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POLLUTION 5. Depletion of the Ozone Layer

6. Wildlife is affected.
The introduction of pollutants into the environment
that has a negative impact on it is known as
it is the contamination of water/ water bodies by

Any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or energy can When unwanted substances (pollutants) are
cause pollution (such as radioactivity, heat, sound, discharged into water bodies, it results in water
or light). Both naturally occurring contaminants pollution. This harms aquatic plants and animals as
and imported substances/energies can be well as renders the water unfit for human use.
considered pollutants, which are the elements of Pollutants are typically to blame, however this
pollution. particular sort of pollution is frequently brought on
by human activity.
Point Source Pollution Some of the common water pollutants are the
A point source of pollution is a single identifiable following:
source of air, water, thermal, noise or light
pollution. Point-source pollution is easy to identify. 1. Sewage
As the name suggests, it comes from a single place, 2. Pesticides and herbicides
or any contaminant that enters the environment 3. Wastewater released by factories
from an easily identified and confined place.
Examples include smokestacks, discharge pipes, 1.) Human Activities
and drainage ditches. 2.) Sewage
3.) Agricultural and industrial chemicals
Nonpoint Source Pollution 4.) Oil spills
Nonpoint source pollution is a combination of 5.) Acids
pollutants from a large area rather than from 6.) Persistent Organic Pollutants
specific identifiable sources. Nonpoint-source 7.) Thermal/Heat Pollution
pollution is harder to identify and harder to address.
Since it is pollution that comes from many places, EFFECTS:
all at once.
1.) Disease,
2.) Destruction of ecosystems
Examples include oil, pet waste, pesticide,
3.) Eutrophication
herbicide, fertilizer, road salt, bacteria, sediment,
4.) Affects the food chain
and any other contaminant that ends up on the
ground naturally or from human activity. PREVENTION OF WATER POLLUTION

1.) Proper disposal of garbage

Advantages of Pollution
2.) Proper usage of water
1. Helps plants and tress to grow.
3.) Minimal use of harmful chemicals
2. Keeping the temperature low.
3. Climate change becomes a slow process.
Disadvantages of Pollution
1. Pollutes the environment. Air Pollution is a condition in which the quality of
2. Causes of many diseases. ais is degraded due to the presence of harmful
3. Global Warming substances, particulate matter, and biological
4. Causes of Acid Rain agents.
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NOTE: Primary Pollutants

- Are any type of pollutant directly into the
Dirty air is not fit for breathing. We can choose not
to drink dirty water but we still have to breathe even
- They do not form in the atmosphere
if the air where we are is polluted. We can cover
- Can be emitted from
our noses with handkerchiefs, masks, or just with
Human Activities
our hands, but they will not filter the air clean.
(cars, coal-fired power plants,
Point Sources of Air Pollution natural gas power plants, biomass burning)
-are those which are readily identified and are Natural Causes
stationary such as factory smokestacks. (natural forest fires, volcanoes)

Smokestacks or chimneys are used so that smoke
form the manufacturing activities are released into
the upper troposphere, many of them are not
equipped with the right instruments such as
electrostatic precipitators which could clean the
smoke before it is released into the air.

Nonpoint Sources of Air Pollution

-are not easily identified as they are diffused and
may not be constantly emitting pollutants.

Generally, the main examples of these are urban
runoff which includes volatile and hazardous
substances, and mobile sources such as car exhaust
which may emit harmful substances like carbon
monoxide, and even lead. Urban runoff may come
from precipitation mixed with sewage or other
discharges from households and industries.
Pollution spreads as volatile substances from the Secondary Pollutants
runoff vaporize into the air. - Can be formed from many different compounds
- For example Ozone (O3) and Sulfuric Acid and
Nitric Acid (component of acid rain)
The extent and degree of air pollution in an area
depends on several factors such as source of
pollution, rate of emission, wind and the
topography or location.


