulting n.fixture in a closed v•-ssel at a tern-
monia in the presence of methanol, heating the
resulting mixture in a. closed vessel at a urea- cloying the methanol.
ïorming temperature but below the temperature 14. Process of preparing urea which comprise.s
at which urea substantially decomposes, and then reacting together at about atmospheric pressure
removing the methanol. an5 room temperature carbonyl sulfide and am-
which comprises monia in tne presence où methanol, neating the
3. Process oJ preoaring urea resulting mixture in a closed vessel at a. temper-
reacting toget'ner carñonyl sulfide ana ammonia ature oJ about 80° C.-120° C., and then remo•vine
in the presence of metnanol an5 then recovering the methanol.
the methanol by distillation at about atmos- 15. Process of preparir-g urea which comprises
pheric pressure. reacting together at about atmospheric sressure
4. Process of preparing urea which comprises and. room temperature carbonyl sulfide and arn-
reacting together at atmospheric pressure ear- monia. in the pres•nce of metiianol, the inolar
bonyl sulfide and ammonia in the presence of ratio of ammonia to carbonyl sulfide being at
methanol and then recovering the methanol by least aborit 1.8 to i, heating the resulting iix-
dis*illation at about atmospheric pressure. tyre in a clos d vessel at a temperature no* in
5. Process of preparing urea which comprises excess of about UTI° C., and then removing the
reacting together at about room temperature
carbonyl sulfide and ammonia in tire presence of methanol.
metnanol, and subjecting the resulting reaction 16. Process of preparing urea which comprises
reacting together at about atmospheric pressur•
mixture to a temperature of about 63° C.—65° C. and rcom temperature carbonyl sulfide and am-
at about atmospherie pressure.
6. Process of preparing urea which comprises ’/ 5 monia in the presence of methanol, the molar
ratio of ammonia to carbonyl sulfide being at in a closed vessel at a temperature of about
least e.bout 1.8 to 1, heating the resulting mix- 80° C -120° C., and then removing the methanol.
ture in a closed vessel at a temperature of about
40° C.—140° C., and then removing the methanol. Reference Cited inthefleofthW patent
17. Process of preparing ui ea v/hich comprises UNITED ZTATES PATENTS
reacting together at about atmospherie pressure
and room te.nperature carbonyl sulfide and e.m- Number Name Date
monia in the presence of methanol, the molar 1,808,465 Klemenc et aI. ----. June 2, 1931
ratio of aminonia to carbonyl sulfide being at OTHER REFERENCES
least about 1.8 to 1, heating the resulting mix- Ito Scnmidt, “Ber. deut Chem.,” vol. 101 (157'?) ,
ture in a closed vessel at a temperature or about pp. 191 and 192.
°0° C.-120° C., and then removing the methanol. I£lemenc, “Z Anorg. Allgemeine Chem.,” vol.
18. Process of preparing urea which comprises 191 (1930) , pp. 269 and 280.
reacclns togeth.•r at about atmospheric pres- Kretzschmar, “J. Prak. Chem.,” vol. 7, series
s•dre and room temperature carbonyl sulnfi• and 2 f 1873) , pp. 474-7.
‹.mmonia in the presence of methanol, the molar Marecek, “Ghemicky Obzor,” vol. 23, Dee. 1948,
ratio of ammonia to carbonyl sulfide beiii8 at pp. 210 and 219.
least about 3 to 1, heating the resulting mixture

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