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Contractual Terms and Conditions

a) Respondents should fill out the proposal form that is included as an exhibit. The use of the forms
offered and the insertion of any extra pages is recommended.
b) The first attachment A, should be signed with the legal name of individual or company presenting
the proposal. A signatory authorized to act as the representative of the proposal's respondent must
sign the document, which must also contain the following information:
c) Respondents officially acknowledge that no agreement of any sort is established under or emerges
from this RFP unless a legally binding contract is signed by all parties involved. This specific
agreement is made in conjunction with the submission of a proposal and participation in the process
described in this RFP.
d) Every proposal Submitted belongs to the family and will not be given back to the Respondent.
Unless and until compelled by law, the family will maintain the confidentiality of all contributions.
e) Without the family's prior written consent, the respondent is forbidden to hire any employees or
specialists to enter into any subcontracts, or otherwise delegate its duties under this Agreement, in
whole or in part.
f) By giving a written statement to the event planner, the family may end this agreement at any point
and for any cause. Upon receiving such notification, the event planner shall only do that which is
reasonably required to discontinue the service and hand over the property that belongs to the family.
Regardless of any other clause in this agreement, if the family quits before all services have been
completed, they are still obligated to pay the event planner any payments due up until and including
the effective date of dismissal, as well as appropriate termination fees. No further payment or sum
for lost earnings or other profit chances shall be due.
g) For quantities specified in any alternatives, the basic proposal is the sum indicated in the proposal
for which the event planner proposes to complete the work detailed in the proposal papers as the
foundation, to which work may be added or eliminated. The family and the event planner will
discuss the rates, and any changes to those rates will be reflected in a formal agreement between the
two parties.

1.10. Requirements for Proposal Preparation

a) The proposal is produced in line with the proposal documents, which the event planner has carefully
reviewed and understood.
b) The planner of the event has been to the location, familiarized themselves with the surrounding
circumstances in which the Work is to be done, and then compared their observations to the
specifications of the recommended contractual documents.
c) The proposal relies on the supplies, tools, and technologies specified in the proposal, without a
single exception, as well as the specifications for the blueprints: the project outline, the price list, the
design justification, the 3D projection, and the aerial projection.
d) A brief description of the business, a biography of the proprietor, the work histories of the potential
employees, and all the information in attachment B must be included in the proposal. The employee
responsible for on-site supervision and quality assurance would be the manager of operations shown
in attachment B.
e) The Reference Contacts in the Proposal must be included as shown in the attachment C. Family may
get in touch with comparable contract connections who will be used as references.
f) Pricing Checklist with Cost Structure and Supplies Checklist must be digitally documented in an
Excel file, and a sample template is included here as attachment D.
g) The company's operational proposal and all of the information in Attachment E must be included in
the proposal. The company's quality assurance and precautionary plans Should also be included in
the proposal.
h) Agreement Documents consist of the following attachments:
a. A Proposal Format
b. An overview of the company and its personnel.
c. References
d. Price-Checking List
e. Operational Proposal

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