“If the source of pollution is stationary, its rate of

emission is high and the degree of air pollution in
the area is high”

“If the source of pollution is non-stationary caused

by stronger dispersal by wind, the lower is the air
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Acid Rain
- Also known as “Acid Deposition” or Acid
Ozone depletion
- The gradual thinning of the earth’s ozone layer

Photochemical Smog
- A type of smog produced when ultraviolet light
from the sun reacts with nitrogen oxides in the
Particulate Matter
- Also known as “particulate pollution” or “PM”
- Refers to a mixture of solid particles and liquid
droplets that can be found in the air. Airborne Diseases
- Are cause by pathogenic microbes small
enough to be discharged from an infected
Combustion of Fuels
- A chemical process in which a substance reacts
rapidly with oxygen and gives off heat.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke

- The side stream and mainstream smoke from
burning tobacco and cigarette.
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Mainstream smoke 3. Chemicals

- Particularly caused by “Firsthand Smokers” -these are waste materials that must be stored
somewhere to avoid spillage.
Side stream smoke
4. Deforestation
- Particularly caused by “Secondhand Smokers”
-also known as “forest clearance.”
- the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land
converted to a non-forest use.
1. Agricultural Sources
-these include waste-water produced by crop, animal
manure, and farm residues.
2. Mining Sources
-this includes piles of coal refuse and heaps of slag and
underground debris.
3. Sewage Treatment
-wastes that are left over after sewage has been treated,
biomass sludge, and settled solids.
4. Construction Sources
-these include waste like debris, wood, metals and
plastics that are produced from construction activities.
5. Industrial Sources
- The degradation of the land surfaces on the
-these include paints, chemicals, metals and aluminum,
plastics and so on that are produces in the process of
manufacturing goods.
6. Cutting of tress
-this is when trees are cut down for economic purposes,
mining, farming and construction.
7. Urbanization
- the process through which cities grow and higher and
higher percentages of the population come to live in the
1. Solid Waste -dumping of solid wastes is one of the most important
factors which are responsible for the land pollution.
-refers to all various kinds of rubbish we make at home,
school, hospitals, markets and workplaces. EFFECTS OF LAND POLLUTION
2. Pesticides and Fertilizers 1. Soil Pollution
-too much use of fertilizers and pesticides can lead to -is another form of land pollution, where the upper layer
land pollution, since the chemical properties of the solid of the soil is damaged.
can be altered.
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2. Change in Climate Patterns Municipal Solid Waste

-the effects of land pollution are very hazardous and can Municipal solid waste consists of:
lead to the loss of ecosystems. When land is polluted, it
• Household waste
directly or indirectly affects the climate patterns.
3. Effect on Human Health • Construction and demolition debris

-the land when contaminated with toxic chemicals and • Sanitation residue
pesticides lead to problem of skin cancer and human • Waste from streets
respiratory system.
Household wastes that can be categorized as hazardous
4. Environmental Impact waste include:
-when deforestation is committed, the tree cover is • Old batterries
comprised on. This leads to a steep imbalance in the rain
cycle. A disturbed rain cycle affects a lot of factors. • Shoe polish

5. Causes of Air Pollution • Paint tins

-Landfills across the city keep on growing due to • Medicine bottles

increase in waste and are later burned which leads to air • Clothes
pollution. They become home for rodents, mice etc.
which in turn transmit diseases. Hazardous Waste

6. Distraction for tourist -are those which present a threat to human health and
the environment. They can cause injury, sickness, or
-the city loses its attraction as tourist destination as death through inhalation, skin absorption, or direct
landfills do not look good when you move around the ingestion.
city. It leads to loss of revenue for the state government.
Hospital and mining wastes, whether solid or liquid, are
7. Effect on wildlife classified as hazardous. They are considered health
-the animal kingdom has suffered mostly in the past hazards because they contain toxic, or disease-causing
decades. They face a serious threat with regards to loss components which may also be carcinogenic,
of habitat and natural environment. teratogens, or mutagenic.
Other hazardous wastes are those which may cause fire
and explosion.
are substances which can cause cancer.
-are any unwanted or useless materials.
✓ Asbestos
-waste is also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage ✓ Alcohol
or junk ✓ Tobacco
SOLID WASTE ✓ Formaldehyde
✓ UV Rays
"Non-liquid, non-soluble materials ranging from
municipal garbage to industrial wastes that contain Symbols
complex and sometimes hazardous substances."
1. Household waste: Municipal waste
2. Industrial waste: Hazardous waste
3. Biomedical waste/Hospital waste: Infectious
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are those which can cause birth defects.
✓ Radiation
✓ German measles virus

are substances or ionizing radiation that can cause
mutation or changes in cellular DNA.
✓ radioactive substances
✓ x-rays
✓ ultraviolet radiation
✓ certain chemicals

Other hazardous wastes are those which may cause fire

and explosion. They are produced not only by
industries, but more alarmingly, from common
households’ products. Hazardous products permeate
most households. These can be found in the kitchen,
bathroom, garage, laundry room, and garden. Cleaners,
adhesives, insecticides, soaps, bleaching agents, and
automotive products contain hazardous compounds. Common Hazardous Household Products

• Pesticides or insecticides
Common household products can be classified as • Laundry products
• Cleaning products
1.) Flammable or Combustible
• General Purpose products
2.) Explosive
3.) Corrosive
4.) Toxic
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Hospital Waste / Biochemical Waste Control Measures

-Hospital waste is generated during the diagnosis,
treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals.
-It may include wastes like:
✓ Sharp objects
✓ Chemical wastes
✓ Disposables
✓ Discarded medicines.
Collection of Solid Waste


The increase in the quantity of solid waste is due to:
✓ Overpopulation
✓ Affluence (material comfort)
✓ Technological advancement
A. Health Hazard Disposal of Solid Waste

B. Environmental Impact


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- This category emphasizes the importance of
minimizing our consumption and reducing our
overall environmental impact. It involves
choosing to consume less and live more simply.
✓ Consumption of energy
✓ Single-use plastics
✓ Meat consumption

- This category emphasizes the importance of
giving items a second chance and finding ways
to reuse them instead of throwing them away. It
involves using cloth bags instead of single-use
plastic bags and finding creative ways to
7R’s repurpose old items.

1. RETHINK (The Mindful Stage) Examples

2. REFUSE (The No-Thank-You Stage) ✓ Cloth grocery bags
3. REDUCE (The Less-Is-More Stage)
✓ Glass jars
4. REUSE (The Second-Chance Stage)
5. REPAIR (The Fix-It Stage) ✓ Materials for shipping
6. REGIFT (The Give-It Away Stage)
7. RECYCLE (The Circular Stage)
- This category emphasizes the importance of - This category emphasizes the importance of
being mindful and critical of our actions and repairing broken items instead of buying new
choices. It involves reflecting on the impact of ones. It involves learning basic repair skills and
our decisions and making conscious choices to choosing to restore items rather than throwing
reduce our environmental impact. them away.

Examples Examples
✓ Food Waste
✓ Clothing
✓ Transportation
✓ Electronics
✓ Sustainable Materials
✓ Furniture

- This category emphasizes the importance of Regift
saying "no" to items that have a negative
environmental impact. It involves rejecting - This category emphasizes the importance of
single-use plastics and other items that giving unused items to others instead of
contribute to waste and pollution. throwing them away. It involves donating
clothing and other items to charity and finding
Examples ways to share resources with others.
✓ Straws made of plastics Examples
✓ Unsolicited mail
✓ Free promotional items ✓ Books
✓ Household decors
✓ Clothing
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- dams are human-made structures used to hold water

from flowing down from a raised ground. At times, the
walls can become weak and break because of
- This category emphasizes the importance of overwhelming carriage capacity. Consequently,
creating a circular economy in which waste is breakage of the dam can cause extensive flooding in the
minimized and resources are used more neighboring areas.
efficiently. It involves recycling materials and
3. River Overflows
finding ways to use waste as a resource rather
than simply discarding it. - rivers or streams can overflow their banks. It happens
when the river or stream holds more water upstream
than usual, and it flows downstream to the neighboring
✓ Containers made of plastics low-lying areas.
✓ Paper items
4. Lake and Coastal flooding
✓ Electronics
-occur when large storms or tsunamis cause the water
body to surge inland.
5.Clogged Drainages
- clogged or lack of a proper drainage system is usually
the cause of this type of flooding.

- UNISDR (United Nations International

Strategy for Disaster Reduction) defines it as “a
natural process or phenomenon that may cause 1. Floods can cause extensive damage to
loss of life, injury or other health impacts, buildings, especially in coastal areas, and can
property damage, loss of livelihoods and also trigger landslides in mountainous regions.
services, social and economic disruption, or 2. Floods can cause loss of life and property for
environmental damage”. fishermen, locals, and animals, with drowning
being a common cause of death.
3. Floods can contaminate and destroy sources of
fresh and potable water, posing a risk of
Floods are defined as a relatively high flow of water waterborne diseases.
discharged from the river and stream network, 4. Floods can result in the destruction of crops,
which sets the riverbank margins to overflow and lead leading to food shortages.
to the submerging of low land areas surrounding the 5. Floods can also make soil infertile by eroding
riverbed. topsoil.
6. Despite their negative impacts, floods can also
Floods is essentially a physical phenomenon. Floods
have some positive effects, such as preserving
arise from abnormally heavy rains, dam failures, snow
wetlands and recharging groundwater.
melts, and river blockages. Flood disasters rank second
only to droughts in the total number of people affected
The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
1. Heavy Rainfall Seismology (PHIVOLCS) shall be responsible for
forecasting volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and
- too much rain causes water to flow overland
determine how they occur and what areas are likely to
contributing to flooding. It is due to high rainfall over a
be affected.
prolonged period.
2. Dam Breakage
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Volcanoes are fascinating geological features that are
formed when molten rock, ash, and gas escape from the
Earth's surface.
Volcanic Eruption
is a natural disaster can being awe-inspiring and
destructive when gas and/or lava are released from a
volcano—sometimes explosively.

This is a bowl-shaped depression at the top of the
volcano that forms when the summit collapses after an
This is a large underground cavity or reservoir where
molten rock (magma) is stored before it erupts. EFFECTS OF VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS

CONDUIT Property damage

This is a long, narrow channel that connects the magma volcanic eruptions can also cause significant property
chamber to the surface of the volcano. Magma rises damage, particularly if they produce lava flows,
through the conduit and erupts. pyroclastic flows, or lahars (mudflows). These can
destroy buildings, infrastructure, and agricultural land.
Water Pollution
This is a vent on the surface of the volcano that emits
steam, gas, and other volcanic gases. Fumaroles are Volcanic eruptions can also release ash and other
usually found near the summit. materials into bodies of water, which can kill fish and
other aquatic life, and contaminate drinking water
Air Pollution
Volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of gases
such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. These gases can react with other
compounds in the air and lead to the formation of acid
rain and smog.
Health Hazards
The ash and other particles released by volcanic
eruptions can be harmful to human health if inhaled.
They can cause respiratory problems and aggravate
existing health conditions.
Soil Fertility
Volcanic ash is rich in minerals and can provide a
nutrient-rich soil for plant growth. For example, the
volcanic soils of the Hawaiian Islands have been known
to produce highly productive agricultural land.
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Geothermal Energy
Volcanic activity can produce geothermal energy,
which can be harnessed for electricity generation and
heating. This can provide a clean and sustainable source
of energy in areas with volcanic activity.
New Landforms
While the creation of new landforms can also have
negative impacts, it can also provide new habitats for
plants and animals, and support new ecosystems.
Tourist Spot
Volcanoes and their associated features such as hot
springs, geysers, and lava fields can be popular tourist
attractions, bringing economic benefits to local

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